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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1915)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, FBBIUTARY 2.", 191T, o Stretching the Truth may work for awhile, but not for long. We give you credit for possessing more common sense than to believe that we could sell shoes at a loss and pay our expenses right along. Things that are sold cheaply are apt to be cheap in quality. "The right kind at the right price" is our motto. J. C. J0HN5EN, the Hood River Shoe Man Shoes and Shoe Repairing Bridal Veil Lumbering Company Building Material and Box Snooks Yard West of Freight Depot Phone 2181 Hood River, Oregon The Economy of Using Preferred Stock Canned Goods f uk4 Wkmnr Um Bait an arawm ! well illustrated in Preferred Stock Asparagus. There are three varieties, Extra Selected Large White, Mammoth reeled White, and Preferred btock Asparagus Tips. Preferred Stock Asparagus comes from the Sacra mento River Islands, California, where the best asparagus is grown. There it is gathered, prepared and placed in the can, BEFORE SUNRISE, every morning during the season to be enjoyed by par ticular eaten, tne year around, everywhere. No ivailt, nt labor mort jor the money in every can of PreferrtJStoci ait jour grocer ALLEH LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. ! OREGON DAY OB SERVED BY WOMEN Oregon day was observed by the member of the Woman's club Wednes day afternoon of last -week, and the program, which had been arranged by Mrs. J. P. Lucas, waa said to have been one cf the most interesting re cently participated in by the club members. One of the most interesting papers wis that of Misa Mar; McLaren, who told of incidents connected with the pilgrimage of Nathaniel Wyeth, of Boston, ho came to Oregon with plana for the colonisation of the country, but who soon returned east on account of disagreements with Captain John Mc Laughlin. Nathaniel Wyeth waa a cousin of Miss McLaren's grandmother, and the facts of Miss McLaren's talka were gleaned from personal stories and from letters now in the possession of the family. The remainder of the program waa as follows: Singing of "America," by all present; "First Settlements in Ore eon at Ore eon City and Astoria." Mrs. William Stewart; "The Lewis and Clark Expedition" Mrs. W. W. Rod- well; "The Story of Sackajawea" the Indian girl who waa guide for Lewia and Clark, Mrs. W. E. Hanson, who was dressed as an Irdian maiden; song by double quartet, composed of Mrs. h. E. Kartmess. Mrs. N. E. Fertig, Mrs. W. W. Rodwell, Mrs. Geo. K. Wilbur, Mrs. L. W. Bishop, Mrs. J. H. Jeffrey, Mrs. P. M. Morse and Mra. J. D. Gut tery; "First Schools of Oregon," Mrs. C. A. Bell; "First Missions." Mrs. T. J. Kinnaird; "The Whitman Massa cre," Mts. Geo. W. Thomson; "Organ- nation of the Champoeg Government, Mrs. C. D. Hinrishs; "The Joint Occu pation of Oregon by the British and Americans " Mrs. H. F. Davidson, and singing of Hawaiian songs, Miss Alice Tom kins, accompanied by her sister, Miss Aileen Tomkins. Lieht refreshments were served at the meeting. FOR SALE. BY WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Proprietor. Phone 1221 Free Delivery r c 3DC 3 C 30 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR WOOD.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon 0C 1 "3 C ., ,..30 0 J i v . il . Jj 1, j -to WHEN IN PORTLAND Stop at the New and Absolutely Fireproof HOTEL BENSON. Central. Rates floderate. HOTEL BENSON S. BENSON, Mgr. A. T. LVNDBORC Asi't Mtfr. I,. P. BYRNE Aaa't Mgr. The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk mOS. D. CALKINS APPLE CAMPAIGN ON IN PORTLAND The ADcle" Growers Association be can a selling campaign in Portland Saturday, when they offered "Ked Dia mond" brand Yellow Newtowns at $1.25 a box. Advertisements were car ried in the Portland dailies, giving a list of the names of the stores at which "Red Diamond" Newtowns may be orocured. It was stated in the advertisements that Portland consumers, for the sum of $1.25 per box, were going to be priv- ileeed to buv annles that had lormeny sold in European markets for from $3 to $5. On account of the war it has been impossible to export Newtowns this vear. Many Spitzcnburgs were told in Los Angeles and other southern cities by similar advertising campaigns. JUBILEE SINGERS AT ASBURY SI. E. CHURCH The California Jubilee singers will sppear in concert at Asbury M. E. church Fridsy evening at 8 o'clock. Every member of the California Jubi lee Quartet ia an artist ia bis particu lar line and all show remarkable ability and training in quartet work. Imper sonations, instrumental solos, readings from that noted colored writir, faul Lawrence Dunbar, quartets, solus, du ets and trios mske op a mott varied nd entertaining: program. The fei ture of the evening is the work the double-voiced singer, the man ho possesses the baritone and lyric soprano voices. lie sings the highest pieces with an ease that ia astonishing. The pianist is advertised as the "Black faderewski. ana is saia 10 tie me nn- est colored pianist in the country. Mr. Brooks, the bass singer, has a most melodious voice, smooth and rone and one that strikes the ear essantly at all times, hard to find a tenor ainger with a purer nd more pleasing voice than Mr. Den-1 le. His high clear voice rus esrned for him the title of the silver toned tenor. It ia in the quartet work that the company appears to best .lvsntage. The harmony in their voices is such as can only be produced by months and years of practice. A goodly number of the good old jubilee songs are on the program and it ia in these that the neers excel. I here ia nothing so full of genuine sweetness, ao full of melody as these old negro songs with all their mphcity, and it takes real ntgroea to ng them as they should be rung. The hite man can aing them, but not with the same feeling as can the colored man. Classic and popular aongs, i ergo mel odies, darkie mimicry, camp meeting, home, cabin and river songs of elsvery days, interspersed with more lively tunes that induce the feet to mark me. will follow each other in rapid succession at the concert to be given by the California Uubilee Uuxrtet. This quartet of colored vocalists give a most varied program, tne quality ana nnisn of which calls forth the highest praise herever they appear. As special fea tures they otter a very clever imper sonator, a man who can change right in the middle of a piece from baritone to lyric eoprano, and a pianist who is one ol the most taienteu musicians mong the colored people. Mr. Stewart has a number of difficult selections for the left hand only on his repertoire. Come out and enjoy a good, wholesome high-clasa evening'a entertainment. Children 25, adults 35 cents. ELECTRIC THEATRE torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 4111 Today "The Mill Stream." Imp meoldrama in two parts featuring King Haggott. "The Two Thieves." Nestor sympa thetic drama with Murdock McQuarrie. "The Village Postmaster." Joker, A roaring farce comedy with Ernest Shields. Eddie Boland and Bettie Schade. Friday and Saturday Rex Beach's "The Spoilers." In the production of "The Spoilers." which was made'under the careful hand and guidance of Colin Campbell, armies were employed to bring about the coin' pletion of this story. One of the interesting incidents that occurred in the making of The Spoilers came in the fight scene between Glenis- ter and McNamara. William farnum. who portrayed the character of ulenis ter said to Thomas Santchi, as they were about to play the tight scene which occurs in Struve'a ollice at the conclusion of the picture, "You're not afraid to get a real good whipping, are you?" Mr. Santchi replied that be was not. and at the same time asnea Mr. Karnum if he was willing to make this a real fight. Mr. Farnum replied that he was only too anxious to. With battery of rive cameras focused on thiB tight, they were able to get every in teresting incident, and the battle from start to finish, and those who witness this great picture at the hlectric wil readily realize that this right is real istic in all its earnestness. Again, the city of Nome was built and reproduced exactly as it was when Mr. Beach wrote this story, lo Degin with, it would have been impossible to have eone to Alaska and taken these scenes in the street, for Nome as it was then is no more. It waa first partially destroyed by a tidal wave, and later completely destroyed. The Spoilers is a story native to tne soil of these states. It is typically Amercian. It covers a period in the development of the Puget bound coun try and Alaska wherein adventurers oi all sorts, noble ana otherwise struggled with savage tenacity for fortune. It is now retold in moving picture form by W. N. Selig in nine reela with a fidelity to detail that is truly satisfying. The film drama is intensely interesting Nothing like the hand to hand tight be' tween Glenister and McNamara has ever been shown on the stage before It would be impossible in speaking drama. No gladitorial combat of An cient Rome was fiercer or bloodier, and this struggle has the added virtue of true dramatic situation, the world old struggle between right and wrong good and evil, condensed into the form of two characters of the story who have become familiar through prevloua pre' sentationa in the plot. It is the atory of modern American frontier life. Tbi most wonderful picture is to receive its initial presentation in nine reels for an engagement of two days, Feb. 26 and 27, starting Friday matinee and even ilia. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Coming I March 10 and 11, the 23rd episode, the solution of the "Million Dollar Mystery." Don t miss the grand finale of the great serial story. How to l'reveot Bilious Attacks. "Coming events cast their shadow before." This is especially true of bilious attacks, lour appetite will tail, you will feel dull and Unsaid, if you are subject to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as soon as these symptoms appear and the attack may be warded off. ror sale by all dealers Barrett Philanders Regular meeting of the club will be held March 3, and will be addressed by E. H. Shepard. of Better f ruit. Sub iect. "The Fruit Growers' Council and the Future of the Apple Industry, Also, the committee which was to con' fer with the directors of the Hood River Apple Growers Association will mske their report. All men Invited Winter Assists Bay Phone Co. (From Marsbfield Coos Bay Times) W. N. Winter, of Hood River, presi dent of the" Oregon-Washington Tele phone Co., operating in a half doten communities along the Columbia river, has been here spending a week or more looking over the country and going over in detail the accounting system of the Coos & Curry Telephone Co. Mr. Winter is an office efficiency expert, especially in telephone bookkeeping, and has been assisting in working out the accounting problems of the local concern on a satisfactory basis. lie is a personal friend of Chas. Hall, presi dent of the local company, whom be succeeded in the presidency and.control of the Hood River corporation. Mr. Winter visited Coquille river points. Stop That lough Now. When you catch cold, or begin to rough, the rirt thing to do is to take Dr. Bell's 1'ine-Tar-Hone?. It penetrates the linintts of the throat and lungs and tights 'lie germs of the disease, giving irik relief and natural healiiiir. "Our It would be 1 bole family dtiruds on Tine-far-Hon ey tor coughs and com, writes air. h. ilraiiiK, Hamilton, Ohio, it alwavs helps, 25c at your druicigist. Dating Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Pen and Pencil Stamps, KU'., made to order at the u lacier of fice at Portland prices. City Delivery Extended Hood River, Ore., Feb. 22, 1915. tumor uiacier: Please announce that the postmaster has been author' ized to extend city delivery in Winan s addition to'Hood River, to extend from the present eastern terminus of city route No. 2, eaBt and south, following the newly laid sidewalk to the south east corner of block 5, Winan's addi tion, opposite Mrs. Coshow's place, then retrace to'place of.beginning. Any person desiring carrier service must place a box to receive mail at gate oi door, and those who reside off the street must place a box next to the sidewalk. IJ. P. Lucas, Postmaster, Apple Exports Apple exports from all American ports for the week ending Saturday, February 1, were 104,571 barrels, gainst 19,403 barrel the same time a year ago. Exports for the season up to week before last were 2,171, 5 barrels, against 1,009,900 barrels last year, About 26,000 boxes were included in the shipments of week before last. A Personal (Statement. There are so-called "honey and tar' preparations that cost the dealer half a much but sell at the came price as the original and genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. We never offer these nutations and substitutes, we know you will buy Foley's whenever you need a cough syrup if you once use it. People come long distances for the true t oley s over iniriy years me icauing reined for couuhs, colds, croup, whooping coug bronchial and la grippe coughs. tor sale by Chas. N. Clarke. Stone Home Fire Damaged Fire follows relentlessly the family of W. M. Stone, whose home last fall burned to the ground, destroying all of their household goods. They moved into another building on the Heights, and recently that was discovered on fire. Again last Friday night the fire department was called out to extin guish a blaze that threatened the home of the Stones. Frank B. Cram, of the Volunteer fire department, says that Fiday'a fire was caused from an overheated stovepipe. "The Uest Laxative I Know of." I have sold Chamberlain's Tablets for several years. People who have used them will take nothing else. I can rec ommend them to my customers as the best laxative and euro for constipation that 1 know of, writes frank Strouse Fruitland, Iowa. For sale by all dealers Senate Passes Station Bill The senate last week passed the bill recenlty passed by the house providing for the appropriation of $3000 annually for the next two years for the support of the local experiment station. The station was established as a result of a bill introduced into the legislature in 1913 by Hon. C. H. Stranahan. Job printing at the Glacier office. TOO MANY CHILDREN art under-$ize, under-weight with pinched faces and poor blood ; thry do not complain but appetite Ugs, tbey have no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich medicinal nourishment In Scott' i Emulsion above everything else ; its pure cod liver oil con tains nature's own blood-forming, flcuh building fats which quickly show in rosy cheeks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturdy frames. If your children are languid, tired wben rising, catch cold easily or find their studies difficult, give them Scott 't EmuUioni it supplies the very food ele ments that their systems lack. Scott'i EmuUion contains no alcohol and is so good for growing children it's a pity to keep it from tliem. 14-7 Scott JtBowtie. Bloomfield. N. J. COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hood River's Medical Institution Open to the public for treat ment of Medical and Surgi cal cases. RATES ON APPLICATION Address Cottage Hospital Assn. HOOD RIVER. OREGON. Real Estate Business and residence property in Hood River to trade for Im proved acreage In or out of Hood River, T. D. Tweedy Phone 2372 2306 Twelfth St., Hood River. Ore. Oakdale Greenhouses The first 15 days in December is a good time to plant Roses, Shrubs and all hardy plants. We have them. Have also tu lips and daffodils. Pot plant3 for. winter at Franz', where orders for cut flowers will be taken. Fletcher (EL Fletcher Phone 4738 Hood River Garrabrant & Parker New headquarters next to Hood River Banking & Trust Building on Oak Street. Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, and Confections. New Pool and Billiard Tables. Sporting Goods Fishing and Hunting Licenses may be secured here. Start the New Year Right by Buying Your Wife A Majestic Range And enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you have the best range the world affords. We will furnish names of owners of Ma jesties right here in Hood River who have used them continuously for more than twenty-five years. Cost a few dollars more, but far cheaper in the end. We are agents for this county and it is a pleasure to us to show these high grade ranges whether you wish to buy now or later. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaHes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. jjilil pp r i 1 jllll jjllll tn ill jj, We clve Green Tradinar - Stamps on all cash tales and on all bills paid in full bv the tenth of the follow- Ing month. Fresh and Ala and fish. Courteous treat ment and prompt service, A VanAllen&FilzVA Telephone 4141 f T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 Hood River, Oregon ZrSHZXCQfl" STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. i Pleasure parties can secure rat-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture an pianos. We do everything horses can do. Go No Farther The Evidence is at Your Door. Hood River Proof is What You want and the Statement of this Highly Re spected Resident will Banish All Doubt "I suffered severely from kidney trou ble. lumbairo and rheumatic pains'sayi Isaac Ford ol 1401 Cascade Ave., Hood River. "I tried plasters and liniments and various remedies, but wasn't helped at all. Terrible pains darted in the small of my back and extended into my ankles and shoulders. Whenever I tried to stoop, the pain almost killed me and sometimes I was hardly able to bend over to fasten my shoes. I had dizzy spells and any exertion tired me. The kidney secretions were filled with sedi ment. When I was told to try Doan's Kiiinev Pills, I did. After I had taken half of a box, I felt better. I steadily improved until I was cured. Once in awhile, I take Doan's Kidney Pills and they keep me free from any serious at tack of any kidney trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Ford had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. Patronize Home Industry Hand made Harness, Sad dles, Suit Cases, Gloves William Weber Bell Building Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste ml CONTINUALLY ad justing your own frames, and not receiv ing the desired effect of your lenses, may start an error of refraction which could have been corrected in time by catling on H. L liasbrouck Optometrist KELLY BROS. Hay Grain. Mill Feed, Orchard Supplies 7th and Railroad Sts., Phone 1401 Anderson Undertaking Co. LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 312 Cascade Ave. - Phone 1394 S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer Established 24 Year HOOD RIVER, OREGON