The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 10, 1916, Image 10

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Wife people te our patrons because
they have the ability to judge the
many advantage! derived by our
scientific methods of examinations
and adjusting mountings, and a fair
way of doing bu9ines will apial to
the most conservative.
H. L Hasbrouck
Optometrist Heilbronner Bldg.
For Quick Sale
20 acre orchard, on East side,
near Van Horn station. Esti
mated 4000 to 4500 boxes this
year. Address
Box 4
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
Auto and Buggy
Robes Reduced
I am now selling auto and
buggy robes at reduced price
Also horse blankets.
William Weber
Bell Building
F- B. Snyder
B. B. Powell
Hood River Plumb
ing Company
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline
Engine. Pump, Ram. Repairing Prompt
ly Attended. Estimates Furnished. Phone
1624. Opposite Hotel Oregon, corner of
Second and Cascade Sts.
Kelly Bros.
Hay, Grain, Mill
feed, Orchard
Seventh & R.R.St. Phone 1401
Oakdale Greenhouses
The first 15 days in December
is a good time to plant Roses,
Shrubs and all hardy plants.
We have them. Have also tu
lips and daffodils. Pot plants
for winter at Franz', where
orders for cut flowers will be
Fletcher & Fletcher
Phone 47.W Hood River
Notice to Apple Growers
You can't raise water sprouts and
expect to get away with the apples.
Yours for good pruning at reasonable
prices. 11. T. 'KLUXKLL.
Telephone 5!7.
Hood River Cigar Factory
V. M. WI1ITK, Proprietor
Manufacturer of
High Grade Cigars
New Schedule
Mount Hood Railroad
KftVotive 12:01 A. M.
Sunday, Jan. 2, z
mi- a
.... PM.
. Lv. Hood River Ar. ,i
Vaii Honi . j'Ott
Mohr .. 1 N
Odell . I 50
Summit.. i 45
Hlnncuer 1
Wlnans 1 ii
lee ! l
Trout freek 1 IS
Woodworm l us
Ar. farkdaie Lv. . . t
No. I
A. H.
S At. 1
8 X
N 4n
li M
! 10.
) .H)
f 4-i
10 flu
R. B. EARLY, G. F. A.
Dating Stamps, Self Inking Stamp
Pocket Stamps, Pin ami Penoii Stamps
We., made to onler at the Warier of
lice at Portland prices.
The meeting of Pomona grange which
km to hate heen held Wednesday hat
been postponed on account of the death
of Mrs. Roy D. Smith, and the heavy
mow, and will he held Tuesday, Feb.
22, at Park grange, Rockford store.
The State Master has been invited and
it is hoped be may be present.
The regular meeting of Odell grange
will be held this evening in the Odd
Fellows hall of Odell.
Frank E. Folts, Jr., of Springville,
N. Y., who has been here for an ex
tended visit at the home of his uncle,
E. T. Folts, started Monday for Eu
gene, where he will become a student
of the University of Oregon. Mr.
Folts expected to have been in Eugene
a week earlier, but wss prevented by
the very heavy fall of snow.
J. A. Moore has advertised an auc
tion sale of horses, wagon, hack, orch
aid truck, farming implements, house
hold furniture, etc.. at hi place of
residence one half mile southeast of
Odell, beginning at 1.30 p. m. Wednes
(ly. Feb. 23. Immediately following
the same Mr. Moore, his sister, Miss
Susie D. Moore, and their niece, Miss
Myrtle Moore, will leave for Spring
field, III., where Mr. Moore has se
cured a fine position. During the sev
eral years of their residence in Odell
Mr. Moore and Miss Moore have been
Hi'tivejin the business and religious life
of the community and their absence
will be keenly felt. The best wishes
cf many friends will go with them in
the new heme, which is in reality very
ntar their former home.
A. McCoy hes been quite ill at the
home of his son, C. A. McCoy. He is
reported resting quite comfortably.
Mrs. U. E. Bowerman is now able to
be about the house and satisfactory im
provement is noted.
H. S. Caughey reports the greatest
measured depth of recent snow 52
irches. He believes several inches
could have been added to measurement
if taken just before the sleet of Sunday
morning. Men were busy with shovels
and great quantities of snow was re
moved from roofs of buildings. Only a
few instances have been reported where
sheds gave way. One of these was the
shed at the Hicks planer, wnere me
motor was buried under snow and tim
bers. M. L. Fagaly, of the comDany,
went over Monday morning and aid the
necessary clearing away.
School was suspended from Wednes
day of last week until Wednesdy of this
week. There were r.o services at euner
church Sunday.
One case of illness was reported and
as the location was an isolated point on
the mountain southwet of Odell, men
broke the way and brought the woman
who was ill, out on a hand sled.
As vour correspondent was not pres
ent members of the girls' basket ball
team of Udell handed in the loliowing
report of the game.
The first practice game of the season
between H. R. H. S. and O. H. S. girls
and boys was well attended considering
the weather. 11. R. H. S. teams came
out in bob sleds and a big fire awaited
them at the gym. Both O. H. S. teams
were very much under the weather as
a result of a dance lasting until the wee
hours of Saturday morning, but the
Odell boys, with their usual ingenuity,
cantured the game by a walk over
The Odell girls, although they lack
practice and training, possess an unus
ual amount of skill and promise to be a
coming team in the future when they
get their real team together along with
a cood coach and a few 1916 rules, He
cause of the lack of coaching and
knowledge of rules H. R. H. S. referee
called fouls repeatedly during the first
half of the game. In the last half the
O. 11. S. girls had learned from experi
ence of first half and held so well that
H. R. H. S. girls won no more baskets,
Score 12-4 in favor H. R. H. S. girls;
17-7 favor 0. H. S. boys. Come
again, Hood River.
Mail has been uncertain within the
past week, although since O.-W. R. &.
N. trains succeeded in escaping the
snow blockade and began bringing mail
into Hood River Saturday, some means
have been provided whereby the major
ity of residents of Udell and vicinity
have received mail daily except Sun
day. Tuesday the Mount Hood K. K
was still blockaded, the heavy grades
and cuts making (he 'opening of this
road rather a difficult matter.
Carriers No. 1 and I railed to come
out Monday because of the icy coating
all over the roads Monday morning, but
the sun shone bright and warm and
softened crust and melted snow all
through the day and warm weather
continued Tuesday.
We suppose the usual announcements
may he made for both churches, viz
Sunday school 10.30 a. m. Young peo
pie's meeting 7 p. m.
Don't forget to register.
There were no church and Sunday
school services last Sunday. Everyone
nearly snowbound. More activity
among the snow diggers than society
work the past week. If the weather
permits there will be the usual services
next Sunday. Church at 11 o clock
Sunday school 10 o'clock.
On account of severe weather the
school was closed Thursday and Friday
of last week. A force of men and
teams were out with snow breakers.
which made the reads passable Satur
Mrs. M. M. Hill, who has been a
sufferer for three years, passed away
at her home Saturday morning. The
funeral services were heldxat the Con
gregational church in Hood River Mon
day afternoon.
The Pomona Grange, which was to
have been held Wednesday of this week.
has been postponed until the 22d to
take place at Rockford Hall. The
change was made owing to the sudden
death of Mrs. Roy D. Smith, a promi
nent granger of the West Side, and also
on account of the unfavorable weather.
Remember the date, February 22,
Washington s birthday.
J he w. j. 1. U. have again post
poned their meeting until rebruary 17,
t ranees ,. wmard Memorial Day.
The Parent-Teacher Association will
meet for election of officers and a so
cial time Monday evening, February
14, bt. valentine s Day.
Mrs. Nettie Gleason Stuart, of Buhl,
laano, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H
Sletton, in Hood River, and called up
oiu irienas Monday evening.
Grange social next Saturday evening.
weamer permitting.
W. H fiver tuna pkIIaH In PnrtlsnI
Tuesday on account of the illness of
nis wire, wtio is sunering from an at
tack of pneumonia.
Mrs. W. Pregge and Mrs. Freida
Leamins went to Portland Saturrinu tn
attend the weddina of Miss Anna
Learning to William Schmuckli.
Toro Annala returned from Corvallis
Tuesday, havine attended th ahnri
course at 0. A. C.
Announcements have been received
of the wedding of Miss Daphne Collins
and Wilbur DeVoe, at Buffalo. Wyo.,
February 1.
The Parent-Teacher meeting has been
postponed from tomorrow to Friday of
next week.
School was closed three days of last
weeK and the first two days of this
week on account of the inclement
weather, opening again yesteday morn
ing. Word has been" received of the death
of the aged parents of P. H. Martin,
old-time residents of this district. The
father died January 15 and the mother
January 23. They were residing with
another son in the Willamette valley.
The annual community supper will be
given at the school house aturday
evening, February Vi. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Chipping entertained the willow
Flat Card club Saturday evening, Jan
uary 29, at their home in Hood River.
The club went from here in a large
sleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hansen,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H Hill, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Furrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Fuller made up the party and all en
joyed the event very much.
Miss Marv Shepnard recently visited
with Miss Edna Clapp on Avalon Way.
Miss Kitty Bragg spent a recent week
end at her home in Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cameron were
visiting in Hood River recently'.
A number from here attended the
university alunmi dance in town.
The Mothers' club met with Mrs.
Paul Hansen recently. The next meet
ing will be held at Mrs. William Mel
ville's today.
Central Vale school stood second in
the monthly county spelling contest for
the past month. Ihe avetage for the
school was 97.1. The per cent of at
tendance being so low for the past
month makes this really a good aver
age. Mrs. Job Sheppard has been visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shep
pard at Odell.
The Heights Literary club met last
Friday night and enjoyed the following
program: Address by J. T. Ilolman;
recitation. Edmond Sager: recitation,
Gilbert Edgington; reading, Miss Tom-
linson; song, Helen Chambers ; recita
tion, Max Taylor; reading, S. W. Bar
ton ; reading E. L. Sager.
Part of the roof on the Taft Com
pany's barn broke down Monday night.
Z A great many were busy Monday
cleaning the snow from the roofs of
their buildings.
Quite a force of men are trying to
clear the gutter on the west side of
Twelfth Btreet. The snow is piled so
high it is quite a task.
The birds seem to be enjoying the
warm weather and sunshine more than
anything else. The trees are full of
them in the morning, singing so hap
pily. Mrs. Harry Bailey is reported on the
sick list.
Mrs. J. K. Carson, Worthy Matron of
the Eastern Star, went to the Congre
gational church Monday to assist in the
ceremonies at the funeral of Mrs. M.
M. Hill.
Hood River people are not the only
ones who are enjoying bad weather this
winter. Miss Edyth Gill writes to her
people that while it is beautiful over
in Honolulu that it can rain the hard
est of any place she has seen yet, and
the mosquitoes are nearly eating her
up. So it seems that the best of places
have their troubles.
Still four feet of the beautiful. Bells,
buffalo robes and laughter are the order
of the day.
Several kitchens have been denuded
of their furniture and families have
gathered for an old fashioned dance.
It is rumored that the musicians of
town are about to unite and form an
orchestra. What will the harvest be?
Music or envy?
The Ladies' Aid has been having the
inside of the church fixed up and it
looks very nice indeed.
The Masonic lodge held two special
meetings last week for the purpose of
entertaining and receiving instruction
from the Grand Lecturer.
All roads run to the office of Ur. R.
M. Amlruss, dentist. It is reported
that he is doing a land office business.
A new young people's literary club is
slated for the near future.
Henry Pearson is on the sick list,
having been confined to the house for
the past two weeks.
We understand C. W. Moore in feed
ing about 50 quail and two China pheas
ants at his place this winter.
M. Yuth, a bachelor who lives up in
the mountain, not having been seen
lately, a party was made up to go up
and investigate. They found Mr. Yuth
well and all right. Mr. Yuth's home is
back in the hills some little distance
where he by his own labor has cleared
a piece of land and set out an orchard
that is the admiration and envy of all
who see it. Mr. Yuth is a character.
Our western hills and plains have many
of 'em. Many lie in unmarked graves,
but they have done their work in hew
ing the trail.
The young men's class of our Sunday
school entertained the young ladies'
class Saturday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Duncan. There
were games and music, also a bounte
ous lunch and everybody had a good
(rrom the Enterprise)
From every section of Western Klick
itat county come reports of a big snow
fall, the heaviest in years. Wednesday
noon the report came in that there was
seven feet of snow on the level at Gu
ler, between 5J and 6 feet at Trout
Lake post office and 6 feet at Gilmer.
Arthur M. Sherwood. Jr., of White
Salmon, has been appointed to the
membership committee of the Navy
League of the United States and will
help to represent that organization in
this district in the active, aggressive
campaign wnicn it is carrying on in all
of the country in behalf of ade -
quate preparedness against invasion
and disaster.
Approximately 205,520 pounds of fine
ice from the Columbia river and ponds
on tbe Bingen flat have been stored
during the past two weeks by R. A.
Byrkett and Johnny Lauterbach for the
summer trade of this city and vicinity.
There were 1468 cakes running from 7J
to 9 inches thick, the best ice that has
been cut for some years.
The Mt. Adams Orchard Co. superin
tendent. Mr. Greene, is feeling jubi
lant over the fine prospects for a big
crop of Anjou pears this year. He es
timates there should be 4.000 boxes of
Anjou pears, besides 1,000 boxes of
Bartlett pears. The orchard
is just
beginning. to bear, and the
mount or pears
brought $2 per box.
picked last year
The death of Mrs. Roy D. Smith oc
curred very suddenly last Friday morn
ing, following an attack of something
like acute indigestion. News of her
death waa a great shock to her neigh
bors, for only the evening before she
had been apparently in the best of
health and cared for her household
Mrt Smith, who was 36 years of age
last December, wss born at Sardis,
Miss. She spent a portion of last year
visiting her old borne. In addition to
her husband, she is survived by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Buchanan,
of Sardis, and two brothers, one of
whom lives with his parents. Ihe
other resides at Memphis, Tenn.
Memorial services will be held for
Mrs. Smith Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, at the Valley Christian church.
'Ihe body will be shipped this week by
S. E. Bartmess to the old home at Sar
dis, Miss.
Acting in conjunction with the State
Department of Education, the high
school, through City Superintendent
McLaughlin, has outlined to ministers
and Sunday school teachers of the city
a plan whereby the school msy give
credit for Bible study. It is proposed
that the students who desire to receive
such credit make known their inten
tions to their respective Sunday school
teachers. Where the teachers certify
that students have received a standing
of 85 per cent in attendance and a
scholarship of 85 per cent, the school
will give examinations, the credits to
oe given as a result of examinations.
The examinations will deal only with
English, geography s and historical
points. All denominations will be
privileged to participate, no creed or
dogma beng allowed consideration.
At a recent conference a large num
ber of ministers and teachers met with
Prof. McLaughlin, and the plan was
generally accepted. . It will have to
receive the endorsement of the state
education department, however, before
it is formally inaugurated.
(By Mark Moe)
The girls' basket ball team started
off the season right last Saturday by
defeating Odell on their own floor 14
4. The Odell team, however, was not
used to playing with girls' rules, and
played under a handicap by trying to
conform, to them. Uapt. Keatnce hng
lish Btarred for Odell and Helen Sutt
hoff for Hood River.
The boys' second team went to Odell
and played that team the same night.
They were beaten 177. There was'nt
one of the seven boys who played a
good game. No one knows whether it
was the trip out there which temporar
ily crippled them, or what it was.
They certainly can play a better game
than that, as they have proven while
playing the high school varsity. The
team will pay Odell again in the near
future, and they resolve to bring home
the bacon or quit playing basket ball.
No one starred for either team, and it
was a slow game all around.
The girls who made the trip to Odell
were Capt.Vera Lafferty, Lula Prather,
Ililja Hukari, Helen . Sutthotf, Irma
Boyce, Lorry Allen, Clara Haas and
Miss Lucy Copan. chaperon. The boys
who made the trip were Capt. Wright,
Bentley, Hunt, Moe, Tucker, Spauld
ing, Sthur and A.C. Crews. The party
made the trip in two sleighs, Leon
Bentley driving one and Leonard Miller
the other. Mr. Crews, who has been
coaching the girls, refereed for them
out there.
The varsity did not go to The Dalles
last Friday, because the trains were
not running. It is not yet known just
when the games with White Salmon
and The Dalles will be played.
There was no basket ball practice the
early part of the week because the
weight of the snow on the U. B. gym
had already split several rafters. The
side walls were anything but perpendic
ular with tbe floor. As Coach Cohoon
seemed to value the lives of the team
he would not allow them to practice.
That is another reason why the high
school needs a good gym.
Miss Gladyse Armstrong, formerly
of Odell, visited the high school Mon
day. She has been going to a business
college in Portland. She stopped here
on her way to take up a position in the
office of a fruit growers concern in Pen
dleton. While here she even became in
terested enough in the school to sub
scribe for the Mascot, the high school
monthly magazine.
The deep snow and general bad
weather is keeping quite a number of
students away from school.
West Side Men Meet Tomorrow
The growers of the West Side will
meet tomorrow evening. Scab and fun
gus diseases will be discussed by Prof.
H. P. Barss, of the 0. A. C, and Le
Roy Childs will give a talk on insects
which are injurious to the apple indus
tries. These meetings are spirited
talks to the point and will interest you,
at the Valley Christian church 7.30 p.
m. All are invited.
Monmouth Normal School
The Oregon Normal has been recog
nized by the Photoplay Magazine as
being among the foremost schools in
the country in the use of moving pic
tures as a means of education, the
owner of the local theatre, working in
connection with tbe student body and
in conjunction with the English depart
ment, has presented a series of filmsof
classic plays during the semester.
The social acclivities of the semester
were very fittingly closed last Saturday
night, when the Delphian seciety gave
a grand cotillion in honor of the entire
student body.
Miss Ella McDonald, a February
1 Brac'uat' bas accepted a position as
teacher in a school near Eugene
The Misses Howe, Willliam and Nick
elsen gave a very pleasing impersona
tion of a Highland folk song entitled,
"Back to the Farm," for the Vesper
ine literary society.
The Misses McDonald and Hart have
parts in "Ruth." the sacred cantata
which is to be given by the Glee clubs
and orchestras'of the Normal Thursday
Tbe Misses Howe and Williams enter
tained at the Kelly apartments last
week end in honor of a few of the stu
dent teachers.
Miss Ada Hart gave a dinner party
Saturday niebt for the February sen-
i iors of the Gi Griffa house.
Ihe senior advisors entertained the
seniors with a theatre
psrty Thursday
The funeral services for the late Mrs.
M. M. Hill, one of tbe best loved and
most highly esteemed matrons of the
East Side, who passed away at her
home last Saturday, were conducted
Monday afternoon, by Rev. A. S. Donat
and Rev. J. L. Hershner at Riverside
Congregational church, interment fol
lowing at Idelwilde cemetery. Despite
the unbroken condition of tbe roads the
families of the East Side drove in in
sleds and sleighs, and the big church
was packed. Mis. Hill had been suf
fering for several years from chronic
heart trouble.
Mrs. Hill, whose maiden name was
Jessie B. Smith, was born in Benton
county, la., January 25, 1869. She and
ur. mil were married at her old home
on April 15, 1891.
Mr. Hill came to Hood River in Jan
uary, 1902. Mrs. Hill, who had re
mained at Boise, Idaho, followed in
February. They settled immediately.
Mr. Hill developing the place purchased
by him into one of the most valuable
properties in the valley.
In addition to her husbsnd, Mrs. Hill
is survived by her foster daughter,
Ruth, three brothers, a half brother
and a half Bister. Her father. W. W.
Smith, and his present wife, Mrs. Hill's
step mother, also survive. The father
is at present mayor of La Porte City,
The surviving brothers are 0. J. and
W. H. Smith, of Dysart, la., and Geo.
L. Smith, of the East Side. Lloyd
Smith, the half brother, is a resident
of Cedar Rapids, la.
Ritualistic services were observed by
the Chapter of the Eastern Star, of
which Mrs. Hill was a member. The
funeral was directed by the Anderson
Undertaking Co.
Hat Checks Were Meal Tickets
Taking care of the 185 passengers
who were snowbound at The Dalles
last week, the O.-W. R. & N. Co., al
lowed hat checks to pass as meal tick
ets. All expense of passengers was
paid by the company.
Thursday the delayed passengers held
a dance .fit the Hotel Dalles.
Weather Report for January
m x v b u ?
t- 7 R u. v 1
e ' i - - 7. ?
S 7. PS H Tt
1 28 22 I
2 21 21 0.05 I
3 31 20 0.15 'i
4 24 J I 0.12 li
5 24 17 if i
ti 28 17 0.29 5
7 21 H u.32 H
8 211 5 j 0.11 n
9 33 13 1 0.18 4
10 41 23 ! T !
11 .10 tl ;
12 ! 3 I 0.30 ; 5
13 15 7 0.31 j ti
14 14 10 I 0.01 : 1
15 15 i i 0.03 ! j
Hi 18 7 ; T i T
17 12 10 i ,
IS 20 10
10 28 loj
20 41 18 ! 0.10 1
21 45 37 0 30
22 51 32 ; O.Ki
23 47 35 ; 0.47 ,
24 37 25 ! ;
25 30 12 ' 0.3!) ; ti
20 30 OJ I 0.20 j 5
27 27 7-1 0.00 : 21
28 23 15" T 1 f
20 18 10 T T
30 11) 2 0.11 ! 2i
31 Hi 12 0.20 7"
Mean Muxiiuuni 20.(i7
Mean Minimum 12.02
Mean 20.22
Total Kainftill 4 71 inches
Total Snowfall 58 inches
Number Clear Days , 4
Number Partly Cloudy 12
Niunler Cloudy 15
sign before figure indicates below zero.
Cooperative Observer.
Go to Law, The Cleaner. tf
raTTttTTD (dJiJfft
Kff Jm Llstem
I, &
Jiti ' it 'o h . XV A--.: uVi .
Scene from "The Great Divide" at The
Gem, Wed.andThuis.,Feb. 16 and 17
Bread The
ruwt wiiii t
land in Eastern Oregon and Washington.
This large acreage yields a crop of grain that is unsur
passed anywhere and furnishes a supply that is unchanging
in quality and makes possible the production of a flour that
can be relied upon at all times.
It is milled under the latest methods.
It can be depended upon for uniformity.
It is worth something to every housewife to know that
every sack will give the same good results. When you re
member so many other brands that cannot be depended up
ongood at one time and poor at another due to variations
in the grade of wheat.
We are the exclusive distributors for "Pure White" in
this county.
Ask us for a "Pure White" recipe for yeast and bread.
Particular housewives use "Pure White." We buy it by the
carload, which means that we sell it cheaper than other
Wood's Grocery
Retails Groceries at Wholesale Prices
Phone 1221 Free Delivery
Prince Albert
fits four taste!
Meets the fondect wishes of any man who
likes to smoke because it has the right flavor
and aroma and coclr.ocs. It's the most cheer
ful tobacco ycu ever did pack in a jimmy pipe
R. J. Ki-ynuMtt l uiKiuco Co.
It uy to change tne Sap
and color of unsalaLle brand
to imitate the Prioce Albert tier
red tin. but it is impotsihU to
imitate the f!avo of Prince
Albert tobacco 1 Th-j patented
proctM protects that I
the national joy smoke
For it exceeds in goodness and satisfaction the kindest
word we ever printed about it!
Men, we tell you this tobacco will be a revelation to you.
So, take this information at 100, get out the old jimmy
pipe from its hiding place or locate the makin's papers
and fall-to!
Your wiihtt will 6 grai;r,eJat tht ntarett ttore that itlli tobacco,
for Princt Albert it in vnivcrtal demand. It can be bought all over
the statet and aO over the worU! Toppy red bagi, 5c; tidy red
tine, 10c; handtome pound and half -pound tin humidort and that
fine pound crystal-g'ate humidor with tponge-mailt ener top that
keep the tobacco in tuch excellent trim, .
Staff of Life
To secure the best results
in the making of bread
and pastry one must be
sure to first HAVE A
"Pure White" is the
If you hope to have the
product of your skill uniform-It
is essential that you
select a flour that is uniform-"Pure
White" is
the brand.
The reason that many
brands of flour vary in
the results produced is
because of a change in
the wheat from which it
is made.
In order to insure un
failing results in "Pure
White" brand, the mill
ers have under their con
trol 25,000 acres of the
finest wheat producing
or roll intoaciga-
rette. And it's so
good you just feel
you never can get
enough. The pat
ented process
fixes that and
cuts out bito
and parch I
When you fire up your first
smoke you'll decide that you
never did taste tobacco that
hits )T)ur fancy like