) HOOD IUVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917 V S . ODELL j G. W. kollas and family are enjoy ing a shining r.e Maxwell! Albert Kollas has chosen a Chevrolet and niay be seen driving where busi ness or pleasure calls. The annual meeting of voters in school district No. 5 will be held at the grammar school building in Odell Mon day. June 18, at 8 p. m., for the pur pose of electing a director to serve three years and a clerk to serve one year, the question of furnishing trans portation for pupils will also be con sidered at this meeting. Clinton Wood, of Portland, was call ing upon friends in Odel! Monday. He expects to go to Los Angelest where he will visit relatives. Miss Ruth E. Johnston and Miss Dor othea Norton, of Portland, are visiting the Gould family at Ilomewood. Miss Johnston returns to Portland on Thurs day and Miss Norton will enjoy a long er vacation in our beautiful valley. Tuesday 0. M. DcWit and W. B. Cunningham completed improvements on the high school grounds at Odell according to specifications. Directly in front of the school building and ad joining the road is an auto parking about 40x50 feet, extending from the road to a curving driveway. Across the driveway east is another parkine 75x150 feet. North of this is a double tennis court 80x120 feet. West of the building is a lawn about 50x150 feet and there is also lawn north of the building. A "Y" wood road extends from the front driveway to the side basement entrance at the back. All parking and lawns will be seeded. Shrubbery will be set out next to the building, crushed rock will be applied on the driveway and the tennis court will be sanded. Messrs. DeWitt and Cunningham did the grading and level ing, the cost coming well under the estimate. New warehouses and a switch ex tending along the north side of the right of way of the Mt. Hood railroad at Odell are assured facts and work may be expected to begin very soon. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson and daughter, Miss Martha, are visiting relatives and friends in Portland. They expert to attend a recital given by Miss Irene Reynolds, who has visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. A strawberry and ice cream social has been announced bv the Epworth League of the Methodist church in Odell. Thursday evening, June 21, is the date chosen and the church the place. A short program will be given. The rummage sale in Hood River for the benefit of the Red Cross will be opened again next Saturday. Those in charge will gladly accept contributions in the way of clothing, household effects and other articles and Purdy & Haskins and the local store of the Consolidated Mercantile Co. have kind ly offered space for all such contribu tions as may be made by residents of Odell and all such should be left at one of these places not later than Friday morning. Orrie Cushman spent several days the past week visiting relatives and friends in Portland and other Willam ette valley points. The Children's Day program at the Methodist chuich List Sunday morning was especially appropriate and excep tionally well rendered. Much credit for the success of this service is due Miss Mary Sheppard, who spent the time and energy reeded for thorough drilling of those who had part in song or recitation. The big platform never looked more pleasing than when, as was the case Sunday morning, it was completely covered by girls and boys. The Sunday evening patriotic service wai more than an ordinary service with Geo Ledford leader. D. D. Cros by, in the uniform of the U. S. regular army he wore at the time he was serv ing in the army, acted as bugler and sounded the calls appropriate to the occasion, which added much to the effect. Special music at 9.30 morning service. Children's day hour and the evening service contributed much to the beauty of each service and was greatly appreciated by all who attend ed. PINE GROVE Mrs. Wm. Kennedy and son, Wil burt, from Vancouver, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mark. Mrs. Allen Clark Ordway has re turned to her home at Vancouver, af ter spending several days with her mint, Mrs. A. P. Slade. Harry Mills came up from Salem last Thursday for a visit with his brother, Waldo,' and family, leaving Sunday for The Dalles, where he will engage in business for the summer. Mrs. Isaac Jeffries and her friend, Mrs. Constable, are attending the rose festival in Portland and will visit friends before returning. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McDonald were guests of Elmer House on a pleasure trip over the Highway last Friday. Young Elmer House and Kingsley Roberts accompanied the party. The latter went for the purpose of buying baseball equipment for the Upstream ers, who will practice on the school grounds every Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. C. Newham is entertaining two young friends from Pendleton this week. Dr. Davis, of Newberg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Johanna Davis, for a few days. Fred Hennegan and family, from Morrow, are visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bessie Johnson. Mrs. Howard Shoemaker and baby were visitors at the home of her moth er, Mrs. James Malloy Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George Riddell arrived from California last Sunday morning for a visit with her daughter, Mrsi E. E. Lage, and family. Howard Blackman and Cecil Thrane returned from their bicycle trip last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Laraway and daughter, Adah, with two sisters of Mrs. Laraway went to Portland Satur day over the Highway. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis entertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bli-s Clark and sister, Florence, went to Portland the latter part of the week. The latter will spend a ftw days visiting friet.ds be fore returning home. Perry Wells is a recent purchaser of a Ford. Mrs. Gertrude Linville returned to her home in Condon Tuesday. J. II. Gaor.e, from Portland, was in the vicinity last week attending to his orchard interests on the Kollas ranch. The Williamson sisters, from Port land, will have a high class entertain ment at grange hall under the auspices of the grange the last Saturday of the month. The Red Cross society will meet with Mrs. F. H. Blackman. Friday afternoon of this week. A. I. Mason and family went to Ort Jey Sunday to visit friends. Clara Thomsen and Bemice McDon ald gave a pyre shower in honor of Mrs. Gladys Denmson at the Thomsen home last Thursday afternoon. Twen ty were present. Monday, June 18, the regular school meeting will be held at the schoolbouse. A new director and clerk will be elect ed. Louise Jenkins, from Hood River, was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Lage last Thursday. The first session of the summer school which began last Thursday, was a great success and promises well for all that is to follow, judging from reports. Mrs. Mabel Lage has eight assistants under her supervision Thirty-six schol ars were in attendance. There will be regular services at the church next Sunday. The special num ber last Sunday morning was nice solo by Mrs. Alice Ham, of Spokane, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrews. A Red Cross dance will be given at Grange hall Thursday, this, evening under the auspices of the grange. June 7. Miss C. Fanhouser, a friend of Mrs. W. M. Stauffer, after visiting her a few days, returned to her home in Ne braska Monday week. W. T. Forry has returned from his trip to Iowa to attend the funeral of his father. Barrett district was well represented at the high school class play and com mencement exercises. It is sad when desire is stronger in one than better self control. Two honored citizens of this neighborhood by much labor and watching grew each a bed of beautiful tulips, and when in fine bloom someone whose de sire overbalanced the just considera tion for neighbors, stealthily carried off all the tulips. Disregard for other people's property is a bad showing in a youth. Mr. and Mrs. Lister were dinner guests at the home of Miss Jones last Friday. Mrs. R. Koppe retuned Sunday from a visit with her mother in Portland. She discovered a great surprise await ing her. She found herself a guest at tier sister's wedding, bride of Milton Mills. Miss Frost, principal of Pilot Rock school, is visiting Louise Forry, who has been teaching'at the same locality. Miss Frost will also visit with Miss Vernon Shoemaker. Alton and Claude McReynolds, of Pendleton, nephews of Mrs. J. H. Shoemaker, will be visitors at the Shoemaker home this summer. Mrs. H. D. Steele has purchased a Grant Six. A company of Barrett people made a trip by team to Cascade Locks Sunday. Chas. Craton and Misses Ruby and Beulah Craton were among the num ber. A kaiser mind prevailed over the Pomona grange last held at Odell. A resolution prevailed to boycott our county papers and recommend subordi nate granges to discontinue patronage of same because the county papers op posed untairly the ettorts ot C. L. Spence : that the three leading dailies of Portland should receive grange re ports. It is a tact that the three lead ing dailies were much more strenuous in the opposition to C. E. Spence. Consistency is said to be a jewel. Those of the boycott mind should re pudiate all state dailies, for they ad vocated the $0,000,000 bonds, opposing C. E. Spence, and they should sub scribe for the "Appeal to Reason" and go clear off "ferninst everything." The new teachers employed by the board of directors are A. M. Connell, Walla Walla, having done work at Mon mouth, Ore. ; Lillian Brock, 1917 grad uate of Hood River; Miss Levina Sher idan of Canby. Mrs. L. Roberg and Mrs. W. W. Rodwell are reengaged. Mr. and Mrs. Schreuders and Mr. Mays, Hood River Endeavorers, visited our Society Sunday evening. The Ladies' Aid provided an ice cream social Tuesday night. Quite a number of berry pickets are in the neighborhood waiting for the berries to ripen. About a robin to each 'plant sits on the preacher's patch. They appreciate grace. The annual school district election is set for next Monday night. A director and clerk are to be elected. There were 127 at Sunday school last Sunday. The Red Cross committee working for the contribution of funds in the Barrett district is composed of E. W. Birge, Mrs. L.W. Bishop, H. D. Steele, F. E. Knowles, George I. Sargent, E. R. Moller, Gordon G. Brown. They are soliciting contributions of apples, berries, beans and vegetables. FRANKTON. Warren Miller is having his house and barn wired and will soon be enjoy ing the benefits of an up to date light system. We will gamble that Dan Malaer has the finest spud patch in the valley. The road supervisors and a crew of men are repairing the Ruthton hill road. It is going to be in so much better shape when finished that we will soon forget that it ever was bad. Clarence Carnes, who has been up at Boise, Ida., for some time, returned home last Sunday. The Four Leaf Clover club held an other of their fine entertainments last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. C. Garrabrant on the High way. It has been a long time coming, but we are enjoying it now that it is really here. What? Strawberries and cream. Anyone doubting that the auto has come to stay has but to take a trip over the Highway any one of these fine days. Even the poor old horses are giving up in dispair. It is reported that one or two committed suicide on the Ruthton hill last week. County School Superintendent Gib son was calling on the Frankton school children one day last week in the in terest of school gardening and other industrial work. This is time well spent by Mr. Gibson and the school children should meet him more than half way. After a long and very severe illness Emetine Coates, we are glad to note, is coming back to health again. It was a close call and recovery is slow. BELMONT. Mrs. Marvin Crafts and small daugh ter came Saturday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Robert Jones, and fam ily. Mrs. Crafts' home is in Walla Walla, Wn. Miss Verna Adnod, terminated her visit to her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duval and left Thursday for her home in Portland. Miss Ella Fisher, sister of Mrs. George, Graber, and a friend. Miss Huld Munson, came Sunday from Port land and will visit here during the strawberry season. Mrs. Melvin Woodburn, of Portland, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. J. W. Davis. Also Miss Nellie Davis and C. C. Piper, of The Dalles. Miss Grace Regnell is intending to leave soon lor summer normal at Mon mouth, Ore. Miss Grace will teach this coming school year. The school board of Barrett school held a meeting last Thursday evening and have elected their teachers for the coming school year. Principal. Mr, Connell. Grade teachers are Mrs. Ro berg. Miss Lillian Brock, Miss Sheri dan. East Barrett, Mrs. W. W. Rod- well. Frank McFarland was up from Port land last Thursday on business and looking-over the ranches. D. A. Perry has leased the place on Riorden hill known as the Kellogg & Marquis ranch, where he is busy put ting in crops. The Current Events club met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. J Nicholson, quite a number of invited guests being present. After the dis cussions on current events given by the members, it was voted that as the 10 cents a month from each member for Belgian reliet was not needed any more, each would continue giving the 10 cents and the money raised would be given to the Red Cross work in Hood River. A very fine musical program was given, Mrs. Will Eby be ing in charge. The hostess, assisted bv Misses Ruth Berry and Kuth Nich olson, served dainty refreshments. The next meeting is to be called whenever suitable, by the president. The annual school meeting of Bar rett district will be held at the West Barrett school house Monday, June 18, at o p. m. PARKDALE. Mr. Sherrard, of.the forest Bervice, was up from Portland r riday. A. M. Kelly was a business visitor to Portland last week. Miss Alma Candee entertained number of her school friends at a pic nic Friday. Those who were present were: Mildred Van Nuys, Florence Craven, Milicent Good lander, Gladys Morton, Hallie Puddy and Edith Mey ers. J. F. Thompson has purchased a new Overland. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Samples spent rnuay evening with Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Demmon. Jess Hutson has gone to American Lake, where he will go into training, Mr. Hutson expects to leave for France in a few weeks. Roy Howells was a Hood River vis itor Tuesday and Wednesday. W. W. Clark was a business visitor in Portland the past week. The Ladies' Aid met Wednesday af ternoon at the church. Mr. Stewart and wife are here from Portland and are living in the Rulie house. Mr. Stewart is locating a pool room and lunch counter in the building known as the Barber shop. Addition to the building is being made. W. L. Tallman was-a business visit or at Hood River Saturday. Orville Thompson left for Marmot Monday, where he will work in the employ of the forest service. Ed Kile spent Sunday at home from the Lower Valley. The dance given by the grange in Sheldrake's hall Friday night was well attended, about 100 or more being pres ent. A number of young folks were up from Dee and also from Hood River. A number of the Endeavor and friends attended the bonfire social at Mount Hood Thursday night. They all report a good time. . The Parent-Teacher Association is giving a social Friday evening, June 15, at the Mount Hood school house. Ev eryone is invited. MOUNT HOOD. Mrs. Ella May Jones returned from Hood River Tuesday. George Hanel and Tom Hopper were Hood River visitors Tuesday. Mr. Knapp has gone to Dee to work in the mill. Miss Susie Emry, of Hood River, is visiting Mrs. Marjorie Ertle at the George Ban home this week. The bonfire social given by the Park dale and Mount Hood Endeavor socie ties last Thursday evening was well attended and everybody reported a good time Children's day will be observed bv the Sunday school next Sunday morn-' ing at iu o ciock. ivir. aoridy will preach at 11 o'clock, following the pro gram. The Parent-Teacher Association will give a social at the school house Fri day night. Everybody come. The Misses Alma Kitchel and Gladys Aubert spent Sunday with L. F. Hanel and family at Neil creek. Roy Henson, of Welches, Ore., came up Thursday to visit his sister, Mrs. Robert Leasure. He returned Satur day accompanied by Mrs. Leasure, who will visit for a couple of weeks, and Douglas Leasure, who will spend the summer there working on the range. Dave Cooper, Jr., went to Hood Riv er Saturday night, returning Sunday. Stanley Walters and Floyd Hess, who are working on the Long Prairie ranger trail, spent Sunday with their families. DEE Wendell I. Kirby, a prominent rancher and sheep man of this locality, returned Monday from The Dalles, where he made arrangements to bring here within a few weeks a large num ber of sheep to be placed on ranges of the Oregon Lumber Co. in this vicin ity. These sheep, which will approxi mate 8,000, will be divided into three bands and will be shipped from eastern Oregon points to Dee as rapidly as they Rre shorn. It. ia iinHoratwl n,;n .. - --- - - u . UVV V I , V. J Will come principally from Baker, Redmond ami snaniKo aistricts wnile at The Dalles Mr. Kirby, who is an experi enced sheep man, made arrangements for a number of Bheep herders, who, with their pack and saddle horses, will arrive soon. Quite a few Indian ponies will be utilized, these animals being thoroughly seasoned, mosquito-proof and able to subsist themselves on the range. Mrs. Clara Dobbin, Miss Louise Hal vorsen and A. W. Stone, of Hood Riv er, and Robert Good, of The Dalles, were sruests at the EHcnr ranch Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gould, of Odell. I hiiu mr. miu jurs. onermaa lAnerty, or Dee Flat, enjoyed a picnic party at the Devil's Punch Bowl Sunday. Mrs. FL F.. Donne and riamrhto TV.. uuufa.v., tATI' othy of Belmont, spent several days visiting at the Whitely ranch last week. Mrs. Floyd Nichols, of Corvallis.who formerly taught school here, spent sev eral days last week visiting her many friends here. She left "Saturday for The Dalles for several weeks' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Dooley and Mr. and Mrs. Duney, all of Portland, motored up from that city Sunday for a brief visit at the Collins ranch. The entire party formed a picnic party at the Devil's Punch Bowl, and after a flying trip to Parkdale started on the return trip to Portland. Miss Milrded Emmett returned last week from Eugene, where she has been attending college. Homer Eccles, of Salt Lake, arrived Friday for an extended visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles A. Rom ney, Jr. R. A. Collin, accompanied by Mrs. Collins, motored to Hood River Thurs day on business connected with the Red Cross Chapter, of which Mr. Col lins is a committeeman. It is under stood that Hood River county's quota toward the mammoth Red Cross drive, planned for the week of June 18 to 25, will be 14,000 and Mr. Collins will have charge locally of the collection of con tributed products, such as apples, strawberries, beans, bales of hsy, etc. These products will be turned over to the fruit buying agencies in Hood Riv er, which in turn will deliver the pro ceeds to the state or national organiza ion of the Red Cross society for equip ment' of base hospitals and other nec essary war adjuncts. With Earl Dunbar at the wheel, Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of this community, and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dunbar, of Odell, motored to Portland Sunday over the Columbia Highway. Mesdames Dun bar and Ford continued from Portland to Astoria, Where they are delegates to the state grange meeting. Local society folk to the number of 28 attended the opening dance of the new grange hall at Parkdale Friday night, many of them not reaching home until sun-up. A highly enjoyable affair is reported. In honor of their guests, Mrs. Ragn vald Naess, of Seattle, and Merritt Mason, of Brookfield, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. John R. Edgar gave a delightful party Monday evening. CASCADE LOCK3. The Stevenson ferry boat ran away over the falls and sunk below the locks early Thursday morning of last week. Fortunately no one was aboard. The four weeks' meetings held by the Misses Jamison and Anderson came to a close last Sunday evening. W. M. Lane, the railroad agent, has taken a layoff for three months. J. R. Jenkins has quit the employ of the government and accepted a position with the Wind River Lumber Co., at double the pay. Mr. Cole, an employe of the Wind River Lumber Co., is also a local preacher and will preach to us each Sunday evening hereafter. Mrs. C. A. Hutchins took the train Saturday for Dufur for a visit with friends. The Wind Itiver Lumber Co. has changed its payday from the fifth to the 10th day of each month. Mrs. R. W. States and daughter came over from Stevenson Sunday af ternoon to call upon Mrs. A. O. Adams. They were great friends in Elmira, N. Y., many years ago. Rev. Eugene Burr delivered a most excellent discourse Sunday evening at the M. ri church. Subject, "From Whence to Where." Every person in town should have heard him. We are still having April weather. The river is slowly going down. The Bailey and Dalles City have resumed their work and making regular trips. Dance at Bridal Veil Saturday even ing. Every auto in town went down loaded to the brim. One five passenger Dodge carried nine persons. No one out to church Sunday morning. Miss Stella Woodward gave a party at the hall Saturday afternoon and evening. All the kids in town were present and had a great time. Not a slacker in Cascade Locks. Every young man who should, did reg ister last Monday, 53 of them. Only three Blinkers in town who do not want good roads. M. Lewis is the new railroad agent. He takes the place of W. M. Lane for awhile. Prof. Alwin has secured a situation as bookkeeper for Youmans & Simpson near Stevenson, Wash. Born To Mr. and Mrs. I. Routon, a son It is reported and in the Portland papers, that Mrs. Edna Belville is married again, but we have not yet seen the man. Overcoats and ladies' winter cloaks are still the order of the day. R. S. Shelley is shining around in his brand new Ford. J. H. Dunlap and family left Friday for their new home at Little, Wash. We understand Mr. Dunlap has pur chased a half interest in a mill at Lit tle. L. G. Pierce and Charley Malley have quit their jobs at the mill and follow J. H. Dunlap to Little, Wash. Thad Glazier has built an addition to his garage. Business is booming with Thad. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hershheimer, from La Crosse, Wis., are spending a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. J. S. Strasberger. Miss Bessie Hendrick is home from Redmond, where she has been teaching the past nine months. Bessie is look ing fine. J. H. Fretwell is on the sick list. He went to St, Vincent's, hospital at Portland last Saturday. TROUT LAKE. J. E. Reynolds, proprietor of Gu ler Hotel, is putting in marked improve ments this year. Refurnishing to some extent; painting the outside and re pairing the building generally. He is also about to build a cement swimming pool which will add materially to the attractions of the hotel. Quite a number from here went to Husum Pioneer day. Several carloads of young people went down for the dance in the evening. All report a good time. The water users of the Trout Lake Irrigation & Power Company ditch are doing some substantial reprairing. Monte Mapes and J. R. Hunter have purchased an auto truck. We understand Mrs. Billings has opened Mountain Brook Inn again for the summer. Geo, Depue was up from Husum Sat urday. Our church has a new coat of paint. J. E. Burdett,of Oregon, made a short visit here lately to look after his hay land interests. The dance at Thode's hall Saturday evening was well patronized. W.M i l i r Hi o 3v tow Alpine Yodlers Present Great Program Singers From THE graud closing concert of the Ellison-WhlteCliautauqua assem blies this slimmer will be "Au Evening la the Alps" vocal, stringed instrument and costumed fantasy, pro duced by Graus Tyrolean Alpine l'o- ELECTRIC, . HERBERT BRENON NAZIMOVA WAR BRIDES" rLIMICK.PICTUMLJ 1 ,A W f f? V 7 TFEmy fu2 Most Beaut ifirt Car injlmerial TODAY the list price of the Paige Lin wood "Six'39" is $1175. On a purely comparative basis, there is no other car on the American market that even pretends to offer so much Beauty, Luxury and all around Efficiency for so little money. But take advantage of this rare oppop tunity while it exists. Place your order now before the list price of every Paige model is substantially increased. Stratford "Six-5 1" sevcr-pnsscnger - $14 f. o. b. Detroit Fairfield ' S v4o" seven-passenger - jl?7S f . o. b. Detroit Linwoud "Six-JO" five- avenger - SI 175 f. o. b. Detroit Brookland"Six-51" four-pascngcr - $165 f. o. b. Detroit Dartmoor"S -30" 2 or 3 -passenger - ? 1 175 f . o b. Detroit Limoasinc"Six-5 f'scven-pnssenger - $2750 f. o. b. Detroit Sedan "Six-5 1 "seven-passenger - J2?00f. o. b. Detroit Sedan ' "Six-10" five-passcngcr - $1775 f o. b. Detroit TownCar "Six-5 r'scven-passcngcr - $2750 f. o. b. Detroit Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. HOOD RIVER GARAGE the Tyrol in "An Evenintf dlers. This Is the same company thnt for forty weeks took New York Hip podrome fans by storm. The Tyrole ans are escluslvely Swiss and are be yond doubt the greatest yodlers ever assembled in one company. The sing ing of the hunting songs, pastoral songs W-lfr1 .V- , MONDAY ONLY, JUNE 18 in the Alps.' and echo songs of the land of William Tell create most convincing Illusluus In distances and sound location. Sunday assemblies hear the Yodlers In two appropriate concerts. Other wise they appear only in full evening concert. HERBERT BREN0N PRESENTS NAZIMOVA WAR BRIDES" BY Marion Craig Wentworth The Story of a Woman Who Defied an Empire 8 Big Acta8 ADULTS, 25c CHILDREN, 15c