f HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917 ; : : I ! . -. w r- r'lvnZTVFNTNnvn A -i i " I g Ejuali Htor CSlaritr AKTHl H O. HUM, P.WIbr. StWiiptioD, 81-10 Per Tf ar. Vim tabrntenidir rbkogeinaddreM (hi olfli aboald be uoUUnl promptly, and week befnr If pnmtble. Alwaya rive old ad dna Mwella Ibecew. Alau, Hood Klver aobwrlbera abould ootlfy I hit office Moore wticn rhauiclDK ibeir addrCM from one rural root to another, or Iron) city delivery to eouutry dellvery.or vkwTema. Ifyoadonot gft your paper promptly, notify at by mall or telephone aod the matter will be luveHtlted Except It pertain to live new matter, eom luunlca'.kHiii, or article of a general nature, bonld be In the offloe by Monday to Insure tbeir appearing In tbe Unueoftbe current week THANK 011, MR. CHAPMAN (From tbe Oregon Voter) Busy Portland men usually confine their newspaper reading to the big city dailies, and forget that out in tbe state there are published sterling, indepen dent journals which are powerful fac tors in promoting sound, wholesome public sentiment. While net so brilliant in editorial eipression as the city dailies which employ writers to comment on tbe is sues of the hour, the country papers at a rule are edited Ly the men who own them, and hence reflect a practical, common-sense point of view. To keep in touch with the real senti ment of a citizenship that has the independence and ability to maintain itself in the open country, instead of drifting to the congestion of the me tropolis, every Portland business mar ought to subscribe for a few country weeklies or small community dailies. And to make his wares known tc that same independent and sturdy citi zenship, he ought to include the coun try papers as well as the city dailies in his advertising plans. THE PUPILS' RECITAL The Musical Department of the Woman's Club is to be congratulated on the good work done through the annuual pupil's recital, "ihe (killed planista and vocalists of tbe Hood River Valley should have the thanks of all local people for inculcating:, not only in tbe minds of tbe young pceple, who are studying, a comprehensive understanding of music but fur imbu ing the older population with a greater interest in this art. The work should be encouraged, for it will undoubtedly lead to a point when Hood River Val ley will become known countrywide as a place of even more rare musical in terest than at present. BOTH ARE STRONG Says the Oregonian in its Legislative Sidelights: "Senator Wilbur, of Hood River, is a Democrat and an inveterate pipe smoker. He is one of the strongest members of the Senate, which may or may not have to do with the fact that his pipe is indisputably the strongest pipe in that august body." Oregon's going bone dry, boys. The House on Monday, all but seven brave members, voted for tbe Anderson-Eddy bill, which will emerge from the senate to be signed by the Governor this week. An emergency clause ia at tached, and Bacchus and his sattelites might just as well begin piping their est lay amid the dells of old Oregon. The new Interstate bridge, spanning the Columbia between Portland and Vancouver, is going to become known as the modern "Bridge of the Gods." The srtucture is said to be the longest bridge in the world. It will be for mally opened on February 15. Sir Ground Hog, alias Woodchuck, alias Marmot, will come forth from his winter dreams tomorrow and make a weather forecast for the next six weeks. Let's prsy for heavy clouds. The Glacier extends the sympathy of its staff to our contemporary newspa per men, K. B. and L. S. Bennett, who grieve the death of their mother. A few more road bills ought to be introduced in the legislature, and the proposed road code should be, adopted. Balata. Bulata Is a substance belongiug to the rubber-like products and which is very similar to gulta percba. It la ob tained front the milky juke of tbe "bully trV (Siipota muellerl belk), found chiefly in the GuianAa and Vene zuela. An Easy Arrangement, Wife -Aui I. then, never to hare my way in anything? Husband Certainly, dear. When we are both agreed you can have your way. When differ I'll have inlne." Obliging. "Ouly give me time, your hoaor," begged tbe convicted prisoner. "All right," rerlled the Judge. "Hw will ten yenre suit?" Baltimore American. Li mi tad Experience. Mistress (to new girl) We entertain a good deal. Have you bad much ex perience at parties? Girl Only as a guest, mum. Xew Haven Register. Curiosity la looking over other peo ple's affairs and overlooking our owav Waylaud. Heaven often smites In mercy, even when the blow 1 severest Bail le. The Fault ef Ridieula. There Is no character, howsoever good and flue, but it can be destroyed by ridicule, howsoever poor and wit less. Observe the ass, for instance. His character Is about perfect, be ta the choicest spirit among all tbe hum bler animal, yet see what ridicule has Vrought blot to. Instead of feeling complimented when we are called an s we are left in doubt Mark Twain. The Way ef the WerM. profeeeor from Indiana university was attending a teachers' convention.. Ee desired to stay at a certain hotel, but when he arrived at the hotel he found a crowd of teachers bemoaning tbe fact that an tbe rooms were taken. "It won't do you any good to ask the clerk," tbe professor was assured "Just watch me," answered tbe pro fessor. He tilted his derby to one side ef his bead and atuck a cigar in bis month as he approached tbe clerk. "What tbe deuce la going on here, anyway?" he asked. "A Sunday school convention 7"' he added, as he glanced disdainfully at the crowd of teachers In tbe hotel corridor. As the hotel clerk smiled and volunteered tbe informa tion that it was a school teachers' con vention, the professor grunted out tbe fact that be wanted a room. And be got it Tbe hotel clerk was scratching his bead, trying to remem ber what firm the new arrival traveled for, while the teachers who had been "turned down" were wondering what magic tbe professor nsed to get the privilege to sign tbe register. Indian spoils News. Twe Distant Suns. The nearest star to the earth la, as far as known st present, Alpha Cen taury in tbe southern beniixpbere. It Is s double star, consisting of two suns, each about as massive as our sun ami slightly brighter, revolving around eat a other in a period somewhat more than eighty years at a mean distance apart of about 1,000 million, miles. But tbe orbit Is ao eccentric that at one point in the revolution the two suns are not farther apart than tbe distance between Jupiter and our sun, while at the opposite point they are nearly as far apart as the distance of Uranus from tbe auu. Thus the two suns in Alpha Centaur rush around tbeir common center of gravity, now sweeping nearer to each other and now farther apart, all their evolutions be ing performed wltbln a circuit much smaller than that of the solar system -New York Journal His Caller. Some time ago Browu said to Smith: "I envy you. You come in contact with all kinds of men. You actually know aud talk to burglars and other criminals. All I know about them ia what I read or imagine about them. Now, the next time you meet a good burglar I want you to aeud blm to me. Give him a card to me and tell blm 1 will pay bis carfare and expenses. 1 want to talk to blm and see bow erlnv Inala differ from other men." Smith promised to send along the next good specimen of a burglar that came bis way and forgot all about tbe matter until some weeks later he re celved this letter from Browu: "Tour friend came, but 1 bad not ex pected him professionally. If you will tell blm to bring back the family plate and Mrs. Brown'a Jewels yon and I will resume social relations." New York Globe. Some f New Yerk'a Islands. Hoffman and Swinburne islands are quarantine stations under the state board of health. Governors island Is the headquarters of the eastern dlvl slon of the United States army. Bed loe's island is occupied by tbe stsr shaped Port Wood and tbe statue of Liberty. Ellis island Is the immigrant station of the port of New York. Black well's islaud contains the City hospital, the Metropolitan Homeopathic uospl tal, the City Hospital For Incurables and the City Home For the Aged Ward's Island ia occupied by tbe New York State Insane asylum. Hunter's island is tbe aite of tbe Little Mothers' summer home. The city cemetery Is on nart'a island. Randall's Island con tains tbe children's hospitals, school and house of refuge. New York Times Te Thread a Hair Through a Walnut. To pass a hair through a walnui without boring a hole seems an Impos sibility, but the feat has often been done. The bull of tbe walnut when examined with a strong glass Is seen to have Innumerable small openings, some of which lead entirely through the nut. The trick consists in using a very fine hair and an infinite amount of patience. Pass the hair into one of these minute crevices aud urge It gently, along. Sometimes It will ap pear on the other side at tbe first trial, but if it comes nut at the hundred and first you will be very lucky. Disraeli as a Turk. At oue period of his life Disraeli had decided leanings toward the life of a Turk, "very much confirmed by my residence In Turkey." And the Turk isb grandee who told blm that be must tie one of the eastern race "because be walked so slowly' won Dlswy'a heart at oiks'. London Standard. Eidtorial Amanitiaa, An editor slopped using tbe headliue "Local Intelligence" lu bla paper no long ago. A friend from another town asked the reason. The reply was. "There ain't any." Hartford Conrsnt. Hot Air. "Have yvv hot air in your apart menu" "Have we? You Just ought to hear tbe landlord telling what he Is going to do for us." Baltimore American. So Plebeian. Doctor This prescription will aupply Iron in your system. Rich Patient Iron is ao common, doctor. Couldn't you make it gold or silver? Boston Transcript Cause For Grief. "Why did everybody cry lu that last death scene?" "Because they knew the actor wasn't really dead." Topeka Journal. State of Ohio. Cltv of Toledo, I Lucas Counry. ( Frank J. Cheney !::;es oath that he is -ciilor pnrtnor of tl." firm of F. J. Chenej S- Co.. dolus b:iin-.H in the City of To-L-lo. County and State aforesaid, and :iat said firm will pav the sum of OXB IFM'lUCn POI.I.ARS for each and ev- ry en, of Catarrh that cannot be cured th? use cf HAI.T.'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Swnrn to bf-fnr n: and subscribed In ray presence, ih'.s 6th day of December. V P. 186. (Seal) A. W GLEASON'. . - Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and aots directiv upon the blood and rnu. cm . ?-.rr.ire i-f the system. Send for tes'tmonlaN. free. , F. .1. CHrxrrr A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold !v all DruRtfst. Re. Tk tail's ramn? Puis far cauatlpatloa. For Sale Clover and Oat hay; phoao Cutler Bru., tut, Hit Foe Sale-Home No. 1 bay, also wagon and baroeaa. Food Odell JST. IS For Bale-Tbree tall blood Kojllab rietter pupa, three monlba old. Fbone u. M. Cpte grove. Odell 337. for Bale A rood, new 80 gallon aprayer i. will Mil cneap. flioue kl with pomp. W. U Smith, SIS May HI n For Hale A new standard Woodatnck via lble typewriter at a oarga:n. Call at U.-W. R. A N. section bouse. J.J.Waaley. 18 for Hale Petalndia Incubator. I Mot'lana han brooder, but bouae window frame and bob sled runners for light rig. Telephone tea. is Cor hale Plga tot sale, 8 or M week s old. Prloes reaaonable. Phone 4728. fl For Kale-White Leghorn Cockerels, froir tbe famous Tancred Farm's apeelal peua. Hens in these pens have pullet year record or '216 to SH egga each. Alao 1 R. I. Red Dock ereL W. H. Uoodeoongb, Jr. PooneSMS. fl For Hale A feed and bay cutter, SO too ca pacity. Uood aa new. Only run about two monlba. Will lake ft percent leaa tban coat. Alao one new Maudt wagon bed, standard ala. I'oal HI, will aell for J. K. Tbomp. on, Parkdale, Or., or phone 186 OdelL Ji tf Kor Hale-Leading varieties of apple, pear, peach and plum treee, one and two yearn old. Aaparagua and berry planta. F. A. Maaiiee. Willow Flat. Phone Udell 146. J18.U For Hale 2W,0G0 Clark Heed ling Strawberry Plants for spring planting. No better planta Srown In Hood River .Valley. W. R.OIiou Hon, Route X Pbone Odell 97. Jll-U For MaleFine vonmr Jeraer. luBt eomlna ireeo wuu reoouu can. it. w. ArrLR, n. u. No. 2, or phone Odell loi. Jll-tf For Sale No, 1 hay. J. li. Shoemaker Phoue575tf. davtf For Hale My ranoh In Trootlake Valley, or will leave for lei m of years to reaponnlble party. C. M. Cutting, Troutlake,Waab. dSl-tl For Sale The lineal location on the Colom bia River highway for an Ideal aummer home. Water, scenery, etc, near Hood River Can't be duplicated. Owner will sacrifice on price II taken toon. Inquire of (i lacier. a24-U t'or Sale-True.to-Name Nuntery offers for Hpring planting, leading varieties of apple, pear .cherry ,etc. Phone 47tk,U.8.(Jalllgan. mtttl FOR RENT For Rent Thirty acres, Irrigation watei Kant Fork. It. W. Arena. nirtf WANTED Wanted Girl for general houaework. Tel. itlVi. Mrs. A. J. Derby. ft Wanted-To buy a second band Are prool ail'e. D. J. Crnikahauk, oc, 10c and lfc (store. Telephone 1651. 18 Wanted Married man who understand pruning, ail on-bard work and woman mnat be willing to cook for eitra help during applt hnrveat. Mrs. Ottear Vanderbilt, telephone 177i. ffc Wanted Man for orchard work and to handle team; to a(4trt about March let. U.L Pleraon. Phone SMI. fl Wanted-1 want to buy two boraes strong enough to pull a 200 gallon sprayer. F. p. Friday, East Side. 18 Wanted A married man experienced In orchard work. See Cutler Bros, at Leuc ata tion on Ml. Hood Ry., K. K. D. No. 1. Iltl Wanted-To lease for the sraon, on cash or share basis, strawberry tracts. Allen Hart telephone 3o53. 18 Wanted To exchange a standard tlrapho phone for a good, No. 1, 12x14 lent. Call al UlHcier office. 11 Wanted A girl for general housework. Tel. In moruiug, WS1. 11 Wanted - To exchange a 7 room house modern, electric lights, gas, furnace, situated on a corner luuxl2, with teunis court and garage, near Washington high school on Kast -Salmon street, Portland, for an orchard Id Uood River Valley ol from 20 to 36 Keren-not necessarily all In fruit. Address, C. A. B., care tilacier. 14 Wanted-A driving and saddle horse. Musi be sate, for woman to handle and price reason ble. Would consider bngey and harness. Address C M. Cutting, Truntlake. Wn. d7-tf Wanted Experienced horticulturist, W.8 C, wanta position aa orchard manager or fore man. Write Box 4, BleveDson, Wo. in8 MISCELLANEOUS lAist Dark Jersey heifer, about 8 months old. Htrsyed from E. J. Nicholson place, r'ruiikum district, Monday. Finder Ipleaac notify Archie Kadllfr. 18 SOCIETIES. IOOD RIVER LODGE NO. KB, A. K. and A M. Meets rtuturday evening on or before each fall moon. A, J. Derby, W. M. D. McDonald, Secretary. DLKW1LDE LODGE NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Met In Fra'erna) hall, every Thnrada) night. C. B. Morion, N. . Geo. Ertle, V. O. Geo. W. Thomson, Secretary. C) Hood River Commandery No. 12, K.I Meets every first Tuesday evening IgJ rh nionth. W. L. Clark, L. K.0 H. L. Humble, Recorder. 1.ETA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART Isana. Meets the flrat and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' bath (',. D. Hiskiciih, M. A. J. H. K'oiikkh Secretary. A. O. W. Regular meetlnRS are neld tbe first and third Mondays ot each month at K. ot P. ball. Visitors cordially invited, n. C. C. V. R. Abraham, C. a C. n. Anderson, Clerk. iDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, I. O. O. K.--tegtilar meeting second and fourth Tuesdays tfeaubmoulh. K. K. Johnson, C. P. Geo. W. Thomson. Scribe. HOOD RIVER VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY Hood River, Ore. 0. 1). N ickeisen. Pres. Mrs. Alma Howe. Sec leslle Butler, Treaa, Cull phoue l'-tU. W A UN A TEMPLE PYTHIAN SISTERS No.6 Meets tbe second and fourth Thursdays ot each month at K. of P hall. Mrs. Gertrude Btranauan, E. C. Mrs. May Vogel, M. of R. and C. CANBY W. K. O.-Meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month at K. of P. hall. Mrs. Llzxla Anderson, President. Mrs. Cormean Howell, Treaa, Mrs, Susie Lynn, Secretary. UOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.- Meeis in jv.oi r. nan every ist ana ara wea. or each month. A. C. Lender, V. C. W. T. Fraxier. Clerk. KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. K.-M eeta In Odell Odd Fellows' hall every Hat or day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. W. H. Ebrvk, N. U. John Iwckwall. V. G. H. 8. Coughey, Sec'y; W. H. Bucher, Treaa. HAZEL REBEKAH LODGE No. 156, 1.O.O.K. Meet the first and third Tuesday evening In each month In the Odd Fellows Hall, seven mi lea .south of Hood River, R. D. I. Male Ehrck, N. G. Maie Schiller. V. G. Marie Kemp, Sec. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524. WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. of p. ball on tbe nrstana intra inursaays or each month, Mrs. Cora Blagg, G. N. Mrs. Msttie Nlckelsen, Clerk. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 80, K. OF P Meeta In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. J. H. HaxleU.C.C. Jasper Wirkham, K. of R. and S. T. r. Johnson. M. of f. LAUREL REBEKAH IX) DOE NO. F7.I.OO.F. Meets flrat and third Mondays each month. Mrs Meda Warren. N. G. Nettie Moaes, Secretary., HOOD R1VEK CHAPTER NO. g7. R. A. M -Meeta first and third Friday nights of each month. H. L. Humble, H, P. Frank chandler. Becretary. MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. S. R. 8. M. Meets in Masonic Hall every third Tuesday In each month. W. F. Laraway.l. I. M. K. a Smith, Recorder. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. SS, O. E.& Meets second and fourth Tnesday evening of eaoh mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed Mrs. W. J. Baker, W. M. Miaa Alia Poole, Secretary. Daters, Pads and Rubber Stamps of very description at this office. To Our Customers: Our buyer, Mr. M. E. McCarty, started the first of the week on his regular semi-annual trip to tbe Eastern markets to personally Belect our large stock of Spring and Summer merchandise. Your continued patronage leads us to believe that you approve of our way of doing business, and that you appreciate the big values that we offer, and our efforts in trying to place before you the newest and best that the markets are offering at prices that are reasonable. We aim to carry a complete line of merchandise suitable for the needs of this section of the country. If you wish the lower priced articles we can supply you, or if you wish something better we have that for you also. We carry Hart Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft suits and overcoats for men; Oregon City's wool macki naws, blankets, etc.; Bostonian and Hamilton & Brown shoes for men; Manhattan shirts for men; John B. Stet son hats for men; Queen Quality and Maxine shoes for ladies; Gossard front lace, Nemo and American Lady corsets for ladies; Kayser'ssilk gloves, hosiery for ladies. We are anxious and willing at any time to make anything that might prove wrong right, if you will give us the chance. Thanking you kindly and trusting that your past ex periences will encourage you to continue your patronage we remain, Yours truly, THE PARIS FAIR. SLEDS This weather makes the youngsters want a sled and we have a number of flexible flyers that will make their young hearts glad. Look them over. 2nd fl. HOCKEY CAPS for Boys and Girls-A big line to choose from. The most comfortable and durable headwear they can wear for winter weather. All colors and sizes at lowest prices. ' SPECIAL-Knitted underwaists and skirts com bined for girls. A dandy garment for winter orj wear. Each only.: sdJL ren SPECIAL-Flannelette dresses for child Your choice 25c SPECIAL-Ladies sweater coats, plain white and with colored collars and cuffs, worth double the price we are offering them at. M OC Your choice p 1 -s l Flannelette underskirts for ladies with em broidered flounce, splendid values at, each .. 25c When in need of Quilts and Blankets do not forget to investigate the big line we are showing on the 2nd floor. We have have anything you can wish for and at a price that will please you. .Bean Power Sprayers Are acknowledged by farmers to be the most satisfactory spray machine in the field today. It is built around a pump that is perfect in action and capacity and as the principal use of a spray machine is to spray trees, one without a perfect pump will always prove a disappoint ment. A BEAN POWER SPRAYER always GIVES SATISFACTION. D. McDONALD, Agent 3rd (EL Cascade Sis. Hood River, Oregon Semi-Annual Statement of Hood River County CLERK'S REPORT Showing the amount of claims allowed by the County Court of Hood River County, for which warrants have been drawn, from July 1st, 1916, to December 30, 1916, and the amount of all out standing and unpaid warrants, at the close of business on last mentioned date: DRAWN ON GENERAL COUNTY FUND County Court, salaries and expenses $ 911.28 Circuit Court, jurors, reporters, bailiffs, etc ... 1114.60 Justice Court, fees and expenses 151.85 Sheriff's office, salaries, expenses, supplies, etc 1286.56 1395.67 88.93 255.76 20.00 735.27 402.51 1112.52 1.39 103.09 373.60 399.79 2039.68 32.50 7.00 882.20 891.00 841.38 Clerk's office, salaries, supplies, etc.. District Sealer of Weights and Measures Treasurer's Office, salary and expenses . Coroner's office, expense of inquests. Superintendent's office, salary and expenses Fruit Inspector, salary and expenses Assessor's office, salaries and expenses Tax rebate, account of error in assessment . .... Current expenses, light, water and telephone Court House expenses, janitor, fuel, repairs Jail, board of prisoners, guards, etc Care of poor Scalp bounty Insane Cruising Widow's pensions .. Election excenses : Indigent soldiers 200. 00 Salaries of road supervisors ... Experiment Station Library Miscellaneous 1808.12 1000.00 500.00 44.35 Total . .... $16599.55 7930.97 14863.72 ROAD FUND Labor employed by supervisors General road expenses Total amount expended on roads 22794.69 Outstanding and un-redeemed General Fund warrants.. . $ 190.11 Outstanding and un-redeemed Road Fund warrants 46.80 Total of warrants outstanding $ 236.91 , The balances in the various funds at the close of business, De cember 30th, as shown by the Clerk's books, are the same as shown by the report of the County Treasurer, which follows. KENT SHOEMAKER, County Clerk. Butter Wrappers IslDE TO OBDEK Jt Tib. G-lacier Office TREASURER'S SEMIANNUAL REPORT END ING DEC. 31, 1916 Ralance on hand June 30, 1916 27638 10 Taxes collected 1105127 08 Interest on daily balances 224 00 County clerks, fees, etc 2351 36 Justice Court fees 108 00 Mi6C. receipts as per Itemized statement in office of County Clerk 4316 98 112128 32 $112128 32 $130766 42 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants and vouchers paid $124328 09 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1916 15438 33 $139766 42 832 83 BALANCES IN THE SEVERAL FUNDS DEC. Dr. General Fund $ 135 48 General Uoad Road District No. 6 Indemnity Fund School Library eg City of Hood River Road Dlat. No. 1 Road Dlat. No. 2 Road Dist. No. 10 . , , County School Fund Hood River Library School Dist. No. 1 .. School Dist. No. 2 School Dist. No. 3 .. School Dist. No. 4 . . School Dist. No. 5 . . School Dlat. No. 6 .. School Dist. No. 7 .. School Dist. No. 8 .. School Dist. No. 9 .. School Dist. No. 10 School Dist. No. 11 School Dist. No. 12 School Dist. No. School Dist No. School Dist. No. 15 School Dist. No. 16 County Fair Fire Patrol t Erst Fork Irrigation Dist Columbia Highway Bonds ' ... , jjgg -9 Columbia Highway Interest Estates (Trust Fund) ' ' High School No. 1 High School No. 2 ..... ...... . . Tuition W. A. Sunday Fund Cash on Han . 15438 33 13 11 31, 1916 Cr. $ 3878 54 114 22 42 20 292 96 1190 92 21 44 17 12 48 71 35 09 1699 60 1026 10 2725 61 396 v 52 03 33 74 384 42 226 31 427 04 53 56 11 27 382 23 1 63 591 85 55 81 619 fc 4 67 357 78 645 79 893 42 1027 23 830 40 676 37 208 23 $18974 11 $18974 11 JESSIE M. BISHOP, County Treasurer. Rubber Stamps AT THE GLACIER OFFICE S-l