r 1 ; ! f HOOD K1VEK (i LACIER, H1UKSDAY, .HWE 3. 1915 We Move to a Smaller RoomAll Stock Must be Reduced. All Our Men's j Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes Must Go Regardless of Cost or Profit I Present Lease Expires July 1st Sale Starts Friday, June 4th, 9 a. m. 1 A CHANGE DEMANDED? a comp ete line of Lad.es' Furnishings and Dry Goods. I am going to make this an Exclusive Ladies' Store andfeaTure 1 ' a complete, up-to-date line of Ladies' Apparel. The purpose of this sale is to reduce my stock and TcloVe out such lines as I do not intend to carry in my nevv location. Prices will be slaughtered beyond compar son to acco Ncver.before have you been offered an opportunity to buy good, staple merchandise at prices equa I to tfiese Everva tide goes on sale without reserve during this Gigantic Removal Sale. Make a list of yoTneeds and let us show you where you can save fifty cents on every dollar spent here during this I Marvelous Bargain - Giving' Event 1 iiSSli I WE QUIT THE MEN! Hats! Hats!! $15 to .$18 for; choice patterns. w Pncmvjji v . , The famous Kingsbury $3 line in" felt Removal Sale Price . IVkLY will not move one dollar's worth of Men's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes. an(1 straws must be closed out; hat ? rt r-r r-k p prices quoted below are such as will never be equaled in the history of your city. choosing economy; sale price 1 S) 7 . 8 5 These lines MUST BE Closed Out before July 1st C 1 yl r- ? I 1 1 - 5? 1 . 4r O : Plan to be with the crowd that will flood I Extra Special! Men's Shirts Underwear Bargain FxfM Snpf mill I R f, the store on the opening day and every ! All $1.75 Dress Shirts $1 Union Suits.. .48c " All the profits go to you. Tell your friends , ' ' other. This is a bargain event that will ocf Plionnn 5R1 10 All 50e fir for TV n Save your dollars and come. Thousands ' - long be remembered. L3St tdiailCe A.IU All oUcar. lot.. ,34c Big Bargains of bargains each day. Our time limited. Boys Clothing going re- 1 lot ; men's soft collar Austral inn Wool The rainv season will $5,000 worth of merchandise must go I Feather PllIOWS M.Klinwonr S S (5 n"08'" tS PAhi$1i25 ?1-5() arments 106 soon be here. Nowisthe during these 20 days. reamer HIIOWS MUSllllWear up to h. 00 now Removal sale price $2.25 wool Unions time to prepare for it 'I $1.50 value..98c Bargains $4.98 89c now 1.45 while we are closing out QU , K i vi,l(1 1 rq x , , , 9(t , ., this splendid line of rain- OIlOCS I0r A I GlOVeS t , 'o One lot valued at and $G values now coats, values to 16.50 th. .cidc ah Vw bis, L.e . ; 7t)C Value tSC $1 ,?5 now RQr R Qf? I S (1r a , ... our nw spring stock ! " 2oc 2 Look! Look! Look!!! $7.95 Allfeatlicrpillowa COWnS and foreJuTlsf I I "r pr'Ce ""' !&SstMS$ -251Iorhid, 82c . ' Princess Slips aa GREAT BIG a A I "V TT" iSSSSS i I Comfort Bats LX Men's Caps I Rnro.ai 0(1 Blg Special! i 1 All wool,the $2.75 kind. Removal The$1.25kinl;re-7 g ill Cll gdlll ill I Closing out Men's Pants All Children's $189 1 kind, now 1.69 sale price $ 1 .58 moval sale price M v p n i-J V I $2.50 values $1.19 Shoes Reduced to . p ValVing IayS $350 yalues 25& Rock-Botton I p . tn hoys 1 ants - - 28c bnmmmmmwmmmmmwm n iiW.,i,i MMn,fl $4.50 values 3.10 Prices Men's SuitS N Suit Cases and Bags ' 1 L 1 Tocioseout,aspien. . ! $(.50 AlHoathor cases $3.79 I 7T m , Mdl's Shoes J'L I W $7.50 All-leather cases 4.63 I YOUr Dreaill Ot ValllCS Reaped nlfrtth To close our entire values; removal !)' fcr rn All UnfW oio 1 11- mark tne beginning ol the Greatest Slausrhter in stock of Men s Dress . . ; t - a 1 vcr witnossu-.l dunnff your litttime. Our entire stock thrown tc Tthe public with absolutely no re- Shoes, the $4.50 and sae rice $..r() All-leather cases 5.65 i pml .lor prudence, profit or money values. Our one aim is to reduce this stock sufficiently- to snitnnrnpw $5 kind, must be sold ft 4 n S 9 $1.25 Japanese straw bags 81c 1 location Before July 1st. WE MUST VACATE. initk sunicicntly to suitournew I before July 1st for Kly) Ak , , You can t beat these. I rmn. , ., , I $3.35 IL.XJU j This Is Positively the Greatest Bona Fide Saving Event Ever Witnessed n , l5ffns!, I KlTffinrf I Messaline Petticoats I Wool Dress Skirt I Sateen Petticoats oSXrSl St AcoteWO Values up to $,75, now One lot $!,5 values, al, colo,, ucau)to?4. To clcs,-mil f 1.25 Silk 82c k; alwlutfly minproof; re- . $2.98 each 93 Cents 42c $1.89 One lot up to $10.00, now TO cent $isiiki.ivs 82c $4.85 $4 98 cents Extra Value ' irx(ra Special' Look at This : One -U ChiUW, ad DSS Goods Welme.iVwoaj.sinBinK- MosSaline and Jersey top petti- ' S'1?KtScJaJl"th- MeSSaline SkirtS 1,1,0 HU ' " IH'l:.r$L00ayanl tamto ,lr, i raei the kM u pay i for ReXTaTues "p to tPOO One lot, values up to $4.50, ! n"K 4,toriK7J"lr1' l:ll'-Ii iKKcl"00 removal sale price ! 89 cents 69 cents $1 1Q $3,98 98 cents $2.39 I Croat! Mighty!! Colossal!!! I pc3 fU .TK') r II (Vl 7 1 I DonWIookthisoneop- n j Vl ( 0 J n LA ,XI tBf'n Gmng Event , . portunity of a lifetime U LiLJO U W U UIDZAALJJ start " 7ng, 9 a. m. 1 1 HOOD RIVER - - OREGON I Be Wl"l tlie crowd I i 1 f t (!