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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1917)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1917 Tho CORRECT TREATMENT FOR COLDS Colds are contracted when strength is lowered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while grippe and pneumonia frequently follow and any cold should have immediate treatment with J) The National Strength-Builder which first builds up the forces to the blood streams and creates real body warmth. Its cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. The Imported Norwegian cod Um oil always wuA in Seatt't ftmJMm U no refined ia our owa American laboratorwa which nuranten it fret from impurities. Scott ft Bowne. Bloomfirld. V . J. 17-19 For Auto or horse drawn vehicles. Service to any part of the Valley at any time Telephone 1201 Fashion Livery Co. Hood River, All of our deliveries in all parts of the city are made by our exclusive automobile service. Your purchases of Meats, highest class fresh and cured, i Butter and Eggs and Fish, will be taken to your home promptly. We believe that we work for our own best inter ests, when we give our customers the best service that we can possibly render and supply their wants with the best product at the best values. This is our aim. W. J. FILZ MEAT MARKET t We give HVt Green Trading Stamps COAL AND WOOD Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots. Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. STORAGE Remember we are always at your service for any of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk or any other hauling. Transfer & Livery Co. TELEPHONE 4111 Protect Your BEFORE you harvest your fruit, grain or hay, provide a shed or barn in which to store it. And how about that surplus that you expect this year ? Maybe you '11 need some temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop when we have so much GOOD LUMBER for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will find every thing in building material. Make up your list and bring it in today. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY Yard West of Freight Depot-Phone 2181 Meats and Groceries Delivered at any residence in Hood River Prompt service and courteous treatment E. M. HOLM AN, ?S2i?4,ree . Telephone 2134 LABI! We have just lot Country Club Toilet (Preparations Come in & let us show them to you Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Druggty by carrying rich nourishment Oregon Surplus Crops LADIES! received a new of STONE WILL FIGHT , FRUIT RATE INCREASE C.W. McCullagh, who with A. W. Stone wi in Portland to attend a con ference of Northwestern apple men with Oreffon Public service Commit ioner Frank J. Miller Friday, when arrangements were made to present arguments to the Interstate Commerce Commission to combat the petition oi railway companies for a 15 per cent increase in freight rates on their prod uct, says that the meeting was a port able one in that a strong representation of actual apple growers as well as shippers was appointed to go before the Commission. The men appointed, Judge Frank Reeves and W. T. Clark, of Wenatchee, and A. W. Stone, will leave for Wash ington this week. Mr. McCullagh says that the Erie lines, following protests from shippers backed by the Public Service Com missions of Idaho, Oregon and Wash ington, have agreed to withdraw for the time being their petition for a ter minal charge of $25 per car. 1 "There are . more than 3500 fruit growers in this state and their ship ments this year approximate 3500 car loads." said C. A. Malboeuf, of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors, .last week. J "These shipments would, under nor mal and fair conditions, have returned 13,000,000 to the Oregon shippers, but owing to the unjust discrimination in freight rates the amount received fell far short of that amount. That the shippers of apples and other fruit from the Northwest are handi capped in competition with eastern shippers by unjust discrimination in freight rates is the claim of represen tatives at the conference held in Port land Friday. They cite as an instance that the freight rate on apples from Dufur, Ore., to Portland, a distance of 118 miles, mostly on the water level grade of the Columbia river, is 19.5 cents per 100, while the, rate from Rochester, N. Y., to Cincinnati, a dis tance of 514 miles, is 19.2 cents per 100 pounds. LARAWAY IS READY ' FOR CHRISTMAS Many have come to call him "the old Reliable." and do you know that designation in the world of business is something to be proud or. And w. t. Laraway is proud of it. He likes to tell you about how many years he has been in Hood River and how many years before that he was in Glenwood, la., and he has worn well in both places. When buyers want the best they go down and look over the show cases and shelves of Laraway. Mr. Lawaway has also made a repu tation as an optemetrist and patrons call on him from far points. Annually the Laraway store at this period begins to take on the holiday spirit. The appeal of rich sterling sil ver and the gleam of cut glass come to you from his shelves. The dignity of the diamond and other precious stones is there in the showcases where rings rest in the plush settings. This season Mr. Laraway is display ing a unique line of Coos county myr tlewood articles. These gifts will please friends in the east and middle west. Pat Lindsey is Sammy Backer Refused enlistment because" of a withered arm and thus unable to be a Sammy h imself , Pat Lindsey has won the reputation of having become one of Hood River's most enthusiastic Sam-mv-backers. Because of contributions of Mr. Lindsey 12th Co. men are never without tobacco; and he has assisted the meo financially, having made per sonal contributions and circulated sub scription papers. Saturday when Sgt. Harold Sexton and Corporals Walter Ford and W. L. Hodges arrived here on a recruiting quest Mr. Lindsey offered himself. He is of draft age and explained that he might later on be taken to fill up some gap in the National Army. Sgt. Sex ton, expressing the opinion that Lind sey would never be called for military service, then declared : "Why, Pat, you are doing more for the Company right here in Hood River than any one of us men down at Fort Canby, and the Captain told us to come around and tell you that." Goat Milk Good for Babies and Sick An interesting bulletin. No. 285, has recently been issued by the agricultur al experiment station, Berkeley, Cal., on the milch goat in California. In referring to the uses of goat milk it says: "The most striking results so far se cured relate to the feeding of goats' milk to infants. The station has had the opportunity of supplying this milk to a fairly large number of very young children who were in serious physical condition, due to their inability to properly digest and assimulate either modined cows miiK or any oi tne com mercial infants' foods that were tried. In nearly all cases of the kind the physical condition of the children has Seen built up. and satisfactory growth has been brought about by the use of coat milk. For further information write the Widemann Goat Milk Laboratories, Physicians Bldg., San Francisco. Filz Finds Snow at Trout Lake W. J. Filz, who last week brought in a herd of cattle from Irout Lake, says that the pastures on which the animals were ranging around the noted ice caves of the district were two feet under snow. "In roundinor un some of the wilder steers," says Mr. Filz, "we rode to higher altitudes where some of the snow drifts, up to their bellies, were almost impassable tor ourpomes." Mr. Filz gets herds of cattle from the Trout Lake district almost every week. ' Big Turrips Shown The biggest turnips ever seen in Hood River were shown here Saturday at the Franz hardware store by S. B. Sutton, an Upper Valley homesteader, and T. D. Calkins, who farms a river bottom ranch west of the city. The big turnips weighed from eight to 11 pounds apiece. The Upper Valley man's product was grown without irri gation. While Mr. Calkins will feed his crop to livestock, Mr. Sutton" will sell sev eral tons from a small tract. Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found any thing so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now lor the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a heal thy condition," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, X. V. YOUNG MEN WERE ENGAGED TO SISTERS Alva Hardman and Floyd M.Gramps, the first two Hood River county sol diers to lose their lives in the great war, were the closest oi friends and comrades. Neighbors of the Upper Valley, where both bad resided on ranch places, they answered their country's call simultaneously, enlisting last May in Co. ., lata engineers. The two young men were engaged to Hood River valley sisters. Misses Jessie M. and Florence Eddy, daugh ters of W. T. Eddy, a civil engineer in the employ of the State Highway Commission. Young Hardman had plighted his troth with the former and the latter was the affianced of.Gramps. Letters received by the young wom en tell the story of the grief thai filled the heart of Mr. Hardman when he heard of the death of bis neighbor and comrade. He was ill at the time with a severe cold, but arose from his sick bed to attend the funeral and make one of the firing squad that paid the last tribute over the new grave of Hood River county's first fallen soldier. Returning to camp young Hardman, who was 23 yeais of age, returned to his bed and never recovered. Alva Hardman was one of the val ley's most prominent young men. He was a successful rancher and promi nent in the affairs of the Parkdale grange. He was a member of the Parkdale lodge of Odd Fellows and of the Knights and Ladies of Security. The young man is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hard man, of Alberta, Canada, and his grandfather, N. W. Hardman, a West Side orchardist.who is a veteran of the Civil war. CANNING CLUBS IN TEREST TEACHERS At the annual teachers' institute held week before last the discussion of in- dustial club work and reports of pro gress in such enterprises among pupils of different schools formed one of the most interesting topics of discussion among the pedagogues.. It was an nounced that plans have already been made by several school districts for intensive activity in club work next year. One of the most interesting reports of the session was made by Mrs. E. E. Lage, a matron of the Pine Grove dis trict, who last summer taught a num ber of - the boys and girls of that dis trict the art of canning. Hundreds of cans of fruits and vegetables were packed for family use by the following children: Geo Johnson, aged 13: Myrtle Jarvis, 13; Zoe Scobee, 13; Ruth Boles. 11; Riddell Lage, 9, and Leona Van Allen, 7. When War Will End Absolute knowledge I have none, But my aunt's washerwoman's Bister's son Heard a poilceman on his beat Say to a laborer on the street That he had a letter just last week, Written in the finest Greek, From a Chinese coolie in Timbuctoo Who said the negroes in Cuba knew Of a colored man in a Texas town Who got it straight from a circus clown That a man in Klondike heard the news From a gang of South American Jews About somebody in Borneo . Who heard a man who claimed to know Of a swell society female fake Whose mother-in-law will undertake To prove that her seventh husband's sister s niece . , Had stated in a printed piece That she had a son who has a friend That knows when the war is going to end. Dr. Anderson Gubernatorial Candidate Pr. J. E. Anderson, mayor of The Dalles, father of the Oregon prohibi tion law and for many years prominent in the state legislature, has announced his candidacy for Repubican guberna torial nomination. Dr. Anderson will firobably give up his practice in The alles early next year and devote his time to the race for the nomination. Gus Moser; of Portland, is an avowed candidate. Governor Withycombe will probably go after another term, and Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott is expected to announce himself as a would-be governor soon. By the time the pictures of all of the candidates are posted around the state, there will probably be seven or eight scrappers in the free-for-all. Chamberlain's Tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are intended especially for stomach troubles, bilious ness ana constipation, and have met with much success in the treatment ot those ilisea8es. People who have suf fered for years with stomach trouble and have been unable to obtain any perma nent relief, have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamber lain's Tablets are also of great value for biliousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Cham berlain's Tablets and observing the plain printed directions with each bottle. Mrs. Graham's Father Dies The funeral of G. G. Foster, father of Mrs. A. J. Graham, aged 81 years and a native of Oregon, occurred in Portland Sunday, December 2. Mrs, Graham was ill at the time and was unable to attend the funeral. Mr. Foster is survived by his widow and another daughter. Mrs. Chas. Davis. of the OdeTl district. Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Davis spent the latter part of last week with their mother. I . V "A MUNE IN EVERY DROP" Black Silk Stove Polish Is diffrrntl. It does tint dry out; can be used to th lat drop; liquid and nvl on quality; alwohrteiy no wart; oorittftt or dirt. You gat your mocxqr' worth. Black Silk 1 Stove Polish not onlr moat ronomleal. bat ft rivet i brilli ant, niky lostr that can not be nod with ary other polish. Blsuk bilk Stov Foiwh do- Dot rub off- it lax lour tlma as Ion as ordinary potiaha it mvm yoa titna, work and m oovj. U6a t locypf wtmj yoo want trove polish, be iv to for Black bilk. Ifitwnt the beat Blow polish jrou tfvr nsed yoor dJMr will refund your nooey. BUck Silk Stov PoJUk Woriu, Storliat, niinoss. Ut RUck Silk AfrDrytet Iroa Enamel on (rates. !--Utra, stove-p-.pea,and anto snotnle tire rims. frvata rotting. Try it. Um Black Silk Metal Pol. tsh for aUverwaratBjckel, tin war r brass. It work uic'7. aasiiy and loaves a brilliant surface. It has no equaj for we on aatomohi ls -n(mmom -JS. 0 GROWERS WANT PRUN ING SCHOOL REPEATED The first work of the kind ever to have been conducted away from the Oregon Agricultural College, a corps of experts from the institution's horticul tural department has been here this week engaged in instructing classes in pruning school. So keen was the in terest of the 80 brchardists, men from every fruit section of the district, over the work accomplished that unani mous resolution asking that the prun ing schJ be repeated next year was adopted.'v Ihe corps of instructors consisted oi the following : Prof. V. R. Gardner, W. S. Brown and L. A. Hawkins, of Corvallis; R. W. Allen, of Hermiston, and Gordon G. Brown, of the local sta tion. The students suent each morninsr in orchards engaged in actual work of pruning. Work was begun on lour vear old trees. but ersdiinllv Drocressed to orchards 20 years old. Practically every commercial variety of the dis trict was included in the test pruning. Interest was stimulated by pruning contests between expert individuals of the different classes, while the re mainder of the students were engaged in contests of judging as to the merit of the respective work. The classes assembled every after noon at the library, where a series of pruning lectures were given by Prof. Gardener. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup ; roley Kidney fills, lor pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartfc for constipation, bil iousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. No Smoking in Warehouses Enforcing a ruling of the state fire marshal, fire department officials have posted signs in all warehouses contain ing stored foods calling attention to the prohibition of smoking in such places. The rules are strictly enforced at all apple storage plants and can neries. The fire department has made a sur vey of local places of business in order to prevent possible fires from the dis play of Christmas goods. HAVE YOU A BAD BACK If You Have, the Statement of This Hood River Resident Will Interest You - Does your back ache, night and day; Hinder work ; destroy your rest? Does it stab you through and through When you stoop or lift or bend? Then your kidneys may be weak. Often backache is the clue. Just to give you further proof, The kidney action mav be wrong. If attention is not paid More distress will soon appear. Headaches, dizzy spells and nerves, Uric acid and its ills Make the burden worse and worse. Liniments and plasters can't Reach the inward cause at all ; Help the kidneys use the pills Hood River folks have tried and proved. What they say you can believe. Read this Hood River woman's account. See her, aek her, if you doubt. Mrs. F. B. Snyder, 1223 Durham St. says: "I suffered a great deal from kid ney and bladder trouble. For about a year I was hardly able to do tuy work as the trouble took the life right out of me. My back ached over mv kidneys all the time and my kidneys acted irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills soon relieved the awful pains in my back and my kidneys acted more regularly. Four boxes of Doan's cured me and since then I have been free from kidney trouble." Mrs. Snyder is onlv one of many Hood River people who have gratefully en dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills. If your back aches if your kidueys bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, the same that cured Mrs. Sny derMhe remedy backed by home testi mony. 50 cents at all stores.-- Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "When your back is lame remember the name." 11 Summons by Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe County or Hood River. Nettle McMillln, Plaintiff, vs. Alex McMl llln. Defendant. To Alex McMillln. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above en titled ult and court, on or before HaturcUy. December lfilh, 1917, and If yon fail to no ap pear and answer, for want thereof, the plain, liir will apply to the above decribed court for the decree and Judgment prayed for In her raid complaint, and will take decree ami Judgment of laid oonrt Sir the dissolution ot the marriage existing between yon and the plaintiff, aud for the custody of tbe minor child, and for other equitable relief. You are hereby served with this aummnna hy order of the Honorable L. N. Blower, County Judge of Hood Klver County, Oregon, made aLd entered October JOlh. 1917, which order prescribed that you aball appear and answer said complaint on or before Saturday. December lfttb, M7; and that yon be served with this summons by publication thereof In tbe "Hood River Ulaeltr," at least once a week for six (H) consecutive weeks: and you are further notified that the date ot the first publication ot this summons Is November 1, 1917. WILBUR A HAZLETT, Attorneys for Plaintiff, nl-dl.1 Hood Klver, Oregon. V.J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands F. B. Snyder B. B. Powell Hood River Plumb ing Company SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline Engines, Pumps, Rama. Repairing Prompt ly Attended. Estimate Furnished. Phone UM. Next to City Water Office. OAK STREET ( r Time to HEATING STOVES and while on the subject, why not take a look at the fine line of RANGES we are showing. We can show you Ranges priced from $32 $80 EACH A LEADER IN IT'S CLASS BlowcrsHardwarcCo The Firm That "MaKei Good' Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. r It's a Bad Sign When goods are constantly offered "below cost." Some thing must be wrong somewhere. Better make sure of qualities before you invest your money in Shoes. If you come here you'll find your purchases all right in every res pect. Think that over. J. C. JOHN SEN "STAR BRAND PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY vSteamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Up Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays All kinds of freight and passengers handled. Horses and automobiles given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 DRY WOOD We have obtained a small amount of Dry Mill Wood which will be shipped in by cars. If you wish some of it please order at once so we can deliver direct from cars. Phone 4251 Taft Transfer Company Route Your Freight by the "Regulator Line." On the up-river trip, the "BAILEY GATZERT, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arrives Hood River, 4:20 p. m. On down-river trip on Wednesday, Friday and Sun day, arrives Hood River 9:30 a. m. The "DALLES CITY" operates on alternate days, at the same time on a schedule just the reverse of the above. LEONARD S. MILLER, Agent. For Free 'Bus call Fashion Livery Co. Telephone 1201. We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS. BRUSHES, etc. TipAJK r Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints va h Glidden's Varnishes think about "THE SHOE MAN" SHOES ARE BETTER" Grocery Phone 3192 Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order i Plate and Card Bail Dry $aste