The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 10, 1916, Image 1

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I Z i 37
First National Bank
New Business
This is the time of year to
consider and plan the cam
paign in all lines of industry.
The officers of this strong
bank are always glad to assist
in your plans and convince
you of the advantages of a
savings or checking account
with us.
Bank Advertisement No. 79
The following editorial from the Saturday
Evening Post will relieve our ad. writer for
this week.
Savings and Success
Deposits in the savings banks of "New York
increased last year. At the same time savings
deposits in the post office multiplied by three. In
the fiscal year the Increase of postal savings de
posits the country over exceeded fifty per cent
the number of depositors rising above half a mil
lion and the amount on deposit to sixty-five mil
lion dallars.
Of course this is no injury to savings banks,
but, on a broad view, a benefit to them. Mainly
the postal banks have appealed todepositerswho
would have responded less readily or not at all
to the appeal of other banks. And there should
be a appeal to reach everybody in the nation who
can save. The elaboration of the system in
France, for example, is amazing. A man is of
fered almost as many different ways of saving
his money as there are ways of spending it, and
the saving offer is made about as persistently as
the spending offer.
The United States is thriftier than it i3 com
monly given credit for being, because statistics
most frequently quoted do not give all savings
deposits, and because a vast deal of saving goes
on outside of savings institutions. Yet it does
not live up to its opportunities by a long way.
One of the country's ablest business men said
not along ago that anyone could tell whether he
was going to succeed or fail by his ability to save.
If he couldn't save he couldn't succeed. At any
rate, inability to save, for a man with an income
above the bread line and no unusual ill luck, im
plies a lack of self-control that is not conducive
to success.
Like nearly everything else, it is a habit;
and, with a little determination to begin with,
the right habit is as easily formed as the wrong
one. Try it this new year.
The Historian of the Household
The Biographer of the Baby
Keep a Photographic Diary
with an Autographic Kodak
Such a pictorial record of the year tells the whole
story accurately, conveniently and is a pleasure in
the keeping.
The Kodak to tell the story and the Kodak album
to keep it are featured in our photographic depart.
Let us show you.
Kresse Drug Co.
Victor Victrolas and Records Eastman Kodaks and Supplies
Come in and Hear the February Records '
Burpee's best by test
Burbank's wonders. Our
stock will be most complete
ever offered. Our prices
same as you would pay the
grower packets, pounds,
bushel or by sack.
Catalogues Leaflets, Free
Are you tired after a ride?
Franklin owners ride to red
Does your gasoline bill seem
high? Franklin's average
32.08 miles to galhfnz -.
How is your oil costs?
Franklin's average over 800
miles' on gallon.
You think the year's re
pair high? Franklin repair
slwps loose money.You cannot
afford not to own a Franklin.
Persistent care has se
cured for us a most complete
assortment of new goods at
prices surprising low. This
consignment includes Lino
leum, Oil Cloth, Carpets,
Rugs, Curtains, Shades, etc.
The advancing market
finds our stock so complete
that we can fill your every
want at saving prices.
STOVES have gone up,
but we will continue our
standard prices a $79 home
comfort range for $50.
Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co.
' Your Credit Is Good. You may pay
cash and save 5 per cent
Steamers "Dalles City" and "Stranger"
Leave Portland 7 a. m., arrives The Dalles 6:30 p. m.,Sundav, Monday, Tues
day, rt'edneeday, Thursday (not Friday) and Saturday. Arrives up at Hood
River about 4 :20 p. in. Leaves The Dalles 7 a. m., arrives Portland 6 :H0 p.
m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (not Saturday)
Arrives down At Hood River about 9:20 a. m.
Wednesday of each week is set aside as "Stock Yard Day" and then the
Steamer Dalles City will take live stock for delivery to Portland Union Stock
Yards. This service will permit the individual to ship as few animals as de
sired and get benefit of low freight rates.
For further information phone 4532
R. ROBERTS. Agent, The Regular Line
The Only Place to get Accurate Abstracts of
Land in Hood River County is at
the office of the
Hood River Abstract Company
Insurance, Conveyancing, Surety Bonds-
Pleasing Condiments for
Cold Weather
Beechnut Tomato Catsup
Snider's Oyster Cocktail Catsup..
International Al Sauce
Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
Kitchen Boquet !.
Beechnut Chili Sauce
Heinz India Relish and Chowchow..
, Gebhart's Eagle Chili Powder.
Fresh Horseradish
and 30c
Star Grocery Perigo & Son
Special Introductory Sale
As a means of introducing our Ladies Tailoring Department,
we will make to your measure
$40.00 Suits for - - - $35.00
$45.00 Suits for - - - 37.50
$50.00 Suits for " - - - 40.00
$55.00 Suits for - - - 45.00
$60.00 Suits for - - 50.00
These suits will be tailored in our own shop by skilled tailors,
thereby enabling us to give you a perfect fit and satisfaction.
108 Third Street
Tailors to Men Tailors to Women
50-Hour Fall Brings Business to Stand
still, Covering Earth With i
Blanket of 52 Inches
Before the original tin of Adam and
Eve, tbe weather, unendingly charm
ing in the Garden of Eden, waa the
cause of but little worry, and the little
that in chronicled "about it reads like
the words of a booster's club of some
southwestern community. The first
great record made by Jupiter Fluvius
was on that memorable occasion when
the Honorable Mr. Noah built the Ark
and floated off safely, following the 40
days and 40 nights deluge. Since that
day to this the weather, be it hot, be
it cold, be it wet or be it dry, has
taken up much of the energy and time
of contemporary historians. The
weather haa become the ataple com
modity of conversation. Record freezes,
record rainfalls are bon mots to the
aged, and when the present generation
reaches the venerable period of the
eveningtime of life, not one of them
will forget the storm of the first week
in February, 1916.
Still, the little eccentricities of the
elements of last week were but cabin
to skyscrapers as compared to real
weather of legendary days. V.
Winchell, an East Side orchardist, tells
of an Indian legend, learned from an
authentic Bource in the days of his
voutb, that recounted a snow so deep
that two years' time were conusmed in
the melting of it, and Mr. Winchell's
veracity has never been questioned by
hia friends, neighbors and acquaint
ances. Tbe valley at that time was
covered with gigantic pine trees. The
Indians used the moss from the pine
bark, and tomahawk marks, 150 feet
from the earth, tbe Indians having
gathered moss on the snow's surface,
could be discerned for years afterward.
All levity aside, the snow of last
week will not be soon forgotten. From
Monday afternoon until Wednesday
night, the fall continued unbrokenly,
and on Thursday the blanket on the
level measured 62 inches. As early as
Tuesday railway traffic was at a fetand
still. While the Mount Hood Railway
Co. brought in the mail on a light en
gine Tuesday, it was impossible to pull
a heavy train over the line. Wednes
day schedules were temporarily an
nulled. Business in the city was brought to a
standstill. Householders, bankers,
merchants and clerks spent the most
of Thursday unloading overweighted
roofs. The streets took on the aspect
of European trenches. Hardware
stores soon sold every last snow shovel.
Thursday a lull came, and still fitful
flurries were driven down by a biting
east wind, and every amateur was
making predictions. Did timers were
recalling the similarity of the weather
to that of the storms of '49, '6i and
'85. No news was received from the
outside world. Hood River was a be
lesgured city.
For the first time in their history the
city schools were closed Wednesday
and Thursday, many of the children
not being able to reach the buildings.
Work was resumed at the schools Fri
day. The East Side grade, blocked by
heavy drifts, was broken open by Road
Supervisor Stanton Thursday. Mr.
Stanton used an improvised plow and
a team of six horses.
Wednesday a milk famine was immi
nent in the city. Many fathers tramp
ed down to the home of W. E. Mills to
demand his surplus for babies. - Thurs
day T. I). Calkins broke through from
his Purity Dairy with a four horse
team. Grocerymen and meatruarket
men of the city made their deliveries
with four horse teams hitched to sledB.
From Tuesday morning until Satur
day morning Hood River was cut off
from the outside world. O.-W. R. &
N. trains, stalled four days, were
brought through Saturday morning,
after rotary plows and large crews of
laborers dug out the heavy drifts in
cuts between here and Portland. Two
and three engines were used in hauling
tbe first trains brought through.
The storm damage in Portland
reached beyond $100,000. A severe
silver thaw prevailed weighting down
wires, poles and trees. Street car
traffic was blocked for a time, and
many business men were unable to get
to and from their homes. Thousands
of idle men were given work shoveilng
snow in the city street cleaning de
partment. Slight trouble was again experienced
by tbe O.-W. R. & N. Co. Saturday
night. While the earlier evening trains
came through all right, except for de
lay, the eastbound train leaving Port
land at midnight and bearing the
morning papers, did not arrive until
about 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Ex
cept for the provisions made by the
company a serious block-might have
again resulted. Men were stationed at
all critical points, and all train crews
were instructed to proceed slowly at
curves and cuts and constantly blow
the whistles to warn laborers.
The storm was given a serious aspect
locally Sunday afternoon, when, fol
lowing an eight inch fall of new snow
Saturday night, a rain and sleet pre
vailed. Ice formed on wires and trees
and growers were alarmed lest their
trees be broken under the great
weight. A warm wind, however, be
gan to blow Monday morning, and the
ice was soon melted. Orchardists hav
ing young trees began work to shovel
clear spaces around them, to prevent
the stripping of branches, early Mon
day. A crust of ice nearly a half inch
in thickness was formed on tbe surface
of the snow.
While tbe snowfall caused great in
conveniences, especially to rural resi
dents, the rural carriers not being able
to make their routes, but little damage
waa caused. The greatest sufferer,
probably, was C. P. Johannsen, of the
Upper Valley, whose handsome new
barn, one of the largest in the valley,
was crushed. No stock, however, was
lost. The East Side barn of W. F.
Cooper was crushed by the weight of
the snow.
Sunday morning the old sash and
door factory near tbe Indian village
west of tbe city on tbe O.-W. R. & N.
track, was demolished by the weight
of tbe snow.
Hood River was rescued from an im
pending fuel famine through the efforts
of a gentleman modestly and prosaical
ly named Brown.
Mr. Brown, who is a representative
of the Central Coal & Coke Co., of
Salt Lake, was in town when our "lit
tle cold snap" waa just getting under
headway. Learning of the fuel situa
tion through tbe Transfer A Livery
Co., the local handlers of hia coal, Mr.
Brown immediately wired his company
and had a car of Rock Springs Lump
diverted to Hood River. This car
passed Huntington January 26 and was
just a week reaching Hood River from
there. It was laid up at The Dalles,
but through the courtesy of the O.-W.
R. & N. Co. officials a special engine
was detailed to bring it on down to
Hood River. Tbe Transfer Co. reports
that the vagabond car was very warmly
received here.
Weight of the snow damaged the
country residence of Chas. Steinhauser
in tbe Upper Valley. A carpenter shop
at the Cascade avenue home of G. R.
Mulford, was demolished. The line of
the Mount Hood Railway Co. has not
yet been opened, but the work of extra
crews of men will soon have it opened.
Floods are raging along the Willam
ette. The Columbia haa been rising
rapidly since Monday. Tbe channel is
now running clear, the ice having been
broken. The river rose more than two
feet from Monday morning until yes
The first shipment of Hood River ap
ples since Monday, January 31, went
forward last Monday night.
"While we have had a number of or
ders awaiting to be filled," says Wil
mer Sieg, "we were unable to move a
peg because of the snow. With the
weather breaking we will make every
effort to clean up our stock"
Mr. Sieg saya that reports from
growers in all parts of the valley indi
cate no damage from tte thawing of
the snow. The crust that was formed
by Sunday night's sleet and rain is
melting and the snow is settling slowly.
Local officials, however, have no en
couragement as to tbe exports of fiuits
for tbe coming season or for hesvy
sales of late export apples. The Fruit
and Vegetable Producers and Distribu
tors Joint Committee, a London organ
ization, is now engaged in a gigantic
campaign to educate English people to
use only home grown vegetables and
fruits. Tbe local association has re
ceived from London the following cir
cular letter, issued by the organization :
"ihe need for economy during the
war and the very high prices of meat,
bacon and other articles of food pro
vides a unique opportunity to advocate
a larger use of home grown fruit, veg
etables and salads, which are produced
in great abundancce.
' "This committee has obtained the
support and co-operation of many kin
dred assoiations keenly interested in
the growth and distribution of British
fruit and vegetables and the Joint
Committee are now actively engaged in
advocating an increased consumption of
these products.
"The services of a prominent writer
have been secured for the purpose of
ventilating the matter through the
press. Leaflets with recipes will be
circulated to the public through the re
tail trade. Suitable advertisements
will be inserted in the newspapers and
motor cars will be used for the same
"The movement will necessarily en
tail considerable expense, but it will be
in the interest of all cuncerned to as
sist in raising the necessary funds, as
the greater demand for British fruit
should beneht both tbe distributor and
the grower. Funds to the amount of
365 poudns have been promised, and it
is hoped that all individual farmers, as
well as the associations will respond to
this call."
Late Friday night through the wire
leas system of Floyd Gibbs, a young
radio amateur enthusiast here. Mrs,
Anna Wilkinson received news of the
serious illness of her dauhgter, Mrs,
Otto Brook, of Portland. The message
was sent from Portland by the Y. 1
C. A. wireless system to that of the
Norhwestern Electric Co., just across
the Columbia river in Klickitat county,
and was relayed here. Young Gibbs,
however, is able to receive messages
from Portland, but in replying has to
relay by the northwestern blectric Co.
Mrs. Wilkinson left Saturday to be
with ber dauhgter. .
Floyd Gibbs is an assistant operator
at tbe Western Union office. His wire
less system is a hobby, and messages
are frequently transmitted over bis
system to boy friends in The Dalles
and Boise, idano.
State Will Aid in Highway Work
The following resolution was adopted
by the State Highway Commission at
its meeting on January Z7.
"That $90,000, or as much thereof as
may be necessary for the construction
of a highway between Hood River and
Mosier, be appropriated, one-half of
the money to be provided from 1916
highway fund and one-half from 1917
highway fund, contingent on Wasco
county bonding itself lor sufficient
funds to construct the highway from
Mosier to Fairbanks.
"It is further agreed that Wasco
county is at liberty, out of the pro
ceeds of tbe bond issue, to reconstruct
the highway between Mosier and The
Dalles over what ia known as Seven
Mile Hill, said construction to be built
to a grade line not to. exceed 6 per
"Under no condition does tbis reso
lution bind the Highway Commniission
to the expenditure of more than $90,000
on this work."
Through the efforts of County Judge
F. S. Gunning and J. L. Kelly, presi
dent of the Wasco County Good Roads
Association and Col. Gardner, Mr. Mc
Cargar, Mr. Bonney and Mr. Little
page, of Wasco county who visited tbe
state officials at Salem, the $90,000 ap
propriation was secured for this work
on tbe terms embodied In the resolu
tion above.
Tbe State Highway Commission's
action in this matter, according to a
letter from Judge Gunning and J. L.
Kelly, will materially assist tbe good
ruads boosters of Wasco county in their
campaign for the voting of bonds at
the election which is soon to be held
for this purpose.
Attorney A. P. Reed was a business
visitor in Portland last week.
Last Week's Blockade of 0.-W. R. N.
Co. Somewhat of a Parallel to
1885 Heavy Snowstorm
Naturally one of the first thoughts of
newer residents of Hood River last
week was, "Is thia the worst snow
storm we have ever had?" The recorda
of hard winters at intervals during the
past 60 years will show that Hood Riv
er has bad several snowstorms as bad.
it not worse than that of last week.
i The first severe winter on record,
that of 1852-53, is reported by Mrs.
cnzaDein Laughiin Lord in ber "Rem
iniscences of Eastern Oregon." Dur
ing the early part of that winter her
father, W. C. Laughiin, moved here
with his family from The Dalles. The
snow lasted for months and the family
was snuion irom me Dalles, 'he ne ar
cs settlement, without food. All of the
cattle died, and Mr. Lauehlin was so
discouraged that he removed his family
to I be Dalles as soon as it was possible
in the spring.
Readers of the Glacier will recall the
severe winter of 1861-62, as reported in
an article written recently about the
early life of D. A. Turner. The Colum
bia was frozen over from January till
March. During the winter more than 13
feet of snow fell. The few families
making the valley their home at that
time suffered for lack of food. All the
cattle of tbe valley perished. Mr. Tur
ner and others walked to The Dalles on
the river's ice to secure provisions.
Record severe winter weather pre
vailed again on February 10, 1879. At
this time it ia probable that the record
snowfall for a period of 24 hours fell.
From 3 o'clock on February 10 until
the same hour tbe next day four feet of
snow prevailed. F. C. Sherriebin tell
ing of tbis storm says:
J "1 was down at E. L. Smith's Frank
tun store when it began. It started
with a rain. I returned from the store
with John A. Wilson to his home. The
rain suddenly stopped and huge white
flakes began to come down. 1 spent the
night at the Wilson home. Along in
the evening Mrs. Wilson told her hus
band to go out and 'run that drove of
horses away from under those trees.'
"An oak grove surrounded the house,
and Mrs. Wlison thought she bad heard
the tramping of horses. Mr. Wilson,
however discovered that the noise had
been made by heavy lumps of wet snow
falling from the oaks. Mr. Hodges,
Dr. Barrett's father, by measurement
determined that the snowfall made
eight inches of waer."
Mr. Sherrieb says that the renowned
snowfall of 1885, which blockaded an
O. R. & N. passenger train near Viento
for a period of 14 days, differed from
that of last week in that most of the
precipitation was composed of dry sleet,
and for a time, he says, it fell so fast
that a man might lift out a shovelful
from his walks and another instantly
took its place. While tbe cold weather
prevailed then for a longer time, it ia
probable that the snow would have
caused the railroad company no more
trouble than that of last week. Rail
ways 30 years ago did not have the effi
cient equipment used at the present
time in clearing away the debris of
While the O. R. & N. train waa
stalled it was necessary to pack pro
visions to them by band sled. Jour
neys with food to the blocaded passen
gers were made by the following men :
Jack Luckey, Chas. Hayner, Van John
son, O. L. Stranaban, C. H. Stranahan
and Will Kand.
Most of tbe people at present in
Hood River remember the heavy snow
and silver thaw of January 1912.
Among the local passengers held on an
O. R. & N. train at that time foi over
36 hours was C. K. Marshall. The
biiow, followed by a warm rain, reached
a depth of 36 inches. A number of
barns were demolished, and the Tip Top
garage of Capt. C. P. McCan waa
broken down by the heavy snow on the
flat roof. '
H. F. Davidson, New York repre
sentative of the Apple Growers Asso
ciation, has received intimation that
the British government will shortly
make a ruling barring apples from
transatlantic shipment to British ports.
This information reached the local of
fice last week and as a result a car
that was shipped out of the Spokane
district on Friday, intended for export,
will probably have to be sold on the
domestic markets.
"Tbe expected order will include not
only apples, but other bulky shipments,
such as automobiles, shipment of which
is forbidden by the British government
in ships sailing to British ports," said
L. J. Blot, sales manager of the com
pany. "That means practically all
shipments leaving American ports.
"The order is the result of the scarc
ity of bottoms for tbe movement of
war munitions and foodstuffs. Apples
and certain other -commodities are list
ed as luxuries, and the British govern
ment baa ruled that ocean space is too
valuable to be used in the transporta
tion of such commodities."
Many are looking forward to the lec
ture of Dr. Samuel McCbord Crothres,
tbe noted lecturer and essayist and
teacher of Harvard University, to be
given at the Congregational church to
morrow evening under the auspices of
the schools. Dr. Crothers is a leading
figure in the contemporary world of lit
erature, and Prof. McLaughlin is to be
congratulated in succeeding in securing
his appearance in this city.
Dr. Crothers was brought to the Pa
cific northwest by Dr. W. T. Foster,
president of Reed College', who charac
terizes the noted author as tbe greatest
living elcturer. He will appear in only
one other Oregon town Corvallis,
where he will lecture to the students
of the Oregon Agricultural College.
A charge of 50 cents will be made for
tickets to tomorrow night's lecture.
Tickets are on sale at Clarke's drug