I HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TflORSDAI, APRIL 8, 1915 OC3 0 LTiiT . ... - ' . The War Is Over There will be no further struggle for supremacy among phonograph inventors. Thomas A. Edison has produced the perfect sound repro ducing machine-THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC. The fight has been on for thirty years, but nearly two years ago it was ended once for all. t The Victory Is Complete The Edison reproduces overtones that no other machine can reproduce. It is because of the Diamond Point automatically moved and balanced. It is wonderful. Don't you get tired changing the need les on the old style machine? Come in and see the Diamond point work. HEIR .Smith Block CASS Reliable Druggists 0 MAZAMAS COMING INDEPENDENCE DAY 0 o' '0 o C3 ciiiiJ c m " 1 : ... o crxz: c c o O r- nil THE SQUARE DEAL STORE For Most Up To Date Tillage Tools In the Market Oliver Plows, P & 0 Plows and Discs, Osborne Spring and Peg Tooth Harrows 5, 7 and 9 tooth Cultivators Planet Jr. Garden Tools Bean Spray Pumps Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries Your Trade Solicited Notice for Publication. ru.narfiirnt. nf Interior. U. 8. Land Of- flee al Til UuHm, Orrgou, Marob IWlli, IHIa. j,.ii..i.hr..hv Ucn that UrnverC. McKw, of ParkdRle, unwin, who,on urtonrnin, im, timde HimiwiK-ad Kniry, no. m riy fcuwltitn Ul TnwriHllID I nollHI. tUtllKa i .. r..ti,,.. t mui1 flnul three vtr proof, to twtHtilUh claim to the land above ntwnimi r..r v I fttuhon. II. n. collliu RMlouer. hi llM)d Klver, Oregou, oouenu any 01 iru, i iuimant nimn an wltnewuM: Alvah Hard nun.t'yrtia Hparka, Kdward O. Mn:iD, Wll Nam Keeling, all. of I'arkdale. Ort-Korj. Keg later. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, IT HI -and Office at I'ortland. Obui n. March lath, IMS. Notice In hereiiy given mat juwiu r. tu ni Wveth. Oremm. who. on jwarcii n. made HoineHtead Kntry.no. luniii, lor ; un. . k. Nk.i.NWU and SWNKdNW Hentfou l.TowiiHhlu 2 North, lUiime H Kant, Willlamelie Mermmn, nan mwu mmra m imiim ki make final rive year Drool, to eIAIj. Hall claim to the lann aoova uiwtiim, uriu t A. BlHliop. U.B.tJommlunHr, ai nmonice, ai Hood Kivar, Oregon, on tht -'7111 day ol April, Kin, i luit, .mil namea aa wltnewuxi: Jamea Oor I ton. Ueorue Hlokke, Nlcholaa Htokke, Uharlea Oray, all ol wyein, wrtKU' rnioi maue accoruuin w mw uuum wmvii entry waa made. r. mlR-apri! Keglater. DODGE BROS. ACTIVE IN FOREIGN FIELD With Mist Anne PillinRer, of Port- lend, at leader, a putty of Mazarnas a, ill come her on July 3. and remain until the evening of July fi. A party will at tre:same lime come up to Uovernment Lamp irom rori land. Aa the partiea will meet at the top many will exchange places, those making the accent irom me nooa Kiver aide descending the otner way nd vice versa. The intinerarv of the party coming by Hood Kiver it as follows: Leave Portland union aepoi ai o.w m. Saturday. July 3. on O.-W. R. & N. special. Arrive Hood River at 7.30 m., where a reception will ue ten dered by the Hood River Commercial club. A light luncheon will be served, coffee being furnished by Mr. Bell, of Mount Hood botel. Leave Hooa Kiver on Mount Hood railway 8 p. m. Ar rive Parkdale 9.30 p. m. Hike to Mount Hood Lodge, wtiicn will be reached by 10.30 p. m., where camp will be made lor tne nigni. July A, breakfast at 6.30 a. m. ; start made immediately lor uoua Lap inn Lunch will be served en route. Dinner served at 6 p. m., at camp near Cloud Cap Inn. July 5, breakfast 4.3U a. m. atari for summit 5 a. m. Arrive summit about 1) a. pi. Returning reach Cloud Cap Inn about 2 p. m. Leave upper Turn-Around" at 3.30, arrive Park- dale at 5 p. m. Conveyances will be provided by Upper Hood River Valley people J lor trip Irom upper iurn Around" to Parkdale; 5.30 p. m. din ner will be served by the grange in the grove near the Parkdale station. Those desiring to make a sine trip to the lava beds a mile and a quarter dis tant, can do ao with ease before din ner. - Leave Parkdale on special train 8.JU p. m. Arrive Portland ii.m p. m. HOOD RIVER BOYS IN BRITISH ARMY With quantity production in full swing at the Detroit factory. Dodge Brothers are carrying out their an nounced policy of building op a sub stantial foreign trade simultaneously with the development of the American field. It this connection, it is interesting to note that competition for foreign aales rights on Dodge Brothers' car is even more keen than that displayed by United States dealers last season. First of the foreign dealers to receive appointment is Aktieselskabet Auto, of Cliristiania. Norway. The first con. aignment of cars for this company was shipped February 13. E. U. Willemi. foreign representative of Dodge Brothers, who has been in the West Indies for the cast lew weeks. has cabled tie company anncuncirg the aonointment cf Brouwer & Compan!as Dodge Brothers' dealers for Havana, Cuba, and he has also appointed a deal er for the Isle of Pines. Mr. Willems will later visit Jamaica, Porta Rico, Panama. Venezuela and British Guiana Recognizing the preference of foreign aeents for dealing directly with the factorv. Dodee Brothers are handling all export business from the general offices in Detroit. Dealers from all Quarters of the globe have cabled and written to Detroit for sales rights on the new car, but practically all ap pointments are held in reserve until a representative of the company can per sonally visit each dealer with a view toward securing the best possible representation. This has not interfered with the ship ment of sample cars, however, and others are going out at frequent inter vals to reputable dealers. The first Dodge Brothers' car shipped out of this conutry for Ireland, was sent as a sample to a dealer in Dublin, on the steamer Arabic recently. Six cars have been sent to Manila, two to Sweden, and others will soon follow to the canal zone. New Zealand, Australia, Den mark and Great Britain. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli! Golden West Coffee g 1 40c i a Pound Roasted and packed in Oregon. Always fresh. EES None better, at any EEs price. Steel cut No dust No chaff. Sold EEs by reliable grocers. Closset & Devers Portland, Oregon d. Mcdonald THIRD AND CASCADE STS. HOOD RIVER, OREGON filo $pells Salvation THE SILO is the only salvation for the farmer trying to make a profit from the dairying business on high priced land. THE SILO has done more for modern farming meth ods than any other factor in the last fifty years. We believe that Wood makes the Best Silo. Fir makes the Best Wood Silo. ' We sell the Best Fir Wood Silo, and we back our belief with our personal guarantee. Write or call for our catalogue. "Always at Your Service" Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. . Bv virtue ol an execution duly laauedby the CIrK of tlie Circuit Court of the County nf Mu.lnoniHli.Hlale ol Oregon, aaifa me a.ui day of Muri'li, lHIn, In a wrtaln action In Hie Circuit Court for wild County and Mlal where in Lliuuan, woire i;u., a ooriHirmiuu, a plalntlfl'n recovered ud(iiieiit aaalnHt Vteu dtll H. Poulaon and France! J. fnulmin, lil wile, for theaum or Two Hundred ininy-aix dollar and Ihlrty-aeven ceula, leaa the auin ol av.(K) rwilUed on the within luflK'neni March i lmfi, and ooau ana ainourHeiueiiu taxed at Nine dollara and aeveuty ceuta, on the mil day of March, l'Jl . Notice Ihliereiiy given mai i win on wiouii uu ,,i inrll luifi. at the trout daor of the Court llouae lu Hood River in aald County, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon or aald aay.aeuai nubile auction to Hie lunntm Diuuer ior caan, the following described iimperty, tnwtt: ai nrMecnon sixteen imi. iuwukiiiuuiibmi Nnrih nf Kanire Klevenllll.kaat of Willamette Mnrlillnn. executing the nouthweat quarter ol the muthweat quarter: and levied upon aa the Property of the aald wenaeii n. rouison auu rancea J. l'ouiaon or ao much thereof aa may bcneoeamiry toaallafy the aald Judgment lu favor or ijipman, woue ui.,aiiiriiuii walnut aald Wendell 8. I'oulwm and Francet I.I. I'oulwm with Intereat thereon, together with all comb auu aiaimrHeiuenta wibi nave or may accrue. i lua. r. junn anl.an29 Hlierlfl Dated at Hood Klver, Oregon, April 1, 1915. Notice of Dissolution. w hnreliv Hive nolle that nn January 1 lui the imrlnerHhio firm of J. J. Henlou and A.J. Freldley waa mutually dlBaolved The Indebted ncHH of the partnership wan aaaumed by lie aaiu J. .1, weaiou, wuo wiimiituoniwi all account due the partnership. I, J. nr.A iisi. A.J. FHKlDLtY Frank J. Banham and Sidney Hooke, two English boys.who own a West Side ranch and both of whom left fur En gland the latter part of last year to join the British army, will, according to letters received from them by local friends, be at the battle front the first of July. Mr. lianham is a second lieutenant in a company of field artillery, while his former orchard partner is a second lieutenant in a roayl engineering corps. The former writes that he was sta tioned at Gloucester when that coast town was bombarded by the German warships, Grower Discusses Values Editor Glacier: Various economies of production are being discussed in northwestern fruit districts. One of the most important proper economies appears to be overlooked. The eastern fruit orchards that are competing so strongly with northwestern fruit are assessed $50 to 150 per acre as full value. In Nebraska senate file 16 has just passed the upper house, with only six members voting against it. The bill is to exempt fruit trees from taxa tion. The present ansessing value in the Hood Kiver valley, up to $600 or more per acre, is based on the values of a collapsed boom. Men who are paying taxes on such valuation have for the year 1914 lost aa much as $100 per acre on the crop from that same Innd. Un less Hood River county falls in line with competing orchards, and reduces its assessing values to aoout $150 per acre.it means simply that this valley is handing over to the rest of the state large amounts of money for values not recieved. The wheat grower is making much more per acre than the orchardist. Orchard values should be brought down in assessing to a figure somewhere near wheat land. The fact that the orchard ist has to wait 10 years instead of 10 weeks for a full crop is not an argu ment for assessing the orchardist so high. Grower. Miss Bateham Will Wed At a prettily appointed luncheon eiven Saturday afternoon in Portland by Miss Hildred Humason, the engage meant of Miss Maude bateham to A. Fieldins McGlane. of Spokane, was an nounced. Miss Bateham, whose father is prominent in northwestern fruit cir cles, having been president of the State Horittultural Society, and who is now engaged in the publication of the Fruit and Produce Marketer in Portland, for merly lived here. The Bateham family later removed to Mosier and from that nlace to Portland. The date for the wedding has not been set, but it will probably be an event of early summer. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Hood Kiver lounty Nellie A Nancy Murlln and Lipscomb, I'lainttilH HUMMONH Taking I'are of the Children No parent would consciously be care loss of the children. Joe A. Kozmarin, Clarkson, Nebr., uses Foley's Honey and Tar for liis two children forcroup.coiighs and colds. He pays, "We are never without Kolev's llonev and Tar in the house," A distressing cough, sleepless nights, and raw, inflamed throat lead to a run down condition in which the child is not able to resist contagious or infect ions diseases. Foley's llonev and Tar is trulv heaiinit and prompt In action It relieves coughs, colas, croup, wnoop ing cough. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. 1 CA.1I Telephone 2171 in THE HOME OF QUALITY GROCERIES Make known to U3 in person or by phone your wants in the grocery line, and we will do the rest, which means the best! P 1 ELITE GROCERY J. R. KINSEY, Prop. Phone 4I.M. Bell nidg. We give f Stamps K. t. Howell and Itoaa 1.. llowellH, amnetiiiiea known aa Koaa M. iluwella, ImfenUanta. To K. 1). Ilowella and Kc.ua I., llnwelln, noine- tlniea known aa Koaa H. Howuila.dclciiUanU above uaiueu: lu the name of the Htate or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and annwer the complaint Illed agHlnat you In the above en titled court and cauae wllliln alx weeks rr.ii.1 iii flrat mibllcatlnti of I 111" auniuioiiH. to wlt, on or before Ibeutiin day of April, 1IM , and If you fall to appear and anawer aald complaint for want thereof, the plalntlllH will apply to the court for the relict demanded lu their complaint, lo-wlt: to unlet the title to the real pmperly described in aald complaint, '"lletiinnlnK at a point llOroda east ol the N. Vt. corner of dect l( n 10, inlownahlp S, North of Range, 10 K of Willamette Meridian; run ning thence Kaat l rods; and thence Mouth HO rodn; thence went JO roda, and thence North m nam to place of tvglnultiK, excepting out of aald tract one acre conveyed lor achool pur poaea and deKcrlbed aa follows: (Xminienclug at a point where theaouth line of Hie county toad along Ine north aldeofWectlon 10 alore aald lnterecllliBeat line ol the W.' 01 N. W ' of mod Hecllou 10; thence aouth along una 6-7 rod: thence went 7 roda; thence north i rt-T roda to the aouth line of aid countv road; thence eaal along the aouth ton. r aald connlv road to the place of bemn- ulug, leaving In the tract hereby conveyed i,i u,n, more or leaa. And enjoining you and each of you, forever from mailing, or aaaerilug any claim, rignt, title, Interest or estate lu or to wild described real property, or any pari thereof. This suiumoiu la served upon you by publi cation In accordance with au order made by the Honorable W. 1. hradshaw. Judge of the above entitled court, aud dated on the 1st dav of March, l'JIh. CAKK A CAKK, Attorney? for I'lalntlfta. First publication March lllh, 115. Last publication Apririiud, Mo. mll-a?.' BEET PULP Best and Cheapest Feed for Milk Cows A limited supply on hand at this time. Orders taken at Kellv Bros. Warehouse and at Oak Grove Store, F. Fenwick.Trop. Kelly Bros. 1401 Oak Grove Store 5582 Notice for Publication. Iicpartment of the Interior, 1'. s. Ijiik! Of fice at The llallea, Oregon, March S;lrd, IMS. Notice la hereby that Alice I,. Koberts, Alice 1.. Koberla Hawaou formerly, ol Parkdale, Oregon, who, ou June Hlh, ins, made Home stead K.ntry No. 10Oi.l, Serial No.mivt, rorMK', Section 18, Township 1 South, Kange a Kast Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of In tentlou to make final five year proof, to es tablish claim to tne iana aoove nescnoro, before K.A Hlshop.l'.S.l omtnlssloner.ai Hood Klver, Oregon, ou theiilh day of May, im,i. riatmaut nainea as witnesses; IVter J Mohr, Susie Mohr.t'harlea K.Mclntosh, Kdward Prea ser. Kobert O'Kellly, all, of I'arkdale. oregou. h.kka.nk wooni tM k, m2S-apJ9 KeglsUsr Notice or Final Hearing Noth la hereby given thai Peter Mohr, E. e'UIrof the last will and testament o' Kllia Hillen, deceased, haa tiled his final account lu the Countv Court of Hood Klver County, Ore., and the Jndgeof aaldfourl has fixed and ap pointed Saturday, April tmh. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. aa the time for hearing objec tions to said tlual account aud the settlement of said estate. A 11 heirs, devlaeea, creditors or ot her persona Interested In aald estate are hereby notified and mirtlre i appear ou opbeforetheday and hour mentioned, and to III their ohjectlona to aald final account aad the settlement o aald estate, If any they have, specifying the uartlculara ot audi oulections to aaia accouui or any item thereof. uiA-apli: KieciUor Rev. Samuel Accepts Pastorship Rev.lJohn Samuel, of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, has accepted the active pastor ship of the Heights Baptist church. Kev. Samuel, who came here from Se attle, where he had been on a short visit, is a graduate of Denison Univer sity and also of the Rochester, N. Y., Theological Seminary. Before coming west he had been in charge of a pustor ate at Braddock, l a. Kev. Samuel has risen from the ranks of toilers. Eleven years ago he worked for a while in Spokane, where he had a position in a laundry. He was emuloved at different tasks in the re gion of southern Idaho. He has worked in the tin plate and rolling mills of Ohio and Pennsylvania. "I like Hood Kiver," says Rev. Samuel. "The surrounding ranges and hills are very delightful. 1 have never liked a Hat country, and I am sure that after residing here 1 could never live in a level region." Klieiiiniltlsni Yields Quickly to Sloan's You can't prevent an attack of rheu matism from coining on, but you can stop it almost immediaU'ly. Sloan's Liniment gently applied to the sore joint or muscle penetrates in a few minutes to the in tlamed spot that causes the pain. It soothes the hot, tender, swollen feeling, and in a very short time brings a relief that is almost unbelievable until you ex perience it. Get a bottlo of Sloan's Lin iment (or 25c of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, lumbago, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not eatistled, but it does give almost instant relief. Columbia Rising Fast The Columbia is now rising about eight inches a day. It is about 10 feet above low water mark, according to P. K. Bacon, local agent of the Dalles Columbia line. "Aa soon aa the water is sufficiently ! high," says Mr. Bacon, "we will run ! our boats into the slough at the foot of 1 First street. The State of Washington is making better time than we expect ed. The boat, which makes the trip between Portland and Hood Kiver irom 11 o'clock at night until 8 the next morning, has been fitted with new en gines and boilers." Nothing; So (Jood for a lough or Cold When you have a cold you want the best of medicine obtainable so as to get rid of it with the least possible delay. There are many who consider Charulx-r-lain's Cough Kemedy unsurpassed. Mr. J. Boroff, Elida, Ohio, says, "Ever since mv daughter Kuth w as cured of a severe cold and cough by Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy two vears ago, 1 have felt kind ly disposed to'ward the manufacturers of that preparation. I know of nothing so quick to relieve a cough or cure a cold." tor sale bv all dealers, o Officers Mix With Gypsies Sheriff Johnson and City Marshal Carson mixed slightly with a band of Irish gypsies, who.have been encamped near the Regulator boat landing. Art icles in the East Side neighborhood having been missing, suspicion pointed to the evosies. The officers searched their camp Sunday afternoon. Their search, however, which proved futile, brought down upon them the maledic tions of the whole tribe, more.especial Iv the women, whom he officers say have an excellent vocabulary of swear words. Makes 61 Feel Like IK "I suffered with kidney ailment for 2 years," writes sirs. M. A. rsrmges, no- iinaon. Miss., "ana commenceu taaing Foley Kidney Pills about ten months ai-o. I am now able to do all my work without fatigue. I am now 61 years of ape and feel like a 16 year old girl." Folev Kidnev Pills strengthen and invi gorate weak, tired and deranged kidneys; relieve backache, weak hack, rlieiinui' tisiu. and bladdea trouble, i ney are tonic in action. Sold by Chas. X. Clarke Dobson Builds Septic Tank Joe B. Dobson has just completed the construction of a septic tank at the Oak Grove school. "We have built i sanitarv concrete tank,' says Mr. Dob son, "and feel sure that it will be sat isfactory." The old tank, in use for a long time, it was felt, was liable to become unsanitary. Onr "Jitney" Offer This and 5c I Vm't miss this. Cut out this slip and enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing vour name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; foley Muney fills ior pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic.especially comforting to stout persons. Sold by Chas. . Clarke. Dating Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, rocket Stamps, Pen and Pencil btamps Ktc, made to order at tne O lacier ol lice at Portland prices. fell No Reason For It When Hood River Citizens Show a Way. There can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tortures of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kid nev ills will fail to heed the wows or a neighlior who has found relief. Read what a Hood River citizen says: "I had considerable trouble from dull, nagging pains across the small of my back," tays Mrs. J. W. Gatchell of 1110 Seventh St., Hood River. "The action of my kidneys was irregular. I tried several well-known kidney remedies.but I had no relief'uutil I took Doan'sKidney Pills. They relieved me at once and the backache 'soon left me. My kidneys were strengthened and my system was toned up. Another of my family had good results from Doan's "Kidney Pills I have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills before and I am still enthusiastic about them. I have never known their equal in curing kidney complaint." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Gat chell had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y'. When Your Visitors Are Here From the East Let Us Take You for that Spin over the Valley Our Motor Cars at Your Service We are local agents for the Maxwell; would be pleased to demonstrate its qualities. Garage located at the foot of Fourth and Columbia Streets. Acces sories and garage equipment, gasoline and oils. Re pairs made. But the most interesting message we have for local car owners concerns the Brown Scientific Non-Deflating Pneumatic Tubes Not an experiment but proven of worth by actual test. Don't dread punctures and blowouts. Let us show you the Brown. HOWE & INGALLS Fourth and Columbia Sts. Tel. 1361 Does Your House Need PAINTING? NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT WE HANDLE Sherwin-Williams Paint "The Best On Earth" THAT'S ALL CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETC. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTITY Both Phones Estimates Furnished White River Flour Makes Bread Having the Old Bready Flavor AT YOUR GROCERS