HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THORSDATt, JANUARY 20, 1916 0 0 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Performance vs. Possibilities. Ford cars are giving satisfactory service to more than 900, 000 owners representing all clases in business and professional life, on the farm and for pleasure it is "The Universal Car." Sturdy and reliable, easy to understand and drive, and economical to operate and maintain. Prices lower than ever. Runabouts $44425, Touring car $493.25, f. o. b., Hood River. Why pay more? Sold on time. Columbia Auto & Machine Co. lllill In Handling Oysters we are mighty psrticular to re ceive only the best and freshest. Then we know we can always guarantee oar goods to our own patrons. We have built up a reputation 1or handling the best and freshest Oytera on the market and we intend to maintain our prestige in thin respect If you have not tried these Oysters there is certafnly a treat yet in store for yon at trifling cost. 'SAH' Stamps given on cash purchases or on accounts paid on or before 10th of month. W.J.FILZ MEAT MARKET DOC 3 C 30 If WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A IRE8H SUPPLY OF Nitrate of Soda, Muriate or Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CABS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon inrr ( 0 The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOS. D. CALKINS White River Flour Makes Bread Having the, Old Bread? Flavor AT YOUR GROCERS CthciStablh boy feels that one cooa TO AM OE3gRVeS AHOTHEft -J c THAT WAS A 6.000 TIP Ttu KVB MY BOY J V W WtLt JUOQE, Ybu CAVE? MC A qOOO TIP WHSM VOU PUT ME WIJC TO THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW J IT"9 glad dav lor a tohaeeo cbewer whaa h. Bad W.BCUTCh.w t- Tofc.ooo Cbw. mo e. fcw W. Cm . tnmy imd gka .Mlity mi. Yob e tcll-Ur. tf toatobMM tkuwm M tat art W.l CUT CWwiaS i ti t-l Tttotn CW TtotclwwtlllWfawttlitktlob.ctM MU Vr WTTI1AK-BRUTOW COMPANT. S Uaioa Smw, torn TA Oy HOSIER. rrota Tba BulteUa Chaa. DtTtQport was in Tb Dalles ob business Thursday. Mrs. J. P. Carroll was a Monday fla tter in Tba Dalles. Jamea Depee ipent Sunday afternoon in Hood River. Lea Banter ia improving after euf feiing with a carbuncle on bia back. lira. C O. Perley ia very aick with tbe grip. Amoa Root ia Buffering with a aevere attack of tbe grip. W. C Stone went to Portland on buaineaa laat week. Dr. 11. E. Welch, vetinary aurgeon, waa called up from Hood River lion day on profeaaional buaineaa. Milo Frank returned laat week from Portland and Corvallia where be apent tbe holidays. C G. Slolti returned Sunday from a buaineaa trip of aeveral weeka in Portland. Miss Biabop returned Saturday morn- ing from Portland wbere aba baa been viaiting with frienda during tbe bolidaya. Miaa Marcotte came op from Port land Tueaday morning for a viait witb ber father, L. Marcotte, on Almorita ranch. Odd lota of aboea, 98c ; aome good beavy winter aboea for boys in tbe lot. Also special prices on boys' bigb top shoes.. Strauss. N. P. Sturgess went to Portland Wednesday wbere be will remain until spring. Bis residence will be at tbe St. Charlea Hotel. Dr. C. A. Macrum waa a business visitor in tba city Wednesday. Be ex pects to remain in Portland until Feb ruary 1, when with Mrs.Maerum, he will return to bia ranch. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McGregor re turned Friday from Portland after a visit of severs) weeks. Mrs. McGreg' or, who bad been confined to ber room in Portland for several days, with tbe grip, is now improving. .Mrs. M. J. Oliphant and little daughter, Betty, left Wednesday for River Forest, III., where she will visit for several months with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman. Mr, Oliphant accompanied them aa far as The Dalles. F. G. Powers, who was a former res ident of Mosiei, but who, since dispoa ing of bia intereata to John Strahm, went to Gist, Oregon, baa been recent' ly elected preseisent of tbe Plainview Ditch company and also president of the Jackrabbit club. J. P. Tryon went to Tbe Dalles Fri day to visit with bis wife, who was sick in tbe hospital. Tbey returned yesterday afternoon with the children. Mrs. Tryon is much improved in health H. C. Oliver, traveling freight and passenger agent for the O.-W. R. & N. , who was in the city last week on business, stated that business in the northwest is picking up. His company expects to make more improvements during tbe present year, and every thing looks favorable for a year of prosperity. E. M. Strauss received a telegram Wednesday morning of the death of his sister, Mrs. Dora Fineberg, on 'lues day, January 11, at her home in Mar- sbaltown, Ia. She waa 41 yeara of age, and waa the wife of a prominent clothier in Marahaltown. Out of family of six children, she was the first to pass away. Mr. Strauss and son, Ferdinand, visited at ber home last summer. Mosiei Heights Industrial club held their regular monthly meeting at the Max Vogt school house, on January 7, witb Cecil Rowland, president, pre s id ing. The members gave a literary program which waa very interesting. Miss Elder, tescher, read a few short instructive stories. Owing to the in clement weather and a prevalence of grip. There were few to enjoy the very interesting meeting. The sewing j club each presented an exhibit of band made articles, and tbe boys had bob sleds and other articles for their share Cold weather and snow over a foot deep at the present time ia the status of the cold wsve in Mosier. The tber mometer has ranged for several days In tbe neighborhood of 10 degrees above sero, and in the districts outly ing, Mosier farmers stste that the mercury has fallen aa low as 2 degrees above with 16 to 18 inches of snow, Birds are plentiful, and the Alaskan robins are here in marked numbers Bread crumbs and other food are being thrown out for them. The farmers are urged by Deputy Game Warden Hadley to feed the game birds, as the heavy snow and prolonged cold weather will cause many to die unless food is obtainable. Coasting and sleighing has been enjoyed for over a week. Will Discuss Winter Pruning Lively discussions are being held each week between the members of tbe Mosier Horticultural society. Last week the subject of scab was contin ued and experiences were related re garding the attempted control of this fungus. Hugo E. Birkner, by means of a postcard projector, displayed draw ings and pictures of scab in ita differ ent atages on a screen, and explained the nature of its growth and develop ment He also exhibited some wheat which be had sprouted to show the similarity. Tbe next meeving will be held on Ssturdsy morning at 10 o'clock in Chown'a ball. Geo. Evans will lead tbe discussion of winter pruning. good attendance at these meetings is desired. Go to Law, Tbe Cleaner. OF COMMON COUNCIL At the meeting of the Mosier coun cil Wednesdsy night, the first under tbe new regime, the old council Bo shed op tba year's business of tba ity. with Councilman Robinson and Camp retiring and tbe newly elected members, W. A. Busbsnda and C. J. E. Carlson, taking their Bests. The following clsims agalnat the city were allowed by tbe old eouneil: Mrs. W. A. Husbands, janitor of library, fl. P. L. Arthur, recorder's aalary and supplies, $12. Mosier Bulletin, printing and pub lishing. 15.70. Library board, maintenance. $2.60. A. J. Derby, city attorney'a fees, $5. Pacific Power & Light Co., street lights. $39.40. Pacific Power & Light Co., library, $1. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., supplies. $4.90. C G. Nichol. wood, $1.68. C G. Graham, labor on streets, $4. Tryon & Clay Trsnsfer Co., hauling. $2.60. The following report of tbe finance committee regarding tba booka of City Treasurer Cole waa then read and upon motion of Alderman Hudson, waa accepted by tbe council : We, tbe underaigned, membera of tbe Finance Committee of tbe City Council present herewith our report concerning the booka of tbe Treasurer of tba City of Mosier. On examination of tbe books of tbe Treasurer we find that the total receipta for the year 1915 were $1,953.21. (including $26 from licenae fees) : aud that the total disbursements for the year 1915 were $1,837.24; lesv ing a balance of $115.97 in .the tress ury. We find also that thia balance as reported by tbe Treasurer ia the aame aa the balance .in the Moaier Valley Bank aa shown by tbe bank's books. We find that the boks of the Tresaurer are all neatly and accurately kept. L. J. Merrill, W. E. Chown, David Robinson. Report on City Warrants for Year 1915: Warrants issued in 1914, $2113 78 Warrants issued in 1916, 1325.06 Total warrants issued to date, - $3438.84 Warrants paid dur ing 1915 $1723.72 Unpaid warrants out- ' standing Called and not pre sented 83.66 Fire engine unpaid warranta, . . 270. Balance of 1914 unpaid warrants, S6.40 . Warrants unpaid in 1915 1325.06 1715.12 bathera waa evidenced laat summer by tba many bathers who used tbens for dressing. Tbe matter of having them brought op and stored was left to tbe street committee. Tbe eouneil desires to thsnk Frank Ginger for bia philanthropic afforta in behalf of the eitixena during tba deep enow. Witb hia mulea and a fiat sled Mr. Ginger baa gone about tba city breaking trails for Iocs pedestrians on the less frequented streets. Tbe mstter of securing a waste can to be placed near tbe telephone pole in front of tha poatoffice to take care of papers and traab commonly thrown in the street, waa left to Councilmen Cbown and Husbanda. By a unanimous vote of tbe council. Alderman Merrill waa re-elected to tbe office of president of tbe council, wbo will act aa mayor during .the abaence of that official. Mayor Race then appointed tha fol lowing committees, the first named be ing chairman of each, which were ac cepted by tbe council : Finance-L. J. Merrill. W. E. Cbown, and W. A. Husbanda. Fire and Water-G. R. Wood, D. W. Hudaon, and C J. E. Carlson. Street D. W. Hudaon, W. E. Cbown, and C. J. E. Carlson. Judiciary-W. E. Chown, L. J. Mer rill and G. R. Wood. Bealth and Pol ice -C J. E. Carlson, G. R. Wood, and.W. A. Busbanda. Library . Board-Mra. W. A. Hus bands, Mrs. P. L. Arthur, Mrs. F. A. Allington, Mrs. E. E. Amsden, and Mra. W. E. Chown. Tha appointment of Roger W. Moe as city marshal wss accepted by the city council. Total warranta issued Wsrrants outstanding, Dec. 81. 1914, Warrants outstanding Dec. 81, 1915, Cash on band, Dec. 31, 1915 Actual amount due from City on Warrants, less cash on hand Paid out in 1915: Wsrrants 1723.72 Interest on same 113.62 $3438.84 2113.78 1715.12 115.97 1599.15 Total expended Receipta in 1915: From taxes (County Treasurer) City licenses 1837.24 1928.21 25. 195321 Valuation in 1914 209,093.61 Returns on ten mill levy 2090.94 Actual receipts in 1915 1928.21 Delinquent taxes in Moaier 162.73 Tbe new aldermen then took their respective seats as members of the city council, whereupon Mayor Race addressed tbe body. Re urged them to use their best efforts in tbe letter writing campaign that 'is to bacon ducted throughout the state. Governor Witbycombe has set aside the week of January 17 to 22 as letter writing week, and in accordance witb the pol icy, tbe mayor requested the aldermen to lend every effort to have the Mosier district cooperate in bringing eastern friends to the state of Oregon during tbe year 1916, whether or not they come to Mosier, although be stated tbe scenic beauties and climatic conditions of this fruit growing diatrict should be advertised. Less taxea will be available to tbe City of Mosier this year than laat. stated Mayor Race, and valuations will be considersbly less this yesr on sccount of the reduction of tbe railroad right of way, tha taxes on this bsving been reduced to one balf tbe former valustion, which will make it $48,000 on each mile. On tbe other band tbe valuation baa increased somewhat on city property, but tbe city will not re ceive the same amount of taxea as heretofore for the present yesr. The aim ot tbe council shoud be improve ment as far aa the funds permit; to to shead and not let thinga run down. It should be an administrstion ol econ omy, but not so much so that the sav ing of a dollar now will mean tha ex penditure of two or three dollars Ister, Improve the city so ss to plsce it on a good basis finsncisly .and give It a good appearance. Mayor Race suggested that tie turn ber in tba bath housss be hauled up and stored until after the high water. Tba city purchased tbe lumber snd tbe houses were constructed by local citi sons free of charge to tha city. That tha bath houses proved a boon to tba GREAT VIOLINIST TO BE HERE TOMORROW Msud Powell I And then a hundred times again: Maud Powell I Picture to vourself a dainty, abim- merins. brown clad figure, a fine face. a strong face, a good, wholeaome, hon est face ; laughing eyea and winaome smile-and you have Maud Powell. Picture again, a womanly grace, an almost manly strength of bow arm, an irreproacbabla technic, an limpeccable nitch. an unner ranse of strangely ethereal beauty, an exquiaiteness of sentiment with not a trace or aenimen- talitv and a delicacy of finish and hu man loveableness beyond all compare, save witb Kreisler and you have Maud Powell. 1 tell vou that America can thank God for at least one great artist, and one sterling, womanly woman, allied in the one pretty, slight form of Maud Powell. I do not wonder that the eastern critics insist on comparing thia wonder ful little woman with the greateat male artiats of the violin sphere. She has amaxing atrengtb for one so slimly built; and, yet, tbe more amazing thing is that she does not sacrifice tbe faintest vestige of that sweet delicacy which, after all. is tbe noblest crown of true womanhood. Tha fnreffnin? ia taken from the Los Anorolea Times. Hut all western critics of music have acclaimed the noted nmerican atriat aa one of the tru y great musiciana ot the age. She ap peals not only to the erudite, the mus ically learned, but to the novice, the unitiated, the man who lovea melody. there is sometning aooui ner piaying, thnun who hava heard her sav. that reachea down to tbe very depths of one s being and holds one entranced. Maud Powell will come nere rrom Portland tomorrow and under the man nf tha Heiliir theatre of that city, give a concertat the Riverside Congregational church. JtcKets are on sale for tbe concert at Clarke's drug store. EVENING DEPART MENT SUCCESSFUL To form a social organisation for the membera and to bring about a cloaer friendship among the business and pro fessional women of the city, an organ isation, known aa the Evening Depart ment, is maintained by the Woman's club of Hood River. The membership of the cluo is made up of teachers, womeit engaged In offices snd buaineaa women of tbe city. In former years meetings have been held on lueaday evenings, twice monthly, while the regular gatherings of the Woman's club have been held on the afternoons of alternate Wednedsys. Tbe year of 1916 has been begun with tbe members of the Evemna Department participat ing actively in the work of the parent organization. 1 be success ol tbe unique orirsniza tion haa been evidenced by the enthusi asm of the members and tbe growing interest that baa been taken in its welfare by tbe Woman club. The membara of tha oreaniiation are Misses Meta Carter. Zillah Barker, Myrtle White. Bessie Goyette. Lydia Johnson, Hasel Smith, Mae Davidson, Madge Otis, Hssel Lender, Lena ttrun- auiat. Helen Huitora. Nellie Crocker, Celia Hager, Gertrude Norris, Frsncee Evsns. Virmnia Johnson. Lucille Jonn son, Cleo Snoup, Dorothy Battey, Lucy Kooan. Wilma Wilkinson, Nettie Alien, Norma Barker. Mildred Huxley. Sarah Kiley. Alice Schock and Mrs. Alice Stslnsker. Mrs. Hsrriet Bluahfield, Mra. Henrietta Cornelius, Mrs. Orion Fruge, Mrs. Ha Smith Dean and Mrs, Maud Barklage. Women of Sedenfary Habits Women who get but little exercise are llkelv to be troubled with constipation and indignation and will find Chamber lains Tablets biuhly beneficial. Not so good as a three or four mile walk every day, but very much better than to al low tbe bowels to remain in a consti pated condition. They are easy and pleaeant to take and most agreeable in enecL Obtainable everywhere. HAVE YOU VEAK LUIIGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tnlya I Do coughs bang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should hare immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which to easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and Beaia the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's la prescribed by the best special' ate. Yon can get it at any drag store. fcewfttowsHestfM,K.J. . ia4tnjj faMtniij MA MjaatU lUaa stasd tU fctat Aa4 Ceeh aa4 Bake avaal aw tha Beat." Keep Abreast of tbe Times TN OLDEN DAYS, when buying a cook stove, people would buy the one they could get the cheapest; that's because there were only a few makes on the market and were all practically the same In construction and matedaL There are close to a thousand different ran pes on the market todajr good, bad and indiuerent. Wise people use a little foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting Thk Range With a Refutation the range that is recommended by every user; the range that haa stood the test The Great Majestic Range the range that fa made of MalleablA and Crakcoal Iron the range that Saves Fubu Lasts Longer Costs Practically Nothing roa. Repairs Heats Mors Wateb. Quicker and Hotter, and Gives Bbttbb General Satisfaction Than Any Other Ranos Mads . . Ml and we can prove it! Blowers Hardware Co. "Raagea msm aeJ raafM f. 0a with yaw ataya Ua aaa ya kmaw" TBI MAJESTIC What Time Is It? Everyone asks this question many times daily. We are all dependent upon the time. Our lives are regulated by our watches. The lack of a watch is a big handi cap to both men and women. Therefore, why try to get along without one? Let us show you a good watch; one you can depend upon. We can suit both your taste and your pocketbook. W. F. LARAWAY, Jeweler PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY vSteamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Up Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays All kinds of freight snd passengers handled. Horses and automobiles given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3514 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complata Una of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. TSPAUS P Heath & MUligan Mixed Paints ty a wan ella Olidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Bail Dry Paste aFLSZKIOlfcT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. i3 STBANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure. first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ana pianos. We do everyGhing horses can do. Anderson Undertaking Co. LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 312 Cascade Ave, Phone 1394