The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1916, Image 4

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    , "'" . flOOD RIVER GLACIEB, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916
I .
Cook in q
cool Ifltchon
All the heat it concen
trated where it U needed
keeps you cool and
makes for better cooking
Why not cook with
a modern oil stove this sum
mer and be comfortable?
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts.
More efficient than your wood
or coal stove, and costs less to
Better cooking because the
long blue chimneys give stead
ier, more evenly distributed
heat, under perfect control
like gas. No smoke or smelL
In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Fireless Cooking
Ovens. -
Ask your dealer today.
Hood River
Fear! Oil
Lfi 6 a0
blowers hardware co. s
d. Mcdonald.
For Commencement Give A
W. W. W. Guaranteed Ring
A ring carries a sentiment
that other gifts lack and out
lasts far more costly ones.
Splendid stones in beautiful
settings pearls, rubies, garnets,
tourmilines including all birth
stones. Every stone a beauty and
settings guaranteed against loss
of gems.
W. F. Lara way
Jeweler Hood River, Ore.
The Quality is Guaranteed and the Price
is Right at the
Grocery of Quality
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 1012
F. At BlaKo
Oregon Abstract Company
Certified Abstracts of Hood River Land Titles by experienced abstracters.
Conveyancing, Mortgage Loans and Surety Bonds, Fire, Life, Accident
and Health Insurance in the best companies.
305 Oak Street, Hood River? Oregon
Telephone 1521
Kail Kail
Auto Auto
Dnily Daily
t. M. P. M.
12 45.. ..4 30..
12 48.. ..4 33..
12 55.. ..4 40..
1 05.. ..4 50..
1 08.. ..4 53..
1 15.. ..5 00..
1 20.. ..5 05..
1 23.. ..5 08..
1 30.. ..5 15..
1 35.. ..5 20..
1 40.. .5 25..
1 45.. ..5 30..
1 55.. ..6 40..
2 00. . ..6 45..
Commencing Sunday, May 14, 1916.
...L. Hood River Ar..
Van Horn. .......
i Odell
.. .....Trout Creek
Wood worth
....Ar. Parkdale Lv. . .
..9 110
..8 58
..8 50
..8 45
..8 43
..8 40
..8 24
..8 20
..8 12
..8 08
..8 05
..8 00
..7 50
..7 45
Warrants Ordered Drawn en tha
Central Fund
Boys and Girls Aid Society, $10.00;
Wm. Davidson, cara of Mrs. Hannes
m&nn, 4.00; Tom Chambers, allow
ance, $15.00; F. W. Parks, allowance,
Widows Pensions: ' Sarah Klser,
$17.50; Cora B. Orlana. $25.00; Min
nie M. Crafts, $10.00; Emma C. Wil
lis, $10.00; Rose Odell. $15.00; Mar
tha Curtis, $25.00; Lola L McBaln,
$17.50; Ida Parker, $10.00. ...
Road Supervisors: C. R. Masiker,
$54.36; W. L. .Nichols, $60.00; S. W.
Curran, $55.00; Allen Macrum $42.50;
J. B. Jackson, $23,75; Warren Miller,
$43.75; O. H. Stanton, $62.50; J. B.
Doggett, $62.50; F. A. McDonald,
$15.00; H. L. Kurrow, $47.50; W. D.
Trotter, $60.93; Roy D. Smith, $35.00.
E. Hawkes, commissioner, $21.00;
J. O. Hannum, commissioner, $25.20;
Hattie L. Bailey, statistic registrar,
$1.75; A. O. Adams, statistic regist
rar, $.75; V. R. Abraham, county phy
sician, $17.00; Jennie Adams, steno
graphic work, $1.50; Blowers Hard
ware Co., Courthouse supplies, $2.25;
Bushong tc Co., supplies, $37.00; A.
C. Buck, Justice fees, $10.20; E. S.
Olinger, constable and witness $8.75;
H. H. Bailey, witness Justice court,
$1.50; A. L. Page, witness justice
court, $1.60; Anna Jarvey, witness
Justice court, $1.50; L. Jarvey, wit
ness court, $1.50; L. Jarvey, Jr., wit
ness Justice court, $1.50; Ben Conlon,
witness Juvenile court, $6.80; Frank
A. Cram, mdse, $13.66; Cottage Hoe
p'tal, , care Wctson & McCuistion,
$61.00; Fred G. Coe, carpenter work,
$71.32; Chas. N. Clark, Indigent,
$7.30; City of Hood River, water for
Courthouse and parks, $9.60; Mrs. J
w. Copper, caro Mrs. McCuistion,
,Z7.ou; crandal & Roberts, balance
auditing accounts, $154.37; C. Deth
man, Juror March term, $9.00; J. W,
Forbes, signs, $3.00; Glass ft Prud
nomme Co., election supplies, $22.41;
u B. Gibson, Incidentals, $15.76; L.
F. Henderson, fruit Inspector, $53.65;
J. T. Holman, supplies for Indigent,
$3.85; J. M. Hatch, painting, $7.50;
Glacier, printing, $39.65; News, print
ing, 19.35; w. J. Holmnn, moving
tent house, $5.75; Paul R. Hughes,
deputy assessor, $32.00; H. R. Gas
Electric Co., lights. $1.60; Irwin Hod-son-
Co., ballot boxes, $24.40; L. G.
Johnson, work in sheriff office 415.00;
ana .
inos. r. Johnson, incidentals and
prisoners board, $23.16; Carl Nelson,
witness Juvenile court, $7.00; A. F.
Nelson, witness Juvenile court, $7.00;
uregon- Washington Telephone Co.,
phono service, $11.55; Ed. Plog grand
Jury witness, $3.00; F. P. Philips, dis
trict sealer, $16.87; Slocom ft Can-
field, stationery, $1.60; Star Grocery,
oil, $1.60; A. C. Staten, for Mrs. W.
T. Wiley, $8.00; Kent Shoemaker, in
ciaonjais, 113.10; c. A. Tucker, auto
hire, sheriff, $5.50; Hubbcrd Taylor,
supplies for Sam Richardson, $1.85;
Underwood Typewriter Co., machine
for clerk's office, $96.75; Wasco
County patients on poor farm $74.70;
John A. Wilson, juror March term,
$9.00; Fred P. Zweigart, work on
lawn, $6.25.
Warrant, Ordered Drawn on General
Road Fund
J. E. Andrews, blacksmithing,
$10.95; L. N. Blowers, supplies,
$34.65; Bridal Veil Lumber Co., lum
ber, $9.09; C. A. Clark, blacksmith
ing, $8.15; A. R. Cruikshank, survey
ing, $24.00; S. J. Frank, powder,
$54.16; Gilbert & DeWltt, plow han
dle, $.75; Chas. Gray, plow and lum
ber, $7.60; Hodson & Feenaughty Co.
gravel hoist and culvert, $825.00; C.
M. Hurlburt, surveying, $79.80; H. R.
Gas & Electric Co., power at travel
pit, $27.35; Phillip Horn, blacksmith
lug, $7.25; C. E. Lovell, blacksmith
ing, $14.70; -Allen Macrum, window
broken In blasting. $1.00: Mt. Hood
Railroad Co., steel rails. $35.35; W.
L. Nichols, freight, $.25; Oregon
Lumber Co., lumber, $9.40; J. C. Sim
on ton, lumber,' $2.70; H. D. Steele,
pick handle, $.70; Standard Oil Co.,
damage to drum, $8.00; : Stanley-
Smith Lumber Co.. lumber. $36.97.
.S 46
.3 43
..3 33
.3 23
3 18
.3 15
.3 09
.3 05
.2 67
.2 53
.2 50
.2 45
.2 35
.2 30
Owing to the limited space on this car, all trunks and heavy baggage will be
handled on the steam trains, either in advance of or following jp&ssengers.
Sealed bids will be received bv the
Board of Directors of School District
No. 3. Hood River County. Oreeon.
until 8 o'clock p. m. May 29th for the
building of an annex to the present
High School, and also for the build
ing of a grade school to be situated
on Block G, Coe's Second Addition
to Hood River. The Board of Di
rectors reserve the right to reject
any and all bids.
For plans and specifications and
for further particulars apply to C. J.
Crandall, Architect, The Dalles, Ore
FRANK A. CRAM. Chairman
Silk Dress Specials
We have a number of beautiful Sik Dresses that we
are making special prices on this week so that will be cheap
er to buy these dresses ready made than to buy the mater
ial and have them made; and you know there is a distinc
tive style about these that is hard to get otherwise.
Number 402. Silk Jumper Dress of chiffon taffeta $10 CK
with organdy collar embroidered in black and white - - -
Number 801. Silk Poplin Dresses in French blue and Russian 1 1 40
green, neck and sleeves trimmed in oriental lace, corded skirt 1
Number 803. Silk Poplin Dresses in black and navy blue, col- 9 35
lars of fine net lace and white laced yoke ... -
Beautiful flowered Voile dresses in pink, blue and lavender O OC
piped in colors to match, very dainty and seasonable dresses fcw
Panamas, BangKoRs and Leghorns
The Best Summer Hats for Men
Bragg Mercantile Co.
This is a great middy season.
We have the good ones 75c to $1.75
Kodak finiihint-expert work-twentv
four hour service. Slocom & Canfield
cors: rs ca m23t(
Rids Wanted
'Bids wanted on thirty (SO) cords of heavy
txxly red Or wood, 'noeecond trowth timber.)
to be delivered at Wert Barrett School by Ang
ast 1st, 1918. The Board of Director! retain.
tberurnt to reject any or all bids. Bid. will
be opened Jane 2nd and shotild be mailed to
m mks. i w. BISHOP,
Clerk Bcnool Diet. No. 4,
. Notke of Final Settlement
In tbe County Conrl of the state of Oregon,
nrnooq cuvor wanly.
In tb. Matter of tbe Estate of E.C. Mabaney,
Nolle la bereby riven tbat the andenlaned
Administratrix baa filed ber Final Account
In the above entitled court and eauae, and tbe
conn nas en naiaraay, me sra aay or jane,
181,al the boar of 1OJ0 o'clock a. m. of said
day at tbe county erart room In Hood River,
aald County and State, by order dated tbe 3rd
day of May, WW, a the time and place for
tbe bearing and elt lenient ot aald account.
Dated and Brat published this lh day of
ay, wis. nM-jnl
JiLLlNOH M. MAHANEY, AdmlnlatratrU
Summons in Foreclosure of Tax Liens
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Hood River County.
Hood River County, a Municipal Corporation,
Darwin Bradley, E. E. Coad. li. R. Davenport,
Silas Souk. W. N. Nourse. Hani Eckhart. Rob
ert R. Erwin, Culver Gordon, H. S. Green, V.
Kelly. John K. KoUock, Ella F. Stewart, Lelia
A. Blik lev, Mattie Clemens, C- L. Burton, Ar-
. nold W. Taylor. George Quiurle. J. W. Wateon,
Orren Wand, T. A. Hocden. and all others
known and unknown, having any Interest in the
property hereinafter described. Defendants.
To Darwin Bradley. E. E. Coad, E. R. Davenport.
Silas Soule, W. N. Nourse, Hans Eckhart, Rob
ert R. Erwin, Culver Gordon, H. E. Green, V.
Kelly, John K. Kolloek, Ella P. Stewart, Lelia
A. Blackley, Mattie Clemens, C. L. Burton, Ar
nold W. Taylor, George Quiggle, J. W. Watson.
Orren Wand, T. A. Hogden, and all others
known and unknown having any interest in the
property hereinafter described, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
bereby notified that Hood River County is the
bolder of Certificates of Delinquency Nos. 101. 105,
200. 108, 110. 112, 114. 119. 120, 122, 123, 126. 129. 136,
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, issued on the 1st day of
February. 1914, by the Tax Collector of the County
of Hood River, State of Oregon, for the amount of
1264.63, the same then being the 'amount due and
delinauent for tb taxes for the year 1809, upon
the property hereinafter described, with penalty,
interest and costs thereon, assessed to you and of
which you are the owners as appears of record,
situated in the Ceilnty of Hood River, State of
Oregon, and a description of each parcel, together
with the tax. penalty and interest for said year
due from each of you upon the particular parcel
of land owned by you, is sot forth as follows, to
wit: Darwin Bradley, lot . block 2. and lot 8,
block 5, Town of Winans. Certificate No.
106. f 1 43
E. E. Coad. lot 8, block "A," Barrett-Sipma
Addition to Hood River. Certificate No.
200.. " 21 04
E. R. Davenport. H14 of the SE'i of the
NE'4 of the N W!i, Sec. 84. Tp. 3 North,
R. 10 E. Certificate No. 108 87 44
Silas Soule and W. N. Nourse, Sli of NE!4
and S of NE!- of NE!4. Sec. 33. Tp. 2
North, R. 10 E. Certificate No 110 74 03
Hans Eckhart. lots 45 and 46, block 2, Erwin
A Wstson's First Add. to Hood River.
Certificate No, 112 151
Robert R Erwin lots 4. 5, 6, 43. 44. 46 and 46,
block 9. Erwin Watson's 2nd Add. to
Hood River. Certificate No, 114 2 79
Culver Gordon, lota 31 and 32. block 6, Erwin
Watson's 1st Add. to Hood River. Ccr
tificsteNo.119 151
H. E. Green, 'A acres in Sec. S3. Tp. 3, N.
R. 10 E., as per Vol. 1, psge 148, Records
of Deeds of Hood River County, Oregon.
Certificate No. 120 19 23
V.Kelly, lots 37 and 38. block 2. Erwin A
Watson's 1st Add. to Hood River. Certifi
cate No. 122 151
John K. Kolktck. lots 7. 8, 9. 10. 11 and 12,
block 13, Idlewilde Add. to Hood River.
Certificate No. 123. 21 87
Ella F.Stewart, 8 acres in Sec. 34.Tp.lN.,
R. 10 E.. as per Vol L, pags 803, Records
of Deeds of Hood River County. Certifi
cate No. 126 26.42
Lelia A. Btakley. NE of NW!4 of NE'i of
Sec 82, Tp. 1 N., R. 10 E. Certificate No.
129. IS 81
Mattie Clemens, lot 16, block 9, Idlewilde
Add. to Hood River. Certificate No. 136 . 4 41
, L. Burton, Arnold W. Taylor and Geo.
Quiggle. SH of NE'i of Section 83. Tp. 2
N., R. 9 E. Certificate No. 138 28 47
Owner Unknown, lots 47 and 48. block 9, Er
win A Watson's lit Add. to Hood River.
Certificate 139 161
Owner Unknown. 2-3 A., 100 sq. ft in See,
27.TP. IN..R.10E. Certificate No. 141.. 2 90
J. W. Watson, lots 1 and 2, and lots 41, 42. 43
and 44, block (, Erwin Watson's 2nd
Add. to Hood River. Certificate No. 140-. 2 41
Orren Wand, lots 19 and 20, block 6, Erwin
aV Watson's 1st Add. to Hood River. Cer
tificate No. 142 151
T. A. Hogden, lot 45. block 5. Erwin Wat
son's 2nd Add. to Hood River. Certificate
No. 143 .: 11S
You and each of yon are further notified that
the said sums and eaeh thereof draw Interest
from the date of the issuance of the said Certifl
cates. to-wit: The 1st day of February, 1914. at
the rate of 15 per cent per annum.
That said above named defendants sr. the own
ers of tbe legal title of the above described pro
perty, and each parcel thereof as herein expressly
set forth and as the same appears of record, and
are hereby further notified that Hood River
County win apply to the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, aforesaid, for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property above described.
and mentioned in said certificatee.
And yoa are hereby summoned to appear with'
in sixty (60) days after the date of ths first pub
lication of this 8ummnns, to-wit: Within sixty
(60) day. after the 30th day of March, 1916. ex
clusive of the date of the first publication, and
defend this action or pay the amounts due as
above set forth, together with costs and accrued
interwt, and ia csm of roar fsilur. so to do. a de
cree will he rendered foreclosing the lien of i
taxes and costs against the lands and premises
above described.
This summons and notice is published pursuant
to the provisions of Section 3698 L. O. L.. and the
date of the first publication thereof ia March 80th.
1916. :
All processes and papers fa this proceedings
msy be served upon the undersigned, residing
within the 8t.t of Oregon, st the address herein
after mentioned.
Address, Hood River, Oregon,
chSO-jual ' A.J. DERBT.
District Attorney. Hood River, Oregon,
' -SIJ IJI. IS .jiH-p.wss inn
xi - uspi f; -
y x k srs?7?
ft : n
t .wL iCfeH
Summons tor Publication in Foreclosure
of Tax Lien
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Hood Rivet County.
O. C. Johnson, Plaintiff
U. H. Hsll, Defendant.
To H. H. Hall, tbe.above named defendant:
hereby notified tbat O. C Johnson, the bolder
of Certificate of Dellnonencv numbered luv
Issued on tbe 1st day of February, 1910 by tbe
Tax Collector of tbe County of Hood Hlver,
Louise lovely in tangled hearts'
GEM THEATRE, Wednesday-Thursday, May 24-25
We have just installed a planer and this with our
rip and cut-off saws will enable us to give you any
odd material that you may require. See our stock
and what we can do for you.
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
Yards west of freight depot Phone 2181
HUM of Oregon, for the amount of 61-100. Dol
lars, tbe a. me being tbe amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year IV 10, together
wltb penalty, Interest and costs tbereoo upon
tbe real property assessed to you, of which
you are the owner'as appears of record, situ
stod In ssld Oonnly and Btate, and particu
larly bounded and described as follows, to
wlt: Lot Block 10, Hood River Park.
You are lurtoer notified that said O. C.
Johnson bas paid taxes on said premises for
prior or subsequent years, with tbe rateol
interest on said amounts as follows:
1914 ..
Tax Rec't
Rate of.
Jan. 8, 1916 4424 26c 16 per cent
per annum
Jan. 8, 1916 3920 2bc 16peroent
per annum
Jan. 8, 1918 ST90 20c loperoeot
per annum
Jan. 8, 1916 7414 18o 16peroent
per annum
Said H. H. Hall, as the owner of the legal
title .of the above described property as the
same appears of record, and each of tbe other
persons above named are hertby furtber noti
fied that tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Circuit
Court of tbe County and State aforesaid for a
decree foreclosing the Hen against tbe pro.
perty above desuilbed and mentioned In said
certificate. And you are bereby summoned
to appear wltbin the next sixty days after the
first publication ot tbis summons, exclusive
or tbe day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay tbe amount due aa -above
sbown, together with costs and accrued
lnteruat, and in case of your failure to do so, a
decree will be rendered foreclosing tbe lien of
ssld taxes and costs against tba land and
premises above named.
This summons Is published by order of tbe
Honorable E. K. Stanton, J udge ol tbe County
Court of tbe State of Oregon, tor tbe County of
Hood River, and said order waa made and
dated this mh day of April, 1916, and tbe date
of tbe first publication of this summons Is tbe
27lh day of April. 1916. ,
All process and papers In this proceeding
may be served upon the undersigned residing
wltbin tbe Blate of Oregon, at the address
heresfler mentioned.
A. J. DERBY, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, Hood River, Ore. a27-Jo9
Prince Albert gives
smokers such
delight, because
its flavor is so different and so
delightfully good;
it can't bite your tongue;
it can't parch your throat ;
you can smoke it as long and
as hard as you like without any
comeback but real tobacco hap
piness !
On the reverse side of every Prince
Albert package you will read :
JULY 30th, J80T"
That means to you a lot of tobacco en
joyment Prince Albert has always been
sold without coupons or premiums. Wt
prefer to give quality I
ay a. i r.i
the national joy smoke
your. I
in goodness and
in pipe satisfaction
is all we or its enthusi
astic friends ever claimed
foritl -
y OU'LL find a cflMry howdy-do an nip M
tarter now mucli of a ttnntmt yon ar. in thm
Mci of th wood yxm drop into. For. Pnnco
Allfrl i. right thm th firmt otoce von
pas thMt .. tobMceo t Tho toppr rod
ot a ror a nieftwf amf th tidy red
" aim; men um . in hand-
pound and half-ooiind tin
humidor and thm pound
cry ;-;. humidor with
pon4-moiatnr top
mat pa th to-
oco In mica
hang-tip trim
It answers every smoke desire you
or any other man ever had! It is
cool and fragrant and appealing
smokeappetite that you will get chummy with
- . i .
u m a migniy snon lime l
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say.
so on the national joy smoke? v
R. J. REYNOLDS) TOBACCO CO, Wbston-Salem, N. C
I u tin ui rvacMursTK tn
; ,:,sijx,1i , ii
rTWT!l!lll y
Tals Is ft nvasas aMe el mm
Priac. A1UH tUT r ba. Raaa
tU. rkA4 rnua"
ealmvajalll I
i rVtan ASiartaai