HOOD RIVER -a GLACIER. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1914 thunb tHiurr dShricr AKTMl It II. MOE.PuMUhcr. SulKT.tUn, 81..10 l'r Year. ti ii -ntTitMT dtMr nrifiK In Mri tin offii'f hiiiil t i.t.lif.t-l pruuitly. unO Hfrll iM-lor If HiMJt. AiUHtt tflVe oWt i1.-o. h-well ;c ihit-w Al, H.hxl Kiver fuU ritTi I.miiM notify thi-npf!.-" ! ulnf w)t n httiitf tni tl.eit h'lilr?-- (ri.tit i.iit run! rut- u hiuHIki, or iioiu t'Jiy ltH-ry to muntr lU-Uwrv. r v i- r If V'u lo not K- t Mir j.uiwr .rmi)-t iy, notify i ty imhIi or I !t-hmt uiiCliit; matU'i bf iiiv .liKU-S K J f tt irl.iiii to i hi u in Hi tr. com intiii i-;i4i,H, or io-( K it ot m ner! nture, MHttlM Itf lu tic 'TtiC- ItV Monday u if i hu re tht-.r i in; In i u- i .). r of th-riirrfi.t wwk Tl UN (U T FOB ELHTION From iiit'i vie'As that we have re ri r.tly hail with rcirtfci.tbtivc grower of Ihe VHlli'y, the trend cf popular opinion has turned against the City of i'tility. It is true that the itiitinl and piiinury reason for the formation of new mui.ii ipulily in the valley, "the lowering of lij;ht and power rate eauuhL many, who were carried away on the popuiui tide, before a compre- henisvc idea of the proposed plan wan had. It may he, arid no douht in, a fact that lighting and power rates are too lijjh, coimiiicriiiR the possibilities forchenp development on the Hood river. Materialization of the plans of those promotitiK'ithc City of Utility will not lessen them. Kven though the new town were to furnish light free of charge, it would bo liunlen itself with attendant expense that the light and power secured would he a dear luxury. A HISTORIC BELL Hut are we going to he ahle to pre dict the result of the election on April 20 by the way people are at present talking? Are all of those who are op posing the City of I'tility going to turn out and go to the polls? From the fact that the proposed plan will dig into their porkethookR, we think that most of those who are interested in property in the hounda of the proposed new town and who are opposed to the scheme will vote against it. 'Ihe election of April 20 is going to he a heavy expense to the valley. ""The mere maintenance of an election board, of course, does not amount to much, hut remember that the residents of the whole lit! H(unie miles will be called on to spend a day away'frorn their work in expressing their views. If the elec tion carries, liefore the necessary ma chinery of a city can be put into motion other elections just as expensive must he held. TIIK ROAD PETITION The petition asking the county court to assist the citizens residing in the west end of the county along the Col umbia river is meritorious and the court will be making no mistake in granting it. While it is true that the expenditure of moneyjcitllcd for will be a small step toward securing a comple tion of the Columbia river highway through Hood Itivcr county, just for the moment forget that such a thing as the Columbia highway ever existed. While a comparatively few of the resi dents of Hood Kiver county 11 vu at Wycth and Cascade Locks, that few have no way of reaching the count seat by wagon road, and yet, as their peti tion shows during the nix yearn' history of the count the two road districts west of the city have contributed $ in, (1(10 worth of tax money. An almost imper ceptible amount of this money has been expended in the districts raising it. Is it not just that these citizens of Cas cade Locks ami Wyeth receive the favor asked for at the hands of our county court? We shall watch with interest their decision in the mutter. from the Querriere to the Constitution, Thon to Mill. One would hardly expect to find an object of historic interest In to pro- catc place a a New England mill au object older than the oldest title of the English peerage, an object juade before the Kog!lh parliament vm fortueil. Yet such au object In In daily use lu a factory at Savlesvlile, R. I. It Is a bell, hue history U a most In teresting one. Around the bell, about four Inches from the crow n, la this su perscription: "IVter Seceat Amsterdam, Anno lt, me fo iL" The dale, together v.ltb other well authenticated fact, leads to the belief that the bell wan long used In a con vent belfry lu England and wus taken therefrom for public use during the lefoiiuiitioli. Hut the connoting l!ll( between Us li't lu the old world mid its advent to Ainerh-a Is the famous naval buttle between the Ouerriere and (he t'oio-tltiitlon. The fluerrh re, a helpless wreck, was rolling lu the trough of the sen, while her brave but defeated commander, 'iipt.ilii Iiacrea of the royal navy, on the deck of the American frigate, the Constitution, was offering his a word to gallant Captain Hull. The two oltWers had been friends In time of pence, having often exchanged hospitalities at the Med It el rani an ports, mid now Hull's magnanimity shone out. "I ll not take your aword, Dacres," salil he. "Keep It." In the meanwhile the boats of the Constitution were busily engaged In transporting the erew of the defeated ship to the dei k of the victor. A mid shlpmaii reported to the first lieuten ant that the ship's bell had been car ried away by a grnpeshot from the Guerrlere and that there was no way of iirinoiincliig the time to the ship's company. At that moment the fiuerrlore gave a succession of heavy plunges, and the clear tones of a fine bell rang over tho water. "o get the Englishman's bell," said the lieutenant to the midshipman. "There will be no further use for It on board that craft." The Cuerrlere surrendered at 7 o'clock In tho evening of Aug. II), 1812, and at 8 o'clock the same evening l'e- ter Seccst's bell In sonorous tones rang out the hour on board "Old Ironside." With the lapse of time the bell, amid the confusion and debris common to a great navy yard, became misplaced, lost Its identity and was thrust care lessly to one side. It found Its way to the scrap heap, was afterward sold by the l ulled Stales and filially came to rest lu Its present piarters. llostou Pout. AN ANIMAL IN PAIN. (1001) ROADS DAY Covernor West has promised that April 2."i w ill I e set aside as Cood Komls Day in tho state. Men, womeiian7l children will bo asked to devote their time and etforts on that day towTITl nut only making better highways in the state, but toward arousing a spirit or good mads that, will continue the work throughout the years to come. Lamest work on tho part of the state's populatiiinwill improve many stretches of bud road on April 2.1. Many dollars worth of work will be done. Hut perhaps the greatest good will result from the desire for better highways, which the day's work will inspire. Local folk are already taking interest in the "(loud Koads" day. Mrs. C. 1). Ilojt, of the Oregon Mothers' Con gress, has mailed letters to members of the Parent -Teachers Association, who will be ur ged to assist thc'lnen on that day umi to encourage them with expec tations of good things to eat ndwnrd of cheei. Will luildheaded men have to wear hatu when the city council's new moral ordinance goes into elftct? It winild have lieen perfectly proper it the municipality held yesterday. election had bet Were you the yesterday? irtini of an April fool Ono Sided Humor. After (he company bad gone Mis. Mason said to her husband. "What on earili did you mean, John, by telling ihe rieming.-i that my humor was posi I've, but not negative?" "1 meant," smd Mr. Mason, discreetly moving to naid the door, "that you could make a JoUr, it,t couldn't take one."' That's What They All Say. "All 1 1 1 1 1 are alike. They're deceit f'll and srbish." "How do j on know?" " ' Tied friend (f mine told tne sc and warned mo nmiiust ail of them." "il.it joii're going to marry Kred?" "Of course 1 am. He's dltTerent." IVU'll Live Press. It Suffers Lcit Than Man on Aocount of Its Low Intelligent). It Is a platitude that "pain Is as one feels It." Hut that statement falls a considerable way short of the truth. 1'ho measure of pain undoubtedly de pend as much upon realization, com parison ami constructive memory as upon sensation. In other words, the Individual with the most highly (level oped Imagination enjoys and suffers most intensely, though not perhaps most violently. Palo and death are terrible hi proportion as one Is capable of relating them to experience. To children they mo not terrlblo In tills sense, been use children have small experience and even mnaller powers of Imagining relations. lu tho case of animals the power of constructing n memory picture and re lallng the same to present conditions Is probably exceedingly low, If not en 1 1 rely absent, l'nlii to an animal rep resents an 'unpleasant experience begun anil ended sharply. It is un related, it has no social or moral slg nlllcance. It Is not terrible In the wide sense. An animal lives from moment to moment. At any given moment Its happiness Is a question lu the main of physical comfort. The caged skylark though It must not be supposed thai Ihls Is any defense of an objectionable practice) experiences none of the misery of Ihe caged mini. It does not Know that Its liberty Is hopelessly lost It cannot relate Its present position to past experience lu the way In which a prisoner i an and must do. The cage is merely an accidental obstruction which may at any moment disappear. Should the bird stop struggling It docs so because struggling Is unpleasant not. because It Is hopeless. London Chronicle. Hightly Practical. "Your business follege for young la dies seems to be all right." "It Is all right." "l'o you give tho girls a good practl cal business training?" "lu reply to that question I can only say that 00 per cent of our graduates marry their employers the first year." - Louisville Courier Journal. Plalna of Argentina. The roads of Ihe plains of Argenllnn ha e deeper dust In Rummer and deep or mud lu winter tliau those of any other part of the world, consequently tho wagons used on them have wheels that are-from six to fifteen feet In diameter. Chilly Toxt. Mother-Tommy, what was the gold en text at Sunday school today? Tom my (w ho lives In AlaskaV Let me see. Oh. yes! "Many are cold, but few are frozen."-Judge. A wise man contents himself with doing ns much good as his situation allows him to do. Lord Dollngbroke. I'nitarian Church Your attention is called especially to the two evening services next Sunuay. At 4 p. in. M. M. Morrison will oien a discussion of the "Personalities of the Political Candidate." At 7.) Mr. MaeDonald will speak on "The Ro mance of Science." The program con sists of a violin duet by Mr. Newman and Or. Sharp, a piano solo by Ella Niehans and a vocal solo by Mrs, J. M. Schmeltzer. All are invited. Nurscy Stock for Sale We have for cale 20,000 !er trees, well grown and well rooted. ,1. H Nun .imaker, phone ot h'J. j22tl" Extra Special FOR MEN Commencing Saturday, April 4th And Continuing One Week Hart Scha!!'ner and Marx good clothes, late styles and patterns, with a guarantee of the best of work manship; ail wool material, correct fit and entire satisfaction. Suits that you can feel proud to wear anywhere, for these people make only the best. All sizes to choot' from. Our East window is full of them; select yur pattern and be on hand Satur day morning to have it wrapped up. These are $18 $20, $22 and $25 suits and are worth every cent of it. You will wait a long time before such an offer ing again comes your way. Even though you may not need a new suit just now you canmpt afford to pass these hy. Do not fail to see them. Our East window is crowded full. Every one is a Hart Schatfner & Marx and actually worth all we claim. Your choice ONLY $15 Cr irrit Han tcbalfuct It Mara Special Union Suits for Men 75c This is truly a bargain in a splendid ribbed, sum mer weight, cotton union suit, long sleeve, ankle length, splendid good value at $1 a garment '7Sn Special the suit i OK Mens Underwear Special Fine silk finished lisle undershirts and drawers, nicely made and finish ed, worth anywhere at least ET fir $1.50 suit; special, garment JV' Special Summer Underwear Some lines we are cleaning up on. Nice silk finish garments, worth up to GOc a garment. Special OCJp while they last, garment ... tJl Ladies Sleeveless Vests 5c These are full bleached, elastic ribbed, low neck, taped body uv" New Easter Millinery We have one of the largest as sortments of high grade millinery that has ever been displayed in the city and we know that we can save you good money by you making your purchases here. We have all the newest creations for Ladies, Misses and Children and can please you in every way. Hats made and trimmed to order. Call and see them. 2nd floor Special Hen's Oxfords 98c Here is certainly a bargain whether you need a pair of shoes iust now or not They are $3.50 and $4 values, good style, in lace and button. It will soon be time to wear them and you ought to get your share for you will perhaps never have an oppor tunity like this again. Mostly QQ sizes 5 to 8; your choice, pair Ladies Oxfords-Slippers 98c In all leathers, patent, gunmetal and kid in black and tan. Values up to $4 a pair. Good styles in lace and button. This, too, is a big bar gain for you to pass by. Look them over and see if you cannot be fited. You cannot1 make a mistake in buy ing these even though you do not need a pair of shoes just QQr now. The pair 7L A new shipment of the popular Balmacaan Coats for ladies just received. Also a nice assortment of other styles. Come in and see the many new Dresses, Suits Shirtwaists and Skirts we are show ing. We know that you can do best by trading here. &fe PARIS FAIRIS'SS" GROWERS MAKE SEED CONTRACTS Growers all over the valley respond ed promptly to the announcement made in the (ilucier last week that K. U, Cloud and J. R. Newton, of the new cnnnery.dcHircd experimental plantings of pens and beans to determine just what varieties would be mont suitable for canning. The cannery people are prepared to furnish seed for an acreage of fiO acres and will aree to buy all Ihe seed raised in the experiments at the rule of four cents a pound for beans and about three and one half cents for pens. A large pure of this acreage was contracted for during the past week and the remaining portion should be taken up this week, as the planting reason is about due and the distribu tion of seed will be mude at once. Growers are also requested to fur nish an estimate of what they will have in the fruit line for the cannery. I hone the secretary of the Commercial club or address Messrs. Cloud and New ton, care of the Commercial club. ONE BED FOR THE COURT. It Waa a Big One, Though, and Held All Ita Numerous Members. The lii'st court house of Henry county, 111., wns a frame tdnictiire. elht feet by fourteen, set In the mlil.st of no iininliiiliited prnlrle. lint ns little vIIIiikcm begun to spring up lu tho county a lively contention lor the honor of helot; tho county sent begun, in in bridge linnlly won, lor It was nearest the renter of the county. This wiis lu the forties of the lust century. The first session of circuit court was nt li :t nl nml t'mnbridge was on Its mettle to entertain the court iiiltably. The ilillii ultles to iiu.v llilnj; hut pioneer courage and resourceful ness would have seemed Insuperable. The village consisted of eihl or ten Utile dwellings, a tiny general store, n liliicksinllh simp mid a carpenter shop. Tho new conn house was iinllnished, lull would be used, as the se-Jsion for tunately fell In the summer. N'ow the housewives laid their heads together tn contrive how the court oilh-ials, lliiants and witnesses should he Indued ami fed. There was almost iiolliing that could be bought, erept sugiir, molasses, lea. coffee und ilonr. Hut they hail an abundant sup ply of yellow lepged chickens, home lined hams, tnilk. eggs, butler and cream, as well us their vegetable gar dens to draw on. There was no fresh fruit, but they brought out their cher ished stores of wild plum uiarinaliide and wild erabapple preserves, lioth were made with molasses, and after I hey had sullli'lent time to season were really delicious. Itesides, Ihe hillsides were pink with the beautiful wild wood sorrel, ihe leaves of which make de licious pies in skillful hands. The village boasted one group of forest trees, a small grove of sugnr maples, half a mile away, and In their shade Mr. Alwnter built n long table with kii w horses nml boards. With the combined stock of table lineu, crockery and cutlery possessed by the house wives the table was laid with sutll- clent elegance, according to pioneer standards. It was felt that the court would be properly feasted, but how about lodging? That was the real dif ficulty. The tiny houses und their beds were full to overflowing- with their proper inmates. Hut there was the loft of the car penter shop. The store had a whole bolt of unbleached muslin. It was torn Into lengths equal to llie length of the loft and sewed together bv hand, of course. Then the loft floor was covered deep w 1th nice clenn shavings, the Immense sheet hud over them and tacked to the walls nil the way round. On this Hrobdliignaglan bed the court lay in two rows. 1'roin the extra supply re (luired for winter enough quills were mustered to cover the sleepers. As for pillow s no one gave u thought to those nominate luxuries The lawyers might lay their heads on their saddle bags or their rolled tip coats and be thankful. Thus was the circuit court sumptu ously fed nnd sulmlentlT lodged. thanks to the Ingenious women of Henry county. -Youth's Compauiou" But Light. Cholly I ha.e Minieihing on on mind. Woliaht. Unbelt - Slop a m!n lite! Sure enough, there is a ouhwe! on top of your head. - Usltimore Amer ica u. Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Hood iliver Apple Growers' Union will be held at Heilbronner Hall in the Pity of Hood Itivcr, on Saturday, April 4th, 1014, at 10 o'lork A. M. for the purpose of electing a Hoard of nine Directors and for the transaction of such other business us may come before said meeting. HOOD ItlVKIl .WTI.KGHOWKItS' UNION, by C. . Hooker, Secty. " Approved: W. I!. I'ickereon, I'res. The committee on perfecting the or ganization of the Apple Growers' Asso ciation, appointed by President 1'. S. Davidson, and composed of A. W. Stone K. II. Shepard, A. W. l'eters, Walter Kimball and J. U. McCully, will bold a series of hearing-i between now and April 4th to receive suggesstions from the groweis of the Valley. All growers are urged to at lend t hese meet fngs, w hich -will he held Wednesdays and Sat urdays, between the hours of 1 :0O and '.MM o'clock P. M. at the rooms of the Cortimereial Club. On April 4th ut L' OU 1'. M. a meeting of the members uf the Association will be held at lluillironner Hall for the pur pose of acting upon the suggestions of the said committee. Th's meeting is of great importance and every member is urged to be present, The policy of the Association for many years to come will probably be determined at this time. Reasons Why You Should Use Riches Piver & Co. Lead Arsenate It is a high poison lead and will kill the larger leaf eating insects and codling tooth. It will not burn the foliage no matter bow thickly put on as it is practical!) nee mini water soluble arsenic ovule tin? principle that causes burning. Il is very finely divided and has the greatest covering and sticking power. It will readily mix with other Fpravs without impairing the efficiency of either It is impossible to make a better or more efficient Lead Arsenate. It does not become hard if moistim evaporates 1 or sale by Hood River A pple Growers Association. alii SMUDGING With an eaily apple season eomingon it is well to prepare for frosts. Straw ie the cheapest medium to use and n case it is not needed it can be used fur bed ding and later turned under Ihe soil for fertilizer. Accordingly the investment is 'mall and not 'ot whether it is used for smudging or not. We have a good stock on hand but w ill want early orders so that supplies can be held. Kellv Bros I'boiie I ml . "ml'iitf State of Ohio, Cltv of Toledo, I I.ucru County. ( Trunk J. Clieiify niakps oath that he Is puilor p-irtner of the tlrm of F. J. Cheney' Co., Hointr bimlmss In the City of To-I'-.lo, County ami tlatp uforeaaid, and ti'at nl! firm will imv tli sum of ONE nt'NMlEl iMil.I.AliS for eai h and cv (:' i uro of Cntarrh that cannot he cured by the use of HAI.I.'S ("ATANIill Ct'KK. nuxic J. CM KNE V. S.vnrn to before m.; and ('.inscribed In my pre r nee, this 0th day of December, A I . 13C S"a!) A. XV. OT.EASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Corn Is taken Internally arid ana directly upon the blood and mu 1'nis mrfaees of t he system. Send for testimonials, free. h J. CH I:FY CO.. Toledo, O. Sold bv all I'niRgletg. 7".e. Take Hall Family rill for constipation. Those Who Want Bees Must Hurry Orchards are in bloom' bv Mav I and it takes six weeks todevdop the strength in a hive of bees. For price write to W. W. Dakin. Hood River. Ore. -ri.Tl..ft t, T,i i .'it-? ,f if 1iiTitTiifiiTnTi.?.Tn.tf ! i p h i T r i i n' rr rrr i riii ri i J. J. i Wheat and Stock Farm I r0 acres In Eastern Wush I rijftnn, nil iinler cuiliviitlou, ovtr 4tH) m'ren i ti props, tint' well, lance tmrn, ti room lnni-e, plenty out butltthiK. 2 mil Itoni Ki.cn warehouse, ft miles from town; pi n-e ) per acre, eneumherenre M7 ut ,j per pent payable In IS un ihih! pn in ntv Will exehrtnife equity lor u. u improved IUmkI Hiver harm. LOCK BOX 2 Cunningham, Wash. vM-M"!"! :.-H-H-H "l "l"I"l"l"l 'l"l' l"l"l -f Get Your Suit Cleaned and Pressed at Spaulding's Tailor Shop I'NDl K HROSIUS ni.DG. Telephone No. 1124 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Uood Klver County. Oeorise W. Howard and MiirlH Howard, v. riulnlills T. J. Wamon, Defendant. To V. J. Watxon the abovert named defen dant. Yon are herehy required to npear and ans wer ihe complaint filed abiNt you In the ntKive entilled Court and chiikc nil or he f ire Monday, the istli day of May, I'JH, and If yon fall ho to appearand anHweieoinplahit, Decree will lie taken aioilnxi vou in said Court declar ing you to have no claim, estate, rik'hl, lltle or intercut In and In Uuw I and 5. in Hlnck 10, ol lillewild Addition totheCllyof Hood Itiver orixon, ail verxe to the claim of the plaliillllN herein, and tor the cost dlxbursrfinents of plHiiitltlx In tliih hint. Thl SumnmnH ts nerved upon you by pal, llratlori thereof In Hie Hood Klver Ciiueler. for Klx (ii) mnceiwlve weeks hy Order of the Honorable K. K. Hlanton, JiidKe of the County (dart ot Ho. i.l Klver County, Oregon, duly made and entered ou the In! day of April, 1HI4 reiilrlng you mi to appear and answer said Complaint, nnd the date of the firm publics, lion of tin SiiiiimriiK h the -'nil dav of April, ". a. ,i. Lir.Kin , a',' inll Attorney for plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ;or noon mver conuiy: Orvllle K. Hull, I'laiulilt. VN. bayld Currier, .lr, II. McDonald and Bridal lei laundering company, a corporation licrcuoauov To imvld Currier, Jr., one of the defeudanta xoove nauieu Yon are hereby required to appear and buk wer Ihe complaint tiled nnliiKt you in the aiK)ve eniiiieii court and canae on or belore Monday. Ihe IKIh day ol May. MM. and If you lull ao to appear and answer aaid coinplaint.a decree win oe iimon aiainai vou for I lie lore closure of that certain loorlgane made, exe- euien ann delivered oy you on llie lat day October. IWHt, to the plaintiff herein, given on ihe following (iewrllvril property- aituated lu ihkmi uiver colony, o eg. n, lown: ' t omniencinel gut, theSouthweat corner of tie isorrneaHt quarter of bectlon 1 weoly-one in lownslilp Two North, of Kne Ten K.aM of ihe Willamette Meridian, riiuniiiK thence Kii.it 20.10 chain; thence North IO.tK chain; thence West 2U.0O chains and thence South tu im elialiiH to the place of beginning, said tract bciiia the South halt of the Kouthweat quarter of Hie Northwest quarter of said Hep. nun si, excepting rrom (lie ariove described 'met Ui foot strip for a arhool road iiIouk the Hesi end me woum side oi said iract Securing your promissory note ol tho same (late lor llie sum of frfaiooo wtlh Interest there on al rale of 7 per cent per annum on which (here la now due the plaintirt a balance ot INWd.u) with Interest thereon at the said rate from the 1st day o' October, PJ13, tor which Hum nlalntirt oravs for .ludtnnent. to gether wllh the sum of f'JKMKl as attorney lees ana lor Ills costs and disbursements In tbtssiitt. and the sale of suld premises to sal isiy ine same. Tins summons Is served upon you by pub lication thereof in tho Mood Kiver CHueter. for six (i successive weeks hy Order of the Honorable K. . btaulon, Judgeof the ( ounly Court of lliaid River County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the lat day of Aorll.lHU requiring you so to appear and answer said eoiuuiaiiii, mm ine oaie .oi (iieiirs puuiica lion of Ihla Summons Is the 2nd dav ol April WH. A.,l. DKKBY. W. O. W. Kegular meeting are neld the first and third Monday ol each month at K. ol I', hall. Visitors cordially invited. A. K. WHITCOBH. C. C. Kent Hhokmakkk, Clerk. HOOD KIVKK CiHtXK NO. 524, WDM EN OF Woodcraft Meets at K. of P. hall on the tint and Third Thursday of each month. Mhh. K atiikkimc Hlavkn, ii. N, Mas. Ma itik Ml Kkijoin. Clerk. WAUCOMA LOnOIC NO. 30, K. OK P. MeeU In K. of V. hall every Tuesday night. J. IVii KHAM.C.C. K. H. Stewart, K.ofR. and 8. T. K. JoiisoN, M. of r LAURKI, KKBKKAH LOUOK No. 87.I.OO f. Meet Ilrst and third Mondoy each mon'.h. Mum. NKTTiit Wai.su, N. U. MR.H.L M.-Cakty, Hec. CANHY W. K. C.-Meets second and fourth Saturday of each month at K, ot P. hall. Mhh, Lviiia Si m.nkk, ('resident. Mrs. C. Htkanahan, Kecrelary. OL.KTA AHHKMBLY NO. 103. UNITKD ART Isaus. Meets Ihe Oral and third Wednes day, work; second and fourth Wednesday Artisan' hall, C. D. Hinkichs, M. A. J. H. Koukku Secretary. mi.EWU.DK LODUKNO. 107, I. O. O. r Meet In Fra ernal hall, every Thursday night. Hkkt Waij(H, N. U. Ueo. Thomson, Secretary KDKN KNCA.UPMENT, NO. 4H, I. O. O. V. Kegnlar meeting second and fourth Monday of each month. A. W 1IAOS, C. P. Ono, Immmick, Scribe. HOOD III VKK CAMP, NO. 7,71H ' M. W. A. Meeta In K.nf Y. hall every Ist'and 3rd night ol each week. W. H. Whitinkv, V. C. C. II. Dak in, Clerk. FOR RENT Kor Kent Small collage furnished for light hoiiaekeeplug; llW Hull St.; phone '-UV.I. all For Rent a furnished three room Hat. lu quire Tel. LS'l. a 9 2.mM Attorney for plaintiff SOCIETIES. HOOD KIVKK UHHJU NO. Ufi. A. K. and A M. Meet Saturday evening on orbeforf each full moon. Haiihv T. DicWrrr, W. M, U. MCDONALD, secretary. Hood Rtver Commandery No. 12, K.T Meem every nrst luesoay evening eacn inonin. A. o. .mok, i..c,.c H. 1). W. I'l.NKo, Recorder. HOOD KIVKKCHA1TKKNO. 27. K. A. M.- Mtvls first and third Friday nights of each mouth. . i.. ci.akk, H. V . Ha koi. o Hkkshnkk, Secretary. MT. HOOD COl'NCIL No. 8. R. A W. M. Meet In Masonic Hall every third Tuesday In each month. H. L. Pi MIU.K, T. 1. M. liko. W. Pimmick, Recorder. Oakdale Greenhouses We have a prime stock of Koea, Shrubs, Vines ami Perrenial plants for Kail planting. If you want Tootiy blooms nevt Spring, j'oti must plant them this month. Winter flowering plants an. I cut flowers at Franz's. A few .Ion. mils, IfIoclils and Tulips left. Fletcher (SL Fletcher Thone 47J8 Hood River H(ll KIVKR CHAITKK NO. , O. E. 8.- Meets woind and fourth Tuesday evening of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed Mkm. II. D. W. pineo, W.M. Mia Alt A I'ooi.k, Secretary. WAIN A TEMPLE PYTHIAN SISTERS No. Meets the Hrst, third and filth Tuesday ot each month al K. of P hall. MAKIK liOIIKRTS, M. E. ( CoHRKAN STKASAHAN. M. Of K. ('. Sl'SIK I.VSN, M. of K. KEMP LOPUK, No. mi, I. O. O. K.-Meeta lu. Odell Odd Fellows' hall every Sat nr day nls'.it. YlslUirs cordially welcomed. W. 11. Kcchkk, N. ti. A. J. LAcKY.Secretary HA.KI. RKHEKAH LOPOK No. 1S6. I.O.O.F. Meel the first and (bird Tuesday evening In each month in (be Odd Kellow H, seven mile aeuth of Hood River, K. D. I. Mrs. Oertie Cacohey, N. O. Hahry Cai gmey. Sec. OUEtlON ORAPE REBEKAH l.OIMJE, No. IM Meets the second and fourth Wednes day eveuiugs of each month, in dribble's Hall. Annie l.iAst re, N ti. CHAS. W. OCNN.Sec. HlHIP RIvER VALLEY HUM ANE SOCIETY Mood River. Ore. E. H. Hart wig. Pre. Mrs. I fording. Sec. Leslie Butler, Trea. Call pliont 11. For Kent -A nicelv furnished room and bath. Inquire of Mr. II. c. McGuire, ,Hi9 Cascade Avenue. a Kor Rent Nearly near tour room house basement; and tialh, modern plum blue, wall just timed; plume ;:Wi;i. A. E. Howes, si. I'rosliect Ave. Ji!tf Kor lieu I for One Year lriO acre at Camas Prairie. 'J acres In Timothy Meadow mostof balance sod; plowed last Kali. B. E. Duncan Co. mi ;if For Kent 2! acre in Paradise acreage, by theyear. All under plow. No cash required for rent. Reed A Henderson, Inc. m5tf Kor Kent 1'hone lad. J-tght housekeeping room, fotf Kor Sale Equity In two dandy garden lota. Phone MU. 2 For Bale. Harnea and learn of horse. H and 7 years old, weight UloO and 11M lb. Phone 8x1 odell. up Horse for Hale See them work before yoa buv s young teams 4 to 7 year old. P. H. Mohr A llroa. Phone Ul apl tl F'or Sale Excellent driving and farm norse, not alrald of anything. Abaolulely nafe and sound In every particular. Dark brown, weigh about illio pounds. Studebaker runabout aud harness included In price. JIM) Am getting auto, otherwise would not aell. Apply to Sec y Commercial Club or Fashion Stable. 2 Camas Pralrle-So acre bottom land 5 of which ha been plowed and can be put In crop thl Spring. JT5 on per acre. Thl rich depoalt land cn tie had for ct(ially leas money than you would send In clearing ordinary upland One-fourth cash will handle it. B. E. Dun can 6t Co. lul'Jtf For Sie-Oiia second-hand yellow geared road wagon wtib basket, rail and brake; alao one single harness; both Utile used and In good repair. See them at Fashion Stable, a2 House and Two Lot lor Sale Corner Sixth and Oak si. Phone M63. a Kor Sale-Hatching eggs and baby chick. Order now tor next winter' layer. Ancouaa and S. c. White Leghorn, the great egg pro ducers. Pure bred, selected, pri.e winning slock. Eggs tl fiO per lft. J2.&0 per 30, m.fa) per Mi. Baby chicks: Anmnaa Inc each, $7.(10 per 50. Leghorns 12c each, fs.50 per 6". All In quires cheerfully anawered. Maude E. Pat tee Monkland, Oregon. ail For Kale Fiddle' strain H. C. White lxtg. horn and Indian Runner due eggs for setting Pen No. 1. S5 for 15; Pen No. 3, K for 116. Also English penciled Indian Runner duck eggs, lr setting of II Ji.35, lft are Si 50. Alllufertlle eggs replaced If returned to me within 12 day w ith charges prepaid. Pay old chick. Pen No, I 60 cents each. Pen No. 2. 30 cents eeh. I). M. Eilille, K. D. 3, box 170, Hood Kiver. Phone fsM. ruMtf F'or Hate-inO.OCO strawberry plant. Addrea K. C. Mahuney, Kt. 2. FI aid Klver. Hi Registered Berkshire pigs 4 month old Duck and Marred Rock eggs Irom bird of flue strain. K. H. Wallace, phone .ISM niStf For Sale at HI Reductions-A SO by 1M foot lot and 8 room house on Stale Street for only lfIO. Also a 50 by lo0 hsit lot and 4 room house on Sherman Avenue for !((). F'.asy Terms. A. W. Onlhank, 305 Oak Street, Hood Kiver. ,-,( For Hale Settings of thoroughbred barred rocks, good winter layer, T'mi seitlngof 16 egg .lolin V, Duckwall, phone Odell oO. a2:t For Sale A second hand buggy and cart, also horse. J. W. McDonald, telephone Odell flBtf For Rcnt-Kurnlehed Rooms over Reed A Heuderaou a olllce. Inquire Keed & Hender son. mft-tl FOR SALE lorSale-Uood family mare about 10 years oid , nine ids.; geiuie, sale, true to pull br work sound, easy keeper, only $50. Phone o. M Scott Odell lfi. 2I F'or Sale .lernsalein Artichoke and small poitahle piiillorm scales. K. H. Miller, phone an rii','3. For Sale ll'.j acres part hearing, balance young (ree. some hay, bouse.bain, mile south east ol Pine Urove. K. 1. Apgar, Kt. I. aU For Sale White Wyandotles hens-ami egg layers pniieia, cockerels, learn ot horses, farm hsils, wagons, brass hedging lamns. an (ique shade. Mahogany parlor furniture. Win Ahageu, Kockford Road near Barrett. an For Sale Cheap A gentle riding mare. Just what yon want for the wife and children Ihls summer. Also ror sale, pair of chaps In good condition. See Karl Onthank or telephone Kor Sale Second hand office furniture and L. C. HmKh tynewrlter. all in fl rat class con- anion. Reed Henderson, Inc. aii F.ir Sale- r, aces of timber land. Will take team and wagon as part paymeiK; phone 5878 Kim class Dry Wood-Will deliver any where on East side or city. Also non-irrigated potatoes ol best seed. Delivered In cltv or country. Phone yonr order U T, Absheror J. n. uaie. ; oaell or ;oxl Odell. a F'or Sale Thoroughbred Snllz niins.il weeks old. Thoroughbred liar red Plvnioiitb Hock eggs; for particular calUTUl. a2 F'or Sale-1?S Snlti and Newtown trees leu from planting. Will sell chean. John c as Duckwall, phone 59 Odell. Kor Sale Or will exchans-e for !iiriiir weight, good strong bnggv. One hav le.liler one pair pure blood Hron.e turkeys. Phone .ui, ,,,,, iv u 1. a ' Kor Sale Eitra choice Clark Heerilimr s( ruvc. berrv nlHitta. Six monttitt old ( homnuhhrttri SiMtch Collie bitch and 12 year old general purpose horse, perfectly sound, s. Ii (iihor. rer, phone ft(S:l. For Sale (Jood saddle horse. Cun ntsn ho driver, single or double. Inquire Amo le- iner, r thd naruare. a,i For Sale One nearly new ' SindehBiter wagon ror a or r , wagon, Hain preferred Address Box Sf, Pee, Oregon. . For Sale High clas liarred Plymouth Rock cockerels and pullet and egg In season. The strain arbtrds are E. B. Thompson's famous Kinglet strain, (winners) from M. T. Meyers' flock out of the foremost breeder in the state Oust Vlesterberg at Blouchera Station, phone Odell is. r ai) Kor Sale Hartlett and D'AnJou pear trees. M. O. Downing, phono MM. d'JS-tf For Sale-One and two year old D'AnJou pear trees. 4 to ft. Thrifty stock with large rtMHH. Culler Hro. dll-tf For Sale Trncts In Paradise Farm can be bought now at very attractive price. Inquire of Mrs. Armstrong, owner, State and Thirteen th si reels, f&if For Sale-Single combed while leghorn cock erels. House painting, tinting or papering, carriage or auto painting. Will take hay or carrots for work.-O. M. Eddie, R. F. I). No. 3. Phone 6 ,S7. 4-tf WANTED W anted Married man small family, exper ienced in orchard work. Must understand pruning and willing to work. Will furnish cottage furnished complete for housekeeping Hood nositlon ror right party. Reference re quired. If yop cannot fulfill the above re quirements do not reply. Address B. B. Fried man, 2U) First St., Portland, Oregon. aS Wanted-Young swarm of bee. Will fur nish hives, stale number yon can furnish up to.Iune A.th and price for me. If price I sstlstnctory will hlp you the hive soon. W M. Koliack, Underwood, Wash. alG Wanted To trade merchandise for two East Fork Irrigation bond. D. McDonald. as Wanted-A a tingle man-by the month to to general ranch work. P. Ji. Atwater Routa I, telephone ft"83. aj Wanted-ulrl for general housework on Hood Kiver ranch. State age. experience and wage. Reply to 1021 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS Taken Pp A bay Donv came to mv ni about three weeks ago and 1 have taken him up and will hold him subject to teed and charge?. P. E, Matheny, Hood River. a2S Important Anyone wantlmr nlnwintf nr teaming With two or four horses miT r Tweedy, 1306 lUlli 8t. or phone 7i. t LOST Automobile Llecenae T Vn la-t bracket lamp. Lae at the ulacler Office for reward. ma l-ost A pair of glas-ta bet wan Rum lore and residence of Ur. Watt. Kinder please For Sale Six wwka old Stotch CnUU nil ns each. Two doaen mixed lavina hens also iwo (inre ureu niaie neigian nares. Call al hotel or write Mary V. Oisen, l uderwood Wash. a' For Sale Saddle horse.fonr vearanld uoioi.t about 1i lbs. Aichie Kadulll Kt 3. -' ) ForSale-A power aorav outfit, imeir tank for $111. ( all C. K Bone. ' For Sale Hot air eneine for ttt,i, ,nnir F'or inlormntion address W. s Smiih rriIi' Oregon. M ' For Sale Team of fine blacks nhont st,iK. For Information address W. s Snurh n-ieii' Oregon. Ma Kor Sale. First Generation Dark sn.. Strawberry Plants, and Apple Tree of the nest, at price ol the worst Phoue Ifcx or write to C. M bheppard. K.K.D. No. unl a lAist-From Ml. Hood depot, one rawhide triiLk, square top, bears Inscription, -K Hen ry." on wood wrap. Tag on tronk marked. J"i'- iiiH'NiiauuD appreciaien. IllHKl k. k. co. . m Mt TYPEWRITERS-For sate or rent on eay term A. W. Onthank asi.t ' At Stnd-The Alrdale King Jupiter A. K C ItattfV ft-e -. to limited number of female of approved breeding. If Interested send for pedigree Also a few Alrdale pup of tne breeding for sale. 4 month old. Will trade for young nigs or seed potatoes. Price I0 and $16 each. Tho. king, Kt. 3, phone S-I, Hood River, Oregon. aio Lost A child's locket with Viola on It Ke-l-,rnii- MtHoo, Hotel AnneE, Apartment a2 Eggs for Hatching-Barred Plymouth Rock egg from hatchings of toe O A. C. Kx perl mental Station from ben which lays over aJ egg a year. Infertile egg replaced. A lim ited supply at $160 per lft; also, two enckerela from same Mock at $2,00. F. E. Watt tele phone 57t5i. '