The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 26, 1914, Image 6

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For Most Up To Date Tillage Tools
In the Market
Oliver Plows, P & 0 Plows and
Discs, Osborne Spring and
Pig Tooth Harrows
5, 7 and 9 tooth Cultivators
Planet Jr. Garden Tools
Bean Spray Pumps
Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries
Your Trade Solicited
d. Mcdonald
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
a home for a
We are making the
McKenna Park Colony
Chicken Houses
and are ready to take your order.
This is just the thing for the ranch or the town
lot. Let us put one on your place, ready for
use, anywhere within a three mile
radius of town for $ ,15.00
Drop in and look one over.
"Always at Your Service"
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Telephone 2171
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline En
gine, Pumpi, Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimate Furnished.
Theme 1511
Cor. 2nd & Cascade, opp. Hotel Oregon
Make known to us in person
or by phone your wants in
the grocery line, and we will
do the rest, which means
the best!
i-y J imxaii x , rrop.
CfrTTTJ i none iioii ituiK. c give iWf Mamps i"
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc.
Heath fc Milligan Mixed Paints
Glidden's Varnishes
Room Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
At their orchird' bom in the Bel
mont district, where the; have retided
since 1901. Mr. and Mrs. A iron ButU,
with number of their close friends
and neighbors as their fuesU. will to
day celebrate their fiftieth wedding
The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. ButU
wss solemnized on November 24, 1S64,
at Chicane. Napierville, 111., was the
birthplace of Mrs. Hutu (busanna
Pitzler), daughter of Jonathan and
Esther Alsparo Ditzler. Mr. Butts.
son of Amos and Esther Wenner ButU,
was born at Allentown, fa. lie re
moved with his parenU to Napierville
in 1845.
fin 1865 Mr. and Mrs. Butts removed
to Burlington, Wis., where Mr. Butts
engaged in the produce business. He
remained there until 1868, when be re
moved to Chicago to enter the coram!
sion produce business with bis brother,
0. W. Butts. Mr. Butts remained in
Chieago, in the' commission and real
estate business, until 1901, when be
came to Hood River.buying his orchard
place. Mta. Butts followed the next
"l leu inicago, aays Mr. buiis,
"with a northeast blizzard blowing and
in the midst of a fierce snowstorm.
The weather the next day waa better.
It was clear and cold. By the time I
reached Hood Kfver things had moder
ated. An Oregon mist was prevailing
when I arrived in Hood River. As I
stepped off the train I saw a gentleman
standing on the 'curb log.' There was
no curb atone but a big log waa placed
at the street side down by the atation.
The man waa eyeing me. He was ex
pecting my brother, O. W. Butts, and
as I did not quite fill the description he
allowed me to pass.
"I went to the Mount Hood botel, of
which Mrs. Gilbert was then propri
etor. The next day this same gentle
man called at the hotel and inquired
for me. 1 then found him to be the
Hon. T. R. Coon. We bad a short chat
and took a stroll up the bill to his
house, where I met Mrs. Coon and
family. The following day we viisted
town and got acquainted with Capt.
Blowers, (jeo. Crowell, Mi. Jackson,
Mr. Blythe, Mr. Savage and others.
"A few days later Mr. Coon and I
took a walk out to my brother's place.
We found 20 acres cleared and in
strawberries, 15 acres of it in cherry
trees. A few years later took out the
cherry trees and planted apple trees.
In the mean time 1 cleared the balance
of the place and put in berries and ap-
nletrees. Have now an orchard or lit
acres from three to five years old.
"In 1902 bought 25 acres of T. K.
Coon. The place wss in what was
known as Pole Flat, in the Oak Grove
district. This was all in heavy timber,
1 cleared about ten acres and raised
strawberries and apple trees. 1 have
now seven acres in trees from three to
six years old. In 1912 took a trip to
Chicago and found many changes in the
way of improvements. My wile and 1
enjoyed the trip, however, but in three
months were glad to return to nooa
At today's festivities, while Mr. and
Mrs. Butts, who have traveled life's
path together so happily during the
half century, are receiving the congrat
ulations of their friends, Mrs. Butts
will be dressed in the gown worn on
the wedding day just 50 years ago last
W omen Suffer Terribly from Kidney
Around on lier feet all dy--no won
der a woman has a backachu, headache,
stiff swoolen joints, weariness, poor
eleep and kidney trouble. Foley Kidney
l'ills itive quick relief for these troubles
They strengthens the kidneys take
away the aches, pain and weariness,
Make life worth living again. They will
absolutely drive out rheumatism, weak
back and swoolen aching joint due to
kidney and bladder trouble, try holey
Kidney l'ills and see how much better
yon feel, bold by Hits, Clarke.
Farmers' Week Postponed
Farmers and other citizens of Oregon
who are planning to attend Farmers'
Week at the Argicultural College are
hereby notified that the date bus been
postponed to February 1 to 6, 1915. The
changed and enlarged character of the
exercisea have made this change nec
essary. Many conventions of leaders
of the various agricultural interests of
the state will be held at that time in
addition to tha special technical in
struction and demonstration commonly
given. Leaders of national reputation
from various parts of the country and
from the U. s. Department of Agricul
ture will be present to address these
At the Gem Theater, one day only.
Will be presented a reel of moving pie
turea showing the Modern Woodmen of
America sanitarium for tnbercular pa
tienU. The moving picture is entitled,
"The Man Who Came Back." Robert
Wilson, resident of a little Missouri
village, was pronounced tubercular by
the medical authorities of the town. tZ
The pictures show him leaving his
home and family that he might regain
bia health. 7'" ",-'-
When the man, suffering from the
dread "White I'lague," arrives at Col
orado Springs be is shown to have been
met by a delegation of representatives,
who take him to the sanitarinm twelve
miles distant. Nine montha later he la
restored to his family, cured of tuberculosis.
The Woodmen Life Saving Station, as
it Is called, is located at an altitude of
7,uuu feet in the rarined air of the
Kockiea. The scenery surrounding it is
awe-inspiring. Treatment for tubercu
losis Is free for beneciary members of
tha M. W. A. It is stated that since
the institution wss established four
years ago the lives of 1,102 members
have been saved.
Despondency lue to Indigestion.
It is not at all surprising that persons
who have indigestion beconiediHcou raged
and despondent. Here are a few words
of hope and cheer for them by Mrs.
Blanche Bowers, Indiana. 1'a. ''For
years my digestion was so poor that I
could only eat the lightest foods. 1 tried
everything that 1 heard of to get relief
but not until about a year ago when 1
saw Chaniberjnin's Tablets advertised
and got a botlte of them, did I find the
right treatment. I soon began to im
prove, and since taking a few bottles of
them my digestion Is line." For sale by
all dealers.
Iowa Has Apple King
F. F. Spencer, of Randolph. lows,
has harvested 10,000 bushels of apples
from his orchard this fall. Of these
3,000 bushels were Grimes Golden, 4, 000
bushels Winesaps and the remainder
various varieties. Mr. Spencer has
besides the 40 acre orchard at his
home, a leased orchard and has also
recently set out a new orchard of 40
acres which will not bear for several
more years.
The extensive yield has won for Mr,
Spencer the title of "Apple King" of
this section of the state. He is prob
ably the grower of more Grimes Golden
than any other fruit man in the state
01 Iowa.
Irregular bowel movements lead to
chronic constipation and a const touted
tiamt nils the Bvstem with impurities.
Heroine is a great bowel regulator. It
purines the system, vitalizes the blood
and puts the digestive organs in fine
vigorous condition. 1 rice 60c. Sold by
Chas. X. Clarke.
City School LWilCBe 7.9 Mills '
At the city school meeting held at
the t'arK street school last rriday af
ternoon the school levy for the coming
year was placed at 7.9 mills. The levy
of last year was s.b mills. It was vot
ed at the meeting to allow the interest
money from the $10,000 sinking fund.
which now amounts to somehine over
tsuu, to be used this year for school
purposes, it it was found necessary.
Bear in mind that Chamberlain's Tuti-
lets not only move the bowels but im
prove the appetite and strengthens tha
digestion. For sale by all dealers.
AT 9 1-2 MILLS
At the adjourned meeting of the city
council last Friday night, the tax levy
for the coming year was placed at nine
and a half mills, apportioned as fol
lows: General fund, five and a half
mills; road fund, two mills: for library
one mill ; for water department, one
The council, after having inspected
in a body the improvement work of
Twelfth atreet, allowed the bill of
$2,199.26 to the Transfer & Livery Co,
for the extra work on that thorough
fare. However, the contracting com
pany was placed under a bond of i,ouo
to carry through to completion the sur
facing of the street next spring as soon
as the weather permits.
Summons by Publication
la tbe Clirnit Coon of tha 8tata nl Onn.
lur Uuod Kiver Count.
Geort W. Combe, Plaintiff, r. William J.
Helmet, ud kinar L. Ueluier, Defendants.
To William J. Belmer and tuner L. Mai
mer wooat place of raaldanca U unknown.
In tha bum ol lha State of Oreaon you. and
raeb ol you, aia hereby required lo appear
and answer b complaint Atvd aalal you
In above entitled court and eauaa, on or be
fore Tbarnaar, toe Met day of Liaeember, UK,
wblrb dale li.ubeeq.ueDI to the eiplratkm of
Ix week, eher I uuredey I tie 1Mb day of So.
TeiuDor, wit. w tiled la ma data of tbe nrat
publication of title aammoaa. And If you tail
aoto appear and annwer, for want tberaof.
piaiuua win appiy to tna court lor a judg
ment attains! you In tueeuru of ttl with Inter
ret at tiie rateof eigbt per cent from Beptem-
Der i.i, until peia, ana lor tue laitner
una of Itut) uj as aud for attorney's feea on bl
Orst cause of action set out In the complaint,
and for tha sum of IIUW.0U with Interest there
on at f Ik lit per cent per annum, from tbe 1Mb
any ot November, Mi, autll paid, and for Uia
timber sum of tiuu.00 as and for at torney
free on hu second cauea of action set out In
tbe complaint.
Plalntld also pray tbat a certain mortem; e
(Wen btr Charles Helmer and Harab A. Hel
iner to John A. Men-lit, to sera re tbe pay
ment of the first above men Hot. ed sum of
money, and that a certain mortgage given by
tiarab A. Helmer to en-are the payment of tbe
last mentioned iitu of money, both of which
aid mortgages were given on and conveyed
tbe following described premises, lo-wlt:
Tbe Northeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of tfe-nlun twenty-eight. Township
one. North of Kange ten, kaal of Ibe Willam
ette Meridian, aud also tbat certain parcel of
land, beginning at the Northeast corner of
rcllon 1&, Township 1 North, Range 10 Kaat,
W. M.runulng thence Houtb & rods, thence
West tl rods, thence North 'X rods, thence Kast
iU rods to the place of beginning, together
with one full share of stock In the ML Hood
Water Hupply Company, which Is appurte
nant to said land, may be foreclosed accord
ing to law and tbe ptactloe ol this Court, and
tbe land therein described may be sold by tbe
sheriff, snd tbe pr xxwd. thereof be applied to
the satisfaction of sucb Judgment plaintiff
ball obttaln. (Said mortgages having been
beretnfote duly assigned, lor value, Le this
plaintiff aud are the same upon which this
action Is bssed. Plaintiff also prays for deOc
leney Judgment, and tor oilier equitable relief
You are hereby served with this summons
In this action by order of the Honorable K. K.
HUtnton, County Judge of Hood River County
Oregon, made and entered on the 18 day of No
vember. W14, which order prescribes that yon
and each- ol yon, shall appear and answer
said complaint, on or before the expiration of
six weeks from the date of the first publica
tion of tula summons, and you are hereby
notified that the date of tbe first publication
of this summons is tbe 191b dav of November,
1914. JOHN II K Kit,
Plalntlffa Attorney, Jiroslua Building, Hood
River, Oregon. nlU-dttl
It Iteally Hoes Relieves Khcumatlsni
Kvervbodr who is afflicted with rheu
matism in any form should by all means
keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on
hand. The minute you feel pain or sore
ness in a ioint or muscle, bathe it with
Sloan's Liniment. Done t rub it. Sloan's
penetrates almost immediately right to
tbe seat of pain, relieving the hot, ten
der, swoolen feeling and making the part
easy and comfortable. Oet a bottle ol
Sloan's Liniment for 25c of any druggist
and have it in the house againnt colds,
Born and swollen joints, rheumatism,
neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments.
Your money back if not satisfied, but it
does give almost instant relief.
Unitarian Concert
The concert which the Unitarian
church is to give on the 30th promises
to be a rare treat to all music lovers.
"In a Persian Garden" appeals as few
other musical compositions to the cul
tured taste and the untrained lover of
Copies of the verses used in this song
cycle have been prepared in advance
and can be obtained at the public li
brary, the high school library and
Clarke a drag store, familiarity with
the words will add to the enjoyment of
Mrs. Root's 'beautiful renditionof "I
sent my soul through the Invisible, or
the contralto solo, 'I somethimes think
that never blows so red," in which
Mrs. Henney is at her best, while those
who have heard Mr, Hoqse in "Oh
Moon of my delight," assure us that it
is a delight indeed. Mrs. Coffin and
Mr. Wedemeyer will render the pro
logue from "Pagliacci," one of the
most popular of grand ipera numbers
and a choice varied program is being
arranged for the remainder of the
evening. Tickets at Clarke s. Date
has been changed to Monday, Nov. 30.
Remarkable Cure of Coup.
"Last winter when my little boy had
croup 1 got him a bottle of Chamberlain
Cough Kemedv. I honestly believe it
saved m life' writes Mrs. J. B. Cook,
Indiana, 1'a. "It cut the phlegm and
relieved his coughing spells. I am most
grateful for what this remedy lias done
for him." For sale by dealers.
O.-W. R. & N. Fxpert to Be Here
The O.-W. R. & N. Co. has secured
the services of Mrs, Elinor Meacham
Reddington as traveling lecturer of ap
pie cookery. Mrs. Reddington, who is
a typical western woman, being the
daughter of Col. A. B. Meacham, an
Oregon pinoeer, has been at Spokane
delivering daily lectures on apple cook
ery and giving cooking lesson. She
will be in this city soon to give demon
strations as to the appetizing uses the
king of fruits may be put.
Foley's Honey ant Tar Compound for
Croup scares you. The loud hoarse
croupy cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for im
mediate relief. The very first doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will
master t lie croup. It cuts the thicks
mucus, clears away the phlegm and
opuns up and eases the air passages.
Harold Iterg, Mass, Mich., writes: "We
give Foley's Honey and Tar to our child
ren for croup and it always acts quickly
Kvery user is a friend. Chas. N. Clarke
All Wrong
The Mistake Is Made by Many Hood
River Citizens.
Iok for the cause of backache.
To be cured you muflt know the cause.
If it's weak kidneys you must set the
kidneys working right.
A Hood River resident tells you how.
"Heavy work while on the farm caus
ed me to suffer from kidney trouble,'
says Mrs. J, S. Kiser of 1111 Eigth St.,
Hood River. "My back seemed to give
out and the pain and lamenessextended
down into my hips. My whole body was
lame and bo re mornings and the action
of my kidneys wasn't right. When I
heard of Doan's Kidney Pills being good
for such troubles, 1 got a supply and
took them. They helped me right away
and soon my back and kidneys were in
good shape. 'Doan's Kidney Pills drove
away all the ailments. I think they
are just fine."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply
ask for kidney remedv get Doan's Kid
ney Pills that Mrs. Riser had. Foster
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
Collector's Notice
The assessment for the year 1914 of the
Hood River Irrigation District are now due
and payable to the Collector at his office, and
ear tit become delinquent on the last Monday
In December next thereafter, and unless paid
prior thereto i per cent will be added to the
amount thereof. I will be at my residence ou
Wednesdays and at the Butler bank on Satur
day from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
U12 d:U L. K. DART, Collector.
Notice or Sheriff's Sale
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Hood River.
C. ltllllngton, plaintiff, vs. Richard Depee
and Nettie iJepee, hit wife, aud lUcbuel L.
Thomas, defendants.
Notice Is bereby given that by virtue of a
writ of execution in foreclosure and order ol
sale Issued out of the ClrcultCourtoftbeHlate
of Oregon for Hood River County on the Mill
day ot October, 1UM, lu favor of plaintiff and
against the defendants, which execution and
order of sale Is to me directed and command
ing me to sell the real property herein
alttr described for the purpose of satisfying
thejudgment of said plaintiff In said caupej
ior me sum 01 imm.wj wun interest tnereon at
the rate of H percent tier annum from the 24th
day of October, ltilf, and the further sum or
$hO attorney's fees and the further sum of 1 10
co is sua aisDiirsenienM and the com la of aud
unon this writ of execution and sale.
Now, therefore, In compliance with said ex.
ecul ion and order of sale 1 will on the VI day
of Deoember, 1U14, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a.
in. at Ibe front door of the com t house in Hood
River Couuty, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest biduer for cosh In hand the following-
described real property situated lu
Hood River County. Orevon. Uiwlti:
All of lot No 2 In block BofCass addition to
the city or Hood River, as per duly recorded
plat, iu the County of Hood KiversndHtaleof
Oregon; uigeuier wun me tenements anil ner
IdniuenU and appurtances thereunto belong
ing or in any wise appertaining.
Dated this l-!tli day ol November, 1914.
Sheriff ot Hood River County, Oregon
First lhHiie November Utb, 1914.
Last Issue December 10th, 1914.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interlor.U.S. Land Office
at i ne unites, Oregon, October 2Vtb, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that Mary Schlen
one of the heirs and for tbe heirs of Josef
w Ircsherger, Gecensed, who, on October 14th,
19C9, made Homestead Kutry No. OfViM, for
N ft 8 E !-4, Section 17, Township 1
Norlh, Range 10 Kast, Willamette
Meridian, has died notice of intention to make
Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim U
the land above described, before V. A. lllshop
U. 8. Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon,
on me an uay oi iieceniDer, iui4.
Claimant names as witnesses: MathiasLauf-
feuberger, Amos B. Hillings, HansT. Hanson,
William H. Marshall all of Dee, Oregon.
n5-d3 Register.
t2),000.00 6 per cent Irrigation District
JJontIs, bast fork irrigation District
Hood River, Oregon
Sealed proposals will tie received by the
Board of blrectorsof Kast Fork Irrigation Dis
trict at their office in Rooms S and 6. Hall
Building, Hood River, Oregon, until two
o'clock l'.M. on Tuesday. December 1.A.D.1914,
fr the purchase of Herles No. 1, Issue No. i,
ot the bonds authorized and Issued by the
above named Irrigation district In the total
sum of Twenty F'tve Thousand Dollars
r.'.i.uuO.Ki) and in denominations as follows:
Forty-seven(47)bonds for five hundred dollars
each, and fifteen bonds tor one hundred dollar
each (or in sucb other or different denomina
tions of not less than 1100 or more than (iO0 as
purchaser shall prefer), each dated July 1,
1913, payable lu yearly Installments In those
percentages of the whole Issue as by law di
rected, commencing with the expiration of
eleven years from date of issue and ending at
the expiration of twenty years from date of
issue, ana hearing interest at the rale or six
per cent, per annum, payable on the first
day of January anfJuly of each year. Cou
pons for the interest are attached to the
bonds, and both principal and Interest are
payable In lawful money of the United 8tates
of America at tbe office of the Treasurer of
sRid District, or at the Fiscal Agency of the
State of Oregon in the eltv of New York. N. Y.
Tbe above described bonds are Issued for
the purpose or procuring necessary reclama
tion works, and acquiring the necessary prop
erty and rights therefor, to Irrigate and re
claim the lands within said District, and oth
erwise carry out the laws of the Mtale of Oie-
gon relating to irrigation Districts.
The legality of these bonds has been annrov
ed up bi this dale by Messrs. Dillon, Thomp
son A Clay of New York, N. Y. Unqualified
bids only will be received, and tbe successful
bidder will be rurnlshed with an original copy
ot me opinion oi tne aoove mentioned attor
neys, covering the legality of the bonds.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check or cashier's check on some re
sponsible bank for an amount equal to two
(j) per cent, of tbe face value of the bonds bid
for, payable to the iresldeul of Kant
Fork Irrigation District, to be forfeited
as liquidated damages In case the bidder
shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or
neglect to take and pay for said bonds, should
the same be awarded to hmi. Tbe bonds will
be sold to the highest responsible bidder, pro
video, however, the right te reject all bids Is
uereny reservea.
AH proposals should be marked " Prooosals
fot Irrigation District bonds," and addressed
toC. R. Bone, President of F;ast Fork Irriga
tion District, Booms 6 and , Hall Building,
Hood River, Oregon.
By order of the Board of Directors of East
Fork Irrigation District.
Dated October XI, 1914.
029-nJB Secretary.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior U.S. Land Office
at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, October Suth, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Mary Schlen.
widow of Paul 8chlen. deceased, of Dee, Ore
gon, who, on October 2tith, 1909, made Home
stead Kutry, NO. 0tiC!, tor 8WVNF:l4, Section
17, Township l North, Range 10 Kast, Willam
ette Meridian, has Hied notice of Intention to
make Final F'ive Year i'foor, to establish
claim to the land above described, before F.
A. Bishop, V. 8. Commissioner, at Hood River
Oregon, on the 7th day of December, 1914.
Claimant names as witness: Maihlns Lauf
fenberger, Amos B. Billings. Hans T. Hanson,
William H. Marshall, all of Dee, Oregon.
nf-d3 Register.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of tbe Slate of Oregon,
for Hood River County.
In the matter or the estate of Alice H.liet
calf, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed Administrator of the es
tate of Alice H. Metcalt, deceased, and that
all persous having claims against said estate
shall present them within six (fi) months from
dste of this notice to the undersigned, at the
office of A. J. Derby, iu the First National
Bank Building. Hood River, duly verified ac
cording to law.
Dated this 6i li day or November, 1914
n5-d3 Administrator,
Maxwell "25" 2-pasenger Roadster $725
ES, THERE ARE other good
motor cars but to avoid disp-
pointment it's better to be sure and
buy a Maxwell "25-4", then you
know you have the best.
We have all car accessories and garage equip
ment, gasoline and oils. Repairs made.
Fourth and Columbia Sts.
Tel. 1361
Read This P
Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our
complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture,
Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings
We will take your old furniture or stoves
in exchange for NEW GOODS.
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter
Agents for
Charter Oak Stoves
and Ranges
PHONE 8281
Cor. Fourth and Statc Sts.
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
Estimates Furnished
There's Food for Thought
In the fact that our success
depends upon your satisfac
tion with our shoes so it is up
. to us to please you both in
quality of our shoes and the
price we ask you to pay. If
you will call here today you
will find that we have rea
lized our responsibilities in
this direction extraordinarily
well. Will you come?
J. t J0HN5EN, the Hood River Shoe Man
Shoes and Shoe Repairing -