The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 19, 1914, Image 6

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For Most Up To Date Tillage Tools
In the Market
Oliver Plows, P & 0 Plows and
Discs, Osborne Spring and
Pig Tooth Harrows
5, 7 and 9 tooth Cultivators
Planet Jr. Garden Tools
Bean Spray Pumps
Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries
Your Trade Solicited
d. Mcdonald
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
a home for a
How many people are now willing, even anxious,
to provide a pleasant home to a capable, industrious
A year ago lots of them would have turned up
their noses at the idea. It takes harsh words between
William of Germany and George of England to make
some Americans appreciate the economic value of the
humble hen.
The United States of America, with its millions
of square miles of farm lands, has been caught in the.
act of importing eggs. Not many, it is true, but im
porting eggs nevertheless. Shades of George Wash
ington, Abraham Lincoln and a few other common
sense Americans, forbid!
It's time for YOU to get busy.
From Hardware H'urld.
Watch This Space Next Week
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal WorK, Gasoline En
gines, Pumps, Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimates Furnished.
Phone 1544
Cor. 2nd & Cascade, opp. Hotel Oregon
Make known to us in person
or by phone your wants in
the grocery line, and we will
do the rest, which means
the best!
J. R. KINSEY. Proo. Ilv
Phone Bell BKItf. We give f Stamps Hwj
The Oregon Horticultural society will
hold iti 24th annual meeting at Med
ford Wednesday, Tbrusds and Friday,
December 2, 3 and I. J. r. Batcbelder.
secretary of the By-Products committee
appointed at tne Spokane apple show
last year, will roaka a report of prog
ress during the past year. Prof. C. D.
Thompson, vice president of the soci
ety, will be in attendance. The pro
gram as arranged for is as follows ;
Wednesday, Dec. 2, 10 a. m.
Address of welcome, Mahlon Purdin,
mavor. Response. C E. Whislet, pres
ident of the society. Greetings from
the State Broad of Horticulture, E. C
Roberts president of the Oregon State
board of Horticulture. Apple and Pear
Scab. Prof. M. r. Henderson. Mediord
Jackson county pathologist. General
discussion. Informal reception of new
members and visitors.
Wednesday, 2 p. m.
Necessary Changes in Pear Culture,
Prof. F. C Reimers, in charge of
Southern Oregon experiment station,
'latent. General discussion. Hy-r'rod
ucts, Report on Spokarfe By-products
Convention, J. F. Batchelder, Hood
River. Discussion led by ti. l. At-
well, manager Forest Grove Cannery,
Forest Grove. A. Rupert, manager
Pacific Coast Products Co., Portland.
General discussion. Pruning, Prof. V.
Gardner, associate professor divis
ion horticulture, O. A. C. General dis
cussion, i rip tnrougn jacKsou county
orchards by the Medford Commercial
Ihursday, Dec. 8, 9.30 a. m.
The Outlook for Prunes, Special ref
erence to standardization of pack. H.
Gile, manager Willamette Valley
Prune Growera Association, Salem
Discussion. Irrigation Practice, W. L.
Powers, professor irrigation and drain'
age, 0. A. C. Discussion. Irrigation
as Practiced in Eastern Oregon, H. D,
Lamb. Milton, Oregon, manager Fruit
Growera Association.
Thursday, 2 p. m.
Horticultural Law Session.
Uniform Horticultural Laws, A. J
Cook, Commissioner of Horticulture
for California: T. (). Morrison, Assist
ant Commissioner of Horticulture lor
Washington; E. C. Roberts, President
Orpnnn State Hoard of Horticulture :
M. McDonald, report of the committee
on uniform Horticultural laws oi me
American Association of Nurserymen
and of the Pacific Coast Association of
(Prof. Cook and Mr. McDonald are
just returning from attending the 45th
California Mate fruit urowers convert
tion at Los Angeles, Cal., where tthis
matter was fully discussed with the
object of securing more uniform laws
between the states.) Discussion.
Friday, Dec. 4, 9.30 a. m.-
Work of the Extension Department
of tbe 0. A. C, R. D. Hetzel, director
of extension division. Discussion, ril
bert Growing in Oregon, George A.
Dorris, bpringheld. Ore. Discussion.
lhe Experiment Station and the Fruit
Industry, A. B. Cordley, dean and di
rector O. A. C. Discussion. Standard
Hox Containers, J. B. Knapp, manager
Northwestern Association of Box Man
ufacturers. Discussion. My Experi
ence in Walnut Growing at Medford
E. P. Geary, M. D., Portland, Oregon
Women Sutler Terribly from Kidney
Around on lier feet all day no won'
ler a woman lias a I ackacho, headache
suit swooien joints, weariness, poor
sleep ami kidney trouble, ioley Kidney
Pills give quick relief lor those troubles
They strengthens the kidneys take
away the aclies, puin and weariness
Make life worth living again. They will
absolutely drive out rheumatism, weak
back and swoolen aching joints due to
kidney ami bladder trouble, lry holey
Kidney Pills and Bee how much better
you leel. hold by L'has. Iv. Clarke.
Thos. and A. J. Lacey proprietor
of Cloverdale ranch at Odell, have juat
installed s new model United States
cream separator purchased from Hen
derson A McKay, Hood River, agenta,
itb motor attached. This machine
haa a aeparating capacity of 600 pounds
per hour, or Is cows, This, we b-
icve, ia the first separator to be run in
the valley by motor. Both of the own
ers of Cloverdale are strong believers
n the future of the creamery business
n Hood River valley and they bave an
ideal place and location to run a first
class dairy. A. J. Lacey saya:
We expect to be milking 14 cows
by next summer and we do not intend
to stop until our herd shall be in
creased to 20 head. We will also go
into the hog raising quite extensively
and hope by next fall to bave at least
120 head of boss ready for market. We
are placing 10 acres of clover and al
falfa into pig pasture and aubdividing
this into four equal pastures of 2
acres each. Thereby, by switching the
piga from one pasture to another, we
expect to get good results. We are
now wintering 20 head of pigs, mostly
brood sows, and have raised enough of
feed off of a small piece of land to feed
all of them till spring. We figure on
putting in 12 acres of corn next spring,
and raising enough feed to fatten the
hogi for market."
Writer Discusses Employing Foreigners
Portland. Ore.. Nov. J5. 1914
While in Hood River last week I ran
across a partyin fact several laboring
men witn tamiiies who was seekin
employment on the Columbia highway
the wonderful road that is being built
from Portland to Hood River, Oregon
He informed me that he went down to
seek employment as well as others)
and went to the foreman and asked for
work. The foreman looked under hi
hat (judging from the remark) and
told him very sarcastically, "You are
not the right color." ltns man save
that he spent almost $000 doctor bills
last summer in Hood River.
Now, if thin man does not deserve
work on the Columbia highway, an
further being a taxpayer of Hood Riv
er, 1 would like to know who would
While there I was informed by two
men who had waited for three days for
employment, that the last morning they
were there, there were eight foreigners
shipped in Irom Portland and nut
work. The foreman further informed
him that they were not hiring any
wnue men, wnaiever, and that in
few days they were going to turn off
all they had and hire nothing but for
Now the writer would like the eon'
sideration of some of your valuable
people in this. Is this justice to the
American people? No wonder there
are so many huboa, tramps and vaga
bonds among our American people.
They are lead to it to a great extent
by being put out of employment
through the hiring of foreigners. The
writer has been a working man and is
one yet, but is not seeking manual la
bor as some are doing. Still it gives
me great pleasure to see an American
man reign over any foreigner, when it
come to receiving payment from our
land of plenty, which he deserves.
Now, the gentleman that I refer to
lives in Hood River and has a wife and
baby. Will say that the writer is not
taxpayer of Hood River county but is
in various places in Oregon and Wash
ington. But above all things I hold
America and the Stars and Stripes that
reign over us superior to anything else
and 1 Bhould think that it would be our
duty to help each other. G. S. S.
Nutlet of Sheriff J We.
In th Ctrcolt Court of the Btat of Oracoa
fur Uuud tilvor County.
First National Bask. Hood. River, Oregon,
a banking ourpurauuD, plaintiff.
A. L Norland. Minnie O. Morland J. Adrian
F.ppins. Emma fc. Ecslnc. Realha folder
and E. M MtmooLoa, defendant.
Notice ii hereby efvra that no Eierntlon
nod Urdar of KaM r Iwied out of tha Circuit
Own A tbc Hiata of Oregon. Ibr tha County of
nwn mver, on tue juto aay 01 uruttier,
npon a Judgment rendered on the lih day of
octuoer. lvii. in iavr piainun, rtM nav
luoal Bank, Hood Ktver, Oregon, a banking
corporation, and again! tha defendant, A tZ
aioriana, Minnie c Moruuia, j. Aarinn r.p
pint, Km ma K. Kpping and K. at. Htinonton:
wrucii aaia r.iecutum aud order or Hele ia to
me directed, and iwiniuandiug lue to aell the
pniiierty nerel natter d-tarrloed for tbe pu rpuae
of unifying the Judgment of Dla'nUrJ In aald
nam, for the aum of Three Thousand five
Hundred ttWUO Ui; lioilare, with Interest there
on from the loth day of March, lvll. at the
rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the runner
um of Three Hundred 'lfly ISAOOUl Dollar
attorney fee. and the further aum of Ten
iliu.uiii iHjIiarn coat, and ouala Incurred upon
aald Writ of Kiecuiion.
TH r.KhrOKK. in compliance with aald
Execution aud Order of fcale. J will on Mon
day, the iird day of November. 1914, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at the court noon
door In Hood Hirer County, Oregon, aell at
fiuoiic auction to tne nigneal Didder for cam
n hand for the purpoaeofaaliHfytng tbe Judg
ment above named, the following described
real proiierty attualed In Hood Klver County.
uregon, iowiit
Be tuning at a point in ty rod south and
fifteen feet Weal of the NE coiner of Mec, 8.
1 p. 2, North, Kange 10, Kant of W. M ..running
thence Went ltt rods, K feet; thence South 40
rod; thence KkhI 40 rod; thence North 40 rod
thence Went 14 feet: thence North 90 rod! to
the place of beginning, containing acre,
Dated tola Sind day of October, 191 1.
Bberlfl of Hood Klver County. Oregon,
The home of Mrs. A. M. Curtis on
Fitfh street, the Heights, between
May and June, was destroyed by fire
about seven o clock on Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. Curtis had arisen about day
break, when she built a tire in the
kitchen stove, filling the firebox with
light kindling. She then went back to
bed, being aroused in a short time with
her room in flames about her. So
quickly did the fire spread that it was
impossible to save any of the furniture.
The place was a charred mass by the
time the Volunteer tire department ar
rived. However, the fire laddies saved
adjoining property from damage.
Mrs. Gurtis had only small amount
or insurance.
Despondency Due to Indigestion.
It is not at all surprising that persons
who have indigestion becomediscouraged
and despondent. Here are a few words
of hope and cheer for them by Mrs.
Blanche Bowers, Indiana, la. "'ror
years my digestion whs so poor that
could only eat the lightest foods. I tried
everything that I heard of to get relief
but not until about a year ago when 1
saw Lliamberliun g tablets advertised
and got a bottte of them, did I find the
right treatment. I soon began to im
prove, and since taking a few bottles of
them my digestion Is tine. ror sale by
all denlers.
Local Man Manufacturing Harness
W. G. Weber, who the first of the
year purchased the Yowell harness
shop, is a harnessmaker of many years'
experience, and haa been busy stocking
his place of business with the best of
handmade goods.
"I find sales on this rather alow,
however, saya Mr; Weber, '"it may
be due to the fact that the people do not
know that they, can get a better quail
ty of harness at home than abroad,
The erchardists should teailie the ben
efits of trading at home, especially
when the quality of their purchases is
guaranteed. f
Remarkable Cure of i'oiip.
"Last winter when my little boy had
croup 1 got hi in a bottle of Chamberlain
Cough Remedy. I honestly believe il
saved his life' writes Airs. J. 1$. Cook
Indiana, fix. "it cut the phlegm and
relieved his coughing spells. I nm most
grateful for what this remedy has done
for him." For sale by dealers.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
ror me county oi nuua niver.
C. Bllllneton. Dlalntlff. va. Richard Depee
and Nettle Iiepee, hit wife, and Kacbael U
1 noma, defendants.
Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a
writ of execution In foreclosure and order ot
aale I turned out of the Circuit Court of tbeHtate
of Oregon ror Hood Klver County on the IMth
day of October, 114, In favor of plaintiff, and
agHlnat the defendant, which execution and
oruer of rate is to me directed and command
lng me to aell the real property herein
aiurdeecrlbed for the purpom of aatlafytng
the Judgment of nald plalutirl In aald caupe
for the turn of (ft'iOMO) with Interent thereon at
the rate of r per cent per annum from the 24th
day of October, 1HI4, aud the further aom of
) attorney reea and tbe rurther aum of flu
coat aud dlnburaemtnla and the ooata of and
uoon thla writ of execution and aale.
Now, therefore. In compliance with aald ex.
ecu Hon and order of sale 1 will on the 12 day
of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m at the Irontdooroflheoouit house In Hood
Klver County, Oregon, aell at public auction
to the blghet biduer for caah In band tbe fol
lowing described real property attuatediin
Hood Klver county. Oregon, towut:
All of lot No. 2 In block B of Cans addition to
the City of Hood Klver, a per duly recorded
plat, In the County el Hood Klver and Htale of
Oregon; togetner with tne tenement and her
tdainenta and appurtancea thereunto beloug
lng or In any wise appertaining.
Duiea mis uiu aay oi vovemner, ii4.
Sheriff of Hood Klver County, Oregon
r irl indue povemoer urn, itu.
Lent uwue December luth, 1914.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office
at me Dane, Oregon, octotier hu, iut4.
Notice Is hereby given that Mary Schlen
one of the helm and lor the belra of Jonef
W IrcHberger, ceceaaed, who, on October 14th,
I9C9, made lloineatead Entry No. 06414, for
St,'. BE '4. Hectlon 17, Townnhlp
North, Kange 10 Kant, Willamette
Meridian, lias n lea notice oi intention to mate
Klual r'lve Year Proof, to eMtabllxh claim to
the land above deacrlbed. before r . A. IUhIiod
Ii. 8. CommlKitloncr. at Hood Klver. Oregon.
on me in aay oi uecemoer, ivi4.
claimant name aa wtiueesea: aiatniaauiur-
fenberger. Anion H. Uillluga, HanHT. Hanson
William it. MarHiiaii an oi Dee, Oregon.
n5-d3 Register.
The Dalles Local Taken off
Following the policy of retrenchment
called forth by the heavy decrease in
passenger traffic, the O.-W. K. & N.Co.
lias discontinued, effective today, The
Dalles local. The local service will
probably be resumed next spring. Dur
ing the winter months trains Nos. 5
and 10, with through equipment from
Chicago, will do local work. Train No.
5, westbound, will pass through Hood
River at 9.20 a. m. It will arrive at
Portland at 12.10. No. 10, eastbound,
will leave Portland at 6.30 p. m. It
will reach Hood River at 9.20.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
Croup scares you. The loud hoarse
croupy votigh, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for im
mediate relief. The very first doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will
master the croup. It cuts the thicks
mucus, clears away the phlegm and
opens up and eases the air passages.
Harold Iterg, Mass, Mich., writes: "We
give Foley's Honey and Tar to our child
ren for croup and it always acts quickly
Fvery user is a friend. Chas. N. Clarke
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co,
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc.
TM)Ay P Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Jfcb Glidden's Varnishes
Room Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
'4 WW
Rear in miiufthatChanilierlaiii's Tab
lets not only move the bowels but im
prove the appetite and strengthens the
digestion. For sale by all dealers.
Local Girls Alpha This
The Beth Reab club of girls at the
University of Orgon has been granted
a charter by the Alphi Phi national
woman's fraternity. Hood River girls
who are members of the new organiza
tion, are Misses Elizabeth Carson and
Ellen Blowers. Alphi Phi has chap
ters at the University of California
and at Stanford University.
Irregular bowel movements lead to
chronic constipation and a constipated
habit tills the system with impurities.
Heroine is a great bowel regulator. It
purities the system, the blood
and puts the digestive organs in tine
vigorous condition. Price 50o. Sold In
dian. X. Clarke.
Another Hood
River Case
It Proves That There's A Way Out
for Many Suffering Hood
River Folks
Just another report of a case in Hood
River. Another typical case. Kidney
ailments relieved in Hood River with
Doan's Kidney Pills.
"1 was all run down with kidney trou
ble and my bark so weak, lame and sore
that I could hardly get around," eavs
Mrs. J. T. Ilolman, of 1214 Thirteenth
St., Hood Uiver. "Doan's Kidney Pills
came to my aid in tine style. After I
used them a short time, I was free from
every symptom of kidvry complaint. I
was so pleased that 1 endorsed Doan's
Kidney 1'ills and I am glnd to say that I
have had no kidney trouble to amount
to anything since. I still have great
confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills and
willingly confirm my former recom
mendation." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simplv
ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kid
ney Pills the same that Mrs. Ilolman
had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf
falo, X. Y.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court or the Hlate ot Oregon,
for Hood Klver County.
In the matter of tbewtat or Alice H. Met
calf, deceased.
Notice U hereby given that the undersigned
haa been appointed Administrator of the es
tate of Alice H. Metcall, deceaoed, and that
all peraons having claim avaliim aald estate
hall present them within ail itii month from
date of this notice to the ondemtuned. at the
ottlce of A J.lVrby.ln the First Rational
Bank Building. Hood Klver, duly verified ac
cording to law.
iated tUiM Mh ly ol November, 1914.
n5-d.1 Administrator,
$25,000.00 fl per cent Irrigation District
Bonds, East Fork Irrigation District
Hood River, Oregon
Healed proposals will be received by the
Hoard of directors of hast Pork Irrigation Dis
trict at their ottlce In Kooma 6 and 6. Hall
Hulldlmf, Hood River, Oregon, until two
o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, December 1,A.I).1M4,
for the purchase of Herlea No. 1, Issue No. 2,
oi the bonds authorized and Issued by the
above named Irrigation district in the total
sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars
I'ii.KiO im) and In denominations as follows:
rorty-seven(47) bonds for nve hundred dollars
each, aud lit teen bonds lor one hundred dollar
each (or In such other or di Iterant denomina
tions of not less than I10U or more than SnOO as
purchaser shall prefer), each dated Julv t.
Ini3, payable In yearly Installments in those
percenUiKCA of the whole Issue as by law di
rected, commencing with the expiration of
eleven yeara from date of Issue and ending at
the expiration of twenty years from date of
Issue, and bearing Interest at the rate of six
(i) r cent, per annum, payable on the first
day of January ant July of each 5 ear. Cou-
Kns for tne Interest are attached to the
inds, and both principal and Interest are
payable In lawtul money of the United Htates
of America at the ottlce of the Treasurer of
said District, or at the Fiscal Agency of tbe
State of Oregon In the city of New York, N. Y.
The above described bonds are issued for
tne purpose of procuring necessary reclama
tion works, and acquiring the necessary prop
erty aud rights therefor, to Irrigate and re
claim the lands within said District, and oth
erwise carry out the laws of the Htale of Ot e.
gon relating to Irrigation Districts.
The legality of these bonds has been approv
ed up to this date by Messrs. Dillon, Thomp
son & Clay of New York, N.Y. Unqualified
bids only will be received, and the successful
bidder will he furnished with an original copy
of the opinion ot the above mentioned attor
neys, covering the legality ot the bonds.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check or cashier's check on some re
sponsible bank for an amount equal to two
(2) per cent, of the face valne of the bonds bid
tor, .payable to the president of East
Kork Irrigation District, to be forfeited
as liquidated damages In case tbe bidder
shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or
neglect to take and pay for said bonds, Bhould
the same be awarded to him. The bonds will
be sold to the highest responsible bidder, pro
vided, however, the right t reject all bids Is
hereby reserved.
All proposals should be marked " Proposals
fot Irrigation District bonds," and addressed
toC. K. Bone, President or East Kork Irriga
tion District, Rooms 6 and B, Hall Building,
Hood River, Oregon.
Ily order of the Board of Directors of East
Fork Irrigation District.
Dated October it, 1914.
oi9-n'J6 Secretary.
Completion Notice
Notice is hereby given tbat Transfer A Liv
ery Co., contractors, has filed written notice
this 11th dsy of November, 1H14, of the com
pletion of all sewers In General Hewer District
No. 2, Division No. 1, as spectrled under his
contract with IheClly of Hood River, hereto
fore entered Into nnder Ordlnanc No. fi:t, and
lhat the amount dnesald contractor npon It
aconptnuce la hereby stated to be H.670.7;.
Notice Is further given thatvany objec
tions 10 the acceptance of said work nnder
the contract wilh the said contractor on the
part of said city may be tiled iu the office ot
the undersigned City Recorder ky any inter
ested party at any time within fifteen days
from the date of the nrst publication of this
notice, towlt, wllhln fifteen days from the
K'th day of November. 1K14.
This notice Is published In the Hood River
Glacier for two consecutive Issue thereof, the
dateol the first publication thereof being the
12th day of November, IV14.
nl2-19 ' city Recorder
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior U.S. Land Office
at The Dalle. Oregon, October fc'th, 114.
Notice Is hereby given that Mary Bcbten.
widow of Paul Schlen, deceased, of Dee. Ore
gon, who, on October atUh, ItHm, made Home-
stesa r.ntry, so. UMia, ior B E, Hectlon
17, Township I North, Range It) East, Willam
ette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to
make Final Klve Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before F.
A. Bishop, IT. 8. Commissioner, at Hood River
Oregon, on the 7th day of December, it.
Claimant names a witness: Mathtaa Lanf.
fenberger, Aiikm B. Billings. Hans T. Hanson,
William H. Marshall, all of lee. Oregon.
nS-d3 Register.
Collector's Notice
The assessment for the year H14 of the
Hood River Irrigation District are now due
and payable to the Collector at bis ottlce, and
III become delinquent on the last Monday
In December next thereafter, and unless paid
prior thereto S per cent will be added to the
amount thereof. I will be at my residence on
WeduemUys and at the Butler bank on Satur
days from IV a. iu. to 3 p. ni.
n 12 dai L. E. DART, Collector.
Maxwell "25" 2-paaenger Roadster $725
ES, THERE ARE other good
motor cars but to avoid disp-
pointment it's better to be sure and
buy a Maxwell "25-4", then you
know you have the best. .
We have all car accessories and garage equip
ment, gasoline and oils. Repairs made.
Fourth and Columbia Sts. Tel. 1361
Read This
Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our
complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture,
Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings
We will take your old furniture or stoves
in exchange for NEW GOODS.
.Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter
Agents for
Charter Oak Stoves
and Ranges
PHONE 8281
Cor. Foubth and State Sts.
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
Estimates Furnished
There's Food for Thought
In the fact that our success
depends upon your satisfac
tion with our shoes so it is up
to us to please you both in
quality of our shoes and the
price we ask you to pay. If
you will call here today you
will find that we have rea
lized our responsibilities in
this direction extraordinarily
well. Will you come?
J. C JOHNSEN, the Hood River Shoe Man
Shoes and Shoe Repairing