The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1915, Image 7

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ri i m 1 1 1 1 n m 1 1 m i h n
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' Shoe uade or repaired at Jobocen't
Packet Stamps, Linen Markers, Band
Paters, etc., at the Glacier office.
Mis Maria Jacobs, of Cincinnati, is
bere tne guest or Miss r lore nee 1'eters.
Mrs. S. H. Stewart, of Wyeth. was
in tna city aaturaay shopping.
18 inch dry wood for sale, f 4.50 per
coru caan active reu ; prions zi 1 1. jy8t
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark were Fort
land visitors over tbe week end.
Miss Frances Barnes, of Portland, is
bere visiting Mrs. D. H. Drewery.
II jour shoes have gone, wrong take
them to Johnaen.
Prof E. E. Coid, of Portland, was
bere over tbe week end visiting friends.
Have your tires set by L V. Driscoll,
Cascade Avenue. jnlMti
Arthur McCreery was a Portland vis
itor last week.
16 inch dry wood for sale. M.50 per
cord cash delivered ; phone 2171. jybtf
Paramount travel pictures will begin
tomorrow at the Electric theatre.
II you want shoes that don't go
wrong go to Johnson's.
Mrs. P. M. Morse and children are in
Eugene viisting her sister, Mrs. Fred
Carter, and family.
Miss Lilian Brock is at Eugene visit
ing her sister, Miss Eva Brock, who is
a student at summer school there.
Talk with Reed & Henderson about
Insurance of all kinds. Money to loan
on first class furin property. m4tf
J. H. Gray, of Prineville, owner of
the Hotel Oregon property here, was
a business visitor in the city last week.
For prompt service brin yutir films
to us. We develop and .print every day
Sloconi & Canfield Co.
Chas. Leveque, lot Potrlanri. spent
the week end at Green. Croft Villa, as
the guest of Miss Fenwick.
S.W. Stark and family motored down
to Portland over the Columbia river
highway the latter part of last week.
H. S. Johnson, who has been residing
in Portland, has returned to his ranch
at Parkdale.
Mortgage loans readily mado on Hood
River farms of approved securities. '
Heed & Henderson. jyZl'tf
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson and
daughter, Miss Helen, left Sunday on a
motor trip to North Yakima.
J. G. Vogt and Louis H. Gooden
berger "Forded" the Columbia river
highway one day last week.
Miss Violet Palmer and Culver K.
Osgood were in The Dalles last week
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke.
Talk with Reed & Henderson about
Insurance of all kinds. Money to loan
on first class farm property. m4tf
C. E. Hayward, of LaFayette, where
he is mayor, was here over the week
end visiting friends.
Mrs. M. E. Welch and children, who
have been visiting in northern Califor
nia, will return home today.
Mrs. Richard Bellamy'and children,
of Ruthton, were in the city Saturday
On films left up to 4 p. in., prints will
be ready for delivery at 1 p. in. the Fol
lowing day Sloconi & Canfield Co.
V. C. Brock is building a large sleep
ing porch on his residence on Oak
Mrs. J. D. Guttery and' daughter,
Helen, have returned from their east
ern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas were fin
Cascade Locks Sunday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Val Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hollingworth
have left for Seattle, where they will
spend a couple of weeks on the Sound.
Mrs. C. Camplin, of Goldendale, has
been here visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Morlan. Tbey were former neighrbors
in Colorado.
J. R. Winston and LeRoy Childs will
leave tomorrow for San Francisco to
attend conventions of national scientific
Dr. Wm. M. Post has engaged rooms
in the Heilbronner building, and will
open a painless dental office about Aug
ust 10.
A number of Hood River elks will
go to Bonneville Sunday to attend an
outing of The Dalles and Portland
lodges of Best People.
A. Van Delm, an apple buyer of Rot
terdam, Holland, and 0. Bergheim, of
Portland, were here last week visiting
the officials of local sales agenceis.
C. T. Roberts' family has returned
from Portland and will make their
permanent home on their East Side
Wo want your trade on bread, pies,
pastries, cakes. Call 237H and your or
der will be promptly delivered. Blue
Ribbon Bakery. jyl'L'ti
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Huelat and son,
Paul, who have been spending a vaca
tion at Gearhart, returned home last
Miss Effie Pieplow, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Pieplow, returned last
week after a visit to the San Francisco
We deliver pies, bread, pastries. Qual
ity and cleanliness our motto. Blue
Ribbon Bakery, Wall 4 Gerhard, Props,
phone 2373. jy22tf
Miss Mary Fenwick spent last week
in Portland at the Good Samaritan hos
pital with her sister, Miss Nan,
recovering from a serious operation.
Will Davis, after spending several
days here with his family, returned
yesterday to Carson, where he is oper
ating an auto livery service.
H. M. Burns, traveling passenger
agent for the Great Northern Pacific
Steamship Co., was in the city last
week on business.
Why cook during the summer months?
You can get just as good bread, pies and
pastries as mother ever made by calling
2373, Blue Ribbon Bakery. jy22tf
J. C. Hostetler, Mr. and Mrs. Mick
Thornton and their son, Hugh Thorn
ton, and wife and J. C. Thrall, of The
Dalles, motored down to Hood River
last Friday. Mr. Thornton is prepar
ing a sale of dairy cows at his place
just west of The Dalles on August 3.
Apple City Electric
Hood River, Ore.
Born To JMr. and Mrs. E. E. Pat
terson, Wednesday, July 2. a son.
Dr. C. H. Jenkins wishes to announce
thst bis office will be closed from Aug
ust 1 to Augutt 25.
Richard Depee and family and Miss
Edith Seiton are visiting in Condon.
Mr. Depee working in the grain fields.
F. A. Bishop has 'disposed of bis in
terest in tbe Hood River A be tract Co.
The company is being reorganized.
Mrs. Amos S. Benson and children,
who have been at Mrs. Alma Howe's
Cottage farm, returned to their borne
in Portland yesterday.
Mr. and Mra. D. H. Drewery spent
the week end in Portland, having
made the trip in their Ford over the
Columbia river highway.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Longman, of Cincin
nati, have been here visiting Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Bartmess. Mr: Longman
travels over the entire country visiting
tbe large homes for children.
Miss Martha Struck, of Lyle, Wah..
is here visiting friends. George Struck,
her brother, has been here this summer
engaged in orchard work on the E. N.
Benson farm.
Richard Yates, after a visit here
with friends and relatives returned to
Corvallis last Saturday to inspect a
stock ranch that his father is thinking
of purchasing.
Mrs. Elbert Vaughn and children,
Mildred, Elmer, Raymond and Wilbur,
returned to their home in Portland Sat
urday after a visit here with the family
of Mr. Vaughn's father, Robt. Vaughn.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. J. Haas, after a
visit here with Mr. Haas' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Haas, left Monday
for their home in Minneapolis.
A number of Hood River people get
Mrs. G. H. SteinhofT is here visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Earl Franz. Mrs.
Steinhotf motored down from Seattle
to Portland and thence up over trig (!o
lumbia river highway.
Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Beckman and
children, of Anaconda, Mont., after a
visit with Mrs. Beckman s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Morse, of the west
Side, returned home Monday.
Miss Anna Heath, a former local
teacher, is visiting at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. J. Wlilliams. Miss Heath
will teach in the Stevenson schools this
Miss Helen and Virginia Griffith, of
Washington, D. C, while en route to
the California expositions, have been
here visiting their sister, Mrs. J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Scobee. of Port
land, were here last week visiting at
the homes of Mr. Scnbce's brothers,
Dr. E. L. Scobee and William Scobee,
the latter of Pine Grove.
Little Miss Zoe Scobee, daugther of
Mr. and Mrs. William Scobee, of Pine
Grove, was in town last week visiting
at the home of her uncle and aunt, Dr.
and Mrs. E. L. Scobee.
Mr. and Mrs. Jul Petermichel, who
have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. I).
Guttery, of the East Side, departed for
their home at Valparaiso, Nebr. Tues
day mdrning.
Mrs. H. H. Holmes, who makes her
home here with her daughter, Mrs. D.
H. Drewery, has returned from Salem,
where she visited her son, Phillip H.
W. N. Winter, who has been in New
York, Cleveland and other eastern cit
ies, on business, has returned home.
The return triD was made bv wav of
San Francisco.
Miss Ottilie G. Boetzkes arrived at
her bungalow, Lodge Serene, Satur
day, and has as her guests her mother
and Miss Margaret Thompson, of Seat
The "book and news'store of Slocom
& Canfield will be reorganized and will
be taken over by an incorporated con
cern, the stockholders of which will be
Dr. J. K. Watt. Mrs. N. M. Canfield
and C. P. Sonnichsen.
Judge C. E Wolverton and Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie M. Scott, of Portland,
spent the week end at the London &
Powers ranch in the Upper Valley, hav
ing motored up over the Columbia river
W. H. Wilson, M. Z. Donnell. County
Judge Gunning and Circuit Judge Brad
shaw, of The Dalles, passed through
Hood River last Thursday on a motor
trip around Mount Hood by way of
The friends of Mrs. Willis Van Horn
will be glad to know that she has suffi
ciently recovered from the effects of an
operation for appenicitis to be removed
from the Cottage hospital to her home
on the East Side home Tuesday.
Rev. Samuel left Monday morning
for Lost Lake. He will camp there
with the Heights Brigade. On Wed
nesday he will board the train at Dee
to take in the excursion up to the sum
mit of Mount Hood.
Epifanio Guillamao, a Philippino, ar
rived here recently to make this home
at the ranch of John R. Edgar in the
Dee district. The Island boy has been
a servant in the Edgar family for a
number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Thomson and
family, after a week spent in Portland
and neighboring cities, returned home
Sunday. The journey was made over
the Columbia river highway in their
Overland automebile.
Mrs. C. Bark and daughter, Miss
AnnyBark, and Miss L. Schroeder, all
of St. Louis, Mo., came tojllood River
by boat last rriday. J he tit. Louis
people were en route to the California
ThA rooiilnv mootiniy nf tho T oiltca
Aid society will be held in the Congre-
ofitinnnl nhnrih npvt Frirlnv .lulu 30
at 2.30 p. m. Mrs. R. R. Bartlett, of
Astoria, a former Aid member, will be
a guest 01 nonor.
T. R. Coon, who with Mrs. Coon is
spending the summer at their ranch
near Lyle, was a business visitor in
the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Coon,
Hood River pioneeis, spend the winters
at their Portland home.
To trade for Hood River ranches 25,
000 worth of property in Oregon and
Washington, encumbrance $2,500; stock
ranch in Wallowa County, value 20,000
encumbrance $1,600 ; will trade for Hood
River property encumbrance equal to
above. Keed & Henderson. jy22tf
Lamps, Motors,
Ever Ready Flash Lights
Columbia Dry Cells for Autos
and Sprayers
Electric Cooking Apparatus
for the hot weather
Vacuum Sweeper for rent
Shop, Third Street
E. S. COLBY, Mgr.
I Mrs. William Post and little son. of
; Portland, were here tbe first of the
week viiiting friends and attending to
i business. Dr. Pott spent Sunday in
! the city.
I "The Bellman." a high class publica
tion of Minneapolis. A feature of a
I recent issue is the story of the Hood
I River valley by Mrs. W. W. Reming
ton, formerly a local resident. Mr.
f Remington having been connected with
the Hood River State Bank.
I J. F. Volstorff. George Mellon. W. J.
Filx. J. R. Kirsey and family and A.
C. Staten and family motored to Cloud
i Cap Inn Sunday. Messrs. Filx, Vols-
torn and Mellon climbed to Cooper
! Spur. Tbey report that a party of
; three Japanese made the ascent of the
' mountain.
Accompanied by Lou Morse, I. N.
; McCoy was brought here from Spray
: last week in a critical state of health.
1 Mr. McCoy is being eared for at the
j home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Castner.
C. F. Busch and J. R. Barroll, of the
i Upper Valley, were Portland visitors
i the first of the week.
Mrs. E. J. Sinex. who has been vis
liting MiBs Lily Fisher, was tendered a
'surprise by having a number of her
1 friends call upon her one evening lart
week. Mrs. hinex and daughter, El
eanor, have left for Portland, where
they were met by Mr. Sinex.- They
returned to Wilmington, Delaware,
their former home.
Mrs. 11. J. Frederick and daughter
arrived home Saturday on the Bailey
Gatzert, accompanied by her nieces,
Miss Hayde L. Jacobs, of Pelican Rap
ids, and Miss Mary E. Russell, of Hot
neau, N. 1). Tbe youeg ladies belong
to the faculty of the Valley City. N.
D., normal school. They expect to
spend several weeks in this vicinity.
The regular monthly social sf Asbury
M. E. Ladies' Aid will be held at the
home of Mrs. F. G. Cl.arch.on Belmont
road, tomorrow afternoon. A musical
program has been arranged and re
freshments will bo served. Mrs. Church
will be assisted in entertaining by Mrs
H. P. Allen and Mrs. Guy Merrill. All
ladies of the church are cordially in
vited. "It was simply fine," was the way
W. F. Laraway characterized his re
cent trip down over the Columbia river
highway to Portland, when he and par
ty were en route to Seattle to attend
the Shriners' convention. "The way
over Storm Cliff is not bad. If a little
work will be done the passage over the
difficult portion of the road can be
taken by any car."
Hans Lage was stunned one day last
week, when struck in the forehead by
a heavy iron pulley, a part of the hay
carrier system of his barn. Mr. Lage
was just preparing to come to town.
The pulley, attached to a long rope,
swung against him just as he was driv
ing from the barn. "I didn't know
what had hit me for some time," said
Mr. Lage.
Having made the journey in their
Dodge automobile, Mr. and Mrs. N.
W. Pruner, of Riddle, accompanied by
their son, Ernest, are here visiting the
family of their daughter, Mrs. W. P.
Wonacott. They stopped en route for
a visit at Munroe and Portland. Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Macrum, of Dee, spent
yesterday at the Wonacott home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley, accom
panied by their sons, Frederick and
George Stanley, W. C. Kavanaugh and
Miss Laura Blossom, left here yester
day afternoon over the Columbia river
highway for their home in Portland.
With the exception of Mr. Stanley,
who came up from Portland to meet
them, the party motored down from
Mr. Stanley's ranch near Bend. While
here they motoied to Cloud Cap Inn.
Says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
W. E. King, a fruit grower from Hood
River, Ore., is so pleased over crop
prospects that he took timejoff to mo
tor to Seattle with Mrs. King, and then
not having seen enough of the country,
emharked yesterday with his automo
bile for Victoria, B. C. He will make
a tour of Vancouver Island in his ma
chine. He registered at the Seattle
while in the city.
Billy Sunday and "Ma" Sunday left
Tuesday for San Francisco, where the
noted evangelist will preach on August
1, 2 and 3 at a tabernacle just outside
the exposition grounds. They will re
turn here and spend a few weeks on
their Odeil ranch before leaving for
Omaha, where Rev. Sunday will deliver
a series of sermons. Dr. J. K. Mc
Clurkin, pastor of the Shadyside Unit
ed , Presbyterian church of Pittsburg,
who had been in San Francisco attend
ing the exposition, spent Tuesday here
visiting the Sundays.
Mrs. W. W. Rodwell was a charming
nostras recently when she entertained
with a garden party for the Philathea
girls of the Congregational church. A
most delightful evening was spent
after which the Philatheas reorganized
with Miss McDonald as president. The
Philatheas are: Misses E. McDonald,
pres., Marion Howe, Esther Husbands,
Julia Noble, Frances Elizabeth Baker,
Katherine Baker, Ella McDonald, Ma
rie' Berry, Lillian Brock, Olive Rich
ards, Hilma Imholz, Greta Gredes.
Geo. T. Prather, who has been in
Portland, having been called to do fed
eral jury duty, was home a portion of
last week. Mr. Prather says he has a
garden that he will put against any
tract in the state, except that of ex
Governor Geer. "Gov. Geer," says
Mr. Prather, "tells me that he will
give any man a dollar for every weed
he finds in his garden. I will not go
that strong, but I assure all who want
to inspect it that I have few weeds,
and my vegetables cannot be beaten."
B. H. Dent and Robert Harden, of
the Portland office of the Trojan Pow
der Co., were in the valley last week
visiting Sherman J. Frank, local repre
sentative. The men motored here over
the Columbia highway. Before return
ing down the Columbia Saturday, they
visited the Devil's Punch Bowl and
scenic points in Klickitat county. Both
of them were deilghted with the scnery
and declared that they hoped to make
frequent trips to the Hood River val
ley. "While we had tired feet and longed
for the good rest awaiting us,'" says
S. E. Bartmess, a member of a party
of hikers over the Columbia highway
to Portland last week, "we enjoyed
every step of the way." The party
which left here last Tuesday morning
and arrived in Portland the following
Friday, was as follows: S. E. Bart
mess, R. B. Bragg. Mrs. C. H. Hen
ney, Misses Aldine and Marie Bart
mess, Kitty Bragg and Helen Cox.
George Bragg and Donald Nickelsen
accompanied them as far as Multno
mah Falls.
Miss Coshow Honored at Fair
Miss Eva Coshow, daughter of Mrs.
R. H. Coshow, has just received news
of an honor bestowed upon her at the
Panama-Pacific Internationa) exposi
tion. She has been awarded a gold
medal for the methods used by her in
the California state school for the blind
at Berkeley, where she is a teacher.
Miss Coshow, who is here on her vaca
tion, demonstrated her method of
teaching at the fair.
Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices
The kind of goods you need now, you will find here at the most reasonable prices for quality merchan
dise and efficient service, BROKEN LINES and REMNANTS will be priced with a view of closing them
out rather than showing a profit. We will have room here to give you a few examples. You will find
many more throughout the store.
&K Green Trading
Ladies $8.50 Auto Coats
on sale
Ladies $5.00 Auto Coats
on sale
Ladies $4.50 Auto Coats
on sale
Ladies $1.75 Auto Coats
on sale
All Remnants of
, ,
Children's Shoes and Low Shoes, $1.50 to $2.25 goods, broken
Bathing Suits
Just received
Hood River Will Have Beach
Bathing girls and beach scenes may
soon be seen at Hood Kiver. The Hood
River Swimming Club, with the fallow
ing membership, is at work preparing
a swimming place on the propettv of
the Oregon Lumber Ca., just east of
the city. J. H. Edgar, William Chand
ler, Geo. Howe, F. E Haener, Mrs.
Earl Fran. Frank A. Cram, Fred VV.
Wasson, C. C. Lemmon, Dorothy A.
Hitttey, Mrs. M. I.. Stebhins, Ceo. I.
Hragg., C. N. Clarke, Wilrner Sieg,
Harry Farrell and Murray Ktiy.
The list is constantly on the
and will soon be much large, it is pre
dicted. A nice stretch of beach is afforded.
The deep pool, free from a current,
will be roped off. A shallow pool, with
a sand bottom, will be prepured for
small children.
Miss Morris' Mother Dead
The funeral of Mrs. J. I. Morris,
who died at White Salmon at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. August hauler
bach, Monday, July 19, was held the
following Wednesday from the Hethel
Congregational church.
Mary Elizabeth Crunk was horn in
Decatur, Ala., December 25, Jr?f. She
was married at the age of 17 to J. L.
Morris, and they came to Klickitat
county January 6, 1890, and tuuk up
tbe homestead which she saw grow into
one of the most beautifal ranches on
Hurdoin mountain. Besides Mr. Morris
she leaves four children: George D.
Morris, of San Francisco; Gertrude D.,
of Hood River; Frank H., of Seattle,
and Mrs. Grace Louis Lauterbach, of
White Salmon.
Government Engineer Investigates
United States Engineer F. C. Schu
bert, of Big Eddy was here yesterday
to visit local citizens and mako a pre
liminary investigation of the mouth of
Hood river preparatory to determining
thn nrivianhilitu nf mnlfincr n thnrmioh
..... - - j v ........... ..
survey. Members of the Commercial
ciud nave rjeen insisting mat tne gov
ernment make a survey of the Hood
river mouth for some years and Mr.
Krhnhert whn war in rhnroa tf the
construction of The Dallea-Celilo canal,
is here to cooperate with them in se
curing their desires.
Many Hear Mrs. King
Despite the warm afternoon, many
of the housewives of the city and val
ley were present at the Commercial
club last Friday afternoon to hear the
address of Mrs. M. E. King, a canning
expert, who is making a tour of the
northwest for the O.-W. K. & N. Co.
Mra. King's lecture was accompanied
by actual demonstrations of canning.
Her talk was well received, and after
the main address was finished many
women remained to ask questions and
thus become better informed.
W. R. Skey accompanied Mrs. King.
Boys Take Highway on Bicycles
Ben Breed, Arthnr Juhnsen and Mark
Moe made a record trip down to Port
land over tho Columbia river highway
on their bicycles Sunday. The boys
landed in the Rose City just 12 hors af
ter they had left Hood Kiver. They
were so tired that they could neither
stand, sit nor recline in comfort, and
it was a tired trio that disembarked
from the Sunday evening train.
The boys say that on account of the
hills and rough spots in the road they
must have walked 20 miles.
Treiber Sells The Bear
Capt. Otis D. Trieber, who has dis
posed of his other local craft, used in
the Hood River-Underwood ferry ser
vice, to Bert Kent, present operator of
the ferry, sold his ferry boat, The
Bear, to William Lahey, the Cascade
Locks ferryman last Saturday. Tbe
boat was taken down the river Monday.
On Sunday night Capt. and Mrs.
Treiber were hosts to a large party of
irienas, giving itiern a farewell ride on
the popular river boat.
New England Real Estate Man Pleased
The Hood River valley has never had
more enthusiastic visitor than Geo.
A. Hill, a real estate man of Spiing
field, Mass.. who with Mrs. Hill was
here last week viisting Mrs. Juila A.
BrunquiBt. "1 am going back to New
England," he said, "get. together all of
the money I can and return here to
purchase as mnch Hood Kiver property
as I can buy."
While here Mr. Hill and wife visited
Homer Rogers' Mount Hood Lodge.
Mrs. Carson Has Fine Sweet Peas
Frnrn a In. rant rmfiman tt iBa.l
- -v.. f p. w v . Bwcct yem
seed, Mrs. J. K. Carson has grown
enough beautiful flowers this summer
to bring delight to many homes. It is
probable that her sweet pea vines have
DioBsomea more proiuseiy man any in
Hood Kiver.
Mrs. farnnn nrpspnfpH mnnilui
the Glacier force with handsome bou
quets last week. , A
Stamps in addition to sales prices give you double value for money
Indies $2.25 Dresses
on sale
Girls $3.00 White Dresses
on sale..
Girls to $2.25 White Dresses
on sale
Girls to 9)c White
on sale
Silks. Dress Goods. Wash Goods
The Right Kind Are Wool Knit. They Are Here
by express, a nice assortment of Ladies and Men's Knit Wool Bathing Suits.
The kind that keeps you warm and comfortable.
Bragg Mercantile Co.
Relief Corps Picnic Delightful
Never has Canbv Corns members en-
I juycu a more ueugnuui ouung man
mm ui ihhi inursiiy, wnen iney garn
ered at the Oak Grove home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. O. Anderson for their an
nual picnic. About 40 ladies were!
present, and each is enthusiastic over i
the day's enjoyment.
one, and -the grounds are ideal for pic
nic purposes. To add to the natural
beauty of the place Mrs. Anderson had
decorated her home and the grounds
with the national colors, and many
cozy nooks and scats made the lawn
inviting. No pains were spared to give
the guests pleasure.
The picnic dinner was served on long
tables spread under the handsome trees
bordering Indian creek. And that din
ner! 'I here couldn't hae been a belter
or more Bbundant supply of good things
thought of. The weather was perfect,
and it was with real regret the ladies
found the hour for dispersing approach.
Many expressions of pleasure were
heard, and wishes also for a repetition
in the near future. Mrs. Anderson,
assisted by her daughter, Miss Mabel
Francis, made a hostess who cannot be
too highly praised.
'J he ladies of Reilef Corps express
the heartiest appreciation of the Kind
ness shown them by the following gen
tlemen who used their autos, as well
as their time, in carrying the members
to and from their picnic, thus giving
added pleasure to tho day's festivities:
Fred T. Lisco, Leslie Butler, W. L.
Nichols, W. F. Laraway, C. F. Sum
ner, S. W. Stark, A. O. AnderBon and
Este HroMus.
Motorists Visit Portland
Two Hood Kiver automobiles made
the round trip to I'ortland Sunday. C.
F. Gilbert and C. 11. Vaughan left here
Sunday morning stortly after four
o'clock, traveling in the former's Her
schoff runabout. F. W. Buff, accom
panied ny Ed Vannet, W. J. A. Baker
and A. F. W. Kresse, left later in the
"The road was all right," says Mr.
Gilbert, "if one is expecting rough
places. We arrived at the Crown Point
Chalet of Mrs. M. E. Henderson at
nine o'clock for breakfast. We thought
so much of the excellency of Mrs. Hen
derson's meals that we returned there
for dinner on our way home. It took
just six gallons of gasoline for the en
tire trip."
Mr. Buff, whose party was accom
panied on the return journey by Geo.
T. Bragg, says that the local county
court should Bend a man down the other
side of Storm Clilf to spend several
days working with a sledge hammer.
"In this way," he says, "the road
could be greatly improved." Mr. Buff
and party returned from Portland by
Mt. Hood Co. Postpones Excursion
The excursion for local people planned
by the Mount Hood Railway Co. for
today has been postponed until the
same day next week.
"We had a sufficient number for the
trip," says K. B. Early, general ticket
agent of the company, "but after tele
phoning to District Forecaster Beals
and learning that stormajare predicted
for this district during the middle of
the week, we decided to wait for better
More than Enough Fry Distributors
When the trout fry were recently
distributed here more than enough
wagons were at Dee for.the distribu
tion, such was the interest taken.
Sheriff Johnson and William Munroe
were present at Dee with a wagon.
But there were sufficient other rigs and
these gentlemen were not given the
privilege of a trip into the lakes with
young fish.
Judge Stanton Distributed Fish
Judge Stanton, as much as any other
citizen, assisted with the recent distri
bution of trout fry. Judge Stanton
drove an automobile loaded with the
fish to Oak Grove. From that point to
the mountain lakes he furnished a man
and wagon and team.
Through an error Judge Stanton's
name was omitted from the list of
trout distributors last week.
Dynamite Cap Injures Lad
Stanley Wasch, young grandson'of F.
M. White, the cigarmaker, who makes
his home here with his grandparents,
was painfully injuredf last week when
playing with a dynamite cap. The boy
found the cap and was endeavoring to
detach a copper wire lifted in it. lie
struck the cap with a hammer explod
ing it.
Strawberry Season Over
Harry Farrell, shipping clerk of the
Apple Growers Association, anonunces
that the strawberry season closed Sat
urday. The late berries, Mr. Farrell
thinks, will not bring very satisfactory
Men's $5.00
on sale
Men's Straw
on sale
Men's $1.25
on sale
Men's $3.50
on sale
FmhrnwWms T .nnne PiKKnna
..v- . M.Vt7t Ob 1 lillvl I J I V U
lines $1.00 Indies Shoes, small sizes
Never bought better
suits than these
We say without reservation or hesitation that the
values offered tomorrow in this special selection of
thirty-six suits for men and young men at $20 are not
to be equaled by any other store in town.
You may find suits elsewhere in which one or two
features are above the ordinary, you may find suits
that look right, but no where will you find style, fab
ric, finish and fit so pleasingly
and perfectly combined as in
these suits from the
House of
J. G. Vogt
Hood River Day on
Mount Hood
Special Excursion August 4th and 5th
To the Summit of Mt.
Hood and return for
(This inclusive of all expenses)
Make reservations at the office of the Mount Hood
Railroad Company, where full arrangements
for the trip can be made.
Unless fifty people enroll before August 2nd, the
trip will be cancelled PhOiie 2141
Rubber Stamps and Accessories at this office
Half Price
and $1.50 Dress Shirt
Work Shoes
of 1 1 A T IT II IT
Ladies Panama Hats
Well Submit
Our Estimate
to you on any liiinberproposition desired
All we need is your plans and our ex
perience in these matters justify your
utmost cnnlideiice. .We never recom
mend or attempt to dispose of anv lum
ber ununited for your purpose. " We'll
save you money, Uxi.
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
Building Material and Box Shook
Phone 2181
Fanama Hats