The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 14, 1915, Image 3

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As to what is correct in
Footwear are to be seen at
our store. Examine the style
and quality of our shoes and
you'll find them fully up to
the Btandard. You'll see they
are high class shoes in every
respect. But when you learn
our prices you'll be apt to
doubt your own judgment,
except for the fact that our
guarantee goes with every
J. C J0HN5EN, the Hood River Shoe Man
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Bridal Veil Lumbering Company
Building Material
and Box Snooks
Yard West of Freight Depot Phone 2181
Hood River, Oregon
The Economy of Usine
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
It well illiutrated in Preferred Stock Asparagus. There
re three vuietiei. Extra Selected Large White, Mammoth
reeled White, and Preferred Mock Asparagus Tip.
Preferred Stock Asparagus comet from the Sacra
mento River Islands, California, where the best
asparagus is grown. There it is gathered, prepared
and placed in the can, BEFORE SUNRISE, every
morning during the season to be enjoyed by par-
ucuur eaters, tne year around, everywhere.
No ivaite, tit labor more Jor the money in every can of Preferred Stoci-'ait your grocer
J. M. WOOD, Proprietor.
Phone 1221 Free Delivery
Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash
Hood River, Oregon
3 C
iffy ill
Stop at New and Absoutely Fire
proof HOTEL. BENSON. Cen
tral. Rates Moderate.
Hotel Benson
Asm't Mgr.
AaVt Mgr.
We have storage space for all kinds
of goods in a concrete building
Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move
Complete Transfer Service
Transfer & Livery Co.
Phone 4111
Hoy, Grain. Mill Feed,
Orchard Supplies
7th and Railroad Sts., Phone 1401
Trout Lake, Wash., Jan. ?, 1915.
Mr. Editor: I hav finished reading
Ales Rahm'a letter in the last issue of
your valued paper, and I trust you will
grant me space to correct, if possible,
the impression Mr. Rahm'a letter is
apt to leave upon the mind of the read
er. Mr. Kahm compaiea with line sar
casm the beautiful (?) barbaric time of
the advent of the Prince of Peace,
with our modern civilization so rich in
machine guna and 42 centimeter cannon.
1 have no quarrel with Mr. Rahm'a
conception of history, but 1 venture the
assertion that very few would care to
see the world go back to the ancient
methods of warfare and see reinstated
the battle ax and the sword, and the
wholesale slaughter of the men, women
and chilrden of the conquered people.
It is indeed a long step from the song
of the angels on the plains of Hethe
hem to a modern Laltlefield and to the
superficial observer it may appear any
thing but a step forward. And yet,
who is there among us competent to
take an inventory of the spiritual de
velopment that has taken place in the
human makeup since that time?
But instead of following the time
honored precedent of casting the blame
for human folly upon some one man nr
woman, would it not be more in har
mony with our profession of culture
and civilization to display a little more
of the one attribute, above all others,
that the Master understood the para
mount weakness of humanity when
upon one occasion, where there seemed
no room for a divided opinion. He
nevertheless challenged the multitude
to cast the first atone.
It is all very well to curae and damn
the Kaiser, but it does not speak well
for the use we have made of the divine
precepta that have been our heritage
these past centuries. Instead of con
centrating upon a curse, let ua concen
trate upon our own folly and error, and
perhaps, we might discover that we
ourselves come in for our share of the
responsibility not only for the war, but
for every other wrong and evil that
stalks rampant through the world today.
It is not my intention to discuss the
events that led up to this deplorable
conflict. In the face of unanswerable
facts, most men will cling tenaciously
to preconceived opinions or they will
be swayed hither and thither, by every
plausible theory advanced.
The thought I wiBh to bring out and
emphasize is a fundamental factor for
the existence and perpetuation of con
ditions that generate and foster these
deplorable outbreaks of passion. The
human race has but a dim conception of
the purpose of the Divine mind in call
ing into being creatures possessed of
attributes pertaining to his physical,
mental and spiritual make up. Attri
butes that are to serve for our develop
ment and progress. This conception is,
however, clouded only as it pertains to
hia mental and spiritual nature. As
regards the physical and material, we
are all agreed, leaving no room for ar
gument, it is our privilege to grow
tine, healthy bodies and use all the fa
culties with which this body is en
dowed, to gather together, as our own
personal property, as much of the ma
terial wealth of this world as possible.
What matters it that our gain is anoth
er Vloss; aren't we playing the game
according to rules that are approved
and accepted? And here lies the crux
of the whole matter. This individual
mania for the accumulation of wealth
has become international. Nations act
ing as individuals, displaying all the
cunning, jealousy and hatred of indi
viduals, hence the strife and conflict on
such a scalo that fairly ataggers the
imagination and paralyses the moral
And yet humanity seems to require a
jolt of just this magnitude to bring it
to a realization of where we are at.
The fight for commercial supremacy
of one man over another, however
brutal and productive of suffering and
hardship it may be, we pass by unheed
ed ; we accept the facts as'part of the
game, a shrug of the shoulders und the
incident is forgotten. It is part of a
system that has always been and al
ways will be.
But thanks to the Divine impulse
planted in the human soul, we are be
coming cognizant that right here we
are going to run up against a Divine
law that sooner or later will compel
recognition. By and by we will realize
that man is a dual being, and , that we
have ignored and smothered his spirit
ual attributes quite long enough. It is
time we gave the other man, the spir
itual part of man, a chance to assert
himself in the management of earth's
Commerce will then be the servant of
mankind and not its master. Weallh
will be produced for the use of all the
children of men, instead of for a few.
Now then, are we doing our part
towards bringing about this readjust
ment of affairs? In so far as we are
not, we are jointly and severally re
sponsible for the chaotic conditions in
Europe, Mexico, yes, and even in Colorado.
I have brought out this phtise of the
, uUif-tinn of ri Mioiis-ililit v litems! it
leet n.? to be most studiously avoided h
the individual wtiter, the prebs and the
pulpit. It lis so much easier to hurl
anathemas against the Kaiser or the
German military machine, forgetting
that were we placed in their positions
we would do exactly as they are doing,
only perhaps not quite so efficiently.
Mr. fcditor, the world is now reaping
a harvest which is a true yield of the
seed that has been sown these past
centuries. The great overshadowing
question for humanity to solve is, shall
we go on sowing this kind of seed.
Remember, we are now doing it con
sciously ; we know the seed, and we
know the harvest. It is up to us.
Thinking men and women the world
over are raising the question whether
man hasn t been neglecting the most
important part of himself all these
years. Now please don't understand
me to mean merely a Sunday-go-to-meeting
sort of spirituality. 1 mean a
development of the spiritual sense that
takes into his working hypothesis the
brotherhood of man seven days in the
week, year in and year out. It means
the establishment of an economic sys
tem that will enable man to progress
without using hia fellowman as a step
ping stone. It means that the bounti
ful natural resources of this earth be
long to all the people, awaiting devel
opment for the benefit of all instead of
for the few. It means the growing of
crops, the making of useful and beauti
ful things; not for profit but for use.
It means that the earth and the full
ness thereof shall never again be
fenced off and apportioned and appro
priated by the few to the exclusion of
the many. Is this asking too much?
Man possesses as much of the Divine
spirit now, today, as he ever will
possess. It is up to him to give that
divinity a chance. B. R. Richter.
Heartburn, indigestion or distress of
the stomach is instantly relieved bv Her
bine. It forces the badly digested food
out of the body and restores tone in the
stomach and bowels. Price 50c. Sold
by Chas. X. Clarke.
A mass meeting of Hood River apple
growera will be held next Saturday for
the discussion af the problems that wi I
come before the conference of market
ing agenciea that will be held just
previous to the by-products ror.ftrtrce
in Seattle on January 23. Delegates
will b appointed to represer t Hood
River at this rre ting, and it is urged
that all apple growers who can conver
lently do so be present Trumar tiutler
Hood River's member of the by-products
committee, issues the follow irg
call for the mcetirg :
"A meeting of tne by-products con -mittee
will be held in Seattle on Janu
ary to confer with the principle fresh
fruit selling forces of the northwest.
The by-products committee has decided
to fortify themselves for the meeting
of the 23d by having a conference with
representative growers from the entire
northwest the day before the meeting
with the selling forces. As the Hood
River member of the by-produets com
mittee, I have been requested to call a
meeting of the growera to select dele
gates to attendee Seattle meeting on
the 22nd. The meeting will, therefore,
be held in the Commercial club rooms
on Saturday, January 16, at 2 p. m.
This will be an open meeting v which
all the growers of the valley are wel
come, and aa the matter to be consid
ered is one of the most important of
the entire year, I urge as many grow
ers as can possibly do so to attend this
meeting. Truman Butler."
When Gui Miller returned recently
from Ohio be brought back with him
one of the monthly publications issued
by the Ohio State Highway Commis
sion. In the Buckeye state a law pro
vides for state aid for inter-county
roads. Ihe county commissioners des
ignate the routes, select the materials
to tie used, and must approve the con
tract before the state can proceed with
the construction of an inter-county
The cost of construction of such roads
is distributed aa follows: State, .",0 per
cent, county 25 per cent, township 15
per cent and abutting property live per
cent on each side of road. The cost to
the abutting property owner is col
lected in ten annual payments aa a tax.
Upon completion the state takes over
the road for maintenance and repair
for all time.
live Cents Prove It
A generous" offer. Cut out this nd. en
close with 5c to Foley A Co., Chicago,
111., writing your name ami address
plainly, aim receive a free trial parkaue
containing Foley's Honey and Tur I'om
pouml for coughs, colds and croups ;
r-oley Kidney Fills, for kidney and blad
der complaint', backache, pains in the
joints, rheumatism ; and Foley's ('ntluir
tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic try all thr-e for 5c,
the cost of mailing; sold by C. X. Clarke
Library Books Sent to Green Point
The county library last Friday made
the winter coluny at Green Point, the
location of the plant of the Stanley
Smith Lumber Co., happy by sending
up a large assortment of books. In
the winter months, when the snow is
several feet deep, the Green Point in
habitants are cut olf from the outside
world. With plenty of interesting
reading matter the winter evenings
will now pass pleasantly for the Green
Point folk.
Excellent for Stomach Trouble
"Chamberlain's TahleN are just line
for stomach trouble, " writes .Mrs. (i. C.
Dunn, Arnold, I'a. "1 was bothered
with this complaint for some time and
frequently had bilious attacks, t ham
beriain's Tablets afforded mo grea'. re
lief from the first, and since taking one
bottle of them I feel like a different per
son." For saie by all dealers.
Freight Wreck Causes Delay
A freight wreck at Taylor's siding
on the O.-W. R. & N. about four miles
east of Bonneville tied up traffic Fri
day night. The late mail train, pass
ing through this city at 1.51 in the
morning, waa delayed, and local read
ers of the Orcgonian failed to receive
their papers until late in the day Sat
urday. ,
Any little wound or abrasion of the
flesh oeeuring in cold weather that in not
promptly treated becomes a bad sore
and is dillicult to heal. Apply Ballard's
Snow Liniment at once w hen such acci
dents happen The w ound heals prompt
ly and soon docs awav with the annoy
ance of a bandage. Price 25c, TiOc and
1 .00 per bottle. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke
Helpful Words From A
Hood River Citizen
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially afterexertion?
Is there a oorenesa in kidney region?
These symptoms suggest weak kidneys.
If so there is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys get fast weaker.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doau's Kidney Pills are for weak kid
neys. Your neighbors use ami recommend
Read Ibis Hood River testimony.
"I was in bad shape with kidney trou
ble,'' says William lioorman of 415 Sher
man Avenue, Hood River. "My back
was very lame and I was annoyed a
great deal by the kidney secretions. I
could hardly stoop. Doan's Kidney Pills
quickly relieved these ailments and I
publicly recommend them. I still get
great relief, whenever I take them. You
may continue publishing my former
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply
ask fora kidney remedy-get Doan's Kid.
ney Pills the same that Mr. lioorman
had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf
falo. New York.
Stranahan & Slaven
Contractors & Builders
Frederick & Arnold
Contractors and Builders
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
PrinnptS Frederick, 151
niUIltS. Arnold; Mug
Nothing has ever
equaled or comaared
with the medicinal fats
in Scott's Emulsion to
arrest the decline, invigorate
the blood, strengthen the
s a ucivuus ysicm.iia tne appe
K tite and restore the c our ace
Scott' CmuMon ia
pure health. build
ing food, without
alcohol or opiate.
Hood River's Medical
Open to the public for treat
ment of Medical and Surgi
cal cases.
- Address
Cottage Hospital Assn.
Real Estate
Business and residence property In
Hood River to trade for im
proved acreage in or out
of Hood River,
T. D. Tweedy
Phone mi
2m Twelfth St., Hood River. Ore.
Start the New Year Right by I
Buying Your Wife A
Majestic Range
And enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that
you have the best range the world affords.
We will furnish names of owners of Ma
jesties right here in Hood River who have
used them continuously for more than twenty-five
Cost a few dollars more, but far cheaper
in the end. We are agents for this county
and it is a pleasure to us to show these high
grade ranges whether you wish to buy now
or later.
Blowers Hardware Co
The Firm That "Makes Good'
Phone 1691
Oak and 1st Sts.
Oakdale Greenhouses
The first 15 days in December
is a pood time to plant Hoses,
Shrubs and all hardy plants.
We have them. Have also tu
lips and daffodils. Pot plants
for winter at Franz', where
orders for cut flowers will be
Fletcher & Fletcher
Phone 4738 Hood River
Garrabrar.t & Parker
New headquarters next to Hood
Kiver Hanking & Trust ItiiiUling
on Onk Street.
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos,
and Confections. New Pool and
Milliard Tables. Sporting (Hoods
Fishing and Huntinn Licenses may
be secured here.
WM WM pill
1 . . .--i. I.
' j p
VanAllen & Filz V&
i eicpiioiie nn
We ijlve Green Trading
Stamps on all cash sales
and on all hills paid in full
by the tenth of the follow
ing month. Fresh and
cured meats of all kinds
and fish. Courteous treat
ment and prompt service.
Patronize Home
Industry k
Hand made Harness, Sad
dles, Suit Cases, Gloves
William Weber
Bell Building
New Schedule
Mount Hood Railroad
The Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers
OCTIMMHt W'l) I Nm ion Sl'OHTH HoATlNd, SuKP-llATIII Ml, DlUVINll, Ciol.K,,
Tknxis. For ri'Bt and recreation, California is delightful.
For Safety and Comfort, go via the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.
through Portland. It KT I TIN TIIK SAMK WAV.
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
San Francisco, February 20 to December 4, 1915
Panama-California Exposition
San Diego, January 1 to December 31, 1915
They represent the highest and best of
human endeavor in the world of art, sci
ence and industry. See both of them.
Tii ki'ts, information, etc., upon application to
Aiicnt MV. I;. A v. (V
Hood Kiver, - Oregon
5 Kttecllve l.':OI A. M. D -
a HiinctHy. Mt-pi. aa,
mt -
NoTi NoT2
a.m: STAT,!,NS o.
a 1' HimmI Kiver Ar 1 i
K lift Iiwerc1nle I ft
Li Swili hliHck 1 15
K : Vun Hum yi m
8 Hii. Mohr yi Mi
K Ml Odoll ... i 4''
M l). Hmtllllll.. la lift
H fi .Modeller K sh
15 WlnaiiK 12 IK
M 4 I lee .12 is
VI Trout Creek .. . 12 mi
10 (10 Wood worth . . ' 1, Ml
10 15. Ar PurkdHle Lv. .11 '
U. SALUMJ, Agent- !
Hood River Cigar Factory
V. M. WHITE, Proprietor
Manufacturer of
High Grade Cigars
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Brosiua Building
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure partiee can secure rut-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture ana
We do everything horses can do.
Anderson Undertaking Co.
312 Cascade Ave, Phone 1 394