The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 17, 1916, Image 1

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    J. '
i' No. 38
First National Bank
New Business
This is the time of year to
consider and plan the cam
paign in all lines of industry.
The officers of this strong
bank are always glad to assist
in your plans and convince
you of the advantages of a
savings or checking account
with us.
nll ill
No. 2 Folding
Camera $8
Come in and
let us show
this wonderful
new addition
to the
Kodak Line
Kresse Drug Co.
Bank Advertisement No. 80
"The Nature of the Banking Business."
By H. S. McKee
"What public service do the banks preform?
They create and furnish to the public a circulat
ing credit more useful and convenient than money
and several times greater in amount than the
total money supply of the country. How does
any particular customer obtain this credit from
his bank ? By exchanging with the bank his own
note for the bank's credit, in the manner de
scribed. What must the customer do to entitle
him to this privilege? He must establish his own
credit. He must satisfy the bank that his own
note is good, and otherwise do his part in
strengthening and supporting this entire credit
system. The very foundation of the customer's
credit is knowledge by the bank that he is the
kind of man who, if he gives his note or pro
mise, will certainly perform it; or in other words,
character, without which, of course, no credit
can exist. He must next satisfy the bank that
he not noly intends to, but is also able to pay;
and not merely pay sometime, but pay when the
note is due. This is partly accomplished either
by depositing security with the bank, or giving
it a correct detailed written statement of his bus
iness condition, and the nature of his business
Burpee's best by test.
Burbank's wonders. Our
stock will Be most complete
ever offered. Our prices
same as you would pay the
grower packets, pounds,
bushel or by sack.
Catalogues Leaflets, Free
Are you tired after a ride?
Franklin owners rifle to rest
Does your gasoline bill seem
high? Franklin's average
32.08 miles to gallon.
How is your oil costs?
Franklin's average ever 800
miles on gallon.
You think the year's re
pai r high ? Franklin repair
shops loose money. You cannot
afford not to own a Franklin.
Persistent care has-secured
for us a most complete
assortment of new goods at
prices surprising low. This
consignment includes Lino
leum, Oil Cloth, Carpets,
Rugs, Curtains, Shades, etc.
The advancing market
finds our stock so complete
that we can fill your every
want at saving prices.
STOVES have gone up,
but we will continue our
standard prices a $79 home
comfort range for $50.
Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co.
Your Credit Is Good. You may pay
cash and save 5 per cent
The Only Place to get Accurate Abstracts of
Land in Hood River County is at
the office of the
Hood River Abstract Company
Insurance, Conveyancing, Surety Bond
Steamers "Dalles City" and "Stranger"
Leave Portland 7 a. m., arrives The Dalles 6:30 p. m., Sundav, Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday (not Friday) and Saturday. Arrives up at Hood
River about 4 :20 p. m. Leaves The Dalles 7 a. m., arrives Portland 6:30 p.
m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (not Saturday)
Arrives down at Hood River about 9:20 a. m.
Wednesday of each week is set aside as "Stock Yard Day" and then the
Steamer Dalles City will take live stock for delivery to Portland Union Stock
Yards. This service will permit the individual to ship as few animals as de
sired and get benefit of low freight rates.
For further Information phone 4532
R. ROBERTS. Agent, The Regular Line
You can make big bills smaller by buying your shoes here.
Our little profit, many sales policy, insures you a saving every
time you make a purchase; you know the character of our
shoes, at least by reputation. Know now that in this store
high class is not accompanied by high prices. Visit will prove
that you can buy more advantageously here than elsewhere.
J. C. Johnsen, The Hood River Shoe Man
Special Introductory Sale
As a means of introducing our Ladies Tailoring Department,
we will make to your measure
$40.00 Suits for - - - $35.00
40.00 '
$45.00 Suits for
$50.00 Suits for
$55.00 Suits for .
$60.00 Suits for
These suits will be tailored
in our own shop by skilled tailors,
thereby enabling us to give you a perfect fit and satisfaction.
lOS Third Street
Tailors to Men Tailors to Women
Rubber Stamps
"Good Things to Eat"
Van Camp's Red Kidney Beans, 2 cans
Van Camp's Chili Con Carne, can '
Van Camp's Hominy, 2 cans ,.
Heinz Prepared Spaghetti, 2 cans
Del Monte Succatosh, 2 cans
. Preferred Stock Sweet Potatoes, can .
Preferred Stock Baby Beets, can
Libby's Kraut, 2 cans
Libby's Asparagus, can......,
Gebhart's Frijoles, can
.v35c .
... 15c
Star Grocery Perigo & Son
H. t. Coe Tells of White Man'i First
Winter in Community Early
Indian War Account
Following the policy of presenting to
the residents of the Hood River valley
of today authentic sketches of early
life of the community, the Glacier will
reprint a series of articles written 13
years ago by H. C. Coe, son ol Nathan
lei Coe, the city a first permanent resi
The first of the articles is given be
Hood River has just passed the half
century mark of its first settlement.
The ranks of those haidy pioneers, who
alone can tell the story of ita earliest
settlement, are being so rapidly deci
mated by the Great Destroyer that very
soon the last of these forerunners of
civilization shall have crossed the dark
river and passed into the great un
known beyond.
J hose of you woo now. with wonder
ing friends, as you pass from farm to
farm, point with pride to the magnifi
cent orchards that are scattered every
where; as you pass the ateepled church
es and overflowing school houses, can
little appreciate the vast wilderness
the utter loneliness that surrounded the
pioneer setters of this lovely valley.
for lovely it was, evten In its solitude.
Deer, bear and elk roamed at will
through the park-like forests; cougar,
wolves and coyotes were in plentiful
evidence; greuse and pheasants were
found in abundance, while the streams
were filled with trout and. the river
ith salmon. Nature was indeed lavish
in her animal and plant life that could
be used by the pioneer for himelf and
his herds.
But when winter canfe with its
dreary snows and storms and he was
unable, work however hard he may, to
provide sufficient sustenance to proper
ly care for his dumb beasts, then anxi
ety hovered over the pioneer's home ;
he eagerly watched the sunset skies for
the first signs of the coming west wind
that meant warmth and strength to his
tarnished stock.
Summer came at last: his herds be
came sleek and round as they fed upon
the nutritious grasses, and all nature
seemed to smile upon him. But anon
distant rumors chilled bis blood. They
came nearer and nearer, until an Indian
war in all its horrors was upon him.
The sickening, monotonous beating of
the war drum, the yells of the infuri
ated savages, the blazing walls of his
neighbor's home all these have been
the expenene of the early pioneers of
Hood Kiver.
1 am under many obligations to Mrs.
Elaabeth Lord, daughter of Judge Will
iam C. Laughlin, the poneer settler oi
Hood River, for a very graphic and
thrilling account of their awful win
ter's experience "n our valley. You
who. these winter evenings, sit by your
comfortable fireside, the room flooded
with electric light, let your thoughts
wander back to the horrors of that
dreadul winter just half a century ago.
imagine if you can the little log cabin
almost buried in snow, surrounded by
hundreds of starving cattle; the desper
ate fight for life itself, the sickness,
hunger and cold within, and then tell
me if you can the Quality and number
of joys Jtbat paradise should hold to re
quite the pioneer, even in part, for the
privation he has undergone.
" First Winter Recorded
By Mrs. Elizabeth Laughlin Lord
Hood River was first settled by Will
iam Catesby Laughlin and his wife,
Mary Laughlin. Both of them were
born in Kentucky. They moved to Illi
nois in 1832; were marriedand moved
to Missouri in 1840, They crossed the
plains to Oregon in 1850, lived in The
Dalles two years and moved to Hood
River in the fall of 1852.
Having accumulated quite a number
of cattle and horses by trading with the
Indians and immigrants, Mr. Laughlin
decided to locate on a good range and
make a home for himself and family.
Dr. Farnwsorth, an old friend and fam
family physician, having arrived from
Missouri early in the season, they con
cluded to settle at Hood River, then
called Dog river. Mr. Laughiln had
looked the country over and thought u
the loveliest spot on earth. However,
they delayed moving down until the
immigration was all in, when they toon
all the stock they could get to winter
for a stated price per head. Mr.
Laughlin bad about 100 bead of horses
and the same number of cattle of his
own, and about zoo head oi cattle to
herd for others. Dr. farnsworth bad
about 100 altogether.
Some time in October they engaged a
flat boat to take the families and sup
plies down the river, the doctor going
down with them. Mr. Laughlin, with
two hired men and the doctor's 16-year-
old son, drove the stock over the trail.
The boat made the run down and land
ed where the ferry landing now is, in
one day, while the stock took two days
to make the trip. Alter driving tne
stock across Dog river, Mr. Laughlin
and his men joined the families in
camp, and the next day crossed the
river by fording with ox teams.
Mr. Laughlin landed on the Coe place
and built a small log cabin, uwing to
the latenesa of the season and the seri
ous illness of bis eldest son, James,
wbo had typhoid fever, be hastened to
get a shelter over his family. Dr.
Farnsworth took more time and built
a better and larger cabin on the place
afterwards known as the Jenkins place,
Everything now seemed propitious to
the making of happy and permanent
homes. But a short time elapsed until
a verv heavy snow fell. I have no
date, but know it was in November,
and much of the snow remained on the
ground until March. The cabin was in
the edse of a beautiful grove of medi
um aiied fir trees, and all of the cattle
from far and near made their way to
that srove. There were several men
down near Mitchells Point herding over
500 bead of cattle, and they all came
no to the Laughlin cabin.
No one wbo has not witnessed aucb a
condition can imagine what it was like,
They came i the night, and all crowd
ed around our poor litte cabin, bellow
Ms and horning each other, until it
eemed aa if pandemonium bad broken
loose. On looking out there appeared
a aea of beads and horns as far as the
eve could reach, Tbey broke in the
door several times. The family waa
terrined. as it aeemed aa if tbe walls
would give way. ' Mr. Laughlin fought
them away until morning, when he
tried to drive them off, but tbey were
all gentle animala land came to the
grove for ahelter. Our own cows came
to us for protection and all the rest
followed. Mr. Laughlin felled.trees to
make a large enclosure to keep them
away. When tbe storm abated be sent
an Indian with a message to those men
to come and take their stock away.
But the men abandoned, tbe .stock and
went to their bomea at the Cascades.
The cattle atayed in that grove until
every one died. All of Dr. Farns
worth a and all of Mr. Laughlin a but
14 bead also died. At that time there
was quite a deep ravine running from
just below tbe spring down through the
grove. By spring that ravine was full
of dead cattle.
After Christmas Dr. Farnsworth be
came discouraged, so be and Mr.
Laughlin felled a large fir tree, dug
and burned and hewed out a very large
canoe, in which he loaded everything
he bad and drifted away from Hood
Kiver forever.
This left Mr. Laughlin's family very
forlorn. Tbey had a winter of struggles
and hardships. With tbe help of Indi
ans whom be hired he felled trees to
make corrala to aeparate the weaker
cattle and try to save some if possible,
hoping irom day to day lor a Chinook
wind. Finally flour gave out. Then
he hired Indiana to go to the Cascades
to buy some. They were gone for a
long time and returned with shorts,
and demanded half of that, of which
they brought but little. Very soon
this, too, was gone. Then Mr. Laugh
lin dug out a small canoe for himself
and went up to The Dalles for sup
plies. While there be made arrange
ments with Major Alvord to lease land
for a farm on the government reserva
tion (the aame land which he after
wards held as a donation claim). As
soon aa the snow had gone oft he gath
ered what horsea were left and hired
the Indians from White Salmon, who
had five canoes, to take the family up
the Columbia to Ihe Dalles, while he
and his son, James, drove the pitiful
handful oi stock back over those hills
where so few months before tbey bad
driven such a large herd.
Early in the spring of 1854 a family
excursion party consisting of N. Coe
and wife and the writer, then a boy of
nine years, left Portland, Ore., for a
trip to Fort Dalles, at that time head
of navigation on the Columbia river.
Uur first day a ride was on the little
side wheel steamer Fashion, VanBerang
master, the James f. Mint was the
pioneer boat on the middle Columbia,
but trade seemed better on the lower
river, so she was taken over tbe Cas
cades the year before and renamed
An all day's trip brought us to the
lower Cascades, where we were very
hospitably entertained at the home of
B. B. Bishop, brotber-in-law to the
Bradfords, then in the transportation
business at the Cascades.
Tbe portage of Bix miles was a rather
complicated process. Freight for trans
portation was first loaded in schooners,
which, when the wind blew sutticiently
strong, were driven to the landing then
knomn aa the -middle blockhouse, but
imw called Sheridan's Point, where
tbey were unloaded onto a tramcar
that came around Sheridan's Point, and
was hauled up by a windlass run by a
very patient and intelligent mule.
When the car reached the summit of
the incline the mule was unhitched
from the windless, attached to the car
and started for the upper Cascades
alone over a wooden tramway, with a
couple of boards in the middle of the
track for tbe "engine " to walk on.
Arriving at his destination, the mule
was unhitched, turned around and
coupled onto an empty flat car and
started on his return trip. A pole was
lashed to his side and then to the car.
This acted aa a kind of automatic brake
to keep the car from running over tbe
engine. I his arrangement worked
well for a while, and saved the services
of a conductor, but tbe mule got onto
his job, and when well out of sight
would atop to get up more steam and
incidentally to take good long naps,
thereby seriously interferon with the
transportation business. Eventually
a fireman had to be added to the list of
train hands.
At the upper Cascades the Bradfords
had just completed a small schooner of
about 40 tons burden, which was mak
ing trips to Fort Dalles when the
winds were favorable. At this point
stood Bradford'a store.where two years
afterward a handful of brave, fearless
men for three davs held at bay hordes
of Indians, in what is known as the
Cascade massacre.
We boarded the schooner and with a
fine breeze blowing we made geod
progress and about noon reached Hood
River, then known as Dog River. We
were all very imucb pleasedwith the
general aspect of the country and my
father determined to return at bis
earliest convenience and examine tbe
lands with a view of locating if satis
factory. We reached our destination
that evening at Fort Dalles, which then
consisted of a government post located
about half a mile south of the few
scattering houses on the river, where
now stands the city of Tbe Dalles. We
remained over a day at this place,
which bad at that time but few attrac
tions. The only steam vessel then on the
middle'Columbia was the little propel
ler Allen, Captain Tom Gladwell, that
was cspable of carrying few passen
gers and little freight. She only made
a few trips, however, when she was
wrecked or cast away, and her old iron
hull may still be seen at any low water
a short distance above Mitchells Point
on the Edgar Locke farm. As the
schooner that we came up on would not
be ready to return for some days, and
a down river trip was likely to be a
tedius one, we determined to take
passage on tbe Allen, which was to
start tbe next morning.
Tbe trip down the river was a rough
one, and after an all day battle witb
tbe winds and waves we reached White
Salmon, then tbe only settlement be
tween Fort Dalles and Cascades. The
sole white resident here waa E. S. Joe
lyn, who witb bia wife had located
there, if my memory serves me right,
the year previous. It waa determined
to remain bere over night, and as there
wss no accommodation on the boat
not even a cold handout Mr. Joalyn,
wbo waa at the landing, very cordially
invited all bands to bia home, which in
vitation it is needless to say waa gladly
It ia remarkable Ciow man's per
sonality ia reflected in everything that
surrounds him, and the welcome ex.
tended to tbe hungry and tired passen.
geri and crew of tbe Allgi by Mr. Jos,
Record of 1895 May Be Reached When
Warmth of Springtime Brings Down
Mountain Frecipitation .
River men are now predicting that
the Columbia will reach a record high
water mark thia spring, when the deep
snows of the mountains and headwat
ers of the river begin to melt. The
river raised steadily all lust week.
From Monday till Thursday night the
stream raised about three feet. Thurs
day night the phenomenal raise of eight
feet was recorded, tbe heavy, sudden
flood caused presumably from the
breaking of ice jams. Friday night,
the wind shifting to the east, and the
temperature dropping to 18 degrees
above zero, the thaw waa stopped tem
porarily, and the river fell a foot Fri
day night and Saturday.
1 he thaw was slow at all times here
last week. Local streams did not ex
ceed the usual winter flood stage. Sev
eral heavy rains were held by the snow.
aad the water did not reach streams as
fuickly as if the earth had been bare,
he only damage reported happened
when a miniature lake, formed by snow
water impounded on the flat top of the
east side gorge of Hood river, flooded
the switchback section of the Mount
Hood Railway Company's line, washing1
out a portion of the track.
Since Saturday the Columbia baa
fallen about four feet. Hut still the
stream is higher than ever before even
here at this season of the year.
"Extreme floods in the late spring,"
says Roy Roberts, "all depend on how
the thaw strikes the headwaters of the
Snake and Columbia. If it strikes both
at the same time, we will have higher
water than in 1894, when the river was
about 34 feet higher than at the present
The Columbia is now free from ice.
After a two weeks' tie-up ferry boats
began operating the latter part of last
week. Bert Kent is landing at the
point north of the passenger depot. He
usually lands here not earlier than
Floods on local tributary streams of
the Columbia have caused no great
damage. The worBt sufferer has been
the Mount Hood Rsilway Co. A bridge
above Dee has been taken out, and the
switchback washout has caused delays.
it has been panned to secure a pile
drver from the O.-W. R. & N. Co. to
bridge this washout. However, it was
learned Tuesday that this could not be
effeced, and work was begun at once at
Dee to construct a pile driver. It now
seems improbable that the line will be
opened before the first of next week.
However, even -if this washout did
not exist it would be impossible for the
road to operate on account of Blides.
One morning this week it required
three hours for an engine of the com
pany to teach the switchback. It waa
necessary for a crew to accompany tho
locomotive and dig a way through by
band. The company is making every
effort to get its track open and relieve
tbe isolation of the Upper Valley people.
Data supplied by E.W. Birge, a West
Side orchardist and United States co
operative weather observer, shows that
the precipitation here from January 1
of this year to last Thursday, 9.07
inches, lacked less than an inch of be
ing as much as that of last year from
January 1 to November 1. The rainfall
for the first half of last year, however,
was below normal.
Tbe total snowfall for the current
winter, according to Mr. Birge's rec
ord, has been 119f inches, of which all
but 17 inches have fallen since January
1. The normal annual rainfall for the
Hood River valley is 23 inches.
Ihe snow has been melting so slowly
that banks Ave feet deep still remain
heaped on the city's streets. No strong
chineok winds have prevailed, and the
streams have not assumed any flood
stage. The water' is soaking into tbe
earth, and an unprecedented amount of
moisture will be stored for the produc
tion of predicted bumper crops in all
lines throughout the valley.
So slowly has tbe deep snow melted
during tbe past week that damage to
orchards, according to.'reports from all
districts, will be comparatively light.
Grave fears existed among growers
Sunday night a week ago, when rain
formed an ice crust a half inch thick
on the surface of the snow blanket; for
this heavy cruBt, if a sudden thaw had
followed, would not only have stripped
young trees, but would have taken
many limbs off five and six year old
orchards. This crust, however, was
melted before the snow began to settle,
and damage caused was negligible.
Growers have reported the breaking
of young trees by shifting snow on
hillsides and tracts of young trees in
the Upper Valley will be made to look
very raggedy for several years because
of stripped branches. In older orch
ards the damage will be no greater
than that of a normal winter.
Prominent Railway Officials Visit
The following prominent officials of
the Harriman system, were bere Mon
day on a tour of inspection: W.
Averill Harriman, vice president of the
Harriman system ; J. D. Farrell, pres
ident of the O.-W. R. & N. Co.. and E.
E. Adams, consulting engineer of the
Union Pacific system. They were
aboard a special train bound Wr Ogden.
Tbe party was presented by tbe local
office of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. with a
box of extra fancy Red Cheek Pippins.
Mr. Harriman waa accompanied by
bia wife.
lyn and his estimable wife seemed to
extend down to even the old watch
dog. whose business it waa during the
night to post the moon on tbe eventa
of the preceding day. The morning
proved pleasant and the reat of the trip
waa uneventful.