n r o i ) M LAUNCHED into your midst at the opportune time by this store has served its pur j pose far better than we anticipated. We attribute its success and general satisfaction to the thorough business methods upon which it is conducted, and to the fact that we are not obliged to import foreign talent with "catch penny scheme" methods to dispose of our merchandise paying them at least 10 per cent for this kind of work, thereby adding that much extra to the price you pay for merchandise atsuch sales. OOF rnu 9 LM Everything reduced on a uniform price scale. Your neighbor pays as much as you do. Look over your needs, and if we have what you need, buy .it here. You can't beat the price on Standard Merchandise. ' DO & AT HALF PRICE A good assortment of Dolls and a few other Christmas things for the children. To close them out quick we offer them at just one-half what they are worth. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' Silk Waists Ladies'Silk Petticoats Ladies' Furs Ladies' Suits Ladies' Coats Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Sweaters Ladies' Comfort Slippers Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Gloves Shoes, Silk Socks Suits,0 v'rcoats,Gloves Mittens, Sweaters Ties, Fancy Holi - day Boxes for men r All Going at Prices that the Highest Priced Special Imported Sales Managers ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ETl 3 w o) Quality Merchandise at Bargain Prices it (I