nOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY. J FLY l.V 1015 Mount Hood Souvenir Plates Hand Painted Absolutely the newest in souvenirs, painted from an actual picture taken in the Valley. Only a limited number on hand at special prices. Other new china just received. W. F. Laraway Jeweler Hood River DIG APPLE IS SAID TO BE ATTRACTIVE From Oregon Commission Bulletin The 12 foot Hood River apple, inside ut hien is a panorama reproduction of the Hood Kiver valley, with con stantly moving train io the foreground, ia the stellar attraction of the Oregon exibit at the Palace of Horticulture. This catches the eye and nolds'the vis itor fascinated. It is truly an attrac tive display and is much talked about. Hut while thia is an attraction, the fruit from Rogue River.the Willamette valley and Hood River is the marvel. Much of it is superfine and it will be remembered that Director Ravlin has displayed it well enough to win the grand prize. Other sections of Oregon could contribute msgnificent fruit to the display, but it has not yet arrived. Some high-clacs easterners saw the immense cherriea on display the other day and were hi rd to convince that these were not some variety 01 prune. There's trouble either way you look at it in the purchase of shoes whose only merit is cheapness, the purchase of such shoes means not only unsatisfactory service, but more fre quent spendings as well. Buy here and you won't have to buy so often and never unsatisfactory. J. C. J0HN5EN, the Hood River Shoe Man Shoes and Shoe Repairing We'll Submit Our Estimate to you on any lumber propositlon-denired All we need is your plans and our ex perience in these matters justify your utmost confidence. We never recom mend or attempt to dispose of any lum ber nnsuited fur your purpose. We'll save you money, too. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co. Building Material and Box Snooks Phone 2181 You Pay for Tin when you buy coffee or tea in cans. It is a great sav ing to buy in bulk. We have a complete line of bulk coffees and teas. Try our 35c grade of coffee Three pounds for one dollar We guarantee it to be as good as any coffee on the market and can you beat the prices? WOOD'S GROCERY 'The Best Thing to Eat" We Give 5 for cash MRS. C. II. SLETTON HAS STUDIED LONG Mrs. C H. Slettoo. who took the leading roll of "Arlme" in the Bohem ian (iirl recently, nai been studying since childhood. Mrs. Sletton, who was born in Wisconsin, may have been found at the age of 12 playing the or gans of churches in Grand Forks. N. D., and Crookston. Minn. When she was 14 year old she began to take vocal lessons. After a preparatory education she took a three year course at the. New hngland Conservatory of Music at bos ton. She hss had among her teachers, Sienor Kotoli, of Boston, and Louis U. Gottschalk. While in Boston she sang at the different leading churches and substituted for the soloists. Year before last Mrs. Sletton spent the entire winter in New York study ing under Mrs. Eliazbeth Clark Sleigh ton. On her departure from the me tropolis for her Oregon home. Miss Km i lie Frances Bauer, a critic ol Mew York, said: "Mrs. Sletton has an unusually good voice and she has had excellent train ing early in her career, abandoning it to make her own home, she is taking back ra fine resonant voice, which has acquired several high tones and has be come even and musical throughout.' Mrs. Sletton is fond of her home. She and Mr. Sletton have two adorable children, a little boy anged 12, and a girl aged 10. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF n Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash u 0 AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOlt W00D-FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon 0 v 0 J The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOvS. D. CALKINS White River Flour Makes Bread Having the Old Bready Flavor AT YOUR GROCERS CUTLERS BEGIN SEC- OND WEIGHING GRADER The fire at the old armory building, happening on the evening after Cutler Bros, had just completed their new model weighing apple sizing machine, did not in the least daunt the deter mination of these manufacturers and inventors. Before the embers of the building had cooled they had leased a portion of the basement of the Colum bia Auio & Machine Company garage, and have Since been busy getting out the Becond of the grading machines. The completed machine which was de stroyed was in readiness for shipment to the Panama-Pacific International ex position, where it was to have been exhibited in the Palace of Horticulture. The second grader will be rushed out for this purpose, and Cutler Bros, will begin immediately to prepare for the rush of the autumn business. Cutler Bros.' net loss at thearmory fire was approximately $1000. FORD RUNABOUT MAKES RECORD TRIP The first Ford to be driven i.p the Columbia highway arrived here Utl Friday noon. It was a runaU ut ard had just completed a journey cf 3.4H' miles. The machir.a was dmtn by Henry Gale, who was accompanied by bia father. S. H. Gale, a prominent wheat grower of Rosalia, Waal,., and a cousin, Stanley Witter. "We left Rosalia on June '., " id the elder Gale, "and since tt t time we have visited at lia Juana, Mexico, all of our travels having been in cur ear and under our own power. "We were advised to ship up t'.e Co lumbia river, but we had deternan d to make the entire journey by the Ford, so when we read of the openu v of the Columbia highway we were determined to try it. Having been blocked ty a car ahead of us, 1 was afraid ti.nt we would have to use the bom; ever Mitchell Point But after the car that wss stuck was pulled out, we made the steep grsde fairly well." Tne little dust covered Ford was the object of much interest when the party stopped here Friday in front uf the Slocom & Canfleld store. It . as pla carded with pennants of towns all the way from Rosalia to Tia Juana. "We were certainly delightt d with he Columbia highway," said Mr. ilale. "I saw no road anywhere that will sur pass it. 1 was especially inten-Med in the artistic designs of the many well built concrete bridges.'.' CITY COUNCIL ACTS ON LIBRARY CASE T. & L COMPANY GETS BIG CONTRACT R. N. Young and William Cass are now at Maryhill, where the Traii.-fet & Livery Co. is engaged in work on u large contract awarded to them recent ly in the construction of three milts of state road near the Klickitat county town. They will have supervision of the crews of men who will ci;iface with oilbound macadam two links of the highway and grade a third mile. "It is a pretty good sixed contract," says Mr. Young, "and we are pretty glad that we got it. The cost of the work will approximate 121,000." E. L McClain on Tour E. I.. McClain is headed south.wliere he and party will enjoy the Cahfurnia expositions. Telling.of his trip through that city the Creswell Chronicle says: "E. L. McClain, cf Hood River, and party have departed for the fair after visiting two days at Morning (ilory farm home of Mr. and Mrs. C. ). He Vere. The party consisted of Mr. Deselle Stevenson and children, sister of Mrs. DeVere. and E. L. McClaii They are motoring through in h big seven passenger Franklin car. After visiting the fair they will also tour southern California before reluming to Hood River. It will be remembered Mr. McCluin and party visited here last year, it being their nrst trip mrouun the Willamette valley. These folk have promised the Chronicle a scehdulu of their trip, which will prove of bene fit to those who contemplate making the same trip." The city council held a special meet ing last Thursday morning for the pur pose of conniderirg the case of the Hood River county library board againet the county court, the forrrer having sued for the payment of a full salary of 90 per month to Miss Delia r. Northey. The court had cut the salary to $75 per month. The council adopted a resolution instructing its at torney, Geo. R. Wilbur, and the coun cil's representative on the library tioard, to take whatsoever action they considered necessary to protect the citv'e interests. Members of the city council declared that they would withdraw their sup port from the institution, if demands of the connty court were made and the voice of the city was removed from administration of the library's affairs. CLERK WILL SELECT ELECTION BOARDS Hereafter judges tnd clerks of state and county elections of Hood River county will be selected by County Clerk Shoemaker. This ia according to a change made in the election laws by chapter 32i, laws of 1915. Chapter 320 also reduces the number constituting an election board from six to five. Formerly there were three judges and three clerks on each board. Hern.fter there will be two judges and thrte clerks. Another change made in the election laws eliminates the requirement that voters must give their age when regis tering. This was very objectionable to many women voters. All that ia re quired now is to make allidavit that the voter is over 21 years old. The charge in the law was endorsed by the county clerks in convention, and County Clerk Coffey, of Multnomah, spent two or three days at Salem dur ing the legislature working in behalf of the bill. He is largely responsible for its passage. In eliminating one judge from the election board, it ia estimated that at the next general election over $2(100 will he saved in the expense of the election. For Hay Fever or Asthma Many persons dread July on account of the recurrence of hay fever. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound long lias been recognizecl as the ideal remedy for bay fever and asthma, because it heals and soothes that raw, ni'pinti feeling in the throat and eases (lie choking sensation. It allays intlmiuii ition ami irritation and liiinjis about easy ami natural breathing Contains no habit forming drills. For sale by t has. S, Clarke. GEM PROGRAM TODAY "The Vendetta." A George Kleine fiv reel photoplay masterpiece. This ia a very powerful drama from the fa mous novel of Marie Corelli. The pic tures are replete with seme . of the most dramatic scenes shown on a screen. The great tragedy enters the being of the spectator as did the plays of Shakespeare, when participated in by Booth, Kean and other masters or the last century. It ia a masterpiece of filmdom. See it, if you want some thing to talk about at the breakfast table next morning. The Vendetta as shown today ia a wonderfulipicture. Friday "On Bitter Creek." A Lubin three reel feature. Edgar Jones, Louis Mor telle. Jack Delson, Justina Huff and Hilda Twogood. Chaplin's "By the Sea." An Es sanay comedy. There are enough roars of laughter in Charles Chaplin's latest comedy, "By the Sea," to sink a fleet of battleships. Mr. Chaplin has made a thorough study of his art, of which he now is a master. In analyzing com edy, Mr. Chaplin says comedy must be true to life. There must be realism in comedy. Saturday "Who Violates the Law." A Lubin three reel special featuring Arthur Johnson and Lottie Brisco. A power ful drama of the present day. "Spades are Trumps." A Vitagraph comedy with Billy Quick, Constance Talmadge and Edwina Robbins in the leads. Sunday and Monday "Houses of Glass.' Sixth in the "Who Pays." series, wherein is re counted of how idle gossip begat scan' dal, scandal doubt, doubt jealousy, and jealousy tragedy. AIbo of a woman who loved, but not enough : of a man who believed, but not enough, and of another who reaped what be had not sowed. Tuesday "The Pawns of Mars." A Vitagraph three reel Broadway star feature. Featuring Charles Kent, James Morri son, Charlea Wellesley, Rogers Lytton Dorothy Kelly and Karin Norman. The God of War ia no respecter of persons. It strikes vanquished and victor alike and the just suffer with the unjust. "Mr. Jarr and the Ladies' Cup, A Vitagraph comedy. Gertrude, the maid, is a failure. As a dancer she is a winner. She gets the cup the Jarr'i hoped to win. Wednesday and Thursday Wednesday and Thursday, July 21 and 22, George Kleine presents Franesca Bertini in "The Woman Who Dared." A story of surpassing love and self de nial. A dramatic masterpiece. In five reels. Blemishes, Eczema Cured No odds how serious, how long stand ing your case, there's help for you in every particle of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It wipes out all traces of your ailment, and leaves your skin clean and soft as a child's. Hundreds of users have voluntary letters of thanks. Just try one box. It will mean freedom from suffering and emlmrrasmeut. Summer Aches and Pains. That backache or stiff muscle that cannot be explained on account of hav ing "eat in adralt and caught cold is more than likely the result of weakened or disordered Kicinevs. roiey imney Pills promptly relieves backache, sore, swollen or stilt muscles ami j hihh, rheu matism and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. They put the kidneys m sound, healthy condition, and help them eliminate uric acid and other poisons from the svstem. ror tale by CIihs. A. Clarke. Dean Gets Highway Inquiries "No sooner had the news of the opening of the Columbia highway been s nread abroad, says commodore Dean, of the Hood River-White Salmon ferry system, ' than 1 began to receive by te'ephone inquiries trom parties at Yakima and other points in eastern Washington. Ihey wanted to know about the road and asked me how many automobiles 1 could transport across the river at one time." Commodore Dean says that he looks for numerous parties from the Wash ington communities in the near future Headache and Nervousneesa Cured "Chamberlain's Tablets are entitled to all the praise I can give tliein,'' writes Mrs. Kicbard Ulp, Hpeneerport, fli. t "They have cured me of my bea laches and nervousness and resorted me. to my normal health, ror sale ly all dealers Field Installs Gas Tank It was not a submarine, but a gaso line tank that Herbert R. Field was installing last week at his Tire Shop on the corner of Third street and Cas cade avenue. ihe plumbing work rot the new automobile service system was in stalled by the Hood River Plumbing Co. Tired, Aching Muscles Relieved Hard work, over exertion, mean stiff. sore miislea. Sloan's Liniment lightly applied, a little quiet, anil your soreness disappears like magic. "Nothing ever helped like your Moan's Liniment. I can never thank you enough," writes one grateful user. Ktops suffering, aches and pains. An excellent counter-irritant, tatter and cleaner than mustard. All druggists, 25c. Get a bottle .today. Penetrates without rubbing. At No Time During wakeful hours do one's trials troubles and tribulations sink Into such utter insignificance as when seated at a good meal provided al ways that the bread is right. You'll always find Our Bread The RIGHT BREAD. Blue Ribbon Bakery THE HEIGHTS Hood River - Oregon Just Little Stories S. E. Bartmess Ia fond of his little joke. "I was coming down town the morning after the celebration of Inde pendence Day. At the side of the street I saw what I at first took to be the wreck of a Ford. My sympathies for the owner of the car were begin ning to bubble up, when after a closer inspection I determined that instead of a Ford it was one of the roller ekates rescued by some youngster from the armory fire." Such is Mr. Barmtesa' latest story. Warning to Farmers. A number of the farmers adjoining this Company's property are permitting their irrigating water to run over the banks and onto this Company's proper ty, tilling up ditches, and water in some places tunning over the track, and wash Irg over the track, to such an extent as to endanger the safety of trains. We are placing this notice in the papers to warn you of the heavy penalty provided by the laws of Oregon, for the molesting in any way the property of a railroad so as to endanger the safety of trains and persons riding thereon. Immediate steps must be taken to prevent any more water running onto this Company's roadled. jy IS MT. HOOD RAILKOAD COMPANY Call and see the new line of Dusters & Auto Robes direct from the factory. A splendid stock of Suit Cases and Hand Bags. William Weber Bell Building Real Estate and Loans I will endeavor to have a bar gain always in all lines of Real Estate. Office hours from nine A. M. to five P. M. T. D. Tweedy Phone 2644 1103 Wilson St., Hood River, Ore. We have just received our Spring shipment of Lawn Mowers and can supply them in any price from $3 to $ 1 0. We are sure that we can please you both in price and quality. RUBBER HOSE We have the largest stock that we have ever car ried, not a foot carried over from last year and as rubber deteriorates very rapidly this is an impor tant thing to remember when buying hose. We want your business and make the prices to get it. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. A HORSE FELL As a man was driving down Oak street the other day. It shouldn't have happened, and wouldn't if he had noticed the shoes, worn smooth. Do you know that we have opened a shoeing shop in connection with our blacksmithing and woodwork ing shop? And we guarantee satisfaction in our horse shoeing work just as in the other departments. We also do tire resetting and wheel fixing of all kinds. Our shop is fully equipped for this class of work W. G. SNOW Phone 261 1 Hood River, Oregon WE WILL buy direct from the Growers, paying cash. If you have Strawberries, Cher ries and Pears to sell let us know in advance. Phone 3422 Hood River CanningCo. No fruit received after 12 o'clock noon on Saturdays j f i Yyiiiii lis fiii mm item T WISH to announce to my patrons mat l have '-purchased the entire In terest in the market for merly conducted by Mr Van Allen and myself. As- At suring you of my apprecl- anon 01 your past iavors, I solicit that you continue to do business with us. Good quality meats and courteous treatment. ( W. J. FILZ Telephone 4141 ve jk Ir. W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers iu REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 Hood River, Oregon S. E. BARTMESS FMRAL DIRECTOR ADD PRACTICAL EMBALMER HOOD RIVER, OREGON 1