The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 16, 1915, Image 2

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uab 2lturr (Blarirr
AKTMl k D. MOt. Publisher.
When snttwriber desirr m mange in addrei
tins oili.-e kIhiuIU be uot.fltHa promptly, and m
week l-lo,e it -.iMbU-. Always give old ad
drr mm well a ll.e nt-w A!i, fliaHl Kiver
ut.iMT;ler should notify this oftl'ie kl uiirt
w lull t.aiitfiiig I heir address fnm one ruml
route lt another, or irom city delivery to
rmii.tri ilt-li vei v , ir vice verwi If yon oo not
gel oui Mxr priHiipHy, ii'tifv it by mail or
leirptloui and the maltt-r will be ill Vetd IgaU-d
F".xrepl II wftAlli to live ne Iti utter, i-oill'
ruuiiia um. or art 11. of a general nature,
tiotitil lie In tl.eotlW hi Mmiday to lnute
their apH-l:ng III t In- IMa.lrof Il.ertirrelil week
Suli(-rlitinti, Kl.'tO 'i-r Year.
We must utter words in praiae of
"The Sutunirfy Kviirtc Aiil.i" and
'Thf Monday Orawiis.h." 1 ley have
.made us think. This is a gratifying
rcFull from our 8tanilxiiiit ; it should
(ili iL-e the erudite and so,hiaticMU'd td
iters of these wetklit's even though
they, thonisplves, never think. They
are all noise the name old crunch and
H'HH k from the bume old, apparently
endlcs", rut.
Without resorting to a diagram we
think we can enlighten our readcrH a
to who and what the aforesaid couple
of weekly publications are. The first
mentioned appears in the Oregon Jour
nal each Saturday afternoon. The
latter may be read each Monday morn
inn in the Orcgnnian. We will riot at
tempt to offer any explanation of their
purpose or aim. They can make their
own excuses. Truly, we have thought;
we have pondered; we have tried to
extablinh in our minds the why and the
wherefore of this weekly, syncopated
iii file. A commendable feature is its
We will admit that we read it. We
cannot prove that anybody clue around
Hood I'ivcr docs. In fuel, we had to
tell our contemporary, Die Newg,
about whose Upper Valley column
"Thu Alibi" and "The Oawlitili" made
us think, of the latter' mention of
the fact. We were all puffed up over
having thought.
Yea, we read these anti-serious fea
tures, hoping against hope that we may
find something good. Genius shouldn't
go to waste in such an improvident
manner. We have always had a fath
erly interest in those young editors.
We have seen good stuff from both of
them. We even went so far as to
paste Hex l.ampman'fi poem, the one
telling of Hilly Sunday's visit to Port
land, in our scrap book.
We welcome Mr. Butcher anil his
spray plant to our city. While the .pay
roll of a spray or chemical plant ia not
large, this addition to the city's work
ers will aid materially, and the manu
facturing cuncera will be of general
benefit to the valley.
Do not forget the annual school fair
to be held at the library building Sat
urday. Hood River youngsters in l'.)12
set the pace for diversified farming in
tlood ltivur county, and their annual
fairs have been getting better each
l'ioneers, we hope you enjoy every
moment of your reunion tomorrow.
Give, the
glad hand to the teachers
Get out yoiy winter underwear.
Hats off to Hood River vinegar!
Japanese Hurt in Runaway
I. Samba, a Japanese runcher of
Dee, was seriously hurt in a runaway
accident near Dee last Thursday.
.ainiia was ruling with Antone Flint,
wnen i ne latter s team ran away.
Samba was brought to this city in an
iinconsicous condition. Mr. Hint was
also painfully hurt.
I'.-T. Ass'n Will Entertain
The members of the I'arent-Teucher
AHHociHtion of the city will hold a pub
lie reception for the city teachers at
the high school this evening.
A II patrons of the school and people
of the city are urged to co-operate in
making this one of the most pleasant
events of the season.
Congregational Church
Sunday schocl at 9. fill a. m. Music iu
charge of Mr. McClain. Morning wor
ship at II o'clock. Sermon subject,
.."Christian Experience; Conversion."
Mrs. Mletton will sing. Hans llnerlein,
organist. Vesper services will begin
the first Sunday in October. Girls Ce
cilian choir will practice Friday after
school at the parsonage.
Dr. Sculiee (Jets Fine Cattle
Dr. F. 1,. Scobee will receive this
week from Minnesota a shipment of
Idooiled Oiiernsey cattle. The animals,
to be used in stocking the Upper Val
ley farm recently bought by Dr. Sco
bee from Kd Spencer, will come by ex
press. Christian Science Services.
Christ oin Science Services w ill lie held
in Room IMividson Kuilding, Sun
d:iy, 1 1 .(Hi a. in. Subject: "Mattel."
Snndiiv School at in a. in.
Wedtiesdnv service. H p. in.
'I lie n ailing room is open ibiilv from ;i
lo.r p. in., room 1!, Davidson building
Unitarian Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Service of
worship at II. Important business
meeting immediately following. Even
ing service at S o'clock. Violin solo,
Will CiiHiidler. Miss Ceila Hager will
sing. All are cordially invited.
Catholic Church
General communion next Sunday
morning at first mass for young men
and young women of the pa'rish. The
first mass will be at S o'clock. High
mass ;it 10.30. 'I he evening devotion
will be held at 7.45 instead of 7.30.
Apple Evaporator for t'pper Valley
Clyde lrkiiis and, C. C. Tope are
erecting an apple evaporating plant
near l'arkdale. be evaporator will
have a daily capacity of .SO bushels, and
t is planned to enlarge it later, r
Following the supper, or dinner, to
be served I y the ( ongregational ladies
tomorrow evening in the big Riverside
church basement. Officer Carson, with
the usual "Oyezes!' will call court to
order. Judge Geo. K. V ilbur will,
with a rap of 'his judicial gavel, con
vene a special cession for the purpose
of trying a prominent local citizen for
an alleged desertion of his family. It
is understood that John liaker, attor
ney for the defense, w ill set up as a
defense the plea that his client Is men
tally unbalanced and not responsible.
Prosecutor J. 11. Hazlett has a list of
local physicians, 'well known alienists,
whom he will call to the stand to re
fute this plea.
The Thaw case never offered any
more sensational pcssibilites than are
in the hands of thees shrewd criminal
Special officers will be assigned to
keep order among the crowds expected
at the church.
Thousands of beautiful blossoms may
now be seen at the Heights greenhouse
of Geo. Ilasilnger. All available space
around Mr. liaslinger's hothouses is
filled with a mass of color. Many tint
ed gladiolii blooms rear themselves in
stately array. Gorgeous dahlia Llooms
hung their heads. Much was made
of the peculiar blooms of a I'ort
land florist recently ir. the Oregon Jour
nal. This florist bad plucked from the
same bush several Mowers of u different
color. Mr. Ilaslinger has dozens of
this kind. The most beautiful portion
of Mr. liaslinger's garden is tilled with
his large asters, lie will hold an aster
show at C. N. Clarke's drugstore next
.Saturday, when hundreds of the blooms
will be exhibited.
City Marshal Carson yesterday morn
ing received a call frum Green I'oint
fur aid in the search for a man, thought
to be of i'ortland, lost in the Green
I'oint district. A company of experi
enced men was gathered here by.the
Forest rangers of the Herman creek
district reported that the man, whose
name is not known, was missing from
his camp on Tuesday. It is feared that
ho has met with sume accident.
iiiniADin ii a fin in
ltIUJUniL DAMl 15
Miss Marjorio llarr has been adjudged
winner of the I'anama -Pacific Interna
tional exposition trip contest.
1 he contestants, according to count
made by the judges last Thursday morn
ing, stood:
Marjorie Harr 278,71m.
Florence Gould -2511,371.
Ktheljane MclJonald 12U,(iH0.
Gladys Voge I -100,430.
With l.r0 friends and relatives pres
ent in the beautifully decorated build
ing, the wedding of Charles Crawford
l.emmon and Miss l.eila Zoe Hershner
was solemnized Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock at the Riverside Congrega
tional chruch, Kev. J. L. Hershner,
the bride's father, assisted by Kev. A.
S. Domit, officiating.
The bride, a graduate of thu local
high school and of I'acific Unversity,
one of the city's most popular youiig
women, wore a white duchess satin
gown with tulle ovetskirt. She carried
a shower bouquet of roses, lilies of the
valley and orchitis. Her gown was
trimmed with princess lace and pearls.
She wore a veil of tulle, adorned with
orange blossoms.
Miss l.eah l.eiser, of Vancouver,
Wn., a former schoolmate of tho bride
at i'acific University, was maid of
honor. Miss I.eiser wore a gown of
orchid taffeta and cream net. She car
ried a shower bouquet of I'lrich Hrun
ner roses.
Misses Flora Furrow and llertha Mas
ters, tho latter of i'ortland, were
bridesmaids. Hoth wore crepe de chine
gowns and carried shower bouquets of
bride's roses.
Little Virginia Vaughan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaughan, was
flower girl. The little girl, wearing a
white organdie dress, was very pretty.
Mr. l.emmon was accompanied by C.
Claudu Thompson. Harold Hershner
accompanied his sister down the aisle
of the church, as Hans lloerlein played
Lohengrin's wedding march, ami gave
her away at the altar. After the cere
mony the party withdrew to the strains
of Mendelssohn's wedding march. Mr.
lloerlein gave an organ recital as the
guests were being seated in the church,
the ushers being L. A. Henderson, Cul
ver K. Osgoud, Este Hrosius and Free
man Mason. Mrs. O. H. Ilenney sang,
"Sung of the Heart," just before the
bridal party entered the church.
following the wedding a recention
was held at the home of the bride s
parents. The rooms were tastefully
decorated in pink and white roses.
Mrs. P. S. Davidson presided at the
otlee.urii. Mrs. Frank A. Cram. Mrs.
C. D. riiomnson and Miss Alice Hom
ing cut the ices. Misses Kittv and
Frances Hragg. Genevieve Ituttertield,
Ann Vannet and Kuth Cooper served.
During the reception Mrs. ilenney
sang several solos.
Out of town guests here lor the wed
ding were: Mrs. 1. W. I.aughry, of
Monmouth, the bride's grandmother;
Miss V'Ona Gutherie, Miss Margaret
Hates and Miss Uretchen F.losterman,
of I'ortland ; and Freeman Mason, of
Pasadena, Calif.
The groom is one of the'eity's most
successful young business men. being
manager of the Hood Kiver Produce
Exchange. He came here several years
ago with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.C.G.
l.emmon, from Chicigo, and engaged
in ranching for a time with his father,
in the Oak Grove district.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon left yesterday
for San Francisco and other California
points on a two weeks' honeymoon.
After October 15 they will be at home
in the (.'rites house on State street.
Exchange Leases Odell 1'roperty
The F'ruit Growers Exchange has
leased from the Mount Hood Kailway
Co. a lot 200 feet long by 100 feet deep
at Odell. They have purchased from
the Consolidated Mercantile Co. a
warehouse now located on the place.
This will be used for the present as a
shipping station, and later the ex
change will build a warehouse. When
the building is cor.ideted, the old
ware house will be used as a packing
C. J. Calkins, of the Hood River
Apple Vinegar Co.. has received from
C. N. Havlin, Oregon's chief of horti
culture, official notice that his exhibit
cf vinegar, in competition with a score
of displays from fruit communities
from ail parts of the country, has cap
tured the highest gold medal award.
The vinegar was exhibited by Mr.
Kavlin in the I'alace of Horticulture
beside the Commercial club's big ap
ple. 11 1 I 1 I I I I IHIItH I 1 I I I H I j
i 1 I I I 1 l 'M M 'M 'l Mil H -H-H i N
j F. E. Newby, J. K. Robertson, Frank
j Davenport, Jr., and Judge Herby spent
j Sunday grouse hunting.
! Karl Weber and Harry Humphreys
were on Hood river Sunday. They
were driven in by the rain.
C. C. Anderson and F. A. Haener
spent Sunday on Hood river. Mr.
Haener caught a tine steelhead.
K. J. Middleswart spent
morning on Hood river.
C. C. Nepple planted a few salmon
eggs near the steel bridge Sunday af
ternoon. fhas. bwrence Grows Tall Corn
man who still doubts that Hood
can grow corn equal to that of
the corn states of Iowa and Nebraska
should see the stalks, loaded with two
enormous ears each, grown by Chas.
Lawrence on his place near Tuckers
bridge. These corn stalks, 13J feet in
height, are on exhibition at the store
of William Stewart.
C. P. Sonnichsen's Father Dead
C. P. Sonnichsen received news last
week of the death of his father, John
G. Sonnichsen, of 'Taylor, Minn. The
deceased WoS f7 years of age.
A timely film drama of the great
European war,"lt's a Long, Long Way
to Tipperary," depicting scenes of the
trenches and battle front.
Monday and Tuesday
"The Deen Pumlo. " with CAura Kim.
bull in the lead.
Daniel PrnhmHn tiresfirtfia Mum PiiL.
ford in "Mistress Nell." Owen Moore
plays the part of Charles II.
inis is one of the prettiest plays
Marv Pickford bus tnr unnurH in
It OOrtraVR the nlotM of Iho xnorlior
days of Charles II. Mistress Nell, pret
ty nen uwynn, is a wrnmsical, piquant
and impulsive little favorite of the
public. The story shows how she
with her wit and bravery saves her
royai lover and trees him from the de
signs of an adventuress.
The play makes one think of Booth
Tarkington's "Monster Heaucaire." It
was written by George C. Hazletoo,
Jr., and was formerly tho successful
venicie oi nennetta Crosman.
Chas. K. Van Loam's famous story,
"lluckshot John." This character turns
from during wayfarer to religious fa
natic with but one thought, that of re
turning loot of former days to rightful
owners. The story shows how he is
the dupe of a fashionable crook and
how he overcomes it, at the same time
helping along a dramatically inteiest
ing love story.
Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday and Thursday, September
22 and 23. Gaby Deslys will be seen in
"Her Triumph." She will be support
ed by Harry Pilcer. You have beard of
the great Gaby and her intrigues with
the former king of Portugal. See her
in "Her Triumph."
Scene from "The Deep Purple"
f W. r- i ( j:7 .
AtTheGem Next Monday and
I F Y.U.CAN HEAT T,IE AXWELLat the price
of .74r. f. o. h. Mood River, wo urge you to do it.
But can you?
Have you seen our new Model for 1916?
If you contemplate purchasing a car, come and
let us show it to you.
Get under the wheel.
See the perfection of the huild, the neatness of
the machine.
And talk to Maxwell owners.
Howe &
Maxwell Agency
At The Electric Today
r I a-".
1 til; ff j
'.rctf M ..c-,
V " .' :,- ' rf ' .
P-: . . . ".-
Mary Pickford in "Mistress Nell'
Methodist Church
Sunday school at 10 a. in. Public
worship at 11 a. in. Theme: "Life
for Life." Epworth League at 6.30 p,
m. Leader, Miss Lydia Johnson.
Pubpilc worship at 7.30 p. m. Dr
Anderson, of The Dalles, father of
Oregon's prohibiiton law, will speak at
this service. Let all the citizens of
Hood Kiver who are interested ,r. a dry
Oregon attend this service. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30,
J he public is cordially invited to at
tend these services. Strangers in the
city will receive a cordial welcome
Yielding the Place.
"I'll show you who's boss."
"My dear." responded Mr. Enpeck,
"these continual demonstrations are
unneeessnry. I do not dispute the ti
tle." Louisville Courier-Journal
It Is a peculiar nnalitv of a fool to
perceive the faults of others and to
forget ins own. Cicero.
Oakdale Greenhouses
The first 15 days in December
is a good time to plant Roses,
Shrubs and all hardy plants.
We have them. Have also tu
lips and daffodils. Pot plants
for winter at Franz', where
orders for cut flowers will be
Fletcher (SL Fletcher
Phone 4738 Hood River
Phone 1461
The Heights
An Optimist
A man who
owns a
Fish Brand
when Old Prob
says rain.
Protector Hal, 75 centi
Satisftuiiim Guaranteed 'VJn.J
Send for catalog Sgjfifrf
A. J. TOWER CO. f f
4 tit., Mfc1
Tuesday, September 20 and 21
fourth and Columbia Sts.
Bute of Ohio. City of Toledo, I
Lucaa County.
Frsnk J. Cheney make oath that h la
enlor partner of tha firm of F. J. Cheney
Co., doing; bualnrsa In the City of To
lwJo. County an1 Slate aforeaald, and
ttiit said firm m-ill pav the aum of ONE
Hl'MiREH IOLLAK3 for each and ev--ry
rase of Catarrh that cannot be rurd
by the ue of HAT. 18 CATARRH CfRE.
Sworn to before me and aubscrtbed in
my pri-pence, thia 6th day of December,
A. n 1888.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASOV,
Notary Public.
Hall'e Catarrh Cur la taken Internally
and acta dlrertlv upon the blood and mu
cons surfa.-ea of the ayatem. Send for
testimonials, free
f J. CHFNET A CO . Toledo. O.
Pnld bv all Iiniaglsta, TSc.
Take Hall a Family PI Hi for eonatlpatloa.
Notice to Bidders - Road Improvement
Notice is hereby ivn pursuant to thenrder
r the t:oui.t v i "...irt riiiii. t.)Miu un.i .
w ,,, ,,u mr mill uhj- ui rwpteltl
l r, 1!1 . at the hour of 10 o clock in the fore-
llmin if iuirl .lav .i ihi.....i.. . -
' " h' y l'"" Klver- Oregon, twelve
I(vr nir in. (.rovcineui ol that ctrr
IMIII llll.l)BV luaHtnu I..... ....
....., ,IJn .-fpui iittNi oi.r-
tirr or Hie Nortliesst iiuarter of the Northeast
.iiiarter l Sertioti !;l. Township t North.
IUiife 10 East; thence W est and Mouthwesi to
.... unmii iiichikh mver Apples
MtorHife Company, by excavating approxima.
lely yards Kat of the present bridge and
puttinu same In embankment crossing the
..... i.'iiai yards be
tween the railroad track and said briilKe and
SMlfl muter nl 141 1 tukll fr..... .1.
. ....... ,,,, ,n L.
v. niino ram UllCllWay
cr..-ses tliesald rallnwd. ' '
i'lansaud sicirtcstious Tor the performance
ftf tilt iA U-.irl, u . MU ...liL .1 . .1 .
... -'"I'll ii nr wiiu louuiy t ferK
mn; "vwtii uy i ii icrtTfirii uiatiem at uih
iiflic iltiritiiv lwknpy k:.. i .i ii s .
- . -! uiub win oj oiwntKi
Mllii PniitruKl I.. I IKa ..a- . V
... . .. ... on i.rieiinn-iore sfiecineo, or at
llch time as such hesrliir nr UUHr.i ...... ...
ailioiiriiert to.
r.acn niuuer will be re.iulred to deposit h
Ins bid a certified check for nve per rent, of
v to the ( ounty In case the award Is made to
liim unit hi fnilu a.i...i.
ioj ofrtvedayK after such award 1h umil to
t'lltfl iriltt U I'lllllrsol ix . M Ia . . ...!,
fHrtory to the Court, under the proviNioua of
( lis ntur 1 i J I u ids jr fin i
. ,. ,w , .pTinitmi HI me mweii
responsible htdder, the aurt lewrviuif the
Tflf PfltW ru. iirill a.,,.,lnJ a- a..-
Couuly Clerk.
In the circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
lt)Kd Klver I'onntv '
Henry F. Marshall, PHlutlll'
lieo. I). Culbertson. Caroline Cnlhertson, A. K.
. ...r.i..r.,u BUM n .HIM t HlkHT I I.. ...Ill .11 .
o VN'llllHin Walker, whose place of residence
Is unknown:
In llif nsmnnr Hi. ut.iur ,w
hereby 5,.nl5 ? .ZZ"M 1 "" "re
lut 11 Vi i i'i'-. ni-t Kiinwnr me
i i " i ii i ' " "le ove en-
of six consecutive weeks from the date of the
Hist 111! b est inn i.rtl.L. . ..-
or before the 2th day of October,' lal.i, and II
..... ... n,.,nr huh answer, ror want
thereof, plaintltl will Hike JuuKineiH and de
cree HiiHlnst yon as follows:
For the relief demanded In plaintiffs coin-
plillntUOWOn file 111 ilmi..ntin.i. .-.
decree loreclosliiK that certain mortaaKe
(taleil IJeceiiitaTSih, HMO, made and executed
hytlco. I). ulbertson and I sroliue Culbert
m ii, his wile, in favor of plalntitt, recorded iu
hook h page 7K of tlie record of niorticairea.
tioim K ver I .mil u .r " .'
oi i ue rem properly described in said mort-
......... t vs..TK,iU nuu ior i e siie
... ,...,-.. ,,, (imiuiiiia claim, ae
Ncritiert ns r,. ,twu- All .... u . ..
lerol I lie Northwest liusrter of Section H. iu
lowiishlp i i wo North, Kange lu Kast, Wlliuru- nesi oi tne county
rimn. tor n Miller ntwl ...I...... t.i r
Huu x.iuuid ucMHTipilou OI
which reference is had to said inortaaae and
coniplatiit now on tile herein; for a decree
lorecloMii and bMriniK all your riant, title
slid Interest in and to said lauds, aud those
cliuni ink hy, through or under you, adverse
' , . iiuuci ins Haiti iiiori-
KHIje: lor a sale ol the premises In satisfactioL
ol plaintltl a claim in Hie sum of $.l,(iu.(l Willi
InlertMt thereon at the rale or K per cent per
Milium since the 1st day of December, Hi:i. tiu
111 paid, aud for costs, including attorney s
'Mils Hnirinmni iti U.......1 ..n
llcation eVenV . nVJ.","..,i"
n .- K i,,- nix eou-
secutive weeks, in the iiisid Kiver (Jlacier, to an order of the Hi uorable i.. E
sisuu.ii, CouutyJudge ol Klver County.
'iiirini oeuieiliuer loin,
Ivln. JOHN 11AK KK. HlHld Klver Oregon
'"-x Attorney lor Haiutilf,
For Sale 14 acres a mile easl of Odell station
planted In :i and i ear old trees. Will sell
heap or exchange for tliuliar land. Address
l.ox Ja, n. r. D, No. 1. K. Iwutaukl. o
H'or Hale f JTo buys sllulilly used SlOO ifrade
piano. Terms, or 10 per cent discount for
iKii. raw casii, fsat tiMance at a percent
uys two choice lots on I'rosoect avenue nesr
Second street. Also have one may horse.
Weigiit about lHIU siunds, works single or anu rai; i neavy wagon witn springs,
sell or trade. Wanted twosealed hack w ith
pole, fall nivlti. W. L. HoiUes. .Ir.. R K II
No. 3. o7
For Hale A registered Jersey cow ora.lerspy
cner. me lauer suojeci to registration. Ad
ic.18 i. F:. Men ill, K. F. 1). No. 2. Hood Kiver.
ii em. ii. tu:
ror siue-jersey cow, rich inllkei; blHck
mure, suitable tor children; ten O. 1. C. pigs;
one horse hack, cheap lor cash, or trade for
i.ei ei c uves or Heavier nacu. call at liox
iii. one nine noriuwest ot l'arkdale. s'.';f
Kot Sale-Seven hesd of Red Polled pmJ
ami neiiers, bred to a Keislered Red Durham
hull. Animals can be seen at C. DelliniHU s
place, six miles ou frjisl Side. Will curry
in i,,ecu e pin cuaser irnill city to larill. C
DetlllilHQ A Sou. Tel. 4771 or AHIH. aB '
I or Sale-Sound S yeur old horse, IJtl. W.
. Mason. Odell XV:. kki
For Sale st a Rtirifaln tin account orr,,iiia
healtli, 1 will sacrifice in.v coinfortahle home
on sireei ana mv msid tinvnikr druv ln.i.
ness n tasen at once. i,on Stevens. s:W
For Su e A suihl! Imrup uIm iiriu ...
uoume ni.ruess. rrlce J.tfi. Phone Sti:!-.'. slii
For Sale My five passenirer lieo cur vewiv
painted, new top, J.SKI cash. Can be seen and
ieo ai i omnium garage; Kalpti Knot, nU7tf
For Ssle or Trade-Fur niifs. im-ini.
1 1 ..,iri,
For Ss e I'llrehreri l.,liit.H I 1, 1,, .. . t. .
sale at grade niir oi-ices W e arc nwr.l.ulri..i I
and will sell mieen mire bred i i,-s ,,1 inrii
"m.i minin ill iroill?) lo mi eacn. II, w.
uaiugan. I'lione V,.
rorSale F'lr anil iiine iv,unl I I' ii,w.u
,. . . , i in .i .., . -.. '
"n, in, lie i.iii. ii .Hi, .,,
For Sale-Elhcrta and Crosby neaches t ic
I'ei ikiiiiiu iiiui ii'Ke i. or'c iwr im,ii,i,i r.,r k-v
mi raucy paca. s. ii, Oxborrow, It. F. 1). No.
i none .-.ti.1,1.
...... .. ..... ....... nu,, ill i.rilM
null nrtM .11 let ..lin ,. I1....I ,n. ..11 ...... .1
Mtl'SlP KlilcLr lliiruA u-,.i..l. I .. 1 . .......
, ........ ......... .....I,,,,, hmusor
Isrin work, especially one-horse cultivating
oi ks gisiil single or double. Call F'. L, )(ie
uueu ,x or a 11. .vioe. uiacier ottli.
F'or Sale -
Horse aud cow cheap.
hone toil.
ihk fiiprum ilemier place m Ml. llol.
- " ... Ullllllll I'M.
solit on kooU terina. .1. M i nl. I
ItCl lHOll .V i 'o.
For Sh1p4:1 nm-a ot U'ltl.B .k, I
... :, -. " r mi, . acres
1 1 1 iri Mi- ,i Mt'nn in ii 1 1 r l v u 1 1 1 tti s r.uu.1 i.
yrr iicrt, on jjooa if nils. J, M, tulbertwm
.'nr Sul0i1t... tnn ....
One registered Jerney bull, flneanlnml: siude
rmker liaok, tliiee deals; 11. S. Hparator iiS lb
rapacity, good new: two live kkIIoii cream
i " i nuiij ixrc n,,eii iiiciiiiHior, new;
: ..."..Kr. vi.invin I II 11,11 MUH'K HI ft
uaritain; teu shares Middle Fork IrriKRtlon
Co. Mock. O. M. Unlley, one-balf mile UOrth
oi i ai kaaie, Oregon. t&if
For-Hale linals for sale or trade, ( all u. T.
.Auswier, puoue i.'H. 8j,j
For Sale Cheap. ( hie roan mare aged s veam
weight lwn pound. Apply 1.. A. A A. l'.Kerd
,n r u urn inoie.
For Sale or Trade for l ows ("heap work
horse. Also a good rombiiiatlon driving rid
In and work horse. Meadow Hrook Farm
plioue 5.4. gjfj-
For Sale-i anniiiK tomatoes, lc per pound
Phone 5441. Bruno Franc. Slii
A Snail :Hj acres on the Columbia Hiuhway
some learini orchard, lots ot free water will
make the tlnesl hummer home. Price IsuiUi)
your own time at t per cent inlerest. Seethe
leader apiHf
Thorouithhred Biir Type PolandTchina hoes
for sale-A lew service Nars, bred gilts and
weanlnif plus all reclstereit or eligible to rear.
tnr Tllrtad lira aiiuil l,u.... ., . .
j urn i,tK iviiox, i.oia
Mandant and Urand Look boars, Big Knox
lul l. ,1 """'' "' uniiipiou oi lowa
llllc tyie and r priced to sell. Address H.
Gem Theatre
The House of Feature Photoplays"
Wed. & Thurs, Sept 1 5 & 1 6
If s A Long Long Way
to Tipperary
One of the greatest dramas of Love and War ever produced; in three
Stirring thrilling reels. Everybody has heard the song now
is your chance to sec the play. A pleasing five reel program
Friday & Saturday, Sept 1 7 & 18
"The Criminal"
"The Prima Donna's Mother"
"Billy, The Bear Tamer"
Sunday Only, September 19th
"The Barnstormers"
"Dreamy Bud"
Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 20 & 2 1
Clara Kimball Young in
We Don't Trail on Behind
wlit'ii it comes to giving exceptional values. On the contrary, we
lenil ami let others do the trailing, if they can. Our way of Bell
ing shoe meam lens imilit on each sale hut many more sales.
SSI Every time you buy here wo make a little and you save much.
J. C. Johnsen, The Hood River Shoe Man
Shoe and Shoe Repairing
s. Oalllgan, Hood Utver. Or., ulioue I7W,.
I JVit A liilv-r hnn.11.1 i.i.,l,ruMa ....
handle of which were eni( raved tbe'letters K.
C. H. Please return to . K. Barlmesii for re-
FminH Taitan tr nl ..... nl...... u .
ber 7, two calves atxiutK mnuihs old. Owner
...nj iiniowmr uy payiug cuargeM. rrank
an Horn, rnone 57tl. si'i
Found A hnnrh rtl Iri'e l.t r.,t ..r I , .
. . iiiri'i. .fui uinv
have same by calline in lilacler office anil
HyuiK ca'hi oi aiiverusing,
lxist A liine monihs old Snity niu.i.t ti.r.
weeks ato. Answers to name of Denver.
rimier piease return lo Ulacitr office lor lib
eial reward. i
For Trsde-Pigs tor wood. Phone n$:::7
IWlt Steluitn but ITri.l.... 1. . . .. "Z
Hood River and odell. H. D K. ou sweat
band. Phone 1X1 ooeii r .
office. -
lxst Kinir of Lrev-s innliiHi.,.. 1.11.'. , -
S-u 'r, - i. .7 . V n ncj .sij.
V'. ' Ve 1,allp" lodse. No. am. also a Presii
hte key. Finder please uollfy this office
Keward. 8jtr
TYPF;WRITF:RS-Fi.r Rale or nnl on easy
terms A. VS . onthauk a;il-u
For Trade
phone :i2.
-Lumber tor hay. Columbia Mil
For Kent-l.lKht housilceeping r.mmsTtiTS
house west iirstotitMr.. i..rL.... .. 7. ...... ' '
Phone UMi. ZU
eep Purple
Griffith's 500,000 Masterpiece,
i ounueu on "ine t-lansman.
Accompanied by Augmented
Prices. iSc. 5c; Box Scats 75c.
t.VF.NiNr; h p. m
Prices. 5(lc. 75c: Box Seals $1 M
For Reut-fhe second story and basement of
building ix'cuiiied by the Gilbert Implement
Co. Inquire J. K. Niekelsen, tel. ftSCU (,16
For Rem -Two pleasant front rooms down
stairs furnished for light housekeeping. Hot
and cold water, balh, light aud fuel furnish
ed ery homelike. 714 Cascade Ave. l'hnne
171-'- Blti
For Hont-My homeon The Heights, eight
rooms with sleeping porrh. bath and base.
lfou furnished or unfurnished, good barn.
Phone 37M, Mrs. Dr. Kdginglon.
KiMims to I,et-I have two well furnished
furnace heated, well lighted rooms for rent.
On oak siieet convenient to business part of
city. Mrs. V. c. llrock, phone 17:11. sl6
For Kent-A 12 acre ranch In the Belmont
district. Oood house and barn. Cash rent.
ill rent for a term of fi years. W. H. Davis,
K. F . D. No. 4, Hood River, Oregon. fii
For Kent strawberry ground,
maker, phone STTii.
J. H.
Wailleil T., lut nn, k 1. in , .......a
. ... .... ,,1,17.7- ,,,, UIN KtTu. UIMM1
"."Jonud gentle horse. M.B. Oilies. Phone
Warned - Hoarders bv the wlr Prima
reasonable. 110.1 F:iu:ene Hi. Tel. nee. 4
Wanted Want to trui -ui h.ta. m.
passenger automobile for a second hand Knrd
L.loyd r is her. .Mosier in .u
Wanted tn I?.... , i - - , .
..- V, . iwiu iiiiKierD nouse
uot on The Heights. Harper, lilacler oftlce.
l'U)lleH A n....... a.. j a... . .
I.e .. V.V -mu oi uoiaiuuy wasoing
hT,H e"f ".,;-e.'., ller own h'""e- M". L. J
nutlerneld, 917 Kngeaesi.