The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1915, Image 4

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Young Lad Good Walker
The joungitt boy rectt.lly to hive
walked tr er tire distance from Port
land to The Dalles is Hurvey Knott,
who, accompanied by his aunt, Mist
KuefTell, and hia dog. Chubb, pa.'sed
through Hood River Sunday afternoon
about one o'clock. The hikers had left
I'ortland on rrnlay afternoon before
about the same hour. Master Knott,
although he carried a roll of Llanketa,
as faring well.
Alius Kueffell declared that she had
river enjoyed an outing more than that
spent in hiking up the scenic gorge of
the Columbia.
At trie
end of
de historic Lewis
and Clark trail, on
tKe Pacific Ocean,
lies 2 5 mile of forest-
skirted surf washed CUTSOf KACH. Bid.
modern hotels at GfARIURI id StASIOL
Fine bathing in Surf and two $35,000
Natatoria. Manifold amusements,
golf, tennis, etc. inexpensive hotel,
cottage end camp accommodations.
)Qj6fn7HJOURNEY forYOu"
ALONG the grand scenic Colunv
Trains to Portland, thence thru
the picturesque Holland of
Oregon'and Astoria to the
Oceanside. STOPOltRS on
Exposition Trips via
North Bank and the
fast new 3 million
dollar steamships
brut Rirturi
mi "NorUen
Stnd for Our Vmcation BtokM
$6.55 Rouhd Trip from
Jlood River
l'nrtirulara of ticket agent,
0-V. K. & N. Co., also
week end fines
E. A. G I BERT, Agt.
White Salmon, V uh. '
"Pride of Pacific"
is the place to forget's sum
mer's heat and dust, also the
cares and worries of the day
to enjoy life at its best, down
by the sea where the ocean
breezes blow.
Reached only via the
m & Rr
Tickets on sale daily at low
fares for the round trip see
Hood River, Oregon
New Schedule
Mount Hood Railroad
i' ' Kltivlivc A. M.
V F. Mllllilliv. Jlllv 11,
No. I No. a
A. M. A. mJ
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K. I!. KARl.Y, li. 1. A.
Hood River Cigar Factory
F. M. WIHTK, Proprii'tor .
Mnnufacturer of
High Grade Cigars
int - , iwjawpanaai
1 J
Last week we overlooked one item
we intended to note and that was Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. LafTerty'a visit to
I'ortland to see the old Libert; bell.
They succeeded in getting very near
the bell; so near that;Mr. Utterly laid
his hand upon it.
Clinton Wood spent several days last
week in Portland, lie returned home
Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. I. U. LafTerty, of Hood
River, visited Mr. LattVrty'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Latterly, iSunday.
Friends are congratulating Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Warner. HI. on the birth
of a daughter Sunday, July 25, at the
hospital in ilood River.
Mrs. Clara Welch, who has been
away from her home at Mount Huod
for a year, returned last week and af
ter visiting a fewjoays with her friend,
Mrs. Eva Morgan, she and Mrs. Mor
gan and Mr. I'urdy went to Mount
Hood Sunday. When Mrs. Welch en
tered her home shefound new wall pa
per and matting and wood already cut;
all this showing the esteem in which
she is held hy friends who have known
her many years, as well as members of
the I. 0. O. F. and Rebekahs. These
are the orcHsiona that remind us that a
life of right living is worth while.
H. Connoway, president of the Con
solidated Mercantile ' o., was a busi
ness visitor at Odell Monday.
Miss Nell Silver, of Denyer, Colo., is
here for a visit with her friends, Mrs.
Geo. Shcppard, of Odell, and Mrs. H.
T. Furrow, of Willow Flat.
Mr. Taylor, representing the Anti
Swloon League, will speak at the Union
church next Sunday evening.
Mrs. Karl Waggoner, of Los Angeles,
Calif., is visiting at the home of her
cousin, R. K. Miller.
Misses Margaret Niehana and Ruth
Girsberger, of Portland, andMiss Klla
Niehana and Walter Niehans, of Cen
tral Vale, andJack Lane of Portland,
went to Mount Hood Friday and as
cended the mountain as far as Coopers
Spur. They returned to the Niehans
home Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. JWm. A. Sunday go
this week to San hrancisco where Rev.
Sunday has iirnmitted a service for the
exposition with its many visitors. They
will return to their summer home in
Odell to complete their vacation.
Miss Nell Shelley has returned home
afterseveral weeks spent in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Krumenacher were
so unforlnate as to lose their home by
tireearly on Thursday morning of last
week. The fire started from the kitch
en chimney, and when discovered had
gained such headway that nothing count
be saved from the upstairs rooms and
kitchen and pantry. Silverware, china,
linen and clothing were destroyed. Mr.
Krumenacher built a temporary house
and he and his family are now at home,
but with very different conveniences.
Later a new home will be built.
A. J. Nelson went to Portland Satur
day to meet bia friends, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Swenson, of Albert City, la., and
they accompanied Mr. Nt'Uon here Sun
day night for a visit, which all will
enjoy until Friday, when Mr. and Mrs.
. . .......... na, tmm ll.ui. i(lllnU 1 It f ' U 1 i .
onoiiauil tuoitiiif men j, li,, it. j h.i
fornia, where they will visit the exposi
tion. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Swenson
were chums for several years. Mr.
Senson is engaged in the business of
druggist in his home city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rigby, of Hood
River, returned to their home Monday
after having visited the families of C.
li. Coovert and C. PHughaupt.
Floyd McCoy went to Portland last
Friday for a visit with his aunt, Mrs.
0. Hunden.
The Guild will give a silver tea at
the home of Mrs. E. V. More, Thursday
afternoon of next week.
Mrs. Rachel Massee, of Menominee,
Wis., is here visiting at the home of
her Hon, F. L, Massee.
F. G. Coe, of Hood River and the
Heights Ilrigndu and pastor, of the
Ilaptiet church, went to Lost Lake
Monday for tho week. Mr. Coe's
nephew, Irwin Uowerman, joined the
Members of the Ladies' Aid society
and Guild enjoyed last Wednesday af
ternoon at the pleasant home of Mrs.
tlenry Rodamer, who is the president
of the Ladiea' Aid society. Decora
tions, entertainment and refreshments
were all that could be desired and those
present felt that this had been an af
ternoon to bo remembered.
Mrs. Geo. Sheppard delightfully en
tertained a number'of young Indies at
her cozy home last Monday in honor of
her friend. Miss Null Silver, of Denver,
Colo. Those who have had the pleas
ure of making the acquaintance of Miss
Silver will not soon forget her charm
of manner and sweet voice as they
heard it in song.
Miss Agnes Tobias and Miss Ctirol
Deitwig, from Peoria, III., werijK'iiests
of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sonneman last
week Wednesday and Thursday, the
young ladies are kindergarten teachers
and will make quite an extensive trip
before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Collard entertained
friends from the east last week. Dur
ing their visit they nil took an outing
to Lost Lake, being ubBent sevcra
Mrs. Molliu Wells met with a serious
accident last week. While spraying
her chicken house with a mixture of
spraying material it exploded, burning
her eyes so badly that it was feared at
hist she would be blind. Late reports
come that one eye will be saved and
possibly both.
Several from the vicinity went to
Mitchell Point last Sunday.
Mildred and Nolan Stevenson enter
tained a party of their friends last Sat
urday evening.
The young girls' club joined in a pic
nic at the home of Miss Eula McCully
last Thursday and report an enjoy hie
The Ladies' Aid will meet for social
time and business at the church Friday
afternoon of this week.
There will be regular services by the
pastor next Sunday, bunday school as
usual. There will also be baptism and
cradle roll promotion into the primary
class. Miss Champine, sister of Mrs.
A. G. Lewis, will sing.
The Kpworth League meeting last
Jsnnday evening was led by Mrs. E.
O'Prien. Next Sunday evening Mrs.
McDonald will be leader.
Lust week Wednesday evening Rev.
Perry, the district superintendent, was
present and gave a good address. The
conference year which is closing-matters
of importance relating to the
church were brought forward and
found to be very encouraging. In the
past two years the church membership
has doubled and the indications are
there will be a continued increase un
der.similar conditions, which will have
a tendency to stimulate all other church
activities. We trust and, believe the
financial part will also receive prompt
The Benedict! class will hold an ice
cream social at the church next Friday
evening. Will sell cake and taffy.
Mrs. Stewart, who is staying at the
home of M. S. Miller, went to Wyeth
Saturday, returning Sunday, bringing
ber daughter with her.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Sletton and fam
ily, H. H. Jantzsen and family and C.
E. Miller and family at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Whitikerand daughters
were callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Somerville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stout kindly re
membered Mr. and Mrs. Somerville
Thursday, bringing some fruit from
their ranch.
Miss Iva Anderson returned from
Portland, bringing a young lady friend
for her vacation. Miss Iva is taking her
around in their car, showing her the
beauty spots of Hood River and valley.
Mr. and Mra. Will Farrell and Miss
Ethel, in company with Mr. and Mrs.
Forry and family, of Rarrctt, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Stewart and family, in Odell. A
family gathering, it being the twenty
ninth wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Korry.
Will and Gayiord Metcalf, friend
from Portland and Walter Regnell re
turned Sunday from a week's camping
trjp to Lost Lake an enjoyable trip,
but hard work getting there and back
as the road is not aa good as it might
Ed Phelps and family spent Sunday
picnicing in the mountains.
M. S. Miller and son, Robert, Mrs.
H. T. Regnell and sister. Miss Tucker,
were welcome callers at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Somerville Sunday.
Lloyd Regnell spent Sunday with the
home folks, coming from Mosier in the
morning and returning in the evening.
John Anderson and daughter, Miss
Iva,rand friend from Portland, Miss
Ruth Nicholson, and Miss Ethel Farrell
will picnic at the Punch Howl Tuesday.
W. II. Davis left Wednesday for Car
son, Wash., to attend to business inter
ests. Mrs. Anna Sawyer is the champion
turkey raiser of this district, so far as
week now. She has a Hock of over 80
young turks. They are all doing nicely.
Next! t
Mowers.our mail carrier, has twins
matched ponies.
Misses Pearl and Ruth Eby, Maree
Soule and Emma Noble spent a pleaB
ant day Tuesday visiting at the home
of Miss lietty Copper on the State
There will be an ice cream social held
at the Frankton school house tomorrow,
Friday evening, by the Parent-Teacher
Association. Everybody invited.
Chris Malaer, wife and family from
near Portland, visited (he week end
with his brother, Dan Malaer, and fam
ily. They returned to their home Sun
The Frankton girls enjoyed them
selves last Thursday by playing several
sets of tennis while guests of Mrs. J.
1. Moreland.
Miss Iva Anderson and a girl friend
from Portland are visiting Miss Ander
son's father at hia ranch.
Miss Maree Soule visited the week
end at Clifton with Miss Emma Noble,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick, son-in-law and
daughter of J. W. Morse and wife, left
last Monday morning for their home in
Anaconda, Mont. They were well
pleased with Hood River.
Ben Eadleman and wife were Sunday
visitors with J. K. Phillips and lamily.
M. R. Noble and "Billy" made a
business trip down to Wyeth Saturday
over the new highway, returning Sun
day atternoon.
Walter Ilinrich and wife left today
tor their home in Jellerson county.
Miss Ruellell and her 10-year-old
nephew and Chubb, their beautiful dog
and bodyguard, all of Portland, hiked
through Frankton Sunday on their way
to Ihe Dalles to visit friends.
Judge C. U. Gantenbein and daugh
ter, Ellen, went to Portland Sunday
irom iner vacation camp here, return
ing Tuesday.
Miss Pearl Scobee, who has taught
the primary department in tho Frank
ton school for the last three years Hnd
who had been engaged by the schoo
board to teach the coming term, has
tendered her resignation and the same
has been accepted by the board. The
directors may rind someone who will
till the position as well as Miss Scobee,
but none bettor.
Miss Helen Morgan returned to Port
land rrnlay. Her father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shelley Morgan, left
Sunday, having shortened their summer
It is amazing the amount of travel
that is passing over the Columbia river
highway, and it not near completed
What may we expect whi n it is hard
surfaced from I'ortland to Hood River?
Martied At Joseph, Wallowa coun
ty. Ore., July 14, 191!. Walter Hinrich
and Miss Gertrude Normore. Walter
as he was familiarly known by his
many friends and relatives here, was
one of Hood River s oldest young men
having been born here. His father and
mother were one of the first families
to settle in this valley. Tho newly weds
spent their honeymoon down where the
breakers roar, at Newport. On their
return to Mr. Hinrich's home in the
new county of Jefferson, they stopped
off here to visit with his mother and
brother and other relatives and friends.
Walter and his charming bride, an
eastern Oregon girl, have our good
wishes and we sincerely hope their
wedded life which has just begun, may
tie one ot continued pleasure and hiuun
ness through the coming years a I lo ted
to them.
Mrs. II. C. Ritz has her mother, Mrs
Failing, of Portland, with her fori
11. M. Francis is at home having i
vacation from his ilntn-fl nn tho fmWu
jury, owing to the illness of one of the
cniei witnesses on a case mat he w
Miss Helen Cox hiked to Portland
last week with a party of friends from
Hood River. They returned by boat.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes started
Friday morning to drive to Cascade
Locks, where thev snent Stimlnv Thou
camped along the way and enjoyed the
oeauiivs ot the Columbia highway, i
turning the first of the week.
The ice cream social at the school
house last rriday evening brought out
a large company and a very pleasant
evening was enjoyed. The receipts of
the evening was a little more than $34,
and was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Ellis as a token of the sympathy and
friendshio felt for them in thuir lna
from the burning of their house and
Paul Miller, of Morn, was a visitor
at his uncle's, J. C. Miller's, over Sunday.
Misa Coihow visited her sister. Mra.
Chas. Fuller, last week. Miss Coihow
is teacher in the California state
school for the blind.
Mrs. Harry Furrow and Mrs. Georee
Sheppard, of Odell, spent few days
last week in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Niehans are entertain
ing friends from Portland. Miss Mar
garet Niehans is also home for a two
weeks vacation. The young Deoole
spent the week end camping at Cloud
Cap Inn.
Mrs. Henry Chevron has been suffer
ing with rheumatism. x
A school meeting is advertised for
July 31.
George Howard Sheppard spent last
week with his grandmother, Mrs. Job
Shepoard. .
Mra. Davenport, of Dee, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Chevron last week.
Mrs. Davenport is a sister of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hounsel entertained
the Niehans and their guests at supper
last Thursday.
Chas. Sheppard and George and Will
Sheppard, of Odell, spent the week end
fihsing at Lost Lake.
Bill Furrow visited his grandmother,
Mra. W. H. Furrow, of the West Side,
last week.
Mrs. Chapman and daughter, of Es
tacada, are visiting Mr. Chapman's
sister, Mrs. Chevron.
Mrs. Wilson, of visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Warner.
S. P. Davenport has started the work
on the new play shed for the Central
Vale school.
Mrs. Law, of Sheridan, la., has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Mc
Caulley. Mrs. Law went to Portland
Saturday, accompanied by Mrs.MtCaul
ley, for a visit with relatives and
The clubjmet with Mis. Fuller last
week. The next meeting will be held
at Mrs. Sheppard's August 5.
Mr. Hardacre has been quite ill the
past week.
Frank Massee's mother is here from
Wisconsin visiting him.
Lecil Allen will spend a few days of vacation in the Upper Valley.
A. E. Cobb and family, of Dee, have
moved to Seattle, Wash., where Mr.
Cobb baa a position.
Allen Macrum was in Hood River
last week on business.
Mrs. Taylor, of the Dee hotel, is en
joying a few weeks at the Panama ex
position. She will visit relatives and
friends while in California.
R. Fulton Reisling, of Portland,
came up last Wednesday to spend a
short vacation with Julian P. Scott on
his ranch.
J. B. Hughes, of Burlington, la.,
arrived last Friday morning for a visit
with G. M. Wilson and family. Mrs.
Hughes and daughter. Miss Frances,
have been visiting at the Wilson home
for the past three weeks. Mr. and
Mrs. Hughes and daughter left Mon
day for Portland, accompanied by Mrs.
Wilson and Miss F. 0. Wilson, who
will visit relatives in Lents, Ore. Mr.
and Mrs. Hughes will spend several
weeks at the Panama exposition and
also in San Diego.
Mrs. E. V. Emilio, and the Misses
M. Emilio, A. F. and R. D. Perkins,
of Salem, Mass., are here visiting with
Mrs. Emilio'a son, S. G. Emilio, of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Battey, of Pine
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wilson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes
spent an enjoyable day's outing at the
Lava Beds above Parkdale last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ries and children,
who have lived near the Devil's Punch
Bowl for the past year, have moved to
Silverton, Ore.
Mrs. Jas. A. Roberts and daughter,
of Portland, are here visiting relatives
near Dee.
Now that the auto road is opened the
people of Cascade Locks are nearer the
outside world than they have ever been
before. Many cars puss through here
daily and already Cascade Locks is
proving very popular lor picnic parties
from Hood River and Portland.
Mrs. W. V. Hutchinson and daugh
ters, Cornelia and Myra-Dell, from
White Salmon, are visiting Mrs. A. O.
Adams. Mr. Hutchinson spent a few
days here during the week with his
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. rennock are en
tertaining the former's parents and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. John l'ennock and
Miss Edith l'ennock, of Bloomington,
Wis. ; also Miss Etheljane McDonald,
of Hood River.
Mis. Margaret Noonan and daughter,
Bcrnice, are guests of Mrs. N.C. Olson
for the summer.
The Camp Fire Girls met with Miss
Marie Day on Tuesday and today they
are enjoying a Ipicnic at Bonneville.
Miss Rebecca Thompson was recently
appointed guardian to succeed Miss Mc
Donald, the former guardian.
Miss Elizabeth Torrey has returned
to her home in Portland, after visiting
Misses Jessie and Chloe Thompson.
Ralph Bennett, of Hood River, spent
the week end at the Tompkins home.
Allie Adams has made the trip to
Hood River in his car. luesday he
was accompanied to Portland by Mr.
and Mrs. W. V. Hutchinson and H. S.
Adams, of White Salmon, and Miss
Olive Hon, of Cascade Locks.
Mrs. Val Tomkins is spending her
vacation at the seashore.
J. W. Buttz and wife are enjoying
the exposition in San Francisco.
The Ladies' Aid enjoyed a picnic last
Thursday in the grove in government
yard. Today Mrs. Kelly will entertain
the monthly business meeting of the
Aid. All Indies in the community are
W. II. Lane, agent at the depot, and
his family are enjoying their vacation.
Mr. Bluodgood is taking Mr. Lane's
place at the depot.
II. Clay Levy was a businesa visitor
in Portland Monday.
Mrs. C. A. Taylor will leave soon for
California ai d Arizona in hopes of ben
efiting her health.
Mrs. Clark W. Thompson wasVa
charming hostess Monday afternoon
for Mesdames John Pennock, of Bloom
ington, Wis., and K. L. Pennock; Miss
es E. McDonald, of Hood River. Edith
Pennock and Rebecca Thompson.
Mrs. Blucher. of Portland, is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
The postoffice is now located in new
quarters. Postmaster Adams is quite
pleased with his new office.
The Sunday school is enjoying a va
cation while the church is being re
paired. The school bouse is undergoing a
general cleaning and remodeling for
the fall term. The teachers for the
ensuing year are: Win Alwin, princi
pal and seventh and eighth grades;
Miss Katberine Mayes, of Riddle, fifth
and sixth; Misa Best Hendricks, third
and fourth. Misa Bertha Hendricks has
been elected to fill the vacancy in the
primary room caused by the resigna
tion of Misa Etheljane McDonald, of
Hood River.
Misa Eva Roche, of Portland, is visit
ing with Mils Bess Hendricks.
Mrs. F. W. Waite was recently elect
ed a member of the school board. Mr.
Kelly was elected to take Mr. Pen
nock's place. Mr. Pennock designed
The Happy dancing club enjoyed an
other dance Saturday evening.
A large party of Cascade Locks peo
ple enjoyed the grocers' picnic at Bon
neville Wednesday. All report a very
enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Look entertained
Mr. Look's sister from Portland last
week. She returned to her home Sun
day. A. C. Staten and family motored to
Cloud Cap Inn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ward and Mr. and
Mrs. Bayard Simonton spent Sunday
up the valley near the toll gate. They
took their breakfast and picnicked in
the mountains. The weather was a
little cool, but all enjoyed the outing.
Ml. and Mrs. L. E. Taft went tn
Trout Lake, Wash., Sunday and put in
me oay wun Mr. ana Mrs. van union,
of The Dalles, who are camping there.
Nearly all the members nf the Wo
man's Relief Corps living on the
neignis aiienaea me annual picnic at
the valley home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O.
Charles Taft. son of L. E. Taft.
spent a couple of days at the home of
Mrs. Taft'a sister and brother-in-law
at Odell.
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks took Mr. and
Mrs. Ostrander for a ride in their auto
Sunday. Mrs. Ostrander has been an
almost helpless invalid for the past
four years, able to walk scarcely any
in all that time. Her husband haa been
a faithful attendant. He has taken
her out in a wheel chair on pleasant
days, when she was able, thus giving
her an opportunity to enjoy the fresh
air. But when the auto came and took
thern both, he too, had a treat.
Miss Anna Heath, a former teacher
in the Hood River schools, is visiting
Dr. and Mrs. J. Williams and calling
on friends in town. Miss Heath will
teach in Stevenson this coming year.
An ice cream social was held on the
lawn of Mr. and Mr . B. B. Smith by
the ladies of the Baptist church last
Thursday evening.
Friday evening the Christian church
people gave an ice cream social at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Copple on
Montello avenue.
H. II. O'Reilly, manager of The
Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation
Co., was in Mosier Tuesday attending
to business matters. There ;will be a
telephone installed at the new landing
as soon as the wire can be strung.
Mrs. Ed Howe was a business visitor
in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carroll left Mon
day for Seattle, Wash., where Mr. Car
roll was sent as a delegate to represent
the Mosier Fruit Growers Association
at the meeting of the Northwest Fruit
Growers Exchange. He returned home
on Monday and will make a report to
the directors and manager Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Stewart, who has been visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Myra Wel
berg, left the last of the weekfor her
home in St. Johns, Ore.
Mrs. J. Burlingame and two children,
of Fairview, came the first of the week
for a visit at the home of her brother,
W. M. Cook.
W. E. Huskey has sold the lively
business to J. P. Tyron, of The Dalles.
The deal was completed last week. Mr.
Huskey will still remain agent for the
Tahoma and will be at the landing to
take care of their customers.
Mrs. J. E. Higley and son, 'Joseph,
went to Hood River Wednesday, where
a specialist was consulted concerning
the swollen condition of her boy a nose.
Joseph fell from a horse about two
weeks ago and the membranes had
swollen to such an extent that it was
necessary to have his nose lanced be
fore be could breathe. At last reports
he was doing nicely.
Mrs. G. F. Godbersen returned home
Wednesday evening after having spent
several days visiting friends in Port
land. Clinton Wood, of Hood River, spent
Wednesday and Thursday visiting at
the home 'of his sister, Mrs. S. D.
Mrs. S. D. Fisher was a business
visitor 'in The Dalles and Hood River
C. R. Richie returned to Portland
Thursday after a visit of several days
at the Lehowa iruit farm.
Reports from The Dalles hospital say
that Albert Madenwald is improving
Mrs. H. M. West' and' son. Billy
spent last Sunday visiting friends in
Mosier. Mr. West came up from Pert
land and met her here. He returned in
the afternoon to Portland, accompanied
by Billy.
I from the Kulerprlse)
"Maud Allan Dimmed by Travel
The above headlines appeared in the
Chicago Daily News of July 8, after
ttm Kim 'When tho Mnnnlniri "oll
produced by Robert C. Bruce, of this
city, was shown at the Ziegfeid theatre
at the same time as films picturing
Maud Allan. The western picture muBt
have made a great hit, according to the
W. J. Higgins, of Chicago, who sent
the clipping and who is a land owner
on Burdoin Mountain, writes, "Thanks
to 'Bob' Bruce and this wonderful pic
ture. Its doing more to advertise the
White Salmon country than any other
method ever conceived."
The HoodJView road "opening" last
Thursday was a big event. It was one
of the best celebrations ever held here.
The parade, consisting of 23 automo
biles, scores of buggies and some rid
ing horses, led by the White Salmon
band, numered over 250 people who
took advantage of the first trip over
the new highway. Upoa the return of
the parade the Commercial club was
host at a dance in the Woodman hall
which was crowded by a large number
of dancers.
Jennison Dances, Fined
Brought before Judge Howe Monday
morning on a charge of having ragged
at the Dreamland pavilion Saturday
night. Merlin. Jennison plead guilty and
paid a fine of Jo and costs. Judge Howe
and the officers of the city declare that
no untoward dancing will be tolerated.
Cat Stove Convrnitnce with Krrosrnt
Hot in Your Kitchen?
No need of it if you cook with a
good oil stove. The heat is concen
trated on the cooking not radiated
throughout the room.
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
for Btit Rt$ultt Utt Ptarl OH
Abundant heat always ready at the touch of a
match like gas. Can be turned out the minute you
finish cooking. Cooks anything your wood or coal
range does and there's no heavy hods to lug no
dirt or ashes. No odor. Does not taint the food.
Ask your dealer. See Exhibit, Palace of Manufac
tures, Panama-Pacific Exposition.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company
Operating Between
The State of Washington will leave Portland every night
at eleven o'clock, arriving the next morning at Hood River
about eight o'clock. Leaves The Dalles daily at noon except
Monday and arrives at Hood River about 1:15.
P. E. BACON, Agent
PHONE 2541
Office on State Street opp. National Warehouse
Hay, Grain, Mill Feed,
Orchard Supplies
7th and Railroad Sts.,Phonel401
Tub A firs
i see j "
i v
- J "X.
- few
TOBACCO satisfied-a clean, small
A chew. It's the Real Tobacco Chew.
So satisfying and comforting that men
are glad to hear ajout it. And then
when they've found it their next impulse
is to see that their friends get the good
news, too.
A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasonsd
and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of the
grinding and spitting.
wo iur is tone
nr i i .i
a.. ..... . rr . "
u, pUre, ncn looacco dots not need to be covered uo. An
excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much.
One small chew takes the place of two bif?
chews of the old kind.
((Notice bow the salt brings
oat toe rich tobacco taste.) '
VEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Sqnare, New York Gfr
Kound trip tare to The Dalle 7to.
lavt-R li. K. daily except Monday
and Monday at 1:45 for Lyleand
The I 'alien, reluming leave H. K.
at 4:.HI p. ill arriving- at Portland at
D:4, p. in. HHudlea automobile,
vehicles and live stock.
Carries freight and p.ssenireri.
lyeuves H. K. lor Portland and way
points at 10:30 a. m. oa Monday,
Wednesday and Friday arriving at
T'orlUnd about ti:30 p. 111. Leave
Portland for The Dallea and way
point at I-:.' i a.m on TuMday .Thurs
day and Monday arriving at 11.
It. about 5:00 p. m.
Tabasco chew
sumo. right-CUT is short shrid
,ess man one-quarter the old n'ze chew. It
will be more satisfying than mouthful of ordinary
tobacco. Just take nibble of it until you find the
strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and
evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies,
how much less you have to spit, how few chews you
j? itL t2,accoJLati?fied- T""' "hy i Tk,
""'" ny ic costs less in the end.
i i
I !