The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 26, 1915, Image 3

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The diamond ring foretells the near
presence of a happy bride. Or, it may ex
press the appreciation of the devoted hus
band or admiring friend.
In any case, unquestioning assurance
as to its quality adds much to the satisfac
tion of the giver and recipient.
Our present diamond stock offers you
unusual values, and our expert advice and
assistance in making your selection costs
you nothing and safeguards your interests.
May we suggest your early investigation?
W. F. Laraway, Jeweler
The Handy Fruit Sack
It has been thoroughly tired out during the sea
sons of 1913 and 1914, and found to be the most
practical picking sack on the market. A trial
will convince you that it is a money saver. If
you can not get it at your dealers send $1.50 to
William Munroe
Route No. 2 Hood River, Ore.
Get Your Dishes
Our new premium dishes have arrived. Bring your
tickets in and have them redeemed.
"The Best Things to Eat"
3 C
Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash
Hood River, Oregon
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
White River
Makes Bread Having the
Old Bready Flavor
Groceries and Hardware
Visit our store for you will always find bargains for cash.
Closing out buggy harness and have some good
buys in this line.
J. T. Holman, The Heights
Twelfth Street
After day of rollicking fun on the
ranch plice of Leslie Butler, 60 chil
dren from the home of the Boys and
Girla Aid Society returned to Portland
on the local Thursday afternoon. The
foundlings, the youngest of whom was
Clifford Hickson, aged three, were
guests for the day of the Woman's
club, who served a bountiful fried
chicken dinner. They arrived hers at
10.80 in the morning and were taken to
the orchard place in a train of automo
biles furnished by merchants and orcn
ardista. Their special car on the return
trip carried many boxes of Hood River
fruit, which for a week to come will
serve to recall the day of life in the
The children were accompanied by R.
E. Arne, superintendent of the home
and wife; Miss Edna Avery, matron of
the home; Miss Lsvonne Stanton, boys'
superindent ; Miss Hattie Wand, gills'
superintendent, and B. R. Chapman,
boys' superintedennL
Happy ahouta rent the air, when the
children were given permission to
wade in a brook on the Butler place.
All shoes and stockings were soon on!
and the littla fellows were soon splash
ing in the cool water. "We simply
had to hang them out on the rocks, "
says Mrs. Arne, "when they had fin
ished wading."
The following local automobile own
era transported the children to and
from the train: S. A. Mitchell, t)r.
H. L. Dumble, Dr. E. L. Scobee, Les
lie Butler, J. H. Heilbronner, E. A.
Franz, A. D. Ramsey, William Stewart
and Charles Rathbun.
Floyd F. Gibbs.'of the Western Union
office, has the most unique motor bike
ever seen in Hood River. He calls it
his "halfbreed." To the new bicycle, a
machine with three speeds, making it
possible to pull the local hills very eas
ily with man power, he has attached
motor wheel.
The attachment runs along beside the
rear wheel of the bike. It ia only half
the diameter of the large wheels, but
its motor driven power ia sufficient to
take the owner of the machine "kit
ing" up any of Hood River's grades.
Nor does the rider get the vibration,
found objectionable in the usual motor
cycle. "1 can travel for 120 miles with the
gasoline I can carry in my tank," says
the proud owner of the new "half
Dorsey B. Smith, manager of the
hostelry, who passed through the city
Monday, announces that Cloud Cap Inn
will close next Wednesday, September
1, two weeks earlier than contem
plated. Sunday will be the last excur
sion day to the noted resort.
"It being necessary that we do the
work while we have help at the Inn,"
says Mr. Smith, "the road will be
diked as we leave to protect it from
winter torrents. Still it will be possi
ble to drive to the first turn around in
the national forest and walk to the
snowline, four miles distant. How
ever, we urge that pedestrians be care
ful and step over the dikes, in order
that they may not be trodden down."
The Hood River Cornet band has se
cured J. A. Epping as leader, and the
musical organization, which has Jmade
such headway for the past several
months under the direction of Thomas
Hill, who has been successfully in
charge of town bands in Goldendale
and other northwestern cities, is now
practicing twice weekly. Concerts are
planned for this winter. A number of
new members are in prospect, and
Hood River's band bids fair to become
one of the best of the state.
Mrs. Ilansberry Passes
The body of Mrs. W. T. Hansberry,
a former resident, who died Wednesday
of last week at her home at Seaside,
was interred last Friday morning at
Idlewilde cemetery, Rev. Alonzo Dix,
pastor of the First Day Adventist
church of Portland, conducting the ser
vices at the graveside.
Mrs. Hansberry was 67 years of age.
She was a native of Ohio. She with
her husband and children came to Hood
River 25 years ago. Nine years ago
the family removed to Cacsade Locks,
here they lived or three years before
going to Seaside. Her husband, a vet
eran of the Civil war, preceded Mrs.
Hansberry to the grave before the
family let Hood River county. Mrs.
Hansberry leaves surviving a son and
two daughters H. E. Hansberry, Mrs.
Dorrence Smith and Mrs. Ray Hans
berry. The members of Canby Woman's Re
lief Corps conducted ritualistic services
at the grave. Members of Canby Post,
G. A. R., acted as pallbearers.
Despondency Due to Indigestion
"About three months ago when I was
suffering from indigestian which caused
headache and dizzy spells and made me
feel tired and despondent, 1 began tak
ing Chamberlain's Tablets,"writes Mrs.
Geo. Hon, Macedon, N. Y. "This med
icine proved to be the very thing I need
ed, as one day's treatment relieved me
greatly. I used two bottles of Cham
berlain's Tablets and they rid me of this
trouble." Obtainable everywhere.
Apple Tree Bears Fruit and Blossoms
A. J. Grow reports a freak of nature
on the East Side place of William Goes.
An apple tree bears ripening fruit and
profuse clusters of blossoms. The foli
age of the tree turned yellow this sum
mer, and it was thought that it was dy
ing. However, since the blooms have
appeared the tree has taken on a richer
green, and the pink blossoms and red
flushed fruit in the foliage make a
pleasing picture.'
Sickness Common in Summer
Hay fever is attributed to pollen float
ing in tha air, while asthma is caused by
dust and certain atmospheric conditions
common in summer. Sufferers who can
seek the mountains or sea. Hay fever
and asthma victims compelled to remain
at home will find relief ia Foley's Honey
a jd Tar Compound which nil ays the in
flammation, soothes and heals raw and
rasping bronchial tubes and helps to
overcome difficulty in breathing, and
makes sound, refreshing sleep possible.
For sale by Chas. N. Clarke.
Commercial Printiug at this office.
An unexpected family reunion was
participated in at the home of J. M.
Wood last Thursday night. Thursday
afternoon a stranger, motoring witb
his wife through the city, was attract
ed by the name on Mr. Wood's grocery
window and stopped in to purchase
some supplies. I be stranger was E.
W. Wood, of Seattle. Wash. He called
for the proprietor, and said as he gave
his order, "My name'a Wood, too. My
home ia in Seattle." Aa the conversa
tion of the two continued, they recog
nised each other as first cousins. Ihey
bad not see or heard of each other for
12 years.
While the reunited cousins were talk
ing over old times at the store, a sister
of the grocer, accompanied by her hus
band and children, unexpectedly airived
by automobile from Vancouver, Wash.,
and drove up in front of the store.
Mrs. J. M. Wok1 commandeered some
frying chickens, ana the Wood home
was the scene of reunion feast that
The Seattle man and bis wife had
been on a motor trip through eastern
Waihir.gton. They bad gone from the
Sound city by way of Snoquslmie Pass
and Ellensburg. From Yakima they
journeyed to Hood River through Gol
dendale and Camas Prairie.
Five young men, William Chandler,
Fred Coshow. Forrest L. Moe, Kdwin
Sonnichsen and William Hostettler, ac
companied by a convoy of three row
boats, swam the Columbia river from
the new beach east of the city Sunday.
The first of the swimmers to reach the
Washington bank, a straight distance
of a little more than a mile, made a
record time of 25 minutes. The other
boys followed him closely.
Sunday was the hottest dsy of the
year here. The government thermom
eter of E. W. Birge registered a tem
perature of 98 degrees. The cool beach
was the most popular place in the
county. Old and young enjoyed the
water. An audience of more than 200
eagerly watched the alow progress of
the swimmers.
Children at the home of Mrs. Alma
L. Howe's Cottage farm have had more
fun thia week than at any time this
summer. During the warm days the
little fellows have been permitted to
engage in water fights on the back
lawn. Mrs. Howe has a private water
system, and after the warm sun's rcjs
have shone for a while on the big tank,
the water is just at the right tempera
ture to feel pleasant to the youngsters
as it strikes them.
New guests at Cottage farm the past
week have been: Mrs. J. W. Griffith,
Mrs. F. I. Robertson, Mrs. E. L. Moses
and Mrs.Al W. Rahles and little daugh
ter, Nancy, all of Portland; Mrs. Aus
tin Obsurn and children, Alice and
John, of Astoria.
Because of the smoky haze on the
horizon, due to the many forest fires,
the greatest of the pleasures of an as
cent of Mount Hood have been deprived
guests of Cloud Cap Inn However, a
number of the hardier vacationists have
made the summit, where they have
been interested in watching the forest
rangers stationed there trying to locate
new fires from the eyrie lookout.
Harry Bailey Victim of Beach Thieves
Harry Bailey, member of the city
police force, was forced to return home
sock less and penniless from the Colum
bia beach Wednesday afternoon of last
week. Mr. Bailey was the victim of
beach thieves.thouhgt to be small boys,
whom he himself had set himself to
watch. While the officer, who ia very
fond of a swim, was disporting himself
in the limpid depths of the Columbia
cove, some one broke into a bath house
and relieved Mr. Bailey of his pocket
book and socks. Fortunately, he had
left his revolver at Frank Dayton's
A Medicine Chest for 25c
In this cheat you have an excellent
remedy for tootache, bruises, sprains,
stiff neck, backache, neuralgia, rheunm
tits in and for most emergencies. One 25c
bottle of Sloan's Liniment does it all
thia because these ailments are symp
toms, not diseases, ami are caused by
congestion and inflammation. If you
doubt, ask those who live Sloan's Lini
ment, or bettor still, buy a 25c bottle
and prove it. All druggists.
Ashley Wilson Sees Beauty Spots
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Wilson spent a
portion of last week at Homer Rogers'
Mount Hood Lodge. While at the Up
per Valley resort they were taken by
Mr. Rnffftra tn F.Ik Mpurlnwa ami ihnain
the beauty spots of the mountains.
"Mr. itogers certainty nas a hne re
sort," says Mr. Wilson. "It is within
riiflph nf an manu flHrnetiua nninfa nf
scenic interest that it is drawing large
crowds. We made the journey to Elk
meaaowa oy norseDBCK.
Doubts Disappear
No One In Hood River Who Haa a Bad
Back Should Ignore Thia Double
Does your back ever ache? -
Have you suspected your kidneys?
Backache is sometimes kidney ache.
With it may come dizzy spells,
Sleepless nights, tired, dull days,
Distressing urinary disorders.
Doan'a Kidney Pills have been en
dorsed by thousands.
Are recommended here at home.
You have the Hood River proof.
Read now the Hood Kiver sequel.
Renewed testimony ; tested by time.
William Boormanof 415 Sherman Ave
nue, Hood River, says. "I was in bad
shape with kidney trouble. My back
was very lame and I was annoyed a
great deal by the kidney secretions. I
could hardly stoop. Doan's Kidney Pills
quickly relieved these ailments and I
publicly recommend them."
Over five years later Mr. Boor man
said: "Whenever I have disordered
kidneys or dizzy spells and blurred
sight, I use Doan's Kidney Pills. They
always give me relief."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply
ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kid
ney Pills the same that Mr. Boorman
had.. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf
falo, New York.
Mr. Merchant, a price marker will
save you hours of time when marking
yonr goods. Accuracy and neatness are
its commendable features, A few cents
buys one at this office.
Many people suffer the tortures of
lame muscles and stiffened joints because
of impurities in the blood, and each suc
ceeding stuck seems more acute until
rheumatism ha in vaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im
portant to improve vour general health as
to purify your blooa, ana the cod liver oil
in Sjcott'sEmulsion is nature'sgreat blood
maker, while its medicinal nourishment
strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousand
every day who could not Bud other relief.
Kcfusc the alcoholic substitutes.
181 l rr .-H end or
mm j
At the
no! o
(he historic Lewis
no! Clark trail, on
the Pacific Ocean,
lies 2 S miles of forest-
skirted surf-washed CUTSOf KACfl. Big,
modern Hotels at ttAMttM III SIASIK.
Fine bathing in Surf and two $35,000
Katatoria. Manifold amusements,
golf, tennis, etc. Inexpensive hotel,
cottage and camp accommodations.
A LONG the grand scenic Colunv
bia on "Ik N rtl hat RuT Limited
Trains to Portland, thence thru
the picturesque Holland of
Oregon"and Astoria to the
Oceanside. M0P0V1KS oh
Exposition Trips via
North Bank and the
fast new 3 million
dollar steamships
brea MruKfT
us! "Ntrtktri
in ' m w
sj iir i
Stnd Ur Our Vmcmtlon BokUt
$6.55 Round Trip from
Hood River
Particulars of ticket agent,
O-W. R. & N. Co., also
week end fares
While Salmon, Wash.
f. I mm. I I. . ., ftHM. traps i
Our Stock of
Box Nails
Orchard Twine
Orchard Ladders
Is complete, prices right
See us before buying,
it will pay you.
Blowers Hardware Co
The Firm That "MaKes Good"
Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts.
Hood River's Medical
Open to the public for treat
ment of Medical and Surgi
cal cases.
Cottage Hospital Assn.
Just received some new saddles
also new fly nets, cow covers,
dusters, auto robes, tenia and
wagon sheets.
William Weber
Bell Building
Get the Habit
of having your horses shod at our shops at the corner of
Fourth and Columbia sts. It will be mutually advantageous.
Of course I want the work and expect a reasonable profit
no more. You want your animals shod with materials that
will last and you want the job to be such that the animal will
have a safe footing. You will be pleased, your horsea will be 1
pleased and I will be pleased.
While we wish you to k'now that we are equipped to do
all kinds of blacksmithing, wagonmaking, woodwork, we de
sire to call special attention to our tire setting. No job too
small or too big. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
Phone 2611
Hood River, Oregon
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc
Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints
Glidden's Varnishes
Boom Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Kail
Dry Paste
B8' ipgi pj
j .
1WISH to announce to
my patrons that I have
purchased the entire In
terest in the market for
merly conducted by Mr
Van Alien and myself. As
suring you of my appreci
ation of your past favors,
I solicit that you continue
to do buainess with us.
1 Good quality meats and
courteous treatment.
Telephone 414!
Real Estate and
I will endeavor to have a bar
gain always in all lines of Real
Estate. Office hours from nine
, A. M. to five P. M.
T. D. Tweedy
Phone 2644
1103 Wilson St., Hood River, Ore.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
312 Cascade Ave.
Phone 1394
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can securejflrst-class rlgf. '
Special attention given to moving furniture aoe
We do everything horses can do,
Telephone 2131