The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 23, 1915, Image 2

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ibuuh Hturr (Blartrr
AWIHl V l. MttC. ftlbliaher.
Wh-ii uir,.t. cum,.tr
ii, .. iritn-t -I,.. m 1 1- i..i irt- .f.nii.ii. ami
wi--l( Ixlnifll i-t.iiii Aiwav tfivc oUl d
. . . . ., . i ..
,n.,rr,i., i iitii iv ii u-t mi.. i,.-,
o t. . i.ahu t' ir rii iii- mini i
route 1., ,. n.r. ... i., n .1. i w. ry ml
..iililr v dcu . rv.i'l v t- er It .vj ili lii.t
If-1 t.r p.i(.cr I'Miii.f 'y iiol'fy n. ly 11, all f
telfphnUt HM'J III.' f W 1.1 te lllCHUHt.l
Kxcept it HTtii. ii. Iik new. matter, ..iii
ii. uii.-Mi!i- ..r ii 1 ;i l. .'I a g.-u.ritl nature,
hiKiuiil Ih-111 tto urtii-r h M.n-ty t. t.-t;re
their appeal 111 In t J..- iu. o '.lit- nil relit week
Subscription, 81.t IVr Year.
Have yuu i-vrr ft in 11'" -ii Kiver peo
ple, any moto r.lhuritic than they
wi re las-t Saturday Hl'Ur:.oon? It was,
indeed, a live community. A .le culture
will alwuyx, at least we tliii.k eo.lie tlie
liijj thing of the community. 'I lie Spit
rr;hur; and the Newton have won the
community its fame. They have Leer
instrumental in hriiiiiic uitsidcra l.trt
to nee our scenery. Htcy were the
forerunner.-' of the gri nt Columbia rivet
highway. 'I he culture of them will
continue, to lirit k funds and fame.
1'illt the l.otfS HI (I cattle, brought ut
from the old-tune rut. "(ientlenien,
how 1 hive a cow," used to he one ol
the expressions of (iovernor Withy
rotnl.o, when he wan director of the
Oregon experiment station, (iovcrnor
Wthyrotiihe should have heen here Sat
urday to have si'i-n the rtnult of his ad
vice time yritrH ao. Ilu should have
Seen how proud those owners of Jerseys
and Poland Chinas Mi re.
'J he stock show and the school fair
are hold events Unit tend to hrintj us
nil together fur hh occasions. All or
ganizations are out to help make them
Did you see the handsome exhibits of
the Mural .Society? Wo expect to heal
more of this oranialiim in the future.
1 hu hand helped a uincry iitii:.iz
ation, eh?
The school lair was tin; best cver.hut
others will he better. And we are
lld to learn that the slock exhibits
will be j?iven every year to con,e.
In another column of The Glacier
this week appears an announcement of
the First National Corn show, of St.
I'iul. During the pust week we have
been presented with such material evi
dence that we aro made to believe that
Jlooil Itiver has an excellent chance of
walking away with one of the great
corn show's first prizes.
Some of the hoy exhibitors at the
school fair of Saturday might bring
note to himself and added fame to his
community by capturing one of these
prizes. The world has come to think
of Hood Uiver as a country of apples,
and truly it is, and the industry will al
ways be predominant. Hut it will be
well to know that our products may
be us diversified as we wish.
If any one desires to send an exhibit
of corn to St. I'aul he should address
fur further particulars the First Na
tional bank, St. I'aul, Minn.
Tho llonil Kiver Hand and their new
director, .1. A. F.ppitig, aro to ho con
gratulated. They have made a notable
progress in the past few weeks. The
concert and dance nt llcilhronner hall
last week were both highly successful.
We uro hoping fur a repetition of such
Such activity on the part of the hand
will bring support from all the people
of the valley. We have been told that
the band has recently purchased six
new instruments, at an average price
of fill each. The boys should be sup
ported to the event that they may he
reimbursed for this outlay.
We predict that lloud liiver's band
will become known up and down the
the rioNi:i:i( meeting
The pioneers and their friends were
greatly interested last Friday in re.;
ords of eaily diiys. This data recalled
to tho early settlers the hardhsips anil
juya of frontier life. It was of historic
value to the younger generations.
These records should ho placed on file
lit the enmity library. Every school
hoy .iml gii I should make it a point to
read them. No history h more inter
esting than local history, and yet how
often do we find young men and youi g
Women who know nhoslutely nothing
about the records i.f the communities
In w Inch they live.
The lirst copy of Motor Koad, a new
publication, has come to our exchange
desk. .Motor. Koad will pn.n ote the
automobile industry and at the same
time exploit the sceric asset of the
northwest. Tho current nun, hi r has
interesting articles by I eslie M. Scott,
(level nor Withy combe and Samuel C.
Lancaster, lloud Kiver comes in for a
portion of merited publicly .
Yakima apple puckers are forming
union to resist cuts in wages. For
merly the packers were paid fivecents
per hex. Hecauc of the introduction
of grading machines, this has been cut
to thrte and four cents. 1'nder the ex-
odirg riiies skilled packers have been i
makim; us much as ;fo pel day. This
looks aln.igl.ty big to the grower. I
"If your I i;. 111 is tired cut fruit,"
Kiijs W. Karl liyn.i, health expert in
l'oitianl this week. Yes, try a few
Hood Kivrr apples.
A Way Out.
"She's fond of children."
"I'm glad to hear it. I'll leave mine
with her t'lo in t time our dub meets."
Detroit Five Press.
Mummiii of Paru.
Btfor Uklug leave of Cuzco, Peru,
we weut to re tlie very loterwtiDg
collection of luca relics lu the private
museum, of a I'erurjau doctor mho has
de'otiil uiauy yean of Ills life to luca
research. Hanged round the walls were
- ..,. .i it i t . .i m
. Inilmiineal hlcli hail ri.n taken frv.rn
i rock fii.l, All hint i,.n i.uriwi in
-i,,i.,,. .. U.....A .t 4.. t - 1 . .
lttIiisiK,iure.and, Judging by the nor-
riijie -i previous of aony on the parch-
Dii'iit skin. I should Imagine that some
of them, prisoners of war, I was told,
hud been entombed alive. The horror
of those mummied faces and the awful
contortions of the skeletons haunted
me for a long time, nor shall I ever for
get the fight.
One or two of the skulls bore evi
dence of skillful surgery, star sbaed
pieces of bone having been cleverly fit
ted In to repair damage done by the
star shaped Mone weapons of the pe
riod. I did not measure those I saw
In the museum, but one of the afore
said stone weapons which we brought
back to England from Cuzco measured
four Inches from point to point acros.
the top a truly formidable club. Wide
World Magazine.
They Fearsd th Dutch.
In 1073, In the old days of England's
wars llli the Hutch, the Inhabitants
of Shei -Ingham, lu terror of Invasion
by the Imiih forces, petitioned the
lord lieutenant and deputy lleutenauta
of Norfolk. "Our Town," they said,
"Joynet upon je Maine sea, and we
are afraid every night ye enemy should
come ashore and fire Our Towne when
we be In our Iledds; for ye Houses
stand very close together, and all ye
House thatched with straw, that In
one hoiirea time ye 'J'owne may be
burnt, for wo have nothing to Resist
tliem lint one Gunn, with a broken car-
nnv niiu niiir iuusquetis, winch we
bought at our Owne cost and charges
which a very small defence against
nn enemy; and likewise wee have no
powder, nor shot for ye said Gunn, nor
Musiiuetts, wheu we stand In need."
They therefore asked for a few more
muskets, with powder and bullets. In
granting this the authorities stipulated
that Sherlnghiim should not "lmboclll
ye said arms and ammunition."
Olivsr Goldsmith and Powdsrs.
April 4, 1774, died Oliver Goldsmith,
In bis forty-seventh year, at the height
of his fame, ns also of his embarrnss
menls. Goldsmith's death was hasten
ed, as some thought, by his taking
against his apothecary's wish the fa
mous specific, lr. James' fever pow
ders, One should be Just to the pow
ders. Goldsmith himself thought he
had been given spurious and not the
genuine powders, whllo Mr. Hawkes,
his apothecary, declared the sick man
had taken the right remedy In a wrong
fashion and after Goldsmith's death
published. In collaboration with the
poet's other two physicians, "An Ac
count of the I.ate Dr. Goldsmith's Ill
ness So Far as ltelates to the Exhibi
tion of Dr. James Powders." Death
pays all debts. In no other way possi
bly could Goldsmith have cleared him
self. London Spectator.
A Cottly Quarrel.
Itowley, the English violinist, was
hard to beat In his perseverance
against one who had Incurred Ills ill
will. Itowley had a quarrel with a
horse dealer named Itrant It was a
trivial matter, but Itowley took the
next house to It in lit, set up a pin no,
bought a comet and proceeded to make
Insomnia for Itrant After one or two
assault cases In court llrnnt moved
Itowley bought out tho next door
neighbor and followed with piano and
cornet Itrant went to law, but found
ho could do nothing. Falling, ho took
a detached house. Then Itowley hired
brass bands and organs iind assailed
Ii i 111. This was actionable, and How
ley paid $.-,KlO for his revenge. Lon
don Tut lor.
Th Gospel Oak.
In tho village of Polstead, Suffolk,
England, stands a famous oak which
the rector has proved to be 'J.OtH) years
old. Tho tree has a girth of thirty
six feet and has been known always
as the gospel oak, since under It the
llrst Christian missionaries preached
to the heathen Saxons thirteen ecu
tuiics ago. This event Is commemorat
ed each year by a special service held
under the tree.
Early Soporifics.
Iloiitho, 11 Chinese physician who
lived In tho third century, gave his pa
tients a preparation of hemp, whereby
they were rendered Insensible during
surgical operations. The soporific ef
fects of mandrake are mentioned by
Shakes pea re.
Retreating In Ditorder.
"Who was that tough looking chap 1
saw you wilh today, Hicks?"
"He careful, Parker. That was my
twin brother."
"Hy Jove, old chap, forgive me! 1
really ought to have know n." Kansas
City Times.
Wrong Either Way.
Isabel I'll never have another pho
tograph taken. Dorothy Why not,
dear? lsabel-Oh, if It looks llko 1110 I
don't like It, nnd If It flatters me my
friends don't like Itl-Exchango.
A Woman's Way.
"Your doom Is sealedl" cried tho vil
lain. "Ha," laughed the heroine defiantly,
"I guess 1 can steam It open!" Chica
go Herald.
The Difference.
"Your cook Is Just like one of the
family. Isn't she?"
"Dear me, no! She never would eat
warmed over dishes." Baltimore
Most Populous Countries.
The ten countries with the lamest
populations are. In the order named.
China, India, Kussla, the I'nltod States,
Germany, Japan, the VtiitcdpKlngdoui.
France, Italy and Austria.
A Mean Hint.
Miss Oldglii I have been studying
with Professor Plump, and he gave
me a few wrinkle,. Miss Pert-Do
you think you need nuy more, dear?
Th Englishman Spok.
Id a secoDd clas ruljway carriage,
going from Ijiusaune to Fart. 1 owe
passed a bight or cooGict. On my side
ner.u 8 who spoke English and
an Kujr!Uliui:iu who didn't twalc. Our
oiH)iieiiis ere two nieretjerg of a Ijit-
I Tliey wanted the WltlduKS
hut We wanted at least one window
open. Our common caue drew the
three of us together. At first the Eng
lishman's expression bad seemed to
wonder whether the Swiss and the
American were quite worthy to prefer
frefcb air. As the nig! wore on this
expression waned, and I thought I de
tecfed a trace of sympathy In the
glances be sparingly aimed at us.
In answer to my question the Swiss
explained his mastery of the English
language by saying he had learned
without a teacher, Just by sitting near
an ojieu window In a tub of cold wa
tcr. At this the Englishman almost
spoke. Morning came. He filled hia
pipe and began to hunt through his
pockets for matches. The Swiss offer
ed him a box. "Thank you," be said
gravely; "I prefer my own," and went
on hunting. New Republic
Colors of ths Opal.
In Judging an opal color Is of the
greatest Importance. Hcd fire or red
lu combination with yellow, blue and
greeu Is tho best liluu by Itself Is
quite valueless, tuid the greeu opal Is
not of great value unless the color Is
very vivid and tho pattern very good.
Tho color must be true that Is to say,
It must not run In streaks or patches,
alternating with a colorless or Inferior
quality. Pattern Is nn Important fac
tor, the several varieties being known
as "pin fire" when the grain Is very
small, "harlequin" w hen the color Is In
small squares, the more regular the
better, and the "flash tire," or "Hush
opal," when the color shows us a sin
gle flash or In very large pattern. Har
lequin Is the most common and Is also
popularly considered the most beauti
ful. When the squares of color are
regular and show as distinct minute
checks of red, yellow, blue and green
It Is considered magnificent Some
stones show better on edge than on top.
A barrel Is not always a barrel, for,
according to a Massachusetts Judge,
the matter of state lines has consider
able to do with It Rome time since a
Boston man purchased 200 barrels of
sweet potatoes In the state of Mary
land. When the sweet potatoes nrrlv
ed In Huston the purchaser sold one
barrel Just as It had come from Mary
land, but It appears that the barrel
weighed only 12!) pounds Instead of 150
pounds, the legal weight In Miissachn
setls. In that state when a person
buys a barrel of potatoes the weight
must be not less than 150 pounds. The
Massachusetts courts ruled that the
purchaser of the Maryland sweet h
tatoes violated the law when he sold
the barrel that was underweight, nl
though tho barrel was a legal one In
Maryland. Therefore a barrel Is not
a barrel In Massachusetts when It
weighs less than 150 pounds. Utlca
Penetration of Light.
Experiments show that light can be
seen through a clean cut opening of
not more than one forty thousandth of
an inch.
This fact was determined by taking
two thoroughly clean straight edges
and placing a piece of paper between
the surfaces at one end, the opposite
end being allowed to como together.
The straight edges being placed be
tween the eye and a si rung light In a
dark room, a wedge of light was per
ceived from the cuds between which
tho paper was placed and the opposite,
which were brought together. The
thickness of the paper being known,
(he distance apart of the two edges of
tho small end of the wedge of light
was easily calculated.
Irving't Intensity,
Tho piercing eyes and Intense ex
pression of Henry liv ing once had the
effect of making a fellow actor alto
gether forget that he was on tlie stago
at all. It occurred In Manchester dur
ing a performance of .Macbeth," and
In the scene wlieie Macbeth says to
0110 of the murderers, "There's blood
upon thy face:" Irving put so much
earnestness into his words that tho
murderer forgot his proper answer
(""lis lianquo's, then") and replied In
a startled voice: "Is there? Great
Scot!" He fancied, as he afterward
said, that he'd broken a blood vessel
8ynthetic Dyes.
Tho raw materials from which al
most nil the synthetic dyes are tnado
are only nine or ten direct products of
coal tar. These are transformed chem
ically Into from L'Mi to :;h inleriiiedi
11I0 products, which in their turn yield
about l.'JlH) chemically distinct dye
si nil's. Among the processes employed
are high temperatures, great pressures
and low refrigeration.
H is Query.
"You've been sciileneed to twenty
years' hard labor. Willi good time you
can cut that down, of course." said (bo
law yer.
"Good time!" exclaimed the prisoner.
"How's a guy going to have any good
time in prison?" Detroit Free Press.
Slow Pay.
"Does your father object because I'm
paving attention to you?"
"No. Paw says he's glad to see you
paying something, if it's only atten
tion." Buffalo Express.
True thrift, according to Kobert
Louis Stevenson, is to earn a little and
spend a little less.
Feminine Courage.
"Don't veil think women are nat
urally more courageous than men?"
challenged the champion of her m-v.
"Of course." said the horrid cynic.
"No man would ever dure to get off 11
car the way the average woman does "
Kansas City Star.
Keeps Putting 'Em Up.
"I won't bet wllh you." sMi,i
I'liker. -You haven't the dough."
"Oh. 1 guess 1 can put up
stakes!" replied (he butcher.-Boston
Haiti's Old Citadel.
On the summit of a Haitian moun
tain over 4.000 feet high stand the won
derful ruins of the great citadel La
Ferrlere, built by the black king Chris
topha. Some of the walls are flghty
feet high and sixteen feet thick, and
heavy batteries of old fifty six and
thirty-two pound gnus are still In posi
tion. They were laid to guard every
approach of what was intended to be
the last asylum of Haitian Independ
ence. Springs of water still exist in
(he interior, and there were secret sub
terranean Vassuges and secret cham
bers for holding his hoarded wealth,
much of which Is supposed to be still
burled there. Although partly destroy,
ed by the earthquake in 1S42, which
demolished nearly all of tho important
buildings in the country, the colossal
ruins of the citadel still attest the gi
gantic work of Chrlstophe, and the
world still wonders how the work was
done and how the material for the con
struction and armament was ever got
to the top or the mountain. Little au
thentic in forma lion has ever been ob
tained on the subject, and tlie whole
euterprlse Is clouded In romance and
anecdote. Argonaut
Dust Clouds Armies Make.
An army on the march along dry
roads naturally throws up very heavy
dust clouds. To those who haven't
been trnlued one dust cloud looks very
much like another, but to a soldier
these dust clouds tell a very 'clear
The dust cloud.; thrown up by In
fantry, for example, hang In a low,
thick cloud. The longer the cloud the
more men underneath It mid a scout
can by this means make a fairly accu
rate guess of the number of men on
the march.
Cavalry on the march sends un a
dust cloud that Is much higher and
thinner than that of Infantry. The
most distinctive of these dust clouds.
however. Is that made by wagons and
heavy guns. The dust rises in llttlo
groups of clouds, quite different from
tho long clouds of cavalry and Infantry.
00 even when unable to see the ac
tual cause of the dust, a scout can
tell many miles away what kind of
force Is passing along a road. Ex
Indifferent Librarians.
The Bodleian library has not alwavs
heen fortunate In Its custodians. When
George III. presented a copy of th
newly published "Voyages of Captain
Look to the lllirarv the then librarian
we mercifully omit his name prompt
ly sent It to a friend, with a note ask
ing him to keep It for a twelvemonth
or so, as otherwise If the university
men knew the book was available ho
would be pestered to death by appli
cations for It.
The problem of storage for the Bod
leian library Is no new one and no
loubt It will recur from age to age
nut oxrora is probably- a long wav vet
from any likelihood of adopting Lord
Chancellor Westbury's suggestion as
to the proper way of "removing tho
Bodleian." His proposal was that thu
books should be wheeled to the parks
and burnt there. London Standard.
Strength of a Shark.
Given special advantages, such as
that of holding the ond of a stout rope
at the other extremity of which Is a
hook fixed In a shark's mouth, man
mny, with the assistance of a number
of his fellows, have tlie best of tba
shark. But alone and in the water tho
advantage is wholly nnd absolutely tho
other way, and the strongest swimmer
and the bravest heart fall wheu tho
tyrant of the sen seeks to make his nc
quaint.'inoe. The shark Is gifted with
great stiengih, a savage temper, dog
ged perseverance uud exceptional pow
er of Jaw. The lion nnd tiger may
mangle, the crocodile may lacerate, tba
bulldog may hold fast tho shark alone
of lk lug creatures possesses the power
of nipping off a human limb nt a bite.
Its Own Reward.
Dr. Jones leaped into the air, drop
ping the evening paper he was reading1
is the telephone bell split the peaceful
Who Is II? What is It? Where Is
It?" he shouted as ho took the receiver
'Please como at once, doctor," piped
small voice. "It's Tommy Brown
"Who's hi at your house?" asked tho
"Lverybody, ceptln me. I was
naughty, so mother wouldn't let tue
have any of the lovely mushrooms fa
thcr picked yesterday." Exchange.
Throwing Rice.
Throwing rice at a wedding sym
bolizes n it the expression of good luck
hut It Is a metaphorical tlight of ar
rows shot at the bridegroom. In un
civilized ages most notions wore ac
customed to the forcible capture of a
bride hy her lover, and tho attempts
on the part of her male relatives to
prevent her husband from carrying her
away Is ty pitied hy a volley of lice lu
stead of more fatal missiles.
A Different Love.
An odd typographical error puce np-
pcarcd lu a criticism of Ellen Terry,
The reviewer wrote, "Her love of Por
tia made acting easy," but the sentence
appeared lu the paper as "ner love of
porter made acting easy." Detroit
Free Press.
He Didn't Do th Running.
Leading Lady Did he run ofl" the
Mage when the eggs hit him? Leading
Man - No. but he showed a yellow
treak.- Exchange.
Every person Is responsible for an
the good within the scope of his abili-
tics.-Giiii Hamilton.
The Operator.
"My brother had a part of his speech
?ut out the other day."
"What surgeon was the operator?"
"No surgeon: Just plain telephone
girt. "-Exchange.
Color Scheme.
When a man with .1 yellow streafc
cets blue he tores green with envy of
some one he thinks more fortunate.
Chicago Post.
He is not always at ease who laughs.
Stk Ev rcmond.
William Penn'e Measurements.
The bjoigbt of the statue of William
Penn on Philadelphia city ball U thirty-seven
feet and It weighs 62.400
pounds. It was cast In Philadelphia in
forty-seven pieces aud so skillfully
Joined that the most careful Inspection
falls to detect the Junctures. It was
placed lu position In sections. The bat
Is 3 feet in diameter; rim. 23 feet In
circumference; nose, 13 Inches long;
eyes, 12 inches long and 4 Inches wide;
mouth from corner to corner, 1 foot;
face from hat to chin, 3 feet 3 inches;
hair, 4 feet long; shoulders, 28 feet In
circumference and 15 feet in diameter;
waist 24 feet in circumference and 8
feet 0 inches in diameter and 4 feet
long; fingers. 2 feet 6 Inches in diam
eter; hands, 0 feet 9 inches in circum
ference. 3 feet In diameter and 4 feet
long: fingers, 2 feet 0 Inches long; lin
ger nails, 3 inches long, legs from ankle
to knee. 10 feet; ankle, 5 feet in cir
cumference; calf of legs, 8 feet 8 Inch
es In circumference; feet, 22 Inches
wide, 5 feet 4 Inches long. Philadel
phia Tress.
A Veil and a Mirror.
From a feminine source comes a
question w hicb is more easily answered
ut first than at second thought a ques
tion that Is, which Is not quite as sim
ple as It seems. It Is this:
Does a woman wearing a veil see
wheu she looks In a mirror what an
other person sees who looks at her
through her veil?
On consideration one realizes that the
veiled woman looks through her veil at
an image which is Itself veiled, and
therefore she apparently looks at her
self through two veils Instead of the
one which Is ull that dims to the vision
of tho other observer. Then there Is
(ho further fact that In a mirror what
was right becomes left andVvlce versa,
so that what one sees there Is not a
picture of oneself, but of somebody
w ho is like oneself only as one of a
pair of gloves is like the other.
That however, has nothing to do
with the question as to the veils, and
that is quite complicated enough to
staud alone. New York Times.
Difficult to Build.
The great railroad bridge across the
Ganges at Sara took six years to build
and cost $15,000,000. It consists of fif
teen main spans and six land spans,
the total length being about a mile and
un eighth. It was necessary to sink
the foundation to a depth of 200 feet
below high flood level because the bed
of the river consists of the finest sand,
which is carried down from the Hima
layas. An obstacle such as a sunken
Ixnit or tree causes this fine sand to
be disturbed to as great a depth as
fifty feet Another difficulty is the
habit of the Ganges to change Its
courso rather whimsically. The point
ut which the river has heen bridged la,
so far ns could be ascertained from
available records, the one place at
which these deviations of tile river
have been nt mlulmum. The river is
walled with stoue three-quarters of a
mile upstream aud one-quarter of a
milo downstream from the bridge.
When to Propose.
The proper time for a man to declare
himself is wheu he sees, by signs that
can't be mistaken, that his asking
won't be In vain.
The time may be soon or late in the
course of n courtship, but it will mark
beyond a chance of mistake the mo
ment when he may venture to ask the
Important questlou and be certain of
When her eyes begin to wander In
search of him if he does not at once
seek her side; wheu she stops talking
to other people to listen to his most
trivial utterances; when she llngors in
his society und shows him she thinks
his remarks full of wisdom and his
baldest Jokes the embodiment of humor-that
is the moment for blm to
come boldly forward with his proposal,
for the time for It is ripe. New York
Profitable Change.
A well known conjurer one day vis
ited a Scotch village. After perform
ing many astonishing tricks he asked
for a halfpenny, which a collier lent
him. The conjurer then suld he would
turn It Into u sovereign. He did so, as
the people thought, and handed It
around for them to see. When it
reached the collier he coolly pocketed
It and said to the astonished conjurer,
"Will ye chenge me anither?" Loudon
The Calculus.
The bottom meaning of the word
"calculus" is pebble calenture. calculus,
pebble. Thus we are taken back to
the very early time when calculating
was carried on by the help of the peb
bles that preceded the regulur numer
als. New York American.
"Women are dreams!" murmured the
sentimentalist, gazing ou a group of
them In silk attire.
"You can bet they are," the practical-
1st snapped back ut the murmurous one.
"und dreams go by coutraries, all
right!" Judge.
Our Role In Life.
No mnu can be both n dreamer and a
innn of notion, aud we are called upon
to determine wliat role we shall play
in life when we are too young to know
w lint we do. Ulclinrd Mlddleton.
Ceylon' Cocoanut Trees.
The Island of Ceylon has about CO,-
0O0.O.10 trees, yielding 1.200,000,000 co
coanuts, many of which are used local
ly for food and drink.
Difficulties are things which show
what men are. F.plctetiis.
Baaiy t pressed.
rrjnll-Tencher, may I be absent this
afternoon? My aunt's cousin Is dead?
Tea.-lier-Well. yes, I supose bo; but
really I wish It was some nearer rela
tioa. Topeka Journal
Her Tongue.
Elsle-Clarn's got a tongue like a mo
tor. Jane Like a motor? Ilow'a that?
F.lsle She's always running neonle
down. Exchange.
J'.ultor Wrapjiers I'rintisl at title office
Our Mineral Wealth.
The United States is not only tbs
world's greatest producer of mineral
wealth, but U possesses by far the
greatest known reserve of any nation
In most of the Important mineral.
This Is one of the things that has
made us great aud which Is destined
to make us far greater as measured
by world standards. In some instances,
such as coal and oil and phosphate
rock aud radium ore. the United States
possesses more than all the other
known deposits of the world, aud the
only essential minerals of the first
rank of which the Lulled Stutes has
no known supply at all commensurate
with its needs are nitrates, potash,
salts, tin. nickel and platiuum. But
as it stands today no other nation in
the world so nearly approaches abso
lute Independence in respect to mineral
resources notwithstanding the vast
magnitude of our home consumption.
Itevlew of Reviews.
Why Some Women Look Dowdy.
In the Woman's Home Companion
Grace Margaret Gould, fashion editor
of that publication, explains how fash
ions have to be applied differently to
different individuals. A woman may be
fashionably dressed and still look like
a frump. Following is an extract from
what she has to say:
"The new fashions, generally speak
ing, each season attempt to give grace
aud beauty lo women as a w hole, but
for each individual me there must be
"Fashion favors a style for every
body and everybody in style, but yet
one woman's stylo is another woman's
dowdluess, Just as one man's meat Is
another man's poison. There is dan
ger therefore In following blindly the
dictates of fashion, for what is attrac
tive for one woman may be ridiculous
for another."
There are many little errors of geog
raphy that are more or less prevalent.
A glance at the globe, for Instance, cor
rects the notion that France is Just
about east of England. Nearly half of
France lies, In fact, west of Dover.
Lisbon is not only west of London, but
Is west of the entire island of England
and even west of Dublin. Even Mad
lid is west of London. It was not un
til the Spanish war and the Oregon's
wonderful swing round the circle to
Join Admiral Sampson that this coun
try came to see by tlie map that the
whole continent of South America is
east of New York. And not until Colo
nel Goethals got to work did we un
derstand that the Pacific end of the
Panama canal Is east of the Atlantic
end Tupekn Capital.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County. I
Frank J. Cheney ninkfs oath that he Is
fenlor partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney
Co., dolncr business In the City of To
ledo, County anil Hint? aforesaid, and
that said firm will piiv the sum of ONE
HrNDHEl) HOLLARS for each and ev
ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CI' RE.
Sworn to before ni anil subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. T). 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally
and acts directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tlie system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO , Toledo, O.
Sold hv all rirmjKlsts, T,c.
Take Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Oakdale Greenhouses
The first 15 days in December
is a good time to plant Roses,
Shrubs and all hardy plants.
We have them. Have also tu
lips and daffodils. Pot plants
for winter at Franz', where
orders for cut flowers will be
Fletcher c& Fletcher
Phone 4738 Hood River
kkllML, 60 YEARS'
Tradc Marks
- - r niun i a U.i
quickly ui-ertHin our opinion free whether ai
Invention is prnhahly patentable. Communlt-a.
Unni Mrlrily pi insdentlal. HANDBOOK on I'ateiiti
BPtlt fr (IMrtt ttiraunv 4,.w a. ......... ..........
sent f re. ( Mest aueticy fur securing patent n.
pfY w( notice, without chnrtto, lu tbe
'"!. o, wii nuui viJwntg, iu i DO
Scientific American.
A handinmely tllttitmfed weekly.
dilation of any noientlHc journal. Terms, 13 l
""'""Jan newaaealera
MUNN & CoLe'-. New Yorl
: tour montm, n. solil by all
- v uv , asutu.iuu. u. 1.
Love This Magazine
M,.ril t e .l- r-. .
McCALfS is the F.thion C,
'de inj Hoime
ihm ... n,,..
eepint rtelpsr of more w:.t
. . . .,. -.,.,u. utc llttS stwe
every month; sUo delish-'-il stores that enter.
miguine in the norlj.
A.I ihc latest sn le
tun. and special departments in cnokinf. home i
dremak,n8. fancy n,k, etc., lhten
housevor and save mon-v. l-rice nnlv 5dc S
? "'r.'oV'j' celehrstetl McCsli Dress Pat-
tern rKtfc. -
I. A XK KanHe ""it . f M i ll.:, s UAUA7IKE- ar s
T.SiV'' " "4 I
1. McCALL'S l(Kl (Mi I'riie Offer to Fvery t'HURi'H. '
A&irru t,t V -
2 THE IcCAU CO., 236 la 246 W. 37ik St.. New lark, N. T.
f . . ' ,
A Rainy Day Need
Not Be Dull
rt& Cheer up! Get to work
I iu a nan ukvjmj
: rs. .. r . . . ..
l WW
Strong, easy fitting,
light, nnd wattr
proof, atsolutily.
Rifltx Edges stop
water from run
ning in at the front
Black, Yellow or Olive Hiaki. ,TF1,
Protector Hat. 75 cents lU&ER'S
Satisfaction Guarantftd laO'G'aWalc
i iTmvpnrn "
Kor Hale A gentle bire, good for driving
or farm work; M.-II very cliui; imiutre of Sato
rSriM , Kt. I, box 2IU, Beliliuill lllMrict. n il)
For Hale Kor tliree-fourtb of Hue.!, double
roofed tent 14xlh I2 oi l, aliiiokl nt-w, extra
large fly. Abraham Morrow, Kt. 1, box i'l. oil
For Hale 14 acres a mlleeaul of Oil ell Minion
planted lo 3 and 4 yearold tree. Will tw-ll
cheap or exchange for timber land. Addrt-MN
Hox n, K. K. 1). No. 1. K.lwalxukl. ;
Bargain Must nell my rubber lire top bug.
gy, barneHH and fM bay mare, f uo II Mild hi
ouce. I'lioueodell hi for appointment, icuf
Kor Hale 1275 buy slightly used t4il grade
plauo. TerniM. or 10 per rem lilwount lor
i-axti. (f'-lm ihi.Ii, J.'.'O bt lxuoe at H erreiit
hii)s two choice loia on 1'roNpect avenue near
Hecond Hlreet. Aluo have one gray hore,
Weight about IIIK) H)uniU, worka ningle. or
double and rides; 1 heavy wagon wllh kpriugx,
sell or trade. Warned two willed haik wilh
pole. Call ,V46. W. U Hodge, Jr., U.K. It.
No. 3. o7
tor Hale A registered Jersey cow or aJerney
heifer, the latter Niiblerl to regintrnlion. Ad
dresH (J. K. Merrill, II. K. I). No. i. Hood River,
Oi egou. t,2;
For Hale Jerney row, rich milker; black
mare, (notable lor chlluren; ten I). 1. i:. plg;
one horse back. Cheap for cash, or trade for
heller calves or heavier back. Call lit Hox
KIJ, oue mile northwest of 1'arkdale. v.;;
Kor Kale-Heven head of lied Tolled cows
and heifers, bred to a Kegislered lied Durham
bull. A 1 1 1 1 1 1 a I h can be seen "hi V. Iielhiiians
place, six miles on Kast Hide. Wilt eurrv
prospective purchaser Irom cltv to faun. ( ,
lietliiiian A Hon. 'J'ei. 4771 or 'JOiU. t
l or Hale-Sound 5 year old horse, tJI. W.
1.. .Mason Udell ftt-J. t&:t
Kor Hale at a Bargain Ou account of falling
health, 1 will sacrlrtce my comfortable home
on I'JI Ii Htreet nnd my good paying dray busi
ness If taken ut once, lin Hteveus. mi
Kor Hale My five passenger lleocar. Newly
palnled, new top, lim cash. Can be seeu and
tried ut Columbia garage; Ralph Knot, tii.TIf
Kor Knle Purebred Poland China pigs for
sale at grade pig prices. We are over-Mock. -,l
und w ill sell llfieen pure bred Igs of April
and May furrow at from f j to Sin each. H. H.
Ualligan. l'honelTWi. H.if
For Hale Kir and pine wood, J.
wall, Phone Udell flu.
C. Duck-
Kor Hale Ml nek horse weighing about i;m
noun Is for Bale cheap. Hood lor ull kinds of
farm work, especially one-liorsi; cultivating.
Works good single or double. 4 'nil K. I.. Moe
Odell ox or A 1). Moe, Ulacier olllce.
Ilig Hnap Old lielmer p luce at Ml. Hood.
10 acres nil In cultivation, good buildings,
Price M. Hold on good terms. J. M. I'til-
bertson ,v Co. s9tf
For Hale-4:f acres ut Willow Flat, :W acres
tillable,; acres in cultivation, & mom house.
JTb per acre, on good terms. J. M. Cuibertson
I'O. Kill I
Kor Hale-One young cow, fine family cow.
One registered Jersey bull, fine animal; Htnde
baker hack, tit ee seals; U.S. Separator H50 lb.
rapacity, good as new; two five gallon cream
cans, new; Mandy l,ee UK) egg Incubator, new;
ten shares Apple (irowers Union stock at a
bargain; teu sharea Middle Kork Irrigation
Oi. slock. (). .VI. Bailey, one-half mile uorih
of Parkdale, Oregou, slitf
For Sale or Trade for Cows Cheap work
horse. Alsna good combination driving, rid.
Ing and work horse. Meadow Brook Farm,
plume b.'Ci. ajif
A Hnap acres on the Columbia Highway
some bearing orchard, lots ot free water: wiil
make the ttnisl Hummer himc, Price Simon,
your own lime at (i per cent interest. See the
lilHder apiotf
1 ho'ouglitired Big Type Polalid.Chln 4 tiogs
for snle-. lew service boars, bred gilts and
weanlti'' nigs all registered or eligible to reg
ister. These flro sired Itv.tnr Ili.r L-......
Sto lldlli'ii uml liruml l,u,b lu,uni u ... V-.....
sired the junior Utand Champion of Iowa
i.'i.,, mere nie an oi uie uig easy iceoing pro-
1 III- Ice unri . I ,."..n-
...... .... ,. ru ... nen. sitimcnn ri .
H. (lullican, HiKid Itiver, Or., phone 4,ti. ollf
Kiu-ltctit-A piano. Phone ill.i.
J-or Itent-IS room house partly furnished
with range and heating stove and other arti.
cles. (iood lawn, good location fur high
school students. ,J. H. Hlinontou, SKI Pine HI.,
phone ,t4;l. B;tn
Kor Kent -My home on Tlie Heights, elgli
rooms with sleeping porch, bath and base,
mem. Furnished or unfurnished, good barn.
ITiniieirrsi, Mrs. Dr. Kdgmgton. sit
For Kent a 12 acre ranch lu the Belmont
district. Wood house aud burn. Cash rent.
W III rein for a term of 6 years. W. H. Davis,
K. K. D. No. 4, Hood Kiver, Oregon. s'M
Kor lient Htrnwberry ground. J. II Hhoe
miiker, plione 5rfl-.'. Mof
Stntuu VU,,...... 11- .. , . .
.... n ...,,-, ..Huieu jo uatiuie House
hold necessity where soft coal Ik burned; coun
jy lerntory oiien. Sool Desttoyer Coinpany,
. . 'j. ran i ayei te, luano. o7
Wanted T.. lut ,. I r..- 1.1. . , .
" " " ,i e ii.i ii m Keep. . 11 Mill
all ajound gentle horse. M.B.UIliea. Phone
Wanted - Boarders by the week. Prices
reasonable. HID Eugene Ht. Tel. li:. Kit
Wanted Want to trade .lu horse power five
passenger automobile for a secoud hand Kord
l.loyd Usher, Mosler, Ore. Kldi
Wanted to Rent-4 or S room modern house
not on I he Heights. Harper, Ulucler office.
Vanted-A woman to do family washing
by taking same lo her own home. Mrs. L. J .
Butterrteld, 17 Fiugeae hu
Klr Service '.I'm, n.r.. rfA...l
.. . -"u""j ucuiiciiihii . jum
n noiiiHivni l,viu..H ..i.i.. , ... ,
"our irom ine lam
ous Iliomas;w.LMWsou herd Is now stationed
V he L'ed Cross ranch, 1 mile nortlt of Park.
tiaie. l-eej.i W illi nn Vlleire of return .Ml
Kound 4 liitii-v u.,,,1. k.... n ..
...i J nK m r iiinrer ne-
uuiu M4. Bag contained a pair of g a ses
and hau.lkercliiel on which was engraven the
The Giscier ortice ' ""v"an" """"
iWt.A tailu I l.-i ... ..
handle r , " "","r"1. ou 'P.e
y -n. I'ltaxt1 return tn s iv u.i
ward. .im .tr-
FoilIHl Tabon n at . i ..
au Horn. 1'lione sT 1.
KOIlllfl l.iinl, 1 - "
have a1( fcr ... B, '.u.. "':
imriiia ,. i V j 1 vi.aeier oniee ana
pa) ing cost of advertising.
vl rlZ f ofik7" lD'lun Klk's key No.
le ke. Under please notifv tbi.-..m.
TYPKWHITi.-B-. ...
term. A. W 5 h.'k "r renl e""7
For Trarlp.l.iimkr v. -,'. , 7777
phoney. " ""UUI""1
Pocket St
Paters, etc., at the Glacier office.