The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 24, 1916, Image 1

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No. 39
First National Bank
New Business
This is the time of year to
consider and plan the cam
paign in all lines of industry.
The officers of this strong
bank are always glad to assist
in your plans and convince
you of the advantages of a
savings or checking account
with us.
Write It on the Film at the Time
Make the kodak record accurate, authentic Then there will never be the ques
tion: "How old wai baby when thla waa taken?" or " What Hummer waa thia made?"
You can write the who, when and where permanently on the margin of the nega
tive at the lime the eipoaure ia made If you use an Autographic Kodak.
Kresse Drug Co.
f&ZXaM Store v,cInLAS
. ne
Bank Advertisement No. 81
And yet again, how about that Savings
Account? Did you wish you had had just
a little more money for your Christmas
shopping last year?
Do you very much want to do some
thing in particular a few months, or even
years, from now, that you don't see how
you can afford?
Have you ever tried to acquire the habit
of regularly saving for any purpose?
If your answer to two of these ques
tions is in the affirmative and you are un
fortunate to have to answer the last one in
the negative, you are working at cross
purposes and need just the service we are
prepared to give to you.
Call on us and let us tell you all that
a savings account which pays four percent
interest will do for you.
A Bargain Purchase
of the O. P. Dabney & Son stock
was made after several negotiations. This bargain be
came so apparent that we made few advances in the
proposed closing out prices and in hundreds of items.
Reduced These Figures Beyond
All Consideration of Cost
This stock has been consolidated with our own to re
duced selling expenses to lowest cost. We are adding
bargains to the line from our own stock, so that you may
supply any want at figures far below the greatest bar
gain hunter's fondest hope.
We have added extra salesmen and are prepared to
serve you promptly. You will also be favored with
our regular credit terms and the popular 5 for cash.
Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co.
Your Credit Is Good. You may pay
cash and save 5 per cent
Tie Dais, MM & Moi liati Cipir
Steamers "Dalles City" and "Stranger"
Leave Portland 7 a. m., arrives at The Dalles H:30 p. ni daily except Sun
day, arrives at Hood River 4 :20 p. in. Leave The Dalles 7 a m., arrives at
Portland 6:30 p. m., daily except Sunday, arrives at Hood River 9:20 a. in.
Wednesday of each week is set aside as "Stock Yard Day" and then the
Steamer Dalles City will take live stock for delivery to Portland Union Stock
Yards. This service will permit the individual to ship as few animals as de
sired and get benefit of low freight rates.
For further information phone 4532
R. ROBERTS, Agent, The Regular Line
Announcement Extraordinary !
Our Spray Factory will soon be in operation
and a large part of our output will be handled by
the Apple Growers Association.
For your own best interests help a home in
dustry and a home institution and place your
orders with the Assocication.
And don't wait too long, if you would profit.
Special Introductory Sale
As a means of introducing our Ladies Tailoring Department,
we will make to your, measure
$40.00 Suits for - - - $35.00
$45.00 Suits for - - - 37.50
$50.00 Suits for - - - 40.00
$55.00 Suits for - - - 45.00
$60.00 Suits for - - - 50.00
These suits will be tailored in our own shop by skilled tailors,
thereby enabling us to give you a perfect fit and satisfaction.
108 Third Street
Tailors to Men Tailors to Women
The Quality is Guaranteed and the Price
is Right at the
Grocery of Quality
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 1012
It the Finest Coffee on Erth, 1 lb. tint 45c, ) lb. tin $1.25. S lb. tins SIN
Most of the best people in Hood River use it. Sold only st
Star Grocery Perigo & Son
The Name of Rood River Was Given by
Mrs. Mary White Coe Dog
River Early Name
(The following is the second of a series
of articles written for the Glacier in
1903 by H. C. Coe)
In the following article on the early
history of Hood River I have depended
largely on my memory from our arriv
al here until 1858, when our family
record begins, to which I shall refer
freely. Of that little band of pioneers
who came to Hood River in 1854, James
M. Benson, of The Dalles, and myself
are the only ones living;. Mrs. Phila
Burt, nee Jenkins, died in Los Angeles
about eight months ago at a ripe old
William Jenkins, with his son. Wal
ter, was drowned at the mouth of Hood
river in 1864. Nathaniel Coe died at
the homestead in 1868. Mary W. Coe
died at Hood River in 1893. N. S.
Benson died in Auburn, New York, in
1869; Charles C. Coe at Hood River in
1872; Eugene F. Coe in Portland in
1893, and L. W. Coe in San Francisco
in 1898.
The only landmark left of these
early days is the old Coe homebtead on
State street of this city. Of our Indian
friends, nearly all of those who were
old enough to take an active part in
those days have passed over to the
happy hunting grounds. A notable ex
ception is old John Slibinder. He
must now be close to his centennial
year and is still a hale and hearty old
man. After an intimate acquaintance
lasting nearly half a century, I can
truthfully say that I never knew a
more honest, truthful or upright man,
black or white, than old Slibinder
never wavering in his friendship to the
whites, ever risking the anger or the
hostiles during the troublous times of
the Indian war of 1856. Charlie Co-
pax, another Indian friend, still lives
on his farm in the Yakima Indian res
ervation, and old George Kinney, the
self-inflicted pensioner of our little
city, still lives, moves and has his be
ing. Pat Williams and Jim Cluhoc
were mere boys ot about 10 or VI
years. All tne rest nave gone, laded
before breath ol the white man, as the
mist before the morning Bun, and in
the dreamland of their happy hunting
grounds chase the red deer from his
lair as in days of old.
In the early part of June, 1854, N.
Coe, with his son, E. F. Coe, accom
panied by William Jenkins and bis
brother-in-law, Nathan S. Benson, ac
quaintances of ours from Auburn, New
York, left fortiana lor nooa mver.
Hood River was originally known as
Dog river, and obtained its name in
the following manner. I cannot give
the date of the occurrence, though 1
conversed with a man only a few years
ago who was one of the party. A band
of cattle was being brought down the
river at dusk. The cattle were driven
across the river, while the party
camped on the east side. In the night
a heavy rain storm came up, and in
the morning the river was too high to
cross. The rains continued for a num
ber of.days, and the party ran out of
food and were compelled to kill old
Towser, the dog. My mother, Mrs.
Mary W. Coe, objected to the name,
and as the stream bad its head in
Mount Hood, she proposed to call it
Hood river. This name was thought
very appropriate and was .adopted by
I have no written data to set the
exact date of the departure of the
party from Portland, only I remember
a little circumstance that occurred the
day before they left, when Mr. Jenkins
brought to our house a little brown
cornucoDia containing 12 nice ripe
cherries, for which he had just paid 25
cents. So 1 concluded that it must
have been early in June.
The party was more than pleased
with the country and decided to make
their homes here. They returned to
Portland for an outfit, and Mr. Jenkins
sent for bis family and another brother-in-law,
James BenBon, and then all
hands returned to Hood River to pre
pare homes for their families. Un
what has of late been known as the
Coe homestead they found a small log
cabin, erected by Judge Laughiin, ia
1852, and on the land selected by Jen
kins, a house had been built by Dr.
Farnsworth at the same date as the
one built bv Judge Laughiin.
Previously to our selection of Hood
River as our future home, our folks
had decided to start in the mercantile
business at The Dalles and had had a
bill of lumber sawed at the Cascades
for a store building. This lumber was
sent to Hood River, the old homestead
was built of it, and in September my
mother and I came up from Portland.
We were all domiciled in the old
Laughiin bouse, as the new house was
not complete, but was finished so that
we moved in before the rainy season
set in. The house was no palace.
though much better than out of doors.
There was no ceiling nor cloth or pa
per; no partitions; only one large room
20x40. The winter, however, proved to
be a remarkably mild one, so we man
seed to live verv comfortably.
In November Mrs. Jenkins and her
brother, James M. Benson, arrived
;-om New York, making a very ac
ceb'able addition to our little colony
We had brought ith us a sufficient
supply of flour, pork and beans, but
vegetables were scarce and high, we
having to depend upon our kind neigh
bors across the columDia ior mem
These we had to bring from the land
inn on horseback, as we had no team
Our supply of candles gave out early.
as we had been able to obtain tut a
few. We then resorted to tallow dips,
but this supply also gave out, and our
last resort was pitch pine torches, this
soon became an unbearable nuisance,
as it covered everything with soot,
which got into our food and bed
clothes; in fact, we could have success
fully posed as a band of Kentucky ne
gro minstrels. So we gave up the idea
of light and sat out the long winter
evenings in the dark.
In the latter part of November a few
inches of snow fell and a slight scum
of ice covered the river, but this soon
passei away and our winter was done.
New Year's day we accepted an invita
tion to eat chicken at Mr. Joslyn's.
Such a glorious day and such a glorious
dinner) The mountains were covered
with grass and the ground blooming
with bluebells and buttercups.
The month waa spent in clearing up
land, and one-half an acre of land was
spaded up ready for a garden. The
first of February seeds were planted,
which came up, and there was no frost
to damage anything that spring.
A trip was made to Portland, and
work cattle, cows, farming imple
ments, etc., procured. Those were
busy days for us. Karly and late were
the watch words, and well were we re
paid for our labors. The earth yielded
bountifully, and fall found both the
barn and cellar full to overflowing with
the results of our toil. So our first
year passed.
An orchard lof peaches, plums, cher
ries and a few apple treea had been
started and grew nicely. Nature
seemed to smile on us as if to atone
for its severity to our predecessors.
But with the fsll came uncomfortable
rumors of trouble with the Indians in
various distant portions of the country,
causing anxious thoughts. Our dusky
neighbors, though professedly friendly,
were as yet untried, and in numbers
were fully able, bad they so desired, to
have exterminated our little colony
without very much exertion or trouble.
So the winter passed, and as the early
spring came the rumors came to be
facts, and we found ourselves face to
face with the'horrora of an Indian war.
My pen can but faintly portray the
incidents of that dreadful year. It
seems as if but yesterday that 1 stood
with little Woodburn Hawks on the
brow of the bill that now overlooks the
town-and watched with bated breath
the little steamer Wasco, as with a
handful of soldiers and a few settlers
it crawled, snail like, up the river 'to
do battle with the hordes of yelling
savages that lined the opposite shore.
The plans, as outlined laBt Friday
and Saturday for the control of the
marketing and distribution of North
western boxed apples by representa
tives of the Office of Markets of the
United States Department of Agricul
ture, meets with the general approval
of local growers and market men.
Truman Butler, member of the execu
tive committee of the Growers' Council
as formed last year at meetings at Se
attle and Tacoma, says that the pro
posed board of regulation, to be com
posed of five members furnished by the
Shippers' League and five from grow
ers, cooperating with the government,
will obviate the necessity of future ac
tion of the Growers' Council.
"We of the Growers'Council feel es
pecially gratified over the outcome of
the report," says Mr. Butler, "as the
recommendation conforms in every
particular to our desires. While the
proposed system will not sell the ap
ples, it will make possible better sales
and distribution by the machinery of
Bales agencies already available."
H. bhepard, one of the best poBted
horticultural men in the northwest,
sayBthat the plan should be of great
It is believed by fruit men here that
the offer made last year by the Apple
Growers Association, and which is still
open, according to Wilmer Sieg, to co
operate with the Rogue River Fruit &
Produce Association in the marketing
and distribution of Yellow Newtowns,
principal varieties of both districts,
may be accepted for the coming year.
Advices have been received here to
the effect that Reginald T. Parsons,
owner of the Hill Crest orchards and a
leading member of the Rogue River
association, looks favorably on a with
drawal from the Northwestern Fruit
Growers Exchange, of which he has
been president.
A notice of a special meeting of the
Rogue River Fruit & Produce Associa
tion, set for next Saturday, states the
"The board of directors believes it
unwise to renew the contract with the
Noith western Fruit Exchange and de
sires to submit the whole marketing
question to the stockholders for a full
discussion and for their suggestions
and recommendations."
Officials of the Apple Growers Asso
ciation expect to see, they state, the
Rogue River district's chief selling
agency take a step parallel to that
taken by the local association last year,
when it withdrew from the North Pa
cific Fruit Distributors, in that the
Medford concern will withdraw from
the Exchange and begin the adminis
tration of its business direct. When
this step is taken, the co-operation of
the two Oregon concerns in the distri
bution of similar products is prophe
Local district politics are beginning
to assume some denfiite shape for the
coming primaries. As a result of a
conference of party leaders at The
Dalles Thursday, J. P. Lucas, formerly
postmaster, has announced his candida
cy on the Republican ticket for the
joint senatorship from Hood River and
Wasco counties. Mr. Lucas formerly
resided at Ihe Dalles, having been reg
ister of the United States Land office
there for a term of years.
A. P. Reed, rumored as an aspirant
to the office of circuit judge for Hood
River and Wasco counties, now filled
by Judge Bradsbaw, who will be a can
didate on the Democratic ticket to suc
ceed himself, declares that be will not
be a candidate. Judge Bradsbaw has
held the office for the past four terms.
TRIBUTES $75,000
Office of Markets Report Endorsed by
Shippers' Central Agency and Uni
form Contracts Provided
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Apple Growers Association
last Thursday a distribution of $75,000,
returns on apples that have been sold
and for which remittances have been
received, was ordered. The total of
former distributions reaches 50 cents
per box on the three grades, Blue and
Red Diamond and Mountain brand: and
25 cents per box on family grade.
The distribution of Thursday, how
ever, was not made on pro rata box
basis, but waa a remittance on fruit
I actually sold,.
The final acceptance of the plans pro
posed last week at Spokane by repre
sentatives of the Office of Markets of
the United States for stablizing the
marketing of the crop of northwestern
boxed apples and securing a more thor
ough distribution of the fruit will rest
with the real growers of the different
districts, according to Wilmer Sieg.
"C. E. Bassett, one of the three rep
resentatives of the office who have been
working on the recent investigation and
reports for the past several months."
says Mr. Sieg, "will proceed at once
10 isorin xakima, where he will meet
with growers and give them the details
of the proposed plan. C. W. Moomaw
and W. H. Kerr, the other two govern
ment men, will hold similar meetings
here and in other districts. The stand
ard shipping agencies, through their
League, .are willing to accept the pro
posed plans, which call for a growers"
agency governed by a board to be com
posed of five members selected by
growers and five by the shipping organ
izations. This board will select its
chairman, who may be a shipping rep
resentative or a grower.
The proposed plan calls for a uniform
contract and a central office that will
endeavor to work toward uniform dis
tribution and the opening up new mar
Mr. Sieg is prone, however, to view
with regret action taken last week by
the glowers of the Wenatchee district.
who have adopted a slogan, "sell for
"This is not in harmony with the
proposed government plan," says Mr.
Sieg. "It would be ideal if the fruit
could be sold for cash. But this plan
will not work. The Wenatchee grow
ers will find that cash buyers will pass
them up. If they stick to their plans
and absolutely refuse todsipose of their
apples, except for cash, they will, how
ever, cause other districts no trouble."
The action of the Wenathcee growers
mentioned by Mr. Sieg was taken last
week at a mass meeting held at the
Wenatchee Commercial club.
llThe movement does not mean a new
selling organization. It does not mean
a new shipping organization ; does not
contemplate additional expense to the
grower. The Fruit Growers' Agency,
as organized, is the get together instru
ment of the growers and selling agen
cies for the common purpose of mutual
protection, and through its Spokane
headquarters will be bandied the details
so essential to the successful handling
and marketing of the crops. The
Agency, as an orangization will per
form no act whatsoever of selling. It
will displace no existing shipping or
ganization. The present selling agen
cies will continue to act independently
in their dealings with the markets.
But through the mutual organizations
thus formed by the growers and ship
pers, the centering of the best thoughts
and mipds in the industry will be de
voted to the adoption and carrying out
of advanced practices in marketing,
and such matters as the extension of
trade development in the world's mar
kets. Substantially, confidence is ex
pected to take the place of hostility in
competitive conditions, and through
that confidence, economy.
"The following provisions must be
made a part ot all selling contracts and
nothing can be included in the contract
which will in any way contradict or
nullify the carrying out of the provi
sions as enumerated hereafter. The
provisions should be placed in the con
tract in mandatory form.
"1. It shall be provided that each
grower shall have the exclusive right
and authority to fix the price at which
his ptoducts or any ptrt thereof may
be sold by the selling agent, but that in
event the price so fixed shall be higher
than the best market price obtainable
after offering the same, the selling
agent shall in no wise be held responsi
ble for failure to negotiate sales at
such prices.
"2. It is further mutually understood
and agreed by both parties hereto that
it shall be the duty of the agent to co
operate with all like growers' resident
selling agents whose principal place of
business is in Oregon, Washington,
Idaho or Montana, and who handle an
average of 100 cars or more of fruit
and produce annually, for the following
"(a) To secure information as to
crop conditions, in order to determine
the common values of varieties and
"(b) To work in close harmony with
growers with the aim of securing uni
form methods in the harvesting, grad
ing, packing and the physical handling
of the fruit from tree to car, and to se
cure a standardization and enforcement
of the grading and inspection rules of
the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho
and Montana.
"(c) To agree upon a date after
which no contracts for tonnage shall be
entered into, in order that the selling
agencies may have a reasonable time in
which to provide for the sale and dis
tribution of the crops.
"(d) To discuss in conference mar
ket conditions and experiences with
varions mediums used in the markets
for the purpose of ascertaining the
most efficinet agencies and market out
lets for the economical performance of
their mutual contract.
"(e) To secure improvement in
transportation and storage services and
"(f) To work out definite plans for
the development of various domestic
and Canadian markets, utilizing experi
enced men and tho combined resources
of the said agents.
"(g) To develop foreign markets
along the following lines: (1) To con
duct comprehensive foreign investiga
tions for the purpose of knowing trade
connections. (2) To see that the fruit
is prepared for market so that the
grade and pack may be in accordance
with the best trade demands. (3) To
supervise the physical handling of the
shipments through to final destination
and to secure adequate insurance bo
that the hazards may be reduced. (4)
To secure capable foreign agents to
conduct sales abroad. (5) To expand
old markets and develop new ones by
direct contact and through the solicits-
(Continued on Last Page)