HUU1J ItlVKK uLtALlr.ll, w wbi n - . w-b er-. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916 ' t "" ii ii ii i .i r : .. Practical Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate may be bought for a trifle less than Royal Baking Powder, which is made ' fr001 cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powders are not only cheap, but they differ greatly in leavening power. If a cheap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole can of the cheap bak ing powder. Royal Baking Powder produces the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York ODELL Posters are out announcing an enter tainment to be given thia evening at 8 o'clock at the Odell Methodist cburcb. Some of the best talent in Hood River and the valley haa been aecured. Mrs. Troy Shelley returned home last Thursday night. P. T. Shelley, from Sandy. Ore., eame in his auto bringing his mother and sister, Nell, aa far as Cascade Locks, where the two latter took tne train to Hood River, aa Nell was found not strong enough to make the trip via auto, aa aha atill suffered from injuries received in an auto acci dent two weeks previoua. . She ia now rsportea improving nicely. Mrs. Tom Absher ia in the hospital t i at i l r . in noon niver, wnere ane is reported improving satisfactorily from a recent surgical operation. Lumber is on the ground for enlarg ing the building occupied by Wood's Grocery at Odell, aa A. 8. Shelley, manager of the local store, finds vol ume of business too great for present quarters, a wareroom lor nour, feed, notatoea and other heavv articles, will be built along the south side of the store building. A good ball game ia expected Sunday when Moaier wjll play Odell on the local neia. uame called at 2.30 p. m. J. H. Surface reports the sale of two lots to Henry Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt expects to build and make thia bis home. The Merry Matrons were entertained Jucsday afternoon at tne home of Mrs, Uernhard Krohn. Alex Da vies, of Milwaukee. Win.. and Mr. Bacon, of Portland, were vis itors in Udell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crosby are now at I ! , I I noma in Vancouver, wean., wnere nr. Crosby is Interested in a barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Spencer are at home in the Palmer property, which was formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Uaskins. A telephone was installed Saturday at the Cameron-Sheppard mill on the mountain near Fir.. Messrs. Cameron and Sheppard now employ about 80 men and the present output ia about 22,000 reel daily. June first tbe plant in Udell will be in operation, though the man ufacture of boxes may not begin until a later date. There will be a service which is in tended to do honor to the graduating classes of the high school and grammar school, of Odell Sunday evening at the union church, special music and an address appropriate to the occasional are expected. Tbe Mother'a day service at the Methodist church Sunday morning was beautiful and impressive. sic, decotations and the greeting by little Dorothy Hull were all especially fine. As previously announced, the dates for the county Sunday school conven tion to be held in the Methodist church at Odell are May 81 and June 1. The first day's session' will be held in the evening and on June first, the second dsy, there will be morning and after noon sessions with a picnic lunch at noon. A worth while program is prom ised. Everyone interested in Sunday Bchool work is cordially invited to at tend any part or all the convention. J. H. Surface and S. P. Waldorf have torn down tbe barn on tbe W. L. Fag sly property and have rebuilt on a new site and from a plan differing from that of the one which waa removed. The graduating exercises of tbe Union high school and the grammar school of Odtsll will be held in the Methodist church at Odell next Monday evening. Prof. Shafer, of the Univer isty of Oregon, will deliver an address and special music will be provided. The men employed by the Palmer Ellison Co. are busy, each in tbe line of work for which he ia fitted. From 30 to 35 men have been located at the company camp in Odell for the past month and for the past two weeks four families have also been tenting near tbe camp. H. R. Leedom has accepted tbe posi tion of assistant auperintendent of tbe P. S. Telephone Co. at Everett, Wash. Mr. Leedom hss secured a bungalow in which he and Mrs. Leedom and their small sons will reside and Mrs. Leedom expected to leave Ogden, Utah, Tues day and friends here believe she will stop over for a visit with friends in Odell before going to tbe new borne at Everett. Mr. Leedom ia to be congrat ulated upon having secured a fine posi tion and the P. S. Telephone Co. ia also to be congratulated upon secured man who will make good. Service 9.30 a. m. Sunday school 10.30 a. m. Epworth League and teacher training clasa 7.30 p. m. at the Methodist church next Sunday. Mail and papera will arrive at Odell next Sunday at 8.40 a. on., the aame as every day of the week. PINE GROVE Lester Jeffries, wife and baby eame up from Portland via the Columbia highway recently for a brief viait with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iaaae Jeff ries. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer House and Mr. and Mr. and Mra. J. E. Andrewa went to Portland last Friday over tbe Co lumbia highway and report an easy journey. Friday evenig they attended "Tbe Birth of a Nation," returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dickeraon went to Portland last week. J , C. Jarvia and family and Miss I-uluHunt were callers at the home of Mr. and Mra. G. H. Robbins on the west side Sunday. It ia understood we are soon to lose our faithful and efficient mail carrier, but have the promise of another good one for the responsible position. Those who attended aa delegates to the Sunday school convention held at The Dallea recently were Mra. Grace Laraway and Miss Clara Thomson, their reports being read with interest in (wo ias sessions ox ice Sunday school. Last Sunday morning the Mother'a day program waa given. The apecial music consisted of a violin solo by Geo Wuest, anthem by the choir and aolo no cnorua oy tne gentlemen a quartet. Misa Elmlund acenmnaniail nn tha ni. ano and Miss Margaret Ferrin assisted On the violin in mninnrtinn aiith Mr Wuest. A mother's day story waa read I B J V w .ea . oj mra. isaac jenries. a good sermon by the paator and cloaing with a panto mime "Rock Me to Sleep, Mother," rendered by the Misses Vernie Houston ana urieua neineca, Mrs. in. m. rertig reading. Hayes Bickford and Harold Blackman presented carnations tn tha mothers. A profusion of beautiful a . . .. i i . . nowera aaorea me puipn ana piatiorm. Sunday evening mothera were alao re- memoHiea be ins jjhddi aervira. mra. Jennie McDonald, leader. f!nmmnrmsnt aAriaaa salll ha liaM at the church Friday afternoon of thia weea. rtev. xoung, or Hood Kiver, win give an aaaress on ue occasion. The church services and Sunday school will be held as usual next Sun dae mnrninff I .ear. Stmriav tha attend. ance at the later waa tbe largest in its history, number 114. BELMONT. Clifford Rugg came from Heppner Wednesday to look alter bta ranch property on the Belmont road. Mra. Rugg and family formerly resided in our community. Mrs. Hamblett came Thursday from visitlna relatives and friends at lone. Ore., and ia visiting at the Keystone cherry ranch. Thomaa McKean returned from Myr tie Point, Ore., last week and ia at bis old job of nijht watchman at tbe planer. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, of White Salmon, have rented the Morse ranch and are cosily settled. Mrs. Stockton was formerly Miss Hoskins, of Bel mont. Her friends are glad to wei come her back among them. Ralph Rugg, of Portland guest of Neil Munaruaker. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Eddie and chil dren. left Friday morning for Colum bus, Wash. They will visit relatives and friends there for a week, then go to Goldendale, Wash., where Mr. Eddie witt have charge of a donkey engine. They will - return to Hood River later in the aeason. Flovd Nunamaker and wife apent Sunday at tbe home of his parents, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Nunamaker. W. H. Davis, wife and children spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Uavia. Misa Mattie Jonea anent Sunday af ternoon with the Misses Nellie and Lu cille Davia. W. J. Wollam and family were call ing on friends in Frankton district Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. G. C. McKee and chil dren spent Sundsy at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Sparks on Alameda Way. Mr. and Mra. Will Farrel were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. f . Andrews,, uaa urovc. Mra. H. P. Allen scent Wednesday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. Farrell and family. m. .nil Mra. L. W. Bishon and Miss Imnoinfl were aueata Sundsv at the borne of Mr. and Mra. Arthur label and family. Mr. and Mra. Fred Blalock apent Sunday at tbe borne of Mra. Robert Jonea and family. Mr. and Mra. Charles Sherrill and fsimly were visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs, stocxton ana ounuej af ternoon. Mr and Mm. Marsh Iaenberg and Mr. and Mra. Elmer Isenberg and little r.nia inant Snndav in Belmont at tbe home of Mr. and .Mra. Howard Isen berg. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Forden and fam ily took advantage of tbe lovely day Sunday and indulged in an auto ride. At a meteins of tbe directors of Bar rett school all the teachera were re elected to their old positions for the next term of school. r. .? nraton waa around tbe neigh borhood Sunday looking for hia horse. which in aomo way got out oi vne pas ture at Park grange. FRANKTON. n fi rvitnn frnm Pnrtland. waa in Frankton Saturday looking after hia big apple ranch on Phelpa creek. Will Eby met with quite a serious niia laat bmV While VtlU.ll. ...... J " " " kanrJIino inrit material ha vat soma 01 the strong mixture in his eye. He haa been under tne oocior a care since. ttj Millar ami ann Tail, rambled down to Portland and beyond in hia lit tle Ford last Saturday, returning Sun day. Mr. Miller aaya the highway ia in fine condition with the exception of a few small muddy places that will soon be fixed. Mra MeNath. nreaident of the Oregon Congress of Mothera, will apeak at Frankton on the evening of May 26 at special meeting oi tne rarer, t-ieacn- ' "oclaticn. Aa ice cream social win oe given we tame evening in con nection with the mectinff. More autoe and ether vehicles passed wrougn rrankton Sunday ever the Co- juuiuia nigBway man nave ever trav eled it in etna dav ainea It haa hn a Mra. Patton and children, of Husura, Wash., viaitad tha weak and with har lister. Mrs. Roy Paaach. Tbe girls oi tbe eighth grade claaa war enwiainea sonaay ai dinner By Misa Elma firnv. while har fathar anI mother were visiting in Hood River. A nninn hioh shnil ia talbxt over by the Barrett and Frankton die- ..1.- m ... .. i. incia. ii ii metenaiiaea ue acnooi 111 DO field in the Belmont ehnrch thia term aa a tryout. Tha rnaH elawara atijf jutnntw mm... or looaea over me union mil road laat Monday. Misa Helan Pnaslll f tha aetanalAn department of O. A. C, gave an inter esting tais to ue rrankton pupils last j uuraua y on extension wort. Miaaaa Virola anil Nasal Smith of Hn.IO.ra. Waah aura vnaata laat aiaali oi miss ueorgia rtowe. Don't forvet that Thnrariaa aftarnnnn Ma 2K tha hia Mil ninuit la hail- - aT "p wsw mj afavauB aaa aa liaot coloring and song, will be stsged on the Frankton school eampua under me training ana direction of Misa Ai dine Bartmeaa. Tha program will ap pear in naxt aaali'a nanar Nn ailmia. aion will be changed and all patrons ana inenae or tne scoooi are cordially invited to be present. Tbe processional ill inlnla anrina) havalHa Irttiohta drummer, erownbearer, queen, fairies ana aancers. A number of Frankton'a young peo ple picnicked Sunday at Moreland s tennia eourt The morning waa apent in putting the court in abape and In tbe afternoon severs! sets of tennis were played. The Four Leaf Clover club will meet tbie afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. O. Eastman. OAK GROVE Mra. Green and children, who have been visiting her sister. Mrs. J. U. Bowerman. and brother. D. L. Pierson. for the past five weeks, left Monday evening for tneir noma at London, un tario. Mra. Freida Learning wont to Port land Saturday. Mra. B. F. Eadleman returned Mon day from Moody, where she had been spending a week with ber little grand daughters, Miss Co weill was present at the Par ent-Teacher meeting last week Tbura day and spoke in her usual entertaining manner. The officers who were elected for next year are Mra. G. S. Ellis. pres. : Mrs. A. G. Wing, vice pres. ; Mrs. D. L. Pierson, sec. and treaa. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Wedemeyer for her very efficient work aa president during tbe last year. Af ter tbe meeting adjourned Mra. wede meyer aerved refreshments. J. C. Jonea and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reem and aon and daughter and Miss Geneva Childs motored over from The Dallea Sundat and snent the dav visit ing tbe Arneson, need and Llndsey families at the home of L. H. Arneson. The two men are brothers of Mrs. R. B. Lindsey. Tbey reported the roads in fine condition. MrsT J. C Bowman gave a party last week Tuesday afternoon in honor of ber aister, Mra. Green. School will close tomorrow. The pu- pila will give a program at 1.S0. Prof. Gibson will be present and addresa the eighth grade pupils. A number of tbe Odell residents will be present to take part in Sunday af ternoon's services. MIDDLE VALLEY Fred Riea, who was taken to the lo cal hospital last Wednesday, hss re turned home, better but still quite weak. Jake Lens. J. R. Steele and F. M. Ireland were Hood River visitors Fri day. Mrs. M. Ciaft waa a week end visitor at The Dallea and Mosier. Mrs. Stanley Walter, who has been suffering with a severe case of poison oak, la improving. Glen Lens and James Steele attended the elub dance at Odell Friday night and report a pleasant time. Tbe Reading elub met at the home of Mra. F. X. Arena last Saturday. Sub- ect, snakespeare. Jake Lens, with a party, exoecta to make trip to Lost Lake next week. Stanley Walter and Will Eichenknapp took in the ball game in Hood River Sunday and report an interesting game. Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Calkins and daughter, Mra. Eldon Bradley, were visitors in tne valley Sunday. Mra. F. X. Arena and Mra. Boneman were callera at the Lena home Sunday. Mrs. Jake Lena and Mra. J. B. Dim- mick were visitors in Odell Sunday at the home of Mra. Rose Odell. L. Nex lost a two year old ateer last week, which eame in contact with an electric wire. F. M. Ireland is engineer on the rock crusher at tbe lava beds this week. Louis Rboadea haa purchased about 25 head of young cattle from Sherman county farmers. He brought them in Sunday. Success, neighbor. MOUNT HOOD. The social at the school house waa well attended and the sale of the bas- eta amounted to 117.90. Prof. Gibson gave an interesting talk and Parkdale quartet sang a couple of selections. There will do another socisl in four weeks. The Endeavor will give a memorial program on Tueaday evening. May SO. at the Mount Hood church. Everyone ia asked to attend. Mr. Kitchel. who has been working near Van Horn, has returned home. Mr. Henderson, the eounty orchard inspector, waa in Mount Hood Saturday looking over a numner of orchards. Ha finds many of the orchards in pretty poor condition and expecta to return during the week. Miss Marjorie Barr. of Hood River. apent Sunday in Mount Hood. School cloaea Friday with a picnic. Warren Cooper and family went to Hood River Saturday in their car. Mount Hood baseball boys played at Hood River Sunday. Phonso Beal'a aale waa a great suc cess. He sold everything and left for Hood Kiver Monday. Jim Dimmick arrived at Mount Hood Thraaday for a visit with relativea at the J. B. Dimmick borne. Ira Kara, who haa been working on the ditch for the past month, returned to Portland Tueaday. Work on tbe big ditch waa completed today. Water waa turned in tbe Farm era' ditch Monday night, after having peea anut on zor aoout two weeks. CENTRAL VALE School closes tomorrow. Tbe annual achool picnic will be held in Fletcher's grove. Tha dosing exercises will be given Saturday evening In ue scbooi yard at 8 o'clock. Everyone ia cordially iovited. Miaa Eva Gunn, of Odell, visited m iaa Mary Sheppard thia week. Mra. Pool Hansen and aon. Arthur, have taken op their residence in Hood Kiver. Arthur ia now on tne no. i ro ral mail route. . Mra. Job Shennard ascertained Mr. and Mra. Mark Cameron and aon, Vir gil. Mr. and Mra. Pool Hansen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. snap pard and family at dinner Sunday. Miaa Kitty Bragg apent the week end in tlood Kiver. Miaaes Frances and Harriet Fuller spent tbe week end with their grend- mother iu Hood River. Mr. and Mra. Frank Spencer have moved from tbe Warner ranch to a houae in OdelL Frank Scboolta ia in The Dallea this week. He will ao from there to Spo kane where Mra. Scboolta will join him later in the aummer and where they will make tbeir future home. Mra. Poul Banaen entertained four tablea at cards Saturday night in honor of Mr. Hansen s birtbdsy. DEE L. F. Parker underwent a alight op eration at the Cottage hospital last week. Mrs. Parker waa in town with him. , . On Tuesdsy J. R. Edgar went to town on buaineas. W. J. Horbelt and family will be at borne in tbeir new house on the flat thia week. The bouae at Dee recently occupied by tbe Horbelta. baa been rented to A. R. Crump, of Hood River. Mr. Crump is employed at tbe mill of tbe urcgon Lumbar Co. Mrs. Crump snd daughter will join bim here aa soon sa the schools in Mood Kiver close. : Mrs. Lswrence Tsvlor will entertain aeveral ladiea Thursday afternoon in in Donor of her motner-ln-law. Mrs. Taylor, Sr., will leave shortly to visit witn anotner son in Idaho, wo under atand. Many of the ladiea met at the achool bouse Wednesday afternoon to "show er" tbe teacher, Mrs. Stockham.wno ia to become a bride next month. Mr. and Mra. McAllister and little daughter, Maxlne.of Hood River, spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Whitely. Mrs. White- iya nd Mra. McAllister are sisters. Union Sunday achool at 10 a. m. at W. I. Kirby'a. Two classes, infants and adults. All are welcome. , FROST DOES LITTLE DAMAGE IN MOSIER , From the Moaier Bulletin While other districts have been hit bard by the frosts during the past week, tbe Mosier district hss suffered little in thia respect. A number of the orcbardista a few miles south of the city in the higher aitijudes report ice and frosts aa well as snow which hss caused some little damage to the vari ous fruits. ' On the whole, however, the damage ia alight. Manager Chat field, of the local association, atatea that no aerioua results have been re ported to him. In many of the nearby districts, in The Dallea and contiguous fruit sec tions of the county severe frosts have wrought havoe with many of the crops, according to reports. Manager Chat field estimates that tbe local cherry crop will be twenty per cent more than the yield of last year. Lack of pollen ization will cause many of tbe cherries now formed on the trees to drop off. The applea are not hurt, with the ex ception of a very ailght damage to a few orchards several miles south. H. M. Scearce, who returned thia week from a trip through tbe Yakima country, reporta aevere frosts, with tbe result that the apple crop is pre dicted at thirty per .cent of normal. Other fruits suffered as well. Breaks Leg in Power Wheel (From the Mosier Bulletin) While trying to start the big fly wheel on the BO horse power gasoline engine which furnishes pressure In the concrete reservoir used in the irriga tion system by the East Hood River Fruit company on their tract east of tbe city, Hana Kollandsrud Thursdsy morning caught hia foot in the spoke of the wheel, breaking hia leg. When be pulled the leg out from between tbe spokes of the wheel the break, which occurred between the ankle and the knee waa fuch that the bones were protruding through the flesh. The re sult waa a compound fracture. Mr. Kollandsrud, who is manager of tbe orchard, had been in the habit of standing on the fly wheel to stsrt it escb time. The engine did not stsrt on the first attempt, but on tbe second round Mr. Kollandarud'a foot slipped snd was caught underneath tbe con crete foundation. One of the spokes eaught hia foot and threw hia to the floor. Dr. Robinaon waa called and placed the broken limb in a wooden frame, and later when it ia not necea- sary to dress the wound each day, a plaster of Paria cast will be made. A Hold-Up . If a man holds you up once that's his fault but if be holds you up twice that's your fault. We don't bold you op because a hold-np man ia a aare loser. And if you are held up you lose too. So you see we both loose that way." Next winter vou may think that you are being held op. 8b you bad better listen to us now. Green slab is cheap at present and it doesn't cost a cent for sunshine to dry it. You get tbe idea. Listen We atill give good measure and remember we are giving yon -this hunch. TRANSFER it LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111. Go to Law, The Cleaner. . KoUcttfSlvalTsblc . Brrktaaaf a writ of czaratioa fe faraduaura bSaaa br tha Clark af tha Ciicnit Coort of Boat tvar uaaatr. Btata of Qratoa. tatai April Si Jilt la cartaia aatt la aud sourt wWaratm Vkiart 0. Laana Lac la BauatifT aad Havy F. Lac. Mary A. al ara oarandaatu ana rbma aid akiatiff and aud dafaaoant. Mary A. Hot, raemnd jodcmat and dacraa aa tha 10th day at ana, mi, aaataar IM aaal aaiaim Hanry F. Lara, aa follows: Ona thouaand dntfau (11 000) wit tntaraat taaraa frota July M, int. at tha rata of I nor cant par aaaua aatil said, aad two kaodrad dallaraltlObjaa atlmaai'a fata fat farar of ajajnamtin, aad two thomaad doHanaK.000). ta. cotaar with kttaraat taarooa from July SS. ISIS, at tha rata of S par eaat par aaa um aatil paid, aad two kundrad dollan feon) aa attoraay. faaakt favor of aud dafaadaat Hoka. which aud wrttaf axacBtioa oBuaaada m aa ahariff to aiaa aala of UM raal aroDortr dcaeribad ia aaal daeraa of too. ckisara aad haraaftar d wen bad, to aatiafy md judmant aad tha aipanaaa of aala: Mouea ia aoraby gnvaa that I wiu. at tha hoar m (aa a'ekttk in tha foraaoon. aa tha BMhdayaf Bar. IWk. U taa front door of tha Coantr ennrfc. bouat ia tha City of Hood River. County of Hood Rivar. Stata of Oram. aaU ta tha awoart biadar far aaah tha foUowina daarrlbad raal property aituatad bv tha County of Hood Birar. Stata of vrayoa. ewn: "All tht foUowina tract of kuul which Henry P. Lace and Violet G. Lamoa Laaa. haabud and wife, acquired by warranty dead from Lyman M. Wilaoa and Mary L Wiieea. huabnnd and wife, dated January SOth. 1801. recorded in Book U of IMad. para ZO. Wuce County record; oooibm ma at auartar career common tn Ttirm. nnMi 1) and twenty-four 124) fat townahip two it) north, rancaa tan (10) and eleven (11) east of tha Willamette Meridian: thence ma Mat aii chain ana ainetaea unka (US eh. I to a point aa the w aide of the county road, baina tha aouthweat a nor of toe mad baron conveyed: thence run east twenty-two chaina aad fourteen Unka (22.14 aha.). Bora or lean, to tha aonthwaat ana oi the reran. ty U) acre tract heretofora Bold to John K. Oaabr. for tha aouthaaat earner of tha beat Herein eon rayed; thence run north alone tha weat Una of aaid twenty UX acres eaves chains and Mty-one links (7.61 chs.) to the southeast earner of the J. E. Bateon 20 acres, and brine the aorta east corner of thia tract; thence run watt alena tha south line of tbe Bataoa twenty (20) aerea, twenty-two chains snd thirty-flva links (22.16 chs) to tbe eouthwset corner of said Bataon's twenty (20) acres, beuuj tha northwaat corner of tha tract Herein conveyed: thence run aouth S dee. 88 min.. east two chaina and fifty Unka (.60 ehsT): thence aouth nva (6) chaina to tha southwest cor ner of the tract herein conveyed, eon tain ine aav- ! teen (171 acres, mora or lees; situated ia Hood luverumnty (formerly a part of Wasco County). State of Oreeron. excepting thereout: Tha fol krwlna tract of land conveyed bv Warrant Dad dated July 28. UOS, from Henry P. Use. afore, said, and hia said wife in favor of F. Q. Fiecber, Deruwlnc st a point on tha quarter section line twenty-eiaht chains and thirty-three links (&M chs.) east of tha southwest comer of tbe aouth half of tha northwest quarter of section nineteen (IS) ia township two (2) north of ranee eleven illi eaat of the Willamette Meridian, beinr the south east corner of that certain eeventeen acre tract of land, which the grantors herein acquired by War ranty Deed dated January SO, 1907, executed by Lyman M. Wilson and wife, duly recorded la the wasco iminty, ureron. dead records, ia Bjok 4S at pace 228; thence north alone the east Una of M eerer. teen 117) sere tract, seven chaina and fifty-one links (7.61 chs.) to iu northeast corner; thence west slons the north Una of said seventeen (17) sere tract sixteen chaina and three links (16.03 chs.); thence south parallel with tha cast Una of said seventeen (17) acre tract seven chains and fifty links (7.60 chs.) to the south Una of aaid aouth half of tbe northwest quarter of section nineteen (19); thence east along- said quarter section Una sixteen chains and three links (16.08 ehs.) to the place of beginning, being the east twelve(12)acres of the above mentioned seventeen (17) sere tract; or so mucn i nerval as may na necessary to aatiafy said judgment and decree and accruinr costs. Said oraoerty shall be sold suhieet ta eonnrmatbai ana redemption aa provided by law. Dated April 24, 1810. a27-m26 THOS. P. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. Summons for Publication In Foreclosure of Tax Lien In tha Clronlt Court of tha BU( of Oregon, iur ouuu niTer uouuiy. 0. 0. Johnson, Plaintiff vs. M. If, Sweeny, Defendant. To M. H. Sweeny, tbe above named defend' am: - In the name of State of Orearon.von are here. oy nouneu inn u.i.JODneon.noiuer oi lertin oste of Delinquency numbered 185 tuned on tbe 1st day ot February 1015, by the Tax Col. lector of tbe County of Hood River, Mate oi Oregon, for the smount of 61-100 Dollars, the same being tbe amount then due and delin quent for taxes for tbe yesr 1910, together wttb penalty. Interest and costs thereon upon tbe real Iproperty assessed to you, of which you ara the owner as anneara of record, sltnatad In said County and Htate, and particularly bounded and described hs follows, UvwIU loi is, Biocx i, iiooa Kiver rare. You are further notified that said O. P.. Joiinaon haa paid taxes on said premise for trior or subsequent years, with tne. rate of In erest on said amounts as follows: Year's Date Tax Hec't Rats of Tit Palri Nn AIUl. 1912 Jan.18, lfiH 8621 1913 Jan. IS, 1816 8798 1914 Jib. 18, 1918 7418 80s 16 per cent per annum 20o 15 per cent per annum 180 16 per cent perannmn ftoiii u u e.AMw - u nr,. i i title of tbe above described nroDerty as tbe same appears of record, and each of the other persons aoove naniea are nereoy runner noti fied that tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Circuit Court of tbe County and Htate aforesaid for a decree foreclosing tbe Hen against tbe pro perty above described and mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after tba first publication of tbls summons, exclusive ot tbe day of said first publication, and defend tbls sctlon or pay the amount due as above shown, together wltb oosta and accrued in- wnai, auu iu raw ui jruur mnure uj uo au, a decree will be rendered foreclosing tbe lien of said taxes and costs against tbe land and premises aoove namea. mis summons ispuousnea oy oruerof tne Honorable E. K. Stsnton. Judge of the Count Court of tbe State of Oregon, lor tbe County of Hood River, and asld order waa made and dated this 28tb day of April, 1916, and tbe date of tbe first publication of this summons Is the 27th day of April, 1916. ah process ana papers ut tnii proceed ing may be served upon tbe undersurned re siding within tbe State of Oregon, at tba ad. areas neresiter mentioned. A. J. DERBY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Hood Kiver, Ore. ar-Jnttt Notice of Guardian's Sale By virtue of an order of license to sell real property dnly made and filed by the County Judge of the County Court of the Stat of Ore gon, for Hood River County, dated April 14th, 1918, In the matter of the guardianship of Robs J. Klaus. Florence R, Klaus, Leila E. Klaus and Roblna Klaus, the children of John Packer, deceased, minora, now pending In aid court; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 will on tbe JOth day of May A. D 1918, at the front doorpftbeCourt House In the City of Hood River, County of Hood River, and Stata of Oregon, at 10 o'clock tn tha forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to tbe highest bid der for cash, an undivided one-fourth QQ In terest In and to tha following described real property, situated In tha County of Hood River and Btat of Oregon towlu lot Eleven (111 tn Block Three (8) of R trans- ban's first Addition to tba City ot Hood River. Oregon, according to tbe man or Dial thereof on file and of record in the office oftb County Clerk of and for said Hood River County. Dated April 18th, 1916. UA.4A. P. Reed CORA BELLE KLAUS, Attorney for Guardian As Guardian Hood River, Ore. a20-mU Aforesaid. NoUce of Sheriffs Sale In the Circuit Court of the Stata of Oremn tor Hood River County. Samuel Cochran, plaintiff, vs. Frank E. Matt. Hllma A. Matt and Ora A, Khodaa. defendants. By virtue of aa execution In foreclosure and order of sale duly Issued out of and uncier tbe seat oi tne Nate of Oregon lor uooa Kiver County, to me directed and dated tha 6th dav of April, 1916, upon a decree for the forectosare of certain mortgage and judgment rendered end entered In tbe above entitled court and cause on tbe 8th day of March, 1916, In ntvor of plaintiff and against the defendants, Frank fi. mail, au ma A. Mill ana ora a. Knoaes. lor tba sum of seventeen hundred seventy-eight and M00 dollars (t1778.) with interest thereon at tba rat of 8 percent, per annum since tbe 8th dav of March. 118. and one hundred fifty (I150i dollars a ttornc 's fees, and seventeen (117) dollar coat of suit and ao eruirjg oosta, and the further ism of fifty-one ana ze-iw aoiiars wiin lniejreei uereon at tne rata of 16 per cent, per annum from the 22nd day of November, 1916, and eornmandinf me to make sal of real nrooenv described in said decree of foreclosure, I will at the hour of S o'clock in Ice afternoon on tha SOth day of May. 116, at tbe east front door of the county eourt house tn the elty of Hood River, County of Rood River, Oregon, aell at public auction to tne nignen oiaaer par caen in nana tne fol low! ng described real property, situated la nooa ruver uoumy, uregon, towiu Tbe South Half of the North Half of tha North west quarter of tbe Sou th west a Darter of faction eleven In township two north, range vow oast oi wiiiameuo saanaian ia nooo River County Oregon, containing tea acres of land, more or less, said property will be sold subject to confirmation aad reaemptioa a by haw provided. Dated at Hood River. Oregon, tali toth dav of April, 1916. THOts. F. JOB NSON, JO-mia Bbcrtff of Hood River Coaaty, Or. . Sosaois In the Clreult Court of the Stata of Oregon. or um unav oi auua auvor. Barak J. Bock man, Plaintiff, va. R. A. Mo Clansthsn, Laeli 8. McCianatiisa. C. U &oa era. M. L. Rogers, W. a. Farrta, tsraca F, ffarri and B. E. Youmaaa, Defendants. ToW. a Farrta and Grace) .F, Farrta the aoove as ttisti iiaianiiaiii la the Name of the Steuof Oraa-cja- voo and each of you are required to appear and a Bo wer th complaint filed agalna yoe la th above entitled court aad eauae on or before a waraa anec tne art pubuoauoa of suov uoum hub oaoaa, sown: On the Snd dav of J ona A. D . lata and if mm fell to appear and answer, too plaintiff will ppiy to th above entitled eoart for the relief aemanaea in nor complaint, lowlb . ror a jung raeol againat defendants, K. A. MeClaaatban, Laolle H. MeChwatban, C. U Roe-era. M. L. Roerara. and Uraeai P. rarrla h. li8 and Interest thereoa at tbe rate of seven Kr eeni. par annum from tbe 6Ui day of May, 14. and tor Slug atiomei's fee, on account of a note dated May 6, 1911, and which note ta numbered one, and for OtOO and interest thereon at the rats of saves per carat, per an. nnn. ffWhm Ik. IUI. - a um J . UO attorney' fees, on account of a note dated May 6, 1911, and which not la numbered two, and foe tMOO and Interest, thereon at th rate Of seven per sent, par annum from tbettbday of May, 1914, sod lor 6V00 attorney s fees, on account of a note dated May 6, 19U, and which note la numbered lb tea. all of which nntaa ev tdene a debt of SVOO, and for tba costs and aisoursemenu of this suit. And for a decree for foreclosing a motigag for aaid amount, on tbe following described real and personal property, and for a finer ea bamn and Sir. closing all of the defendants named In tbls suit from any and all right, title or Interest in or to aaid real and personal property, which a "awiwa mm IUIIUWK - Beginning at tbe Northwest corner of tbe East half of the Southeast onartar nf Baatlnn 11. To. 8 N. of R. 10 B.. W. M.. running thence tast a 1-6 rods, tbeno South 60 rods, thence West 17 IA rods, thanes North SO mda ia tha place of beginning, axoept a (Uipot Undone rod wide on to West snd North thereof tor road purposes; also four shires of tbe capital slock of to Farmer lrruration no. And for sucb other roll aa In equity may seem wnn aua prvfivr. Tbls summons I served noon von bv nnhll. cation, by order of th Hon. fc. B. Stanton, Judge of the County Conrt of thautaianf Oregon for th County of Hood River, made sou enierea on toe Min asy of April, rots. The uais oi w nrsi puDnoation of wnia summon is inursaay, April lu.m. at. n. vAKTEtt ana JOHN V AN Z ANTE. bJ1 Attorneys fur Plaintiff. MARSHAL'S SALE Notice af Sale af City Icil toacrty for MTa. stal AssctsmcatJ Notice la hereby slven.. thai on Anrll M, 1916. a warrant waa dulv and iwuiarlv la. sued by th City Recorder of the Cltv of nwu niver, ureeTOD. to ma 1 1 M 111 - . . . . - . directed and delivered, commanding me to forthwith advertise th properties hereinafter de scribed, against wblch assessments for the cosiof tne construction of a aewer system WM.UIU oiwrr Liiswiet no, I, ifivision NO. g, in said City of Hood River, Oregon, na been heretofore mad and levied, which warrant vw.wiviuaua uiu n.ini, wuicu warrant eribed !the .property as lots 4, 6. 21 aad 88, ck 86, Hood River Proper, an addition tn City of Hood River, Oregon, assessed to oescnoea :ine , block the Cltv Maude B. Pattee. Amount due. Slum with Interest at I per csnt per annum sine Jul 18, That also on ssid Anrll ti. a .m n. duly snd regularly issued by the City Recorder of ue uty of uooa Kiver, Oregon, to me directed snd delivered, commanding ma to forthwith sd- vertiss tbe property hereinafter described, against which an ssssssmsnt for the cost of ths improve- meni H auur siren in saia utv ox Hand Hlvar. Oregon, haa been heretofore made and lavied. which warrant described the property a Lots 22 and 28, Block 88 of Hood River Proper, aa addition u in uiy oi nooa Kiver. Oregon, mmil to Msuas a, rattee. Amount due,, with in terest at 6 per cent per annum since April 8, 1916. Also on aaid April 84. 1916. a warrant waa dulv snd regularly issued by ths City Recorder of tbe City of Hood Kiver, Oregon, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to forthwith advertiss the property hereinafter described, against which sn assessment for the cost of tha improvement of ubk siren in san uty or uooa Kiver, Oregon, has been heretofore mads and levied, which war rant described the Drooertv as tha weat half f Wk:l of Lot 6, and all of Lot 8, Block 6. Waucoma, an addition to th City of Hood River, Oregon, asses ed to Marjorie E. Fouts. Amount due, 8122.40. with interest at 6 per oent per annum since August 18, 1MB. Also on said Anrll 24. 1916. a warrant eras dulv and regularly issued by the City Recorder of the City of Hood River, Oregon, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to forthwith advertiss the property hereinafter described, against which an assessment for the cost of the improvement of Prospect avenue In said City of Hood River, Ore gon, nas heretofore been mads and levied, which warrant described the property aa Lota i snd 6, Block 86, of Hood River Proper, an addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon, asassstd to Mauds E. Pattee. Amount due, 8148.82. with interest at 6 per cent per annum sines starch is. 1916. That also on aaid Anrll 24. 1916. a warrant was duly and regularly issued by the City Recorder of the City of Hood River. Oregon, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to forthwith sd vertias the property hereinafter deeeribed.against which an assessment for tbe cost of ths improve ment of Ninth Street in said City of Hood River, Oregon, haa heretofore been made and levied. wnica warrant aeseriDea tne property as Lot 6. Block 8. Waucoma. an addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon, assessed to Marjorie E. Fonts. Amount due. 1104.64. with Interest at 8 per cent per annum since December 22. 1914. And that also on said April 24. 1916. another warrant was duly and regularly issued by the City Recorder of the City of Hood River, Oregon, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to forthwith advertise the property hereinafter described, against which assessment for the coat of the improvement of Ninth Street in said Cite of Hood River, Oregon, has heretofore been made and levied, which war rant described the property aa the west half IWW of Lot 6. and all of Lot 6, Block 6. Wauco ma, sa addition to ths City of Hood River, Oregon, assessed to Msrjorie E. Fouts, Amount due, 8276.46, with interest at 6 per cent par annum since uecemoer n, iit. That each of said warrant did further com mand me to Mil said properties, or so much thereof a can be Bold separately to advan tage, sufficient to pay the said delinauent as sessments against each of said properties, to gether with Interest, costs and disbursements, iu tne manner proviaea oy taw, ana return tbe proceeds of such sal to the Cltv Treasurer of tbe City of Hood River, Oregon. NOW. THKEF)RE. In pursuance of tha ssid warrants, and for tbe purpose of aatisfying ths said delinquent assessments, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of June. 1916, at tbe hour of ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of that day. at the front doorof the City Hall In the City of Hood River, County of Hood River, State of Oregon, proceed to aell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the aaid several lots, tracts or par eels of lands above mentioned, or so much of each of the same as can be sold separately to advantage, sufficient to pay the said several delinquent sness menta, together with the interest, costs and dis bursements provided by law, and will continue said sals irom any to day thereafter until said property is sold, or so much thereof aa may be irssssry to satisfy the said assessments. Dated at Hood River. Oregon, thia 24th dav of April A. D., 1916. mll-j8 J. K. CARSON. Marshall or the City of Hood River, Oregon. Sammons for Publication la Foreclosure or Tuuea In th Circuit Court of tba Stata of Oregon lor Hood River County. O. C Johnson, Plaintiff vs. H. Bweeny, Defendant. To J, H, Sweeny, th above named defendant: In th nam of th Slate of Oregon, you are hereby notified tbat O. O. Johnson, the bolder of Certificate of Delinquency, numbered 184, laeued on tbe 1st day or February, 1915, by th Tax Collector of th County of Hood River, Stat of Oregon, for th amount of 61-100 Dol lars, tn sams oetng tne amount then on ana delinquent for taxes for the year 1910, together wltb penalty, Interest and oosta thereon upon the real property saeetsc 1 to yon, of which you are the owner as appears of record, Ha sted In said County and btat, and particular ly oounaea ana oescnoea as miiow to-wiu Lot i, oioca i, uooa Kiver rarsu Yon are farther notified that aaid O. C. Johnson baa paid tbe taxes on aatd premise for prior or snbteauent ysars. with the rate of interest oa aatd amount as follow: Tear's Data Tax Rec't . . Rat of Tax Paid No, Interest 1911 Jan. 11, 1916 am too 16 per cent per annum IM Jan. 18,1918 874 20o U per cent rer annum 1911 Jan, U, 1916 7419 Ue 16 per oent per annum Said J. H. Sweeny a th owner of th legal title to tbe abovs described property aa th asms appear of record, and each of the other Tsona soots namea are nereoy runner soil ed that the plaintiff will anal v to the Circuit Court of th County and Stat aforesaid for a decree foreclosing th lien againat th pro perty above described and mentioned In (aid certificate. And you are hereby summoned o appear within atxty day after tbe first Subiicatlon of thia summons, sxcluslvs of lb ay of aaid first publication, and dated this action or pay the amount du aa above shown logetner wiin costs ana aocruea interest, ana In case of your fhllurs to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing tn lien of aaid taxes and costs against th land and premises ebor named. Thia summon is published by order of th Honorable . K- Stanton. Jodae of tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for th County of Hood Rlvt. and aaid order was mad aad dated tbls 86th dav of AorlL 1916. and the dale of tn first publication of thia sammons I th 87th dsy of April, 1916. an iprooees ana papers in tnis proceeding may be aerved upon the nnderslgned residing within I be Butt of Oregon, al the address haraaftar mentioned. A, j. dkrbt. Attorney Sor Plaintiff. Adlraat, Rood River, Ore, a87-ja2t Kelly Bros. Hay, Grain, Mill feed. Orchard Supplies Seventh &B.R. St Phone 1401 Real Estate and Loans I will endeavor to have a bar gain always in all lines of Real Estate. Office hours from nine A. M. to five P. M. T. D. Tweedy Phone 2M4 1113 Wilaoa St., Hood River. Orel A New Line of Summer Robes, Suit Cases and Hand Bags Hanfords Balsam of Myrth the beat horse liniment William Weber Bell Building Telephone 8671 Elliot Bldg. Wilbur & Hazlett Lawyers HOOD RIVER . . OREGON EKNEST 0. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. LOUI8 A. USED ALBERT P. REED L.A.&A. P. REED LAWYERS Two Doors North of Poatoffice Phone 1331 DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER. OREGON. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answersd in town or oountry Day or Nlnu Telephones: Residence, 1031: Office, 1311, . , Offloe In the Broslns Bulldlnf Dr. Justin M. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT GENERAL SURGERY Office in Eliot Bldg. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. J.F.WATT.M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: offloe, 1091; residence, 8671. BURGEON O. R. A N. Co. E.D.KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 4211 Res. 1811 Office in Eliot Building Dr. V. R. Abraham Physician and Surgeon Office in Eliot Block Office Phone 4151 Residenc phone 4162 Dr. J. H. McVAY Diagnosis, Consultation and Surgical Diseases. Ball Bntldlnv, Hood River, Oreg-on PHONE 17W DR. MARCUS THRANE SPECIALIZING IN CHRONIC DIS EASES, INCLUDING EYE. EAR N08E AND THROAT Offices in First National Bank Building Hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Pine Grove Residence phone Odell 4619 Dr. Jesse Edgington , Office at Residence 903 Fourth St. Telephone 3783 HOOD RIVER OREGON Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Telephone 3111 DR. E. MILLER Chiropractic-Neur'pa'h Calls answered promptly day or night. umce over need a Henderson, Koom 4 HOOD RIVER, OREGON 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. ' DENTIST Telephones: Office 1081; residenc 3331 Office over Butler Bank H. D.W. PINEO, D. D.S. DENTIST Rooms 4, 6 and 8 Telephone Smith Building . 2021 E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephones : Office 3161; residence 3421 Umce in JB roams Building Frederick & Arnold Contractors and Builders Estimates furnished on all kinds of work Phones: MiSa Stmnahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREOON. M. E. WELCH. LICENSED YETEBUaRI SCK6E0S Is prepared to do any work la the vetaruv ary line. Ha can be Iband by '""t at Of Booninf to tha fashion 8 tables.