HOOD MVEK GLACIER, TilURSDAl. JUNE :i, 1915 OC3C g as IOC 3C DC This Is the Beginning Of the eleventh season for us with the famous "White Clover Ice Cream" and our Pure Fruit Flavors. The ice cream is even better, the'sodas are even better. We are enlarging to make our accomodations even better, and are hoping to make our service'even better. Come and enjoy these things with us. Listen to the records as placed on "the new Edison Phonograph" and go away happy. All your wants in the drug line supplied. K.EJR CASS Smith Block Reliable Druggists THE SQUARE DEAL STORE SAFTY FIRST is the Watchword to day. That means a Deereing mower and rake to harvest your hay crop. A Louden Track and Carrier to unload it and a set of Louden Stanchions in your barn mean saf ty and comfort foryour cows, and a bigger milk check each month. These tools are guaranteed best in their class and for sale by I). McDonald. d. Mcdonald THIRD AND CASCADE STS. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Why some women" leave home! IVcause it isn't a IIOMK. I'ccauso- wi'll, because it isn't like those modern, attrac tive, artistic, convenient, moderate priced HOMKS shown in our matfin'licent new $ir, !)()) Plan P.ook. They're all house-no waste space - one-half the steps saved in housework-the kind of a home you WANT your friends to visit inspired by people who wanted to KN.IOY their homes. Over a hundred of the most beautiful designs of the year. You should see them, even if you are not poiiiK to build now just to know how little it costs to build the Ideal Home. Full information is yours on request, without obligation--weareulad to show and explain these delightful designs we're proud of them. If you can't come, tell us, we'll take them to you at your convenience. J Stanley-Smith Lbr. Co. -J Bids for Wood Wanted. ili'ls wsuitnl fur 170 cordn 4 foot pine : wimmI. Must lie dry body hoimI ; hIho biln i inr I ,u i iiMh ilry dull wood to he deliv j 'red at the school Iioiim-h of School I)io- trict No. :t not later than September I, ; l!lr). liidn to be oifiied June 24, 1WI.. i The Hoard reHerveH the ri'tit to reject 1 nry or all bids. liidx to Ik- neiiarate I M. II. MCKI.KsKN, ; Clerk School hist. No. 3 Notice for Publication I lieiartmeiit the Interior, I' H. I.mi'l Of H e at Th Urihi H. ormmi May 17, llil.'i. I Nonce In hereliv uiveu Mini Nu holMn .lacoli, hi Kir, tiiiKiin, who. mi .1 Mild lMh, I'M" niHile ' lloiiii'Mi'Hil Knlrv, No. Hliici, for K.4NK'4, , Hit. 7 Hinl NW'W',, Hwllon 'Town. M I North, Italiijc II Kit, Wlllllllletle Merlihiiii, him flu, I notice of liitcntloli to uiHkr IIiihI live year iriKr, to rstiilillnh cluliii to till' In I ill hiiovx ili'MTlliell, tiFfure K A. HIm lni, II. H ( 'iimiiii IhHioiier, at Hood Hlver. Ore K"", on the nth day ot July, l'.if. I'laliiiant imiiieK hh Iiicm-: John West, I. I". Knyiter, I'. A. Clancy, all, of Kir, or-koii, K. (.'. iiweu, of Ml. MihiiI. Ornmn. II, K HANK WOODCOCK, inj'-VJyl Iteiclxler. Notice to Creditors. In IheCiiiiiity Court of IlieSUle of Oft-icon, lur Hood Klvcr County. In the Maltcrofthe Kslateof Henry Drown, (ll'CeHhHll. Notice Ih hereliy niven that the itnilcrHlKnert Iihm Ix-en Hiuilutc(l by the County l ourl of llooii Klvcr t'nunly, (ircuon. ailiiiinlxtralorol the CHiale n( Henry Hrnwn, UitchwiI, unci hns (lu'y itiallflei1 an nucIi, All ihthohh liavinKiMnlmiiaitalnNt thealiove mentioned eslaleare hereby rcitilred to pre m nt the mine, properly verified. In the und-r-Hinned administrator at Ilia office ot John linker, Attorney at l,w, Hriwliia HiiiIiIIhk, HiMid Klvcr, oreKou, within hIx uiiintha Iroiii Hie date of tin- notice. Hated thin hi 1 1 1 day of May, l'.M'i. (T.AKKM K H. IIKiiWN, iiiyaMnl? ArtmiHlslralor Notice of Sheriffs Sale Hy virtue id an execution In forifloMire and order uf Bale duly lKned by the "lerk of the ( Ircull Court of ihH ('utility of Hood Klvcr, Hiale of (irctton, dated the 6th day or May, lliir, In a certain ncllon In the Circuit Court for aalit County and Mule, wherein W. H. Mu. mr, an plainillt, iwovered JudKUicnt hkiiiiiM iliiou A. Orahiun and Ida M. liraliain lor the mini of Nine Hundred (Wll.inh i ollara, with Inlereat thereon al the rate nm percent imt hiiiiii in from Hie hiili day ot October, liil.l, and COI.IH and dltihiirwinciiia taxed at foil v-four and foily one hundredth" ISM UK H illiu's, and I lie further aiim Klxty-elnlil (dM.iHi) Hollara, and the further nmof One Hundred Tweuly Klve Hl-.'xlili HollarHaitorncy a fee. Notice la hereliy Kiveu Hint I will on the I . 'Ill dav of June. IIU V at the Ironl door ot Hie i null limine in llond Klver al III o clock In I he at public "Always at Your Service" Telephone 5011 or 2171 In aald County lorcniHin oi 'wild dav. aell auction to the hluhcat bidder tor iih, the foliowiUK dcacrlbed propi riy, to-wii: T he norlh one-hall of the north one-half oi Hie aouthwcHi quarter of the uorthwcM uiiar ter, and the aiinih iinc.hiilf of Hie niirlhwcst 'I ok Hit of the aouthwcsl iiiarler and Hie outhwcNt iiuarter ot Hie aouihwtsl iinircr and the went one ha f of the aouiheiiKl iiuarter ol I he aouthweat iiuarter of Kccllnn Twcnl Kour Township one (I.) Norlh liaiiKc leu (In.) Kant oi the WlllHiii' iie .Meridian, aiiimi ed In In Hood Ulver Couulv, Hlate of tiretgnn hi Miiiiaty ihc Mild ludKiiieiit In tavorol W. II Muaaer aKain.l aald Orion A lirnhani and Idii M. lirahiiin with Intcnwt thereon, together with all inaia and diibuiscnienlH that have or iiih.v accrue. ml:l.ltl TTIOS. K. .1011 NSliN, sheriff. Hated al Hood Klver, Ore, May I I, I d Notice of Administratrix' Sale of Real Property. POMONA GRANGE DIS- -CUSSES MANY TOPICS Th Hood River county Pomona grange net at Ode II May 19. It railed to order at 11.20 a. m. ith a large crowd of enthusiastic grangers present. Owing to the illness of Sinter C. V. Johanaen our Worthy Master, C. P. Johanaen. was unable to be with ur. Worthy Observer A. I. Mason filled the office of Worthy Master. A resolution was adopted favoring a county exchange. A committee of four, one from each subordinate grange, F. V. Friday. II. (.'rouse, M. Haw thorne and F. H. Miller, were appoint ed to take charge of the matter. Our delegates to our state grange. Brother and Sister Dunbar, and bro. Kobbins, were present and gave a very good report of our state grange pro ceedings. All expressed an enjoyable and protfiable'timu and that the Tilla mook grangers certainly knew how to entertain. A recess was declared from 1 to 2 p. m. at which time li'f heartily enjoyed a dinner which was served by the Odell grangers, in the Nelson apple house. , talk about eats! Just ask someone i who was there and listen to what he says. The decorations were most' beautiful, both in the hull and dining room. ; At 2 o'clock the grange was again called to order and general business : taken up. The following named com-! m it lee was appointed to confer with i the officials of the Mount Hood Kail- j road in regard to classified rates along their line from I'arkdale to iluud liiv er. : P. J. Mohr, C I'. Johanstn and E. W. Dunbar. The secretaries of the subordinate granges gave the following reports: I'arkdale reports 61 members all of "we will work together" kind. Odell reports 59 enrolled, and from hospital ity enjojed they are sure prospering. Pine Grove reports 70 members, gain ing 20 the last month. Park grange reports that they are still on the map ana nave some big plans ahead fur in creased membership. n very interesting program was given during lecturer's hour, from ,i to 4 o'clock, when Sister Nettie Crockett, uur worty lecturer, took charge of the meeting. In addition to some very gnod instru mental and vocal music several good readings were rendered, some being encored and called back the third time. Sister Dunbar gave a very interesting talk on woman's work committee of the state grange. After lecture hour the reaular order of business was again taken up and the following resolutions were thoroughly discussed and passed: Whereas, our legislature has given us an amendment to our school laws, pro viding a broader and more equitable system of offering a high school course to every boy or girl in the rural dis tricts of our state. And whereas, this new law in raising the standard of our high schools, will make it obligatory for ull rural school districts to either increase their teach ers and equipment in their high school department or to consolidate their dis trict with one or more other districts in order to create and maintain a standard high schuol. Therefore, be it resolved that the Hood River County Pomona grange commend this new law as worthy of our hearty support, and Be it further resolved, that we deem it wise to consolidate high schools wherever it is possible to do so in order that our rural children can be given the fullest advantage of a first class high school course. other meals must te paid for, either by the guests or the friends by whom they are accompanied. The ncit Pomona grange meeting will be held with Parkdala grange the second Wednesday in August. Every granger ought to be there. Bros. Jo hanren and Crouse bave promised us a big time. Let us make the second week of August our vacation time and if we cannot do any better we will camp in Bro. Johansen'a alfalfa field. Presa Com. SATURDAY PICTURES AT ELECTRIC SUNDAY I Moving pictures of street acenea here Saturday afternoon were ahown at the 1 Electric theatre Sunday. The pictures 1 were made by William M. Card, of Portland, whose productions are handled by the National Education Corporation, of New York. Mr. Card secured pictures of Oak 'street, the berry growers unloading fruit at the Apple Growers Association warehouses, scenes at the O.-W. R. & N. depot and nearby scenic points. The 'streets were lined with crowds and automobiles. I At the station, while Mr. Card was ; filming the passengers disembarking : from the afternoon local, an Indian and ' his wife perceived that they were in front of the camera. Both ducked and created a scare among the people awaiting the train. It was explained to the Indians that they could see them selves the next day, and both were at the New Electric the next day. The New Electric was crowded, local citizens having come to see their own moving pictures. Mr. Card and his as sistants are artists in their line. The pictures were very clear, considering tie speed with which they were fin ished. Some of them, showing scenes of the Hood River-Lang & Co. J base ball game, had been taken but a few hours before they were reeled off J at the New Electric. Some of the best pictures were made on the Heights. The smiling face of E. M. Holman was seen, that citizen standing in ftont of his Sanitary Mar kit. Dr. Edgington watched the mov ing picture man at work. The first pictures that were shown by Mr. Card were those of the Electric staff as they stood, smiling, in front of the popular theatre. Ihrills went uu and down the backs of the audience as the members of the Hood River Volunteer fire department were shown hurrying out with their apparatus. It was not a call for a fire, however. The laddies were performing for the benefit of the movie man, and the streams of water from their hoses wore turned into the big oak tree at the corner of Fourth and Oak streets. THE COLUMBIA HAS RECORD LOW WATER of (Meon, THE 0m OF QUALITY GROCERIES Mako known to us in person i' by phono your wants in the jrroi'ory lino, and wo will lo the rest, which means the host! m ELITE GROCERY w! : J- R- KINSEY, Prop. i:. J; I'lmn,. 4I.M. 11.11 Hl.l e L't e -AT Maiiuvs B rnr 'lVTtt1tT I t-, rv m. r-w CRUAM 8 II I"A RATOr i 4 i LT AS STOOD THK TEST of Years. Hood River lairynien, when they are in the market for a separator that will do their work do it well and at the least cost and ineonvenienee should inves tigate the United States machine.. Howard VV. Pealer, Local Agent R. F. D. No. 2 Telephone 5869 In Uu- t'liiiiily t'liiirt of 1 1 le Suit, l or IIihmI Klvi r i nunty. In Hit' Miitlrrol tlu Kolnli'iif K. t . MhIihih v, (ll'CfilMI'll, Nullri' Is ln'li'liy Klvfli tllllt lilirsliiint I., nil Onll'l' lit Suit' til lilt' t'liiiiily Court till- Mil' utility til llnoil Ulvrr, Slatr ol Ort'iftin, ilni v iimilt' mid t'liit'rt'tl tin Hit' ati'li ttiiv nt April, llM.i, Hit' iniiliTsiKiii'il A it in i nihil n ii ,, 1 1 -KMitlt' tit K c. Milium.-y, ,1, ih,, l, W ,,,, Hint iilli'i- SnliinlHy, tin Uili day ul .liinr. pi . piiH'tftl to s,. ul pnviile sale llit Smith in Mrri'N ol Hit- Noi l h i I i,, !,. ,,! l.ol t in Nivllon I. Township I North, of uiiiiKf 1I hnM ot lh. Williiint'tlf M.'i ltliaii, lor rush In liaml. rrospwtivf pnifhasiTs may milium t iliis to piirt'lntst' sal. I mil propt'rly to nit, on ami alter smI.I tlali' at Hit unlit' of A. .!. IhtIi v. Kirsi National Haul. Ilnilitin. Ilooit Illvrr. I'lrt-con I'MUtl Hint posifit this :tih itav of Mav lur, KI.I.INOIt M. MAil ANh V. 11 l.t-Jti 111 Aitmiiiisii'Hlrlx Notice of Settlement of Final Account and Distribution of Estate j In tin-Comity Court of lln Suite of On-khii lor Hit' county ot II. 1,1, 1 Hiver: 111 tin- Matter ol the Kslate of James H Hi I slit', ileeeHseil. Notirt' Is lierehy niven tha; Anna lieKhe as a.iinihlslialrUi of the etle ol .Inines ii' Helshe, ilet'eitsed. has rendered Mil l presenleil lor st tllelnelil nnil tiled 111 sal, 1 eoiul her thai a.'. 'hi. nl ol ihe Hilniiuisiiiuioh m , ,..mMi,. ami 11 petition for the distribution 01 the same and thai Sitliirday, Hie l.'tli duv of .lime I'll . al Ihe hour ol in o Vloek a. in", at the fnim U011111 m the Court House, In Hood li..r Hood ltiver County. Orei-on has lieen dnl' apiKilnletl liy salt! court as the ,lii" anil place lor Hie sell lenient ft said nccount an. I the lieiirltiK ot m.IiI petition for dislnhuiinn. al which time anil plat'e any person lnleres,d In said I'Mitie limy appear and tile exceptions In mtiIIiik to said rlnal accounl and contest the same and show cause II hiiv, win final ilislnliiiilon of said estate .shculd not t.c ordered Hated, IIihiiI Klvt'l. o i-tmi, Mac 1'Jih pif, ANNA H f.'l s 1 1 K. Ailniinistriitrlx ol the Kstale of .lain .s 1( Helshe, tleccHsed. niCi no Notice of Final Hearing Notice U hereliy Kivtn tin t ivrrv K.Wells and Klinicia V. Wells exivulors o 11,,. iMS ill and lesl anient ot .lei nine Wells, di cessed have tiled their ttiirtl aisonul In I he County Court ol Hood Klvcr County, flremin, and Hie .IiiiIkc ol Mini Court lias ttxed and appointed Sam Ida y. Hie li'ili day of June, ltd., al lii.ni it in., as the nine for lieaitnn ohecions l.i aui tlniil account and the settlement of said esiatc All heirs, devises, creditors or ol her persons Inlercslcil 111 said I'Miite aie hereliy nolitted and retiiii'i'd In aiMar and answer on or i.e. lore t lie day and hour 111111I inned, and to lilt their ohltTllons lo said final accounl anil Ihe selllellieilt ol sal. I estate, II anv Ih. y lct e sptcitvlni: Hie (.artlculars ot such ohi ciions to siiia account or anv ileni thertsif I'KKKY K WH I t Hi AN l is W. (t'Kl.l.s in'.UJnl7 Kxtvutors Whereas, our financial condition! are such ax to compel all of iloud River's citizens to curtail their expenses in ev ery line possible in which to do so, And whereas, our county court, af ter complying with the law in prepar ing their annual budget and tax levy for the current expenses of this county have deemed it for the best interest of our taxpayers to appropriate J'.KIO to be ued as the annual salary for the Hood lliver county librarian instead of $10S(), us previously allowed. And whereas, the Hood Hiver county library buard has objected to the county court's action in allowing this reduced amount for the librarian's sal ary, And whereas, said library board has been reported by the public press as having instructed their attorney to bring suit against our county to com- pi'l our county court to allow the full amount of the librarian's salary, Therefore, be it resolved that we, the llond liiver County I'umona grange, do most sincerely approve of the county court's action in this matter, and that each ami every member of this order is requested to do all in their power to make the county library boartl realize their mistake and ask them to with draw their action in this matter, lie it further resolved that our secre tary send a copy of these resolutions to both county court and county library board and that our press committee furnish each of our local papers with a copy of these resolutions for publication. The Columbia has made a record low mark this season. Commodore Dean, who has been in Hood Hiver for 15 vears operating the Hood Kiver-White Salmon ferry system, states that he has never seen the water so low. On former years the Columbia steamers have always landed a the foot of First street, while this year thev have been forced, on account of the low water, to continue to unload passengers and freight east of Hood river. "1 saw a man Ihe other day from the Okanoga i region," says Mr. Dean, "and he tells me that the snow, where last year it was 25 feet deep, is but a foot deep this season." Hart House Again Fired 3 For the third time in the past six mimins me oiu place at the corner of Columbia and Sixth streets, property of Chus. H. Hart, of I'ortland, was dis covered on lire last Fiiday afternoon. Children playing near the place first saw the smoke issuing from the roof and turned in the alarm. In a very short time the members of the Volun teer lire department were on the scene and had extinguished the blaze, the damage of which was confined to the attic. It is thought that the fire was caused by tramps who have been bleep ing in the old house. Thirty-Six for Twenty-five cents Dr. King's New Life I'ills are now sup plied in well-corkeil glass laittlos, i-on-ttiiiiing :ii sugar coated white pills tor '-Tic. One pill with a glass of water lie fine retiring is an average tluse. Kat-y and pleasant to take. Effective null positive in results. Cheap ami econom ical to use. (iet ti bottle today, take a luse tonight your constipation will be relieved in the morning, for 25c at all druggists. Fords Near 75 Mark The nubmer of Ford automobiles in the Hood Hiver valley is nearing the 75 mark. Mrs. Jane Bishop last week was the latest purchaser of a Ford touring car from the Columbia Auto & Machine Co. Since the Auto & Ma chine Co. took over the agency in the fall of 1'JIH, 55 Ford cars have been sold by the company. Whereas, the legislative committee of the national grange has carefullv considered all therural credit bills now : pending before congress, and have found the ISathrick Knral Credit Hill i (No, 11ST7) to conform more closely to j the resolutions adopted by the national ; gtiinge, and Whereas, this national committee has I advised all the state, I'omona and suh niilinate granges to give this bill their ! Hearty support and to appeal to their congressmen to support it Ihercfure, be it resolved, that I'o nuit a grange of Hood Hiver county give this bill its hearty support, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent In each of our congressmen of this state, and that a copy be sent to Ihe Crai-ge Hulletin for publication. Whereas, our delegates to our state grange have made a very good report i of their work done there, and i Whereas, their report fully demon-I strates to us the folly of our system of j electing delegates to our state uranpp i 'where, by creating an entirely new .... ..... , , . . ,. body of delegates each year, we make 1 he M'Make ,s Made by Many Hood , it impossible for said state grange to i RiverCitizens. luiiaii.' t.ur many complex proniems in I iJ(lk flir ,1,.. c,. f l.a,.L-..i Indigestion and Constipation "About live years ago I began taking Cluunlierlain's Tablets after suffering from indigestion and constipation for years without finding anything to re 1 lieve me. ChumtierlainVfalilets helnetl nie at once and by using them for sever- ; ai weens I was cured of (he complaint, ; writes Mrs. Marv l). McMuUen, I'helps, 1. ror sine ny all dealers. liftttng stamps, Ndf Inking Stamps, l'ocket Stamps, Ten ami IVneil Stamps, ! Ktc, niade ti order at the (ilaeier of- j lice at rortund prices. All Wrong Hood River Cigar Factory V. M. Will TK, Proprietor Manufacturer of High Grade Cigars a satisfactory manner. j Therefore, be it resolved that Hood Kiver County Pomona grange do most sincerely urge that our state grange by laws be so amended that only one half of the representation at each state grange be elected annually. During the afternoon session 22 new names were added to our membership. At ti o'clock a bounteous lunch was again served by the Odell grange, and to say it was thoroughly enjoyed by ail is placing it mildly. A rising vote of thanks was extended to Odell in appre ciation of their hospitality. Hy motion of our I'omona grange, the Stewart of each local grange enter taining the Pomona grange is instruct ed to hereafter take up the fourth de gree and annual word at the dining room door, in order that only grangers or their honored guests w ill be admit ted to free seats at the table. All To be cured you must know the cause. If it's weak kidneys you must set the kidneys working right." A Hood Hiver resident tells yon how. "Heavy work while on the farm caus ed me to suffer from kidney trouble,' says Mrs. ,T, S. Kiserof 1111 F:igth St., Hood Hiver. "My hack seemed to give out and Ihe pain and lanienessextemled down into my hips. My whole body was lame ami sore mornings and the action of my kidneys wasn't right. When 1 heart! oi Doan's Kidnev Pills lieing good for such troubles, I got a supply and took them. They helped me right away and soon jny back ami kidnev were til good shape. Doan's Kidney' Pills drove away all the ailments. I" think they are just title." Price 50e, at all dealers. Don't simply ilsk for kidney reined v get Doan's Kid" ney Pills that Mrs. Riser bad. Foster ilillitirn Co , Props., HulTalo, X. Y. We Don't Keep Groceries We Sell Them AT THE: CASH GROCERY E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 1012 When Your Visitors Are Here From the East Let Us TaRe You for that Spin over the Valley Our Motor Cars at Your Service We are local agents for the Maxwell; would be pleased to demonstrate its qualities. Garage located at the foot of Fourth and Columbia Streets. Acces sories and garage equipment, gasoline and oils. Re pairs made. But the most interesting message we have for local car owners concerns the Brown Scientific Non-Deflating Pneumatic Tubes Not an experiment but proven of worth by actual test. Don't dread punctures and blowouts. Let us show you the Brown. HOWE & INGALLS Fourth and Columbia Sts. Tel. 1361 Does Your House Need PAINTING? NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT WE HANDLE Sherwin-Williams Paint "The Best On Earth" THAT'S ALL CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy Oregon Lumber Dee, Oregon Co. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETO. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTiTY Both Phones Estimates Furnished torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 41 1 1 "1 n