The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 05, 1915, Image 3

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Beautiful Arms
GO TOGETHER. Each alia to the otter's cliarm.
Every month brings greater popularity and increased use
of this convenient ornament among society leaders.
We illustrate above one o the many patterns we carry.
If you have not as yet selected your watch, we corJlally
invite your inspection o the many other beautiful designs
we have on display.
W. F. Laraway, Jeweler
The Handy Fruit Sack
It has been thoroughly tired out during the sea
sons of 1913 and 1914, and found to be the most
practical picking sack on the market. A trial
will convince you that it is a money saver. If
you can not get it at your dealers send $1.50 to
William Munroe
Route No. 2 Hood River, Ore.
"Any campaign to hive wholesalers
or retailers cuah tales of your fruit
will be futile." said Charles Coolidge
Psrlin, of Boston, manager of the di
vision of commercial research for the
Curtis Publishing Co., who addressed
the Hood River apple growers at the
Commercial club Saturday afternoon.
"Successful merchants of today are
no more than order takers. They do
not have to push the product of any
one. If you would have your apples
sold you must conduct publicity cam
paigns that will acquaint the consum
ers with your product."
When asked by E. H. Shepard
whether, if he were in charge of the
advertising of Hood River's apples, he
would preier to pool nis appropriations
with other western districts and adver
tise western box apples in general or
would conduct an individual campaign,
Mr. Parlin emphatically recommended
the latter course.
"Make the consumer acquainted with
your Hood River Spitzenburgs and
Newtowns," he said. "Teach them
the proper times to eat them. Then
They will call again for such apples.
"Even today there are companies
selling blocks of land guaranteeing that
they will come into bearing at some
definite period in the near future. This
land will come into production, and yet
there has been no thought as to mar
keting. If you are going to advertise
western apples in general your cam
paigns must be such that they will
create a demand for this great increase
in production. The apple growers of
the east are already putting into prac
tice your western methods of culture,
They are copying your attractive pack,
They will carefully spray their trees
and greatly improve the. appearance of
their fruit. You will nave tnis to over
come in a general campaign. Person
ally, I think your hope lies in the ex
ploitation of your individual commun
ity. You will probably find enough
people to eat Hood River Spitzenburgs
and Newtowns."
Mr. Parlin. who was accompanied by
R. S. M. Boyd, advertising manager of
the Curtis Publishing Co. Mr. rarlin
advised against the practice of cooper
ative buying.
Get You Dishes
Our new premium dishes have arrived. Bring your
tickets in and have them redeemed.
"The Best Things to Eat"
3 C
Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash
Hood River, Oregon
- a0f 'i cj:::: jo
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
White River
Makes Bread Having the
Old Bready Flavor
Ranchers refilling just f aft of the
giant balt cliff through hich crt
of men have completed a turn el f. r ti e
Columbia river highway, object to the
name of Storm Cliff, according to Mr.
Edgar Locke, who waa in the city last
Friday to protest againat the change in
the present name of Mitchell 1'oint.
Mrs. Locke aaj a that in early das an
old man named Mitchell lued for a
while at the foot of the great crag,
making living by cutting woo, for a
little steamboat.
Mv husband and I own the larger of
the two crags," says Mra. Locke, ' ami
we feel that no one has a riht to
change its name. Grand old Mitchell,
as we look upon it eacn nay, meant
much to us. We gave the tUate High
way Commission a right of way through
the little point, and we will object to
no change in the name of it."
Mrs. Locke state that resi
dents of the community prefer the
name of Mitchell Point.
Accompanied by his wife, R. E.
Kaufman, of Fort Wavne. Ind., who
was the second minister of the local
United Brethren church, spent a por
tion of last week here visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bartmess.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman had not been
here for a period of 22 years.
; "The development of the district,
said Mr. Kaufman, who visited the
Glacier office last Thursday, "has been
simnlv amazing. Why. when I loft
here there were but 600 people. There
were no banks, and scarcely any laid
out streets.
It was interesting to hear Mr. Kauf
man, who is now a stock raiser in Indi
ana. recall incidents of early days. "'.
remember one night thieves broke into
Dr. Brosius' store. Ihe dogs ot the
Hartley family, who resided then on
the block iust west of the business dis
trict, between Oak street and Cascade
avenue, 'treed' the robbers, and as
they broke to run they stumbled over
some large boulders on a vacant lot
and weie caueht.
Mr. Kaufman took a great interest
in the Indians who werethere, and se
curing his data from them, wrote some
interesting pioneer sketches.
"1 remember old ;Luitus uave, ce
says. "This old Redskin, along with a
number of others who had participated
in a massacre, was captured by General
Sheridan and all except Dave were
hanged. The general told Dave he
would hang him if he ever heard of
his doing ! ny thing else. Dave inter
preted the meaning of the general to
be that he should never do any more
work, and he followed the order to the
The footing of the piers for the 2.'0
foot concrete viaduct that will load
from the west aide of Storm CIuT to
Look Out tunnel, both unique features
of the Columbia river highway, have
been poured, and extra crews of car
penters put to work making me lorms
foi the viaduct itself. The viaduct
work has been delayed because of the
extreme depth found necessary to sink
the piers, in order to reacn oea rock.
Holes for the piers and footings were
sunk to a depth of 65 feet lie low the
grade of the highway.
Ihe concrete work oi ine viaduct
must set for at least three weeks,"
says Engineer Elliott, "and it will be
at least September 1 before automo
biles can travel through the tunnel and
over the viaduct.
(From C. C. Chapman' "Oregon Vot
er l
A rorrmurity is judged bv its hort.e
paper, to a degree which it seldom ap-
The sentiment of the community is
reflected in editorial utterance ana its
enterprise in the news and advertising
columns. -
The country weekly is the great in
strument for community upbuilding.
The country editor keep in touch
ith public affairs, render valuable
service by reporting and discussing
them, and by his personal work and m-
uence of publicity is a factor lor
He doesn t make much money in tne
usincss: his reward in part is the sat
isfaction of producing as good a paper
as his meagre income will permit.
Subscribe for your homcTpaper, and
subscribe for copies for your relative
nd distant friends. Ihe financial sup
port you are giving by two or three
xtra subscriptions means a lot to tne
ditor. Advertise in your home paier.
ith the certain knowledge that just in
proportion as you contribute towards
Is financial success you are helping
build up your own town, and (.that
means more business. Then, too, if
ou give proper attention to your ad-
ertisements, you can secure returns
nd profits in excess of the cost, for
there is no advertising medium that
rings results for the homa merchant
ike the home town newspaper.
The winter sports to be enjoyed in
mid-summer on Uhe snowields within
sight of Cloud Cap Inn have been tli
ure of many guests, not only trom
cities and towns oi tne state, nui irom
the east as well the past week.
Recently the management of the Inn
received a telephone message from
Hood River, Miss Mary H niton, of
Shaniko, inquiring as to the condition
of the road. I he young lady declared
that she was going to drive straight
through to the hostelry. When she ar
rived after the 30-mile journey, which
ascends to an altitude greater than a
mile, the guests of the Inn were assem
bled to give her an ovation. Miss Hin
ton, in her Hudson Six, was the first
girl ever to drive all the way to the
Inn. Automobile usually stop at 'turn
offa" more than a mile below the host
Guests at the Inn the past week have
been: Mrs. I A. M.Clay, L. K. irue,
Russell True, Washington, I). C. ; An
thony Euwer, New York g city; W
Douglas Prizer, East Orange, N. J
Mrs. C. Y. Wheeler and Miss N. Y
Wheeler, Washington, D. C; John H.
Wright, Cambridge, Mass.; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry F. Fulling, Mis Helen
Fulling. Bonneville, Ind.; Mrs. II. C
Stanwood, Wellesley, Mass.; Mrs. E,
O. Burdoin and Miss Jane Burdoin, Se
attleAWash. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hin
ton and Mise Maiy llinton, Shaniko
Mrs. Mary Sheldon, The Dalles; B
Coit, Parkdale; Mr. and Mrs. J. It
Norton, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Waugh and
Mr. and Mrs. R. li. Fengo, Hood Riv
er; Crosby In. bneviin, bdwm L.. snev
in, E. L. Barnes, M. H. Barnes, Mrs
James Mclnood, Frances Hirsch, Mr
and Mrs. Fred S. Stanley, Geo. Stan
ley. Master Fred Stanley, W. C. Kav
inaugh, Miss Laura Blossom, Geo. Mc
Cormick, F. Geisler and Carlyle Geis
ler, of Portland.
Otto T. Wedemeyer, who for more
than a year has been in charge of
music at the Unitarian church, has ac
cepted a Bimilar position with the First
Unitarian church of Portland. He as
sumed his new duties Sunday.
Mr. Wedemeyer, who was formerly
on the professional stage, having been
in Fritzi Scheff'a company for two
years, came here six years ago from
Palo Alto, Calif., to make his home on
an apple ranch. He has been teaching
in Portland for the past year.
In order that, he might come to the
city from his West Side ranch with the
least inconvenience, the local Unitari
ana, when he accepted their offer to
direct their choir, presented him with
a Ford runabout. The main feature of
his local work was the development of
singing by the entire congregation.
Brakeman Was Cured.
F. A. Wootsey, a railroad brakeman
of Jacksonville,' Texas, writes: "I was
down with kidney trouble and rheuma
tism so bad I could hardly get up when
I sat down. I had a backache all the
time and was almost tired of living. I
saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised. I
took some and after a short time 1 was
thoroughly cured and am having no
more trouble." They act promptly and
help kidneys throw posionous waste pro
ducts out of the blood. Thousands have
written similiar letters. For sale by
Chas. N. Clarke.
Groceries and Hardware
Visit our store for you will always find bargains for cash.
Closing out buggy harness and have some good
buys in this line.
J. T. Holman, The Heights
Tdtphont 3131 Twelfth Street
Lucas May Become Farmer
Postmaster J. P. Lucas, who has
been a popular postmaster since 1911,
when he succeeded W. M. Yates on the
latter'a resignation, may become a far
mer when he relinquishes the duties of
the office to T. A. Reavis. Mr. Lucaa,
who was formerly at the land office at
The Dalles, was deputy county clerk
under W. E. Hanson at the time of his
Mr. Lucas will probably remain in
the office for a period of a month or
such a matter until Mr.Reavis becomes
familiar with bis new duties. Mr.
Lucas owns a tract of land at Cascade
Locks, and it is this place that he con
templates moving to and farming.
Guests of the week at Mrs. Alma L
Howe's Cottage Farm have been
follows: Dr. and Mrs. Elliott G
Bracker, of Boston, Macs; Mr. and
Mrs. 0. C. Wonnenberg, of Jamestown
N. D. ; Mrs. J. W. Sifton, Miss Mary
Isabel Sifton, A. Clifford, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Galligan, Miss McGuire and
Miss Grace Stevenson, of Portland.
Mrs. Amos S. Benson and children
who had been spending several week
at the Cottage Farm, returned to thei
Portland home Wednesday.
Recommends Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
"I never hesitate to recommend Cliaiiv
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy," writes Sol Williams, nier
chant, .lesBe, Tenu. "I sell more of
than of any other preparations of lik
character. I have used it myself and
found it gave tne more relief than any
thing elce I have ever tried for filename
purpose." Obtainable everywhere.
Curran Grows Fine Hay
Perhaps the finest crop of wheat hay
grown in Hood Kiver county this yea
has just been harvested on the Colum
bia bottom farm of S. W. Curran
Viento. Mr. Curran, who was in the
city Saturday to secure repairs for hi
hay baler, says that he will have
tons of excellent hay from the six acre
tract. The lowlands, renowned for
their fertility, have produced bountiful
crops this season, no high water from
the Columbia having interfered.
The Clerk Guaranteed It
"A customer came into my store the
other day and said to one of my clerks,
'have you anything that will cure dla
rrhoe?' and my clerk went ami got him
a tiottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said to him,
'if this does not cure you, I will not
charge you a cent for it.' So he took it
home and came back in a day or two
and said he was cured," writes J. H.
Berry & Co., Salt Creek, Va. Obtain
able everywhere.
Record of the Past
No Stronger Evidence Can Be Had In
Hood River
Look well to their record. What they
have done many times in years gone by
is tne best guarantee oi niture results
Anyone with a bad back : any reade
suffering from urinary troubles, from
kidney ills, should find comforting words
in the following statement:
Isaac Ford of 1401 Cascade Ave., Hood
River. "I suffered severely from kidney
trouble, lumbago and rheumatic pains
I tried plasters and liniments
and various remedies, but wasn't helped
at all. Terrible pains darted in the small
of my back and extended into my ankles
and shoulders. W lienever 1 tried to
stoop, the pain almost killed me and
sometimes I was hardly able to liend
over to fasten my shoes. I had dizz
spells and any exertion tired me. The
kidney secretions were filled with Bed
ment. When I was told to try Doan
Kidney Pills, I did. Over ten year later
Mr. rord said: ' Once in awhile, I hav
recurrence of kidney trouble but Doan
Kidnev Pills quickly rid me of it."
Price 50c. at all dealer?. Don't simpl
ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a
Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Ford
had. Foster-.Milburn Co., Props., Buf
falo, 5. Y.
Through the agency of W. J. Baker
E. Rogers, of Hiilsdale, last week pur-
hased from T. D. Tweedy an acre and
half, a l art of the Paradise acreage.
The property is located just across the
Belmont road from Mrs. Alma Howe s
Jottagc Farm. Mr. Rogers plans on
building on his new property.
J. loin, of Los Angeles, lain., has
sold through Mr. Baker's agency two
lots on the Heights to Walter Wallers.
Sickness Common in Summer
llnv fever is attributed to pollen float-
ni; in tha air, w hile astlmm is caused by
lust and certain atmospheric conditions
uiiiiiMin in summer. Sufferer who can
seek the mountains or sea. Hay fever
mid asthma victims coinlK'lled to remain
at home will find relief in Foley's Honey
d I :ir Compound which allavs the in
flammation, wothes and heals raw and
asping bronchial tubes ami helps to
overcome (lilhiulty in breathing, ami
makes sound, refreshing sleep possible
ror sale by Chas. . Clarke.
Local friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Harbison, of Hillsboro, have received
announcements of the marriage of
their daughter, Miss Hester Elizabeth,
to Glenn Vincent Payne. The wedding
occurred at the home of the bride's
parents last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.
'ay lie will be at home after August 15.
To be healthy at seventy, prepare at
forty, is sound advice, because in the
strength of middle life we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat
ment of slight aches and pains, simply
undermine strength and bring chronic
weakness for later years.
To tie stronger when older, Veep your
blood pure and rich and active with the
strength-building and blood-nourishing
properties of Scott's Kmulsion which isa
food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and
avoid sickness. No alcohol in Scott's.
Scot! & Bownc, Bloonifitld, N. J.
Hood River's Medical
Open to the public for treat
ment of Medical and Surgi
cal cases.
Cottage Hospital Assn.
Our Stock of:
Box Nails
Orchard Twine
Orchard Ladders
Is complete, prices right
See us before buying,
it will pay you.
Cull and see the new line of
Dusters & Auto Robes
direct from the factory.
A splendid stock of Suit Cases
and Hand Bags.
William Weber
Bell Building
Real Estate and
I will endeavor to have a bar
pain always in all lines of Real
Estate. Office hours from nine
A. M. to five P. M.
T. D. Tweedy
Phone 2644
1103 Wilson St., Hood River, Ore.
Commercial Printing at this office.
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
Blowers Hardware Co
The Firm That "MaKes Good"
Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts.
Get the Habit
of having your horses shod at our shops at the corner of
Fourth and Columbia sts. It will be mutually advantageous.
Of course I want the work and expect a reasonable profit
no more. You want your animals shod with materials that
will last and you want the job to be such that the animal will
have a safe footing. You will be pleased, your horses will be
pleased and I will be pleased.
While we wish you to know that we are equipped to do
all kinds of blacksmithing, wagonmaking, woodwork, we de
sire to call special attention to our tire setting. No job too
small or too big. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
Phone 261 1 Hood River, Oregon
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints
Glidden's Varnishes
Room P Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
ill 111 111!
U? W w rtffiffl
lllll 1111 fill ' I
j -
WISH to announce to
, . ... m
my patrons mat i nave
purchased the entire I
terest in the market 1
merly conducted
Van Allen and myself. As
suring you of my appreci
ation of your past favors,
I solicit that you continue
to do business with us.
Good quality meats and
courteous treatment.
Telephone 4141
Anderson Undertaking Co.
312 Cascade Ave.
Phone 1394
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure partlea can secure ret-claai riga.
Special attention given to moving furniture ant
We do everything horsea can do.