HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20., 1914 mm hi i sj Coom toutio have that examination of your ' - , ' ' - muai approvM BMtnoda and know that out rcaulta are u trnli- CLASSES, know a tha moat handaomc and coanfortabla mad. You m be delighted with (MB. ti. L Hasbrouck, Optometrist WOOD and COAL Slabs-Fir-Oak Agency for Genuine Rock Springs COAL A. C. Lofts PHONE S464 C.M.HURLBURT SURVEYOR TELEPHONE 5648 E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephone : Office 3161 ; residence 3421 Office in Brosius Building H. D.W. PINEO, D. D. S. DENTIST Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Telephone Smith Building 2021 DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. GEO. R. WILBUR Lawyer Rooms 14 and 15 Hall Building Hood River - - Oregon Dr. J. H. McVAX Diagnosis, Consultation and Surgical Diseases. Hall Building, Hood River, Oregon PHONE 17W Pa. M. H. Sharp Da. Edna B. Bbabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates ef the American School ol Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. Home Phone 102 lies. 102-B C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones : Office 1081; residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank Stranalian & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOP RIVER, OREGON. LOUIS A. HEED ALBERT P. REED L. A. HENDERSON L. A. & A. P. REED LAWYERS Two Doors North of Postoffice Phone 1331 L. A. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 8URVEY0R and CIVIL ENGINEER Two Doors North of Postoffice rhone 1331. VM. E. WELCH, LICENSED YETERISARY SURGEON la prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line, lie can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke I drug itore. Dr. Justin M. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT GENERAL SURGERY Office in Eliot Bldg. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 1091; residence, 8571. BURGEON O. R. A N. (Jo. E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 4211 Office in Eliot Res. 1811 Building Dr. V. R. Abraham Physician and Surgeon Office In Eliot Block Office Phone 4151 Residenc phone 4152 E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. ti.il 1)1 t t A Dlo.. Plinn. 71 Olll OIU ni','u .' Hours 1 to 4 p m. and by appointment. Res idence, Lew la House, Odell. Phone Odell 193. Calls promptly answered In town or country any or nigni. DR. EDGINGTON 1121 Twelfth Street, The Heights HOOD RIVER OREGON H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answerad In town or country Day or Night. Telephones: Resldenoe, 1031: Office, 124L Offioe In the Broaius Bulldicf JAMES H. HAZLETT Lawyer First National Bank Building Hood River Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. " Frederick & Arnold Contractors and Builders Estimates furnished on all kinds of work Phones: Mr J PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT Proceedings of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, had at its November, 1914, session: Claims Allowed. H A Moser, experting books, $150. Sarah Riser, widow's pension, $17.50. Cora B Orians, widow's pension, $25. Marian Turner, same, $35.65. Minnie M Crafts, same, $10. Ella Baroett, same, $32.50. Mary Schien, same, $17.50. Emma C Willis, same, $10. Rose Odell, same. $10. Martha A. Curtlss, game, $25. Lola I. McBain, same, $17.50. Archie F. Leonard, detective work, $128.20. S W Curran, salary, road supervi sor, $13.75. B P Eadelman, same, $67.50. Roy D Smith, same, $50. W B Davidson, same, $66.85. E W Dunbar, same, $16.25. Allen Macrum, same, $20. B F Barrett, same, $5. G H Stanton, same, $60. Horace Sylvester, one coyote, $1.50. C E Copple, rock for crusher, $102.22. R Roberts, freight on crusher re pairs, $4.20. Hodson-Feenaughty Co., crusher outfit, $2,918. Marie L. Stebbins, gravel pit, $1,450. F A Bishop, cashing time checks, $3,593.81. D I Stone, culverts and building Deer Creek Bridge, $410. J H Fredricy, freight on culverts, $.45. "-Ash & Syring, supplies for paupers, $19.95. C C Anderson, burying two paup ers, $40. BufTalo Steam Roller Co., repairs for roller, $10. A C Buck, Justice's fees, $9.25. E S Olinger constable's fees $16.20. 3 K Carson, acting deputy sheriff, $2.50. John Evans, witness justice's court, $2.10. George C Blakely, drugs for priso ners, $3.60. Coast Culvert & Flume Co., cul verts, $27.20. J K Carson, witness fees, Circuit Court, $2. Cottage Hospital Association, care of indigents, $61. City of Hood River, water rent, $1.25. R P Dennlson, auto hire for Coun ty Court, $6. M Hawthorne, repairing crusher, $5.40. Fount & Merle, dry cells, $3.30. -Glass & Frudhomme, book for the sheriff, $3.06. Hydro-Electric Co., light for court house, $2.67. Howell Brothers, repairing Jail, $7.50. Allen Hart, guarding prisoners, $3. W E Hanson, stamps, $5. H M Holbrooke, ' truit inspector. $112.75. Hood River Glacier, printing bal lots and publishing, $197.20. Hood River News, printing and pub lishing, $22.10. E E Kaesser, supplies for indigent Indian, $5. H C Johnson, registering voters, $2.10. T F Johnson, boarding prisoners and expenses, $36.15. J R Kinsey, supplies tor paupers, $12.95. Murray Kay, halt office rent, $9.10. Murray Kay, setting corners, $7.50. Allen Macrum, deputy sheriff at polls, $6. Mt. Hood Hotel, boarding Indigent, $70. C. E. Lovell, blacksmlthlng, $26.80. J I Miller, lumber for roads, $15. J T Nealelgh, sawing wood, $6. Ore.-Wash. Tel & Tel, Co., phone rent and calls, $7.60. E L Pennock, registering voters, $2.60. . Olympia Rulll, witness fees, $10. J C Simonton, lumber for roads, $1.40. Slocom & Canfleld, office supplies, $4.80. A. C. Staten, road supplies, $3.20. J H Sheldrake, registering voters, $1.70. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., rent of polling place, $7.50. Union Oil Co., oil, $10.70. The Queen City Paper Co., 110 lbs of Stlcktite (library;, $12.50. Hood River News Co., pulp board, (library) $2.50. Pioneer Library Bindery, books & magazines (library) $96.10. Dodd, Mead ft Co., Encyclopedia, (library) $15. J K Gill ft Co., books (library) $39.91. Delia Northey, salary ag librarian, $90. Ed. Hawkes, fees as county com missioner, $15. George T Prather, deputy sheriff and arranging booths, $17.65. Fashion Livery & Dray Co., livery for sheriff, $11.50. E E Stanton, half office rent and railroad fare, $13.80. John Raney, powder, $15.60. J. O. Hannum, fees as commissioner $18. Willis Bradley, 716 loads of gravel, $169. Lon Stevens, cartag for sealer, $3. Members ef Election Boards (Per .diem and milage) ... ,M R Noble, $13.30. E M Noble, $11.30. Cynthia Ktnnaird, $13.30. A R Crulkshank. $13.30. Florence M Gould, $1340. Ida M Stranaban, $13.30. U. A. Newman, $12.65. Arthur G Lewis, $11.25. Martin Dragsetb, $11.25. Frank C Dethman, $11.25. M Pendergast, $11.25. C King Benton, $11.25. Thad. Glaxier. $8.25. J H Dunlop, I 25. H W Taylor, $8.25. A O Adams, 12.25. Bessie Hendrick, $8.25. S B Campbell, $8.25. J D McLucas, $9. Amanda D Whitehead, $9. Therese M Castner, $9. C D Nlckelsen, $9. Jesse W. Crites, $9. Helen D. Newby, $9. F C Sherrleb. $10.37. Frank Van Horn, $9.37. E W Sweany, $9.37. George C. Gladden, $9.37. Paul R Hughes, $9.37. S G Oxborrow, $9.37. W S Gribble, $8.25. J M Lenc, $8.25. O Fredenburg, $8.25. E L Rood, $8.25. Wai. H. Edick, $11.45. J B Doggett, $8.25. J L Hershner, $13.12. F H Blagg, $13.12. E R Bradley, $13.12. Fred Y Larwood, $13.12. . Laura J Simonton, $13.12. Mary I McLaughlin, $13.12. C C Masiker, ..10.87. ..J P Naumes, $10.87. R H Kemp, $12.27. Gertrude L Clark, $10.87. A B Cutler, $10.87. J A Moore, $10.87. W L Van Nuys, $9 75. George H Monroe, $9.75. Charles E Craven, $9.76. H S Crouse, $13.75. E T Dresser, $9.75. C C Walton, $9.io. J C Porter, $8.43. John Koberg, $8.43. Earl Spaulding, $8.43. Fred H. Bell, $8.43. R B Perigo, $8.43. J M Hunt, $8.43. W Winana, $6.75. S G Emllio, $6.76. Anton Flint, $6.75. R A Collins, $9.55. L F Parker, $6.75. Mrs. R A Collins, $6.75. T'A Reavls, $14.43. F H Miller, $14.43. H P Allen, $14.43. G H Robbins, $14.43. Emma C Willis, $9. W S Nlchol, $6.43. Earl K Bartmess, $14.43. Wm. Davidson, care of pauper, $8. Boys' ft Girls' Aid Society, Octo ber allowance, $10. Jennie L Thorpe, rent of house for pauper, $5. R J Mclsaac & Co., cement and nails, $9.42. J M Clark, work on Wlnans bridge, $185. Newport Land & Construction Co., payment on contract for construct ing the Columbia River highway $8,447.67. J A Elliott, pay roll of engineering party, $360. J A Elliott, expenses ' of engi neer, Columbia River highway, $46.42. Mrs. J A Elliott, subsistence for engineering party, $145.60. Other Proceedings. It appearing to the court that the road petitioned for by R. B. O'Reilly and others hag not been viewed and surveyed on the date heretofore fix ed by this county, and It appearing that another date should be fixed, it is ordered that the Board of View ers view out and survey said propos ed road on the 16th of November, 1914, or within live days thereafter, and report their findings to this court at its next regular session. Other petitions for opening roads pending before the court were con tinued for the term. The vacancy on the Parkdale Branch Library Board caused by the absence of W C Smullin was at this time filled by appointing W L Van Nuys a member of said library board. W. E. Hanson, County CJerk. Barrett Men's Club The Barrett Men's club. Tha Barrett Philanders, held their last meeting on the evening of Nov. 18 at which time Kev. W. B. xoung addressed tne men on the subject. "After securing r'rohi bition-Then WbatT Ihe address was forceful and convincing. Following the address a musical number was rendered by four members of the club, Messrs. Lister, Cauller, Walter and n. Mesbit. A general discussion then followed. Provision was made for a committee on law enforcement and other linea of ac tivity were laid out. Following the program tne men en joyed a light banquet prepared by some of the women of the community. F. E. Knowles, president of the club, was elected toast master. Messrs. Roy D. Smith, Lister, Young and Hasbrouck responded to toasts. A general good time was 'enjpyed by all. Tbe next meeting will be held at the Valley Christian church Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 7.45 p. m., at which time the subject of a county roadmaster will be discussed. All men are welcome. Try This for Tonr Congh. Thousands of people keep coughing because enable to get the right remedy. Coughs are caused by inflammation of throat and Bronchial tabes. What you need is to soothe this inflammation ;take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates tbe delicate mucous lining, raises the phlegm and quickly relieves tbe conges ted membranes. Get a 50c bottle your druggist. "Dr. King's New Discovery quickly and completely stopped my cough," writes S. R. Watts, Floydale, Texas. Money back if not satisfied, but it nearly always helps. 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I. When you buy your Men's Wear here you are sure of getting the right kind. Sure of getting your money's worth,as we carry satisfaction or money back goods We specialize on Men's Orr wool and corduroy jamas, Oregon Woolen WT II 1- i A sT" nanusercnieis, auspenaers, sieeve Holders, Arm uanas, uutts and Collar Buttons, Tie Pins and Clasps. J You can most always find what you want in our Men's Department and at the right price. j Ladies! You had better select that Coat and Suit now while the The prices we are making on these late style garments will To $25.00 Suits and Coats on sale $15. To $16.50 Coats and Ask for coupons, good for 50 extra HrX Green Trading Stamps, with each New Lids for kids. Rob'Roy Hats, black and colors lllllimillilH H 1 111 I 1 I 1 For flie Sick . V L Do You Collect Trad ing Stamps? It means that the merchant is giving you a discount for cash of lc to 3c on the dollar and you take it out in merchandise that you don't want. ' For every dollar spent with us we hand you 5 cents in hard cash. Which system is best? Save these up and see how much more it amounts to. Watch our ad for the greatest of surprises in Christ mas Goods. Have You Anything Needing Repairs? Phone Baldwin through our trunk line. Autos, gas engines, sewing machines, typewriters, talking machines guns, pumps, locks, umbrellas, everything. Thorough mechanic. New parts made cheaper, better and quick er than extras can be bought for. Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. Your credit is good. 5 discount for cash. This premium amounts to $5000.00 yearly. Get your share. Rubber Stamps for Apple Boxes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 M 1 1 1 I J I t 1 1 Men's Wear That Men Like Is the Kind We Sell Shirts. Neckwear. Hats. Shoes. Gloves. Socks. Patrick Trousers, Munsing Union Shirts and Waterproof Stag 1 V a Bragg Mercantile Co. Hood River, Oregon WWH Mii 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 When warmth is urgent, the A PERFECTION oilheater gives it, instantly and cheaply. Easily car ried from room to room. Needs but little attention. Al ways ready. For best results use Pearl Oil. Dealers everywhere Writ far loo., "Wmrmlk tn CM Cnnmr: " Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Portland Made to Order at the Glacier Office Boom 1 I 1 I H I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 Suits, Bath Robes and Blankets, Night Shirts and Pa- ; ; Shirts, Rough Neck and V Neck Sweaters and Jerseys : : t a . , 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I COrYNIOHT IS14 THI HOUSI OF KUFPSNHIIMCH Overcoat time'has certainly arrived and as usual we're doing the biggest overcoat bus iness in town .... simply because we've the best overcoats and sell 'em at prices you know are right. But there are a lot of familiar faces in this locality we should like to see atop of one of Kuppenheimer Overcoats and so we're asking .... "What are you go ing to do.... Freeze?" when $15, $20, $25 will save you from it. J.G.Vogt REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE 10 acres 1 miles out on the West Side in full bearing. Owner not living here and wishes to trade for something else. What have you to offer? FOR TRADE 6 acres on West Side; Hotel of 26 rooms in Eastern Ore gon; small city water works in same town with income; $1000 grocery stock; residence property in White Salmon rented at $14 )r month, What have you in Hood River for the lot? FOR RENT OR SALE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE-The Chas. Hall res idence on State street; fine home with 100 ft. lot. Easy terms. FIRE INSL'RAN E in the bettter companies. See us for lowest rates. SCOTT 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 M 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! j, V''H 111" Ban Vwl " Jto mm Dnlnth Marking. cw i stock is complete surely move them Suits on sale $10 coat or suit bought Double. Green Trading Stamps On Ladies Long Kimonos ! I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 7 What Are You Going to do.... Freeze & PIFER ax . i m m i ssi m -v