The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 22, 1915, Image 6

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This Is the Beginning
Of the eleventh season for us with the famous
"White Clover Ice Cream"
and our Pure Fruit Flavors. The ice cream is even better,' the'sodas
arc even better.- We are enlarging to make our accomodations even
better, and are hoping to make our service even better.
Come and enjoy these things with us. Listen'to the records as
played on "the new Edison Phonograph" and go away happy.
AH your wants in the drug line supplied.
Smith Block Reliable Druggists
SAFTY FIRST is the Watchword to
day. That means a Deereing mower
and rake to harvest your hay crop.
A Louden Track and Carrier to unload it
and a set of Louden Stanchions in your
barn mean saf ty and comfort for your cows,
and a bigger milk check each month. These
tools are guaranteed best in their class
and for sale by D. McDonald.
d. Mcdonald
Stanley-Smith Lumber
Telephone 2171 or 5611
Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company
Hounil trip fare lu The 1hII b 7.V.
I t'iivi-H II. H. ilKlly except Nimilar
mitt Muniliiy lit :V fur l.yleaml
The liHllfH, returning lenveii H. K.
Ht 4:-4 p. nt. turtvttiK Hi Porllaml al
w:iri p in. Handle aittoiuohlieN,
vehicles aiul Hve HtiM-k.
arrlm freight "! isenner!i.
I eaves H. It. fur IWIIamt and way
tmiu at lt:;4 a. m. im Monday,
Vediu'MlHy mid Krtrtay arriving al
rnriUiul Htxiut t:; p. in, 1-eavei
I'lirllaiiil lor 1 lie fallen ami way
IMiHit at in on I inilay.Tluifs
.lay anil NunUay arriving al II.
it. about fov p. in'.
Our Meat Cutter Is An
Call in and see for he is
the boss.
E. M. Holman
The Sanitary MarKet
Phone 2134
In the Circuit Court ofilie State of Oregon, for
me i oiimy oi noou mver.
Clara Urlbhte, I'Ullillir
.Mary Nina Havaite and M. Ynaul, Iefendant.
To Mary Mm of tlieulKive Darned
In the name nf the Stale ol Oregon, you are
hereby required t biipear and aiiHwerthe
complaint tiled agalnal you In the alaive en.
linen mill on or tielore the einlrat on or lx
weeks from the ISlti day or July, being
the dateor I he Aral publication of Una auiu
rnonH, and If you fall to ao apaar and anawer
am iximpiaini, lor want inereoi. the planum
will lakH Judgment and deeree agalnat
you for the "inn of liani.OU to.
aether with IntereHt thereon from
September &t. l'.'l:i, at Hie rale of 8 per cent ier
auuuiii, auu lor llm nirilier an in of sno.Ki at
toruey tee, and for the coala and dlatmrae
meiita ot thla null, and will take decree
agaliiHt all the atxive nanied derenditiita fore
cloning plaliillll'H mortgage, described In aald
complaint anil directing the nale or the mort
gaged premtaea diwrllied aa the HKl4 of 8ee
llou :iA In Townhlilp g N H K. W. M , con
taining IM acrea more or leva, the aald laud It
further uewerlhed and demgnalcd on the
United Htalca plain and In the United Htalea
patent aa l lie N'ol the Hf.', and Iota n u in
Iwred I and I of Heclinn Xt. TuwiihIiIk I N.. K
K. W. M., Hood Klver County (formerly
Waaco County,) suite, of Oregon. In the inaa
ner provided hy law.and the application of the
proceed of aald aale to the payment of the
coain ann nianiiraeuieniaoi una ami, to pay-
iiieiii. oi me niiiiin louuii one me piainun, ana
barring and foreclosing each and all aald de-
reiidantH and all peranua c alrtiini? under
liicin trom all right, tine, niiertwt, ana claim
In and to aald mortgaged premlaea.
Thla auiiiinona In nerved uiain von liv iinh
Ileal Ion thereof for Hli coiwecutlve weeka In
the Hood Klver tilacler. PurHiiunt to an order
oi i lie awive entitien court oaten the lat imy
oi j uiy, mn. nunr.K i n. nr. an u ,
Attorney lor rianitin,
Klrat piibllciitlon .luly If., I'HS
IjiHt pub I leal ion Auguat 'tl, IH1A.
Notice of aale of real proierty for delinquent
Notice la hereby given, that on July .1, l'Jl.'i,
two Ci aeiiarate warranla were dnlv and reij
ii. ally iHHiied by the City Recorder orilie;;ily
of IIihmI Klver, (Iregim, to me directed and
delivered, commanding me to forthwith ad
verllae Hie nrniwrlle hereinafter deiiorllied
agalnNt which aHHensnieiita tor the coet of a
aewer ayKtem within lilvlalon No. Hof Uener
al Hewer DlHirict No.l.of the aald ('My or Hood
Klver, lregon, have been heretofore made
and levied, a particular dencrlptlon of which
aald proertlea, together with the namea of
the peraona ui whom aaeiiaed,and the unpaid
naiancea oi aald aNNeaHiuenia, la as tollowa.
line (I) warrant dem-rlblng Iota Two and
Tweoty.Tliree it and XI) of HUick Thlrtv-Heven
(:t")ol Hood Klver I'roper, an addition to the
City of lliaid Klver, Oregon, axKeHNed U May
u. noiigea. Aiiioiiui. utie, a,')i 44; anu
line II) warrant deHcrlliliia lot Three I'D. and
the North Une ijiiarter (!4)nl lot Twenty-Two
(if), niiH'a i ninyieven (:i,), maid Klver
i'roiair, ll(Mid Klver, Oregon, aNMcaaed to A
M, Cunning and W. L aud May II, Hodgca
Amount due. S;tn M
And alao on anld July Hit, llllfi, a warrant
waa duly and regularly tNNiied hy the City
Recorder of the City of lliaid Klver. Oregon,
to me directed and dellveied, commanding
me to fortliwlth advertUe the property here.
lualler mentioned and deacrlbed, agaiiiNt
wiiicu an aNKeHNiiieni ior ine cowl or the eon
NtrHctlon of a aewer nyMtetn within Sewer
Olalrlct No. I, DIvlMloii No. 2, or mild City ol
lliaid Klver. Oregon, hna herelolore been
made and levied, a particular deHcrlptlou ol
which aald property, together with the name
of the pernon to whom It waa PNHexNi-d, aud
the unpaid balance of Hie axHeanmeht, la ax
loiiowa, io.wh:
Lola Kour and Klve (4 and IS.) Hlock Ten (1(1)
lillewlld, an adillllou to the City of Hood
lover, Oregon, aMexHeu to u. W. Howard
Amount due, 177. i;
Thai alao on July H, lll two ('1 oilier acpa-
riile warranta were duly and regularly Issued
hy the City Recorder ol the Cllv of Hood
Klver, Oregon, to ine directed and delivered,
commanding me to forthwith advertiae the
proM'i'!y hereinafter mciiMoued and de
acrihed, ageliiNt whlcli akxeNNiuentN for the
coat of the Improvement of Trospect Avenue
In aald City of lliaid Klver have heretofore
been made and levied, a purlli-ular deKcrln.
tlon of which aald proarieK, together Willi
the iiaiiieani the peraoiiN to whom axHeaacd
mid the amount of aald aHNeNxmenla la aa fo.
Iowa, to M il:
one il) warrant doner I Mint lot Two (-')
BliM'k Thlrty-Heveii (X) of Hood Klver 1'roix r.
an uddlllon to the i lly or Hood Klver, Ore
gon, aaaeaaed to May H Hodgea. Aiiiount due,
line (1) warrant deiicrlhliig lot Three :!),
Illia k Thiny-Meveu C7i of HikhI Klver I'roper.
an addllton to the City of Hood Klver, Oregon,
aaHcHHed to W. I,. HoilgcN. Aiiiount due, 574.1."!.
AiinalHoon .liny :i, I'llft. another warrant
waa duly and regularly IxMied hy the City Re
corder of the City of Hood Klver, Oregon, to
me directed and delivered, eomiiiaiidinu me
to forthwith advertise the pro(arly herein
after mentioned and described, against which
an assessment (or the cost of the Improve
ment oi i weiuui-iret i iii i ne sain i lly oi itood
Klver. Oregon, has heretofore been made and
levied, which warrant described the property
aa l,otH one and Two (1 and .'). HIiK'k Oneil'.
mowers' Klrst Addition to the I lly of HimmI
Klver, Oregon, assessed to sirs. I. K, lirydle
Amount due, 8173 lit.
That each of an id warranta did further coin-
niaiid me to sell said pnuierlles, or ho much
thereof us can be sold at-parately to advan
tage, Miinciciii to pay the Hind delinquent as
scHsmentH against each of aald pro)erl lea. to
gelncr with Interest, cost and disbursements
In the niannei provided by law, and return
the pria'eeds ol suel: sale to lite City Treasurer
ol uiev nvoi mam iviver, Oregon.
Now, therefore. In pursuance of the said
warrants, and tor the pur)sise of sailst'yiuif
the said deltuijiient assessments, 1 will, on
rniui iiaj , im- .-reiuii imiii iihv hi Allglisi
IIU.'i, at I lie hour of Ten -1(11 o'clock Hi the tore
noon of that day, at the front diair of the
city nan, in ine t ny ot Hood Klvei,
Conn ly of Hood River, Slate of Oregon,
pna-eeit to aelt al public auetlou to
the highest bldder.fnr rash in hand, the said
several lota, tracla or parcels ol land above
nient ioued, or so much ol each ot the same as
can tie sold separately to advsut-ige. surlicient
to pay the said several delinquent assess
ments, together W illi the Interest, costs and
dtNhtirseiticnis provided hy law ; ami will con
tinue said sale from day to day thereafter, un
til fld proiarty Is sold, or so iuuch thereof as
may he necessary to satisfy the said asscas.
Haled at Hood River, Oregon, this 3rd dav
of J illy, A. 11. lldi.
Jva-aA .!. K. CARSON.
Marshal of the City ot Hood River, Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby glveu that the undersigned
lias been apiinted by the County Court of
Hood River County, Oregon, adminlstrauirot
the estate or lUrtmra Cacnave, deceased.
and baa duly qualified aa such.
All persons having claims against said estate
must present the same with proper vouchers
duly verified aceordiug to law. at mv oitiee
In the First National Hank llmldliig. Hood
River, Oreaon, within six mouths rroni the
dale oHhla notice.
Haled and ttrst published on the 1st dnv of
July, A. li. liil.'i.
A.J. l'K.KBY.
Jyl-Jv'- Administrator
ltatintr Stamps, Self Inking Staiitps.
Vockot Stmnpa, Pen ami lVticil Statiips,
With a little care Oreeoniana going
to the exposition will rind it possible to
make a rtaj there at no excessive
cost. Down in the city good rooms at
average hotel can be had at $1 to $2.50
per nighLand roorr.s in boardins houses
and home at V to flO per week.
Restaurant prices are not beyond the
usual and at cafeteria good food can
oe naa at very reasonable prices. At
the latter places, for everything except
meat, five and 10 cent is the price for
the average dish.
Ibere is an excess of rooms and eat
ing places, the crowds not vet bavinu
overflowed the city.
ror those who feel the need of apart
ments, one and two rooms with kitch
enette and private bath range from
la.Mj to i.0 at thoroughly respectable
and up to date apartment houses witb-
n a abort street car ride of the exDosi-
tion or city. On the exposition grounds
prices are a little more strenuous in
spots, but visitors meet this situation
pretty largely by bringing their lunches
with them, and the very best people do
not scorn to do this.
The i. W. C. A. cafeteria occupies a
building all its own and is the tionular
eating place within the gates. Here
one can pick out a reasonably good
meal for 50 cents or elss, and for light
lunches is ideal. However, at the M.
J. U. Co (Tee i'arlnr. ham, eegs. bread.
butter and coffee are obtainable at 40
cents. Wattles and coffee cost 25 cents.
The Zone ia tilled with eating nlaces.
cabarets and restaurants offering food
at all prices. "Hot dog" sandwiches
and coffee joints are everywhere, and
the combination can be had for 20
cents. In the Food Products building
it is poasiuie to get light lunches and
tea for about 25 cents, and tea houses
serving tea and rice cakes at 15 cents
are everywhere.
J here is but one hotel on the grounds,
"Inside Inn." Rooms here without
bath range from ft per night upward.
according to location; with bath, $5
and upward. Breakfast is served at 75
cents, straight, other meals a la carte.
Patrons here must pay the 50 cents
daily admission to the grounds, hut,
unlike all others who attend the fair,
these have a permit to leave and enter
as they choose.
As a matter of general information,
many Uregonians will be glad to know
that hotel, room or apartment accom
modations can be secured at the Ferry
building, and that street cars leading
to all parts of the city and direct to
the exposition .circle in front of the
Ferry building. From the ex
position the "D" car is the most dodu-
lar. It is direct and lands one at the
main or Scott street entrance. At the
Oregon building every possible infor
niHlion about the grounds is available
at the central booth, and special effort
is made to render Oregonians every
needed service, as well as to make the
visit of everyone to the building as
pleasant aa possible. Kegister at the
Oregon building's central booth on
your first visit and ask such questions
as you may desire, also secure booklet
detailing the facts about Oregon ex
hibitg in this building and in the main
When Hot Weather Oppresses
When you suffer from a fueling of oi
prexsion, when a naturally keen ami
alert brain seems chill and stupid, when
bodily strength seems lucking and you
are inert and languid do not blame it
altogether on hot weather. Die hot sun
will not effect you half so much if the
bowels are regular and the liver active
and healthy. Foley Cathartic Tablets
are the ideal remedy fur indigestion and
constipation. They give stout persons
prompt relief from that uncomfortable
bloated and congested feeling. For sale
uy tlias. uiurke.
Writer Cites Needs
Hood River. Ore.. Julv 21. 1915.
To the Editor: It is encouraging to
see the matter of the "Swimming
noie tor Hood River taking such
practical shape, and the committee
that has handled the matter deserves
great credit for carrying it to so suc
cessful an outcome.
The location in the city park is the
only one where a swimmini; nlace
could be properly regulated, and unless
it is under proper restriction a swim
ming hole will soon become a public
nuisance. Located in the city park
ma city could, and properly should, as
sist financially in installing the swim
ming hole and rfee to the proper regu
lation of the same when in use.
This can be made the heginninc of a
public playgrounds in the city park, and
if a little is added each year the ex
pense will not be appreciable, while in
a short time the city will have an up
to qaie pumic play grounds worth
many times thee ost to the city.
Now that Hood Kiver has the Colum
bia river highway, with good schools.
a good public library, with its match
less scenery and healthful climate, the
addition of a public play grounds will
add to the city's other attractions, and
it is believed will assist in locating the
additional industries which are neces
sary for the future development of the
city, the low cost of power and low
transportation charges, by rail and
water, with other local advantages
make Hood River an ideal location for
industrial plants. Taxpayer.
Cured of Indigestion
Mrs. Sudies P. Claw son, Indiana, Pa.,
was bothered with indigestion. "Mv
stomach pained ine night and day," she
writes, "l would feel bloated and have
headaches and belching after eating. 1
also suffered from constipation. My
daughter hud used Chamberlain's Tab
lets and i hey did her so much good that
she gave me a few doses of them and in
sisted upon my trying them. Thev
helped me as nothing else has done.''
For sale hv all dealers.
O.-W. Co. to Give Demonstration
Mrs. M. E. King, who has had an ex
tensive experience in the preserving of
iruits and vegetables tor the home use,
will give a demonstration in the Com
mercial club hall tomorrow at 2.;!0 p.
m. Mrs. King has been engaged by
the O.-W. R. & N. Co.. to give these
demonstrations over its entire line and
has already held Much demonstrations
in the Yakima valley. Walla Walla dis
trict and the Spokane territory where
she has met with flattering success.
Airs. King is not a graduate of do
mestic science, but has a happy wav of
telling the housewives her experience
in preserving and canning fruits and
vegetables for home use, which seems
to make a decided impression on the
ladies at all her meetings.
the O.-W. K. & N. Co. believes that
much good will be obtained through
these practical demonstrations and not
only will it increase the consumption
of all soft fruits tributary to the com
pany g lines, but will assist materially
in making better and more contented
J. P. Brumfield, manager of the Ma-son-Ehrman
Co., of Portland, who
with his family waa bera lait week
vinitir.g C. J. Calkins and family,
makes some pertinent suggestion as
to the road between Hood Kiver valley
and Mosier. tit. Brumfield and bi
family bad been on the headwaters of
the Mackenzie river. They motored
over to the Me'.olius and thence down
the Deschutes through The ballet and
on to Hood Kiver.
"The worst place I struck on the
route," says Mr. Brumfield, "was near
the top of the hill between here ar.d
Mosier. It had been raining, and the
car skidded badly. It was, indeed,
dangerous, for at the point mentioned
there is no embankment or railing to
prevent a car from sliding down a
precipice. The county court or officials
having jursidiction should make im
provements at this place.
Accompanied by Miss Cladyse Calk
ins, Mr. Brumfield and family left Sat
urday morning for their Portland
home, the journey being made over the
Columbia highway.
Best Diarrhoea Remedy.
If you have ever used Chamlrlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
you know that it is a success. Sanit.
tiuin, Whatley, Ala., writes, "1 had
meaples and got caught out in the rain,
and it settled in my stomach and bowels
1 had an awful time, and had it not been
for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possibly
have lived hut a few hours longer, but
thanks to this remedy, I am well and
strong," For aale by all dealers.
Hood River Water Fermits
During the quarter ending June 30,
1915, the State Engineer issued the
following permits in Hood River
county :
J. F. Elliott, of Wyeth. for the irri
gation of 20 acres, diverting water
from Wyeth creek in Sec. 1, T 2 N, R
8 E. W. A. Sunday, of Hood River,
for the irrigation of 10 acres, diverting
water from Shelley springs and creek,
in Sec. 25, T 2 N, R 10 E. A.
(iuignard, of Hood River, for the
development of 2,273 horsepower with
the waters of Hood river, costing ap
roximately $:!00,000. H. M. Fleming,
of Dee, for the irrigation of 20 acres,
including domestic supply, diverting
water from an unnamed stream in Sec.
18, T 1 N, R 10 E.
Headache and Nervousneess Cured
"Chamlrt'rlain's Tablets are entitled to
all the praise I can give them," writes
.Mrs. Richard Olp, Hpencerport, N. i .
"They have cured me of mv hea laches
and nervousness and resorted me to my
normal health, r-or sale by all dealers.
Buelow Grows Tobacco
If anyone happens into the tailorshop
ot Karl tnieiow, he will probably see
Mr. Uueulw nil his pipe from a tobacco
box that Bits on his ironing board. The
tobacco is home grown. It was pro
duced right on my ranch," savs Mr.
Buelow, "and 1 have never smoked
better. The leaves have grown hne
and large, and the tobacco has a fra
grance that cannot be surpassed."
Mrs. Buelow has one of the finest
gardens in the valley this year. Her
corn is a marvel.
Past Duo memory refreshing stamps
have been added to our ready made
stock. They are neat in appearance
and the wording is to the point. Ask to
see sample.
of the Klrst National Bank, or Hood River,
( ounty of Hood River, Mate of Oregon, show
lint the amount sttindint! to I lie credit of every
deHisitor July 1, l'JI5, who hiia not made a
deposit or who haa not withdrawn any part
oi ins ueiHjsii. principal or lmereat, ior a per
iod of more than seven (7) yeara Immediately
prior to said date, Willi the name, last known
place of residence or post office addiessof
such depositor, and the fact of his death, If
Woody, K. F., Hood River, Ore., 10.00.
Raper A Coleman, Hiaid River,
state of Oregon, County of Hood Klver, as:
1, K. O. Klancbar, being- first duly sworn
depose and say upon oath, that 1 am the
Cashier ol the Klrst Ma'lnnal Rank of Hood
River, t 'ounty of HHid River, Htate of Oregon;
that the foregoing statement ia a full, true,
correct and complete statement, showing the
name, last Known residence or post omce ad
dress, fttct of death, If known, and amount to
the credit of each depositor aa required by the
provisions ot iseciiona i3i-7:isi, inclusive,
Lord's Oregon Ijtws.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st
day or July, A. U. ltflft,
A. J. Dkbby,
Notary l'uollc for Oregon,
My oommlsslon expires Oct. at, 1U1B.
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tutors i Do coughs hang on, or
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the strengthening powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res
piratory tract and improves the quality of
tue oioou; tne glycerine in It soothes and
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special
ists. You can get it at any drug store.
Scott & Bowne, Blooiaficld, N. J. .
Hood River's Medical
Open to the public for treat
ment of Medical. and Surgi
cal cases.
Cottage Hospital Assn.
Oakdaie Greenhouses
The first 15 days in December
is a good time to plant Roses,
Shrubs and all hardy plants.
We have them. Have also tu
lips and daffodils. Pot plants
for winter at Franz', where
orders for cut flowers will be
Fletcher (Si Fletcher
Phone 4748 Hood River
We Don't Keep
We Sell Them
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
Phone 1012
When Your Visitors Are Here
From the East Let Us Take You for that
Spin over the Valley.
Our Motor Cars at Your Service
We are local agents for the Maxwell; would he
pleased to demonstrate its qualities. -Garage located
at the foot of Fourth and Columbia Streets. Acces
sories and garage equipment, gasoline and oils. Re
pairs made. But the most interesting message we
have for local car owners concerns the
Brown Scientific Non-Deflating
Pneumatic Tubes
Not an experiment but proven of worth by actual
test. Don't dread punctures and blowouts.
Let us show you the Brown.
Fourth and Columbia Sts. Tel. 1361
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
Estimates Furnished
We have storage space for all kinds
of goods in a concrete building
Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move
Complete Transfer Service
Transfer & Livery Co., mime to order at the (ilacier of-
It is expected that Mrs. King will
iiiv at l'ortlaiul prices.
be greeted by a good audience.
Phone 4111