The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 22, 1915, Image 7

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h i n i n ii n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1
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For lamp coal- Taft Transfer Co.
Shoe made or repaired at Jobnsen'i
Dr. J. II Wsugh spent the first of
the week in Portland.
Prof. C D. Thompson was business
visitor at Portland tail week.
If J oar shoes have (one wrong take
them to Jobnaen.
Born To M. and Ura. Jamea Wand
line Friday, April 16, a 10-pound aon.
For dry wood, under ahed Taft
Tranafer Co.
Prof, and Mrt. E. N. Burton spent
the week end in Portland.
L. La Uennie, of Fargo, N. D., was
here last week looking over the valley.
Asparagus plants for sal at fl per hun
dred; F. H Button, tel.37T2. mytt
L. N. Blowers was indisposed last
week, suffering from an attack of grip.
J. E. Reynolds, of Trout Lake, Wash.,
was bere last Friday on business.
If yoo wsnt shoes that don't go
wrong go to Johnson's.
. J. 0. Anderson was a business visitor
in The Dalles Saturday.
See advertisement of Unitarian Sugar
For prompt service bring your films
to us. We develop and print every day.
Slocom &, Can field Co.
Geo. Stokoe and W. A. Dunckle, of
Wyeth, were visitors in the city Satur
day. B. T. Simms, of Corvllis, has been
visiting friends and relatives in the
Upper Valley.
Street Commissioner Chambers is re
covering from sn operation at the Cot
tage hospital Monday morning.
Give W. G. Snow a trial when that
borae of yours needs shoeing. Shop at
corner of 4th aud Columbia Sts. apltf
Amos Underwood, one of the oldest
citizens of the Underwood community,
was in the city Saturday on business. 5
Mrs. C. C. Wunderlich. of Portland,
after a visit with Mrs. H. J. Fredrick,
returned to her home Saturday.
C. 1B. Inis, of Parkdale, has been in
the city to receive treatment for blood
poisoning in his hand.
On films left up to 4 p. in., prints will
be ready for delivery atl p. m. the fol
lowing day Slocom & Canfield Co.
1. M. Stewart, of Boston, Mass., was
here the latter part of last week look
ing over the valley.
Mr. . and Mrs. Newton Clark left
Monday for a visit with their daughter,
Mrs. W. B. Brazelton, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Judge, of Port
land, spent the week end here looking
after West Side property interests.
Talk with Reed & Henderson about
Insurance of all kinds. Money to loan
on first class farm property. m4tf
Bom To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nigu
ma at their home in the Oak Grove dis
trict, Wednesday, April 14, a daughter.
C. A. Clark, of Parkdale, was a bus
iness visitor in the city the first of the
Geo. W. Thomson has been suffering
from a dislocated shoulder, sustained
last week when be fell from a bicycle.
W. G. Snow does first claes horseshoe
ing ; shop at corner of Fou rth and Col u m
bia streets. apltf
W. M. Cooper, who spent the winter
at Welch's, has returned to his Upper
Valley ranch.
Postmaster Lucas has been confined
to his home this week on account of ill
ness. A. L. Carmichael spent the latter
part of last week in Poitland on busi
ness. Talk with Reed '8c Henderson about
Ineurauce of all kinds. Money to loan
on first class farm property. m4tf
Misses Ida E. Howard and Lilian D.
Hughes, of. Goldendale, Wash.; were
here the latter'part of last were look
ing over the valley.
Little George McDonald, son of Mr.
and Mrs. "J. W. McDonald, who re
cently submitted to an operation for
appendicitis, has been taken to his
home in the Willow Flat community.
J. B. Hunt has been'busy the past
week painting the Hood River State
Bank building. The old signs of the
banking company were also removed
and replaced by newjsigns, artistically
executed by Mr. Hunt.
Only eight days before the Uniferiau
Sugar Camp.
J. F. Thompson was a business vis
itor in The Dalles esterday.
Mr. and Mrs A. F. Adams spent the
letter part of last week in Portland.
Mrs. C. C. Anderson is convalescing
from a recent serious operation at the
Cottage hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell visited
friends and relatives in Milwsukie last
Glen, the little son of Dr. and Mrs.
V. R. Abraham, ia recovering from an
E. A. Frana ia building a retaining
wall on the east side of his residence at
the corner of Oak and Tenth streets.
Miss Laura Githens, of Chicago, has
been here visiting Misses Mary and
Helen Knight.
F. Bement, of Bend, was bere last
week, having motored from the central
Oregon metropolis.
Clay Heppner spent the week end in
The Dalles visiting friends and rela
tives. Mrs. Ben Johnson and children, ef
Wyeth, were here Saturday visiting
her mother, Mrs. W. E. Shay.
II. S. Soule, of Portland, was here
the latter part of last week visiting his
brother, Silas Soule.
Mrs. R. V. Jackson has arrived from
Oregon City to join her husband, who is
a horseshoer at the Driscoll shops.
Mrs. Bert Stranahan and Mrs. May
Jones are visiting the former's mother,
Mrs. Fowler, at Rufus.
A. Millard, Jr., was a business vis
itor in Portalnd the latter part of last
Mrs. Louis Bly, of Portland, was
here over the week end visiting Mr.
and Mrs. R. F. Marquis.
Walter Ford, Wilson Yowell and W.
G. Weber were in Portland Sunday to
see the Portland-Venice baseball game.
H. M. Sidney, of Portland, was here
the later part of last week looking af
ter his ranch near Fir.
J. A. Wandling received yesterday
from Portland, 100 fine Single Comb
White Leghorn chicks.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Hodges, of the Oak Grove district,
Tuesday morning, April 20, a son.
Mrs. E. H. Shepard and little daugh
ter have returned from Portland to
their home on Brookside Drive.
Local friends of Mrs. J. F. Childers,
of Portland, mother of IMrs. II. F. Da
vidson, regret to know that she is seri
ously ill
The members of the Cascade Tennis
club, the courts of which are located
just in front of the Hotel Oregon, are
in the midst or a spring tournament.
W. T. Kerr, who is now engaged in
mercantile business at Hilsboro, was
here the first of the we,ek looking after
his West Side ranch.
Mrs. Mame Gentry, of Chippewa
Kails. Ia.. who has been visiting in
central Oregon, is here visiting Mr.
and Mrs. E. O. tilanchar.
H. C. Oliver, traveling freight agent
of the O- W. R. & N. Co., was here the
first of the week visiting local business
S. A. Clark, of the North Pacific
Fruit Distributors office in Portland, is
here this week, looking for potatoes.
He will leave for White Salmon.
President Epley, of Philomath Col
lege, was here last week visiting Rev.
Morris Goodrich, pastor of the U. B.
Charles Chaplin is going to be at the
Gem regularly from now on. First ap
pearance tomorrow and Saturday in
"His New Job."
Dr. J. F. Beaumont, of Portland,
was here the latter part of last week
looking after his Summit ranching in
terests. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Epping entertain
ed a party of friends at their country
home last Friday evening. Duplicate
whist was played.
Dr. H. D. W. Pineo, who has been
spending several weeks' vacation on
his ranch in the Belmont district, has
resumed his practice of dentistiy.
A. Millard, who spent the winter in
Boston, Mass., has arrived here for the
summer to look after property inter
ests. Mrs. H. L. Dumble was in Portland
the latter part of last week seeing the
performances of the Lambardi Grand
Opera Co. .-
Cents Per Bay
($18.25 Per Year)
LIFE INSURANCE (At the Age of 29).
Older ages are only a trifle higher.
A New Low Rate Contract 458.55:
Loan Values, Cash Surrender Values and Extended Insurance. It carries all
the advantages which the highest priced policy in any other company does.
That's the New Policy of
The ONLY Life Insurance Company which does Business
Homi Office: Corbett Building, Corner Fifth and Morrison. Portland
a. i. utu L. Samuel J- H. I1EILBROXNER
Gnra! Manaier
District Manager
We Announce A Ten per cent Reduction
in National Mazda Lamps
We have now on display a sample of the cooking device
which will be sold during the HOT POINT WEEK.
A $5.00 Electric Stove for $3.35
Orders must be in by May 1st for these.
Let Us Figure on Your Wiring
Prices were never so low as now. T Ask us about an Electric Range, also
a washing machine. Both are sold on easy terms. Come and see them.
Apple City Electric Shop, Third Street
Hood River. Ore. E. S. COLBY. Mgr.
H. S. Galligan received an express
shipment of three thoroughbred swine
from the Galligan Dufur ranch last
Judge Stanaton addressed the Philan
dera. of Barrett, last night. A banquet
was served and the member enjoyed
an excellent time.
E. D. West and family have removed
from the city, where they have been
all winter on account of Mrs. West's
health, to their home at Fir.
Mrs. J. W. Rigby and Mrs. H. P.
Allen were in The Dalles last week to
attend a Methodist church missionary
society meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rsy and little
son spent the latter part of last week
in Portland visiting friends and relatives.
I ' H. S. Wells, manager of the new
, business department of the Pacific
j Power & Light Co.. was here from Port
I land last week visiting the local office.
Miss Elizabeth Paaech and Mies
1 Gertrude Johnson spent the latter part
of last week in Portland visiting
Earl M.Noble, who ia now employed
in the office of the O.-W. K. & N. tie
treosoting plant at Wyeth, was in the
city Saturday on business.
Ira Barnett, of the University of Or
egon, was here last week spending a
portion of the spring holidays with his
aunt, Mrs. Thomas Hill.
Mrs. C. F. Dixon, of Wyeth, arrived
last week for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sparks, who are
now residing on Alameda Way.
Mrs. F. W. Rockhold and Miss B. A.
Gibson, both of San Francisco, arrived
last week for a visit on the Rockhold
ranch in the Upper Valley.
William L. Bates, of Zanesville,
Ohio, who has been visiting relatives
at White Salmon, was' here last week
looking over the valley.
Mrs. F. W. Thomson, of Portland,
who had been here visiting her sister,
Miss Alta Poole, returned home Satur
day. Mies Geraldine Eastman has been in
Portland, where she accompanied her
mother. The latter will make her
home in the Rose City.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams and
daughter. Miss Florence Williams, mo
tored here Tuesday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler and fam
ily. Last Sunday a number of slight
changes were made in the schedule of
the O.-W. R. & N. Co. A revised
schedule appears in another column of
the Glacier.
G. A. Clough and wife have recovered
from a painful attack of ptomaine
poisoning, caused from eating aspara
gus that had been kept fresh in a tin
basin of water.
Mr. arid Mrs. H. S. Butterfiield and
family, who spend the summer on their
west Belmont ranch, left Saturday for
a visit with San Francisco friends and
to attend the P. -P. I. E.
. W. H. Taft left last Friday for Cali
fornia, where he will visit both the
Panama-Pacific International ex posi
tional San at Francisco and the Panama-California
exposition at San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turney, who
have been here visiting their daugh
ters, Mrs. P. B. Laraway and Miss
Evelyn Turney, left Monday to return
to their home in Stanley, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Henderson and
little daughter spent Sunday on the
Ravlin ranch with Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Smith, both couples celebrating their
wedding anniversaries.
The regular social of the Ladies' Aid
of the Asbury M. E. church will be
held at the basement of the church
Friday afternoon. AH ladies invited.
A good social time promised.
Meals served family style, 25c. Room
and board ftl a week. American Board
ing House, 111 Cascade St., phone 1703.
When you need help phone us, free em
ployment bureau. apltf
Don't fail to see Charles Chaplin,
that inimitable comedian, at whom you
lost your voice recently, when he
played with Marie Dressier in "Tillie'a
Punctured Romance." ChapKn will be
at the Gem tomorrow and Saturday in
"His New Job."
The members of the Altar Society of
the Catholic church were hostesses at a
card party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Mellon Tuesday evening.
Mies Kittie Hogan won first prize, a
number of pieces of handsome hand
painted dishes.
C. K. Cranston, secretary of the
Pendleton Commercial club and who
was en route to the Panama Pacific In
ternational exposition at San Francisco,
stopped here last week for a visit with
his old time friend, H. L. Hasbrouck.
Accompanied by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Merrill, Miss Merril and
Miss Mary E. Hyde, all of Ohio, L. J.
Merril, cashier of the Mosier Valley
bank, was here Sundsy lookng over the
Mr. and Mrs. Powell, of Los Angeles,
father and mother of G. Harold Powell,
manager of the California Fruit Grow
ers Exchange, will arrive here Satur
day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Shepard and to look over the valley.
Miss Lucy Slade, of St. Helens, and
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Johnson, of Port
land, spent the week end here visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Slade at their
handsome East Side place. Miss Slade
ia a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Slade.
Mrs. R. B. Byerlee, who is here
spending several weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. G. II. Lynn, and fami
ly, spent the week end at her home in
St. Johns, in order to be with her son,
David A. Byerlee, who came down
from Centralia, Wash., for a visit.
Geo. I. Howe has just recieved a
postcard, bearing an Esperanto inscrip
tion, from a French soldier. The man
was formerly a Parisian postal clerk.
He and Mr. Howe have been corres
ponding for several years in the inter
national language.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. .Newport were
here from Hermiston the latter part of
last week. Mr. Newport, who has the
contract for the construction of the
Columbia highway between the Mult
nomah and line and Viehto, says he
will complete his task this month.
Adult members of the Congregational
church and congregation are invited
and urged to attend the church supper
on Tuesday evening, April 27, at 6
o'clock, sharp. Usual quarterly busi
ness meeting plan will be followed.
Bring a full basket.
Rev. A. E. Maenamara has returned
. i u r J.. - ; . - -
' plete his course of baths and treatment
! which he was compelled to discontinue
j temporarily on account of the Easter
tide service at St. Mark's church. He
hopes to return to Hood River in time
I for the confirmation exercises next
, Sunday.
Rev. A. B. Snider, pastor of the
Bethlehem Congregational church of
San Francisco, who has purchased the
10 acre H. W. Wait tract at the west
suburbs of the city, has been here vis
iting his cousin, Mrs. J. W. Ingslls,
and family. Rev. Snider plana on
eventually retiring from the ministry
and coming toHood River to make his
, home.
Waists 50c to $1.00 "
Are You
that a cheaper man could do your work
as well as you are doing it?
Then Don't Let
yourself believe that a cheap shoe will serve
as well as a good shoe.
They Won't Do It
An Intimate Knowledge
of Hood River peoples requirements and a desire
to be of real service in supplying these wants has
won for us the confidence of careful buyers.
La Vogue Ladies Suits and Coats
Florsheim Shoes for Careful Men
Xtra Good, Bad Boys Suits
Royal Worcester Corsets
Duttenhoffer Ladies Shoes
Forrest Mills Union Suits
Grovers Soft Soles for Tender Feet
Holeproof Hosiery for Everybody
McKibbin Hats for Brainy Men
A few of the Reliable Lines
i fr ff
i IS m
TOA" T Haiti ynur limr in
LJ buying hosiery loat Usls
only twown ks at In-st. lkm't
darn them and darn them,
(rain and aain. Holeproof ends all that. Six pairs
re guaranteed to wear six
months will nut hole-., tiery
ititih i protected, tint just the
heels sn l tors. If a single
pair wears out, tears, ripi,
or "runs" you get a new
pair free.
HOI, WOetl
$1.50 to $3.00 bos
$1.00 to $3.00
Ray Bone, of Topeka, Khs., was here
last week visiting his cousins, N. W.
Bone and C. R. Bone. Mr. Bone,
through whose agency the First Na
tional bank of Focatello, Idaho, was
sold last week, was en route to Cali
fornia, where he will visit a sister in
Los Angles and see the expositions.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson, ac
companied by their daughei.Mrs. Daisy
Allen, the latter of Sisters, who had
been spending the week at Gresham,
visiting their son, J. A. Davidson, re
turned home Saturday. Miss Tillie
Davidson, who has been teaching at
Sisters, has returned home.
D. I. Stone, who has rebuilt his home
on the upper West Fork, destroyed by
Are last winter, was in the city .Satur
day. "The strawberry crop in our
neighborhood is going to be u good
one," says Mr. Stone, who also de
clares that the Loft Lake road is now
in excellent condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Treiber came
up Sunday from Portland on a visit
with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
if. L. Howe. Mrs. Treiber has re
mained for awhile. Mr. Treiber has
returned to resume his work at the O.
W. R. & N. freight office.
A. F. ilowes, who was accompanied
south by his daughter, Miss Ruth
Howes, returned last week after a
brief visit at the P.-P. I. exposition at
San .Francisco. Miss Howes will re
main in San Francisco for tome time
with her grandfather, Calvin C. Howes.
PACKING for the White Salmon dis
trict. Apply by letter, giving experi
ence and references. Also wages ex
pected, which should include use of
saddle horse. Address H. G. Day, Man
age of White Salmon Union, White
Salmon, Wash.
Mrs. E. N. Blythe and children, of
Portland, arrived Sunday for a visit
with Mr. Blyhte's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. F. Bltyhe, at Twin Oaks farm.
They were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Butterwortli, of Detroit,
Mich., who contemplate locating on the
Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. Butter
worth returned to Portland Monday.
The following White Salmon and Un
derwood Rebekahs were here Monday
evening the guests of the local Re
bekah Lodge: Mrs. E. R. Cornet, Mrs.
Goldie Byrkett, Evu Rudolph, Mrs.
John Wyers, Mrs. R. M. Kreps, Mrs.
G. C. Crow, Mrs. E. Crow, Mrs. W H.
Overbaugh, Mrs. E. M. Peck, Mrs.
Garnet and Mrs. Chas. Estes.
O. L. Day, formerly of thia city, is
now a resident of Portland and is sec
retary of the Portland Motorccyle club.
In Saturday afternoon's Telegram ap
peared a photograph of Mr. Day. who
is a brother of Alva L. Day, of this
city. It was stated that Mr. Day
dreamed forms of entertainment for
the club's members.
Having received an offer from the
Mammoth Smelting Co., of California.
Rev. H. C. Clark, left hurriedly Wed
nesday, while all other services will
be carried out according to program,
there will be no sermons at the Chris
tian church, of which Mr. Clark has
been pastor, next Sunday. Mr. Clark
was released from his ministerial du
ties by action of the board of trustees.
Mrs. E. E. Stanton returned Satur
day from Camas, Wash., where she had
gone to attend the funeral or Mrs.
Clara Yand. whose sudden death oc
curred tho first of last week. Two
weeks previously Mrs. land's father.
E. Bowman, president of the Camas
State bank, passed away suddenly, hav
ing been srticken with apoplexy.
Two very enjoyable numbers were
given at the meeting ol trie bndeavor
ers at the Christian church Sunday
evening. With a violin obligato, ren
dered by Sam McCutcheon, Miss Cor
lander, who is here visiting with
friends, sang a defigl.tful solo. With a
rich ruhy light pouring over them, the
following little girls in pantomime it
lustrated a song sung by Mrs. H. C
Clark: Little Misses Blanche Tucker
Lonnie Stevens, lone Imbler and Ono-
lea Trumbull.
Heights Baptist Church
Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching
service at 11 a. m. and 7. SO p. m.
Young People's meeting at 6.30. Morn
ing subject, "The Churh ; Its Purpose
and Maintenance." Evening, "The
Foolishness of Sinning."
We missed you last Sunday and you
missed some mighty good things. You
can't afford to be absent next Sunday.
A cordial welcome awaits you.
Sunday, May 9, is to be a red letter
day with us. On that afternoon the
members of the church are asked to he
at their homes awaiting tho. "Every
Member Canvass Committee, whose
task it will be to secure from each
member a pledge to subscribe regularly
to the current expenses and budget of
the church. Preliminary to'this there
will be special preparation made. The
pastor will preach a series of sermons
bearing on the church and its support.
These sermons will be delivered in the
morning and in the following order:
Sunday, April 25, "The Church; Us
t'urpose and Maintenance; Sunday,
May 2, "How Shall we Give?" ; 'Sun
day, May 9, "The Necessity of Giv-
ng. Kev. John Samuel, Pastor.
Riverside Church
Sunday Bchool 10 o'clock. Sunday
morning worship 11 o'clock. Anthem
by choir, sermon by Rev. G. N. Ed
wards, of Oregon City Congregational
church. Annual meeting of the Port
land Association of Congregational
churches will he held at this church
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 27 and
28. To the sessions of this Association
and especially to the recognition ser
vice of the minister, A. S. Donat, all
are cordially invited.
Church supper under the auspices ot
the Ladies' Aid will he given Tuesday
evening, April 27, at 6 o'clock. Tele
phone at once to Mrs. C. K. Marshall
and find out the arrangements for this
supper. Truman Butler is tnastmaBter.
Kev. Gorman, of Portland, will sing.
Catholic Church
The first holy mass will be at 8 a. m.
On this occasion the pastor will speak
on "The Shortness of Life." At 10 30
a. m. will be highmass and sermon.
The sermon will be on the words ol the
Gospel, "You shall be made torrowful,
but your sorrow shall be turned into
joy. John lb:Zu. After highmass win
be instructions for the first conimum
cants. At 7.30 p. m. wit be special
devotions. On this occasion (he pastor
will speak on the words of St. Peter,
"Love the brotherhood." Peter 2:17.
The choir will also render some special
vocal numbers. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend these evening services.
Unitarian Church
Sunday at 10 a. m. Sunday school,
at 11 o'clock service of worship with
sermon and solo by Mr. Wedemeyer.
At 6.30 young people s meeting on
"Courage," with talk by M. M. Morri
son, and at 7;30 a musical service with
address on "Cooperation" in which Mr.
MacDonald will give some facts show
ing how cooperation' actually works on
a large scale with absolute success.
Methodist Church
Sunday school at 9.50 a.m. Preach
ing service at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m Morning, "The Toiler and
His Task;" evening, "The Troubler of
Israel. bpworth League at 6.30 p.m.
Prayer ireetingon Thursday evening at
7.30 p. m. The public is cordially in
vited to attend these services.
United Brethren
Rev. B. E. Emerick, presiding elder
of The Dalles district, will preach Bt
the morning and evening services. Hi
ble classes at 10 a. m. Christian En
deavor at 7 p. m.
Water right for sale on Eaet Side nine
tv acres bonded diatrii-t: nartica inter
ested write Virgil A. Crum, Chamber of
Uommerce ciug., Portland, Or. ap2!)
Singing Lessons
for Cash
J. Adrain Epping:, Phone 5837
. Librarian's Application Received
The members of the county library
board have received an application
from Miss Alice See, who at present is
engaged in library work in the Uni
versity at Ues Moines, la. Miss See,
who has had four years' exnerience in
the work in Des Moines, offers to do
the work for a salary of $75 per month.
Miss bee is Hn old tune friuml of Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Sweaney.
h. 1. Lantine, the newly appointed
state highway engineer, accompanied
by b. Hiiiison and h. E. Coovert, of
Portland, and LeBlie Butler, W. N.
Winter and the ri em lie is of the county
court, inspected the Hood River county
portion of the Columbia highway lues-
day. Mr. Canline and Mr. Benson
were well pleased with the work aa
W. L. Clark accompanied the party
on the tour to Mitchell Point, which
was made by automobile, the men re
turning to the city and going to Lind
say creek by train.
Boys Enjoy Pig Pictures
Many "school childern attended the
Gem theatre last Friday and Saturday
nd enjoyed the pig pictures shown
here through the courtesy of the Port
land Union Stock Yards. Une or the
best parts of the picture was that
showing the little pigs on the farm of
Howard W. t'ealer, and the latter s
litlle son, Charles, holding a piglet in
his arms.
0.-W. R. & N. Corn is litre
J. H. Fredtity, local agent of the
O.-W. R. & N. Co., announces that
seed corn furnished by the company to
local ranchers has arrived. Mr. Fred
ricy urges that all who nave applied
for corn come to the station and secure
it at once.
JiiKt'ii'ft nf the Ppnei .1 V Trinmnsnn
- - - - - . -
of the Upper Valley, was a business
visitor In the city yesterday.
One hundred engraved calling cards
and nlate. snccial nrice to students for
one week only, $1.25. Pifer & Sonnich-
Mrs. H. S. TU'iil nf Pnrtlunrl. whn
had been here visiting her daughter,
ivi r s. inurray nay, ana iamny, re
turned home yesterday.
Mrs. Mary E. Moore, who had been
here to attend the funeral services of
her huRband, the late John W.Moore,
returned to her home at The Dalles
Maple Sugar Camp
The afternoon and evening ol April 30
iiml all duy Muy l'ay, the Unitnrian la
dies will hold a Maple Sugar Camp on
tlio lawn ot K. I. Smith. All sorts of
maple ninr dantics will bo nerved.
There will bean apron and fancy work
tent. a2t
Christian Science Services.
Chriatian Science Services will beheld
in Room 2, Daviilxon Building, Sun
day, 11:00 a. m. Subject: "Probation
After Death."
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Wednesday service, 8 p. m.
The reading room is open daily from 3
o5 p. m. , room 2, Davidson Iniil'l in
Episcopal Church
Rt. Rev. Robert L. Paddock, bishop
of eartern Oregon, will adrr iniater con
firmation next Sunday t four o'clock.
A aermon will be preached at the service.
Frost Tuesday Night
E. W. Birge reports that the ther
mometer stood at 30 degrees above zero
Tuesday night. The atmosphere, how
ever, was very dry, and despite the
frost in most all parts of the valley,
but slight damage, if any, will result.
On April 21 last year the latest frost
prevailed. The temperature was 28
degrees on that date.
Notice of Street Improvement
Niitiw Ih hi'rrby given pnrauunt to Orrll
iinnc N. ft:to, ihn'i1 by the Common Council
ol l he city ol IIikhI River, April IKili, 1UIA, Hild
Hrovvt hy iIih Muyor Ail! Mill, IUi5, pro-
Iiiiiik for I lie Improvement of Blierman Ave
nue in Mild Clly, hilween l he went line of
Ninth Mtreet, weit to the eHHt line of Twelfltt
HiKi-l ly ki'hiiiiik, ItlliiiK or eicnvHUiig aa the
care muy he, thn HHine tiom curb Hue locurb
iouM- an to hruiK the Mime toenlHhllHhpd grade
nn&' then covering the mirt'ttce tMHweeu
Mifri curb linen with Kruvel to the
average depth of lour Inches and by
the construction ot curbs and gutters;
all tn Hcconlaiice with cerutn plum and spec
illcutttmN now on tile In the olltce of ihe f'lty
Ui-i order; that NeHled bids will he received by
I he u nil ci-mk tied ( "I I y Keoorder up to 8 o'clock
1'. M., May rd, hU, for the improvement of
Ktihl Kirect as net lurth above, except m Ironl
nl sucti )roH'rty hn permitu lor the Improve,
uteiit,- ol u bicli iiniier Oritiimnctt No. i3 shall
have he n Ismo-iI.
1 tie Common Council will at Its next regu
lur m ting utter the completion of Hie putol
cation cit iuIm notice, to-wii: on the :trd day
of Ma , r.'I.V piiiceefl tooH'ii aud i-onahior all
bi'ts Mild uni k, wblcli is ordered by the
Common Council by t-aid Ordinance No
ms above HM'clt!ccd; that the improvement
will be let luone contract, and will be required
to he conipleied within :io days from the dale
ol tne awarding of the same to tlie win resMul
bidder, who will be required to furnish a
bond to the I it y of Hood Itlver, In a miiii of
not less than '.'5 per cen of tbe estimated cost
of tne contract lor the. ftlth'u! erformauce
thereof; that complete uecir)cat!oh are on
tile in my office covering he luiproveiueuts
lor A'htch bidnarc called, which may be ex
amined by prospective hidoers upon appllca
tiou or copies thereof will tie ItirulsSed upon
Ihe deposit ot $"oil to Insure the sale return
thcreol lo the City of liood Kiver after Ihe
awnrding of the contra'-t.atid said contra
will tie swarded to I he lowest aud best bidder
upon said spcclrtcHl Ions.
The City reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. or to waive any defects therein for the
benefit id the ( Hy ot Hood Hlver. file terms
ol the sneclttcallons shall be uotlce to the pro
8Mvtive bidders of the reiiirementsdeiuand
ed hy said City in the performance of said
wor k .
I'roiw-rty owners affected hy said OrdlnaneeNo
KI may at any turn within one week after the
approval of this ;rdinau by the Mayor a
ply lotheMlreet Committee for permission lo
no the work In front of their property, which
IHTiint shall tie required to iw comple'ied wlm
in I tie tune provided lor completion In accor
dance with the prnvisloiiHuf urillnarjceNo.MiO
This notice is published In the Hi Kid Klver
(ilaeier for two consecutive issues thereof, t lis
date of the first publication thereof being the
rud day ol April, 1915. H. I,. HOWE,
upSi-lV city Recorder,