The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 15, 1915, Image 1

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il.'No. 7
?3f M N
H With whom would you rather associate, the man with
a Bank account or the man without one? Think it over.
11 Saving signifies character and how much you have in
Bank is not so important as the fact you do save and
have a Bank account. That's the gauge men are mea
sured by for big jobs and important positions that often
start them on the road to fortune. Begin with $1.
4 Interest Paid on Savings
Capital $100,000
Bank Advertisement No. 58
' "It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the
habit of looking on the bright side of things."
Samuel Johnson
Did you attend the celebration of the opening
of the Columbia River Highway, when the Gov
enor, Mr. S. Benson, Mr. Yeon and the other dis
tinguished visitors addressed the people of Hood
River at the open air theatre Tuesday evening,
July 6th? If you had the misfortune not to be
there, ask any of the thousand people who were
there to give you just a little of the spirit of that
meeting. It is good for us occassionally to see
ourselves as others see us ana1 certainly every one
who attended Highway opening celebration will
agree that positive and constructive work should
be the order of the day. We believe in our country,
our State and Valley, and we believe that every
citizen of this district should see that no word or
act is omitted that will tend to make Hood River
Valley everything that nature plainly intended it
to be an unsurpassed home valley and one of
the garden spots of the world. '
Butler Banking Company
A Word to Parents
You know the twig is inclined the tree will grow. Why not
teach your children the benefit of savings account at our bank?
We have deposits to the credit of many youngsters now, and
they are proud to know that they have "money in the bank."
They are learning to jsave and bring us their little savings
regularly. They are learning early in life a lesson that will
help them at every turn of the road. Parents, see that your
children do likewise. Their little deposits will be carefully
guarded if left in our care.
Hood River State Bank
Readil y adaptale to all situations, with its ability to meet and
overcc ime the unusual, the Ford is the car for your tours and
and c ampingr expeditions, as well as being a genuine utility
in th 3 demands of everyday life. Averaging about two cents
per r nile to operate and maintain.
Ban ing the unforeseen, each retail buyer of a new Ford car,
betv ?een August 1914 and August 1915, will receive from $40
to 1 60 as a share of the Ford Motor Company's profits. .
' On display and sale by
Columbia Auto & Machine Co.
has nrnvpn
iithat a dollar
fnnthe Bank,
is worthy two
your pocket"
Surplus $37,000
Fly Goods
Screen Doors $ 1 and up
Adjustable window screens
all metal or wood frames;
or black; fly paper, fly traps,
fly poison, fly swatters.
Summer Goods
Herrick Refrigerators
White Mountain Freezers
Quick Meal Gas Stoves
Perfection Oil Stoves
Hammocks ,
Porch Furniture
Porch Curtains
Old Hickory Chairs
Our Furniture Stock is in perfect assortment at prices that
means money saved.
A carload of Cement Coat Box Nails just received-we
would like to enter your order for estimated needs tX a price
you surely want.
Stewart Hardware & furniture Co.
We have installed the Vortex Sanitary Soda
10,000 Clean Glasses waiting to touch
your lips
Come in and try our new Sanitary Service
Kresse Drug Company
Th e Q&XjoSSL Store
Victor Victrolas and Records
New July Records Now on Sale
Satisfactory Titles
are demanded by the wise buyer. Our work ia unquestioned
and guarantees protection.
Satisfactory Insurance
is deemed a necessity by the wise property owner. We represent
10 strong companies and have millions of insurance in the Valley
Satisfactory Bonds
may sometime be required of you, contract, court or security.
When in need of such service inquire of us.
Hood River Abstract Company
Our Prediction
Came True
BUTTER FAT RAISED IN PRICE since our last ad.
Were you in on it? The prices will raise from now
on until January. We will take all the Cream that
can brought to us. If you haven't put in those cows
yet DO IT NOW.
We are also running almost full capacity on ouf
Ice Cream
If you have-not had any yet, give us a trial.
Hood River Creamery Co.
Campbell's Soups
are mighty handy packages for summer use. Always
ready for a quick meal. We have all the good kinds
of this soup at 10c per can. See our window.
We carry Monogram 01I3 in
any grade for every purpose.
Monogram is top of the very
few oils refined without use
of any acid it costs no more
we have motor oil down to
40c a gallon. Lard oil. neats
foot, greases, hard and soft
Outing Goods
Our fishing tackle line sim
ply can't be excelled and
costs no more In tents we
have all sizes at 10V less.
Camp Stoves, Water Bags,
Dunnage Bags, Camp Chairs
Cots, Bedding, Pillows.
Rufus Holman Says tbe Columbia River
Highway is the Key to a Treasure
house of Scenery
A year ago today tbe people of Hood
1 Kiver and Portland were eagerly await
jing the returns from the election at
I which, by a vote of almost four to one,
' a bond issue of $75,0110 was subscribed
: for the completion of portions of the
Columbia highway in Hood River
county. When the last ballot was
I counted and the glad news was re
ceived, Hood River people went wild
for the time being. An automobile
train, the machines loaded with shout
ing; people made the night trip around
the loop road. Crowds had gathered
in Portland for the result and the spirit
1' joy was abroad there; for the day's
at tion had meant that the Columbia
highway would soon be built.
During the year's time that has
elapsed crews of men and contractors
have slowly but surely finished link
after link of the most wonderful scenic
highway in the world. So nay those
who have traveled over the most noted
S. Benson, who may well be called
the father of the Columbia highway, as
he sat last Thursday evening resting in
the twilight glow on a porch at the
home of W. L. Llark, where he
was being entertained, said: "After
our 200 mile journey of the past three
days 1 am more enthusiastic than ever
as to the possibilities of the Columbia
highway. We have seen some of the
things it will open up to the world.
We have looked upon some of the
world's most gorgeous scenery. We
have ridden through the orchards of
Hood River, Mosier and The Dulles.
Never shall we forget those wheat
fields around Goldendale and Center
ville. Nor can any panorama surpass
that we had this afternoon as we drove
down from Lyle to White Salmon. It
reminded me of glimpses one often
gets in moving picture shows only
what we saw was grander and more
The eyes of Oregon's first citizen
glowed with the enthusiasm that con
sumed him so that those around him
were fired with the eloquence of his
spoken words and thoughts.
"This little trip of ours," eaid Rufus
dolman, "is just the beginning of
thousands of such trips. The Columbia
highway has been the key to the treas
ure house of our scenery. We have
been entertained on our journey at ev
ery city and hamlet. We have found
the people ready for this great event
of the opening of the highway and im
bued with new enthusiasm now that
the road is completed."
Never has any Hood River meeting
left such a feeling among all factions
of city and valley as that of Tuesday
night of last week. The return of the
dedication party was heraldled abroad
last Thursday afternoon, and again
were the distinguished visitors met.
With the members of the Hood River
band in motor cars, their melodies add
ing to the joyous occasion, a delegation
was assembled to greet the dedication
party members at the Hood River
White Salmon ferry landing. Again a
triumphal procession began, and as the
automobiles passed up State street,
the old cannon on the courthouse lawn
was fired oy R. M. Hunt.
A number of the first party to trav
erse the Columbia highway had re
turned by train before the return here.
Others left by automobile Thursday
night. However, the most of tbem re
mained in the city and toured down
over the Columbia highway Friday.
H. L. Pittock and party spent Thura
day night at Homer Roger'B Mount
Hood Lodge. John B. Yeon and Asa
Benson joined their families at Mrs.
Alma Howe's Cottage Farm. The
family of Rufus Holman came up on
the first evening train and were taken
by Mr. Holman to the home of Mrs.
When Mr. Benson and Mr. Holman
left the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Clark in the automobile of William
Stewart, they continued to discuss the
possibilities of the great road. "We
don't want to forget that proposed
connecting link round the East Side of
Mount Hood," said Mi. Holman. "I
am sure that this highway, connecting
the Upper Hood River Valley with the
old Barlow road, will soon we con
structed. Chief Forester braves, while
en route to Alaska, will soon be here
to make an investigation of the pro
posed route, and 1 for one feel sure
that we are going to secure this co-operation."
Among the interesting speeches
made at the meeting of lest week was
that of Mr. Pittock. In introducing
Mr. Pittock, Leslie Butler said that he
didn't think he had ever been in Hood
River before.
"Yes, I've been in Hood River be
fore," said Mr. Pittock. "Fifty-six
years ago I made a trip down through
the valley from Lost Lake. I only
met about two settlers, looking for lo
cations. 1 visited Henry Coe, one of
your early pioneers. But it didn't look
good to me then, and because of my
hard trip, I am afraid that 1 said some
hard things about the community. I
want to apologize. If I had remained,
I would have taken a donation land
claim. Just think! I would have had
320 acres of land which they tell me
today is worth $2,000 per acre."
One of the most forceful speakers of
the evening was John B. Yeon, who as
Multnomah county's road master, has
been in charge of the construction
work. Just as soon as the Columbia
highway is completed, that is, finally
finished, Mr. Yeon stated that ho was
coming to Hood River and buy s home.
In his short, witty speech AddiBon
Bennett, dean of northwestern staff
correspondents, passed a few jokes to
Mr. Pittock. "Some folks think I
own the Oreeonian." said Mr. Bennett,
"but 1 don't. Mr. Pittock, here, is
our manager, and we pay him a pretty
good salary for the work he noes."
As rough as the Columbia highway
still is, automobiles are already begin
ning to hasten over it. A car from
Seattle passed through Hood River last
Thursday, having come up from Port
land over the highway. However, it
will be a year before the road is finally
put in Bhape. It is passable now, and
excellent in most places. But for
some time to come there will be rough
places, and people should not expect
too much until it is finally completed.
Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hall and children, J. H. Heilbronner
and wife motored down to Portland
last Thursday, tbe first party to arrive
from Hood River in Portland over the
The members of the county court.
Judge Stanton and Commissioners
Hakcs and H annum, in company with
Roadmaster Furrow, made a trip to
Portland over the highway Saturday,
returning Sunday. "We made our
journey by Ford," says Judge Stanton.
"The road ia fine, and will get better
as it is improved."
The county court began the first of
the week the installation of three tele
phones, loaned by the Oregon-Washington
Telephone Co., at Mitchell Point.
With big signs instructing all motor
ists bound over the grade to make use
of them, a phone will be placed at both
approaches. Another will be placed at
the summit, where watchman will be
constantly stationed. As the travelers
communicate with the watchman he
will tell them whether or not the high
way is clear. A turnout has been pro
vided at the summit.
More than 50 machines came up from
Portland Sunday. Three men furnished
the county by the Standifer-Clarkson
Co. took charge of traffic. Despite
their efforts several tie-ups resulted,
the members ol the county court being
in one of them.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Co., D. H. Drewery, of the local sys
tem, having called them, allowed the
use of their long distance poles for
stretching the wires used in the road
warning system.
As in the case of the Columbia high
way, it was declared by some that the
municipal swimming pool would never
be built. But a realization ot the two
are coming hand in hand, and bonds
have been drawn by the succcessful
bidder on the contract for the construc
tion of the pool, H. A. Kramer, who
will begin work at once.
A year ago Dr. C. II. Jenkins and L.
N. Blowers, interested in seccuring
some suitable' place for a swimming
pool for the boys, spent one Sunday
morning on property west of the city.
These men began the agitation of the
swimming pool, and through publicity
given the matter in the Glacier, a sub
cription fund was started, Chas. T.
Early sending check for $25, being
the first man to subscribe.
However, the matter was allowed to
drop last summer and it was not re
vived until early this spring, when Mr.
Blowers and Dr. Jenkins got busy
again. A meeting was called and a
committee of the following citizens ap
pointed: Dr. Jenkins, chairman; S.A.
Mitchell, treas. ; Mrs. C. H. Castner,
sec. ; L, N. Blowers, Rev, A. S. Donat,
Mrs. J. O. McLaughlin and Rev. H. A.
MacDonald. It was decided to build
the pool with public subscriptions. The
committee began its labors, and the
sum of approximately $700 was sub
scribed. A sale of tags netted about
$50 and the net returns from the
Chimes of Normandy, presented at the
open air -theatre, reached about $50,
The city allowed the use of the lots
just north of the old city reservoir.
The fate of the pool, even after this
point had been reached, was, however,
in the balance, it having been feared
that insufficient funds were at hand.
Mr. Kramer took the work at a close
margin, the Butler and the First Na
tional banks doubled their subscrip
tions, other friends of the pool got
busy, and now the boys should prepare
for their first safe swim.
Home additional funds are still need
ed, the committee reports, for the pur
pose of building dressing rooms. If
any have been overlooked, Mr. Mitchell
will be glad to take their contribu
tions. The full list of contributors is as
Chas. T. Early, C. H. Jenkins, L. N.
Blowers, Butler Bank, First National
Bank.H. R. S. Bank, E. A. Franz Co.,
A. D. Moe, W. F. Laraway, Mrs. Von
tier A he, J. E. Robertson, S.-S. Lumber
Co., Dr. Kanaga, Paris Fair, F. Daven
port, Fashion Livery, Consolidated
Merc. Co., Dr. Waugh. A. S. Hall, W.
N. Winter, K. Shoemaker, J. M. Wood,
Herigo & Son, Transfer Co., Reed &
Henderson, Frank A. Cram, H. R.
Laundry, Judge Stanton, Dr. Dumble,
Dr. Scobee, Mt. Hood Hotel, S. E.
Bartmess, J. M. Culbertson, George
Howe. A. V. Howes, F. Oaburn, R. R.
Imbler, A. B. Cash, Flora Wilson, Vir
ginia Johnson, C. I). Mowers, T. W.
Blount, Ole Nelson, Frank Meyers, Roy
Dean, G. H. Lynn, M. J. Foley, U,
Parker, J. II. Volstorf?, Mrs. North,
Frank Johnson, W. M. Bailey, G. A.
Beatty, C. .Church, G. R. Wilbur, R.
Wilbur, Cecil Jones, H. Garabrant, L.
O. Barton, Guy W. Talbot, Dr. T. L.
Eliot.O-.W. Telephone Co., F. B. Lov
ing, Glen Shoemaker, H. T. Hasa, H,
L. Fording, J. W. Armtsrong, Eldon
Bradley, Frank B. Cram, News Pub.
Co., 11. Taylor, W. D. Rogers. F. T.
Anderson, E. M. Holman, J. F. Vols
torf!, F. M. Slaven, Mrs. A. M. Shoe
maker, Howell Bros., C. C. Cuddeford,
J. R. Kinsey, H. L. Howe, Kresse
Drug Co., Harold Hershner, Taft
Transfer Co., Carl F, Sumner, John
Baker, C. D. Nickelaen, Mrs. Little
field, Frank Parker, E. Hardman, R.
Shermerhorn, Rev. MacDonald, Rev.
Donat, Mrs. Chas. Castner, Mrs. J. O.
McLaughiln, H. F. Davidson, J. C.
Porter, A. C. Staten, Mr. Prindle, A.
J. Brunquist, J. C. Johnson, D. G.
Cruikshank, E. S. Colby, Walter Wal
ters, Mrs. A. Whitehead, Miss Mae
Davidson, W. H. McLain, Mr. Jones, C.
C. Ross, G. E. Chapman, I.U.LarTerty,
H. Connaway, N. Tostevin.
Miss Dorothy Epping, whose beauti
ful renditions formed so pleading a
part of the recent Chautauqua per
formances, will appear at three o'clock
next Wednesday afternoon on the lawn
of the home of Mrs. Chas. N. Clarke
in original interpretative dances. The
Woman's club is going to have an af
ternoon of classic dancing. In addi
tion to Miss Epping, six little girls,
; under the direction of Mrs. J. W.
Critos, will appear.
The meeting is open to Woman's club
members, members of the musical de
partment, associate members; of the
i latter department and guests, the
guests to be charged for at the usujil
j 10 cent guest fee.
Record Price Received ia Chicago Straw-
berry Market is Practically Closed
Returns Good
The Hood River cherrv rrnn has haan
surprise to growers and market men
aline. Although the blossoms were
never heavier and the early predictions
were for a bumper yield, rains during
me period or pollemzation caused a
huavv drnn 'and a. hen th Ani timb
ers Association sent out 400 inquiries
jur estimates on tne cherry crop, but
seven replies were received. Other
OTOWers. when askerl a limit (hair nn
stated that the yield would be neglig-
As the fruit haonn tn irun inil tha
crop to move, all growers found that
wio urop nao oeen tar less than they ,
had thought, and as a result the fruit
left on the trees has been of tbe best
quality in years.
With the shipping season over, the
total vield has htn i n AVitflit nr that
of last year. Fifty tons of Royal
Annes have been ahipped to The
Dalles, where they were processed for
Maraschinos. S
of Pings, Lamberts and Black Republi
cans were shipped to eastern markets.
A record price was set by one of these
carloads consisting of 720 crates of the
three black varieties, mixed, sold qn
the Chicago market. The average price
" carioaa was Ja.78.
"This price has had a very beneficial
effect for Hood Rivr aliarviaa in all
other markets," says Wilmer Sieg,
"i once ieic me Keener de
mand. Indeed, mir rharrfaa ham aat
a record for us in the east this season.
oespite tne fact that we were handi
capped by lack of information as to
our crop. As fruit was received we
naa to load, it express it, and then sell
it in transit. If we had received an
swers to OUr innlliriaa nr ha, ano
knowledge of crop been obtained, so
uihi proper means could, have been
taken for markntina tha nnaaihilitioa
are that prices obtained would faava
ween maienaiiy larger.
The Association rannrta thatTmkila aa
many as 200 crates of strawberries art
, . received oauy rroro tbe higher
altitudes of the valley, tbe season's
market is practically closed. Ship
ments this year have reached 115 car
loads, and the net returns to growers
will reach approximately $120,000.
Mr, Sieg says that an erroneous opin
ion seems to prevail as to the growers
who have late shipments of berries.
' The natural season for strawber
ries," he says, "begins with the first
ot.May and continues until about June
20, after which date the people begin
to demand raspberries and other such
iiil.'i . . . .
iruitB. none some lew or the ship
ments Of lata maturlna harriaa aa nna
elties bring high prices, the main crop
of late fruit sells at a very low figure.
The shipments we are receiving here ,
now go partly to the cannery and part
ly to nearby express markets. If tho .
acreage of late production was heavier
and we were able to ship in carload
lots under refrigeration, we could thus
increase the area of distribution and
better the market condition.
"Hood River has the longest period
of production of any district producing
berries in the tlnifml Stolon Th h.
fruit was shipped this year on May 6
auu wo win oe receiving until alter
the middle of July.
"The crop of Hood River Bartlett
pears is going to be fair. The crisp
mountain air here gives the Bartlett
an excellent finish, w, !!,,,
many inquiries about our Sartletts and
uib roamec iooks good. 1 hrough activ
ities of tbe Association last spring, the
D'Anjou pear crop will be disposed of ,
for the most part in South America.
We are also receiving numerous inquir-.
ies from South American markets for
our King and GravenBtein apples."
manager wcrisy, oi tne r run urow-
erS ExfhxnOR rannrta ahinmanta nf '
about 10 carloads of strawberries for
me season. J he Exchange received ,
nriees rnnuino frnm tl Kn i M Kn th
. ra g, . v futw) ,,,
latter price having been received the
mm oi me season, ine closing price
was $2.40 a crate.
The Exchange ia nnn hnao ahlnntno
Miss MarinriA Rurr Hanoktaa nt M
and Mrs. George Barr, is new leading
the contestants for the Panama-Pacific
International exposition trip. Miss
Marian Dakin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. U. Dakin, is a close second and
miss cmegane McDonald, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. D Mnr,IH la .,.,.
third. Interest in the event.whicn will
give to tne rortunate winner $50 in gold
With Which to nav ainaniu tn IVia
greatest exposition the world haa ever
Miuwn, is waxing exceedingly warm.
Marjorie Barr 3450
Marian Dakin 2632
Ethel jane McDonald 2168
Florence Gould
Julia Ann Creighton 735
Katherine Hartley 635
Oladyse Vogel , , 675
I' Tiir:n
1. ureal? ue tv ill , osS
Lillian Brock 500
Mildred Huxley 600
The ulan adnntad for oivinu tha
trip does not require the contestant to
sell anything. The only thing neoea-
enry 10 secure ma voies neing 10 patron
ize some of Hood River's popular
stores. The advertisements of these
firms will be run on alternate weeks in
the Glacier and News. These firms
have agreed to give a sales check or re
ceipt to every purchaser for cash or for
mnnthlu hitln rtaiil UAn(mU..1n,
The s les check or receipts from these
a ... L 1 r
u mm my uu e.xcnangea ior voles at
this office. One vote for each five cents
purchased or paid.
The local firms subscribing to the con
tent are :
Paris Fair
Franx Hardware Co.
Consolidated Mercantile Co.
(Continued on Page 8)
Prof. J. B. Horner, of the depart
ment of history of the Oregon Agricul
tural College, was here last week, vis
iting Prof. J. O. McLaughlin, superin
tendent of city schools, and other local