KOOI) RIVElt CLACIKU, THURSDAY. AI'dUST 20, 1914 ibuflfc iSiurr (Blanrr AUTHltt U. MOE. PuWI.h-. Subscription, Sl-iO IVr Vrr. Wl.m ut.KTltK-n d-ir- a change in ad lrea. ll,..i.ni.T i.ci.iui.1 l- iioiined (r. .1 1 . 't , mid a i4-k iM-fiir il LMiwihlf. AIaVs alve l.l ad- ilrrf Mrll llieuew Al-S lld Hiver MilM-rttirr tiinid nolifr llo-Mim"-1 atone hi ii i tinimiiii' H eir adilrew frum one rural rmiie i mini-r. or Irian city d-IUery u ci'in.lry deluerv. or vice ver-a. If yn ao wn KH vur i"-r nnipti. notify u by mall nr Ieir.if!H MU'l tilt- II.H'. I. r win i- iu--1 Kn pi il r'am t live lie matter, n.m- ..,..-k...-- ..- un i.-Im i.f u tfcni-ral liuliirt' .ImjiiIJ tit ill 1 1, t mii" I. Monday t. inure I fl-:r plMI lli-J III ITir Iwuieoi lite 'lirrflll wrtr THE (OLtMlilA HIGHWAY lie Columbia highway before this tinie i.ext jear will be an open road tl:r..i.tjh llood llivtr county. The gorijc nth- tii.il rnouitain hamtis i.f cais will have been penetrated, ai d, while the residents of Viento, Cascade Lock ai d Wycth will he nMe t" travel to and from other se tior.s of the county of Hood Kiver, frurca of touring motor ists will pass op and down the road. Die road will I e finished in tune to ac commodate many aiitnir.obilits who will travel west next h0ioii.tr. Fast em Oregon counties are bccoiiiiii in tere.sted in the coiniletion of the high way through to the eastern limits of the state, traveling over the route of the old Oregon trail. A highway will penetrate the southeastern part of the slate and connect the Columbia hall way with the Lincoln highway, Lciiik laid from coast to coast. 'I he Lincoln highway in the progres sive communities throuh which it passes is being built for the atjes. this Miller, a liclmont orchardist, who has heen one of the most enthusiastic (musters for the Columbia highway, owns property in Ohio near the Lin coln highway. He says that the peo ple of Canton, Ohio, are surfacing their portion of the road with vitrified hrirk. This highway will bring an enormous trallii: of automobiles to the west. A large , per centage of them will swing to the northwest after hav ing reached Salt Lake. After they have returned home, those who have already visited the North 1'acilic re gions will tell the stories of the scen ery to their friends. And you may he sure that the tales of Hood Hiver will lie oft repeated, and as a result we will have to entertain many visitors, corne here to Le eye witnesses of the natural wonders of which they have heard. To no one else more than to S. Hen son does Hood Hiver county owe the assets and privileges of which we have spoken. Mr. Ilenson has promised imicli. The people have heen prone to ho suspicious, hut he has fulfilled every promise. Not only has he guaranteed to pay the cast of building the Hood Hiver portion of the Columbia'highway between thu Multnomah county line and Viento, but he has made possible at this time a sale of the county bunds by becoming an actual bona fide pur chaser, himself. Mr. liomun has assisted in getting state aid. He has secured the coopera tion of the State Highway Commission. The state will expend JfiO.OdO in the work of improving Mitchell I'oint, This work will be completed next year at about the same time the contractors will complete the stretch involved in Henson guarantee. The wealthy men of the country, who would be philanthropic, would do well to follow the example of S. Henson. Many of the forest fire that take toll of the itate' natural timber wealth each jftar, it is declared, can t traced j directly to the firea of burster. Why not charge the open season cn deer, postponing the opening date until Sep tember 15? We are sure cf a rainfall by then, and the Hunting is really Let ter after the dry foreets have had a good soaking. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i ii 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 it HS, I l ltS AM tt.ATilr.lt T THE HTI.it VALLEY ATTITI'DE Thu I'pper Valley citizens, who re cently organized for the purpose of se curing better roads for their commun ity, have the right attitude, when they go on record to the effect that the trunk highway route to thu Upper Val ley should lie selected without resort to personalities. The I'pper Vallev resi dents see the need of a systematic road survey. "Let the county court appoint some competent engineer, who shall select the route best suited as to topography and the needs of all people to be served," they say. It is gratifying to see agitation of such a "nature. The Upper Valley de serves and needs a well built trunk line, and a systematic road survey, in corporating plans for businesslike methods of selection, construction and maintenance, will go far toward bring ing the road to itiuliriali?atioii. The Portland Journal is making a strong campaign to have 1'ortland capi talize the asset of Mount Hood's scen ery, .v road to Mount Hood is pro posed. Indeed, it is rather surprising that the Oiegon metropolis has not lout; ago taken advantage of such an opportunity. And the Hood River val ley should not lose sight of her own opportunity in making a connection with the road proposed by Portland. It should be a lesson to the local citi zens who signed the petition to the county court hist spring calling for the City of I'tility election, that they are now called on to bear the expenses of the election. Ninety per cent of the signers of petitions append their signa tures without any serious thought of what they are doing. Willingness to sign petitions has often cost the state large sums. A total eclipse of the sun will take place tomorrow. The phenomenon will prevail well over Kurope and Asia. No doubt, the darkness, caused by the eclipse, will be taken as an omen by the soldiers of the warring European nil lions. Now that the drives have been im proved at the passenger station, why not make a decent walk from the foot of Second street to the west end of the station? i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The most valuable dog in Hood River county is the blooded fox hound owned by Alva L. Day, of the Electric Wiring & Supply Co. Mr. Itay made a valua tion of JbHJ for his dog to County As sessor Jasper Wickham. Mr. Day purchaeed the animal from Alton Phelps, who was formerly witb the State Game department, working for the protection of game birds and ani main. The animal has been trained not to hunt deer, but he has a number of cougar and bear to his credit al ready. The members of the "Hunt Club," A I. Cruikshank and Sol. Spear, plan on some good sport this Fall. They secured a number of nice trophies last winter, among them a hue lynx skin. For the past seven years Dr. and Mrs. Howell, of Portland, have been spending several weeks each summer camping and fishing on the West Fork of Hood Kiver in the vicinity of Miner al Springs, liuth are native Oregon- ians and have visited all parts or ine state, but they declare that they have never seen any place more attractive for the camper than the district to which they journey each year. Dr. Howell, who has otlices in the (Jregon ian building in Portland, was born at Kugeue while his wife is a native of Cottage Grove. Dr. and Mrs. Howell drove to their summer camping ground this summer in their automobile, making the trip up the Sandy and around Mount Hood by the Harlow road. "We will miss our annual outing next Summer for the first time in seven years," says Dr. Howell. "We expect to go to San Francisco, but we will come back in l'JH." The following Mosier people, who have been camped near Lost Lake, have returned to their home: Krnest Evans and family, Mrs. Geo. Chamber lain and children, William Rowland and family, and Misses Marjorie Page, Kmily Husbands and Gladys Phillips. Mr. Rowland killed a large black bear. Than K. W. Middleswart Hood River has no more enthusiastic fisherman. Mr. Middleswart formerly lived in Mosier. Yet even while a resident of the neighboring city he often made trips to the local streams in quest of the wily trout and steelhead. Now that he resides here, having purchased from B. (). Hlanchar his former home place on Columbia street, he makes many trips to the Hood river, and usually weights his creel with several beauties. Mr. and Mrs. Middleswart are this week entertaining Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sommerville. Mr. Sommerville is a brother of Mrs. Middleswart. Their home is in Madison county, Indi ana, but they have been spending the winter in southern California. Mr. Middleswart is introducing his brother-in-law tn the charms of the local streams. China pheasants are very plentiful in the Frankton district, according to Donald Nickelsen. The beautiful birds are still protected from the hunter in Hood River county. However, on Sep tember 1 the season will open on grouse, of which there are many in the Post Canyon district. Oscar Jones caught a largo number of tine trout last week between the foot of Wau Guin Guin falls and Co lumbia. ' W. Ii. McGuire, W. li. Mulford and P.. K. Johnson were out Sunday after noon west of the city, testing out their rillus, making ready for the game of the wildwoods as soon us Governor West lifts the embargu on the deer hunting season. J. II. Fredricy, after a rather pro longed retirement from the ranks of the local fishermen, was unable to re sist the lure of the purling streams Sunday. He and T. J. Kinniard spent the afternoon on the lower Hood river. Mr. Fredricy caught a 10-ineh salmon trout. Mr. Kinnaird landed a tine young steelhead. (loud Cap Guest List The guest list at Cloud Cap Inn con tinues large as the closing time of the mounain resort draws near. The Inn, on account of the storms at the high altitude and the frequent snow Hurries, will close the first week in September. The pBst week's guest list has been as follows: K. (). Hurdon, C. H. Sim mons, Helen, It. Simmons, Frances H. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hush, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rurrey, F.arl 1). Walker, James Hryan Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Conies and Mrs. R. K. Windle, all of Portland; LeRoy Childs, C. P. Heche, J. K. Winston, Knitter Husbands, Helen Orr, C. C. Green and Francis Clark Lewis, of Hood River; Prof. H. S. JacKson, Corvallis; James II. Hundred, Huston, Mass.; J. II. Hendrickson, Frederick, Md. ; George II. Krey, Mount Hood; Anna K. linker, Parkdale; Miss Heatrice Stone, Hood Hiver; Robert K. Maker, Parkdale; Mr. and Mrs. Mryan Dorr and Miss Julia Louise Dorr, Dorr, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Smith, Hood River; A. F. Murrell, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R. F. I.oomis, Dr. and Mrs. Hampstone, Brooklyn, N. V. ; Grace Lee Midalton, Dorothy Heamans, Kvelyn Willis, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Clark, Parkdale; G. M. Wilson, Floyd Wilson and Misses l.aVerna and Frances Wil son, Dee; Miss H. L. Hunter, Brook lyn, N. Y.; Miss L. A. Coleman, New port, R. 1 ; and F. M. Von Mehren, KvatiBvillo, lnd. Ferguson Buys From Richards J. H. Ferguson last week purchased from C. A. Richards his interest in the pool, tobacco, confectionery and moving picture business. The firm name of the concern, however, will continue as the C. A. Richards Co. Willis Mc Cutchcon has taken a position with Mr. Ferguson and will assist him in the management of it. Mrs. Miller to (live Concert Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, of Portland, will give a concert at the Valley Chris tian church on the evening of Wednes day, September 2. Mrs. Miller's con cert work and its excellence are well known here and a large crowd is ex pected. She will be assisted by Otto vVedemeyer and Mrs. Chas. Hall. The admission will be 35 cents. Daters, Pads and Rubber Stumps of every description at this ollice. Boys School Suits It will 9.jon be time for school and we are prepared to outfit, the boys with good service able suits of the latest weaves anJ styles with one and two pairs of trousers to match. Dou ble breast or Norfolk coats. Boyt suits for $2, $3, $3.50, $4 up We particularly cull your attention to our line of V 00 and t-YSO suits with two pairs of trousers, full lined. Suits made to look dressy and bold their shape besides give excellent service. You must see these to fully appreci ate the excellent values there is in them. Extra Trousers for Boys We have a very Urge line of theae in mixtures and fancy weave. The best of troii-ers for school wear, Knickerbocker styles, in khaki, cheviots, corduroy, serges 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c up Girls School Dresses Made of gool grade of ginghams and percales in most becoming styles, neatly trimmed in self contrasting colors. Really you can hardly afford to worry about the making at the prices we ask for them. 45c, 50c, 55c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 Special Middy and Tailored Waists for Mis Indies. Splendid values at fl.00 to Special, your choice 50 cents ir and 1.75. Special Ladies Tailored Suits of grey serge w ith silk trimmed; cuffs and collars, regular fin. (A) values, special $9.98 Special Ladies Tailored Suit brown railed suiting, dandy all wool suit, satin lined. Regular 120.(10 values. Sizes 34. Special $9.00 unsnsaosnvn Special Figured Klaxons very neat patterns, 36 inches wide, a splendid value at our reg ular price, but a real bargain at, jour choice 1 3 cents Ladies white underskirts, late styles, dainty embroidery trimmed, your choice 98 cents Drummers sample shoes for men in sues J to 8 for either work or dress wear. If you wear these sizes we can certainly give you some big bargains just now. Call and see for yourself. Ue Paris Fair The Bargain Event 5c Goods for $c Vic " 5c 10c " 7c 12& " 9c 15c " 11c 17!c " 12 20c " 14c 22'vc " 17c 25c " 19c 30c " 22c 35c " 26c 40c " 32c 45c " 36c 50c " 42c GOc " 47c G5c " 48c 75c " 63c 85c " 67c $1.00 " 79c 1.25 " 93c READ THE PRICES: $1.50 Goods for $1.18 1.33 1.45 1.58 1.73 .1.93 2.10 2.42 2.63 2.87 2.98 3.19 3.32 3.48 3.63 3.87 3.98 4.19 4.48 4.78 1.75 " 1.85 2.00 2.25 " 2.50 2.75 " 3.00 3.25 " 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 " 5.00 " 5.25 " 5.50 5.75 " G.00 " $6.25 Good for $4.83 6.50 6-75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 u it it ft ....4.98 .5.19 ....5.27 ....5.48 ...5.73 ....5.87 ....5.98 ...6.19 ...6.48 ...6.63 ...6.98 ...7.12 ....7.22 ...7.42 ....7.78 ....7.98 ....8.12 ....8.37 $11.00 Goods for.... $8. 63 11.50 " ... 8.78 11.75 " ... 8.98 12.00 44 ... 9.00 12.25 44 ... 9.12 12.50 44 ... 9.32 12.75 44 ... 9.48 13.00 44 ... 9.63 13.50 44 ... 9.87 14.00 44 ... 9.98 14.50 44 ...10.00 15.00 44 ...10.48 15.50 44 ...10.63 16.00 44 ...10.98 16.50 44 ...11.19 17.00 44 ...12.00 17.50 44 ...12.48 20.00 44 ...14.00 22.50 44 ...17.00 25.00 44 ...18.50 a. Continuing in force until Saturday evening this week The Morlan - firug'er Co. For 8le-lM) acres Trout Lak Valley, ( an be IrrlKHted. Price and term right. Addma Irrigation, care Uiacler. a-T For Sale One Ad borne nultable to work or drive; one Jersey cow. Phone 4413. Hox W. Koute 1. n-T Kor Hale One good cooking love, two kitchen treaanreH. one good hard wood ei tvu.ion table, one Iron bed, one up-to-date go cart, one rattan go-cart, carpet and some ruga, kvamuable prlcea. Call ou Mm. 11. J. Fred erick. I'lioue 1.V& alo For Hale Oak china cabinet dark ataln, .' open book caaea, Iron bed, aprlhga and hair mattreaa, waahing machine and wriuger, marble top paalry table, pillows, large ruga and all la drat claaa condition. Also amall farm and garden loola. I'lioue JiiJ. Slit Ku gene street. a27 tor Hale Bmall pony. FboneMTS. a'.T For Hale Young plga. 13 apiece. Hruno Frant. l'BoneMl. a27 For Hale Cheap-Rldlng and driving mare. Phoue F. K. Malt, 5709. a7 For Hale Brood aowa, alao nuoati and piga. Call at Avalon Way, mile weal of clty W. H. Corey. fju For Hale A large row boat fitted with sail cheap. Inquire al the Delta Htadlo. a-AI For Hale A good saddle pony; color snow wniie. rnce r-' u bohi aoon. j. h. t aiawen, Route No. I. Phone Odell to. s For Sale 1 Inch and 4 foot wood, 11.00 a nr-c. Middle Valley, near Jake Lena. For Information phone ;b;t. M. Margulla aft) For Hale Three Iron beda with springs. Two of theae are rh good as new. Phone S4-.il. aJO GEM PROGRAM TODAY "His l,a.st Appeal." A Selig two reel special. "The Two Stepchildren." A Vita graph drama. "Her Spanish Cousins." An Edison comedy. Friday and Saturday "A Letter from Home." An Etisan ay two reel special. "Happy Co Lucky." A Vitauraph comedy drama. "A Spanish Omelet," and "Kiblmns and Hoxing Cloven." liigoraph come dies. Sunday "A Five Hundred Hollar Kiss". A Selitf two reel feature. "The Little Widow." A I!ioKraph drama. "Sophie (Jets Stung." An Kssanay comedy. Coming! "The Trey of Hearts." A serial, commencing August 2t' and 27, and one every Wednesday am) Thurs day. Notice. Notice is lierelvy given that the assess ment roll (or PH i, o( the Hood Kiver Ir rigation Histl ict has heen i-iininlxtixl nn.l turned over to the secretary and that the hoard will sit us a laiaril of equalization at tin-ollice o( the hoard on Tuesday afternoon at 1' o'clock, September 1, 1914 itv oilier ol Hie Hoard ot I )i rectors. I-:. I-:. STANTON, Secretary. August 4, P.M4. uli a'-'T" Indian Baby Buried Wilson Calmer, the son of Mrs. F. (5. Hlodgctt, an Indian tiahy a year and a half old, whs buried yesterday on the place of Slim Jim hist east of (hp citv The child died the tiist of the week. The little colliti was carried to the In dian burying ground from the Hartmess iiiiilermking establishment. Diphtheria Patients Recover Mrs. W. L. Van Nuys and the mem bers of the family of L. W. Tomlmson of I'urkdale, who have been suffering from diphtheria, have recovered. The attending physician Says that on ac county of the close quarantine there is no danger of a spread of the disease. No. No. No. No. No. O-W. A X. Time Table. WF.ST ISO UN I) "), Fast Mail (Mail Only). ..VOO a. m. 11, Soo-Spokane-l'ortland f :' a. ui, !, Ore. A Wash. Kxp.,. . . .! :M a. m. 1, 1'ortland Ux-al H:tV p. m. IT, Ore. A Wash. Limited 5 :0S p. ni FAST BOUND Pendleton local 10:::o t. ni. IS, Ore. A Waah. Ltd 1J;(H p. m. ti, Salt Lake Express . ...2 :L'L' a. m. 10, Ore. and Wash. Exp. i:0o p. m. 12, Soo-Spokane-Fort ti.l," p. m. J. 11. FKEPKU'Y. Agent. United Brethren Morning services: Bible school at 10 o'clock. Sermon at 11, subject, "The desire of the Centiles." Evening ser vices, Christian Endeavor at 7 o clock. Closing service of the Womans' Mis sionary Institute at 8. Special music. Address by the pastor, "Personal ex periences in Sierra Leone." All are welcome. Morris Goodrich, Pastor. Accident Victim Known Here Ellis Wingard, of Portland, the young man who was recently drowned when he fell in an attempt to climb Huy Stack Rock at Cannon Heach, was well known here, having visited here each summer with the family of D. McDonald and with Carl von der Ahe. Ass'n Phone Service to Be Improved That growers may be able to reach the Apple Growers Association more quickly by telephone, the oragnization is planning an improved system and in stalling a private switheboard. A pri vate wire from the Odell exchange is also planned. The Cranky Stage. ' What is the diffeiehie between sick ness iiiul convalescence, pa?" "The convalescent, toy boy. sjeneially tnakes those n round him sick." Hostm-Transcript. Honors come by diligence; riches spring from economy. John Krnncls Davis. Job printing a t the Glacier office. THE SEWARD la Portland's most beautiful hotel. New, modem and elegantly appointed. Large corner looby. Uvated al 101 ti and Alder Sla., oppnatte Olds, Wormian and Klng'a great department More nud In the heart of the retail and thea tre district. Rates, $1 and up Bua nieeta all trains. Also "W" car runs from depot direct to Hotel Seward. W. M. Seward, Prop. For Bale 3 registered Poland China boars, 4 mouths old, a'.no some brood aowa. J.J. He ton, west of llood Kiver btate Road. a27 For Hule I have a surplus of Jeraey-Duroe Y1kb will aell brood aowa or young plga. C. I). Hoyt, phoue 1)57 a-27 For Sale First claaa strawberry planta;wrlte to M. Inukal, P. O. Box 78, Dee, Ore. ag2S For Hale or Trade My hotel building, fur nished, and two lots (100 feet square) at Underwood. Onlv hotel here. Will aell ou cash terms or trade for good farm land. My itrotui niiu wuiri miuirat. his iiiv iwiiui iui dldpoalug. Mary V. Olaen, Underwood, Waab. aa ForHale-Between 1.1th and Htb street, ou Columbia, two lota witb 4-room houae and tent house. House newly painted Inside and out. Price $1400. Pay like rent If desired. Fred Peterson, care Snow's blacksmith shop. aa For Sale.-About 60 Kelleratrsas 8. C. White Orphlngiou pullets one year old and three un related roosters. Tbis la one ol the fluent lota of chickens In the west. If you want a lot of eggs this winter Inspect this flock. Will be sold cheap. Apply to K. W. Bassett, K. D. 3 or phone M14. aJJ For Hale Three grade Berkahirea-Poland China brood sows, also a few thoroughbred Hlg Type Poland China plga. We Imported our Poland Chinas from the largest breeders in Iowa and Nebraska of Big Type Polanda with easy feeding qualities combined with sl.e and proliHcy. which niakesthem the moat popular breed today. This is an opportunity to get a foundation herd of this stock al a rea sonable price. Address H. 8. Ualligan or phoue 1798, Hood Kiver, Oregon. Jyl8tl For Sale or Trade. A combination roadster and touring car. Al shape. Phoue M73. Jiu-ir There Is more Catarrh In this section of tbe country than ull other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronuuni ed It a local disease und prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incur able. Science Ikis proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toled . Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally. It acts directly on the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars iiiul testimonials. Address: F J CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Soli l.y lrtlKKlBts. 75c. Take Hall s Family Pills for culmination. ri. n p -si popular I 800 1ARTICLES 300 ILLU5TRA TI0N5 Popular Mechanics Magazine "WRITTEN SO VOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A CREAT Continued Story ol th World's Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age, of what is doubtless the greatest world in the universe. A resident of Mara would gladly pay flfiA FOR ONE YEAR'S ' J1,UUU SUBSCRIPTION to this maftazinejn order to keep Informed of our progress in Engineering and Mechanics Are you reading it? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the favorite ma Ra tine in thousands of the best American homes. It appeals to all classes old and young men and women. Tna "Shop Notes " Department (SO puss) glvss ejH7 wajrs to do ClunK.how to make oxetul articles for boms and shop, repairs, etoT "Amateur atachanics" ( 10 pares ) tells ho to makeMiaslonfurniinr,wlrletoutnia boats engines, magic, and all the things a lxj lores' 1.50 PER YEAR. SINCHlE COPIES 11 CENTS Art roar N.wadaatar H .how roti M. or write for rata samptE copy today POPULAR MECHANICS CO. f 1 W. Washington S. CHICAGO REAL ESTATE For Trade ltit) acres I! miles from Eeschuteg, Oregon ; 145 of it irrigated U'O in cultivation ;lius buildings on it consisting of good email house and fair barn ; owner wants Hood Kiver property in trails for hia equity of f M,000; the place carries a li per cent mortgage of only f 151)0. Here is a good chance for anyone who w ishes to go into the stock business. Henry Parr had a fire on July 29. August 1st the adjuster arrived and settled the loss. Mr. Parr can now build another house and pay for it or he can spend the money aa he pleases. The moral is, that lie was insured, and part of it in one of our companies. Mr. Parr says "it is bet ter to have insured than to wish you bait." We want your business. SCOTT & PIFER Hotel Oregon Building Underwood Ferry Will leave with the White Salmon Kerry east of town during Fall mos. SCHEDULE Leave Underwood Leave Hood River 6:45 a. m. ti:00 a. m. S ;oo a. m. 7 :M a. m. i):30 a. m. !:00 a. m. II : a. in. 10:30 a. ni. 1 :30 p. m. 12:00 noon 3:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 0:30 p. in. ti :00 p.m. ,Iy appointment. ' Side w heel Ferry Bear operates on this schedule for teams, autos and passengers CAPT. O. D. TREIBER. Ferryman. Oakdaie Greenhouses Bedding Plants, (ieraninms, Salvia erbena, etc. Also a good lot of Perrenials. Come after May 25th and see Peonies in bloom and have them marked for yon for Fall planting V e'll do the rest A good plan to follow in shrubs and roses. If you want Daffodils, Noreissus Tulips, order in Summer and have them planted in Oct., Nov. and Dec Fletcher (a Fletcher Phone 4758 Hood River Kor Sale. One well matched driving team, weight about sKOrt, young, sonad and gentle Broke to aaddle. Would consider good driver In part payment, or heavy team, mares pre ferred. Ulve or take difference, AddreaaC. V.. care (Jlacler. ruat-ff For Service A full blood Jersey bull, Ijidd stock. Uuaranteed service, ti. (Jeo. T. Fra tber, R. D.i. - j TYFKWRITKRH For sale or rent on easy terms A. W. Ontliank 81-U FOR RENT Two rooms to let. Hultaule for llgtit house keeping. 815 Oak street. a-'7 For Kent A furnished houae, near school building tor rent. A good home for the right party at a reasonable price, fall at T13 Sher man Ave. a'.; WANTED W'anted-A high school girl to work for her board during the coming year. Phone Mrs. L. A. Henderson, 1733. SJ7 Wanted To rent a good, true horse ol about llifl and will take care of same this winter, or will trade good horse of about 1050 as part payment for heavier team. John C. Duck well. Phone Odell 5. a27 Wanted - Hogs, to weigh 100 to 125 lbs. What have you? Phone Odell 303. a27 Wanted-Hecoud haud Incubator. Phone 5713. ai7 Wanted A second hand buggy. ac:u. I'houe 827 Wanted Job on ranch by experienced young married man. Want place where house Is furnished. For particulars address W. U. atone, Hood River, or phone ZtiX Wanted-By mother and daughter, .room and board in private family where there sre no other boarders. Address M. K careUlac ler office. alS-tf Wanted-To trade 160 acres of timber (about five million feet) in Hood River County, for ood second hand auto and city oroperty; ad ress Lock Box 388, Wallowa, Oregon. tCB Wanted-Married man with team wants oi chard to Uike care ot, or steady Job on ranch or hauling apples. Address Box !CU, llood River, Oregon. 'w Wanted Al McCuistlon dealres to locate "Lige" Jlefjulstlon, who has been gone for s month. Would like to have him phone or come to Hood River. aJO FOR SALE For SaleSome good pine rick wood for sale. Also ten cords of good solid oak wood cut la winter-Hoerleln Broa. Phone 5779 icif weight 4,(0 lbs May be seen at the Fashion Sta.l,f.nSxt iK,ay. Here Is a chance to re achlldstlne pony cheap.-K. l. Shelley, aa) Phoned?.- gOOdC0W-Mra- A'"Hn; For Sale-Twelve first clsss Indian Runner u"ni .,A"j?r.0llu5J"nl1 nue "Peclmeus. Will sell cheah. Address K. H. j V heeler, K. F. II. No. I, or phoue Odell n ItiO Acres or Good Timber Land In Soutbtrn Oregon to trade for Hiiod Itiver nrnnertv. What have you? P. O. Box 65", Hood River Oregon. jso-tf Hoarding oi tenting at foot of mountain at reasonable rates. Phoue or write K. W. Sparks for particulars. S MISCELLANEOUS Rooms for high school students with board or any way to suit; near blgb school, price reasonable. For Information call at toff.' Hull street or phone -783. aAltf Lost An Overland auto hub cap. Kinder please return to Dr. J. F. Watt. a-"0 Ixwt About three weeks ago, new tenuis racquet. Finder please return to ulacler of fice. a20 Lost-Between Max Walton's orchard and road to Dee, a maroon sweater. Kinder phone 479. aJO Any one desirons of a farm team would do well to consult me as 1 have about SO head ot No. 1 stock. 1 can be seen by appointment only. Address Roy S. Neal, Mosier, Or. 27 Loans-Money tn loan on first mortgages on real estate. Amounts offered, 00, MX), WO, tiug. ftiot), 8iio, 11(100. Call on A. W . on thank, Hood River. tf