HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916 Your Picnic or Outing Lunch WE HAVE: Veal Loaf Potted Tongue Deviled Meats Chipped Beef Olives Pickles Peanut Butter Chili Pimento Cheese REMEMBER CASH GROCERY Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 1012 LADIES! We have just received a new lot of Country Club Toilet Preparations Come in & let us ihow them to you Chas. N.r Clarke YOUR Druggist 411111 1 1 m ii n n ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Birthdays Why not Make Your Birthday Gift in 1916 something that will endure and serve as a reminder of this par ticular anniversary year? A Dainty Lavallier, the Birthstone in a Handsome Setting or a Fine Bit ot Silver make charming gifts. The name "LARAWAY" on your gift is in itself evidence of your thoughtfulness and is positive as surance of the quality, distinction and worthiness of the gift. We will appreciate your valued inspection. W. F. LARAWAY Jeweler win n....r.n..n.i..M....n.."H"H"i"M""H"H mm i i-h-h-h-m hi W. G. SNOW Phone 2611 Fourth Street The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOS. D. CALKINS ( TMl OOI OUBl HND1 KOIT HIM KW.W I it QUAury f yes. amp A man I f net ybutNTi.tKtN'L Tteo-euTriNt J I doisntmvi toI USt W-B CUT TOtACCaH AWStAaOMlOWnHl ORlNOAHO SPIT lIKt MA1 I MK WMV f SAl-T. SO A LlTTll (- I TMOSC WHO USE rd 1 ' CHEW SATIgFltS t, OKDIN TOBACCO YOU can't hide the truth that's why men who use W-B CUT Chewing know what quality tobacco is. A small chew of the real tobacco tucked away in the cheek gives men the tobacco satisfaction they A Meatlemaii'a chew it euts down f riadiaf and ipittinf and there's mo unwieldy wad to roll around ia your mouth or to pluf out the check. Give W-B CUT Cbewinf tbo quality tet aod learn what tobacco atiafactioa it. tUk ly WETMAN-BRUTON COMFANT, SO Vmm Sfaars, Hew Terk City T WE DELIVER LADIES! m m 1 1 n wn i i 1 1 m m Mean Gifts It ia high time yon were think ing, M r. Orcbardists, of the con dition of your wagon. It wants to be at its best when you begin to haul your apple crop. REM EM BE R, too, that we make the best apple racks obtainable. And you will want a nailing press. ! HoodlRiver Box Nailing Press has been found the best by test in orchard communities all over the globe. WHY THty Jii W CUT TOCCo) OREGON COMMENT ON BILLY SUNDAY (From ths Oregonisn) Billy Sunday is an extraordinary man, with an extraordinary method, delivering a real message. It does not xplsin Billy Sunday to say that he ia a specialist in vulgarity and that there is a streak or the vulgar in most nu man beincs. You can hear vulgarity in any brothel, and you avoid it. Nor does it abed any light on the mau'a strange drawing powers to say that he has introduced vaudeville into the pul pit. There are other preachers about whom the ordor ot the sawdust ana ine animal cage lingers, and they get little more than passing notiee. Nor can it be said that the man has a great na tural eloquenee, and that crude and rough as it is, it makea an irrestible appeal. There are men who have greater gifts ot speech that face every Sunday nearly empty pews. Yet Sun day is a great preacher. It eannot be hia spirituality, for he does not pre' tend to have any, in the sense of a re fined and pervading grace. He is not a great actor, though a good one ; nor a great interpreter of religioua life and experience ; nor even a great teacher and exemplar or morals. Sunday ia more or less of an enigma. Perhaps it is his career that appeals somehow to the people. Sundsy ia in the striker's box, and the crowd ia in the grandstand and in the bleachers. He ia expected to make a home run, and. unilke Casev.he never strikes out. Sundsy goes into the ring and tack lea the Devil with bis bare nanas. it ia a great fight, and the crowd loves it. Sunday ascends to the trapese, near the highest pninacle of the circus tent, and thrills and amazes old and young alike by the skill, rapidity and boldness of his verbal and physical acrobatics. Sunday puts a round, smooth stone in bis sling and goes forth before the as sembled multitudes and overthroows the Rum Goliath. Always Sunday makes a base bit, or knocks out his heavy weight antagonist, or hits the bull's eye. Regularly the performance ia repeated, and there are no disap pointments, no delayed game, no rain- checks. There are those who ssy Sunday does more harm than good. Some preachers think so, and all saloonkeepers. But to the crowd he appears to head the batting list in the great human game. CHAPMAN URGES BIGGER AUTO LICENSE D. H. Drewery, chairman of the automobile committee of the Commer cial club has received from C. C. Chap man a resolution in endorsement of a proposed bill to be submitted to the next legislature providing for an in crease in motor car licenses. Com municating with the Glacier Mr. Drewery says: "There is certainly a lot of merit to a resolution or this kind, and tne writer would be very much pleased and appreciate it if you would give the matter such publicity as you deem advisable." w The Chapman resolution follows: "Whereas, the wear on Oregon roads is caused principally by automobile traffic, and "whereas, the improvement of through highways is of direct benefit to automobile owners, in saving tire and other expense, and. "Whereas, automobile owners as a class are liberally disposed toward road improvement and wilTendure an increases of auto license fees if the proceeds are to be expended by the state for permanent improvement of through roads, therefore, be ft "Kesolved. thai we recommend to the 1917 general assembly of the state of Oregon the enactment of such legis lation as will bring an increased rev enue from automobile license fees, same to be the basis for providing interest and sinking fund payments for bond issues for permanent highway improvement by the state." PAVING COMPLETE IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY The paving of the Columbia River highway in Multnomah county has been brought to completion and the road was thrown open to traffic Saturday. Aa a result more automobiles than have been seen in Hood River in a single former week end, were here Sunday. The old stretches of plank and dirt road are gone and the new hardsurface extends for 26.73 miles east of Trout dale. The highway has been a little more thn three years in costruction. It was conceived in June, 1913. The highway proper has coBt $1,300,000, a little more than $48,000 a mile. There are more than 40 viaducts and bridges on the scenic highway. Motorists to the number of 8000 speed over the highway weekly, it was found this summer. 1916 HOLDS RECORD FOR FREAK WEATHER The year 1916 will belong remem bered in Hood River for the freak weather that has prevailed constantly since New Years. Following a record snowfall of more than seven feet in the aggregate, the months of May and June were marked for their unprec edented rainiaii. While the normal rainfall for the month of July ia but a trace, over an inch of precipitation prevailed the past July. One of the heaviest August rainfall in history prevailed Monday night of last week and a light precipitation also continued throughout Tuesday. Although normally about half of the average annual 30 inch precipitation prevails in the Hood River valley from September 1 to January 1, the rainfall for thia year has already reached the 25 inch mark. Sen Plans Tent City Planninff on the influx nf mntnvinar t All PIO fa nAvt vast Hanra Qap nannai. wwwatasun jveaaa auij UUI a ( pivpi l etor ot the Hotel Oregon, says he will operate an auxiliary tent city in a large grove about a mile and a half from town. "I have already placed an order for two automobiles," says Mr. Serr, "and those of my guests who prefer to live in the nrun air will ha innamrtsH aa they desire to the woodland tenta. ine sleeping quarters win be equipped aa comfortably aa possible, and ar rangements will be made to serve breakfast in rustic quartera in the grove. On several week ends this summer the accommodations of local hotels have been inadequate for the large number of touring automobilista. CN. CLARKE HAS HANDSOME FOUNTAIN Tha Glacier Pharmacy, of Chas, Clarke in the Smith building, has been much improved in appearance by the installation of the new Liquid aod a fountain. The mahogany and marble work of the new fountain aet the store room off tastily. Tha new fountain was put into com mission last Saturday and has already attracted the attention of many. The new installation ia equipped with all glass syrup and drink containers. The metal parte of the fountain era of Ger man silver, a material mat ooea not tarnish and can be easily cleaned. Mr. Clarke haa put into use the new sani tary service, serving drinks ''and ice cream confections in sanitary waxed paper containers. Henry Haas ia the efficient drink mixer at the Glacier Pharmacy's new fountain. GEOLOGISTS REFUTE SMOKE STORIES Recent stories to the effect that smoke haa been seen issuing from the old crater of Mount Hood are absolute ly without foundstion, according to an unofficial report of a party of govern ment geologists, who Saturday hiked from the Upper Valley to Lost Lake, where they will make a study of geo logical formations. After spending several days making observations on the base of Mount ilood and in the very crater itself, the geologists, ten of whom are in the party, investigated the huge mass of lava beds just west of Parkdale and tested the flow of water from the large glacial springa that bubble from the foot of the lava formations. "The geologists will spend several days in the Lost Lake country," say a C. B. Compton, a Dee Flat rancher at whose place they visited en route to the lake. The men will also visit the ice and lava eaves iathe region around Trout Lake in northwestern Klickitat county, Wash. NOT ENOUGH FOR GROWER Too Many Hands Increase Cost CLOG DISTRIBUTION The great cry today is for less selling charges by the establishment of more direct contact with the con sumers. Growers in different parts of the Northwest have learned that apples upon which they net fifty or seventy-five cents, sell at retail for over three dollars. When you con sider that most of the apples are aold by the associations and shipping or ganizations either to; or; through a few firms of large receiving jobbers, who sell to smaller jobbers, who in turn supply retailers, who finally sell to the consumers, the fact that the growers only receive a small portion of the final prices does not appear inexplainable. " Consumption Is Curtailed. . Many of the growers overlook what is of greater importance than the subtraction of the high selling charges namely the decreased demand for the apples of ths Northwest because of the high prices which must be paid for them. In order to market at a profit the apples of the Northwest, it is necessary for a wider and more direct outlet to be developed than that afforded y the few jobbers' stores in each large city, which now handle box-apples from the North west. In full crop years, hundreds of cars of apples are either tramped around the country or held in cold Btorage too long while the shipper seeks buy ers. Finally in a defective condition many of these are dumped upon the auction because no buyers at private sale are to be found for them after they have lost quality. These cars, if they are fed to the auctions sys tematically in the largest cities of the country will bring returns written in black instead of red ink. Apple Shippers Misuse Auctions. The apple shippers use the great clearing houses as places of last re sort for defective goods, while the Californians and Floridans, Cubans, Porto Ricans, Sicilians and Spaniards place their fanciest fruits upon the auction markets of Boston, Philadel phia, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Cleve land, Buffalo, Kansas City, Pittsburgh and like cities. Wholesalers, retailers and brokers come to the auctions for their regular daily supplies of all these other fruits. If apples were supplied the auctions in the same manner the large selling charges of the big receiving jobber could be evaded. Also, the hundreds of little jobbers who buy in less than carload quantities could get their sup plies direct. ARTHUR M. GEARY, 518 Northwesters Bank Bldg., Port land, Ore, J ICmm "aa -Adv. Western Union Man Has Thrilling Ride After closing his office one night last week, Eiwin Scheffield, manager of the Western Union office, decided to take a short tour on a Cleveland motor cycle for which be and Floyd Gibbs had just taken the agency. Mounting the new machine he sped away. But the ride was of greater duration than Mr. Scheffield had contemplated. He learned almost immediately that, al though he had learned how to manipu late the starting apparatus, he had failed to comprehend the methods needed to bring the mechanical steed to a bait Up hill and down hill Mr. Scheffield sped for a couple of boura. He finally succeeded in attracting the attention of a fellow mortorcyclist, who mount ing his own machine rode beside the amateur and instructed him in the meana of stopping the runaway cycle. Batter wrappers at this office. DUFUR PAPER SCENTS PREPAREDNESS WORK In the recent work of the United Statea Geodesic aurvey, the Dufur Dispatch scents work of preparedness, commenting on the activities of a crew of engineers, who recently paaaed through Hood River in two big auto mobile trucka, tha Dispatch lays: A few weeks ago a party of United Statea geodetic surveyors were in tbia vicinity and apent aeveral daya in and near Dufur. They spent some time at Mount Lookout and at different points in the neighborhood, taking altitudes, making obaervatona, ete. They wete very reticent about then object in coming here and in spending the time tbey did in this vicinity, but let the impression go out that they were con nected with the forestry department and were establishing observation and signaling points for use by that depart ment. But there are those who dis credit thia atory, or information. On Mount Lookout there has been for some yeara a signal post or "look out" for use in the forest fire protec tion. But at thia atation the geodetic surveyors on their reeent trip put in a heliograph, or an instrument for (lash ing signals by meana of the sun's raya falling on mirrors. Also a light for flashing signals at night. At Mount St. Helena another signal station has been established and the alngala be tween these two points can be plainly aeen, both by day and night, and mes sages sent from one point by means of tne Morse code can be plainly read at the other. Many other aignal stationa have been established up and down the coast, so that a regular chain of aignal communication can be earried out. It was alsp found out that the govern ment has a chain of signals entirely across the continent so that, if neces sary, the communication between the Atlantic and Pacific can be carried on by means of these stations. It also leaked out from aome of the employes of the recent survey that it ia the intention in time to place a pow er plant in Hood river, near Mount Lookout and establish an electiic plant to furnish light for aignaling purposes. Many are ol the opinion that this ia part of the preparedness program which the government is very much inter ested in at present, and it seems feas- able. Apple Crop Lighter A summary of the August crop report for the state of Oregon and for the United States, aa compiled by the uureau or urop Estimates (and trans- mi ted through the Weather Bureau,) I). S. Department of Agriculture, ia as follows: State 'August 1 forecast, 1,210,000 barrels; production last year, (final estimate,) 1,043,000 barrels. United States: Augua 1 forecast. 71,60(1,000 barrels ; production last year. (final estimate,) 76,670,000 barrels. RHEUMATISM ARRESTED ' Many people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc ceeding attack seems more acme unui rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature'sgreat blood maker, while ita medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands every day who could not find other relief Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL GOLLECE In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Learning and Labor, Forty-eighth School Year Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses requiring a four-year high school preparation, are offered in the following: AGRICULTURE, 16 Departments; COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN EERING, 6 Departments; MINES, 3 Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart ments; and PHARMACY. Vocational Courses requiring an Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. 0 Catalogue and beautiful illustrated booklet free. Address Thk RkGISTRAX, 1 w-7-U 1 to 9-7-16) COR VALUS, OS BOON Dr. William Morton Post Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Bldg. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON CM. HURLBURT SURVEYOR TELEPHONE 5648 W.J.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands F. B. Snyder B. B. Powell Hood River Plumb ing Company SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline Engines, Pump. Rama. Repairing Prompt ly Attended. Eatimatea Furntahed. Phone MM. Next to City Water Office. OAK STREET iSter Orchard Ladders Are Light, Strong and Durable m cant Break 'EVERY STEP ft BOLTED NO NAILS n irnw u w Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. Travelers Cheques 2fe First National Bank Members Federal Reserve System PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY Steamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays. Thursdays Up Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdays All kinds of freight and passengers bandied. Horses and automobiles given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3514 Hunt Paint & Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 312 Cascade Ave. Phone 1 394 S. E. BARTMEvSS MM DIM ID PRACTICAL EMBALMER HOOD RIVER, OREGON Auto Transfer Service Baggage, Express and Freight Handled on Shortest Notice. Office in Foust & Merle Store, Mt Hood Annex. Tel. 2431 R. N. YOUNG WeEare beginning our seventh season selling this ladder which has given splendid satis faction in the orange groves of California as well as the apple or chards of Hood River. Owing to the advance cost of material thewhole sale price has been raised but we still are selling them at the old price of 35 cents per foot. 6c safe and convenient way to carry money on your journey. We supply you with Association or Express Com pany Checks as you prefer. Call and permit us to explain their advantages. Wall Paper Co. Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste