If You Were Rolling in Wealth and expanse was no object, you could not purchase better shoes than can be had here at moderate prices, no matter bow little you pend here you can be confided that it purchases the highest quality of shoe, (or we had rather have your satisfaction and a small profit than your ill will and a large one. J. C JOHNSEN, the Hood River Shoe Man Shoes and Shoe Repairing LOCAL MAN AIDS AN ACCUSED TRAMP KIMBALL PREPARES WEATHER STATISTICS Bridal Veil Lumbering Company Building Material and Box Snooks Yard West of Freight Depot Phone 2181 Hood River, Oregon During the past few weeks the Taft Transfer Co. hat reported to City Mar- thai Carson the loss of two wat-on cov ers. Wednesday night of last week the marshal was called and told that another waeon sheet was Bone. The nnVer at once beffan a search. "I visited a car down in the freight varda that had been filled With bay , says Marshal Carson. "1 found just 20 men sleeoins in that car, and around one of them waa wrapped the cover that 1 was looking for." The marshal took the man to the city ail, and Thursday morning, when he waa threatened wun Droeecuuun iui the theft of the wagon sheet, he de- Flared that he had not stolen the art icle. "It waa there and 1 just picked t up and wrapped it around me, he said. "I had no idea of stealing it. W. H. Taft, who beard the man a story, was impressed by the sincerity of it. He refused to prosecute we lei- low. "Are you broke?" he asked the man. And when the fellow replied that he waa Mr. Taft dug down into his nocket and eave him a piece ol money. Marshal Carson declares mat me un- mnlnved nasi through the CltV by the scores. "One night last week I counted 40." he says. I hey come and go on the freight trains. The Economy of Using Preferred Stock Canned Goods Facias Wksnrar tas But an Srswa Is well illustrated in Preferred Stock Asparagus. There are three varieties, Extra Selected Large White, Mammoth reeled White, and Preferred Stock Asparagus Tips. Preferred Stock Asparagus comet from the Sacra mento River Islands, California, where the best asparagus is grown. There it is gathered, prepared and placed in the can, BEFORE SUNRISE, every morning during the season to be enjoyed by par ticular caters, tne year around, everywhere. Noivaite, u labor more for the montjin entry can of Preferred Stod aiijour grocer AUBIt LEWIS. Wholesale Grocers. PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. FOR. SALE BY WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD. Proprietor. Phone 1221 Free Delivery WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF (1 Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash u 0 AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COxME TO US DIRECT FOR W00D.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS 0 STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon 1 1 - - - o 0 J WHEN IN QTll PORTLAND Stop at theNevvand Absolutely Fireproof HOTEL BENSON. Central. Rates floderate. HOTEL BENSON S. BENSON, Mgr. A. T. LWNDBORG An't Mtfr. L. P. BYRNE Aaa't Mgr. The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOS. D. CALKINS RIVERSIDE LUNCH EON IS SUCCESSFUL Recently the corps cl local co-oper ative observers for me tinted Mates weather bureau waa reduced to three W. E. Birge. of the West Side : Kord ham B. Kimball, of the Odell-Summit community and Kea E. Hanson, of the Upper Valley. Mr. Murr.au nas pre pared for the Glacier data showing the l.,iMnaaliiaa Painfull t'Xf IrIP the years IS12. 113 ami 19H as fol-1 1 j lows: Average mean mBxin.urn. tw.M.!ran d b the jde- whjle UKjrg average mean minimum, .xvan aver- with M Fofd he gaid thlt he would age mean, 60.73; average ra.niaii. jjo.u i u DIUfh ,eiwd if when he re- inches; average number of clear days, t H to w.lh.m..MT, h. eoun truth- 187; average number of partly cloudy ; ful, that he 'hd bcen t0 DetrcU had seen the wonderful rord institution The Latest on the Ford (From the American Artisan and Hardware Record.) James H. Reed, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, who is well known to the stove trade in that part of the country, . made a trip to Detroit. Mich., some! time ago and as he "supports" a Ford 1 he called at the Ford Automobile Works and requested permission to go throogh the factory, which was courteously granted, an etticient and affable guide being furnished. At the end of the tour of inspection Brother Reed ex-: ressed a wish to meet Mr. Henry the president, which was ar- daya, 80; average number ol cloudy days. 96; prevailing wind, west; aver age snowfall, ito.M tncnes. The location ol Mr. airman l co-op erative station is at an elevxtion of fcOO feet, just northeast of bunimit station I on the line or tne Mount noi naiiway out of the city the , glopped )d up. Company's line. I, is vtry near the ' rajgjnj? the hood they found that center of the valley. , thev hll(j been ridinB, in . ,.. in which and that Mr. Ford had taken him for a ride in a Ford "machine." To his delight, orders were given to bring a car around to the office and he and Mr. Ford got in. About two milea The "Yellow and White" luncheon served in the church basement last Sat urday by the first division of the La dips' Aid of the Riverside Congress tional church was highly successful. Tables had been reserved for the occa sion and 80 people sat down at the first service. Everyone who partook of the tastily prepared foods now have the highest praise for the culinary genius of the ladies. Not only was the food pood, hut it was served in a way to lend pleasure to tne occasion, a oevy of nrettv voune eirls did the serving In addition to serving luncneon, me women conducted a saie oi puueu plants, home made candies and Easter favors, and a tea room proved a popu lar place. I..I..M II I t -l-l-l-.l-1 t"l-l-I"I"l 1 1 H 'H-r I APPLE NOTES HIM 1 1 11 -HI 1 tit 1 M-H-M-I-M-v The annle deal is winding up better than was expected.according to Wilmer Sieg, who is in New York representing the Nortn facinc fruit uistriDutors. "The demand has continued exception ally cood." Mr. Sieg is quoted as say- ins in the New York Produce News. "Aside from the local demand the European trade has taken the fruit much faster than anticipated. There is all probability that the boxed apple deal will wind ud much better than be lieved. The cheap prices seem finally to have stiumlated consumption to a point where the fruit is moving rapid ly." The citrus fruit business is In a very bad wav in every section of the coun try. Grape fruit crops are not being harvested. It seems almost certain that acreage will be decreased. Down in California the orange growers are gaid to be ready to so out of business. Everything points to a survival of 'the litest. The big acreages have created for the time being a supply that has been turning heaven and earth for a demand. Now. it seems, that automatically that supply will decrease. and the demand that has been created will not be filled. In the course of time the man with a fruit orchard, be it an cles or citrus fruits, will come into his own. The same course may be expected in the northwest. The consumption of box ancles has been greatly increased. However, on account rf the disasters of marketing, the unfit orchards will be eliminated. The man with an orch ard in a tried and proven district, who sticks to the business, has good days head. And Hood River is one of the beet of districts. Mr. Kimball has been very faithful in his observation work, and it is prob- ble that he will, after a period, pur chase the apparatus fun ished at the present time by the government. To be of any great Dentin tne oDser- vations in a given district should extend over a long period oi time, necorus showing the time of guatest danger from frost in the spring and autumn, should be very valuable to the grower. Urchardists express the hope that the United States Weather l.ureau will further aid with this worn. Below is given an interesting tabula tion of the maximum ana minimum temperatures of April. May, June, Oc tober and November for the past three years : the engine had not yet been installed. , Mr. Ford turned to his visitor and said : "Well, it has iyn so far on its reputa-' tion," to which the quick-witted Reed ' replied: "If that is the case, we had ; better "phone for help to take us back, I for 1 never knew a Ford to 'go back on its reputation.' " j Apr May Junw 1913 15U 1915 1913 1!)1S Sept Oct. Nov 1914 1H12 191H 1914 1912 1913 19H! 1914 57" - X It f. - 75( 7) 77(25) 7i30) 90(14) 88(31) 191 9:iC51) 93 ft(23) mA IKK 1) 93(15) 87(13) 8(i(l(i) 8li( 1) l8(14) 7t( 1) 72( ) i! 2T(14) 28(23) 27(21) 34(23) 32( 6) 32(28) t 3) 40(14) 38( 4) 34(24) 3(24) 37( 0) 28( 21 27(29) 31(22) W hooping tough Well everyone knows the effect of pine forests on coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey is a remedy which brings quick relief for whooping Ornish, loosens the mucou, soothes the lining of the throat and lungs, and makes the cough ing Hell8 less severe. A fiimily with grown. g children should not be without it. Keep it haudy for all coughs and colds. 25c at your druggist. Neal Creek Road Recommended Motion waa unanimously passed at the regular meeting of Parkdale Grange No. 500, April 3, as follows: That Parkdale grange go on record for the adoption of Neal Creek canyon as a permanent route for trunk line between the Lower and Upper Hood River Val ley, and that a copy of this motion be sent to our county court for their con sideration ; also copies to Hood River newspapers. 1(1 15 Numbers in 0 indicate date. 'Xuinliers indicate date and not tem perature. Ngned WHY NOT MAKE A FLYLESS TOWN During his talk of making Oregon a spotless state and having the Hood River Valley an oasis in an mis splen dor, it has been suggested that the an noying, playsome, frolicsome ny tie not forgotten. The question, has been asked: "Why not make Hood River a flyles8 town? While the fly is like the poor and we will always nave mm with us," his numbers, by proper pre caution, may be greatly decimated. Flies breed and multiply in manure pits. However, it is no great task to build a sanitary manure pit that will exclude any family of flies that may come seeking a home, where they may rear a few thousand children. All that is necessary is that the pit be boarded up and covered with wire-ny-prooi screening. A simple matter. E. M. Holman, of the Heights, has just completed the construction of such a pit and states that he will be glad to explain the plans to anyone desiring to help eradicate the pesky fly. Mr. Merchant, a price marker will save you hours of time when marking your goods. Accuracy and neatness are its commendable features. A few cents buys one at this otlice. vtf ifes3 TO t T EIIJOY WINTER Prof. Franktand demon strates that COD LIVER OIL generates more body-heat than anything eke, lit SCOTT'S EMULSION the pure oil la so prepared that the blood profits from every drop, while it fortifies throat and lungs. If yoa ar aubjact to eoM h&nda ar feati if roa hivr and catch cold aanlrt taka SCO IT'S EMULSION for on month and watch Ha toad a (facta. NO ALCOHOL. 14-40 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Commenting on the Panama canal situation from the viewpoint of the northwestern fruit man, a bulletin of the Nortwhestern Fruit Exchange says There is considerable disappointment that the Panama canal has failed to give more decided and immediate relief to fruit shippers of the Pacific coast. It is still conceded that lasting benefits will accrue; but time, patience and nerseverance will be required. When the war ends and normal navigation conditions are resumed, it seems prob able that Bteamship companies will be more aggressive to provide requisite facilities for handling large tonnage from Pacific coast fruit and vegetable shippers. The citrus industry of Cali fornia is nushing this matter more ac tively than any other factor, and north western fruit shippers win snare me results of their efforts. to rage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Liverv Co. Phone 4111 E. E. Schenck. chief engineer of the C. & N. W. line at Omaha, Neb., who owns an East Side orchard tract, has sent to the Glacier an interesting clip nine from the New York Jimes. A special correspondent of that metropol itan daily has written an interesting article telling of the Kaiser's teachers as great war aids, the professors have adapted themselves to the situations as thev find them. Some are making good Boldiers at the battle front. Linguists are assisting in the provinces with breaking in raw troops. But one of the most interesting por tion of the article deals with food and material resources of the Germans. Note the prominence of the apple, al though it is metioned but once, in the following clipping: Prof. Dr. Carl Ludwig Schleich re centlv wrote an article on "Abstinence from Food," in which he Btsted that Germans in time of peace almost with out exception ate too much. He said : One has always hesitated to speak it out openly, for social reasons, that in general not only the well to do, but also our workers and our poor, speak ing strictly scientifically, eat far more than necessary in order to be nour isbed. It ia a proven fact that with a couple of carrots, a few nuts, ao apple a day, and a ;quart oi water per day, one can eain in weight. He added that an occasional "hunger dav" would do everbvodv good. The ground for trie new Dreaa oral nances was prepared weeks and months aso bv an effective press campaign, in which many professors snowed mat mixed rye and wheat bread was more nourishing than pure white rolls and bread; that black bread was even bet ter, and that the addition of 20 per cent or more of potato flour would not materially impair the food value of bread, while bringing with it advan tazes. especially the necessity of chew ine the bread more tborouzlhy and thereby aiding digestion. GEM PROGRAM TODAY "Joan of Arc," a five reel special feature at the regular price of ten cents. A picture story of the wondertul achievements of the girl martyr of France. Friday and Saturday 'Beneath the Sea." A Lubin two reel feature with Charles Fowler and Velma Whitman in the leading parts. Broncho Billy s Vengeance." An Esaanay western drama featuring O. M. Anderson. Wanted, a Nurse." A Vitagraph comedy with Sidney Drew in the lead. Sunday 'The Sage Brush Gal." A Vita- graph Broadway star feature in three big reels. "two Hearts tnat tseai as ten. a Essanay comedy. Monday and Tuesday Cast up By the Sea." A Kalem two reel special featuring Alice Joyce. Hearst Seng Weekly of world events. COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hood River's Medical Institution Open to the public for treat ment of Medical and Surgi cal cases. RATES ON APPLICATION Address Cottage Hospital Assn. HOOD RIVER. OREGON. A Cure for Sour Stomach Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson, of Battle Creek, Mich., writes: "I have been troubled with indigestion, sour stomach and bad breath. After taking two bot tles ofChamberlain's Tablets I am well." These tables are splendid none better, ror sale by all dealers. Scene from the Christian a -a ! Oakdale Greenhouses The first 15 days in December is a good time to plant Roses, Shrubs and all hardy plants. We have them. Have also tu lips and daffodils. Pot plant3 for winter at Franz', where orders for cut flowers will be taken. Fletcher (El Fletcher Phone 4738 Hood River We have just received our Spring shipment of Lawn Mowers and can supply them in any price from $3 to $ 1 0. We are sure that we can please you both in price and quality. RUBBER HOSE We have the largest stock that we have ever car ried, not a foot carried over from last year and as rubber deteriorates very rapidly this is an impor tant thing to remember when buying hose. We want your business and make the prices to get it. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKes Good' I Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. lllll 11111 fllll ill We give Green Trading Stamps on all cash ealea and on all billa paid in full by the tenth of the follow ing month. Fresh and cured meats of all kinds and fish. Courteous treat ment and prompt service. VanAllen&FilzV Telephone 4141 HP if r at Electric To-Day Rhenmatie Tains Kellered. Notice or SheritTs Sale. Itv vlrtiianfaneipcutlni In fornclOMireduly liwued by tlm Clerk or the Circuit Court of noou Klver i;ouniy, in uie "utw wi wmk.iu, rtatprt March 2.l91Mn a certain no It In the alcl Circuit Court, wherein Korna Hawkina whs nlalnilff and Ftiwlw K. Morae. (lrnce r. Kar ris et al were defendant, and wherein on . 1 .. I. .&,., K.IK u u I f. .. 1 1 1 1 1 ft rMVtvArMl a Iniiirinent and 'decree huhIbhI Urace P. Farrln and w. n r arriM lor me huiii 01 j mnv-iivr Hunriiwi (t'tsiioi IK)I lam. lone Uier with Inter est from March 6. 1M4, at the rale of el(ht per cent, per annum; for the further sum of Four Hundred UMIHH Dollar, aa attorney' feea, and the sum of 113 50, ool and dlnareinenU taxed In said suit; ana wnie.n sam execution Is avalnst and directs that the hereinafter de. acrlbed real property be sold to satisfy said nma anil the nislji and exnenses of sale: Motine ! hereby Klven that I will on the 30th day of April, A. (i. WIS, at the front door of the Court House In the City of Hood Klver, Hr,fi River cmintv. Htate of ormon. at ten o'clock In the foteuoon of said day, sell at public auction to tne niKhest oianer tor can the inllnwliiir described real property situated In the County of Hood Klver, Htate of Oregon, to-wlt: "Beelnnlni at a point on tne east line or me west ha If of the southeast quarter, Kertlon :t. R L. I ,1 k- . V. LJ......A til 1 1, -l w KM IIIWUSUip , ilFI til, v-llw . . , thirty rods soutn oi me norineaw corurr ii said WUofHKVi of said section, (said point being the UK corner or the ly, acre tract Here tofore conveyed to W. K. Allen and wife;) tbenee west along theaouin line or aaia Alien tract forty rods more or leas to the west line of the east half of said W'i of BE'.-,: thence south along said west line aixiy-eignt roa. more or less, to the northwest corner of a 7 acre tract heretofore conveyed to Lottie L. Hasbniuck; thence east along the norm nneor said Hasbrouck tract twenty rods, more or less; tbenee north eighteen rods, more or leas; thence east nine rods, more or less; thence Hnrth ,wi 1 1 a u M,it al.v.n rniia to the easMlne of aalti W', alK't at a point eighty one rods north or ine anumeasi corner oi nam W1, of 8K'i of said Mectloo H.and thence north along said east line forty-nine rods, more or less, to tbe place of beginning1, containing iVt acres, or so much thereof as may be nec essary to satisfy the said Judgment and the said sums due thereon In favor of said Koena Hawkins and against aald irce p. Karris and W.8. "err Is, together with all coeta and expenses that bave or may accrue. uatea ilarcn alio, ivi-i, THOH. r. JOHNSON. Hherlrfof Hood Kiver County, U A. and A. r. Heed. HlausofOregoo. Plaintlfl s attorneys. Hood Klver, Oregon. apl ap'29 T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 li.:... .. ' 1 " " Hood River, Oregon PASHIOIT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, aold or exchanged. " Pleasure partlet can secure.flrBt-cla8i rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture an pianos. We do everything horses can do. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste KELLY BROS. Hay. Grain, Mill Feed, Orchard Supplies 7th and Railroad Sts.,Phonel401 Anderson Undertaking Co. LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 3 1 2 Cascade Ave. Phone 1 394 Commercial Printing at this office. Whv suffer from rheumatism when re lief msv be had at so small a cost? Mrs. Elmer Hatch. Peru, Ind.,writes,"I have been subject to attacks of rheumatism for vears. Chamberlain's Liniment al m-av relieves m immediate! v. and I take pleasure In recommending it to others." Daterg, Pads and Rubber Stamps of i5c and 50c bottles. For sale by all dealers I every description at this office. r S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer Established 24 Years HOOD RIVER, OREGON s f