The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 08, 1917, Image 6

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Break Up That Cold
A box of K-C Cold Tablets will get rid of that
"grippy cold" that makes you chill and ache.
For your cough a bottle of K-C White Pine
and Tar, Mentholated is "the best ever".
Make our store your place to come for remedies
for such ailments and you'll never be sorry.
Yours to serve,
Reliable Druggist.
Agent for famous "New Edison Phonograph"
Golden Rule Stores
will open with a complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes in
Stewart Building at 3rd & State
streets about the 1st of April
Now Operating
Opening from 40
Watch for the Opening-April 1st
Golden Rule Store
All Kinds Building Material, Dimensions
Shiplap, Timbers and Boards
Mill at Fir, Oregon. Telephone Odell 302
Address Hood River, Oregon, R. F. D. Number 1
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
We have just installed a planer and this with our
rip and cut-off saws will enable us to give you any
odd material that you may require. See our stock
and what we can do for you.
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
Yards west of freight depot Phone 2131
Taft Transfer Company
125 Busy Stores
to 50 this Spring
Estimates Furnished
"I am happily married," ia the chief
message received by local friends of
Mrs. Emma Hammond, an elderly
widow of the Heights section of the
city, who left the early part of last
week for Denver, Uolo.. where she met
James Chapman, of Sterling, who, .ac
cording to previous arrangement be
tween the two, was to accept Mrs.
Hammond as his bride provided the
temperament of the two seemed com
patible. .
Mrs. Hammond and Mr. Chapman,
who had been participating in a court
ship by mail, pleased each other, as
was evidenced by their marriage im
mediately following their meeting.
The latter event, however, was de
layed two days, the prospective bride
having been a victim of the snow
blockade that held trains of the Union
Pacfic system in Wyoming.
"I arrived in Sterling to find two
fine twin daughters attending high
school," Mrs. Chapman's letter ends,
"and 1 have another beauuul daughter
in Denver. I am happy.'
For A Bilious Attack
When you have a severe headache, ac
eompiinied by coated tongue, loathing of
food, constipation, torpid liver, vomit
ing of partly digested food and then bile,
vru may know that you have a severe
mlions attack. While you may be quite
sick there is much consolation in know
ing that relief may he had by taking
three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They
are prompt and effectual. Obtainable
0.-W. Telephone Co. Elect Officers
The board of directors of the Oreeron-
yV'ashington Telephone Co. held their
organization meeting f riday afternoon
J. E. Smithson waB reelected president
ot the concern. Mr. Mnithson is also
general manager. E. O. Blanchar was
renamed secretary-treasurer. C. Deth
man. who succeeds John Goldsbury on
the board, was elected vice president.
Other members of the board of di
rectors are C. K.Marshall, of this city,
and W. H. Dean, of White Salmon.
Miss Hansen Appreciated
An appreciative audience greeted
Miss Ann Hansen, a talented colors
tut a soprano of The Dalles, in a concert
held last lhursday night under the
auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Riv
erside Congregational church. Miss
Grace Gavin, also of The Dalles, Miss
Hansen's accompanist,rendered several
selections. Others who participated in
the program were: J. Adrian tapping,
soloist, and M. P. Warren violincellist.
Little Girl Dies of Burns
News has just been received of the
fatal accident to little Ollie Belle
Chandler, daughter of Fred Chandler,
who with his family formerly resided
here, at Valley Center, Calif., last
week. The little girl's father was also
painfully burned, when a can of creo'
soting fluid exploded. The little srirl's
uncle, Tom Dodge, in extinguishing the
burning garments of the child, suffered
burns that will probably leave one of
his legs drawn and stiff.
The news was brought to Hood River
through a letter from Mrs. Clara Mai-
lor, of bscondido, a point near Valley
Center, to her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
S. F. Blythe. The little girl is the
granddaughter of Chas. Chandler, of
Lorcoran, (Jam.
Something Good
Those who hate naety medicine
thould try Chamberlain's Tablets for
constipation. They are pleasant to take
and their effect is bo agreeable and so
natural that you will not realise that it
lias been produced by a medicine. Ob
tainable everywhere.
What's the Reason?
Many Hood River People are in Poor
Health without Knowing Cause
There are scores of people who drag
out b niiseraDie existence wimout real
ising the cause of their suffering. Dav
after day they are racked with backache
and hentlache ; suffer from nervousness,
dizziness, weakness, languor and depres
sion. Perhaps the kidneys have fallen
behind in their work of filtering the
blood and that may be the root of the
trouble. Look to your kidnevs, assist
them in their work give them'the help
they need. You can use no more highly
recommended remedy than Doan s Kid
ney Pills endorsed by people all over
the country and by your neighbors in
Hood River.
Mrs. J. T. Holman, Twelfth and B
street, Hood Kiver, says : "I don't hes
itate to sneak a word in praise of Doan's
Kidney Pills, for I have always found
(hem to be all that's claimed of them.
We aim to keep them on hand all th
time and whenever it is necessary to
ise Muney meuicine, iney never tail
to give satisfaction. For backache and
and kidney disorders, Doan's Kidney
Pills can't be equalled."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply
ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kid
ney Pillathe came that Mrs. Holman
had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.. Buf
falo, N. V. '
Go to I.w, The ClMOer,
Money Talks
Fruit Growers
- : BY
Northwestern Fruit Exchange
No. 10
Sales Dept. Continued
In my last two talks I explained the
organization and personnel of the
you something of its policy and prac
tice. The bXtHAn(jli has pursued
certain very definite policies right from
the start: policies that it believed in be
cause they are known to win the ma
jority of times. One of these policies
is to adhere strictly to the system of
outright sales at firm prices. Another
is to sell around lb per cent of tne en
tire output at best obtainable prices at
or before time of harvest. The EX
CHANGE'S record for the past six and
one-half years shows that this policy
has been actually carried out. The stor
age of fruit for sale on future markets
is speculation. No man can afford to
speculate who can not afforn to lose.
When a (grower has an oniKirtunitv to
sell bis fruit at a fair price at harvest
time, and refuses the offer in order to
hold that fruit for a future hoped-for
rise in the marKet, ne ought to charge
that fruit to a speculative account with
himself. Then, if he eventually loses,
the loss should appear where it belongs
-in his SPECULATIVE account-and
not as evidence that the business of
fruit growing is unprofitable. If every
grower would keep books with himself
in this manner, he would get a lot of
light on his own business. I hose of you
who have had experience in the wheat
business know that, as a rule, the wheat
farmer who makes it a rule to sell his
grain crop year after year at the mark
et at the time of harvest is the one who
has money in the bank, while a good
many wheat men have been ruined by
playing futures and speculating with
their own product Of course. I know
that speculation sometimes wins; so
does the 100-to-1 shot in a horse race
sometimes win; but few bankers would
loan money to finance a horse race.
Now, in a general way, we believe that
the general principles hold good in the
fruit and produce business, and. because
we believe that the sale at the time of
harvest, at best obtainable prices, is
the safe. Sane and conservative policy
which will win a majority of times, we
believe it the one to pursue. Hence.
i he EXCHANGE has always discour
aged its friends from speculating with
any great per cent of their crops. As a
matter of fact, I believe that this whole
Northwest crop could, nine years out of
ten perhaps, be sold outright at harvest
time. Remember, as I have already
said, that we produce of apples in the
Northwest only about 10 percent or less
of the national total. So that if we
make up our minds to meet the market
at the psychological time, we can pre
vail upon the buyers in many cases to
invest their money in boxes instead of
barrels, and the trick is turned. How
ever, this sort of policy takes courage
and backbone. Also, it takes market
ine facilities and salesmanship to exe
cute it, and we can never hope that
enough buyers will come out here to
take our whole crop or even one-quar
ter of it. we nave got to go to them,
and be johnny-on-the-spot at the right
time, when they are in a humor to buy.
The heavy trailing in the apple deal us
ually occurs in a very few short weeks
in the fall, and those weeks are the
critical period of the operation, anddur
ing those weeks, a large force of sales
men are necessary to work the whole of
the market, and every corner of it, fully
and thoroughly. I am going to tell you
a little bit of history that will illustrate
all this mighty well. It was at the end
of August or the first of September,
1912. You all remember 1912. It was
the first severe bump the Northwest
had had. Well, the EXCHANGE, fol
lowing its established custom, had bean
working hard all summer surveying the
apple crops of the world, as well as
studying the figures of other fruit crops
and also studying and weighing the de
mand possibilities financial conditions
or the country, employment of labor,
etc. The result of the calculation show
ed as plainly as the nose on your face
that we were in for a much lower range
of values than had prevailed in previous
years. However, we mobolized our
salesmen and instructed them to can
vass the trade all over the country
thoroughly and to try and sell them on
the basis of the previous year s prices,
which was $1.35 for extra Jonathans.
others proportionately. Report, becran
to come in and inside of ten days from
the time we started the campaign, we
had reports from every market m the
country and knew to a cent what price
would be required to move boxed ap
ples. I sent a telegram to the heads of
several of the largest associations that
were selling through the EXCHANGE,
asking them to come at to Port
land where our headquarters then
were that a crisis existed. They came;
i mm .me data ueiore tnem and said:
"Gentlemen, there is no aruess work
about this; it is nearly an axiom in the
fruit : business that, once you have
canvassed the WHOLE market (not a
part of it, mind you, but the whole
market) and used real salesmanship.
the best obtainable price is value. It's
almost as conclusive as weighing a
pound of sugar on good scales. Now,
we have canvassed the WHOLE market
and can predict with assurance that the
market is going to be a declining one
and that this is a season when the best
generalship is to sell freely at the best
uuuunaoie price, we can, we ieei sure,
turn your holdings into early cash on a
basis of around 11.00 to $1.10 per box
for extra Jonathans, other varieties and
gradea. proportionately. BUT. nstant
action is necessary, and this is a case of
He who hesitates is lost. What is
your instruction?" Well, these men
were put in a very hard position. They
felt pretty sure they would be "darned
it they did and darned if they didn t
by their constituents. They protested
that we must be mistaken; that others
were quoting $1.35 on Jonathans. We
told them. ves. that WE were also
0.U0TING that price, and were catch
ing a buyer here and there for a car or
two, but that we had a CROP to move
and KNEW that we would have to meet
the trade and face the situation if we
were going to move it. We pointed out
mat tne trade were on the verge of in
vesting in annles. that manv of them
would buy boxes on a basis of $1.10 to
l.w, but would otherwise buy barrels.
That if we waited until they had stock
ed up and invested what thev had to in
vest, in barrels, it would be TOO LATE.
These men sweat blood that day and
finally amid: "We don't dare; it we go
back to our growers and tell them we
have authorized a sale of Janathans at
II. W to fl.10 when they are expecting
$1.35 and when other agencies are quot
ing $1.35, they will ostracise us if they
don't mob us. Hang on for another two
weeks." We aid: "Vers well, we
will hang on, but we warn you we shall
MISS THE MARKET." Well all of
you know what happened in 1912. The
EXCHANGE averaged $0.68 per box
NET CASH for the entire output, all
grades and sizes of the Cashmere Union
output, and $0.70 for the Peshastin as
sociation. These figures net after de
ducting all marketing charges. While,
so far as we know, these are easily the
nighest ngures received by any shippers
for the entire outputs that season, the
pity of it is they might easily have been
25c per box or more higher, had the sit
uation been met at the psychological
However, you can't blame those men:
they would have lieen most severely
rriticiHed had they taken the bull by the
horns now wouldn't they? This mark
eting game takes courage and also the
keenest sort of judgment. In my talk
No. 1, 1 remarked that "Judgment not
based on knowledge (information) is
worthless." It is just as dangerous for
a man to pass judgment on a hue point
like this when he is without reliable up-to-the-minute
information, as it is to
"monkey with a buzz saw." BUT,
when he has the information if he does
not act on it, it's like the man who has
gangrene in the toe and can not muster
up the courage to amputate the toe and
so delays. Pretty soon the gangrene is
up to the knee and if he doesn t ampu
tate then, after awhile he will have to
amputate at the hip to save his life.
When 1914 came along, and a more ad
verse set of conditions than 1912 pre
vailed, the employers of the EX
CHANGE, having learned a lesson,
met the situation much more promptly,
with the result that a great majority
of their holdings were sold at the mark
et, at harvest time, with results that
lead the entire Northwest, and showed
the growers a profit over the cost of
I shall tell you more about these mat
ters in my next talk, which will appear
in the next issue of this paper.
Faithfully yours,
Vice President and General Manager,
Northwestern Fruit Exchange.
A section of the Highway "right of
way contract, executed by Hood River
countv authorities and O.-W. R. N. Co.
officials in 1914, has bobbed up to cre
ate worry for several private individu
als and to puzzle county officials, ri
The contract provides for a relin
auishment by the county of all rights
of way for county roads crossing the
railroad company's track or lying
within railroad property between the
O.-W. R. N. right of way and the
south bank of the Columbia river. The
concession was made by the county in
consideration of the railroad company
permitting sections of the scenic high
way being built on the south side of it
ncht of way.
J. W. Morton, who owns a ranch
west of the city, and J. H. Koberg, the
truck gardener just east of town, de
clare that they will be seriously afreet
ed. inasmuch as the outlets from their
places are county roads crossing the
railroad track, which must be vacated
according to the terms of the contract,
when the Columbia Highway is com
, The interpretation placed on the con
tract by the ranchers is confirmed by
County Commissioner Hawkes, who
protested the execution of the docu
ment when it was submitted to the
county court.
"Through the terms of the con
tract," says Mr. Hawkes, "Mr. Mor
ton and Mr. Koberg must necessarily
make some private arrangement with
the railroad company about crossing
their tracks, tor as soon as the High
way is completed, the county, under
the contract, must vacate the crossings
that connect their ranches with other
county public roads. Because of this
section of the right of way contract,
Mr. Morton is refraining from giving
the county a right of way for the Co
umbia Highwav as surveyed across
his place.
"But the Highway right of way
contract goes even farther. It is spec
ified in its terms that we were to va
cate in 1916 grade crossings at Ruthton
and Herman creek just this side of
Cascade Locks. By the ultimate route
of the highway, as surveyed, these two
crossings will be eliminated. But at
present the county has not sufficient
funds to construct the expensive sec
tions of road necessary for this elimin
ation, and tourists are crossing the
railroad tracks merely on sufferance.
"It is true thai the Ruthton crossing
will be done away with the coming
summer, provided the proposed con
struction of the new section of road
ovc" Ruthton hill is completed."
Condemnation proceedings may be
necessary to secure a right of way
through the ranch owned by Mr. Mor
Possible Curtailment Causes Protest
The following telegram was received
Saturday from Oregon Experiment
Station authorities at Corvallis by Le
roy Chi Ids, acting superintendent of
the local branch ot the station :
"Grave danger present continuing
appropriations for branch experiment
stations and extension work, including
county agents, may be qualified or re
pealed." A flood of telegrams from merchants,
orchardists and bankers was rushed to
the Hood Kiver-Wasco County delega
tion asking that no cut be made in such
"To take away this protection of one
oi Oregon s biggest industries, tie
clared E. H. Shepard,"is a grave men
ace to the industry."
48th Anniversary Celebrated
"Mr. and, Mrs. John A. Wilson, pio
neer residents of this city, left Satur
day for Portland, where with the fami
lv of their daughter. Mrs. Georire Hin-
ish, they celebrated their 48th wedding
anniversary Sunday. Their wedding
occurred at Ancona, III.
Mr. Wilson is a member of Canby
Post, G. A. ft., of this city, while his
Dnae or 48 years is prominent in the
work of Canby Relief Corps.
Cut This Out-It Is Worth Money
Don't miss t his. Cut out this slip and
enclose with 5c and mail it to Folev &
Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address clearly.
You'll receive in return a trial package
containing Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for bronchial couiihs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain in
tiues miu u , riieumaiism, Dacuacne,
kidney and bladder; and Foley Carthar
tic Tablets a wholesome and thoronahlv
ck'ansing cathartic, especially comfort
ing to stout persons. Sold everywhere.
Searches of reenrda anH n1iatU
streets made by Oregon Abstract Com-
any, a. . imtnana, .Manager, 305
Be Up-to-date
Don't handicap your efficiency and your
profits. Spray your fruit trees the modern
way with
to Soluble Sulphur
Soluble Sulphur is the Sulphur Spray with the
water left out.
A dry powder, easily dissolved in cold
or hot water.
Makes a perfect solution; used in the
same way as lime-sulphur.
No sediment; no grit to wear out
pumps and clog nozzles.
No freezing no crystallization -no
leakage -no loss.
No barrel, with its leaky, sloppy muss,
trouble and expense.
It is very economical to use and for
your convenience put up in 1 -lb.
cans, 10-lb. cans and 100-lb. drums.
Send for Soluble Sulphur Bulletin. It
tells you how to spray. Write
Jlfflg Seattle an Portland
l" 1
You are beginning1 a new year.
Begin right by having your watch thoroughly cleaned
and adjusted.
Our repair department gives splendid service at a rea
sonable charge, and will prove worthy of your patronage.
W. F. Lara
If a Man Doesn't Insist that He Is
Right, Maybe He's Not
We insist that we have the best
for sale in or out of the city. "You're
from Missouri!" Well, come down and
look at it on the car, or watch it
go by on the wagon.
Transfer & Livery Go.
Phone 4111
Time Table No. 28
Effective 12:01 A. M. Monday, January 1, 1917.
No. 3
No. I
Rail Autol
p. M.
a om
A. M.
A. M.
Lv. Hood River Ar.
Pownrttale. . .
. . ..Switchback.. .
Van Horn. . .
Summit ....
Bloticher .. . .
. . . Trout Cret-k . . ,
. . ..Wood worth . . ,
Ar. Parkdalc Lv.,
O.IU .
3.28 g
3.34 y
5 oa S
3.47 Z
3.50 I1
4.0i) a.
P. M.
Owing to limited space on Rail Auto
' " " "i"n, ciiner in
Whenever possible we buy home products in
preference to all others. H As a Hood River
business man who buys at home, I solicit the
patronage of Hood River people.
W. J. Filz Meat Market
We Give M Green Stamps
Hay.Grain, Mill Feed, Flour and Corn Meal
Made from corn grown in Hood River Valley, milled and
flacked by Kelly Bros. No better, fresher meal than this.
Get it from your grocer-KELLY BROS. CORN MKAU
v '
Is It?
Everyone asks this ques
tion many times daily
But you can't keep good
time if your watch h in
poor repair.
way, Jeweler
No. 2
No. 4
Dy.exSus! Sat. only
Rail Auto Rail Auto
P. M.
A. M. ! P. U
40 .
25 5
15 a
oo 2
55 M
8.37 t
8.27 J
8.22 S
8.17 5
8.11 g'
8.06 o
8.01 g
7.58 S
7.50 a.
A. M.
P. M.
1 i-fil
all trunks and heavy baegage will be
auvance oi or louowing tiie passengers.