The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 20, 1914, Image 6

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For Most Up To Date Tillage Tools
In the Market
Oliver Plows, P & 0 Plows and
Discs, Osborne Spring and
Pig Tooth Harrows
5, 7 and 9 tooth Cultivators
Planet Jr. Garden Tools
Bean Spray Pumps
Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries
Your Trade Solicited
d. Mcdonald
The Lightness
of Our Loaves
initio's our tucail ac'critiil)l! to tlie
hml "tinit ky" etoiiiiu li. The muct
loiiliriiii'd I y f j t iH run eal it
w itliimt fear (il after resultn. And
with all its lilitni'SH it in very
imuritiliinK an well ae palatable. It
luakeHlioiif and hiiiew in the young
and is indeed a fluff of lilt- for (lie
old. Try a loaf.
Fourth and State
Phone 1651
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
It. It. l'OWF.I.I.
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal WorK. Gasoline En
gines, Pumps, Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimates Furnished.
Phono 1511
Cor. 2nd & Cascade, opp. Hotel Oregon
White River
Makes Dread Having the
Old Bready Flavor
Phone (Well Ul PARKDAl.E. OREGON
State Game and Fish
B. E. Duncan returned laBt week from
two weeks' tour of Central Oregon
and the Klamath Lake --district with
Superintenedent of Hatcheries R. E.
Clanton, State Gum. Warden C. H.
Evans and Deputy Warden Koy Brem
mer. The party, which traveled by
automobile, covered a distance of about
1 20 miles. "We shipiied our car from
this city on July 2'J." said Mr. Duncan,
"and started from The Dalles, going
down to Bend and Kedmond. It was
our purpose to get in close touch with
the sportsmen of all districts and to
inspect the lakes of Central Oregon,
where many of the rpgs used in our
hatcheries are taken. We have a sta
tion on Lake Odell and are considering
one for .Sutter and Mine Lakes.
"We visited Silver Lake, Crescent.
La fine, Paisley, Lake Veiw and
Klamath Falls. We journeyed down
into California down the Klamath river
to inspect a fish ladder that is ob
structing the passage of fish into'the
Oregon portion of the stream. Of
course, California authorities will have
to take action on improving the condi
tion of the ladder, but we wanted to
see it.
From Klamath we motored back up
through Ashland and Medford. The
roads over the Siskiyous are pretty
bad, being'just like the roof of a house
in places, and in one place we had to
be towed for a distance of two miles
by a four horse team."
Mr. Duncan says that the Commis
sion has had the question of keeping
hunters out of the forests until after a
rain put up to its members. He says
that they think that but a small per
centage of the tires are started by
hunters. "Many fires," he said, "are
started by the burning of slashing tires
and by lightning.
As a usual thing we find hunters
careful. And if we were to keep the
hunters out of the woods, we would
also hav to prohibit fishermen and
campers from entering the forests."
Mr. Duncan declared that he found
the people of eastern and Central Ore
gon eager to receive shipments of
China Pheasants. "These citizen, "he
said, "pay a portion of the cost of the
game protection, and the Commission
will endeavor to even things up by
gratifying their wishes' It is prob
able that a small hatchery will be es
tablished at some one of the central
Oregon lakes that the country, too
remote for the transportation of fry
from the central hatchery.'may be sup
plied." .,
Kerr Pleased With Valley
"I am well pleased with the Hood
River valley," says W. T. Kerr, who
recently lemoved from Crook county,
having traded his grain and stock
farm there to Charles Stranahan for
his orchard tract on the West Side.
"My five acre tract of berries was tine
this year and the apples look well."
Mr. Kerr was formerly a resident of
"Stay-iit lloim ''Sufferers of Hay Fever
anil Aitlniiu-tiet a Hut lie of Foley's
Honey and Tar ('miipimntl!
Heat fill slet'ji, relief and comfort from
chokini!, iMHi'ini; asthma and torment
ing hay lever for those who take Foley's
Honey and Tar. And besides, it spreads
a healing soothing coating as it glides
low n a raw tickling throat, ste ps irritn
ing coughs ami summer colds. Don't
suffer w hen you can hnv relief for so lit
tle cost. Kememlier tlie name i-olev s
lloiievund Tar Compound and refuse
substitutes. Sold bv I has. Clarke
Makinar con.ulete hit gift of the tract
including Multnomah Falls to Multno
mah County. S. Benson has made
arrangements with the Oregon-Wash
ington Kailroad & Navigation Company
whereby he will build a footbridge of
concrete and steel over the lower cas-
caade. the property of the company.
The contract has been let to R. L.
Ringer, who began work on the new
bridge Monday. The span will be 35
feet above the falls, and will be built
on rock foundations on either siae 01
the cascade, "' feet apart. A rustic
path from the foot of the falls will
ead to both ends of the span.
Automobile reached the rails lor
the first time last week when Road
master Yeon took a party over the new
Columbia Highway. Heretofore the
limit has been Gordon Falls, but with
the completion of two viaducts auto
mobiles may new go almost to uneon
ta. In an effort to have completed by
September 1 bridges at Oneonta gorge
and Horsetail Falls, which were to
have been completed by August 1 by
the construction company, but work on
which was delayed by the death of
President Harris, of the company, the
contract for the work has been turned
over to the Pacific Bridge Cumpany,
which is now working on the two
keep your Liver Active During Summer
.Hunth-roli ) at liartle I ahlets Inr
Sluggish Liver and Constipation
It does beat all how quickly Folev Ca
thartic Tablets liven your liver and over
come constipation. Ney Oldham, Wini-
fH-rley, lexas, savs: " roley Cathartic
Taulets are the best laxative lever used.
They take the place of calomel." Whole
some, stirring and cleansing. No grip
ing, A comfort to stout persons, as they
receive that full bloating feeling. Sold
by Clias. N. Clarke.
Record Hay Crop
Hoerlein brothers, whose place is in
the Oak Grove district, on the west
side of the Hood river gorge, have har
vested a record hay crop from a two
acre tract. From the small tract they
have just finished baling 11 tons of
wheat and vetch hay.
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of I'AINTS, OILS, BRl'SIIUS, Ltc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Glidden's Varnishes
Koom Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
Al Kader Will Picnic
Thp first flnniml nii'nii' nf thn A I
Kutler Timiili rif thp Mvslin Shrinp
will be held on Saturday. August 29. at
Gladstone park. A program of enter
tainment, including a baseball game
anu otner ainieiic events, lias Been
arranged. A large number of local
Masons are memtiers ot Al hailer tern
Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous
Mosquitoes, (lies and other injects
which breed quickly in garbage pails,
points ot stagnant water, tjarns, musty
places, etc., are earners ot diseases
10 wry time they bite yon, they inject
poison into your system Irom w Inch some
dread disease may icsult. Oct a bottle
of Sloan's Liniment. It is antiseptic
and a lew drops will neutralize the m
lection caused by insect bites, or rustv
nails. Sloan's Liniment disinfect cuts
bruises and sores. Von cannot afford
to be without it in your home. Money
back if not satislied. Only -' cents al
your druggists.
O.-W. Iv. & N. Oils Driveways
Bringing special equipment here last
Ihrusday. the O.-W. K. N. Co. oiled
the driveways around the station
which were treated last week crushed
rock by the Transfer & Livery Co.
The oil was heated in the big tank car
which was drawn heside the driveway
and sprayed through long lengths of
hose. The improvement, which will
eliminate the usual bad dust around the
station in the summer months and the
mud of wintertime, will he appreciated
by the local patrons of the railroad
( So Strange Alter All.
You may think it strange that so many
people are cured ol stomach trouhle t
I'banibeilain's Tablets. Vol! would not
however, il you should give them atrial
Thcv st remd hen mid i I tl.
stomach and enable it to preform its
iiiuciions naiiirany. .mis. liosie lush,
Wabash, Ind., writes, "Nothing did me
me least goixi until I using
Chamberlain s Tablets. It is decidedly
the best medicine for stomach trouble I
ever bad. For sale by all dealers.
S. P. & S. Issues Handsome Booklet
The S. P. & S. K. K. Co., the North
Bank line, has just issued a handsome
booklet depicting the industries of the
Washington counties, through which
the road passes. The opportunities
ottered along the line of the Oregon
F.leetric, the new Hill electric road
through the Willamette Valley, are
also told of in the handsome booklet
which is tilled with engravings of pho
tographs ot orchard and tarm scones.
ine uooKici aiso contains a compre
hensive map of the states of Oregon
una w asnmgion.
(Ittobix! Citrolax! (itrolax!
It's a laxative, of course-name tell
you that. And the nicest hoi weather
drink you ever tasted. Klushts tbor
ougblv, and pleasantly, t.Ki. F. C.Crvs
lor, Syracuse, X V., says: "Have used
laxatives for 1") years but this Citrolax
has got everything else beat a mile.'
You will agree with him. Specially nice
tor children and delicate ivrsons
Sweetens a sour bilons stomach very
quickly and stops headaches. Sold by
I has. .. i larke.
Commercial Printing at this oilier.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
By Tlrtue of n titration duly 1mii! by
the clerk or th Circuit Court of Hood Hlvec
Dd gtuic ol OreoD, dt4 Jaly Hift, WW, In a
centlu mil In wid Circuit Court for to tore
ckwure of miri wherfln AOTmtwll D.
Ireland vii plaintiff and Artbur L. Woodard
et 1 wrrr drlrodaola, and wherein on Jaly
Mb, llt, tbe aaid pmltitifT recovered a Judg
ment aealnrt aald drh-ndanu, Arthur L
Wowtard and KunieeM. Woodard for the ill in
of t.nt' uu won luterwt thereon at the rate of
x i-r tvul per a n n urn Irom Jul) 2nd, ISIS, for
the autu of fvu.txi with Imereel tiiereno at Uie
mtr nf per rent per annum from July d,
113. for tbe nuni of lii ...! Willi Intercut there
on at the rate ol per rrnl. per aunum from
Ortober .Tlh, 113. and for ;be sum of J"i UU at
aud for aitorney'4 feea and flu.uO coataand
dikliunieiitentM, and aaid drfetidaut, K. A.
Kmni Company, a corporation, recovered
a Judgment against wild defendants. Wood
rd. for tbe mini of aOUO uieiber with lu-lerei-l
thereon al tbe rale of b per cent- per an
ii inn from Kehruaty Oh, Ml, tbe in in of t -S '
with lule-t tbemin at tbe rate of a per cent.
per annum Irotu March Dili, ISII. and the
Mini of ." as and for attorney ' feea and
V. ii roi and disbursement, and km ill tie
lendHiit. O C. l'ean, recovered a Judgment
k';onl said defendants, Woodard, for the
mi in of JMi.lS, together wim Interest thereon
hi the rale of per cent, per annum from
Ft lirimry llh, I'm. tbe sum of f.j.0u wllh In
terest I hereon at the rate of s percent per an
num from Murch ytb, lU. aud Ibesumof
frt (0 to aud tor attorney' fee and S? no cotita
aud dihlHirneiueutu; and which aaid execu
tion in KHiul and directs that the hereln
aller dem-rilied real property be wild to satia
ly said mi nut aud the coU and expeusea of
NoTIC K IS llKRKHY CilVKN. That I Will On
the 1 ilh day ol August, tbe front door
of the Court Hou-e lu tbe City of Hood Klver,
Hood Kiver County, State of Oregon, at 10
o i-I.K-lt in tbe forenoon of aaid day, sell at
public aucttou to tbe highest bidder for cah,
tbe following described real property situated
in tbe county ol nooa Kiver, maieoi uregnn,
Ut Three (;t) In Block One (1) of Blowers'
A ilu il Ion to Hood River, according- to the
duly rcKorded plat thereof on fl le and of re
cord In the office of the County Clerk In and
lor wim County and state, or so much thereof
as may be necesmry tosatlsfy the Kuid Judg
ment In favor of said plaiutlft, against
said defendants, Woodard, the said Judgment
in favor of Maid defendHiit, K. A. Krau. Com
pany against said defendanta Woodard, and
the said Judgment In favor of the aaid de'eud.
am (. t . !t-an nKainN! h uu fleienaanta wihhi
ard. together with all com that tiaveormay
acci ue.
Pated July lltb, 1911.
As MbiTllt of Hood Itlver County, Oregon.
July Hi t-3u Aug. rl3
Constipation Causes Sickness
Don't twrinit vonrMelf to liecrnoA con
stipated, as your system im mediately
begins to absorb poison from the liucked
up waste matter. I'se Ir. King's Xew
l.jfo I'illa iitnl Leii u-ell Then is no
better safeguard against illness. Just
take 1 dose today, -fie at your druggist.
Creamery Building Under Way
Work on the new building of the
Hood Kiver creamery was begun Mon
day. The new structure will rise on a
lot which located at the corner ot
Fourth and Columbia streets and which
has been leased from the Apple Grow
ers Union.
The work will not be by contract, but
by the organization itself. Walter G.
K. Smith, a member of the board of
directors, is supervising the job. ,
If vou sit in a cool draft when you are
heated and get a stiff neck or lame back,
you will be looking for something that
will ease the pain. Fix your mind on
Hallard 8 Snow uniuient and don t be
talked onUof it because it is the best
pain relieving liniment you can get any
where. Price 2oc, 50c ami $1 110 per bot
tle. Sold bv Chas. X. Clarke.
In the County Court of Hood River
County. Oregon
In tbe Matter of the Kstate I
of Peter lhiran, decensed , 1 1 1 A 1 11 ,:N
To l'eter McClory, Alice Met 'lory, Agnes Ca
biihlan, Kli.alictli McClory, Mary Htrana
Imn, l'eter J. McClory. Mary Kluineutelt,
cat brine Selimaii, Margaret llrogau, Haran
McClory, NuMe Willis, Nellie MulbiHtnand
(ieorge .Met lory, wreeiings:
In tiik Name of Tin State ok Okkoon,
you are hereby cited and required to appear
in the County Court ol the .Slate of Oregon for
Hie county ol ttima ttiver, at the court room
thereof in the court house In the City of Ihxid
Klver, In the County of Ihsid Kiver aud Stale
ol Oregou. on Tuesday, the 2Mb day of Aug.
list, 1HI1, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock in tbe after
noon of thai day, then and there to nhow
cnuw, If any there be, w hy a license should
not be ordered by this Court to be Issued to
.lames o. Mark, ad mi in Iterator of tbe estate of
l'eter Doran, deceased, authorizing blm tosell
the following described real property belong
ing to said estate and situated in Hood Kiver
County, Oregon, to-wll:
The Kast Halt ( K.' a) of the Northeast Quar
ter (N K.;4) or the Northwest Quarter (N.W 'i,
ol Suction 3:4, Township 2, North, Kauge 10,
Kast of Wlllnmette Meridian, lor the purpose
of pnylng the unpaid and accruing expenses
ol adniiidstration, claims against the estate,
and lor the purpose of distributing said estate
to the heirs.
Witness, the Honorable E. K. Stanton,
.ludse of the Couuly Court of the Nlateof
Oregon for the County of Hood Klver, with
I he seal of said Court affixed, this lith day of
July, A. i). lull.
iKKAi. Attest: V. E. HANSON, Clerk.
Kubber Stamps at the Glacier ofliee.
Notice for Publication.
Department of Interior. II S. Land Otliceal
The ballcs, Oregi n, July .'Win, 1UH.
Notice is hereby that (teorire R. Miller, of
I'arkdaie, Oregon, who, on liecetnber :ird, l'.M2,
made HouictcHd Kntry.No.ill: yyil.for K'-.NK1.,
Section M, Township 1 South, Kange 111 Kasl,
W lllaioelte Meridian, lniMlleil notice ol inteii
lion to inske I omniutation proof, to e!Hhih
claim 1o the laud above described, tielore
Kegister and Kucelver V. S Land olllce, at
ihe lialloi. Oreuon, on the 1Mb day ol Sep
tember, Ml I.
ClHiuiHiit. names as witnesses: v iUlnni
Mooilv, Krwln, Chnirge W. llakci, il
hum ,)i s all of 1'arkdale, Oregon.
HiV-.sH) Kegister.
Oregon State Highway Commission
Hood River County
Notice to Contractors
Sealed Proposals, addressed lo the I'ouiity
I'oio'l ol Hood Klver County, Oregon, snii en-
itorseii, "I'lonosal lor ( onstructnw a rortion
of the Columbia Highway in Hood Kiver
t ountv. Oregon will be received by the
County Court, of Hood Kiver County at lu
olllce m theCourllmuse, noou Kivt r, Oregon,
until J o'clock p. m. oi the -J'ith day ol August,
I!I4. anil al that time and place publlcly
opened and read.
All pt'omisuls must be made on blank form.
similar lo torin herein, to be obtained from
Hie Stale Highway fcnglueer, at bis olllce,
I'aiiltol. Building, tsalem. Oregon, or Kihiiii -1 lu'.
Court House, Portland. Oregon: must state
the section or sections bid on (burners may
bill on Htiy single seel Ion, or on any number
ol sccilons, or on all tlie sections; niusi give
the prices proposed, both tn w til iug and in
figures: and must be signed by Ihe bidder,
with his address.
Each bid Is to be presented under sealed
cover, and shall tie accompanied by cash, a
bidder's bond made paysble to Hood Kiver
Countv. or a certified clieek made payable to
the County Judge of Hood Klver County, for
tin amount equal to at least five per cent of
tlie hiii. nun ol said bin, nun no inu snan nc
considered unless such cash, bond or check Is
enclosed therewith. Such bidder's bond shall
tie con ill I loned thai If ssld bid he accepted,
the nartv bidding will duly enter into and
execute the coukract. Should the successtul
bidder to whom tbe contract ts awarded lad
lo execute the same within ten days inot In
cluding Sunday) from the dute of notification
ol such award, such cash, bond or check shall
be forfeited to Hmid Klver County, and the
same shall lie tbe property of the County.
All other cash, bonds and eertltied checks w ill
be returned to tbe unsuccessful bidders who
submitted tbe same.
A corporate surely bond will be required for
the tHitliful performance of the contract in a
sum eipial to one half of the total amount of
tbe bid.
A 11 bids arc to be compared on tbe basis of
the State Highway Engineers estimate of
the quantities of work to be done, as follows:
'.'- acres clearing.
I. ituo square rods grubbing.
II, iMl cubic yauls earth excavation,
a,. am yards loose rock.
.mio cubic yards shell rock.
i,sii cubic yards hard puu.
'.M.iMi cubic yards solid rock.
Tc.tmo cubic yards overhal.
HO lineal feet l." pipe culvert.
4 o lineal feet IS" pipe culvert.
Urn lineal feet SI" pipe culvert.
lion square yards rubble masonry (dr) i.
nil square rods rubble masonry (dry 1 1! d'.' .
t0 cubic yards rubble masonry.
!.M cubic yards class ' A" concrete. cubic yards class "It" concrete.
1 i,ish pounds reinforcing steel.
l.ivm lineal feet 4 lile diain.
The foregoing quantilles are approximate
onlv, being given as a basis for the coinpari
son'of bids, and tbe County Court ol Hood
Kiver County does not expressly or by Im
plication agree that the actual amount of
work will correspond therewith, but reserve
the right to Increase or decrease ;the amount
of anv elassor portmu of tlie work that may
tie deemed necessary, or expedient by the
state Highway lingliieer of Oregon.
Plans inav be mil al the County Court
House In Hood Klver, Oregon, and forms for
specifications and cntracl may tie obtained
al tliestale Highway Engineer s olllce, Capi
tol Huildinz. Salem, or Koom 41.', Court
House, Portland, Oregon.
The, right Is reserved to reject any and all
proposal or to accept the proposal or pro
posals divined best for Hood Kiver County.
E. E Stanton, County Judge.
El). H aw ks. Counly Commissioner
J. O. HaSXI S, County Commissioner.
Hknky L. llow !..,
Slate Highway Engineer.
W. K. HasaoN,
County clerk Hood Klverl'ounty.
Hood Kiver, Oregon, August 4, 1U4. al l Ji1
Notice of Sheriffs Sate
In Die circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
HiHrtl Kiver County:
.1. C. Winglleld, I'lalntilt
Ci.llle II. Koonlz, aud Callie II.
KiMint., as Administratrix ol the
Estate of J. W. Koout,, deceas
ed, Elton ;. Koontz and Delia
Koonlz, h.tla o. t hambers and
J. I. Chandlers, Kertba H.
Koonlc, Maude O. EhrsBin and V
Holmes K. Ehrsam. Florence 1
C. Koonlz and Valdemar hldell, I
Administrator de noma nou, I
Delenditnts. '
II v virtue of an execution, decree and ordtr
of sale, duly Issued out of and nuder tbe seal
ol the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County ot Hood Klver, to me directed, and
dated the l.ith dav ef July, 1114, upon de
cree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage
and Judgment, rendered and entered In said
Court on the huh day of July, 1014, lu the
above emitted cause In favor of the plaintiff
and against the defendants, Callie 1! Koontz,
and Callie II Koonlz, as administratrix of the
estate of J. W. Koonlz, deceasedas Judgment
debtors, In Ihe sum of Four Hundred aud
Eighty Dollars (Jistn. together with accruing
Interest Irom and alter July 1Mb, 1U14, at the
rale often percent, per annum; for the fur
ther sum oi Seventy-Seven Dollars aud
Nlnely Elve l enls (JTT '.lfi), together with ac
cruing Interest from and afler July loth, 1H14,
at Hie rale of six percent, per annum; for tlie
further sum ot One Hundred Dollars attorney
fees, and for plalntlll s costs and disburse
ments made and expended herein, and taxed
at Eighteen Hollars and Fifty Cents, and ac
cruing costs ol and upon this writ.
Had commanding me to make sale
of tbe real properly embraced tn the
dec-ce of foreclosure aud hereinafter de
scribed. 1 will, on the Mil day of Aug
ust, l'.d I, al the hour of 10:110 a, in. In the fore
niHin of said day and at the front disir of the
ounty Court House lu Hood Itlver, Hood
Klver County. Oregon, sell at public auction
lo the highest bidder, for cash in band, all tbe
right, title mid interest which Ihe defeudants,
or any of them bad on the 141 li day of July,
UKM, tlie day the mortgage loreclosed herein,
or which thedefendanlH.or any of them, have
since acquired, or now have in or to the fol.
lowing described real properly, lying and be
ing Minuted inlHood Kiver County. Oregon,
The South Half of theSonlh Half of Section
Twenty cjl'), tn Township one (1), North of
Kange Nine ill). East of the Willamette Merid
ian, or so much of said projiei ty as will satisfy
sal 1 Judgment and decree, wllh costs and de
eming costs.
Said properly will be nold subject to con
firmation aud redemption as by law pro
vided, Dated at llmd Klver, Hood Kiver County,
Oregon, this 1,'ilh day of July, lull,
Sherifl of Hood Klver County.
Notice of Sale of 575,000.00 Hood
River County Bonds.
Notice is hereby glveti that sealed bids will
be received by the County Court of Hood
Kiver Counly, State of Oregon, at the County
Court Koom In the County Court House, at
llisid Kiver, llo'id Kiver County, Oregon, ou
Monday, the trth day of August, ltll4. at the
hour of len o'ebs-k A. M., for the sale of $75,
tHm (Hi five ror cent bonds of said County, in
denominations ot Oil, or multiples thereof
up to, at option uf bidder interest pay
able semi-annually at the office of the Counly
Treasurer of said County, or fiscal agency of
tbe Slale of Oregou, at New York City, New
York, at the option of bidder.
said bonds to mil the number of years each
as follows:
Sr,.MO oo thereof to run for 10 years each; pay
able at the end of tbe 10th year.
ST.fttO.un thereof to run for 11 years each; pay
able at tbe end of Ihe Ulli year.
S7.MK1 HO thereof to run for 12 years each: pay
side at the end of the 12th year.
$7, -so on thereof to run for l;i years eacb; pay
able at Hie end of the l:tth year.
$7 hi ill im thereof to run for 14 years eacb: pay
able at Ihe end of tbe 141b year.
?7,.VV oil thereof to ruu for Id years eacb; pay
able at tbe end of the 1Mb year.
7,,i0.uo thereof lo run for 111 years each; pay
able at the end of tbe ttith year.
87. .ion 0U thereof to run lor 17 years each; pay
able at tbe end of the 17ih year.
$7,500 do thereof to run for 18 years eacb; pay.
aide at tbe end of the lstb year.
J7.50it.(M thereof to run for Is years each: pay
able at tbeeud of the 19th year.
F'jich bid must be accompanied by a check
Hi favor of Hood Kiver County, certified to
by a reputable solvent hank, tlx an amount
equal to live per cent, of the amount of bonds
Included in bid, thischeck to be relumed il
bid Is rejected. If bid is accepted, check will
tie returned upon paynieut and delivery of
bonds, it bin is accepted and amount ol bid
not paid within thirty cm) days, then check
will become the property of the count v.
Bids will be received for any amount oj
The right to reject any and all bids, o lo
accept part and reiect others, Is reserved to
the counly Court
Address all bids as follows: W. E. Hanson,
County llerk. Hood Klver, Oresron, and en
dorse on euveiope, "Itids for Hood Kiver
county nonus. w. rc. hanson,
Couuty Clerk, Hood River LViunty,
J2:l-al,(-t4 state of Oregon.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Broslus Building
Maxwell "25" 2-paasenger Roadster $725
YES THERE ARE other "good
motor cars but to avoid disp
pointment it's better to be sure and
buy a Maxwell "25-4", then you
know you have the best.
We have all car accessories and garage equip
ment, gasoline and oils. Repairs made.
Fourth and Columbia Sts.
Tel. 1361
Read This
Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our
complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture,
Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings
We will take your old furniture or stoves
in exchange for NEW GOODS.
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter
Agents for
Charter Oak Stoves
and Ranges
PHOXK 8281
Cor. Fourth and State Sts.
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Estimates Furnished
Bonds! Bonds! Bonds!
Whatever kind of a bond you may need, surety,
contract or court, we are able to furnish it to you.
Bear our service in mind.
Fire Insurance and satisfactory abstracts of title.
Hood River Abstract Company
Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer
Established 18 Years