UlffMw1r XfrMB(Mm. Uvn ODELL Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Galligan, who have resided in Portland, while owning property in Odell, are now at home in their Odell property, where they expect to reside in future. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Galiigan and trust they are likewise pleased to be here. When "all arrangements had been made for going into the army of draft ed men, E. A. Sparks, brother of Mrs. H. K. Davenport received a message stating that an error had been discov ered and the number drawn was not Mr. Sparks' number. Mrs. O.IH. Hill, Mrs. H. L. Furrow and Mrs. Poul Hansen walked from Willow Flat to the home of Mrs. Geo. Sheppard to spend the day Saturday. Master Bill Furrow and Master John Hansen were not to be outdoneTand they walkedfwith the other members of the party. Master Bill Furrow in advance when they reached Odell. Masters Robert Hill and James Fur row.in baby carriages were also mem OF INTEREST TO APPLE GROWERS We have on hand Apple and Pear Boxes, Apple Wrap (121b. and 16 lb.), Lining and Layer Board. Orders from Independent Shippers are solicited. Get our prices. L. F. Puddy, operating an automobile truck, has his headquarters at the Exchange and is prepared to do general hauling, giving special attention to the hauling of packed fruit. Growers who wish to expedite deliveries to town should call Mr. Puddy for rates. Fruit Growers' Exchange Telephone 2221 HOTEL BENSON PORTLAND, OREGON Headquarters for Hood River Valley Folk Get the custom of meeting jour home friends at The Rose City's most pretentious hostelry RATES RFASONABI.E 8. BENSON, Ownkb THINK what a splendid thing it would be if "The Most Beautiful Car in America" were standing in front of your house. Think of the endless pleasure it would bring to you your friends and every member of the family. v.. ' j ' Why not make this dream come. true. ' The Paige "Six'so" costs only $1330. It would be impos sible to invest this .amount of money -to any better advantage. It would mean immediate dividends in the form of health and happiness for your loved ones.;;;C " Think it over and see the Paige Dealer today. A single . demonstration will convince you that a Paige is the car of your choice, v. -" The Linwood "Six-39" 5-passenger, $1330 Essex "Six-55" 7-passenger $1775: Coupe "Six-JJ ' 4-psssenger !1850i Town Car "Six-55" 7-passenger $3230; Limousine "Six-5 J " 7-pesser.ger S $3230;Sedan "Six-55" 7-passngfr$2850.Brock:ands4-p8$serger !1755 Glendale "Six-3T Chummy RoaJster IIUD. Dsrtmocr,,SiitJ9''.2 or I , passenger$l330;Sedan"Six-39"5iMJsenger$l9:5. Prjcesl.o b Detroit. PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH Hood River Garage bers of the party. Mrs. Sheppard re turned recently from an almost two month' visit: in fVilnrartn on I M. Ik... I,. Ul anno. . Mrs. Edward H. Wheeler, of St. I Paul, Minn., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wheeler. Mrs. ! A. B. Shelley and children ex pect to leave Odell this week. They will go to The Dalles, where Mr. Shel ley has business interests. Forrest Moe, of 12th Co., 0. C. A., stationed at Fort Canby, Wash., ws calling on Odell friends Monday. Ellis F. Lawrence, of Portland, was in Odell Monday looking after his in terests. Sumner Cameron, of The Dalles, stopped off at Odell Monday. Mrs. 1. N. Matney, of Vancouver, Wash., came to assist Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duckwall during apple harvest, but was.called to Portland by a message telling of the passing away of a sister. Friends here,extend sympathy. If you are looking for a place where you may be sure to enjoy an evening, A. LU5DB0RGJ.MA5A0KR you will make no mistake if you plan to attend the Hallowe'en program, followed by refreshments, at Central Vale schoolhouse, Friday night, Octo ber 26. Miss Mary Sheppard arranged a very successful birthday surprise party for Miss Eva Boyed on Wednesay evening of last week. A few young lady friends were invitedjandjenjoyed a de lightful evening at the home of Miss Boyed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Boyed. On Friday evening a similar party was given Mrs. A. B. Shelley, except that this was in'.the nature of a farewell. Mrs. Benton Yost, of Portland, spent several days last week visiting at the home of her friend, Mrs. W.P. Kemp. Herbert Hoover, National Food Ad ministrator, bas set the week of Octo ber 21-27 as a time for a food pledge card campaign. This movement will be in progress all over the United States at the name time. In Oregon the work will be done largely through the schools. Are , we awake to'the im portance of this drive? Let us be up and doing wherever we may have an opportunity for contributing our bit toward making shorter the great struggle which is now.shadowing our country, our homes, our hearts. The part ;we at home may do is pitifully small compared to what the boys of our country are called to do and we should do with a will all that lies in our power in .order that they and others with them may not suffer be cause of wastefulness in our kitchens and dining rooms. Song service, 7.30 p. m. Subject, "Good Citizenship." Leader, O. H. Ehrck, at the Union church next Sun day evening. Usual announcements at the Meth odst church next Sunday. PINE GROVE Mrs. A. J. Schroeder, of Astoria, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hawkes Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. G. T. Hammell, of Council, Ida., is a guest of her niece, Mrs. E. E. Lage. Mrs. Leech, of Corvallis, is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. A. MeCully, and husband. Otto Payne came up from Portland Saturday to visit mends and returned Sunday. .1 William Moore returned from the coast Friday much improved in health, alter an absence or two montns. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. McDonald Friday afternoon of this week. All are requested to bring their work. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Birkett, of Peo ria, 111., are spending several days at the Sonneman home after a tour of the northwest. Herbert Hoover, national food ad ministrator, has set the week of Octo ber 21-27 as a time to make a food pledge card campaign. This move ment will be in progress all over the United States at the same time. In Oregon this work will be done largely through the schools. Superintendent Gibson will be in the community this week to organize this work in the schools. This work is very important and should receive special attention from every housekeeper. Sunday evening the young people held a meeting in the annex of the church. These meetings may continue for some time. Next Sunday morning the usual services will be held. The special music last Sunday morning was a pleasing violin solo by Miss Marguerette Ferrin. PARED ALE The week of October 21-27 haa been set asides a time for the final drive (id for food conservation. This movement will be in progress all over the United States. Oregon's campaign differs from that of other states, as the re sponsibility rests upon the boys and girls and the, work will be donejargely through the schools. Foodpledge cards win De taaen to eacn nome ana signed up, which pledges a person Jto follow the directions or the rood admimstra tor in the homes. Foods to be saved are wheat, beef, pork, dairy products and sugar. Those to be (used gener ously at home are fish, vegetables and all cereals except wheat. Help to make Hood River county Jthe banner county in the way of food conserva tion. Prof. L. B. Gibson willfbe up some time this week and give definite instructions to the schools. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelden and little daughter left last Friday for Califor nia, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Baldwin and children left last week for Seattle to remain for the winter. Mrs. C. E. Craven returned home last Tuesday from a months' visit tin the east. "It seemed pretty 'nicefto see everything looking so good out here, said Mrs. uraven. "as we had real cold weather in the east and ev erything was frozen solid. ' Mr. and Mrs. Huff and A. M. Kelly were Hood River visitors last week. The Endeavor will give a social at the high school building this Friday night. Everyone is invited. Miss Florence Rood spent Sunday atjher home in Hood Kiver. he was accompaniedby Edith Leasure. L. F. Puddy was home the first of the week. Mr. ruddy is hauling ap pies with his truck in the Lower Val ley. Mr. Reginald, who is working up here in the apple harvest, spent a few days kat .his home.inthe Belmont dist rict. Friends of Wm. Rhodenhizer will be glad to hear thathe is now located in California and was seen by C A. Clark, who left here for that .state about two months ago. A. M. Kelly was'a Portland business caller last week. Dance at Sheldrake's hall this even ing. Everyone come, as it is to be the last for some time. Sunday nisrht W. G. MacLaren e-ave a lecturejand illustrated views of .the work of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society being done in Port land. BELMONT. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nunamaker were callers Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Somerville. We are sorry to hear of the bad fall Mrs. Robert Jones had a week ago, when she severely strained her arm, necessitating having it in a sling, but hope it will leave no ill effects. Dan Church, of Portland, came Wed nesday and visited at the home of his brother, F. G. Church, and family, leaving for his home Saturday. W. H. Davis, of Hood River, has been out on the ranch during the past week harvesting his apple crop. Ed Lape is packing for him. Miss Margaret Sparks, of Alameda Way, is packing at Stonehurst ranch for Mr. Osborne. Rev. E. H. Longbrake and wife, were calling in and around Belmont Friday. We were pleased to see them, although we were packing apples. ElmerIsenberg and family are again residents of Belmont, having moved on their ranch Saturday. Q Herbert Hoover has designated the week of October 21-27 as the time for a food card campaign throughout the United States. We want to ask all who read this paper to do all they can in any way to save food. We should all see the treat necessity that rests upon os and in tl i this matter do our level ko tn lutln Rv an lining wa fan all help, and thereby be a great help. UIDDLE VALLEY Goldie Hodge visited Middle Valley school Monday morning, Corporal Glen Lena, of 107th Areo Squadroon, now stationed at San An tonio, is one of twenty selected from s hundred aDDlicants to be sent to a me chanical school Bully Jfor Glen. Ht from Middle valley. -Mrs. M. H. Craft and Mrs. Lewis Rhoades called on Mrs. Hodge Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Walter Austin and children. Erma and Byron, were Hood River callers Wednesday. We are glad to know that P. F. Bradford is able to be at work again. J. Uneer. of Portland, a friend of 0. L. Warden, has come to be here during apple season. We understand that Sunt Gibson is to be with us next week to give in structions regarding the Hoover rood pledge for all patriots. We will be more than glad to know more about this organization, lor we are all anx ious to do our bit along this line. Church services were postponed for an indefinite date, as our pastor, Kev W. H. Boddy, is taking a much needed vacation. His many friends sincerely hope that he will soon be in better health. A successful Red Cross meeting was held at the home of Mrs. 0. L. Worden Saturday. Everyone that could was knitting for our boys, and those who could not did hand sewing for the Red uross. Ladies' Aid meets next Saturday at the home of Mrs. Hodge. Everyone is invited. Stanley Walters, and James Steele, Jr., are picking apples for Wm. David son, of Davidson hill. Lewis Rhoades has been working on the rock crusher. Many are complaining about the mail service, as the people do not get their man for several days at a time. BARRETT SCHOOL Mrs. ' Davenport visited school on Thursday. The -teachers are always pleased to have parents show their in terest in this wsy. . Bunny Epping presented the princi pel's room with some beautiful plants, Several of the seventh and eighth grade pupils are out of school this week on account or apple picking. Arthur Bailey and Naomi Hunter have been ill this week. Assembly was omitted Tuesday be cause Miss Bartmess is away. Miss Brock was surprised on Friday morning oy a nower and iruit shower. Columbus Day, October 12, was was observed in the first and second grade room by a dramatization of the voyage and landing of Columbus. In the third and fourth by stories and bits of his tory about the great voyager. Plans seem to be on foot for a play sneo at oast Barrett. FRANKTON. Editor Glacier; After what seems to us a short vacation we will try again to furnish your many readers with some of the weekly things that happen in Frankton. Everybody and all their relation and others have been busy harvesting the oig appie crop tne past week. If vou want help and ask the nasser- by if he is busy "Yep, picking (or rtanLr inrr i annlaa " Warren Miller is hauling junk from me ureen roint mm. W. T. Eddy is at home for a short time and is picking apples. Mr. Eddy has worked for the State Hiehwav Commission for the past three or four years. C. D. Hollenbeck is installing a new electric motor on his air pressure pump that supplies water from a spring to nis residence. Guy Eastman has "yumped his yob" railroading and is packing apples for a change. Guy says he got hungry. John Phillips and his Post Canyon mill are both very busy, he furnishinir the mill the work to do and delivering tne stun, me mwi doing an the work. Our friend and neighbor, W. A. Mack, has secured a position in Port land for the winter and his better half is working overtime getting things in shape at home so she can spend the winter with her husband. They will return in the early spring. The Highway work is Blowly coming our way. A tcamp has been installed below Rutaton near Robt Tazwell's place. Mrs. Ernest Rand was on the sick list the week end, but at this writing is reported better. Your scribe during his layoff visited Bend, the much talked-of coming city of Central Oregon. We were curious to see it and satisfy our curiosity. This we did and intended to write up our opinion about it but as we shall have been on the sick list since return ing will have to do it later. Mrs. Mabel Shanks, nee Ledford, is paying a short visit with the home folks at the upper planer, John Led ford and family. School has been dismissed for the past two weeks to allow the pupils to help what they could with the apple harvest The Parent-Teacher Association at their last meeting, by a large majority vote, decided to ask the school board to do some remodeling on the school house. The board responded with an order to go to it School boards as a rule are "wise guys." We know, for we have been through the mill, filled all the chairs, got all the glory and lots of cussing, but when they decide to do things they do them, and there is but little they cannot do when they take a notion. They took it in this case and ordered the writer to get busy and see that their orders were carried out during the vacation. We got busy at once, but owing to the scarcity of labor and the short time we have had to assemble the material for all the improvements ordered, we haven't had much time. However, we hope to deliver the goods in a finished condition, up to date and on time, or as soon alter as possiDie. Herbert Hoover, National Food Ad ministrator, has set the week of Octo- ber 21 27 as a time for a card pledge campaign. School Superintendent Gib son tells me that in Oregon this will be done through the schools. It is Mr. Hoover s desire to have everybody use conservation in all foods, and it is up to the people of the United States to help in every way possible in this war. We expect to win without any doubt, out to win soon is me point and this is one of the many ways beins- adoDtod to win soon, so let as all get busy at once and don't sit down on a log and wait to see whst the other fellow is minar to do before vou do it yourself. but get in the swim at once and do V . .... i . I your DIU ASK Sir. UlDBon or uuunnr tion and show that Frankton is resdy and doubly willing to do her part to pot the kaiser in tne noie now. noi next year or some other time in the future, but Nuw. MOUNT HOOD. Herbert Hoover. National Food Ad ministrstor, has set the week of Octo ber 21-27 ss a time to make a food Dlednre card campaign. This move ment will be in progress all over the United States at the same time. Will not the people of the Mount Hood com munity rouse themselves to the neces- isty of ssving foodi Will Edwards is moving his family to the Charles Tucker place this week. The Helmer place, on which they lived this summer, has been sold to air. Hammer. Mrs. Ella May Jones has sold her Mount Hood ranch to Mr. wringer and family, of Portland. Mr. Wringer sent his household goods b y wagon a week before starting from Portland so they would get here by the time his ramuy arrived, but his son and hired man, who were driving the teams lost the wav and have been located at Govern ment Camp on the other side of Mount Hood. It is reported that the Oscar Freden berg place has been sold to Mr. Mar tin. Miss Dorcas DeWitt returned Sunday from Hood River, where she spent the week end at home. Mrs. Clara Welch came home Friday from The Dalles, where she spent the past month visiting mends. The Parent-Teacher Association will hold the regular evening meeting and social Friday evening. Mrs. J. H. Sheldrake and children, who.spent the past week at Mrs. Ever son's, returned to their home at Park- dale Sunday evening accompanied by Mr. Sheldrake.who came over to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wyatt and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wyatt enjoyed a trip to Bald Butte Sunday arternoon. Ernest Cummings was out of school last Thursday on account of having a sore throat George Cooper spent Sunday at Hood Kiver. ; A. Leroux's cattle got out last Fri day and it took him all afternoon to hnd them. ' Sunday Fire at Dickinson Honse A small blaze on the roof . at the Dickinson house on State street at 4.30 o'clock Sunday afternoon called out the Volunteer fire department. The tire laddies responded promptly and the blaze was extinguished before any great damage resulted. Summons la the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, uiuui ui juuim diver. C. R. Bon?, Plaintiff, William Fernyhough, Defendant. To William Fernyhoagb, the above named at-ieuuamr In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appenr and answer com plaint oled against you In the above entitled Buiiou or Df mre six weeka iroin tne 4tn day of October, 1917. the date of the tlrat publica tion of tola summons, tn-wlt: On or before the 1Mb day of November, 1H17, and if you fall to ao apreftr and anaweraald coiuDlaint. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayeo. lor luerein, to-wit: For Judgment against yon In the aum of jiido.wi wiiu intercut thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the firm day January, lHlf; for the further aum of 1100 at- torney a iee ana for plain il 11 s cneta and ills bursementa made and expended In thla suit; for the foreclosure of aald tuortiraee. marie. executed and delivered by you to the plaintiff uB-ein iu me aim aay oi JUiy, ran, aecurmg your promissory note dated July 1, in, for said sum; lor the sale of premises In said mortgage, aescriDea as ioiiowk, to-wtt: Nort h half of the North half of I ol Sc tlon 3, Township 1 North. Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, to sat inly wicli Judg ment laa plaintiff may recover in said suit, and for such other and furtner relief as to the court may aeera Just. Yon are served with thla summons bv nnb. llcatlon in the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspaper, printed and miblisbed In Hood River, Oregon, publication and service of said summons being iu accordance with the order of the Honorable L. N. Bloweis, County Judge of Hood River County, Oregon, made ana entered tne Bra aay oi ociouer, JU17. This summons Is dated and first published tuis uie -tiu uny oi ucuioer, O015 A.J. DERBY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon r,uin(.nrUnu' Diva. J V. ..WW 111 ( . C. R. Bone, Plaintiff, vs. William John Gower, Defendant. To William John Oower, the above named ueieuuauu In tbe name of the State of Oregon, yon are uereuy rmiuireu 10 appear ana answer Com nlalnt filed atralnst vnu in Uia atwiv entitiaii Suit on or before six weeks from the 4tb day of October, 11117, tbe .date of the first publlca- liiru ui tun ouimiiuuH, in-Wli: On or before the 16th dav of November, ton and if you fall to so appearjiwd answer said Complaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the Relief prayed lor therein, to-wit: For Judgment against yon in the sum of ition.uu witn interest tnereon at the rate of six per oent per annum from the autli day of Dec ember, 1915; for the further sum of Il00.no at torney'! fees and for Plaintiff's coxta and dis bursement made and expended In this suit; tor tbe foreclosure of said mortgage, made, executed and delivered by you to the Plain tiff herein on the loth day ot July, lull, secur ing your promissory note dated June HODi, pii, iir win sum; lor iue sale oi properly in said mortgage, described as follows, towlt: Pontb baifof the North half of 11 ft wtir.n S, Township 1 North, Ramre 10 k ast of the muaiueiu) menaian, to satisfy such jni ment as tne riatnun may recover in aald milt and for such other and further relief as to the ixjuri may seem just, iou are served with this Summons by publication In the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspaper, printed ana pnousnea in Hood River, One., publica tion and service of said Summons being In ao- wiunuCT wiiutiwufutir oi me Honorable u N. Blowers, t'ountv Judee nl Hiwwi ui.- County, Ore., made and entered theitrri dv nr HnlAhil. 1I17 i nis summons is dated and llrgt published this the 4ih day of October, 1017. , A. J. DERBY, o4-uII Attorney lor Plaintiff. Rubber Stamp Ink at this office. Should TPS' different f,a, others becaiiBA m nr. r is taken In th mating and the materials used are oV nigner grade. Blade Silk Stove Polish "k" brilliant, silky polish that does pot rub oil or dust off, and the shinelasts ISSf i. tonsr a ordinary stove P2 i d 00 niple stoves and sold DT bard ware and grocery dealers. "SL, Blark e,lk 8ton KESu sUin la hyuKi r iwta-uoa aoitjT Black Silk Store Poliah Works StarBa. niiL. i " - SBtiannWIai ThuiithX Jjfe Store Poliiiyv si rrfTTi HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Thenyou know what weakness means. It robs you of ambition, destroys your appetite; it makes w ork a burden. To restore strength and stamina nothing has ever equalled or compared with Scott's, because its rich nourishment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to-day. Nothing equals it. Scott & Bowse, B loomit Id. N.J. Arrived before the Big Increase A line of Fine Auto mobile Robes, Blankets, and similar articles. Let us phow you this fine stock. William Weber Bell Building Place your order at once for prompt delivery of Apple Box Shooks KELLY BROS. Warehouse: 7th and R. R. Streets . Phone 1401 J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telepbonea: Office, 10HI; residence, H571. : 8UB0K0N O. R. 4 N. Co. E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 4211 Res. 1811 Office in Eliot Building JOHN W. 8IFTON Physician and Surgeon OFFICE SMITH BLOCK rhones: Office 2021 Residence 6418 H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer sd In town or country Day or Niut. Telepbonea: Residence, UM1: Office, 1211. Office In tne B rosins Boildlc? Dr. Justin M. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT GENERAL SURGERY Office in Eliot Bldg. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Dr. Jesse Edgington Office at Residence 903 Fourth St. Telephone S783 HOOD KIVER OREGON " M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON la prepared to do any work In tbe veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or pboning to the Kasbinn Hlablea. Dr. William Morton Post Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Bldfl. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON 0. H,. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTI8T Telephones: Office 1081; residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephones : Office 3161 : residence 3421 UUiue in tfroaius Building DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER. OREGON. Telephone 3671 Elliot Bl.lg. Wilbur & Hazlett Lawyers HOOD RIVER . . OREGON L A., A. P. & R. C. REED LAWYERS 849 McKnight Building Minneapolis, . Minn. ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms I end 2 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. EDITH WOODCOCK Teacher of Piano Professional pupil of Mr. Thomas C. Borke Endorsed by Mrs. C. & Ooffln. For Information, Telephone 1371 PAUL WOOLSEY Piano Organ Tuner Player Expert Phone 2742 HOOD RIVER O. T. WEDEMEYER Teacher of Singing 611 EILERS BUILDING PORTLAND In Hood River on Thursdays-tel. 421) RUTH HOWES Teacher of Piano Residence, 221 Prospect Ave. Telephone 3353 Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON.