The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 16, 1914, Image 6

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    nnnn nivrn nuriPn Tirri?iuY .irr.Y in 1011
l or Most Up To Date Tillage Tools
In the Market
Oliver Flows, P & 0 Plows and
Discs, Osborne Spring and
Pig Tooth Harrows
5, 7 and 9 tooth Cultivators
Planet Jr. Garden Tools
Bean Spray Pumps
Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries
Your Trade Solicited
d. Mcdonald
Mrt. Carrie R. Srhimck. formerly
resident of Cleveland. Ubio, who spent
last year and the year before on her
property in the vaney, graauaiea mn
month in the data of kindergarten
teachers selected as representative of
every civilised country in the world to
be taught by Dr. Mini Momosse mon
tt'Paon at her school in Kome. Mrs.
Schmiok is now in Geneva, Switrer-
i land, ftudying the Casserand system
of teaching music, which is beginning
to attract as much attention among
, teachers and the Monteseori system of
I kindergarten teaching. The article
i appearing below was written by Mrs.
! Schmidt for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Lightness
of Our Loaves
makes our bread acceptable to the
mwt "linii ky" Ntomucli. The wont
confirmed dyspeptica can eat it
without (ear of after results. And
with all its lightnefo it is very
nourishing as well ac palatable. It
makes bone and sinew in the young
ami is indeed a utaff of life for tlio
old. Try a loaf.
urth and State
Phone 1651
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
l 1!. SNYHKU
it. n. row km.
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal WorR. Gasoline En
gine, Pumps, Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimates Furnished.
Phone 1511
Cor. 2ntl & Cascade, ojip. Hotel Oregon
White River
Makes Dread Having the
Old Bready Flavor
unt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line ot PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, L:tc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Glidden's Varnishes
Room Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
We come to our first observation day
at the convent school of the Via (juisto,
with its lovely gardens and flowers and
white robed sisters and the little orph
ans -2'Hi of whom were taken by the
sisters after the great earthquake.
As we were admitted, armed with
our notebooks and doubly armed with
prejudice and skepticism, systems and
theories of our own, we entered a
aree sunny room opening into the ear-
den and seated oursevles in a double
row around the room where the liUle
white tables and chairs of different
sizes and heights were scattered about
Vases of (lowers and growing plants
were on the low cupboards and draw
ers. rictures ana low LiacKiioara were
on the wall and there was a table of
dolls and toys.
As we were looking at these things.
the children, from four to six years of
age. dressed in pink and blue aprons
according to sex, came in offering their
hands to us. without stillness or shy
ness, but in a natural, graceful manner
and wished us Huen Uiorno!
While the children were laughing and
talking and we were all buzzing to one
another in a confusion of tongues
worse than at the tower of babel.
there was a sudden huah and looking
up we saw the sister writing the word
.Silencia on the board, instantly,
lutetly every child went to a little
chair and sat, some with closed eyes,
others with hands over their faces
The silence grew more intense. Not i
movement, except ours, was heard;
from the garden the song of the birds
the faint noise of the city and even the
rustling of the leaves floated in.
We heard a faint whisper from the
sister who stood at the back of the
room and a wee baby, carefully and
lightly as a thistledown almost Moated
to her side. As their names were
called, some run lightly and quietly
others, boys larger and with heavy
shoes, carefully and painstakingly tip
toed each step, as if treading on eggs
Home, too close to their tables.
Bwung their little legs over the chairs
in a truly acrobatic manner, while
others lifted the chairs back and care
fully, gently set them down again
Can you imagine a high spirited, bois
terous boy doing this;
When the 2(1 odd children were gath
ered around her she said something in
a whisper, at which there was a deepe
hush, an almost breathless silence
then at a word from her, talking and
laughing, some ran to their chairs
others to the cupboards, when eac
selected what he or she wished to
iilav. or rather work with.
Several tots ran and got soft rolls of
colored felt, which they spread on the
Moor and began constructing a pin
tower; others lying prone on the mats
were grouped around tne colored
sticks, busily engaged in sorting
counting, figuring with their slates
and pencils, or copy books.
Home had taken the boxes of colors
which contain (4 reels of colored Bilks
eigth primary colors and seven delicate
shades or each color, almost imper
ceptible in the difference of gradua
tion, but in a short time the childre
had them all beautifully arranged lik
a rainbow, on the white tables.
When we tried this we made the
most ludicrous mistakes.
Those boys will never be scolded by
their wives for not being able to mate
goods. A few months later, when tlrey
come to drawing, they do the most ex
quisite and correct shading of Mowers
landscapes and birds as a result of thi
simple exercise, and they are neve
taught as we know teaching.
Some called to the sister to be blind
folded and we watched them take
collection ot silk and velvet and cotto
goods 01 iiuiereni texture and pai
them togetner.
Others, also blindfolded, balanced
tinv blocks of wood, of ditl'eren
weights, on their fingers and rapidly
placed tnem in proper neaps.
The very small children were lucin
and hooking and kuttoning and tyin
bows on frames.
Several took the boxes of pink let
tors of the alphabet and began to mak
words and sentences on the tables, ev
on the mats on the floor.
Several were at the blackboard writ
ing and such beautiful writing! Th
letters were so perfect that it seeme
impossible to better them, jet these
babies would erase over and over agai
until one became weary watching, but
they were never satisfied until the
had formed the absolutely perfect let
ters they had learned by tracing the
sandpaper letters with their fingers
When 1 thought of the awful scrawls
and potthooks, the years of laborious
copy books at-home and the result, not
one good writer in a thousand
gasped in bewilderment.
All the time the children accompan
icd their efforts with little exclama
Hons of joy- "bellH.bella," (beautiful
beautiful) or with frowns and
"brutto, brutto, (ugly ugly) -and
swipe! it would be erased!
Some with slates were doing th
same, with the sandpaper letters be
fore them.
And this went on hour after liou
without any suggestion or advice, an
proval or disapproval, from the teach
er, or scientist, as we must now ca
her, unless the child calls to her t
come and see for herself. Strange to
say, it is the child who calls the teach
er for instruction or help, or approva
or to have a lesson, or wishes a word
to spell or write, or a pencil sharpened
the only thing the child does not do for
Aside from this the teacherjis never
heard; one would not notice her in the
room, as watchful, alert, observing
when the child needs a lesson, or is in
perplexity, sitting quietly down beside
him, or bestowing a word of approval
here, answering an exclamation of de
light or joy there, tying a bandage for
a child that desired it.
(From Penticton. B. C. World)
W. N. Meen.mho in the head squeeze
over 600 acre orchard near Okanogan,
Wash.; Fred Culver, who also holds
xtensive interests near that place, and
Urown. Mr. Meeri horticulturist.
came'up from the republic during the
alter part of last week to make a
tudy of the fireblight situation here.
order that they might be able to
rcake practical application of tbeir
now ledge in deahhg with the pest,
should it strike Okanogan.
The Americans went into ecstaciea
over Penticon, and Mr. Meers particu-
arly was!unstinted in his praise of the
location and climate and prospects as a
fruit center.
In referring to the work of G. 11.
Castncr.'the lireblight inspector here.
Mr. Meeri expressed the greatest sur
prise that his work was not more gen
erally appreciated. Mr. Castner was
the man who originally stamped out
fireblight in the flood River Valley,
and the prosperous stale of the grow-
rs in that district today was largely
the result of his efforts. Mr. Catsner,
with a bitifullv inadeuuate force, was
doing wonders against the pest, out ne
hould have at least 20 men under him
to show anything like effective results.
Mr. Meers and Mr. Culver will make
another trip to Penticton. bringing
number of other orchardists from
across the border especially to meet
Mr. Castner. Mr. .Meers states that
he would not take J loon for the infor
mation which he received from his trip
K.ases Torment of Asthma, Hay Fever
For the discomfort and miscrv of asth
ma apil bay fever use Foley's Honey and
lar Coiiiiiounil. It nuts a liealniL'.soott;
ing coaling over the swollen, tickling
nembranes, ami eases the thick and
boking sensation. Helps you tohreiill
easily and naturally. Mrs. Agatha Long
acker. Fond du, Wis., says: "My
left lung was greatly affected by a severe
colli, and one-half bottlu of holey s Hon
ey aim lar cured me. Kcliise any suu-
tstitute offered ; sold by (.'hue. N, I larkp.
Useful Maps for Campers
The United States Forest Service at
401 lieck building, Portland, has on
hand maps of the Oregon national for
est and of the Columbia national for
est. The Oregon national forest lies in
the northern portion of the Cascade
mountains In Oregon, extending from
the Columbia river southward to the
divide between the Clukamas and San
tiam rivers. The Columbia national
forest is situated in the Cascade range
n the southern part of W ashington.
These maps give much information
tocanipers, as they bIiow trails, roads.
streams and convenient camping places,
They can be had without any charge
by calling or sending in name and ad
Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble
When vou have trouble with your
stomach or chronic constipation, don't
imagine that your case is beyond heir
just because your doctor huls to give vou
relief. Mrs. ti. btencle, riamlicM, J
writes, "For over a month past I have
been troubled with mv stomach. F.very
thing I ate upset it terribly. One o'
Chiunbei'laiii's advertising bookletscrtine
tome. After reading a few ot the letter
from people who bad lieen cured by
Clianilrlain's Tablets, I decided to try
them. I have taken nearly tliree-fourt
of a package of them and can now ea
almost everything that I want." Fo
sale by all dealers.
Indian Struck by Train
Joe Thomas, brother of Mrs. Amos
Underwood and uncle of Mrs. Harry
Olsen and Mrs. r.d Underwood, of Un
derwood, Wash.,Jwas painfully injured
Wednesday of last week, when struck
by the pilot of O.-W. R. & N. train
No. 17, in the west end of the local
freight yards. He was injured about
the back and hips and his head was
badly cut. He was taken to the Cot
tage hospital the latter part of the
C. A. Malboeuf was last week elect
ed general manager of the recently ea-
blished Western Oregon fruit Dis
tributors, the new aubcentral that hail
established offices in Portland. Mr. I
Malboeuf has announced that the work
of enlisting other localities than those
now represented in the league will oe
pushed, and that by the time the big
movement of fruit begina not only the
ransnortation bhase will be disposed
of, but an eager market will De louna.
With the establishment of the bead
auarters here of the North Pacific Dis-
. ... . . . j i
ributors selling department, unuer i
WilmerSieg, Portland is put-on the
map as one of the world a great irun
markets. Out of this city will be han
dled the crops of Hood River, we-
nstchee and Walla Walla districts, as I
well as the product of the Willamette
It was exolained at the organization
meeting that Portland is better suited
for this than any other coast city, be
cause of its proximity to tidewater and
the great transcontinental rail lines,
which makes the transportation prob
lem easier. It is expected that buyera
will come here from all over the coun
try. .
Stops Neuralgia-Kills Pains
Sloan's linineut gives instant relief
from neuralgia or sciatica. It goes
straight to the painful part soothes the
nerves and stops the pain. It is also
good for rheumatism, sore throat, chest
pains and eprams. l ou don i need 10
ruij it penetrates. Mr. .1. K. Swinger,
l-oiuevi e. Kv.. writes: "I sunered witn
mite a severe neuralgic headache lor
. ... ... . .11
four months without any reiiei. i used
loan's Liniment for two or three nights ;
and I haven't suffered with my head
fince " (iet a bottle today. Keen in
the house all the time for pains ana all
burls. 25c, 60c and f I. at votir druggist
lliicklen s Arnica halve tor all sores.
A record strawberry crop was raised
by A. M. Gooch, of the West Side, this
year. Mr. Uooch has berries between
the trees of a five acre tract, the trees
taking up 'about ,& third of the space.
From the records of the Apple urowers
Association, Mr. Gooch this year ship
ped the following amounts of fruit:
Urates or extra :ancy berries, aoz;
field pick, 87 crates; culls, 57 crates.
He sold 11 crates at his packing snens.
Mr. Gooch will net more than $1500
from his berry crop.
A bad taste in t lie mouth comes from
a disordered ttomach, and back of that
is usually a torpid liver: A condition
which invites diseases. Herbine is the
remedy needed. It corrects the stomach
and makes the liver active and regular.
Price 50c, Sold by Chas. N. Clarke.
ou're ItilUius and Costive!
Sick headache-', bail breath, sour stom
ach, furred tongtui and indigestion mean
liver and bowels clogged. Cleanup to
night, (iet a 2"c bottle of Ir. King's
New Life Pills today and empty the
stomach and bow els of fermenting, gassy
foods and waste. A full bowel move
ment gives a satisfied, thankful feeling
makes you feel line. Effective, yet
mild. I'on't gripe. 2rc, at your druggist
liucklen's Arnica Salve for burns.
There is Healing in Foley kidney Pills
You need a mighty good medicine if
once your kidneys are-exhausted by ne
glect and overwork, and you have got it
in Foley Kidney Pills. Their action is
prompt, healing and tonic. Sound health
and sound kidneys follow their use.
John Phillips, Mgr. llatnbleton tiro. Co.
Hambleton, W. Va.,says: "Three Imxes
of Foley Kidney Pills completely cured
me of kidney and bladder trouble, mid I
consider them invaluable. 1 sell tliein
over my own recommendation." Try
them. Sold by Chas. N, Clarke.
Party (amps on West Fork
A jolly party is camping this week
on the West Fork, having left for that
vicinity the latter part of last week.
Those in the camping party are:
Claude Thompson, Harold Herahner,
Miss Leila Hershner, Mrs. ttrown, of
San Francisco, who is spending the
summer with the family of C. D.
Thompson, Miss Flora Furrow, Miss
Iki-tha Masters and William Masters,
of Portland, and Crawford Lemmon. A
Japanese cook was taken along.
Members of the party returned to
the city yesterday in order to vote for
the Columbia highway bond issue.
Causes of Stomach Trouble
Sedentary habits, lack of out door ex
ercise, insufficient masticatton of fix il,
constipation, a torpid liver, worry and
anxiety, overeating, partaking of food
and drink not suited to your age and oc
cupation. Correct our habits and take
Chamberlain's Tablets and you soon will
soon be w ell again ; for sale by all dealer
Local Water Permits Granted
The following permits have been is
sued by State Fnignecr John H. Lewis,
for the appropriation of water in Hood
River county during the past quarter:
W. 11. Trotter, of Wyeth, secured a
permit for the irrigation of two acres,
the development of three horsepower,
including domestic supply, diverting
water from an unnamed stream in see.
!1 tp 2p, r 8e. E. K. Schetkey, of Hood
River, for the irrigation of 20 acres,
including domestic supply diverting
water from anunnamed stream in sec.
31. tp 2n, r lie. F. il. Miller, of
Hood River, for the irrigation of 2."
acres, diverting water from an an
named stream in sec. 10, tp 2n, r lOe.
C. C. Piper, of Hood River, for the ir
rigation of 15 acres, including domestic
supply, diverting water from Kershaw
creek in sec. 31. tp 2n, r lie. E. E.
Fivers and A. Shogren, of Portland,
for the irrigation of eightjacres in sec.
12. tp 2n, r 11c, diverting water from
Mosier creek.
lViing hard work in a bent or stooping
position puts a stitch in the back that is
painful. If the muscles have become
strained, you can't get rid of it without
help. The great penetrating power of
Mallard's Snow Liniment w ill appeal to
you most strongly at such tiiues.uecause
it is the very thing von need. Price 2.V,
fxV, and ft a bottle; sold In C.N.Clarke;
lii,OOn.OO 0 per cent Irrigation District
Bonds, Fast Fork Irrigation District
Hood River, Oregon
Sealed proposals will be received by the
Hoard of Directors of Kast Fork Irrigation Dis
trict at I heir office In luxims f and 6. Hall
ttullilinil.llood Hirer, Oregou, lint 1 1 one-lblrty
o'clock I'M. on Tuesday, August Mu.A.lUUU,
for the purchase of the whole or any part of
the unsold portion or an msue ni noting autu
on.ed and Issued by the alsve named Ills
Irlcl ((he entire iHsue having been lu the sum
of one Hundred Fitly Thousand Hollars! in
the HKgreKate sum ot Mix Thousand
isoiHm.iii) dollars, and of the following
dcunmmi'tlous and maturity, towlt: six
(') IhhmIn in the sum of One Thousand
dollars iSlnuo.m)) each, maturing July 1, IMC.
all dated July 1, l'.U;l, and bearing iuterest at
the raleof six (ii) percent, peranuum, payable
on Hie first day of January an 1 .1 uly of each
ear. ;ouiouk ror Hie interest are
-itlached to tile bonds, and both principal
and interest are payable in lawtul money of
the I'nited Htates of America at the office of
the Treasurer of saki District, or at the Fiscal
Agency ol the State of Oregon In the city of
New York, N Y.
Tiie above described bonds are issued for
the puposc of procuring necessary reclama
tion works, and acquiring the necessary prop
erly and rights therefor, to Irrigate and re
claim t lie lands within said District, and oth
erwise carry out the laws of the Htate of Oie.
gon relating to Irrigation Districts.
The legality of these bonds lias been approv
ed up to this date by .Messrs. Dillon, Thomp
son & ( lay of New York, N. Y. UnqUHllrted
bids only will be received, and the siK-cesnful
bidder will be furnished wit h an original copy
ol t lie opinion of t lie above mentioned attor
neys, covering the legality ol the bond.
Kach bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check or cashier's check on some re
sxitisible bank for an amount equal to two
(Ji per cent, of the face value of the
bonds bid for, payable to the (resident
of Kant Fork Irrigation District, to
be forfeited as liquidated damages In case the
bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or
neglect to take and pay for said bonds, Hhould
the sHtne be awarded to hltu. The bonds will
be sold to the highest responsible bidder, pro
vided, however, the right t reject all bids la
hereby reserved.
All pro)ssftlH ahotild be marked 11 Proposals
lot Irrigation District bonds " and addressed
lot . K. Hone, President of F.ast Fork Irriga
tion District, Rooms 5 and t, Hall Building,
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Hy order of (he Hoard of Directors ef East
Fork Irrigation District.
Dated July II, mi.
Jylli-al3 Secretary.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Hy vlrlue of an attachment execution duly
lasued hy the Clerk of the l lrcult Court of the
County of Hood Kiver, Htate of Oregon, dated
theiitb day of July, 1!U4, In a certain action lu
I tie Circuit Court, for said county and stale,
wherein F;tma Rosetta Wiley, an plaintiff, re
covered Judgment against Frank Orvllle
Wiley for the sum or one thousand, etgbty
six and 9n-lK) dollars and costs and disburse
iiientu taxed at sixteen and n0-10U dollars, on
the Sib day of July, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 7tli
day of August, H'14, at the front door of the
court bouse, in Hood Kiver, in said county,
at. one o'clock In the afternoon of said day,
sell at public and ion to me highest bidder
lor cash, the following described property
to-wlt: liOt IV, of block , of Hull's 8ub divi
sion of Tracts -'A' and "U" of Fleasant View
Addition to the City of Hood River, Couuty of
Hood Kiver, state or Oregon, laken and
levied upon aa the properly of the said Frank
orvllle Wiley, or so much thereof as may lie
necessary to satisiy tne nam juugmetit in
favor of Klmi Kosetta Wiley against said
Frank Orvilte Wiley, with Interest thereon,
together with all costs and disbursement that
have or may accrue. THOS. F. JOHNSON,
j;ir. Hhet-trr.
Dated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, July 6, liU4.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Execution
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an
Execution and Older of sale to me directed.
Issued out of the Circuit Court af the State of
Oregon, for Hood Kiver County, in the suit of
orviiie k. nan, piaiutiti, vs. i iavid currier, Jr
D. McDonald, Bridal Veil Lumbering Com
pany, a corporation, and p.award Jlscuregnr,
defendant, I will on Wedneaday, July Sth,
1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on aaid day
at the front door of the Court House in the
City of Hod River, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to tne nignest. nniaer tor casn in nana,
the following described real property, towlt:
"Commenetug at the Southwest corner of
the Northeast of quarter ot Section twenty -one
in iowusnip i wo onn.ot nange ieii. khsi
of the Willamette Meridian; running thence
east -JO chains; I hence north 10 chains; thence
west 20 chains and thence south lu chains to
the place of beginning, said tract being the
south half of Southwest quarter ot the North
east quarter of said Section 21, excepting from
Hie above described tract a 10 foot atrip for a
school road along tbe west end and south, side
of said tract."
Which sale will be madi to satisfy the 1 de
cree In the above entitled eult in favor of the
plaintiff aud against the defendant, David
Currier, Jr., for the mill of fotmo.tiu with Inter
est thereon from the 1st day of October, ISIS,
at the rate of seven percent tier annum, the
costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at
fiVco, and the further sum of $500 attorney s
Dated this Jtlib dav of June, 1014.
Hherlrt'of Hood Kiver Couuty, Oregon
Maxwell "25" 2-passenger Roadster $725
"yES, THERE ARE other good
motor cars but to avoid disp
pointment it's better to be sure and
buy a Maxwell "25-4", then you
know you have the best.
We have all car accessories and garage equip
ment, gasoline and oils. Repairs made.
Fourth and Columbia Sts. Tel. 1361
Read This
Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our
complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture,
Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings
We will take your old furniture or stoves
in exchange for NEW GOODS.
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter
Agents for
Charter Oak Stoves
and Ranges
PHONE 8281
Cor. Fourth and State Sts.
Does Your House Need
Sherwin-Williams Paint
"The Best On Earth"
The Glacier Pharmacy
Oregon Lumber Co.
Dee, Oregon
Both Phones
Estimates Furnished
Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer
Established 18 Years
Real Estate
A Bpeclalty of City Property, Residence
Lou, and Small TracU Close In, For
Bargains call on or addresa
Hood River
Home Phone 2372
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm