The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 29, 1916, Image 7

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p ii hi n 1 1 1 1 in m i ii in .
Go to Law.The Cleaner. tf
Shoe made or repaired at Johnsen's
"Peggy." the guaranUed attraction
at tbe Electric today.
Dave Burnett, of Condon, has been
visiting relative heie.
Randall S. Pratt bai been in Portland
this week on business.
E. Shelley Morgan, of Portland, is
beie looking after bis Frankton rancb.
First class work guaranteed. Cbris
Ranley's Shop. jnltf
D. P. Gillam was in Portland last
week on business.
S "Rupert of Bentsau," at tbe Gem
H. Eilers, of Portland, was here last
week !:cking after property interests.
Dr. and Mrs. Stsnton Allen spent a
portion of last week in Portland.
C. A. Tucker was a business visitor
in Hhe Dalles last week.
Use the river daily service; route your
freight over Regulator Line. al3tf
M. T. Oliver, of Dee. spent tbe week
end in the city.
II you want shoes that don't
wrong go to Johnson's.
P. W. Angus was a Portland visitor
last week.
Half Soles, pair 75c: rubber heels.pair
40c. Chris Ranley's Shop. jnltf
W. F. Tobey. of Portland, was here
over tbe week end on business.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Lill are visiting
friends in Eugene.
G. H". Carrier, piano tuner. Hood
River ; work guaranteed ; tel. 31,02. sGU
Alex Sweek, of Portland, was here
last week on business.
F. G. Church has purchased an Oak
land six from the Heights garage.
Have your shoes repaired at Chris
Ranley's Shop. jnltf
G. Wertgen, of the Upper Valley,
spent the week end in tbe city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Reed were Port
land visitors last week.
If your shoes have gone wrong take
them to Johnsen.
T. A. A. Robertson, proprietor of
the Cat'n Fiddle cafe in Portland, was
here last week seeing the valley.
Pauline Frederick will be shown in
"Lydia Gilmore" at the Electrie Fri
day and Saturday.
Mrs. S. E. Douglas and son hsve
been visiting Mrs. Douglas' daughter,
Mrs. Chaa. Early, at Lyle, Wasb.
Chss. Smith, of Portland, has been
here visiting his brother, W. G. E.
Auction sale of furniture Friday and
Saturdsy afternoons from 2 to 5.30.
S. E. Bartmess.
After a visit with her grandmother
in Portland, Miss Ann Shepard has re
turned home.
Miss Helen Davidson is in Canter
bury, 0., the old home of ber grand
father, visiting relatives.
A Buck Parviu story appearing in the
Saturday Evening Post, will be at the
Gem Friday and Saturday.
Robert Taylor has returned from
Portland, where he attended the Pio
neer convention.
Baggage transferred day or night.
Phones, day 2521, residence 3473. Geo.
Carlton. tf
Mrs. Marion MacRse is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker at Little
Boy ranch.
Our closing out sale of furniture pos
itively closes Saturday night. S. E.
Films left with us up to 4 o'clock p. m.
are ready for delivery the next evening.
Slocotu A Canfield Co. m23tf
Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Kiskern, of Cen
tralis, have been here for a visit with
Mrs. Kiekern's father, Leslie Butler.
Jsck Anderson has joined Oregon's
fighting force through a Portland re
cruiting office.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Schreuders have
been visiting Portland friends and rela
tives. Don't you Just love doughnut? and cof
fee? Try some of our baking. Blue Rib
bon Bakery, phone 2373. tf
Carroll, the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl K. Bsrtmess, is recovering
from an operation for throat trouble.
The operation was performed Tuesday.
Mary Pickford at tbe Electric next
Monday and Tuesday. "Peggy" at the
Electric today, is the picture sensation
of tbe year.
Joe M. Johnsen, who has been attend
ing Whitman College at Walla Walla,
where during the past year be has won
numerous honors, returned home last
week for the summer vacation.
This Is the Last Week, Monday
July 3, Is Last Day of Our Big Sale
Take advantage of the Real Money Saving Opportunities now.
Prices such as we are now making will not be duplicated for a
long day to come, if ever, as all lines are now advancing.
I Now Arrivals this Week, Are Greatly Reduced
Remember you have but a few
more day in which to profit by
Seweat Unloading Saleof our
SfJE Twk-July 3 last day.
eonBned ta ber bed the past week.
ton left last week.for Ager. Calif.
it?; McLucas wu in Portland I alt
week on business.
"."' taiw Blount "d children are
visaing Mrs. Blount's mother. Mrs"
Anna Una, of tbe Odell community.
.oa. nnismng-expert work-twent
four hour service. Slocom & Canfie'
vr . m23t
A. Millard and son, A
Millard. Jr..
were cere Isst week
from tbe Upper
Mrs. T A. SchalL of Portland, is
Deita, " n,otner. Mrs. Fred
For special dinners on Saturday, Mr.
OrchardiBt, visit the Hoff Brau in rear
of Garrabranfe cigar store. jnl5tf
Tony Frohn and J. E. Robertson were
business visitors at Rutbton tbe first of
tbe week.
Miss Bennett, of Parkdale. and Miss
H. L. Buchsnan. of Tampa, Fla., were
in the city over the week end.
Mrs. A. W. Rabies and little daugh
ter, of Portland, have been here visit
ing relatives. x J
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Winningbaum, of
Seattle, motored here and spent tbe
week end seeing the valley.
J. R. Caldwell last week purchased a
Dodge touring csr from the Colombia
Auto & Machine Co. '
One Hood River boy, Milo Frederick,
who is on tbe naval reserve list, is ex
pecting a call to report for service.
Miss Flora Wilson is taking a vaca
tion, visiting Portland, and Puget
Sound and coast points.
The U. B. Ladies' Aid will hold a
bske sale at Bartmess' store Ssturdsy,
July 1. A fine;iine of "eats, "as usual.
Mrs. Kent Shoemaker was called to
Portland last week because of tbe ill
ness of her mother, Mrs. Thomas.
J. W. Morton has been in Sslem tbe
past week attending to matters of bus
iness. T. A. Cone, a prominent Chicago
business man, is visiting the ranch of
Dr. E. J. Weity, at Dee.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Simonton, who
spent the winter at Astoria, have re
turned here.
The front of the Bartmess building,
which is soon to be occupied by the D.
G. Cruikshank Co., is being remodeled.
Will Csss has been elected principal
of the Odell schools for the coming
Miss Virginia Johnson spent the
week end with friends in Portland and
visiting the Clackamas range.
Judge Stanton has returned from St.
Paul, Minn., where he has been to at
tend to business.
Mrs. J. L. Hutchins is in Free water,
where her husband is now engsged in
the printing business.
F. W. Bluhm wss at Lebanon over
the week end looking after his ranch
Mrs. A. L. Dean left last week for
San.Pedro, Calif., for a visit with rela
tives. Miss Dorothy Cram left last week
for Lake Park on tbe Tillamook beach
for a visit with friends.
State Engineer John H. Lewis was
here last Saturday inspecting the Co
lumbia River bighwsy west of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Peters who have
been viaiting in the valley, left last
week for Central City, Ohio.
Miss Maude Carlisle left last week
for Iiee, where she will spend tbe next
several weeks visiting friends.
Earl Weber and Art Kolstsd motored
to Portlsnd the latter part of last week
in Mr. Kolstad's automobile.
Charles and Henry Steinhsuser were
here from the Upper Valley last week
attending to business.
George Davis, of Silverton, has ac
cepted a position with tbe Keir & Cass
drug store for the summer.
Mrs. A. E. Macnamara entertsined
Monday evening in celebrstion of the
birthday of ber brother, King Tyler,
who is visiting here from Portland.
We will write your Fire, Automobile,
Life and Accident Insurance and Bonds
in the largest and best companies; old
est insurance agency in the city. J. M.
Culbertson A Co., phone 2483. tf
Miss Dorothy Epping, who has been
at home visiting her mother, Mrs. Em
ma Epping, returned last week to
Berkeley, Calif., where she will take
work in the summer school.
Ethel Farlev. 1
ber daughter. Miss
Mrs. J. D. Farley
rived Sunday to spend
with her son, Sherman J.
the summer
Frank, and
Ladies Sport Skirts - - 89c to $4.38
Cretonne Middle Suits, white and colored middies.
Silk and Lisle Hose, black, white and colors.
Men's Sport Shirts, Sport and Wash Trousers.
Men's Silk and Lisle Socks and New Wash Ties.
Bragg Mercantile U).
Men's Sport Shirts
$1.00 to $1.75
Plain and fancy, colors fast. Ide Quality.
Ide Guaranteed Shirts
$1.50 and up
Just received a dancly tig lot of tkese
splendid shirts.
Hundreds of bright, nevJ patterns
and colorings.
Plain and pleated, bosoms,
starched or soft cuffs and
shirt tailoring that is faultless
from collar to hem.
Every size and sleeve length
every sDlendid Quality of ma
terial that makes a good shirt
See them to-day.
75c to $2.50
Mrs. William Passch spent the letter
part of last week at Viento with ber
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ostergsrd.
"Tbe Price of Malice," a strong Me
tro picture, will be seen at the Gem
Monday and Tuesday. Also a Drew
Mrs. Will Kemp and Mrs. E. O. Du
tro and children, of Odell, spent tbe
week end here with Mrs. Harry Conna
way and family.
Dorsey B. Smith, who has charge of
Cloud Cap Inn was bera over tbe week
end making preparations for tbe open
ing of the mountain hostelry.
Every article of furniture at whole
sale or below at our positively closing
out sale. Closes Saturday night. S.
E. Bartmess.
F. E. Weidenmueller, of Pasadena,
Calif., a student the past year at tbe
University of California, is here this
week on business.
Bring us vour films for development
and printing. Prices the lowest for
GOOD work. Twenty-four hour service
Slocom & Canfield Co. m23tf
G. B. Vieta, of Portland, district su
perintendent of the American Express
Co., wss here the first of the week to
visit the local office of the company.
W. S. Phillips and daughter, Miss
Hazel Phillips, of Grant county, were
here last week visiting Mr. Phillips'
sister, Mrs. S. B. Carisle.
Str. Stranger leaves Portland 7 a. m.
Monday. Wednesday and Friday ; leaves
The Dalles 7 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday ; fare 50c; meals 25c. aI3tf
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dean and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. W. Barton motored to Port
land over the Columbia River highway
R. J. Mclsaac, of Parkdale, motored
to town Sunday to meet bis mother,
who is here from Iowa to spend the
Str. Dalles City leaves Portland Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday 7 a. m
Leaves The Dalles Monday, Wednesday
and Friday 7 a. m. Fare $1.25 al3tf
D. W. Rockhold, a San Francicso
teacher, who spends tbe summers on
bis Upper Valley rancb, is visiting at
Trout Lake this week.
Al Whitehead is at White Salmon
where he is employed by the fruit
growers' agency in taking care of
strawberry shipments.
Mr. and Mrs. Peironnet have arrived
from Chicago to spend the summer in
the Upper Valley with their son, James
J. O. McLaughlin, Grand Worthy
Patron of the Eastern Star of Oregon,
wss at Wasco Saturdsy attending the
installation of a Chapter there.
Accompanying Miss Myrtle Meadows,
whose brother, Floyd Meadows, is a
member of the Oregon National Guard,
Miss Dorothy Battey and Miss Clara
Rand went on a picnic to Camp With
ycombe at Clackamas Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Zimmerman
and children, of Chicsgo, and Miss
Gennedean Kress, of Milwsukie, who
hsve been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Rogers, will return to their respective
homes this week.
It JT .
A. 0. Aiarrs, Jr., of Cascade Locks,
was here the latter part of last week
on business.
Miss Adrienne Epping, who has been
attending the University of Oragon.
has returned home for'tbe summer va
cation. Mrs. Helen Boetzkes arrived last
week from Seattle and will spend the
summer at Lodge Serene with her
daughter, Miss Otilie BoeUkes.
The members of the White Apron
club spent one day Isst week at Dee
visiting the big mill of tbe Oregon
Lumber Co.
I W. E. Imholc begsn work this week
to remodel the front of the shoe store
of J. C. Johnsen. A single large show
window will be installed.
A. Fertig, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
Fertig, is borne from the Oregon Agri
cultural College and will spend tbe va
cation here.
Anthony Euwer arrived last week
from New Yorklto spend the summer
with his brother, Eugene C. Euwer, in
the Upper Valley.
Miss Leone Steinhotf, of Sesttle, is
here visiting her grandpsrents, Mr.anl
Mrs. J. L. Blount, and her sister, Mrs.
Earl Frans.
Jack Stanton, who is now with the
Ellison-White Chautauqua Co., apent
several days here this week with his
The meeting of tbe Altar Society of
St. Mary's Catholic church will be held
next month at the home of Mrs. Hu
bert Cramer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Thomas and I. J.
Jordsn, of Portland, motored here Isst
week over the Columbia River highway
for a visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harbke, of Port
land, were here last week visiting
friends. They came by automobile
over the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wsldie, Miss
Genevieve Kress and Ed Eberly mo
tored to Portlsnd over tbe Columbia
River highway Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Johnson and children were
here from Wyeth last Thursday to help
Mrs. Johnson's father, W. E. Shay,
celebrate his 54th birthday.
Miss Sue Schannon, of Tbe Dalles,
was here last week visiting friends.
Miss Schannon bas just returned from
the University of California.
Patriotic services will be held at the
Asbury M. E. church next Sunday
morning. Rev. Young will speak on
"The Perils of the Republic." All are
coridally invited.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bowes and
daughters will leave this week for
New England, where they will spend
the next three months visiting rela
tives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Butterfield and
sons, Buster and Hasard, accompanied
E. G. Walther on a picnic trip to
Starvation creek on the Columbia River
highway Sunday.
Kirby Ross has enlisted with a com
pany of Nations! Guard and is now in
camp at Camp Withycombe. Mr. Ross,
formerly a resident of this city, is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ross.
le Are Eully Prepared
With every requirement for up to date dressers; let
us furnish you with stylish and serviceable wearing
apparel at lowest prices
We are OBEYING THE LAW in dis
Saturday Nights
We earnestly ask your kind co-operation
by shopping early so we can give
you our usual efficient service.
Frank A.
Go to Law is right. You are right
when yon go to Law, the Cleaner. n29tf
The Hood River band bas purchased
the open air pavilion on the corner of
Oak and Fourth streets. Semi-weekly
dances are planned for tbe summer
Mrs. Rslpb Laraway and little
daughters, Barbara and Adelaide, after j
a visit here with friends and relatives,
left last week for their home in Marsh-
J. P. O'Brien, vice president of the
company, and other omciais oi ine u.-
W. R. A N. Co. were here last week in
Mr. O'Brien's privste car inspecting
local O.-W. property.
Ed Creighton, who was formerly
agent for the Regulator line at White
Salmon, has accented a position with
tbe People's Navigation Co. in Port
land. The Consresrational Ladies' Aid will
hold their next meeting at the borne of
Mrs. M. S. Crowell, 1115 Montello ave
nue, Friday at 2.30 o'colck. Everyone
please be there.
Jack Cram is at Twin Rock visiting
friends. His sister. Miss Evelyn Cram.
is viBiting her school friend, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. made, at
Husum, Wasb.
Mrs. W. R. Wall, of Omaha. Nebr.,
bas arrived here for a visit with ber
brother, 8. T. Miller, andjtamily. Mr.
and Mrs. Miller recently moved here
from Portland.
Harris Wilder, of Chicsgo, and Mrs.
P. S. Malcolm, of Portland, are visit
ing Col. and Mrs. W. F. Tucker at El
Uorregidor, their upper valley home.
r. Wilder is a nephew of Col. Tucker.
Mrs. Louise Stebbins will leave this
week for Chicago and adjacent points
in the middle west, where she will
visit with friends and relatives for
several weeks.
Hans Kollandsrud, of Mosier, is re
covering from an operation periormed
at tbe Cottage hospital yesterday, when
the bones of a broken leg, sustained
several weeks ago, were reset.
Bad westher prevented tbe Unitarian
picnic st the E. J. Copper place west of
town Sunday. The members of tbe
cburch spread their picnic lunches at
the chorch.
M. E. McCsrty now owns tbe most
owerful automobile in Hood River -a
oss eight, 80 horsepower car. iThe
machine was recently purchased from
a San Francisco agency.
Edmund Gehring, a native of Ger
many who now resides in the Summit
district has applied for bis second pa-
)ers of naturalizstion. Mr. Gehring
anded in New York in 1909.
Dr. J.M. Waugh was In Portland last
week to attend the convention of Pa
cific Coast Society of Eye, Ear, Nose
and Tbroat Specialists. Dr. Waugh
read a paper before tbe convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murrsy have
been here viBiting Mrs. Murray's
mother, Mrs. Coose, of tbe West Side,
and Mr. Murray's sister, Mrs. W. G.
Weber, and family.
Misses Georgia Pratber and Louise
Halvorsen left last week for Berkeley.
Calif., to attend the University of Cal
ifornia summer school. Tbe trip irom
Portland to San Francisco was made
aboard tbe steamer Rose City.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper and Mrs.
George Gregory, of Mount Hood, were
in the city Tuesday to meet Mrs. John
Cooper and little daughter, who had
arrived from Clackamas, where they
bad been visiting.
When you want breads, pastries, pies,
foods that will make vou think of tLe
days of your youth, for they will bring
back tbe appetite oi your growing aays,
thev are so eood. just call tbe Blue Rib
bon Bakery, phone 2373. tf
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cruikshank. Mr.
Cruikshank's mother, Mrs. Jennie
Cruikshsnk. and their little nephew,
Walter Manville, motored to Tacoma
last Sunday. Mrs. Cruikshank and ber
little grandson have been spending the
winter here.
Mrs. G. H. Lynn bas received news
announcing the oirtn oi a son to Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Moore, of Portland,
Tuesdsy. June 27. Mrs. Moore was
formerly Miss Carrie Byerlee, for sev
years a resident of the valley. The
young man has been christened Robert
5 R. B. Bennett will return today from
a visit with his mother at Utlca. ti
Y.. and will resume his duties as editor
of the News. During the absence of
Mr. Bennett W. H. Walton, formerly
engaged in local newspsper work, hss
been attending to the editorial work of
the News.
Clyde Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Arnold motored to Portland Sunday
over tbe Columbia River highway, tbe
trio being made in tbe former's auto
mobile. Mrs. Clyde Arnold, who hss
beenisiting Seattle-relatives, met ber
husband in Portlsnd and returned home
by wsy of tbe bighwsy.
Chss. Florer. who wss taken to Port
land last week for medical treatment.
was found to have been suffering from
appendicitis. An operation was per
formed and Mr. Florer is resting welL
Mrs. Florer is with ber husband. Mrs,
Edith Sexton, who accompanied the ill
man to Portland, bas returned.
J. S. Wells, who hss been spending
the osst vear in Memnnis visiting rela
tives, hsa returned and la now making
bis home at Mount Hood. Mr. Wells
declares that be never expects to leave
tbe Northwest agaiiu "Ibis climate.
with its bracing atmosphere, makes
one feel like a new man," he says.
Mrs. Cbas. N. Clarke and children
are visiting Dufur relatives tbia week.
Mrs. Flora Hartley and daughter,
Miss Kathryn, have arrived here for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bartmess
and other friends.
Miss Myrtle Husbands, who has been
attending the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, has returned home to spend the
summer with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Husbands.
Dr. J. W. Davis and family, after a
visit with Dr. Davis' sister, Mrs. Will
lam Irwin, and husband, left the first
of the week for their home at Glenns
Ferry, Ida. Mrs. Davis has recovered
from an attack of spotted fever.
Bishop C J. O'Reillev. of Bakerre
cently administered confirmation to a
class at St Anthony's Catholic church
at Parkdale. He was assisted in the
confirmation by the pastor. Rev. M. J.
Rev. Frank Soauldinc. who now re
sides at Forest Grove, was here Isst
week visiting Rev. W. B. Young and
other friends. Rev. Spauldins was
astor of the Methodist church a num
er of yeara ago.
Some of the lamest strawberriea re
cently seen in Hood River were grown
by W. r. Shannon, of Dee. Tbe ber
ries, almost as large as apples, were
exbbited last week at tbe atore of W.
r. Laraway.
Adah Wallace Unruh. national lee
turerofthe Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union, will occunv the minlit
of tbe Methodist church Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Unruh Is a brililan speaker
and the public is invited to bear her.
Miss Bessie Henrv soent the week
end in Portlsnd and at Camp Withy
combe. At tbe latter place she visited
her two nephews, Frank and Edwin
Henry, who are members of Company
H. E. Smith, renreaentintr the C.hica.
go Produce Reporter Co., was here Isst
week cslling on apple sales agency
officials. Mr. Smith formerly repre
sented tbe North Pacific Fruit Distrib
utors in Chicago.
"Preparedness" is not nnlv nnnllmhle
to national affairs, but to those of every
private individual. Are your finances
in case of sudden reverses in a state of
"preparedness" for tbe nrotection of
your own and your family's interests?
John Goldsbury, Local Representative
of Northwestern Mutual Life. inl5-tf
Wood Sells for Less
Now is the time to buy your Fruit Jars
and Trimmings. Buy of us---Save money.
Pints 55c Quarts 65c Half Gals. 85c
Pints 80c Quarts 90c Half Gals. $1.25
Pints 70c Quarts 80c Half Gals. $1.00
Pints 65c Quarts 75c Half Gals. 95c
Jar Rubbers, doz. - - 5c
Mason Jar &ps, doz. - 20c
Economy Jar Caps, doz. - 20c
Parawax, 2 pkgs. - - 25c
Retail Grocers at
Hum! RfrefPfcoie 1221
Tie same foods, same service, same
- Stein Young Men's Clothes
Mr. and Mrs. James Lineharo, who
have been stopping at thejkfount Hood
annex for tbe past several months
while Mr. Lineham was looking after
a contract for construction work on the
East Fork Irrigation District system,
have left for Camas, Wash.
Mrs. Willism Summers and two sons,
Leslie and Norman, after a visit here
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dobson and
family, returned to their home in Port
land last Friday. Little Miss Elisa
beth Summers will remain for a more
prolonged visit.
Howard tDsvis, who was enagged in
the berry harvest on the Fay Dinsmore
rancb, was brought to the hespital
Sunday in a serious condition caused
by a telescoping of the intestines. The
young man was later taken to his home
in Portland.
After falling about two feet, the
Columbia began slowly raising here
sgain the first of the week. The river
came up a little more than four inches
Monday night and Tuesdsy morning.
"The latest raise," says Roy Roberts,
"I think is due to heavy rains that have
prevailed over the eastern part of Ore
gon and Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver K. Jeffries,
Mr. and Mrs. Gravelly, Miss Allen and
Mr. aod Mrs. C. C. Carpenter motored
op over tbe Columbia River highway
Saturday. They spent Ssturday even
ing at the Carpenter East Side ranch
and Sunday motored to the Rainbow
rsncb, the Oak Grove home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. King, where Mr. Carpen
ter's birthdsy was properly celebrated.
Wilmer Sieg has joined.the auto own
ers' club, having last week purchased
a Studebaker from Foust & Meile.
"I have had J. M. Culbertson give me
every possible kind of insurance," says
Mr. Sieg, "and I now think tbat I can
get the car out of the garage and go
skimming over the valley." Mr. Sieg,
however, does not contemplate many
motor rides until after the strawberry
season is over.
J. W. Crites and family arrived last
week from Eugene where they visited
for a while with friends after leaving
Coquille. where Mr. Crites for the past
yesr has been principal of the high
school. .Mr. Crites wss recently elect
ed principal of the local high school for
the coming yesr. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Crites are popular in Hood River and
they will be welcomed back by a host
of friends.
Cash Grocery
Wholesale Prices
OdeD Pbne 173
prices ui same specials at both stores