The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 07, 1916, Image 5

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Brave the wind
and storm
iiv tha b$t wet
woatrwr togs
cvor invwvUd
pRmrrmR hat 7tf
r ' a a it "
ay. vrurouayoar.
Real Estate and
I will endeavor to have a bar
gain always in all lines of Real
Estate. Office hours from nine
A. M. to five P. M.
T. D. Tweedy
Phone 2644
1103 Wilton St., Hood River, Ore.
Odell school opened Monday with a
good attendance and prospects for a
successful school year. la the high
school V. M. Vose and C R. McCoy
constitute the faeulty. while at the
grammar school Will Cass is principal.
prepared according the method osu- man eounty. to visiting
ally followed by growers who have ( vicinity for a few daya,
Joe vannier went
is visiting friends in the
Mrs. J. R. Crosby and Mrs. B. T.
Young are looking forward to a visit
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
lace Post, of Post. Ore. Mr. and Mrs,
Post will celebrate their golden wed
to White Salmon
last Sundav to join his wife and little
son and to have a visit with old friends.
Mrs. Isscc Jeffries is entertsinlng
Mrs. Ella Wilbur from Hood Kiver,
this week.- - .
The . enterainment given Tuesday
evening, Aug. 29. at grange ball by
the classes in elocution ana ioik uanc
ing marked the close of a successful
term and was aiceedingly creditable,
ah a greater portion of the program
consisted of individual work and be
ith Miss Swsnson. Miss Godberaon I Mantnhr 11 when
and Miss Ferdioe upper and lower in- their children will gather at the
termediate and primary instructors, hnm of their mnnti end assist in ob-
Miss Aldine Bsrtmess hss been elected I thia vit lira. f.roabv and
musical director of Odell schools. Mrs. Young expect to go Friday in
J. H. Jeopesen hsa on exhibition at order that tbey may be preaent to as-
Odell poatofflee a stalk of corn of the sist in preparations fo the great day.
variety named Eureka, which measures Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bstes and Miss spesks much for the teachers who were
s j w it ie tu Hniu anu uau i Doris Ulsrk were wees ena guesu ai conscientious ana ureiesa worsen.
not at the time it waa taken from the the ham of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith m. Rovden is a Qualified and experl
field completed its growth. This vari- recently. enced teacher and Miss Msrie Bartraess
Tboae who attended the entertain- beginning a wwa ior wmca soe
.1... h msmhora nr tkie i aaaDiea ana win i iuix. am
.ran W Frida night iii Pine Grove enters college this fall and will spe
rranea hall renort a very entertaining eialiae in children a playground work
nrntvrarn and tha affair was considered Th Pine Grove Psrent-Tescher As
a decided success. sociation will bold the first meeting of
u. --- m v. w rtnnW anil ann tha sesson at tbe acbool bouse at B
JUI. KNU .U . . w. - . . . . J
Pnrtlanit Katnrriav. I n clock next Monaay evening. mm.
then'to Newberg, where they expected Stanton Allen will have charge of the
to anand Sundav with Mra. Dunbar's program, consisting of musie and a all tha daughters nlsnn ns to Stereopticon leciure. nuer urn iiru-
--- - T. .7 . .. ,. - k. k.M tnm tha
Km lAitiihii fnp tna nrex tima in i Brain leucuuuu w ... m
m ...... tv,. .; tn Nasiharcp and teachers and refreshments will be
return to Portland was to have been served
ety will not mature ears in Hood River
vslley, but will mske excellent silage
and Mr. Jeppesen haa grown it for tbia
purpose. He believes tbst one acre
will produce 40 tons of good feed when
A New Line of
Summer Robes, Suit
Cases and Hand Bags
Hanfords Balsam of Myrth
the best horse liniment
William Weber
Bell Building
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
In the Circuit Court of tbe Bute of Oregon,
for Hood Hlvar Oounly.
Maud Frary, PlalntlS
Harden Oirdao Fruit Oo.. a Corporation; Pa-
cine rower A Light Co.. a I iirooratloa
Cbarlea A. Tucker and Berth Tucker, hi
wire; mm a. wrang ana r. is. Biraug, aer
huaband, Defendant.
D. ,A.n... "...
decree and order of Bale Utued out of tbe
afeov entitled court in the above entitled
caue, to me directed and dated the 2Kb day
of August, lttlt, upon a decree rendered and
entered In aaid court on the 26th day of Aug
ut. 11, Id favor of Maud Frary, plaintiff;
and glnt Darden Garden Fruit Co., a cor.
porauon; PaclDe Power A Light Co., a eor.
poratlon; Cbarle A. Tucker and Bertha Tuck
er, hla wile; Dora A. Strang and F. K. Strang,
h.v hn.k.nrf tnm Ih. . ..i nf Bl. T' V .... uu
Thirty-Three bollan (lo;) In United Btatea
goia eoin, wun luverew vnereon in like coin
at tbe rate of eight (8, per cent per annum
from the 1st day of September, 1915. and the
further turn of two attorney' fee and the
further nam of HI. 50 taxed aa eoiit and dla-
buraemeuta herein and uch further Hum aa
my be due J. H. Frary aa receiver herein,
and tbe coat of and upon thi writ, com
manding me to make aale of the followlBK
oeecriDea real property, annate in me county
ot Hood River. Bute of Oregon, to-wlt:
r lnt: i nai certain tract or parcel or iana
Dounaea and oeecnoed aa ioiiowi: tunia
nlng at a point marked by an iron bar on tbe
Went Hue of tbe Boutheaat quarter of Hectlon
Fllteaen (IS), Townablp Two (2) North of
nange len tiui kmw, oi w uiainetie menaian.
which point I eight hnndred thlrty-alx and
a baae tha aaid Went line of aald Houtheaat
quarter of Section Fifteen (15) a true North)
run noutn eignty-nine (M) aegree. uai ix
hundred two(6U2) feet to n Iron pipe; tbenoe
Nortb ilxty two (H2) degrees, Earn alx bund-
thence North aeventy-lx (7(1) degree, Eaai
two hundred thirty-eight and five-tenth
Telephone 8671 Elliot BUg.
Wilbur & Hazlett
Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Building
Hood River, Ore.
L. A.&A. P. REED
Two Doors North of Postoffice
Phone 1331
Call promptly anawerBd In town oreoontry
Telephones: Residence, 1031: Office, 1241.
Offloe In the Uroalo Bulldln?
Dr. Justin M. Waugh
Office in Eliot Bldg.
9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
J. F. WATT, M.D.
Telephones: Office, 1081; residence, 3571.
Physician and Surgeon
mada on onrjosite sides of tbe Willam
ette river. A. J. Nelson waa a member
of the oartv as far as Portland. He
returned home Saturday afternoon
Mr.and Mrs. Dunbar and Earl returned
home Monday.
Mr. and Mra. D. Hendon and J as.
McKarlane motored up from Greaham,
here thev have eomoleted a bunealow.
aarane and barn for Mrs. Hendon and
very soon after their arrival in Odell
' ... a-t a J ni n
Messrs. Henaon, ncr ariane ana w. l.,
Ebrek went via auto for a week's fish
ing on the Deschutes.
The two vounir sons of Dr. Lundy,
who have spent their vacation at
Homewood, left Thursday for Medford,
Ore., their future borne. Mrs. u. u,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nunsmaker, Mrs.
Shaw and Miss bllen Munamaker were
guests Sundsy at tbe home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. U. Liowning in caul oarrcti
Miss Thompson, who hss been a
guest at the borne oi nr. ana sirs.
Will Farrell, left Tuesdsy for Portland,
where she wss met by her sister. They
intend going front there by boat to San
Francicso and then to ineir nome in
Denver,, Colo.
Mrs. John Finn, of Hood River, Mrs.
of west Barrett, urs.
the State Highway Commission for the
psst two years ia now working down
at Bandon. Ha la having tha time of
his life getting all tbe benefits of the
old ocean while working. Hia wifa
and two daughters have-moved into
Hood River for tha preaent ao the girls
will be elosa to the high school.
W. A. Mack and wife went to Port
land Monday for a few days' visit Mr.
Msck is combining business and pleas
ure. -
Tbe Four Leaf Clover club will meet
this afternoon with Mrs. Carl
on the Highway.
M. R. Noble, who was the bone of
contention when tbe sixth Hood River
county grange attempted to organise,
but didn't, wanta to publicly thank the
50 or more of hia friends who were
present and so kindly stood by him
when hia would be accusers, who were
ashamed to have their names made
known, failed to make good.
in the Portland acbool. Misa Bernice
i ill also attend high acbool there, and
Miss Florence will keen house for the
J. E. Ford returned Sundav from
lone, Oregon, where he haa been har
vesting for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Psrker went
to Hood River Thursdsy, Mra. Parker
returning tha following day. Mr. Par-
Larson ker is employed with the Apple Grow I attractive display of goods such as the
ere Association. . I naMvaa crave to rjnaaeeav and temnt
Mr. w. r. Shannon and daughter.
Miaa Doria, were in Hood River on a
Traders Whe Keep Their Vietlme la
Financial Slavery.
Dishonest traveling merchants la
China find a particularly lucrative field
la which to ply their labors, with the
reeult that almost unbelievable conae
quencee come to light now and then.
Some traders, taking advantage ot the
simplicity of the Mongolians, make aa
Frank Parker.
MoHarvln. of Pine Grove, and Mr. and
accompanied them as far as Mrs. F. 0. Stout, were at the home of
. v i i I IF I an,, f 1 'Mai I Snflaii
(238.5) teet to an iron bar (aald iron bar belnc
tbe beginning point of the North line of that
certain right ot way hereinafter mentioned);
Portland, where she remained over Misses Vera and Laura u inch ounaay
Sunday. 1 H. P. Allen and family are planning
W. S. Smith, who was called to the in moving to Portland, Mra. Alien ana
family home in Massachusetts by the children going so tbe children can start
r.f hi. fathor avruMta to leave achnnl. Mr. Allen will stay nere unui
two-tenth &w.g) feet south or the center or Boston Sunday for the return trip to after his apple crop ia harvested
aid Section Fifteen (15 ; thence (aum ng a. hi. hom( ne odelL ,... Bighon re'turned Satur
i.ii.k..K..n i..uH ami work will Mav from a week's visit with her
k.l Immuliatal. tnr a iwa raeeivinir I oramlnarents in roriianci. Willie in
house for annles ourcnasea Dy an ana-line city iib.o " "-
lish firm of which A. E. Woolpert. or treated.
White Salmon, is the local represents- Mj8i Ajce See and mother spent the
tive. The new warehouse will be lo- , aw as suests at tbe home of
cated west of, present warehouses atl fot anfj Mrg- p. E. Knowles, old time
aA...w. i 1 ,iv A L..I.L,..I.; UUBil. If, 1, rCIKUOVU UH Ml. fv..-. r.flnn. m IBB OW WM UUOW
uicun DUUtU WU IIUI unim,EM,lIuiT'Ulu. . . .:- . , i - - - . . . . , . . . . n, .
nil iHH 81 feet to an oak tree: lor SUDerVIBME IIS COnBirucuuii. tn tha books in Wie UDrary OI rrea.
thence itoutb eleven ii degree, ten iwi . min- d MrSi Thomas Hill, of Hood Barrett school during her stay in Bel
hnir Hnni ihivbi- thenna Kanteri v ainnir I R iver. have been visiting Miss Emily mont.
the .low water mark on the Nortb. bank of Wilson, of Odell. Mrs. L. W. Bishop and Mrs. W. G
a nt oiuan MnnHav nlffht at Snrrur villa attended the missionary
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fergu- meeting held at tbe valley uiriauan
mrr In hnnnt al r th members of the rhnrrh last Mondav. when Mrs. Msa
c...ninn Rihla i1bbb vha are leavins rlen crave a talk on loose lines 10 me
Odell for tbe school year. ladies present,
a t Wainhaimnr aynecta to 00 to John F. Wvnn left Monday for lone,
Eueene the last of the week to enter Ore., where he win work during me
the university of Oregon, where ne harvest,
was a student last year.
Frank E. Folts also expects to go to
U. of O. for his second year.
M. Carries' and bis son, S. E. Car
Hood River to the Kant line of said Section
Filteen H&l: thence North seven 71 minute.
Weal alone- laid East Una of the Northeast
corner of aaid Houtbeast Quarter of Section
Fifteen lis, tbe same being n iron oar ei ior
the quarter corner of tbe Eaat line of aald Sec
tion fifteen I Ml: thenoe Houth eighty-eight
K8 degree fifty-two 62 minute Weal along
tne Norm line oi aaiu cstiuiiivaai, quMinr w i
Hwtinn Fifteen 161. thirteen hundred twenty I
1330) teet to Bn Iron bar aet for tbe Northwest
corner of tbe Northeast quarter of the South-1
east quarter of said Section fifteen 15;
tbenoe Nortb twenty-two l&l reel to an iron i
tbenoe eoutn eignty-eignt
881 degrees
fifty-two (621 minute, West three hundred
thtrtv IMU1 feet to an iron bar: thence Nortb
seventeen 171 feet to in Iron bar; tbenoe
Month eirhtv-e Ebt 88 decree nny-two min
Ule, West Six OUQurau aixijr w au
imn har- tlienoe North three 13) feet to an Iron
bar; thence South eighty-eight 1 88) degiees
nrtv.two IMl minutes. West three hundred
thirty 330 feet to an iron bar, which point 1
Orly-tWO let) l norm Ul an null uki bv. ,ur
ihnntiirnf aald Section Fifteen 151: thence
South forty-two 42 feet to said iron bar set
Ed Norder returned Sunday from
Rufus, Ore., where he was employed
during the harvest. He is now Dusy
getting in wood and putting things in
riM. who hsve spent the past year as ehspe on the ranch before winter
residents of Odell. have disposed oi
their interests and gone away, Mr.
.Carriuff. Sr.. to Portland and S. E.
Cameo to Hood River and perhaps
later to Montana, until tne coming oi
Allison Fletcher bis nephew, Horace
Mia Hill, one of Barrett's teachers.
will mske her home during the school
vesr at the home of Mrs. Anna Saw
Mr. Bailer, of Portland, brother of
Mrs. Hsrrv Steele, and Miss Martha
for the center of said section ifl Gilkerson, is caring for Mr. Fletcher s struck, of Lyle, Wash., spent the week
J1VW&XXK! recently purchased property,
dred thirty-six and two-tenth 1836.2 feet to I, a DDie harvest draws near and the
?LVJTSSAxAtnu is abundant and quality good
transmission lines thirty 130 feet wide In the I Next Sundav being conference Sun
SSSSSSA1 day there will b. i jo e arl, morning ser
1. . .i.hi r aav u mnranariiniariv vice at the Methodist church, bunoay
described as lonows: tsegmuiuK ui mauuu i csnOOl at JU.oo a.m. ivany iojr mo
Epwortb League
evening at 7.30,
church there will be
u .-,. .ih. i9i iiwnH Kut to the sundav scnooi at vj.ou a. m. v. e,.
oj uiti ....... i i a ' : .. I , - . . 111 a
snir nr tbe county roao: ana also exoeunua ann aveninir service ai wuicu iwu. n
therefrom all riparian and other rights to the E Maenamara. of Hood River, will be
ti.a iaatiniii auifi aiirkiiri or niaiii rvivvsr i
flowing by or through said tract or parcel of present
bar above mentionea irora wnicn saiuoaa g d following
tree bear ooutn ten iiui uegn, rjwi c guij- -------u- .
nine and three-tenths 189.8 teet; thence South next Sunday
sixty eighty degrees, fcit th hundred rthe Union
end at the borne, of Mr and Mrs,
Steele. Miss Struck . will leave wed'
nesday to take up her studies at Cor
vallia for another year.
Mrs. Ed Barker and children and
Mrs. Perrv and son attended the evan
gelistic services at the Valley Christian
church Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church were call
ing on some of their Belmont 1 fiends
Monday afternoon
Mr. Caite, whose home ia at Wild-
Hooa Kiver taxing
Office 4211
Res. 1811
Office in Eliot
Dr. V. E. Abraham
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Eliot Block
Office Phone 4151 Resldenc phone 4152
Dr. J. H. McVAY
Diagnosis, Consultation and
Surgical Diseases'.
Hall Building, Hood Blver.Oregon
Offices in First National Bank Building
Hours 10 a. in. to p. m.
Pine Grove Residence phone Odell 4019
Second: That certain tract or parcel of land
k....u ani riMwlhad aa follows: BeKinnlnc
at an iron bar set for the Southeast corner of
the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quar
ter of Section fifteen 16, In Townhip Two
21. North of Range Ten iuj, -ast oi tne w n
L .V,oiiu M.rMiun: thence run Westerly alone
the line of dividing the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter anu """"""'i""
..i ii.. a.,., i nuarter of aaid Section Fif
teen II IS to the center of the Mount Hood
County Road; tbenoe following the center
line of said county road to Its intersection
with the center line of the Dukes Valley
Msa ranch, is in
csre of the drugstore of Charles Clarke
Rav Trnv Khellev has enioved a drive durino his stsv at one of the beacnes
overland to visit his son, J. M. Shelley, Mr. Caite is a very, efficient druggist,
having for years been in business in
the east.
near W ena tehee, Wash.
Miss Ida Turney, of Eugene, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. P. a. Laraway.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jerffies attended
the Masonic picnic at Bonneville Mon
Harold Forden will make his initial
bow in the school room this year.
Fav Jones. small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Burns Jones, is tbe proud owner
of a very pretty Shetland poy, which
the young isay riaes 10 scnooi. sue
also crives rides to some of the otber
county Koad; thence with the center nne oi Robert w h and Kent Montgomery children, lesdins the pony herself,
Hi injection with the 'said line oi tviding went to Lost Lake last week weones- Allen H. Davis, of Hood River, is
the said Northeast quarter of Ibe Southeast das on their bicycles, returning Friday. "JJ l..t nf hi. ..nation on
-a . i U....I .i,af ' nnarfa tW Ihfl I - I BIICIlUlllaE 1IIO inns v a. Maw -
qnarwr nu w-. "y"1"? hZ tVul U. Tmiia. Rniirlan afM a ailPfit of LL Ti .iu ki- nonlmAthfii. Mra
Hie rat i it; 14 vriui iriiuiiiusuwi ""
J. w. uavie
miarter and the (H)uiiieasi quarur 01 uie
Southeast quarter of said Section Fifteen 15;
tbeuce;Westerly along the dividing line last
mr.iinned to an iron bar set for the South
west corner of the Northeast quarter of tbe
:7.r.r rAlrt Section Fifteen
tbenoe Westerly along the line dividing the
Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter
and the utDwe M""'
3uarteroisaiuo;Muu-iiifo.. i...,
u,ii rut in n Iron ban thenoe (assum-
rug the West line of said Southeast quarter of
said Section 16 as true norm;, noriu lurij
rr.....rrai twentv-Ove 1251 minute.
Kst two hnndred lity-tbree and flve-teDtbs
f J63.5 feet to an irou h"F". .
':..!'.. ruul rtniea aeven IT1 minutes.
East one hundred seventy-seven 11771 feet U
inlron pipe; thence North sixty-one tl de-k'-JT
ivii miniitea East one hundred
IT.iU ,.n'uHitiia riM.71 feet to an Iron
p pe- tbenoe North rty-elght 8 degrees
twelve 1121 minute Kast to an intersection
twelve. 1"J .mi ih.hioh w.tpr
1 1 . m in, nnwD uu louoi iv .
m.rir on the south bank of Hood Rl
Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m 1 to 5 p. m.
Telephone 3111
falls answered promptly day or night.
Office over Reed & Henderson, Room
0. H. JENKINS, D. M.D.
Telephones : Office 1081; residenPJ 3331
Office over Butler Bank
H. D.W. PINEO, D. D. S.
Rooms 4. 5 anJ 6 '
Smith Building
nitance of one handred luo feet therefrom: Parmalee waa taken very ill last week
thence Easterly along a line ons 1 hundred Wednesday with an intestinal trouble
m !?? '.h."., of Hood and an operation was round necessary,
Riler to tie East llneof said 8-H!tlon Fifteen which proved Successful. e WSS
HI, UA.uh Mven m minute. East 1 hnnM hnmo lnat Katnrriav and ia dn-
1101, rr:cr '(. ..ii... 1 -
SUV " L:, ,n nmM thai m J M. rjS. Dl.. . 4.
Air. aaai itira. uuwiu aviuo ris swii u
have a substantisl residence on their
ranch. The work is under the super
vision of Walter Wells,
Messrs. R. H. Waugh. F. H. Black
man and J. u. jarvis ana ineir wives
attended the Masonic picnic at Bonne
ville Monday
The Ladies Aid society realised a
comfortable sum from tha sale of ice
cream and cake last Fridsy afternoon
and evening. The proceeds were an
7J-l-S2!n 1 J The ladiea of the W. C. T. U. will
Eioeotlng. however, from tbe aald pa"'. I meet at the home Of Mrs. J. E. An
the following parcel, of lana ena ngnui . . nmi M89jon Thursdsy al
w"y,J?wnm narceiof land described in ternoon of this week. The annual elec
. .a U 1ASran Wlt mVtTA. Ill T. Is.
nii.. their heirs and assigns, to nw the
iater from the flume and from toe stream
' . i - a run a) VAur ram inr iul
Surpoes, together with all the tenemenU.
PTrrrr?.' .ir. .ui annurtenanoes unto tbe I
,nd posf . ' t.VhwBv. a-nd
c"m.yJ"T.,Ynthe.bove described
riKiiiaui w-j : . J dn.iL
tract, or r-7--,7h. plfle Powel 4
"(Trnn;ny to the u of the water, of stream of Hood River nowins tnrougn
. lm akiiaa nan ns inaw na ill 1 11,
ctlon Fifteen I15i,
fUngeTentlO K
lamette Meitdlen,
E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S.
Tlnhnna : Office 3161 : residence 3421
.Office in Brosius Building
Frederick & Arnold
Contractors and Builders
Estlmstee furnished on all kinds ol work
Phones: ESSr-Sa
Stranahan & Slavon
Contractors & Builders
Mrs. Louise Bovden was a suest of
Mra. J. A. Hunt and daughter. Lulu,
Tuesday and Wednesday ot last week.
Miss Esther Schmidt left last Thurs
day for North Yakima for a visit with
her parent.
Arthur Fertis leaves this week for
Astoria where he will visit bis brother.
Walter, and also a friend. During his
stav he will attend the regatta, after
which be will spend a lew osys at
Cannon Beach before returning to his
school at O. A. C.
J. A. Wuest. father of George Wuest,
is here looking after his orchard inter
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Parmalee waa taken very ill last week
Mrs. Howsrd Isenberg, who has been
in Portland for the past two weeks,
was expected home Sunday.
Will Isenbere and family and Floyd
Arnold and family spent Sunday at the
old home.
Aug. 81.
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Carmichael. Mr.
and Mrs. Volstorf and Florence Carson
went to Trout Lake last Sunday.
Mra. J. K. Caraon returned from her
father's ranch laat Wendesday
O. B. Evineer haa sold his reaidence
property on June street and now re
sides on Fine street.
J. T. Holman went to Portland Sat
urday over tbe Highway and returned
Sunday with his Ford car.
Tbe valley people are coming into
town quite rapidly now getting ready
for school.
Winifred Staten returned from her
vacation trip last week Thursday
Mr. and Mra. A. C. Staten and two
daughters, Alberta and Bessie, motored
to Seaview over the Highway last
Mrs. Bessie Graham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Strsnsban, who
has been visiting her parents for some
time, was hurriedly called home Mon
day. Her mother accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ward went on a
picnic down the Highway as lar
Multpoinah last week. There was a
psrty of 10. Several of the party went
to the top of the falls. The party con
sisted of Mr. and Mis. David Pyles and
two children. Mr. and Mra. wm.
StaurTer, -Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Peugh
and Mr. and Mrs. Ward,
Nearly all the Relief Corps ladies
living on the Heights attended the so
cial given at Mra. B. E, Wright's home
Thursday. Mrs. Wright csme in with
her car and took out all who wished to
go. Mrs. Wright's mother, Mrs. Msry
Pferdner. was hostess.
Miss ' Hattie Floyd made a trip to
Portland Sunday returning in the even
Mr.' Wiley, living on Taylor street,
was rtaken quite ill last Friday but is
Sept. 4.
r. and Mrs. J. T. Hoimsn made a
trip to Viento Sunday in their auto.
Mr. and Mra. K. C. Bucklin went on
the Masonic excursion Monday
rs. Sallie Carson took in the Ma
sonic picnic.
Mrs. Bella Johnson is visiting at the
home of her mother and father and
otber relatives.
Mrs. Ed Barton and little daughter
returned to their borne In eastern Ore
gon Tuesday.
Mr. Moore, tbe shoemaker, bas sold
his shop and gone to work for Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmari arrived
at Hood River last week. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holman,
Mrs. Louise Brown, who hss been
staving with Mrs. Jsck Marshall
through the summer, returned to Port
land Friday,
Mrs. Price, mother of Mrs. P. S
Davidson, visited Mrs. J. H. Gill Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. Alida Shoemaker, accompanied
by her sister, is visiting their brother
at Goldendale.
Rev. W. S. Nichol preached at the
Brautist church Sunday night. He ad
vertised that he would shake up the
town as it was never shaken before.
Don't know whether tbe people felt it
or not. but quite a number heard it any
way. even some who were not in toe
Our school opened Tuesdsy morning
with W. H. Alwin. principal, Miss
Grant intermediate, and Miss McKen.
lie. nrimarv. teachers, and a full at
tendance of uneasy boys and girls.
Every one sorry to bsve school open,
just like us when we were kids,
I II I I ' I - " . r
. . u u Tnkar ana wile, ujl.u.
Smu- d.d Ma?tod.l!W.ied In VoU
I. Dace mi. now "". 2" ",1,
I "Yh.t cerla n rlsni OI way uoii
. . 1" d d Tnokar and wife to Vernon A.
P"l "",r;'i nf wiv described In
. . 7 IT T.-k.r and wife to Adam J.
SU:, Tiated July ft, 190. recorded in Vol s,
nace l.W-M, Hood River County Wsea "ff3;
; s ua4ain riaTt.1 oi wit lur viva iiu
wr oed died from B.B. fucker and wj
corded In vol.. pagan,
rr"'Z, mad rtirhtt of way a the
.m now laid out and in na
tion of officers will be held. Mrs. G.
E. Heineck will have charge of tbe
urogram, subject, aunaay observ
The school opened Monday with Prof
N. E. Fertig. principal. Mias Antouia
Bauer haa the fifth and aixth grades;
Miss Lottie Kmnaird, third and fourth ;
Miss Marion Howe, primary. Miss
Bauer cornea from Zeeland, -N. SD,
the other teachers are residents of the
Next Sunday morning, owing to the
imVYh.iiora. by virtue of aald execution, -ha-nce) of the Dastor. G. E. Heineck.
iSM'awi? " conference, the Brotherhood
i -in on Saturday, the 7tb day oi uewi will occupy toe aervics nuur. in pur
ber wis. t li o'clock p. m., at tne rroniaoor rtm promises to be specially interest
of the couroua. in rf ""'on ,, ing, as seversl subjects will be p re
county of HdR2 1"'?:",': I "Lh it is undertsood the teachers
ffahMt bidder, cash m band, ail tbe right, win jva v,iu,ble assistance in the
. . .v i-iMMi wnicn iDdwimiy "w
lll-re . A -11 nf t
tine anu v. ;r tha exercises.
ianitiiisavoMiuwivi .... 1 i i r o l
oTh dav of Heptember, W the oste oi me i convene aa usual, ist ounuay tne
plilntlfT mortsage herein ton,rribed P'"1 rau,ic con,i8te Of an anthem
that date naa 1 " ..." , hr u, aai by the cnoir and soio oy Aruur House.
vL,Z;,.Un. luasmenl order and decree,
itereat. eosU nd accruea "obm.
ffaedthl SBtb 07.?fJu SJLT-
'o... . . ai ni,w Puniiiv. OrerOBL
Tha Sundsy soiiool will
The Epworth League met in the
evening with Russell McCully leader.
Mrs. Hattie Wells Miller from Sher-
Clarence Carnes returned Wednesdsy
of last week from an extended visit
with relatives and friends in Portland.
Ivan Shere has gone to Viento.where
he has opened a soft drink and confec
tionery business.
Miss Ethel Marchback. of Hood Riv
er. visited tbe week end witn hiss
Georgia Roe, in Frankton.
Mrs. Ray Rash and son, Harold, were
last week visitors in White Salmon at
the home of Russell Rash.
Vernon and Alma Gray went to Port
land Wednesday of last week by boat.
They were guesta of Judge Ganten
bein's fsmily while in the eity. They
returned borne Tuesdsy of this week
after enjoying a splendid outing.
Score another for Hood River. J
R. Nickelsen and son, Donald, left the
otber morning after breakfast in their
auto on a hunting trip. They returned
that evening with venison lor supper
This is no fish story, but straight
goods. Who wouldn't want to live in
Hood River.
Charles Copper, who hss been spend
ing some time at hia brother's home on
the State road, left for hia home in
southern Oregon Tuesday.
R. Service, of Scappoose, an old
friend and former neighbor of Carl
Larson and family, waa sight seeing
in Frankton the first of the week. Mr,
Service wss the guest of Mr. and Mra,
Larson while here.
School started Tuesdsy with a good
sttendance. the following teachers in
charge: Miss Pearl Scobee. principal
Miss Hilma imnoia, intermediate; hiss
Eloise Copper, primary, at Frankton,
and Miss Clara Rand at Columbia.
Mra. Fannie Howard, of Huaum
Wash., waa a week end visitor with
Mrs. Roy Rssh and airs, ttoy lanoon,
returning to her home aaoiiasy.
H. B. Scott and W. B. Warner and
their families motored up over the
Highway Saturday from their homes
in Silverton, Msrion eounty. They
were euests of J. R. Phillips and W
A. Mack, brothera-in-Iaw. Tbe four
sisters met together for the first time
in 16 years. They returned to their
homes Mondsy.
Wm. Edy, who baa been working for
shopping visit Friday,
Mr. and Mra. S. Gilbert Emilio and
children spent Labor Day at OdelL
guests of Mrs. D. E. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Parker, of Min
neapolis, arrived in Hood River this
week for a visit with their son, L. F.
Parrker. who. with Mrs. Parker, ia
temporarily reaiding there.
Another delightful dance waa held
laat Saturday at tha "SteDDerarv." on
the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shan
non. The younger element of local
society waa fully represented and sev
eral out of town guests attended Re
freshments were served shortly before
A right of way dispute took place
Saturday between E. H. Green'a Ford
automobile and a B. A O. box ear on
the Mount Hood railroad crossing.
Dased but undaunted, tbe Ford was
again in commission in twenty min
utes, while tbe boxcar was sidetracked
for a general overhauling.
Miaa Leita Bowerman. of Odell. was
a week end guest at the shannon ranch.
The newly organized Dee grange held
an interesting meeting Friday evening.
Plana for a grange ball are progressing
A. R. Nickels waa in Hood River Fri
day on business.
Miss May Scholts. of eastern Oregon,
ia visiting ber father here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. smith, who were
married in -Hood River last month, left
Monday for The Dalles, where Mr.
Smith is employed.
Mrs. Benton Mays and Miss Blanche
Maya, of The Dalles, who have been
spending the summer on their ranch
here, left ibursday lor their home.
Harry Ogata, one of tha foremost
JsrjsneBe ranchers of thia community.
left with bis family for Seattle, wbere
they will embark on tbe steamer Ha
waii Maru tor Japan. After visiting
seversl months at bis home near Naga
saki. Mr. Ogata plans to return here
next spring.
After spending a year with bis uncle,
Charles G. Roberts, Dewey Reid left
thia week for Seattle, where he will
take a position in a large machine shop.
Fred Pillings.managerof the "Cash"
Jones ranch, had a force of men en
gaged last week picking Bartlett pears.
Mrs. S. G. Emilio and Mrs. L. F.
Parker drove to Hood River Tuesday.
Miss Ksthryn McGowan, of Ogden,
arrived recently and will make her
home with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rom-
Mr. Onthank.' of Hood River, was a
business caller at Mount Hood Thurs
Mra. C. W. Kitchel and son. Dick,
returned home Saturday after spending
s couple of weeks at her former borne
in Cbehalis.
Mrs. F. Everson returned home Sat
urday from a visit at Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dimmick were at
Hood River Wednesday.
Mr. Montell. pear inspector, wss at
ount Hood Tuesday and Wednesday,
Mrs. Lottie Quin Watts and son and
Lorena Leasure went to Portland Sat
urday and from there they will go to
the hop yards.
Louise Nex returned to Portland Sat
urday where she attends high school
Jake Lena and family were in Hood
River Saturday.
A. M. Kelly and children were Hood
River callers Tuesday,
Mrs. Geo. Barr is stsying in Hood
River. John Barr moved to Parkdale
Sunday wbere be will stay for tbe
school year.
The Mount Hood Parent-Teacher As
sociation will give a aocial at tbe achool
house. Mrs. Clara Smullen has charge
of tbe program. Everyone invited,
Dr. Kanaga and Prof. Crites. of
Hood River, have gone to Long Prairie
on a camoine trip, lbey were accom
panied by Stanley waiters.
We have new neighbors who arrived
just this week.
and Mrs. Craft are entertaining
tltem to purchase what catches their
Woe to one who la beguiled to walk
Into the snare, for tbe gUb tongue of
the traveling merchant will soon In
duce him to take possession of that
particular article to which hla atten
tion la directed at any price demand
ed. If he haa something to offer In
exchange fleecing atopa there, but la
case he haa nothing to give In return
a great calamity will befall him.
Tbe vendor will assure him that ha
la quite welcome to carry away the ar
ticle on credit He will come back
again to the town after a certain lapse
of time. If the native bauds over one
or several head of cattle aa the case
may be, and an extra sheep or a horse,
equivalent In value to 90 or 40 per cent
of the price of the gooda advanced, aa
Interest, everything will be satisfac
tory. However, tbe merchant on re
turning seldom collects the price, but
ia satisfied with carrying away the
promised interest, leaving the pur
chaser in debt ao that he can forever
milk him.
Thus, it la not rare to see some
Mongolians working for the payment
of usurious Interest on a debt con
tracted by their fathers or even grand
fathers as the reeult of having fallen
a victim to one of these tricky Chines
peddlers. Argonaut
. . . ii inr. iiu inia. vibii
iarge per chii t " ... i I their neDhew. of Seattle, and a num-
io Masonic picnic at Bonneville won- bfir of friendi Xney marie the trjp
by auto.
Why Water Quench Thirst
Thirst a word of Anglo-Saxon origin
and akin to the Latin torreo and our
rnrrlrt nr narohed. describes a Decullar
Masonic picnic at wnsation 0f dryness and beaf located
In the tongue and throat Artificial
thirst may be produced by the nasaage
of a current of air over tne mucous
membrane of these parts, but normal
thirst la the consequence ot a lack ot
Uauto In the system. The agony of ex
trema thirst Is due to tbe tact that all
tbe tiasues sympathise in thia distress.
It la then as a refreshing relief that
a aupply of water comes to thirsting
Hps, replacing what has been lost, cool
Ing the parched palate and rapidly
removing the craving which baa de
pressed tbe system. In short, water
qoenchea thirst Just because It auppllea
what at the moment la wanting and is
most eagerly desired, ao that Solomon
could properly compare the gift of
"cold waters to a thirsty soul" to the
advent of good newa. Thirst la to
some extent appeased by the Injection
of water Into the blood or body, though
no fluid touches the part to which the
One ef Them Can Grip and Easily Put
to Death a Frog.
The frog's worst enemy la a monster
water bug which inhabits the tropical
waters of both Nortb and South Amer
ica. This water bug la one of tbe
largest aquatic insects. It is called a
giant by comparison with other bugs,
but it la much smaller than any of the
frogs on which it preys. Tet so pow
erful are Its legs that it ia sure death
for the frog that gets within their
The two principal Joints ot tbe fore
legs fold down on one another, and the
stouter of these two haa a groove
along lta front to receive the sharp
Inner edge of tbe next Joint much aa
the blade of a pocketknlfe folds down.
In the pools and the estusries of
tidal waters these giant bugs hide
among stones and rubbish, from which
they dart rapidly to attack passing
frogs and occasionally Ashes. Tbe vic
tim la clasped by tbe bug's forelegs,
and tbe deadly beak between its two
compound eyes ia plunged deep Into
tbe flesh.
This is not a case of taking toll
merely of the victlm'a blood, as In the
case of many otber aucklng insects; it
Is speedily followed by tbe death of
the bug's victim. This appears to b
due to a copious supply of liquid from
around the base of the beak, which
finds Its way into tbe puncture.
Professor Locy has traced thia to a
pair of glands In the bead of the giant
water bug. Their lecretion produces
death very quickly. New Tork American.
Getting an Autograph.
Munich boy of fourteen who had
seen and admired many of Rudolf von
Selti'a paintings waa anxious to se
cure the painter's autograph, but did
not know how to go about it After
much thought he wrote a letter, stat
ing that he bad sent a case ot wine to
the professor's address and wanted to
know whether it had been received.
Thinking tbe matter of sufficient im
portance, the painter did not write, but
called at the address given, met tbe
boy's mother, and the fraud soon be
came apparent Tne boy was Thor
oughly scolded and next day received
tbia autograph note:
It often happens ber on earth
That little rogues to great ones crow.
Borne autographs for which you'r trying
Can be procured without much lying.
day. We had a fine day and a glorious
time. Fully buu people were present
Mrs. N. J. Madden captured the new
teacher for a boarder. Tbe girl will
have a nne home,
Judge A. C. Buck, ftom Hood River,
autoed ud from tbe
Bonneville Monday afternoon and toon
dinner with Postmaster A. 0. Adams,
We are nlessed to see Mrs. Val W
Tomkins home from the hospital. She
looks fine.
We are sorry to learn of the illness
of Mrs. J. P. Lucas.
Archdeacon H. D. Chambers, of
Portland, and Rev. T. Gibbs, of La
Grande, visited at the home of Val W
Tomkins Friday. -They motored over
the Highway from Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Adams. Jr., his
mother and Mrs. C. C. Hon autoed to
Portland Tuesday morning
The next meeting of the Mothers'
club will be September 1, with Mrs.
We were all sorry to hear of the ill-
Ass of Miss Bernice Hansen. She wu
tsken to the Cottage hospital Sundsy.
It wss necesssry to operate for ap
pendicitis, and the latest report is that I . .
sne is aoing as wen aa cuuiu ue ti(ti
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. War
ner, Tuesday, Aug. 29, a baby girl.
C. R. Schmiek baa sold bis 20 acre
place to W. Kendall, of California.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hill snd Mr. and
Mrs.lH. Furrow and little Bill enjoyed
several days camping in the JJpper
There will be a ailver tea Wednes
dsy, Sept. 13, at Maasee's apple house,
under the ausnicea ot tbe Odell M. E.
Ladiea' Aid. The Pine Grove Ladies'
Aid. the Odell Guild and tbe Mothers'
elub, of this district, arecordially in
At tbe last meeting of tha Industrisl
club the .following officers were elect
ed: Pres., Chester Cheveron: Tress.,
Hsrold Hagen: See.. Thelma Cameron.
Children are busy getting reedy for tbe
Fair on Saturday, bep. lb.
Ralph Jarvia spent the week on his
rsnch at Frankton.
Misa Olive Moaa baa gone to Port
land, where she will take up her work
No Sanaa of Proportion.
Tbe young man who bad spent hla
efforts for several yeara without re
sult in studying art was talking with
hla practical uncle, who bad patiently
paid the bills.
"Of course," aald the young artist I
know I haven't made much of a go ot
It but I don't think yon ought to ad
vise me to try something else. Tou
know it's best to put all your eggs in
one basket and watch that basket"
"Urn! That may be, Charlie; but
did you ever think how foolish it Is to
put so many baskets around one ban
tam egg?"
Rubber Trees.
Rubber trees planted In Ceylon hsve "
attained a height of fifty feet and a
girth of two feet from tbe aurface of
tbe ground in six yeara. At tbe end
of that time the trees are ready for
tapping In order to extract the latex,
or Bap, which Is transformed into rubber.
Evading the Issue.
"Haa that borrowing friend of yours
dropped out ot eight?"
"Oh, no; he manages to keep in
touch with me." Baltimore American.
The Things That Cem Herat
1 am happy because It it ao easy
for ma to write," said a beginner to
one of the great mas tars of French
"Go home and pray," aald tha mas
ter, "that It may come hard."
It ta ao of writing, ao of thinking, ao
of life. The easy thing la barely worth
doing. The hard thing la worth do
ing, though the end be failure. A
goal, to make which one fairly tugs at
life and ret misses. Is better tnaa a
victory softly won.
So often the man who speaks easily
tolls na least, while the sparing words
one wrenches from a taciturn speaker
are Imbedded tn thought Shakespeare
aald that Gratia no talked more than
any other man In all Venice. Bat he
eomneired bis speech to a bushel of
chair tn which lay hidden a alngle
grain of wheat and that not worth the
lading. Toledo Blade.
I ii mm
Hie Wish.
Tom I wish tbls ten dollar bill waa
a ten dollar dent, met ueavensi
Why? Tom I'd never get rid of it-Exchange.
He chooses best who chooaeth labor
tastead of rest-Old Saying.
Hood River Cigar Factory
F. M. WHITE, Proprietor
Manufacturer of
High Grade Cigars
Dr. Jesse Edgington
Office at Residence 903 Fourth 8t
Telephone 3783
Rubber Ptamp Ink at Glacier office,
phoning to tbs issnioo