The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 21, 1915, Image 6

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3 C
Edison Week--0ct. 18th to 23rd
The whole country is celebrating Mr. Edison's great achievement
this week. The new Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph is one of Mr.
Edison's greatest and. his pet invention. This perfect musical in
strument is the result of 4 years continuous research by the master
Special Concerts Each Day
We have arranged for social attention to this music each day. Come any
morninjr, afternoon or evening. Bring your friends. Hear Mr. Edison's fa
vorite selections -he has twelve of them judge for yourselves if this is not
re- v dial music, instead of Talking Machine Production.
We have a fine line of these new machine on display. Look them over. We
sell on installment plan, and place these machines in your home at the same
price you can buy at Portland or Chicago and you pay the frieght
SAFTy FIRST is the Watchword to
day. That means a Deereing mower
and rake to harvest your hay crop.
A Louden Track and Carrier to unload it
and a set of Louden Stanchions in your
barn mean safty and comfort foryour cows,
and a bigger milk check each month. These
tools are guaranteed best in their class
and for sale by D. McDonald.
d. Mcdonald
Stanley-Smith Lumber
Telephone 2171 or 5611
Operation Nrtweon
The State ' Washington will leave Portland every night
at eleven o'clock, arriving the next morning at Hood River
about eight o'clock. Leaves The Dalles daily at noon except
Monday and arrives at Hood River ahout 1:15.
P. E. BACON, Agent
PHONE 2541
Office on State Street opp. National Warehouse
Slab, Fir and Oak Wood
Also Rock Springs Coal
Now is the time to bargain for
your winter fuel. See
Taft Transfer Company
After a night in jail and a portion of
the day Rpeiit in making admissions to
local oliicials, John ftadcliff, self con
fessed I. W. W., left last Thursday for
'I he Dalles. A little wizened man with
a large red beard, Radclilf attracted
attention on the streets by concerts
given with a peculiar reed whistle,
lhe man had launched into a sidewalk
harrangue when he was nabbedjby City
Marshal Carson. The arrest pleased
him, apparently. A local ordinance
prohibits such musical concerts and
sidewalk addresses as were indulged in
by Kadclilf.'wboTdecalred that he was
well aware of the fact, tie even inti
mated that the fine of $8 assessed, the
sum to be served out in the jail, was
ton light.
It was soon evidenced that Raricliff
waH trying to work the city for free
lodging. He told Officer Smith that he
had been the guest, at city baHtiles, of
200 different American municipalities.
The city authorities came to the con
clusion that jailing was not sufficient
punishment for the I. W. W., and he
was taken to the railway station and
ordered to leave the city, flu proceed
ed on his way to The Dalles.
Two Children Had Croup
Tim two children of J. W. Nix, mer
chant, Cleveland, (in., had croup laid
winter. One was a b'iy of (I, the other
a girl of 8 years. Mr. Nix writes: "Both
got so choked up tliey could hardly
breathe and couldn't talk. I gAve them
Foley's Honey aiiiW Tar Compound and
nothing elce and it entirely cured them."
This reliable remedy should be in every
homo for it gives immediate relief from
colds, roughs and croup, heals, healu
raw inflamed throat anil loosen phlegm
Sold by Chan. N. Clarko.
Local Folk Learn New Dances
The one Bten. hesitation and the tan
go bid fair to supersede the old dances
in Hood River this winter. A class,
composed mostly of the city's sedate
business and professional men, began
last Thursday night to master the in
tricicaciea of the newer dance meas
urea. Several young men and women
were present, but i'rof. J. A. Epping
who is teaching the new dances, de
clares that the older folks evidence far
the greater enthusiasm.
Those who began learning the new
dances were: Dr. and Mrs. 11. D. W.
I'ineo, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, Mr.
and Mrs. Ceo. R. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mellon, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Clarke, J.
H. Hazlett, W. J. A. Baker. W. V.
Wahrer and Fred Coshow.
Minister Gives Testimony
The Rev. C. M. Knighton. Ilavnnna,
Flu., writes: "For three months 1 nuffer
ed intense pain in kidneys and back,
which at times laid me up entirely.
reail of Foley Kidney Tills and alter try
ing vmioiiH remedies without result I
decided to trv he Foley treatment. 1
was relieved utmost with the first dose
and it is a fact that I used only l.'.j but
tles w hen all of the pains disappeared,
t am ! years of age and now feel like n
young man again." Sold by C. N. Clarke
Backache Is A Warning
Hood River Should Not Neglect their
Backache is often nature's most fre
quent signal of weakened kidneys. To
cure the pains and aches, to remoe the
lami'iiess when it arises from weakened
kidneys, you must reach the cause the
kidneys. If you have pain through the
small of your hack, urinary disorders,
headaches, dizzy spells, or are nervous
and depressed, start treating the kidneys
with a tested kidnev remedy.
Doan's Kidney 1'ills have liven proved
good and are especially for weak kidneys
Doan's have been used in kidney trou
ble for over 50 years. Read a Hood
River testimony.
Mrs. A. I.. Vincent, of SOI Colmnlra
Ave., Hood River, says1 "Doan's Kid
ney Fills have been used ( ff and on in
our family and have alwayshrought good
results. I had a backache ami Doan's
Kidney Fills relieved me."
Over two years later Mrs. Vincent
said: ' Occasional use of Doan's Kidney
Fills since I last endorsed them, lias
strengthened my confidence in them."
I'rice 50c, at all dealer. Don't simply
ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's
Kidney 1'ills the same that Mrs. Vin
cent had. Forster-Milhurn Co., l'rops.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Just received some new saddles
also new fly nets, cow covers,
dusters, auto robes, tents and
wagon sheets.
William Weber
Bell Building
Now retired to his little fruit farm
on the Columbia river highway a short
distance west of the city, U. W. Ken
nedy, an Oregon pioneer of Is53 and an
early Methodist circuit rider of eastern
Washintgon and Oregon, finds no occu
pation more pleasing than that of tell
ing itoriea of the days when Oregon
was being wrested from the wilder
ness. Rev. Kennedy has just written
a book of pioneer stories. "The Pio
neer Campfire," he calls it. The vol
ume contains much of interest to the
casual reader; it is graphic in its de
scription of incidents of the stirring
times of Indian wsrfare; there are
touches of pathos in the telling of
some early day tragedy; and the reader
must smile as the author must have
done when he was telling of some of
the pleasantries and jokes of the fron
tier. To the student of pioneer north
western history the book contains much
of value.
How much greater privilege it is,
however, to hear the stories told by
the. pioneer minister himself. Rev.
Kennedy is as modest as a maiden. He
is proud of bis new book; not so much
because he has written it, but because
in building up its stories he has lived
over again the days of his childhood
and young manhood. With all of his
modessty the aged minister carries
himself very dramatically. In bis con
versation he will pause until he grasps
just the proper word to make bis
meaning more emphatic. He won rec
ognition for the well rounded points
and beauty of his sermons.
"I made my firt speech," he says in
'The Pioneer Campfire,' "when I was
12 years old. The weekly debating so
ciety of those days was a pretentious
and ambitious institution. The partic
ipants were the men and half grown
hoys flf the neighborhood who organ
ized with a ponderous constitution and
set of bylaws, and under these fought
out many a a forensic battle over ques
tions that have puzzled the minds of
sages and that are still unsettled."
Mr. Kennedy was born in Pike Co.,
Illinois, September 5, 1817. On that
date of the past September he was fill
ing the pulpit of the local MethodiBt
church in the absence of the pastor,
Rev. W. B. Young, who was attending
conference at Spokane. "This is a
coincidence," Baid Mr. Kennedy, as a
prelude to his sermon. "Sixty-eight
years ago on a Sunday morning, juBt
as this ia, I first saw the light of day.
It was 10 o'clock, they tell me. I was
early enough for church, and I have
never been late since." Mr. Keenndy
was of a family of five children.
When the author-minister was six
year of age his parents crossed the
MisisBsippi, joined an emigrant train
and set out for the promise land of
Oregon. The journey was begun as
early as possible in the year, and by
September the Kennedys were en
camped on the Molalla in the Willam
ette Valley. Telling of this first camp
Mr. Kennedy pays a tribute to the
oxen that drew his father's wagon
across the plains. "And the tired oxen,
how they did enjoy it!" he says.
"How they did eat that green Willam
ette grass. Those faithful old oxen
there was old Buck and Dick, always
working at the tongue of the wagon
and from Illinois to Oregon were never
out of their places when we were trav
eling. Old Buck, the kind faithful old
friend, how I did love him. He had
kicked me down once on the plains,
away back on Rear river. 1 was
thrown under the wheels and one of
them passed over my thigh. But
thanks to a protecting Providence I
was scarcely bruised. Still I never
held it against old Buck. It seemed
that he couldn't do a mean trick.
Those weary, hungry cattle seemed as
thankful as we were to God that we
had reached the grassy vales of Ore
gon." Mr. Kennedy's father took up a do
nation claim west of Covallis near the
present site of Philomath. An uncle
of Mr. Kennedy purchased a squatter's
right to an adjoining half section, 'lhe
tamily of the former set to work at
once to prepare for the coming winter.
A 20 by 30 foot log cabin was built.
"We called it home with a great deal of
pride when we moved into it," writes
Mr. Kennedy. "The log cabin had no
floor at first but had a large fireplace
at one end. What fires we used to
have !"
"My mother was forted up in that
cabin during the Cayuse war of 1855
!. Nearly all the able bodied men
had to join the volunteer army and go
out to fight the Indians. With my
mother were her five children, the old
est but 14 years of age. But she could
shoot the head off a squirrel at a good
distance, and with her rifle and port
holes between the chinks she felt yiat
she cuold stand off a fair sized party
of Indians.
"The first decade of Oregon history
was this log cabin decade. But it was
grand and beautiful and romantic. Out
of those log cabin homes, log cabin
schoolhouscs and log cabin meeting
houses came the stalwart men and
women of the territory. Those states
men, teachres and preachers have giv
en character to the whole state. We
ought to cherish their memories and
thank God for their environment."
Mr. Kennedy's mother, Mary A.
Kennedy, taught the first school in the
Mary's river country. "We children
all went with mother to school," says
Mr. Kennedy.
"Not long after the opening of that
log cabin school the people desired to
establish a school of college grade.
That call was answered by the selec
tion of Philomath." One of the early
graduates of Philomath, Prof. J. B.
Homer, of the University of Oregon,
is a warm personal friend of Mr. Ken
nedy. In a foreword to "The Pioneer
Campfire," Prof. Horner says: "In
the early morning or Oregon history
the author of 'The Pioneer Campfire'
became a prominent figure. He min
gled with the most active men and
women of the time. He uvea amidst
their activities. He heard them recite
Oreeon stories as tragic as the deeds
of Horatius, Casablanca and James
Fitziames. and he jotted them down in
his memory after he had talked heart
to heart with the Indians, inus tne
early history of Oregon became a part
of his being. Later, when his age
ripened, he recounted the Btories with
the coloring of pioneer days."
In writing of the Oregon Trail, Mr.
Kennedy refers to it as the Old Emi
grant Road. "That was the only name
by which it was known to the pio
neers," he says. "In the city park at
lhe Dalles is a monument marked:
'The end of the Oregon Trail, 1843
1859.' This is misleading. Very few
of the emigrants stopped there. The
Willamette Valley was their destina
tion. Oregon City was the real termi
nus and there the monument should be
placed. "
In 1857 Mr. Kennedy's father pur
chased a farm in Marion county in the
region of Belpassie academy. The
family removed there, and the children
grew to manhood in what Mr. Kennedy
terms "one of the choice communities
of Oregon."
The pioneer minister, however left
home in 1866 and attended Pacific Uni
versity at Forest Grove. He kept
bachelor's hall with Thomas H. Tongue
and Charles Hall. Other schoolmates
of Mr. Kennedy were the late Harvey
W. Scott, J. Q. A. Bowlby. Myron
Eels. Ed. Watson, Elkanah Walker.
George Atkinson, M. O. Lownsdale and
Cyras H. Walker.
While Mr. Kennedy was teaching at
Walla Walla in 1871 the Methodist
church held its quarterly conference
there. Kev. H. K. Hinee was presid
ing elder," he writes, "and Rev. H.
C. Jenkins, preacher in charge. They
called me into the council and said:
'Brother Kennedy, we think you ought
to preach the gospel. Will you accept
a license and go to work?' Of course
I had done much thinking about the
matter before, and 1 accepted immed
iately." Soon afterward he preached
his first sermon at tbe old mission
church at Walla Walla. His first
charge was a circuit embracing the en
tire Yakima Valley, now two counties.
In bis 42 years of ministry Rev.
Kennedy has travelled 80,000 miles in
filling appointments alone. He has re
ceived 300 persona into the church.
One hundred and fitfy couples have
been married by him. He has preached
4,000 sermons and has given 150 lec
tures and addresses. He has crossed
the Blue mountains 40 times and in
every possible way ef travel.
"1 am conscious," he says, "that 1
have laid up treasure in Heaven."
Toward the close of "The Pioneer
Campfire," the aged minister says:
"The highest conception of duty is
to know and obey the law of God: All
law begins and ends in our Lord's first
and great commandment supreme love
to God; and its corollary, the love of
fellow man. On these two hang all
my thology."
(Dispatch from Wenachee to Daily
Produce News, of Seattle.)
The Wenatchee Valley Fruit Grow
ers' Association received a telegram
this morning from Steinhardt & Kelly,
of New York city, complaining of the
auction and consignment system. It
"Many cars of Northwestern apples
are being sold throngh the auction
daily. The consignment men handling
Wenatchee apples, sold two cars of ex
tra and fancy Jonathans today. The
Extra fancy averaged $1.40; fancy,
$1.20. How can you, or any other as
sociation, ask us to buy from you at
the prices quoted, when your Growers'
Council permits this? Of what use is
the Growers Council if it does not im
mediately take steps to stop abuses of
this nature? We suggest that you see
Paulhamus and lay the matter before
him. Referring to the 25 cars of dif
ferent varieties which you want us to
buy, your prices are entirely too high,
according to present auction values.
Daily there is complaint of similar
abuses. While probably a third of the
valley crcp this year was handled on a
cash basis, yet consignment men are
getting some fruit, enough to demoral
ize the market.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W. Thomson was the scene of a pretty
home wedding Thursday when their
daughter, Miss Wilma, became the
bride of Edgar Franz, a popular young
business man of the city. The nuptial
event was characterized by its quiet
ness and simplicity, only a few friends
and relatives being present. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. W. B
Young, of Asburv Methodist church
The bride was accompanied to the
bower of autumn leaves and flowers by
her father. After a wedding break
fast, served at the lhomsnn home, Mr.
and Mrs. Franz took the Portland and
Puget Sound Express for Portland,
where they have spent their honey
Both Mr. and Mrs. Franz are gradu
ates of the high school. Mr. Franz
was prominent in athletics, having
been a star member of both football
and baseball teams. His bride was a
member of the class of 'J5. Mr. Franz
is associated with his father in the
hardware and furniture business here.
News of the wedding spread quickly
among the younger set of the city, and
a crowd of 50 or more former school
mates assembled at the station to
shower the departing bride and groom
with rice, confetti and old shoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Franz will be at home
in the Duncan house on Cascade avenue.
Notice is hereby given that the coun
ty court of Hood River county has ap
pointed J. F. Candee, Chas. T. Early,
F. A. Massee, L. N. Blowers, J. K.
Steel, E. W. Sweany and Dick McDon
ald, as an advisory board, to advise
and assist the members of the county
court, in making up the 1916 budget,
and said advisory board with the county
court will hold a meeting at the court
house in Hood River Saturday, Oct. 23,
at 10 a. m., continuing all day if neces
sary, at which time any citizen of Hood
River county, or any taxpayer, may
present any item or items that they
wish incorporated into or have cut out
of said budget.
County Court of Hood River County.
When Baby Has the Croup
When a mother is awakened from
sound sleep to find her rhild who has
gone to hed apparently in the best of
health struggling for breath, she is nat
urally alarmed. Yet it ehe can keep her
presence of mind and give Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy every ten minutes
until vomiting is produced, quick releif
will follow and the child will drop to
sleep to awakeu in the morning as well
as ever, Una remedy lias been in use
for many veitrs with uniform success.
Obtainable everywhere.
Slocom Knew Riot Victims
Sidney J. Cohen, the newspaper man
of Charleston, S. C, who was fatally
injured in election riots in the southern
city last Friday, and W. A. Turnr, who
received a bullet wound in the left
lung, were both well known to Geo.
I. Slocom who represented Oregon at
the Charleston exposition. "Mr. Cohen
was often a visitor at our booth," says
Mr. Slocom, "and bis writings did
much to boost Oregon products. I lived
while in Charleston next door to W. A.
Turner, a retired English army officer."
Coughs That Are Stopped!
Careful peop'.e see that they are stop
ped. Dr. Kind's New Discovery is a
remedy of tried merit. It has held its
own on the market lor 40 years. Youth
and old age testify to its soothing and
healing qualities. Pneumonia and lung
troubles are often cause by delay of
treatment. Dr. King's New Discovery
stops those hacking coughs and relieves
la grippe tendencies. Money back if it
fails. oOcandtl.OU.
Painless Dentistry
Why go to Portland for dental work? Do you stop to
consider the service you receive from the hands of the den
tist who is hired by the week to operate for you? Have your
work done at home by the dentist who does your work from
start to finish.
22k Gold Crowns
Bridge Work, per tooth
Gold Fillings
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain Fillings
Silver Fillings
- . $5.00
- - $5.00
$2.00 to $5.00
- - $6.50
- - $1.50
$1.00 to $1.50
Plates $9.00 to $12.00
Extracting 50c
Dr. Wm. M. Post
Office Hours: 9 to 12, 1 to 5
Rooms 18 and 19 Heilbronner Bldg. Phone 2401
THERE IS NO DANGER whatever that you cannot ab
tain what you need in the way of shoes here. For vari
ety and completeness our display is unmatchable.
So when you need shoes come here and enjoy the widest
choice and be sure of the fullest satisfaction.
J. C. Johnsen, The Hood River Shoe Man
Shoe and Shoe Repairing
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
Estimates Furnished
We have storage space for all kinds
of goods in a concrete building
Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move
Complete Transfer Service
Transfer & Livery Co.
Phone 4111