The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 22, 1915, Image 2

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nob iturr Glarirr
When ubucriber desire achatige 10 adlresa
tins office should be notified promptly, and
we. K U-fore If possible. Always give old ad
ImM well uniiti. Also, Hood Kiver
suownhers should nolily thisottuw l "'ii"
wher changing ihe'.r add from one ruial
route to aii.HbcT. or Iroio clly delivery U
couuirydeilverf.or-.lcever. If ma not
K your paper promptly iwKlfy u by mall r
telephone ud the uuikr will be investigated
F.xeept II Tttn to live news matter, coin-tliuiil-:li)lii,
or rllcleota general nature,
should twin theomc by .Moi.dav u insure
their appearing In the issue wf Hi current week
Subscription. 8!..".0 IVr Vear.
As Multnomah Cuunty Commissionir
Rufus Holman said latt week, the
Hood Kiver valley and netKhhurir.K
communities are truly a storehouse of
ncei.ery, and the Columbia highway it
the key that will open them to the
world. The nation can rind no better
playground than ihe regions around the
bane of Mount Hoou, and in time, nut
far removed, we shall no doubt see
thcee selfsame regions the Mecca for
thousands of tourists from all carts of
the country.
Yes, these mountainous areas have
been lands of hidden treasure. The
avarice of men has caused them to
seek for gold in the furthermost cor
ners of the globe. Their cupidity has
taken them to the North Pole and to
the South. Their love for the wonder
ful, the unusual, the grand Bnd the
uniijue to the remote places of the five
continents. Returned travelers to far
lands have told their tales, and others
hae gone. With Americans it has be
come the fashionable custom to go
abroad, tn cross the pond and see "'the
continent." How many thousands
hurried in a panic from the great Euro
pean countries last year, fleeing before
the horrible war torch !
This war! We can scarcely realize
the stupendous horrors of it here in
Hood River after such a week of peace
ful celebration as we have just partici
pated in. Kor years to come the rav
aging effects of the passing of the War
Cod will turn away seekers of the
lovely. Only a man with a morbid
curiosity will want to visit the scenes
of so much disaster, and so the world
of men and women of wealth, the
world of fashion on the Atlantic coast
will turn its eyes to playgrounds of the
west coast. They are already coming.
Instead of the chatenuxin some foreign
land, we will hear'of the bungalow of
the west. And just here let us make
a suggestion to those eastern heiress'
papas. Cease, buying those titled hus
bands for your daughters. Take a look
at the adolescents of this western
country you are going to look at. In
deed, we think this suggestion is use
less. Those'daughters are going to like
and love these red blooded young men.
The problem of mesalliances ia going
to be solved, and those millionaire dad
dies are going to be mighty well
Now we of Hood River shoudln't get
flighty all at once because the Colum
bia highway is open. We shouldn't feel
too big. We have got something we
have all been wanting, but old Mount
Hood isn't going to turn round and
grin all at once. Hut we can't help
being seized with a more optimistic
feeling that is mighty good for us. We
are grateful to those hard working,
rich and benevolent folk of Portland,
whose assistance'to us has been vital.
Let us just keep cool, speak with effec
tive onthusiaBm and nut talk blarney,
get busy in gradually getting ready
our house for the many visitors that
are coining, and we will get what is
coming to us and we think something
is sure enough coming.
The residents of the Underwood and
Hood River valley communities are sit
ated similarly to people who might live
on the top of a couple of skyscrapers
one building on one side of a street
and one on the other. They are neigh
burs, close together, and yet very far
away from each other.
The residents of the two fruit districts
have much in common, social inter
course between the two would be much
greater but for the transportation fa
cilities. During high water periods,
when the ferry boats of the Hood
River-Underwood system, now oper
ated by Hert Kent, are able to land at
the foot of First street, the Underwood
and Hood River people get pretty well
acquainted, but at other times of the
year the long walk across the huge
sandbar north of the city is a barrier.
And all this brings us to the point of
wishing that Hood River had a public
dock for ferry boats mid river ntnm-
The Mount Hood Railway Company
in promoting the excursion to the Bum
mit of Mount Hood is ottering Hood
River people an opportunity they have
never been able to take advant
age of. It is true that hundreds of
Hood River people have never been in
the Upper Hood River valley, and com
paratively lew have been as far as
Cloud Cup Inn. The cost of the jour
ney has been prohibitory for the larjje
mass of people. Now comes the Mount
Hood , line and "Fordizes" the trip.
cutting the uhuhI price of J25 for the
ascent to $5.ri0. The occasion ottered
should be made the most of by local
The White Salmon Enterprise tries
to get worked up over a dispatch sent
recently from Hood River to the Ore
Kanian stating that local citizens were
incensed because the log of the Pacific
higiiway issued by Major Bowlhy, ex
ecutive otlicer of the road, had failed
to mention that it was possible to
travel from Hood River to The Dalies
overland in an automobile. Reprinting
the dispatch the White Salmon Enter
prise uses the following head: "Hood
River Would Keep Tourists Amy From
This City." Th absurdity of such a
petty ffort to start some t hi if g is ridic
ulous. Hood Rivet does not wsr.t to
keep anybody away from White Salm
on. We venture that every man in town
would be glad to suggest a trip to
White Salmon, just for the sake of hav
ing the visitor enjoy the passage with
Commodore Dean, if for nothing else.
However, Hood River people were
peeved because of the lack of facts in
the log whether it was an oversight
or left out deliberately.
The Glacier has just received "The
Trail Blazers," the latest annual bulle
tin of the Oregon Agricultural College.
We do not know who wrote the mes
sage enclosed in the booklet, but we
want to commend the excellency of the
work. It is a masterly announcement
from one of the state's greatest insti.
Newbcrg has the latest thing in com
mittees. A swat the fly campaign is
on, and a committee of New berg citi
zens has been appointed to visit unsav
ory places and sniff, determining
whether an enforced cleanup is in
By the way, have you awakened yet
to the fact that the most wonderful
thing in all this world is our own Co
lumbia highway? From the Oregonian.
Believing there are a great many
people in this valley who have not had
the opportunity, or felt they could not
spare .the time land money to ascend
Mount Hood, the Mount Hood Railroad
Co. is endeavoring to get party of 60
or more to ascend the mountain on
next Thursday, July 20.
They propose to charge JG.uO each for
the entire trip. A special train to
leave Hood River about 5 p. m. Wed
nesday, July 28, for Parkdale : thence
by wagon to the entrance to the Na
tional forest; then hike to Cloud Cap
Inn. There the party will camp and
early in the morning commence the
ascent. Returning in the afternoon to
Cloud Cap Inn and after dinner there,
hike to the entrance to the National
forest and there take wagons for Park-
dale and board a special train for Hood
River. The charge of J.). 50 is to in
clude train fare, wagon fare, guide ser
vice on the mountain, transportation of
bedding Parkdale to Cloud Cap Inn and
dinner at Cloud Cap Inn.
The olhcials of the Mount Hood R.
R. Co. state they will not be able to
make this trip with less than 50 per
sona. Anydesringto make this trip
should take it up with the local office
of that company, where a registration
book is kept, and where all arrange
ments for this entire trip can be made.
Dorsey B. Smith, of the Cloud Cap
Inn Co., has arranged a camping spot
near the Inn, and will lurniBh the en
tire party with competent guides, al
pine stocks, etc.
C. A. Hell, proprietor of the Mount
Hood hotel, has very kindly consented
to furnish coffee for breakfast.
All fhA chililren and arnndchililrpn
of the late L. W. Loughary, father of
Mrs. J. L. Hershner, of this city, ex
cept hia grandson, Harold Hershner,
who is in Ohio visiting relatives, were
present at the funeral services and in
terment conducted yesterday on the
nome place near monmouin. mr
Loughary, whose death occurred Tues
day morning, was an old Oregon pio
near, hnvim? crime from Iowa, his na
tive state, in lH.r2. He was 84 years
Mr. Loughary was married in lHfiS to
Kliza Simnsnn. who survives him. Thev
settled on the Monmouth farm the year
or ineir weooing. mr. L.ongnary was a
veteran of the Indian war of 1H53. On
that vt'Mr ha HHHsed thrniii'h the nrea-
ent location of Hood River, fording the
stream at that time called Dog river.
Twit anils, linn. II. S. l.nuuhnrv. state
senator of Dallas, and Frank Loughary
oi iviunmouin, anil ivirs. uersnner, sur
vive. Twelve grandchildren survive
the pioneer resident.
The Hood River second team was ad
ministered a slight walloping Sunday
afternoon by the Mountain Brook,
Klickitat county, team, the score end
ing 10 to 9 in favor of the visitors.
The game was fast and furious in
spots, the most prominent spot being
when l'Hpe knocked a home run, the
ball losing itself for a moment in the
Bky above the trees. The rising moon
was frightened by the approach of the
horsehide sphere.
With Hilly Sunday touches, L.
Touscher umpired the game. The local
lineup was: Shermerhorn, c; Heppner,
p; Kent, 1st b; Hale, 2nd b; Hall, 3rd
b; Pape, as; 1'iekens, If; Ford, cf;
Parker, kf
At the Resorts
At the Cottage Farm of Mrs. Alma
Howe, always popular with Portland
people, the guests of the past week
have been: D. A. McLean, Capt. and
Mrs. W. A. McNaught and three chil
dren, Kenneth, Harold and Robert;
Mr. and and Mrs. J. B. Venn and three
children; J. H. Ycon, Sr., Miss Mar
garet Mock, sister ot Mrs. Yeon, A. S.
Benson, Mr. and Mrs.JRufus Holman
and daughter, Eleanor, and Mr. and
Mrs. C. S.' Jackson, all of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. K. Gilmour,
of Washington, D. C. ; and Miss T.
Mettler and nephew, Francis Drinker,
of St. Johns.
The guests for the past week at
Cloud Cap Inn have been : Rev. J. F.
Fletcher and Paul Russell Fletcher, of
Detroit, Mich.; Miss Lilian Sawyer
and Miss Mabel Kirlin, of Hutchinson,
Kan.; Charles von Behren, of Evans
ville, Ind. ; Miss Mary M. Campbell, of
West Orange, N. J. ; Sidney C. Bab
son, of Parkdale; Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Marquis, and daughters, Anita and
Kathleen, Hood River; Mrs. L. A, and
Myron Hamilton, of Colfax, Wash. ; N.
A. lllidge, Susan Brock. Eva On Ids,
C. L. Ford, Mrs. A. ti. Barber and
Miss Emily L. Loveridge, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bush, Mr. and
Mrs. Ashael Bush and .NJiss Winifred
Byrd, Salem; Mrs. Eugene Fuller, Miss
Eugenia Fuller and Richard E. Fuller,
of New York city; Dr. and Mrs. W. J,
Waltzek, of Davenport, la.; Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Beck, of Indianapolis,
Ind. : and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg.
of Chicago.
"We were certainly well pleased
with the trip of last Saturday, when
Portland citizens and we Hood River
men with Chief Forester Graves made
a trip over the Columbia river high
way," ssys W. U Clark, who with
Truman Butler, Homer A. Rogers and
R. E. Scott represented Hood River
Chief Forester Graves, who was en
route to Alaska, was persuaded by the
Portland men to come to that city and
personally investigate the government
lands that are proposed to be turned
into a public park along the Columbia
river highway. Mr. Graves grew en
thusiastic over the suggestions of the
Portland men, and the 14,000 acres will
no doubt soon be dedicated to park
The main feature of the chief forest
er's visit, however, for Hood River
people, will be his willingness to aid in
the opening of the proposed highway
through the national reserve to .the
east of Mount Hood. He has stated
that he will use every influence to se
cure a survey of the road as soon as
possible. Indeed, plans are already
under way to have government engin
eers go over the route and a party ia
expected here in the near future.
Almost a half of the park along the
Columbia river highway is in Hood
Kiver county.
No one is more enthusiastic over the
proposed parks than Asa Benson, who
was here Monday with his family, who
are stopping at Mrs. Howe's Cottage
harm. "Jhe park grant by the gov
ernment and the Mount Hood road is
going to be a big thing for all of us,"
says Mr. Benson.
Herman Struck, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Struck, who now residu at Lyle but
who formerly lived on the West Side
macadam road, will deliver an illus
trated art lecture at the Heilbronner
hail next Tuesday evening, July 27.
Mr. Struck, who has been in San Fran
cisco where he has won repute as a
painter and magazine writer, will il
lustrate his lecture with examples of
his own work, showing 12 paintings
which are being prepared for an ex
hibit later inSan Francisco.
Mr. Struck haB won marked recogni
tion in the city of the Golden Gate for
his mural decorations, having recently
executed nine large pictorial panels in
the Odeon theatre and six pictures in
the San Mateo theatre. Ihe. great
proscenium arch of the Imperial the
atre, though under the contract of A.
G. Dise, the well known Italian paint
er, was dune almost entirely by Mr.
Struck. This is an allegorical canvass
over 40 feet long and of a proportion
ate height.
Mr. Struck, however, is chiefly a
painter of horses, bronchoes and other
objects of western life. His lecture
for the most part will be based on his
experience with that phase of art and
its material. There will be a general
admission charge of 50 cents. Tickets
on aale at Clarke s drugstore.
Hood River people who have followed
the progress of Mr. Struck express a
pride in his work, and it is expected
that a good audience of Hood River
people will turn out next Tuesday af
ternoon to hear his lecture.
Discussing the 400 carload order of
apples reported to have been received
hy growers of the Wenatchee district,
Wilmer Sieg says: "We do not expect
any Australian business this year,
The British government has issued or
der that British vessels shall give pref
erence to fruits grown in the provinces
and we don't expect to be able to get
space. The Australian buyers know
this and as yet we have received no
queries about our fruit from Australia.
Such a status of allairs produces prac,
tically a boycott of American fruit.
Nor do 1 think there is going to be
any big demand in Australia fur Amor
ican apples. 'Jhe fruit growers there
have been accustomed to ship a large
amount of their product to English
markets. On account of the war and
because the vessels have been used to
transport men and munitions of war,
this fruit has been left at home. Ac
cording to tho information 1 have re
ceived, the Australians are going to
have a large surplus of their own ap
ples to consume at home. lhen. too.
droughts have prevailed over Australia
and the financial conditions are not
such as to warrant heavy purchases.
even though we were able to reach
them with the fruit."
The Jesse L. I.asky Feature Play Co
takes pleasure in announcing the film
production of II. 11. Warner, the noted
Broadway favorite in last season's
greatest Broadway dramatic hit, "The
Ghost Breaker," by Paul Dickey and
Lharles W. tioddurd, the dims to ap
pear at the Electric tomorrow.
Tho sensation which the original nro
duction of '.he work created when it
was ottered at the Lyceum theatre and
immediately hailed by all the metropol
itan critics as an unqualified success.
must still be fresh in the minds of all
people who follow the trend of dramat
ic events. It came to the two-dollar
houses as something novel and refreshing-something
tilled with good red
bloood and far from the monotonous
routine of every day modern business
existence. It is safe to say that this
is not only one of the most "absorbing
film productions ever made but also one
of the most utterly different.
Every Hood River home may be
made a summer paradise if elTorts are
expended on lawns and garden, accord
ing to Mrs. J. J. Knapp, who has phe
nomenal luck in growing sweet peas
this summer. And perhaps, luck has
had little to do with the handsome
(lowers, from the garden of Mrs.
Knapp. She made a selection of the
seed she desired, planted them where
the roots could penetrate to a great
depth and then gave tho plants plenty
of water.
Mrs. Knaup's sweet peas are now
loaded with masses of long stemmed
gorgeously colored tlowers. Dtep reds,
pinks, purples and mottled tlowers
form the boqueU she now presents to
The members 'of the Hood River
Woman' club were hostesses at a
classic dancing party given on the
Droaa lawn of Mrs. Charles . Uarke
yesterday afternoon. City and valley
society was present en masse to witness
the program rendered by Miss Dorothy
Lpping, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Adrian Epping, whose dancing at the
University of California, where she has
been a student for the past two years,
brought her marked recognition in San
Francisco and the Bay region during
the past year.
Preceding Miss Epping' dancing the
following six little girls, under the di
rection of Mrs. J. W. Crites, partici
pated in a mazurka: Mary Hasiinger,
Blanche Tucker, Kathleen Marquis,
Frances Zolls, Irene Johnson and Ma
bel Wasley.
With the Woman's club members and
their scores of guests seated comforta
bly on the cool lawn. Miss Epping gave
four dances, ihe first, illustrating
rhythm,"! he Dance of the Birds,"waa
rendered in Greek costume. It was
danced to the music of Edward Ger
man' "Shepherd Dance."
Temple Bell," the second dance, was
interpretative. The words were sung
by Mrs. Ralph Root.
The third number of the program,
"The Dance of a Slave Girl," was ren
dered to the music of Edward German's
"Morris Dance." It was given to show
spontaneous movement.
The fourth dance was pantomimic.
It was termed "Puck." The music
was from Edward Greig's, "The Hall
of the Mountain King."
Mrs. C. E. Collin, at the piano, and
William Chandler, violin obligato,
played the accompaniments.
J One of the most interesting meetings
ever held by the Barrett Parent-Teacher
Association, if plans carry, will be
held tomorrow night when the junior
exposition, proposed by the Oregon
Congress of Mothers and the Parent
Teacher Associaitons, will be discussed.
This exposition will be held in Portland
in October of this year. Its exhibits
will be composed of articles made dur
ing vacation days by Oregon school
children. The exhibits include products
of woodworking and gardening and
tnys, electrical and mechanical instru
ments, printing, arts and crafts, domes
tic science, domestic arts, millinery,
models, pets' playhouses and photog
raphy. It is proposed to have a preliminary
exhibit at local headquarters of Parent-Teacher
Associations in September.
Truman Butler will tell of his visit
to San Francisco, and a report will be
made of the recent Mothers' Congress.
One of the new Victor Victrolas will
be furnished for the occasion by the
Kresse Drug Co. Twenty-five or 30 of
the latest records will be brought along
and an enjoyable concert is in store for
those who attend the meeting.
Mr. Butler will also tell the Barrett
people of the benefits to be derived by
loud River from the road that is to be
ImiU around the east base of Mount
Hood connecting the valley with the
old Barlow road.
P. D. Lambert, of The Dalies, who
has just disposed of two moving pic
ture houses at Ellensburg, Wash., has
leased the Gem Theatre from C. U.
Dakin. Mr. Lambert has already taken
possession of the popular playhouse,
operated here for so many years by the
former owner.
The new proprietor is an experienced
picture man, and he states that he is
going to make the Gem one of the best
places of its kind in the state. The
building will be given a general reno
vation. The front will be redecorated
and painted. The same high class pic
tures will be presented.
The chief feature of the Gem in fu
ture will be the music. Mr. Lambert,
who himself plays the traps and
drums, is installing an $1100 apparatus
operated by compressed air. His piano
player, Miss Lora Nickelsen, is snid to
be one of the best in tbe United States.
"We are going to make our pictures
talk with the music that we are going
to furnish," says Mr. Lambert.
At the Monday evening meeting of
the city council, an appropriation of
$.00, or so much thereof as shall be
necessary, was made for the purpose
of assisting with the swimming pool
now in course of construction by 11. A.
Kramer on the city park. The council,
however, because of some adverse sen
timent among the members, refused to
make an appropriation of 100 to be
used to reimburse the Chautauqua asso
ciation for the construction of the open
air theatre. A motion calling for such
an appropriation was relerred to the
judiciary committee for consideration.
R. E. Scott and E. 0. Blanchar were
before tho council to represent the
chautauqua association. L. N. Blow
ers, Dr. C. 11. Jenkins and S. A.
Mitchell were in attendance at the
meeting on behalf of the Bwimming
pool committee.
Miss Alice See, recently appointed
librarian for the local institution to
succeed Miss Delia F. Northey, arrived
last week from her former home, Des
Moines, la., where she has been en
Kxttcd in library work at Drake Uni
versity. Miss See, who met Thursday
niht with the library board and who
is ready to assume her duties, is ac
companied by her mother, Mrs. Eme
tine See, who will remain here until
She and her mother have been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sweany, their
old friends. j
Miss See is a graduate of Drake Un- i
iversity. Her library work was taken
at the New Y'ork State Library School
at Albany. I
Curtis Man Coming j
Chas. t'oolidge Partin, of Boston, j
Mass., manager of the department of
commercial research of the Curtis I'ub-1
lishing Co., will deliver a lecture at i
the Commercial club assembly room on j
U..I....I... f . . l,.l ! nn.
k.niuuiD) hi lemuuii, uiy ot. run iai-
ticulars will be given next week.
miss Mcdonald is.
leading contestant
The participants in the Panama-Pa
cific fair contest are engaged in a close
race. It seem an impossible task to
predict who will be in tbe lead at the
close of each day. Sale slips and
tickets are brought in hourly. Miss
Etbeljane McDonald i now slightly in
tbe lead. Mis Marjorie Barr a close
second and Miss Dakin third.
The standing of the contestants is as
follows :
Etheljane McDonald .12,321
Marjorie Barr 10,247
Marian Dakin 8,Mt4
Florerce tionld ,H30
Maude Wren 1,603
Magdalene Mitchell 1,131
Julia Ann Creiuhton 839
Katberine Hartley 735
iaiiyse ogel bib
Koreas DeWitt I'M
Lillian Brock 500
Arthur M. Geary, of Portland, who
while a student of Columbia Univer
sity in New York City the past several
years, has made a study of eastern
applo markets, will deliver a lecture
Saturday afternoon at the rooms of the
Commercial club. Mr. Geary says that
he has a message that will be of pecul
iar interest to apple growers. "I find
that auction markets are in bad repute
in the Northwestern apple districts,"
he says. "It is my purpose to tell of
the purpose of tho legitimate auc
Mr. Geary, who formerly grew ap
ples, himelf, at Medford, is a graduate
of the University of Oregon, and has
many local friends. He was formerly
graduate manager of the University of
Oregon student Body.
Riverside Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. This is a
very important meeting since the schol
ars wili he assigned lessons and given
leaflets for the entile month of Aug
ust. These lessons are to be studied
and prepared for examination by the
first Sunday in September. Pupils and
teachers are expected to be present at
this Sunday's meeting.
Sunday morning worship at 11
o'clock. This will be a special service
owing to the fact that it is the last
service until the first Sunday in Sea
tember. Special music in charge of
Airs. Metton.
Methodist Church
Sundav school at 10 a. m. Preaching
AprvirfiR Hf 11 B m anrl 12 , m
Themes: morning, "A Faithful Sav
ing; evening, "ihe Glory of Things
Ordinary." Epworth League at 7 p.
m., Mrs. Fertig, leader. The Fourth
Onurfprlv fVinforonna will Ia
't " " J w... . .VK Will UO IICIU
Ihursday evening at 8 o'clock. The
puouc is coruiaiiy invited to attend
these services.
Heights Baptist Church
Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching
service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sub
jects: Morning, "Ihe Recipients of
Truth;" evening, "Heroes Who Fight
With Broken Swords." B. Y. P. U. at
7 p. m. You are coridally invited to
attend our church services.
John Samuel, Pastor.
Unitarian Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Service of
worship at 11. Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr.,
of Portland, will occupy the pulpit.
Girls' chorus will Bing; also Mr. Wede
meyer. No services either morning or
evening until first Sunday in Septem
Mrs. Ward Has Fine Sweet I'tfas
Some of the finest sweet peas ever
seen in me city have been on exhibi
tion at tho jewelry store of W. F. Lar
waay. They were grown by Mrs. J. J.
Grace United Brethren
2 Sundav schnnl at ID n in Mnrninn
worship at 11. r Subject, "The Church
that Wins." Evening service at 8
Marshall's Sale
Notice of sale of real property for delin
quent assessment.
IT, mis, a warrant whs duly and rcKiilarly i.
Mip1 by the Illy Recorder of the City til Hoou
Kiver, Ort'nou, to me directed and delivered,
coinmHiidinif me to forthwith advertise the
properly Hereinafter described, i;hiiim which
as assessment lor the cost ot the Improvement
of Twelfth street In the said City of Hood
Kiver, Oregon, has heretofore been made unit
levied, which warrant described the properly
at Uits Knur H), Kiv (.1), Mix (0) and Seven (7),
lllock One (1), Khepler'i suu-dlvlslou ot Pleas
antvlew addition to the City of lixa Kiver.
Oieiion. assessed to Arthur H. tit. t'lair and K.
m. line, umoum uue,
Aud also on said July 17, ittl a warrant was
duly and regularly Issued by the"lty Record
er of the t.'ityof HihhI Kiver, Oregon, to me
directed and delivered, commanding- nie to
lorwilh advertise the property hereinafter de
scribed, against which an assessment for the
cost of the improvement of Kourth street In
the said I lly of Hood Kiver, Oreo,has here-
uuorc ocen mane aun levied, winch warrant
describes Ihe properly as Lots Kleven (II) and
Fourteen (11), lllock Tulriy-seven (37), Hood
Kiver Proper, au addition to the City of Hood
K'ver, Oretiou. assessed to John A. HecRwitb.
amount due, (fii.M.
mm pi on sniu jury i., ism, a warrant was
duly and regularly tnsued by the Ulty Record
er of the l liyof Hood River, Oregon, lo me
uirecled and delivered, commanding me to
forthwith advertise the properly hereinafter
described, aiitust which an assessment lor
ine cosi 01 tne improvement or .May atreet In
Ihe said city of Hood River, Oregon, has here,
tolore been made and levied, which warrant
di scribed the property as Lois Kour(4l,Kive (.")
Sljttiiaiid Seven (7), lllock One (I), Shepler
sub division of I'leasanlview additiou lo the
t'ily of Hood Kiver, OreKou, assessed to Fran
es M. W lute, amount due, $j"s,ji.
NOW, THKRKFOKK, In pursuance ot the
said warrants, and for the purpose of satisfy.
Iiu: the said delinquent assessments, 1 wlllon
Saturday, the Twenty-first (Slsti day of Anir
ust, lair,, at the hour of Ten 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, at the front door of the
City Hall. In the city or Hood Kiver, Comity
of Hood Kiver. Slate ol Oregon, proceed to sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, the said several lot, tracts or
parcels of land above mentioned, or so much
01 each of the same as can be sold separately
to dvanlaie, sulll.-lent to pay the said sever
al delinquent assessmenta, together with the
interest, costs and disbursements provided by
lw; and will continue said sale from day to
day thereafter, until said property Is sold, or
so much thereof as may be ueceasary to aatis-
1 inesaui assewsuieiua.
Dated at Ilisid Kiver. Oregon, this 17th dv
ol July, A. O. WIS. J. K. CARSON.
Marshall of the City of Hood
J) !!
mver, irregon.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made bv his firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall - Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Takt Halls family Pills (or constipation.
Under New
'The Woman
A dramactic Master picture in five massive parts, fea
turing Francesca Bertini.
Friday, July 23rd
"In The Dark"
A three part Lubin drama full of action.
"The New Butler"
A comedy.
Saturday, July 24
"The Awakening"
A two part Vitagraph feature.
'The Journey's End'
A single reel educational.
"Ham at The Fair"
Yes, Ham and Bud again.
Sunday and Monday, July 25 and 26
- "Blue Blood and Yellow"
Seventh drama of Who Pays? Featuring Ruth Roland
and Henry King.
Special Music and Effects that
Make Our Pictures Talk
In the Good Old Summer Time
Vacation Time, Picnic Time
You are no doubt thinking of something for that outing lunch.
Our shelves are stocked with every appetizing dainty. Canned
Meats, Pickles, Olives and Fruits. Call us and
your worries wlil cease.
Arnold & Son, Phone 2121
Successors to T. J. Kinnaird
For Sale-A tmrse fur CIA, also net double har
ness, l'lione M.U. jj9
For Male-If1 4 Mlli'hell waon in itood condi
tion with applerai'lc, will sell cheap. John
Duckwall, Udell 59. ail!
For Hale Falrhanks-Morse ga-sollne enulue
iind pump, 2' i horsepower, in good shape,
cheap. See J. P. Volslorll. y
For Hale or l-.xchange Hot-air engine with
pump for pumping water; phone Odell 7. J-.-.'
Team for Salei'heap Weighs about 1:150 lbs.
will exchange lor riding or driving horse
Telephone Odell 57. jyi'
For Hale-Small pony andll. I. Ked rooter.
HHtten strain. H. C. Winaua, K. K. i. 3. Jysi
For Sale One of the best Jersey cows In the
Valley. Due mare 7 yr. old wt. 11(0 los. Would
ne nne oenvery or mail routes, one lot con
taining about one-fourth acre, adioins OiIhII
school property. Write or come and see me
11 imeresiu. I.. A. Ci. Clark, K. F. 1). No. 4
iiooa mver, Oregon. af
For Hale Three bred sows, will sell cheap
for cash. c. K. Copple. Fhone 479.'. J2M
A Snap :t acres on the Columbia Highway
some hearing orchard, lots 01 free water: will
make the finest Hummer home. Price Sxtlu (HI
your own time at ti per ceut Interest. Seethe
Ulacler- ap;fcII
For Hale Cheap work horse. Also good
combination driving, riding and work horse
Also pigs. S3 each. .Meadow Hrook Farm
Phone S.J4. ,f
For Hale-Good grade milk cows. Reason
able price. Address K. tlieUlacler.
For Hale Good saddle and driving horse
sound and gentle, will drive single or donhle:
the thing for lady or children Inquire I 1.'
Wlckham, Oak Urove, phone .V133. jy-j-j
For Sale or Trade-For pigs, laying hens.
Phone 56l inyrti
For Hale Choice lota on The Heights for
sale at the right price. A. W. Outbank. iiiTtf
or Sale My Ave passenger Ken car. Newly
painted, new lop, 100 cash. Can be seen and
tried at Columbia garage: Ralph Rout,
tor Hale One high grade Jersey bull 17
months old, of the blue strain. Mv' cows 'are
selliug as fast as they come tresh. If you need
hcow it will be well to make vnur selection
before they frexlien. All stock may be seen at
central Vata farm. Puone Heurv chevron
M Odell. c. K. Bone.
a (.. f
. ------ ... ,nn, u jou wisn
to purchase high grade Jersey cows, heifers or
l'nVfnrSula tu,i.l t.. I if .
.n....,j,ru.urilluniK Hi F y nei U at 111V
Central Vale ranch I haveftftv head of cows
heifers and calve: no better grade Jersevs can
be found anywhere: I have two stock rancnea
in the Valley and the right man can gel a
S year's lease on one of them. No ue to
write me. You can see the stock at the ranch
and get prices. C. R. Bone. aplhtr
Thoroughbred Big Type Poland.China hogs
for sale A lew service boars, bred gilts and
weaulng pigs all registered or eligible to reg
ister. TheM are sired by our Big Knox i,,t
Standard ana Grand Look boars. Big Koox
sired the Junior Grand Champion of Iowa
1911; these are all of Ihe big easy feeding pro
Idle type and are priced to sell. Address! II
8. Galligan, Hood River, or., phone 47H6 olti
Room for Rent Close In on Slate Street
nice front room. Phoue Jniotf
July 22
Who Dared"
Hot from the Oven
one of our roast ia simply irresistible.
Tl.a t..i,it.tln. 41... .:..K 1
... ....'I'.".); hid nun juiue uiui
nnniiy me spicmmi tender taste will
tempt the most confirmed vegetarian.
Try one for the Sumiay dinner. There
will be contentment with that meal, you
may be certain. Prices are right, too.
E. M. Holman
The Sanitary MarKtt
Phone 2134
Wanted A girl for general housework. AD-
JL 1 "i""'1' KL ;1, or phoue MT,i- JyS
J,,V''Hn,',,-A' Industrious man who can earn
Slim per month and expenses retailing our
products to farmers. Must have some means
for starting exiense and furnish contract
signed hy two responsible men. Address W.
I. itawlelgh Company, Oakland, Cal.. giving
age, occupation, aud references. al"
nnted-W Mhln six miles of depot, ten
acres of laud, to lease or buy. Mnat he cheap
for cash. h,. Kogers. Hillsdale, Oregon, P.O.
5- ' a5
position as housekeeper, widower's famllv
preferred. Address .Mrs. k S l ?n"?
Hood River, Oregon.
WftoleflTrt I..H. ..,.t . . .. .
... , ------- ."..o.iriiiiiHitrior a milch cow
lelephouesrjodell. C.K.Newton. aj
The California
are two vast wonderlands the great
est shows of the age. You cannot
afford to miss them. The opportun
ity will toon pass. Go now.
Choice of several routes at low fares
for the round trip, via
Railroad & Navigation Company
Hood River