HOOD RIVEH GLACIEIi. THTRSDAY. .IPXC -T lOl", 0 0 Artistic Jewelry Discriminating patrons of jewelers are de manding now, more than ever before, new and distinctive designs in jewelry. Here you will find a choice of just such pro ducts in rings, bracelets, scarf pins, neck chains and ornaments. And if you have laid away pieces of jewelry you do not wear because of its old-fashioned mountings, bring them in and let us show you what new and beautiful articles we can make from them. W. F. Laraway Jeweler Hood River It takes a strong imagination to Ix'lieve in some of the promises made by some sellers of shoes. Thing that you know are impossible are offered as glibly as the most reasonable propositions. We are not wiling shoes for onr health nor do we believe any one else is. Hut. we know that our prices are as low as honest qualities will iermit. J. C. J0HN5EN, the Hood River Shoe Man Shoes and Shoe Repairing The best drink you have ever tried. Cause One hun dred per cent quality. Quality gives satisfaction. Your patronage is earnestly solicited. WOOD'S GROCERY "The Best Things to Eat" 30C WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR WOOD.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOS. D. CALKINS White River Flour Makes Bread Having the Old Bready Flavor AT YOUR GROCERS Sliding Over The Lumber for your building or repair purposes anv number of feet of any kin 1, mostly high grade, though. Let us know your exact needs or leave your plans with us. Our estimate will certainly be lower than others for the same grades. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co. Building Material and Box Snooks Phone 2181 YOU WILL FIND HERSHEY'S COCOA 30 A FRESH SUPPLY OF J LOCAL FOLK WILL ATTEND FESTIVAL At on former years, many local peo ple will be in Portland next week to attend the roie festival. The manage ment of the great carnival event, when Portland and contiguous communities are visited by tourists from all parts of the country, are preparing many new and attractive features. A new rose festival song has been written by Mrs. L. A. Henderson, of Sioux City. la. "The Whole World Knows the Portland Rose," the new festival slogan, is the title. The poem I follows : Out west the purpling haze lies close I uver wondrous snow-clad peaks. i Out west the gleaming waterfall j In dazzling brilliance leaps. j Out west the sweet, pine-scented breeze ' Krom the fragrant forest blows. , Out west there's a wealth of glorious bloom. Out west is the Portland rose. Chorus: The whole world knows the'Portland rose ! Its queeny air, ita beauty rare Within the hearts which all enshrine No other rose is half so fair. Its tints the glint of sunrise shows ! Its soft blush clows! It gaily throws Its fragrance to the passing breeze. The whole world knows the Portland rose ! Out west there is wealth for all who come With a brave, undaunted will. The orchards yield their perfect fruit, The streams run many a mill. There's precious hidden ore to mine, Golden grain luxuriant grows. There's wealth in the herds of peaceful kine. There's wealth in the Portland rose. Out west the men and women stand Side hy side for all that's fair. Thty bravely fight for civic right, 'I lie hardest tasks they dare. They greet you with their outstretched hands. With the spirit the west bestows. Their hearts are as pure, and sweet, and good, As the heart of the Portland rose. For an Impaired Appetite To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses, of Cham berlain's Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seitjt of Detroit, Mich., pays: "Thev restored my appetite when impaiietl, relieved me of a Moated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowel." For sale by all dealers. Just Little Stories One of the dressiest men in police circles in the northwest is Special De tective Davis, of the O.-W. K. & N. Co., who has often visited in Hood River and who is well acquainted with Una I officers ; that is, on ordinary occa sions. One night last week, however, Ollicer Davia arrived in Hood River disguised as a tramp. When the train halted in the local yards he pulled his felt hat down over his face, gave a hitch to his ragged pants and with other Weary Willies started up town. He had already spotted Ii. li. Smith, local night ollicer and planned a little fun. "Hey, you fellows," called Smith, when he saw them headed for town, "take this train and get out of here." "Ah, what yer givin' us," sneered Davis, laughing in his sleeve. "Uo chase yourself!" The words aroused the local ollicer's ire, and he was get ting ready to add to moral persuasion with well delivered strokes of his "bil lie," when Davis realized that an op portune time to make himself known had arrived. From reports that are going the rounds of the town and that seem very authentic, some of the good housewives of the city are giving tramps such bountiful feeds, when they call at hack doors, that they are interfering with the work of the police department. It is stated that some of the women actu ally cook meals of fried eggs, coffee and biscuit for the hobo callers. Ihe great brotherhood of the unwashed are quick to make the most of such homes and the goodness of such women is quickly abused. Did Kert Stranahan, when he went to Portland last Monday, see the Sells Floto circus?- Answer, No. And he was the most disappointed man in the Rose City. Mr. Stranahan is ever bubbling over with that great lubri cant that oils the paths of mortals, hu man nature, and he never misses a cir cus. Last Monday Mr. Stranahan's eyes were bothering him, and he de sired not only to go to Portland to have them tested, but to see the stunts at the great circus. He missed the early morning train, but took the afternoon local. After some business, he hastened to the show grounds, got in line, selected the right coin for the cost of an admission, and gradually moved toward the ticket wagon. Hut five people were between Mr. Stranahan and the wagon, when down went the window, and a sign bearing the following was displayed: "SOLD OUT" Only A Few Can Go Those w ho are so fortunate that e pense does not have to lie considered are now going to health resorts to get rid of the Impurities in the system that cause rheumatism, backache, swollen, aching joints and stiff, painful muscles. If vou are one of those who cannot go yet feel that you need relief from such pain and misery, try Foley Kidney Pills. They restore the kidneys to healthful activity and make yon feel well and strung. For sale by Chas. X. Clarke. Richard Yates Honored Richard Yates, who iB a student of the Oregon Agricultural College, has recently attained one of the high posi tions among the student activities. He was elected entertaining manager for the junior class, of 1917. This position is one that deals with the superintend ing and management of class social functions, which are a aeries of "jolly ups," picnics, Junior Prom., and other junior week end festivities. Mr. Yates is from Hood River and is another one of the Hood River boys who is making good at college. Only One Entirely Satisfactory "I have tried various colic and diarr hoea remedies, but the only one that has given me entire satisfaction and cured me when I was afllicted is Cham tierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I recommend it to my friends at all timtp," writes S. X. (ialloway, Stewart, S. C. For sale by all dealers. Past Due memory refreshing stamps have been added to our ready made stock. They are neat in appearance and the wording is to the point. Ask to see sample. GUERNSEY COWS LEAD L TESTS Grade Guernsey cows and grade Hol steins are among the best milkers, ac cording to the New Richrr.tnd. Wis., News, one of the owners of which is a son of Dr. M. E Welch, of this city. Speaking of a rteer.t contest amoi g cowmen, the Wisconsin paper sa)s: The statistics show that for the thiid 28 day testing period the gru.lc Guern sey has again a slight eiipe on its grade Holftein competitor, the profit earned by the Guernsey bcirg f.YK? as compared with the Holstein's $" i"4, with the scrub laggiig way Ithiml as usual, her profit lor the period being fl.tt.i. The detailed figures for tie third 2S , day testing period appear below : Grade Guernsey Lbs. milk daily, 38. 2S. Total lbs. milk produced, 1071.9. Average test, 4.3. I.bs. butter fat, 4fi.3. Price butter fat, 32 cents. Value butter fat, $14.77. Cost of roughage, i:i.2". Cost of grain, $".t'iit. Total cost of feed, fX.94. Profit, $5.S3. Cost of producing 100 lbs. milk, SV. Cost ot plod tic nig one pourd of fat, 19 4 cents. Returns for $1 expended for feed, $1.65. Grade Holstein Lbs. milk daily, 38.1. Total lbs. milk produced, It'.. 1. Average test, 13.29. Lbs. butter fat, $11.25. Cost of roughage, $3.14. Cost of grain, $2.47. Total cost of feed, $5.01. Profit, $5.64. Cost of producing 100 lis. milk, 52.8 rents. Cost of producing one pound fat, lfe. Returns for $1 expended fur feed, $2 plus. The scrub cow I.bs. milk daily, 3K.7. Total lbs. milk produced, tUn.-i. Average test, 3. 14. Lbs. butter fat, 29.H0. Cost of roughage, $3.56. Cost of grain, $4.05. Total cost of feed, $7.61. Profit. $1.95.. Cost of producing 100 lbs. of milk, 80.2 cents, cents. Cost of producing one pound fat, 25.5 cents. Return for $1 expended for feed, $1,256. All of which again puts the scrub cow in bad. Her feed bill tor the month was within $1.33 as much as that of the grade Guernsey .and an even $2 more than that of the grade Holstein. It undoubtedly was every bit as much work and bother to cure for her as either the Guernsey or Hol stein, and she was an exceedingly pour third when it came to figuring up the results. The scrub cows are not the bread winners nor the mortgage lift ers. Also again, the better the cow the better the results and the larger the profits. GEM PROGRAM TODAY "Lola." A five reel Shubert drama, featuring Clara Kimball Young. Friday and Saturday "Poetic Justice of Oinnr Khan." A Selig two reel drama by James Oliver Curwood. "The Heart of Jim Brice." A Vita graph drama with Maurice Costello, Florence Hillings, lhomas R. Mills and little Helen Costello in the lead. "In the Park." An Rssansiy comedy. A good one with Charles Chaplin. Sunday "The White Goddess." A Kalem three reel feature with Alice Joyce and Guy Coombs. The "W hite Goddess" is utterly different from the average pho to play and shows the most beautiful actress in tilmdom in the strongest role of her career. Miss Joyce appears as Elsie Farnum, a girl whose life is en shrouded in mystery. Once a year a Hindu appears and pays all her ex penses. Later the girl is taken ta In dia, ostensibly to meet her partnts, whom she cannot remember ever hav ing seen, liut upon her arrival in the Orient, Klsie is astounded to discover that she is regarded as a goddess by te natives. The story which unfolds is a remarkable one. See it. "They Loved Him So." A VitagrBph comedy. Wednesday and Thursday Wednesday and Thursday, Juno 9 and 10, "Old Dutch." A Shubert feature in five reels, featuring Lew Fields and Vivian Martin. To the millions of motion picture theatre goers who love good, clean comedy drama, based on a probable story, with sincere and con vincing acting that goes straight to ti e heart "Old Dutch" will assuredly be welcome. There isn't a real dyed-in-the-wool villian in the play. When it was pro duced a few years ago by the irihuberts it leaped into instant success. Lew Fields the famous partner of Joe Weber had a part that fitted him line a glove ; and a story to carry along with him that gets home on account of its hu mor, its touching sentiment, ita charm and its every day aspect. Such things happen. "Old Dutch," otherwise Ludwig Streusand, is a successful inventor, staying with his daughter under as sumed names, to avoid publicity, at a Palm Beach hotel. Thither go Bings & Bings, male and female vaudevil lians.who rob the old man of his money and his name, and take the places of him and his daughter in the hotel, where they are lionized up to the neck, whilst Ludwig and Violet, absolutely without money, are glad to work for their board. The old mans' efforts to prove his identity are defeated again and again, until finally Mr. Rockmor gan. Sr., comes down from New York and rescues his partner from an un pleasant predicament. Then Bings & Bings gracefully retire; Violet Streus and marries Rockmorgan, Jr., and the old inventor is'made happy at last. This is a good story, irrespective of the fact that Mr. Fields and Miss Mar tin are playing in the him. But a good story plus good acting, plus good di recting, plus a strong cast are features of the offering which will endear it to motion picture audiences. A photoplay free from all severely dramatic or shockingly tragic ; a com edy drama of worth. Don't miss it, on Wednesday or lhursday of next week. To Sleep Well in Summer Slight inflammation of tlie bronchial tulien caiwR a (liutreKHing coiiuli and makes refreshing sleep impossible. Foley's Honey and Tur Compound covers raw, Inflamed, irritated iMirfaws with a soothing, healing coating and stops that annoying tickling, relieving the racking, tiring cough. Take this splendid cough medicine with you on summer trips. It is good for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial affections and la grippe coughs. Hold by Chas. S. Clarke KIMBALL ENTIIUSI- ASTIC OVER FAIR Returning last Thursday from San Francisco, with his mother and father, Mr. ard Mrs. Walter Kimball, and his brother. Stuart Kimball, Kordham li. Kimball speaks enthusiastically of the Panama-Pacific exposition. "The exposition s a whole or take any part is wonderful," says Mr. Kimball. "One can't put his hands on any ore thing that is better than the rest. It is all grand. 1 he architecture of the buildings seems to combine and mingle with all the surroundings. "Hood River's big apple is a decided hit, and C. N. Kavlin deserves a lot of credit for the manner in which he is handling the exhibit. The big re pro- duction is surrounded with a display of commercial fruit, not the usual plate and canned stuff, of which the visitur soon grows tired. It is the commercial pack of apples that interests buyers and consumers alike. Great crowds of people are all the time witnessing the a) pie. And 1 think if the Hood River people could go to San Francisco and see jubt what is happening they would never rerget the money that has been spent in making the exhibit possible. "The Oregon building is unhjue. A feature of its displays that is interest ing is the miniature reproduction of the Columbia river from Astoria to Hood River, showing the Columbia highway. The exhibit has been fur nished by the State Game and Fish Commission. " Ihe displays of the Hood River Ap ple Vinegar Co., according to Mr. Kim ball, are making a great hit. "It is regrettable," he says. "that the cream ery and the cannery could not show some of their products." Get Kid of Your Rheumatism Now is the time to get rid of your rlii uiiiHl i-ni. Vou can do it if you ap ply Chamberlain's Liniment. V. A. L'H'khanl, Homer City, X. V., writes: ' Lust spring 1 suffered from rheuma tism with terrible pains in in) arms and shoulders. I got a bottle of ChumU-r-lain's Liniment and the lirst application relieved me. Hy using one liotlle of it I was entirely cured." For sale by all dealers. Lucas-Trout News has been received here of the wedding of Frank Potter Lucas to Miss Alice Trout at Shelby ville, Ind., Tues day, May 11. Mr. Lucas, who formerly owned a ranch in the liilmunt district, has many lined River friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas will make their home in Chicago, where Mr. Lucas is employed. A Mistake Made by Many Don't wait for rheumatism to indicate diseased kidnevs. When sou suffer pains and aches ty liny and sleep disturbing bladder weakness hy night, feel tired, nervous mill rundown, the kidnets and j bladder should be rest to red to healthy, strong and regular action. It is a inis i take to pii-tpoiie treatment. Foley Kid ney Pills put the kidneys in sound, ' healthy condition and keep them active and strong, iicgiu taking today, (iond results follow the lirst dose. For sale hv Chas. N. Clarke. Berries Co To Alaska Fifty crates of Hood River strawber ries were shipped via Seattle Saturday to Alaska. Hood River berries are of an excel lent keeping quality, and have been shipped as far cast as Boston on for mer years. Neuralgia Pains Stopped You don't need to suffer those agoniz ing nerve piuns in the face, head, arm, .-boulders, chest and buck. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; lieiiiietlv a few minutes. You will get such relief and conifer! ! Life and the world will brighter. Oct a Imttletoihiy. :t ouncea for a LTic, at all druggist. Pene trates without rubbing. Rubber Stamps, guaranteed to print, made to order tit the tilacier ollice by an expert. OLDER BUT STRONGER To he healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and briug chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the strength-building and blood-nourishing properties of Scott's liniulsiun w hich is a food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. No alcohol in Scott's. Scott & Bowiic, Bloumfield, N. J. Guaranteed Used Atuomobiles On Easy Payments Smi lor Lid ti Print i SpciiicitioM J.W.LEAVITT&C0. - PORTLAND COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hood River's Medical Institution Open to the public for treat ment of Medical and Surgi cal cases. RATES ON APPLICATION Address Cottage Hospital Assn. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Oakdale Greenhouses The first 15 days in December is a good time to plant Roses, Shrubs and all hardy plants. We have them. Have also tu lips and daffodils. Pot plants for winter at Franz', where orders for cut flowers will be taken. Fletcher (EL Fletcher Phone 4738 Hood River wmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmumm We have just received our Spring shipment of Lawn Mowers and can supply them in any price from $3 to $ 1 0. We are sure that we can please you both in price and quality. RUBBER HOSE We have the largest stock that we have ever car ried, not a foot carried over from last year and as rubber deteriorates very rapidly this is an impor tant thing to remember when buying hose. We want your business and make the prices to get it. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "NaKes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. Pond's PropIiooks iPatant Applied For) The Cheapest Form of Orchard Insurance' MR. ORCHAUDIST: Do you want to be safe from WIND damage; to keep up CULTIVATION after propping is done; to grow and harvest CROPS between your trees without interruption; to pasture HOCS in the orchard; to increase the percentage of EXTRA FANCY fruit; to preserve the HEALTH and APPEARANCE of your orchard; a propping system that is 1000'' CHEAPER and lOOO'v more EFFICIENT than any other? If so investigate the Pond System of propping, 'The Hood River Way', and send for free illustrated circular. Tried and unanimously endorsed hy the Hood River growers in 1914. RUSSELL G. POND Parkdale, (Hood River) Oregon Telephone Odell 2x WE WILL buy direct from the Growers, paying cash. If you have Strawberries, Cher ries and Pears to sell let us know in advance. Phone 3422 Hood River Canning Co. No fruit received after 12 o'clock noon on Saturdays iiiii iiiii fiiii 1 1 iir iisf mM i mm mmi T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer Established 24 Years HOOD RIVER, OREGON 1WISII lo announce to my patrons that I have purchased the entire in terest in the market for merly conducted by Mr. Van Allen and myself. As suring you of my apprecl- 'V ation of your past favors, P ! 1 - I. Bin in i uiui you continue to do business with us. Good quality meats and courteous treatment. Telephone 4 Ml Hood River, Oregon