i HOOD ItlVfilt GLAClElt, THURSDAY, A'PJIIL 8, 1915 ftunii fitter (Blartrr AHTHltt U. MOE. PuNUhcr. SulrljttlB, SI. SO IV r Iar. When sutirrller desire a change in addreae IhisortW Miouid ! uoiirh-d promptly, and a Week before If polble. Always K'Ve lrt ! Om a well as the new Almi, H.J Kiver mbserltiers should notify thiottl at M wheu thaiiaim their address from one rural r.itil 1i another, or Irom city delivery to country delivery, or vice versa. If yon do not get your pH(T iniiiiiiy,n"ilfy u by niitil or telephone ana ms ltmiu r win o iurnvru Fjoept 11 Krlln In live nrw matter, com munli :ion, or arm lea ut general nature, liould be in Iheortice by Monday u Insure t heir apjs-ai lug 1U the issue ol theeurren week. THE WATER HOG Irrigation comnaniiB comiilsin of water hoR. and the city water depart merit declares that ba exists in num hera within the city limits the water hog, whose graBi grows ever green, while that (if his nti(!iibora might as well te salted down; for the water su perintendent has ordered cessation of sprinkling. The precipitation is all that is needed now, hut soon Jure and July sunshine will be on us, and the lawns of the city will be culling for copious drinks every night. It is then that the water hog gets in his woik. You may pass his residence in the lute night hours and you will hear the slow hits of water es caping from his faucets. The end of the hose is stuck away in an obscure little hole, but a stream flows gently forth and on the morrow that lawn will smile despite the sunshine. Tho flood River municipal water sys tem affords su Kick nt water for irriga tion, if it is not abused. Too many patrons allow the hose to run after hours. The ordinances and rules gov erning sprinkling should be strictly en forced. In which case'much worry will be elinminatcd, and all residents will be given a fair chance. Offenders should be cinched to the limit. Tbey have been dealt with too leniently in the past. A city ordinance provides that all manure pits be so built that flies can not find entrance. Yet how many comply with the law? No nuisance in the city is greater. The thousands of flies that worry tho babies and tickle our bald heads will continue to exist as long as their breeding haunts are left so undisturbed. "1 did ! I didn't! Tatool Tata!" is the little game being played this week by Judge Stanton and the Commercial club. Just a little harmless fun. Under smiling April skies, let us sing and work; for we will soon br eating as fine strawberries and cherries as ever graced a king's table. . Help a little when you are asked to contribute toward the boys' swimming pool fund. And now tho husbandman may be seen hanging the screen door. Are you observing clean-up week? CIRCUIT COURT IS STILL IN SESSION While jury trials have been concluded with Circuit Judge lirailshnw is still presiding over a session of the court here disposing of et)uity cases. While no very important cases have come at this term, a numntr or small cases have demanded the attention of the court. The grand jury returned indictments against tho following: Albert llirlc- man, on a charge of larceny by bailee; I). A. t hamlers, charged with non support of his wife, ami Dr. J. II. 'Mc Vay, who is alleged to have unlawfully given u !ittior piescriptlon to titu Martin. llirleman was tried by a jury. He was accused of having marketed wood belonging to Margulis Si Iflair, while in the employ of the former, pocketing the money. While tho evidence showed that llirleman hud received the money from the wood, it was shown that he diil not have anything to do with the sale of the same, hs was set forth in the cumplmnt. Judge Kradshaw ac cordingly instructed the jury to return a verdict for tho defendant. Chambers pleaded guilty and was placed under bond to caru for his wife. Dr. McVay moved to have his case continued until the next term of court. While Martin is alleged to be an habit ual drunkard, Dr. McVay stutes that ho carno to him after having been on a spree at The Dulles and that the liquor was prescribed because it was needed by the mun in his condition. HEIGHTS NEWS Mrs. Uoe and two children, daughter ami grandchildren of Mr. unit Mrs. Sunderland, came up from 1'ortland Monday to spend the week with Mrs. Itoe's parents. Arthur Heekwith, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland, who came up from Portland on account of poor health, is improving quite rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. laft are enter taining Mrs. la ft "a cousin from Portland. Min Florence Carson made a trip to Eugene last week to visit her sister. Elizabeth, who is attending school there. She met the young people from Hood River who are all doing very ri -ely. Miss Cntson returned to Hood River Monday. Mr. Smallwond, living on Taylor street, Brya he and his son caught lL'ti trout tho hrst day the law was out. Mrs. Ciodsey. sister of Will Hart, of the Hart hotel, and her ilatu'htip iu;.. Julia tiodsey, have come to Hood River 10 mane their home, I hey have opened a millinery store on Twelfth street. They were residents of Hood River for a number of years, then moved to Port land. K. C. Bucklin was quite ill Monday night and part of Tuesday, but is bet ter at present writing. Miss Thayer is doing quite a rushing business in her millinery store. She has a nice line of hats. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Holman made a trip to lortland Sunday to see their daugher and son, Karl. Low Railroad Rates' and Privileges of Routing Never Before Possible Are Included In the Many Inducements to Visit America's Great Panama Canal Celebration. $50,000,000 Invested; 80,000 Exhibitors Represented. r T Is estimated by the traffic eiiTtii of the great transcontinental railway that the traTel movement westward during the present year, with the great world's Exposition at Kan Francisco as the goal, will be the great est In all history. There are hut few persons anywhere who have not felt the longing to visit California some rime, and with the attraction of the world's greatest and possibly its last universal Kxposltlun to draw them west ward those who go traveling In 1015 will "see America first," with San Fran cisco aa an objective. Some Indication of the Interest taken In the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Is found In the pre-ExposItlon nttendnnce, the greatest In the entire history of expositions, amounting to an average of IO.UjO persons a day. These visitors carried away with them to a!) parts of the country and of the world nccoiinta of the beauties and the marvels they bad seen, and aa a result the remark has become common throughout the United States aud abroad, "It'e not a case of "Can I afford to visit the Exposition?' but 'Can I afford to MISS it?'" The l'snnnta Pac ific Iuternntlonnl Exposition has more foreign national pavillous than any exposition ever held this in spite of the European war. No exposition ever was situated as this one Is where such a large number of the aceiilc wonders of the world can be visited nt no increase of cost while en route, going and coming, and it is the only great International Exposition to be ready on time! The rates agrfd upon by the great transportation companies, of approximately one-half fare for the round trip, with a ninety day limit, have never been equaled. Certainly not In this generation, and probably not for generations to come, will such an opportunity be offered to combine In one trip visit to the scenic wonder spots of the continent, with the education and entertainment to be had In the dazzling wonderland that has risen on the shore of the Pacific. Colossal Colonnades of the Greco-Roman Wings to Palace of Fine Arts. ; lf;'?,f; Afe4;A- . ' ; , ' 1 A ''lf x ' : 'J! i lift ' ? r ' i Abe ' ' "'' v : if I ; !-' 3 Days Sport Coat Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ladies and Misses knitted Norfolks and belted- back Sport Coats, white, green, red and gray. $12.50 Sport Coats .... $9.85 $8.50 Sport Coats .... $7.45 $6.50 Sport Coats .... $5.65 These Sport Coats are the best and most practical garments for outdoor wear during the Spring and Summer months. They give you all the warmth and protection and are light and soft. You Shoud Select Your Sport Coat from Us This Week While the Assortment Is Good Double &K Green Trading Stamps with all ladies Ready to Wear this week. Have Your New Coat and Suit Made to Your Measure Bragg Mercantile Co. We Make Ladies Tailor Suits to Order $17.50 up REPARTEE AT THE CARD TABLE An Amateur Bridge Player "Coma Back at a Typical Auction Tyrant. JUNKS didn't wnnt to play cards, never hud wanted to play cards In bis life, and said so, but to no purpose. Ills odjectlons, conscientious and otherwise, wore waved to one side by tue red faced peinon who was look ing for a partner. Jones took bis sent at the card table. Before they bnd been playing fifteen seconds Jones and the red faced per son took a forty horsepower dislike for each other. Then the wretched Jones made his first serious mistake. He of the ruddy complexion banged tho table. "Why on enrth didn't you follow my lend?" he shouted. "If there Is one man In this world today whoNe odious example 1 would uot follow In any circumstances you are the man!" retorted Jones, with dig- fifty. After that the jolly pastime proceed ed. Then Jones put his foot in it again, ami a;;nlti the rubicund one banned the table. "Couldn't you see me calling for a npnde or n club?" he boomed. "Haven't you nut a black suit, tunn?" "Yes, 1 have," snid Jones, rising from the table, "and I'm Jolly well hanging on to It for your funeral." Italtlniore American. Hood Hlver Commander? No. 12, K.T Mta every flint Tumday evening each mnnlii. H. L. IUimhli, UK. C A. U. Mob, Recorder. U(X)D KIVKHCHAFTKK NO. 87. K. A. M -Meeta flrxt and tlilrd Friday nlglita of euisb !"ntb. v. d Hso k, a. V. W . A. rk'H Ar'FNEB, Hecrelary MT. H(X)l) COl'NCIL No. 8. R. H. M. Meet In MaMHiic Hall every iblrd Tueaday Id earn montli. II. I. lll'wui r T I u II. IIKKMHNKK, KttCoruer. HOOD KIVKR t'HAPl'KK no as n K Mtteta aeeoud and fourth Tueaday evening " ' " wuutu. . iniiuiauiiruiHiiy welcomed n. u. ooui.o, W. M MiHa ALT A Poolb, Hecretary. WAUN ATKMH1.K PYTHIAN HIMTKRH No Aieeia me nnti, mira and flftli Tuesday each month al K. or hall. Kllnatielh BlUKflon. M. E. C. utBKRAH niKANAHAN. M. Ol rt. A L. Hi aiKl.yNN, M.ofK. Curving 1,100 feet around the follaged shores of the Tine Arts lagoon, Faa rtma racltle International Exposition, these mighty pillars are reflected, mlrror llke, In the limpid waters of the lagoon, affording one of the prettiest views at San Frniii'Noo's great Exposition. ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL MAILED FREE. ANPHOMK hook of alxty pngea, luofusely Illustrated In colora and giving da- alied dHtriitlons or the i'anania-rui'ino International Exioltloii to ba held In San Kranrlarn from Keb 211 to Dec. 4. 1815. and of the I'anama canal and anal region.' will la malted by the Exposition frea of charge to all tnaulrars. The booklet la Intended for proaiiectlve vlsltois and will alio contain Information concern ing the great englnwlng feat which the Kipoaltlon Is to celebrate. Wrlta to the Manager, Hureau of I'ubllOHtlon, F'annma-Haciflo International Exposition, Exposi tion UulhUnt. Ban Pranolacn. for iHioklet A";: Between Friends. "lie loves nie!" said the sweet young thing. "How do yon know?' asked the merely pretty oli'e. "From his lovely letters." "You poor girl can't you tell love from literature?" That was the first climax. The sec ond came n little Inter, when one was explaining to the other how she knew all these things. "For Instance," she said, "a foolish boy proposed to me only Inst night I hud given him no encouragement- be might have known I'd refuse him.' "Maybe he did know you would,' breathed the younger one. Girls nre so catty I Cleveland Plain Dealer. Local Color, Successful Author Yes, I have been wishing for un oportunlty to visit thnt section, of tho country for a number of years. Sympathetic Friend And why, might 1 ask? Successful Author Oh, I once wrote a popular novel with the scene laid around there nnd 1 want to see how the local color matches up. Florida Times-Union. Rars Machine. "I saw young Suburbo running t new machine this morning." "Was It one of tho latest models?" "1 couldn't say." "I thought you knew all about mo torcars." "So I do. Hut I don't know any thing about lawn mowers." Kansas City Star. Hurt His Feelings. 'What do you think of this concrete furniture F-Olson Is making?" asked the boarding bouse lady. 'Well, I don't think they can pos sibly make a bed any harder than the one I'm trying to sleep on," was the hoarder's feeling reply. Yonkers Statesman. M-H-t ML JAN. 1. 1915 GLACIER STAMP WORKS HOOD RIVER, ORE. Wi: MAKE TO ORDER i Price Markers Band Daters Pocket Stamps Linen Markers Sign Markers Pen and Pencil Stamps, Etc. hmiiple Ille lor above liater. wording can tic uaed. aneh a. 4.. Any We also carry a line of Rub ber Type, Inks and Pads. Get our prices if in need of any rubber labor saving device. The Glacier, Hood River eweretl, Kecelveil, Ktc. I'rleva rlglu, t-H mm h m 11 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 There Was a Difference. Schoolmaster Now, If your mother gave you a large apple and a small one, and told you to divide with your brother, which apple would -you give him? Johnny D'you mean my big brother or my little brother ?-Tit-Bita. still Oh, That's Different. "Your former husband must love you." "Why so?" "He tells me that be owes a great deal to you." "He's referring to the back alimony." -Pittsburgh. Tost Suspicious. "She's the most suspicious woman I ever met" "So?" "Yep. She even accuses her husband of patronizing a lady barber." De troit Free Press. Linen Marking Outfits for sale at this otliee at prices that make them a house hold necessity. KEMP LOI'OK, No. 181, 1, O. O. P.-Meeta In ooeii Odd Fellows' hall every 8atnr uay nigiu. v lanora cordially welcomed . MJMNKK C AM KHON, N. (J, v.. m. nneppara, secretary HA.KL KKIIKKAH LOHOK No. 156, 1.O.O. Meet the arm and tlilrd Tumulnv evening 1 each montli In the Odd Fellows Hall, neven Benin in mini mver, rt. u. 1 Mrs, J, e.. Kade, N. U. i. n. vniiKuey, rsec. Keirular ineetlnni are neld Hje flret .Mondays ol each month at K W. O. W and third f. hall. Vlaltors cordially Invlled. h. c. ;, Li. 11. unison, L. U. Geo. A. CloiiKb, Clerk. HOUD KIVKKCiHCLK NO. 624, WOMEN OK woodcran-Meets at K. ol 1'. hall on the rsiana imra ihurHdaysor each mouth, Mrs. iiehecea Wall, (j. N. mm. imaiiik iiat.iiKN, ciern. WAUl'OMA .( KIK NO. Ml K nv P Meet in K. of h. hull every Tuexilay night, w. Bianaou, t, L. m'iiir iMeuiierij, i. in n. and n. T. P. JOH.NSO.N, M. of P. LAL'KKl. KKIIKKAH l.()l)(iE No. 87,1.0 O F aieeia iirsi and tnira Mondoys each month, Mrs. rt. .loiinwiii, N. U Miw Mela Carter, 8ec. CAN1IY W. K. u. Meets second and fourth Maiurdaysoreach month at K. of P. ball. Mrs. 1,. M. Hentley, t'rosldent. Mrs. C. Sthanaiian, Hecrelary. OLKTA AHHEMBLY NO. 1(B, UNITED ART- iHans.-Meel the Brat and third Wednea- aays, won; secoud and fourth Wednesday i iinniiH unii, k,, u. fllHttlOtia, OH. A, J. H. KoHEKii Hecretary. IU.EW1LUKLODUKNO. 107. f. O. n. c Meet lu Fra'.ernal hall, every Thursday EDEN ENCAMPMENT. NO. 48. I. ). n. V KeKUlar meetlnK second aud fourth Tuesdays i uioum. rt. w I Lot! PI , u. r. ji. vi. i'liiiiuicK, ncriue. K1VEK CAMP, NO. 7,7(12, M. W. A.- aieeiH in K.or v. hall every 1st and 3rd Wed oi eacn nioniii. James Hawthorn, V C. i.'. i'ah in. ciera. hood kivkr valley humane society noon Kiver, ore. Jas. Htranahan.Prea, 0. 1). N Ickelarn. Heo. jA-slle Butler, Treaa, t..Hii piMiiie un. FOR SALE Foi Kale-lteverHllile Canton orchard disc wiin iruca, practically new. 'J. D. Hovt. tele. (lUUUCH.l., !);, For NHle-40 Inches water Kant Fork lrrio-n. tutu iimirici, auurens "n iiiaciur, apH for Kent Unlit housekeeping rooms, l!xhl and water furiilKbed; horse, buity and liar- urw hi nine, puiiiie apln For Sale Ponr cylinder ftiilomohlle. minus me Douy, luirood condition and will make a good truck. A bargsla for cash. Address City Carrier No. I aiwsif For Hale Rose Comb Wvandntt. im umuuiua. s nuiie tan, apju For Sale-Plow, harniw and cultivator- alsn iwveu ear inn mare alio eigin year old geld. uk, iriLini.i" , miuiiu auu koou workers: w sell team for Mu cash. K. P. Hurdick, Timber alley, wasu. apl5 ForSsle Mv noncorn and nennut Rtjind he. side (teni Theater, business Is iiavlmr hni mv health requires that I be actively' eugaged out ui uuuifc i , aa. uariiiu. apla For Hale ('lurk Heedtlllff atrnwherrv nlanln Tom Ottawa. It. F. I). No. 2. Ilox lKla. nhnn IJ . ... L)l.... i t ' r .. u'.i, u.m iviti, .'ie(tju, 8po For Sale Pies. 4792; C. E. Copple. lioats aud hogs. Phone ap22 F'or Sale A few thousand atrawberrv mums Hun. H.wH.tn i.l..,u ft TU or Sale Davenport wagon. 3 Inch, with bolster springs, prl-e rensonable. Enquire at ii 11111 iiui wBiiiKMiia miup. ftps For Hale Three Chester White brood sows with 20 pigs, 8 and 4 weeks; sired bv a regls- lereu ncrftsuire; i am snort oi oasmre, There, loremusi reuuee my sUM-k. .1. F. Thompson P. O. Ilox 7. Parkdale. Oreiron. telenhone F:ggs for Hatching White Leihorna l and i.!i, n line w yauiiiuies i.,ni and R Wl. nlacR iirpingions ceienraiea "ixxig strain s;i.llu. H . 1 lMeti, phone 3i:i4 or :n&2. apltf For Sale Turkey eggs. S2 per settlnu. Mrs. E- '' Clajk, K. F. I). No. I, Hox STa, phone vfueu i.h. an For Sa le or Trade- A five room house located on a lot ".xl; ft.,E. M. Holman, phone 2134, a For Sale My hog ranch Just west of the city fty head of young Iioks and sIod route. A little money down and terms ou balance. J.J. seaton, K. r . II. No. i. au2S For Sale Oennlne Fall bea'lni strawberrv plants: w III bear until Novemoer. Whv not raise ocrries auu gei i.tc io hic a noxT tMlod market. I'haa. Albright, phone ieW. mfttf For Sale llll sacks of Hurbank potatoes. J. , Cantlee, Parkdale. Omron. Telenhnne i.fueuoiv. aura For Sale Team of homes, one hav and one irrpy. ,i ana d years oia. weiant 'JSOil lbs. Hi Chamberlain, Mosler, Oregon. nirlStf SOCIETIES. BCXiW RIVER IX11HJK NO. 1(6. A. P. and A. M. Meeta Saturday evening on or before each full moon. H. Hkkshnkh, W. at D. McDonald. Secretary. For Hale Registered Jersey bulls of airea: iwo excepiiouauy nne animals oi solid color. black tongue and switch. For price and In forniftiou wrile to F. B. East Main street, i oritauu, megou. apr7 F'or Kale First Class Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels of good site and ready for Immedi ate use. F'ags for hatching. Vigorous and healthy. The ringlet strain. Phone Odell 18, Oust Westerberg. mi For Sale-Leading varieties of apple, peach, pear, plum, prune and cherry trees 1 yr. old; i yr. old aaparagns plants, 7i cents per hun dred. fr A. Masse, phone Odell 148. mayl THE FAIRFAX A Colonial Design In Solid Silver This pattern continues its well deserved popular ity because of its genuine worth and beauty. We carry this silver in single pieces and in sets. We invite your inspection "Yours for Service" W. F. Laraway Hood River, Oregon For New and Second Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Window Shades, Stoves and Ranges, Crockery, Hard ware, Trunks, Suit Cases, Tents, Camp Outfits SEE 0. P. Dabney & Son We will take your old furniture, stoves, etc., in exchange for NEW GOODS, or, if you prefer to sell them for cash, we will be glad to figure with you on that basis. Phone 3802 . Cor. 4th &StateSts. Hatching eirirs from Heller ne ninim u n Turkeys, large type; 8. C. White Leghorn and Mlcilan Butter Cups. Write for price or phone u , j . c?icvci Knipp, aprm Thoroughbred UleTvue I'nlftnrt.riilnn hm. for aale-A tew service boars, bred gilts and wenuma pi aii regisiereu or engiiiie to reg ister. Tuese are sired bv our Hnr k nni a,.n Standard and Grand Look boars. Big Knox sired the junior Grand (Ihaninloii of inn 1913; these are all of the big easy feeding pro- lion viw nuu aie irnceu lu set . Anureuu h o. uauigan, riooa Klver, Or., phone 4;w. oltf FOR RENT For Kent Good 6 room house in anii w.n,t uon cueap. Apply U) A. W. Uulhauk. at Itf For Rent Furnished flat ou State street ap tel. 1731 F'or Kent 11 acres land 7 miu fm,n u , River, East side, 1 miles fnim Lents, 1 and 3 j viu n, in lease inr i yrs. Kenter pay ine water asseasments oniv s c..i.:...i. .... ra i. iinjiure ui m. i asui, Hood Klver aa For Kent Two nleasant front mnn,a stairs, furnished fiir llnht liousek water, bath, and fuel furnlahen i. ..i... .uu.nwu. ill UUUIUV AVft. Dn fflP IT at, ror t;eui 4 root-, rniiiv:i oui 0,1,1, .. ...i.i barn: flue view W. H .Ion... at a l-. muir, I'lrnir v i; evi-nnux. tniiif For Kent-Uit on State street for uanlen nne. poses, riione 2171 evenings. nilllf For Kent or Hale On ensv ternw ,..,t. c room house, bath, hasenieiii fnrt,u,u. , .. ...,, Fu,fuc tnit. IIHtl WANTED Wanted A temnomrv homA t.,r u ion Enquire at Uud St. or phone ISiZ. Hpl5 ' Wanted A noait Ion aa an 1 1 hand, best ol references. Atldm. u- ver, Mt. Hood Hotel. apS 1 1 . nouseneeper ror a montli: good wsgea; phone 2x thlell. Wanted T nurchase ? inchui ... . i nanlity of water rinht under ..,.. i... gatlon Illtch tn the Helmont District, uivr price per inch and number of laches for sale. Address "D care of Glacier. MISCELLANEOUS Lost-Between cltv and Pin rn... . i'Vi'I'I011"- Fiaier Please rel" to the ap!5 Found-Near Hcllbronner's hJ'in Kun"etlve. Owner may haTesame by calling at the Glacier and nivin. apl5 charge. To Kxchange-One set of double back har Dess for chickens. C. U. Hoyt, puoue 4732. apis h.iiTr"cleT10 acre"' weM me. eight In full bearing, balance in pasture, partly cleared-1 tpp e house, chicken house and cow suble-a K. slop, fine dralLage, farm and wgou lm-' Plemeuts: will ir,i. T r" -w"? .,m ju town or win tradYfor'fonr or TrJot and close to town. Will alve voi. . trade. Call phone 4221. apJ8 Eem for Setting- irii. red Plymouth Kock. YounJ T Jeraey ciw X sale. R. C.Glanvllle. ltrookfld ttJFZ.fti Fot Serving RM,iatA,i i. . Peerada Kival K.V''.T. . log. Hired by Ba7on Viaboirth. n' JESd preea. ihe boars dam la a daughter nf Rival Chn,pD,grBniIson of Lt)r5 Vremfer ind the American Berkshire rn,.V in Win. rvlw sporcashrwTthpJlvfiw. ofjeiurn. Cutler HrosphouS" m7 'Z-Jl'h-?"vllege of wnrXr lK -""""in. eiiif TYPKWRITVRsa- terms A. W Ontl.n'a 'c ur nm?.T H.11-IT Wanted-A posltloo on farm S"".11''" -! 1f'-ienped In orchard work. Address K. C. Abbott. ll. ,,..r.i ii.,n.. aid Klver, Oregon. livery tun $100 Reward, $100 The readers nf thi n. m w. Dleased to Urn h- Vhr:. dreaded diseas. that science has been ratarVhCUlf n- "-') "P"- ,ncl ,nt Jj?!f,Eh- Ha" Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional Use,T,r,,?.u"''s a constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, actine- directlv i,,- .iT- i. and mucous surfaces of the system, there- - on I,, "k me lounaation or the di ..fori.and R,1Jn,f the Pa,ien "trength by S P he constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietor. ers ,h?t ?iUch J?lth 1,s cuiitlve pow ers that they offer One Hundred rjllar tZ h.,,y?tt.Se .,hat .,fall, ,0 cu. Send lor list of testitnonlala i K J CHE.NET CO.. Toledo. O Sold by all IVuggi.,.. 7.c ' 0w Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation.