II00D.R1VEK GLACIER. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 19H i' j r. ar 'bbbib 7 DRESS SKIRTS Xtragood Overcoats Boys and Young Men's Value to $15 S5.00 for Your Choice "Trrtr" Silk Petticoats $5.00 CO QK 1 cingO values.alleolors.each Values to $16.50. Blue, blacks & mixtures . $ 2 . 5 O I 7 9 . V FRANK BRIEF LOCAL MENTION $ a Buy your coal of Tuft Transfer Co. ttWt mad or repaired at Johneen's W. M. Chance spent Christmas day in The Dalles. Get GUARANTEED Eastern Blue too at McDoauld's. K. W. Kelly spent Thursday and Fri day in Portland. Coal or wood delivered on short no tire. Taft Transfer Co. fLKtf Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plog left Mon day for few days' visit in Portland. If four shoes have gone wrong take them to Johijsen., Thcj. Hill spent Monday in Portland vn bus intss. for prmt delivery of coal, call Tad Transfer Co. faitf O. i. Nelsen, of Seattle, was in the city the first of the week on business. tio.nl music ut Unitarian Church every Sunday evening. sll-tf Miss Anna Gregory went fo Walla Walla t rid jr for a visit with friends. Can deliver coal ur wood promptly. 'Tuft Transfer Co. . flint Mr. Louise Coyden went to Portland Friday to spend a few days with .friends. Rt-ad the Picture Story of the Squirrel Family running in Blue Ribbon liukery eekly ads." Miss Nettie Buck came up from Portland to spend Christmas with her parents, Judge and Mrs. A. C. Buck. Ite'l ttit! a'ictuiv Htury of theMijuirrel I'aiiiilv miming io Blue iiitiuon iluktrv weekly at. Mr. and Mrs. O. Fiickett, of Hanks left Friday after a few dayi' visit with Miss Ota Walker.' L. D. Proadhead of Portland left Friday after a visit with-his Bister Mrs. J. L. Blount. If you warn shoes that don't go wrong go to Johnson's. . , Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Holmes, of Port land, .spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rand. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. D. Brooks and three children, of Paris, Texas, came Monday for a vvisit at the home of his brother, Al. Brooks. iluve you seen the tinted i'liotos and Enla'g'Miients at Wagoner's? Now is this time to leave your orders for Clirist oiii. Don't wait. n27tf Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cumming, of Portland, are here visiting at the Houke A Banham ranch in the Barrett district. Mrs. Maud Van Tuyle and daughter, Velda, ef Portland, spent the Christ ma bultdays with Mr. and Mr. E. J. Bradley. U it now time to put on your lime fer tiliiers. We have the air slacked lime and raw ground litnerock. Kelly Bros, photic 1401. ntitf , Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Vonnett and two children, of Vanceuver, Wash., spent Ctir istmaa at the home of Mrs. Mary Vanned. lyrt.an Rtce, f Pendleton, cane down Monday for a visit at tbe Avery home on trie cast side before returning t his etudies at the University of Ore- Jno. tloldabory left Tuesday after notm fo Portland to spend the Her Year's hoJidays. lie !1 leave that ity for Corvallis, where he will take tfca wintir snort eourse. SSr. atK) Mr, it. t. s'pSuklintf left Monday for Calgary for a month's viait with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spauf ding. They will visit in Portland, Seattle 'and' Vancouver, B. C, before returning to their home. The, St. Mark's Guild was hostess at delightfully aleassnt dancing party )t the fleilbonner iiall last night. li eommitee in charsje of the bril iilnt Wew Tear festivity was com poA of Mrs. .W. J. Baker, Mrs. N. 'S. one and fSra. A. P. Reed. o For Anything In Jewelry And Fine Watches L Miss Margaret Niehans came' up from Portland Wednesday to spend Christmas with her parents. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fratier and three children, of Wasco, spent Christ mus at the home of C. V. Anderson. Miss Klsie Moore, of Barrett, went to Tbe Dalles Saturday to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ingalls, of Oak Grove, went to Portland Friday for a few di ya' vis'tf. Mrs. Mabel Carter, of The Dalles, came down to spend the holidays here with her family. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Goff, of Seattle, left Friday after spending Christmas at the home of W. Waddell. Burleigh Cash is home for the holi days from Grass Valley, where ha ia principal of the high school. Geo. K. Wilbur spent the latt ef the week in Guldendale, Wash., on busi ness.' Mrs. L. A. Henderson has been ill at (he home of her parents in Oregon City, suffering from the mumps. Fred McCrea, George VonDuhn' and W. H. - lhirnhani are spending New Year's vacation in Portland. Mrs. Geo. Wells went to NtwUerg Monday to make her home withjher granddaughter, Mrs. Bert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Brock and two children spent Christmas here at' the home of Mr. and Mrs.-V. C. Brock. Miss Lucy Burgess, of Wasco, who has been visiting her friend, Miaa Grace Edgington, left Saturday. K. B. Bragg, and daughter. Miss Francis Bragg, went to tettland Sat urday fur a aiaii. If. A. f.atlirop renf f Portland Monday to spend few days on busi ness. Prof. C. D. Thompeon went ta Salem Friday in connection with work on the Teachers' Examining Hoard. He ex pects to ba gone about tan 4iys. First class dressmaking, fit and ctyh guaranteed. High grade work rolicitod Prices right. Mies Kosboro, over Hood Citrer Market. J8 . Arthur McCrery, one of - the Val ley's most persistent globe trotters, was in San Francisco for the Christmas week, festivities. R. H. Myers, who is here organizing the Fraternal Brotherhood lodge at Odell, went to Cascade Locks Mondey on busineis. L. C. Sirnme, of Portland, of the firm of Roberts Simme, was here Sat urday looking after bis business inter ests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Snow and little daughter, Roberta May, of Port land, are here spending the holidays with Mrs. Snow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lemmon in the Oak Groee district. Reymund B. Early, who das been up from the University of California spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Early in Portland, was a visitor in the city the first ef the week. ' -Miss McRea entertained at house party last week end the following guests: Miss O'Brien, Mise McGreg or, Miss iiiee, Mise Darricott, and t. A. Grisvold and . B. Sbujnann, all of Portland. Burleigh and Harry Ch went to Portland Tuesday to sperla" New Year. E. L. Moses, an attorney of Portland, was here last week Spending th holi days with his uncle, O. L. ,ou4ra, at Winans. Will Rovnttoe end Irving Turner, of Portland, also spent thre holidays at the Rountrae ranch. Sabbath service at the Seventh-Day Adventist church next Sabbath Satur day are as follows: Sabbath school al 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11, subject, "The New Covenant." The Ordinances will be celebrated following the ser mon. Prayer megtiji? at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday evening. Missionary Vol unteer Society meets every Friday evening at 7:30. All are invited to these services. l.,r. boule. -GO TO- h ARAWAV'S Expert Watch Maker at Your Service LADIES SUITS 830 values 815 $25 ralues 8!2.50 620 values $10 $1$ values 8 7.50 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL Mr. and Mrs. R. R. -Basnet t. of Red mond, left Monday after a two weeks' visit at the home of E. A. Basett. Mrs. Alice Osburtie and two child-, ren, Helen and Florence, went to Port land Monday to spend the winter. Miss Nettie Allen went to Faker Sunday to spend a week ut a house party given by Miss Pearl Eccles. Miss Vera Allen, of Portland, who has been here visiting her inott-.et, Mrs. W. 11. Allen, left Sunday. Miss Vaya Beery, of Portland, left Sunday after a visit with-lit r sister, Mrs. P. G. Schreuder. , Miss .Helen Allworth, of Crawford, Wash., came Monday for a visit with Miss Marie Gould, at Udell. P. Nisson, of Livingstone, Montana, ( was her the first ef the t'k looking after bia ranch interests. Ur. and Mrs. C. A. Walktr, of Mea dows, Idaho, were here last week look ing over the valley. Mrs. Paul Neldon. of Park.lule, left Sunday for a visit with relatives anil friends in the Kas-t. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gamhill, of Pee, left Monday for a two weeks' visit in Portland and the Willamette Valley. Mifa Pearl Bradley, who has been teaching school at Lebanon, is home for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bradley. Miss Bertha Hendricks, of Cascade Locks, who has been teaching school iit The Dalles, was here . Friday visiting friends. Miss Elsie Wells went ta Newberg Monday to visit for a tew days. She will later go to Portland to spend the Wintet. JsepBiiw tfcafelna, of Portland, spent ChrietniM tiere with her ttotl.tr and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. C. It. Jenkins. Harry HuttcffWM, who is attending the University of Washington ut Seat tle, spent the week end here as the goeit at the Dsbney home. Mr. and Mr. Joe D. Thomison, whose wedding occurred in Louisville, Ky., on the. evening of December 17, and who have been spending their honey moon in the South and southern Cali fornia, arrived in Hood Iiivtr hist Sunday evening. An Adjuster of the German American Fire Insurance Co. was here the first of the week adjusting the insurance on the hone of Arthur t'tarke, which was recently destroyed. Mr. - Clarke re ceived the full amount of 4ns .policy, ttiOO. The company y represented here by Judge A. C. Buck. Their friende in the city and valley will be glfid to know that Mr. and Mrs. &J. E. Montgomery are now making their home 'in Hn Jute, Calif. Mr. Montgomery ia enit-tei:t chief o the Brotherhood of Airerican Railway Engineers end was recently in Hous ton, Teces, arbitrating strike differ ences there. Mrs. Montgomery was formerly Miea Delia Watson, of the city. Their son is a student at Bel mont school at Belmont, Calif. Hood River Commandery held Chrint maa Observance in Mascni hall Christ inaa ftiorning, there being 4re nurobar el! Sit Knights. ieent. lie v. E. A. Marti conducted very impres sive service, ending with the partici pation in tti toast at the stroke of the hour corresponding to high soon at Washington, B. C. After the conclu sion of the sarvicei breakfast 0s carved in th ian$ut ruom. froftk 4'&&Af, f 42$eshai, forpierly of thiei cie, rMm tTridty evening to ettend to business auattere. fSf. Cad dy was one of the early orchardisls of the Valley, having developed one of the belt plaees on the west side. He is doing well s.t Gresham, being a firm believer in diversified farming, and believes the . sooner Hood River or chardisls becowie of the same opinion the eooner they will become more pros pefaus. Efr. Caddy is still a friend of Hood Rivev Valley, end says that he rPas seen no bwfter land or a place to live than the Hood River Valley. A J. L. -Bernardi, of SaWm. has been visiting his sister, Mrs. tj. A. Moblen. O. A. Rinehart went ta Moaier Sat urday on business. Miss Alta Poole spent the Christmas holidays with friends in Portland. F. E. Newby want to Portland Wednesday on businesa. C. H. Slettnn spent Wednesday in Put Hand on business. Chas. Castner went to Portland yes terday to spend New Years. Mrs. G. L. Smitii went to Portland Wednesday to spend a feV days. Newton. Clark went to Portland Wednesday to spend New Years. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trill, of Wal lowa, were here last week looking over the valley. Mioi Frances Bragg was in Portland fiver tbe week end to attend the Pink Lady at the Heilig theatre. Eatl J. Bronaugh, t the Upper Valley, spent the week end in Port land. . Mrs. J. M. Schmeltaer and son, Stanley, are ut home from Portland, Fpendinf the holidays. Mrs. Maud Pattee, of Monkland, has i ecu in the city the past suveral days iblirg friends. Henry Blakeley, cf Brownsville, was here to attend the funeral services of Robert H. Coshow. Mrs. Rose Shelley, of Carson, is spending the winter in iite city, having taken a residence on Cascade avenue. Mrs. Robert H. Wallace will enter tain a number .of friends At a party at her home, Shadow Brook f aim tonight. Mr. C. U. Nickelsen went to Grass Vatlry ycaiweday to vtH fier sister, Mrs. W. H Lelms. Carl Hollingworth, cf Tortlcad can e yesterday for a visit at tl home of Mr. ami Mrs. E. R. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Greerfcof Dundee, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Bradley. Mrs. V. K. Marshall and eoft, Kent, went to Portland Tuesday (of a few days' visit. Miss I.empi Hukari, of 0k Grove, spent last week in Portland visiting with friends. . Mrs. D. L. Rnuntree and little daughter. Velma, returned Sunday from Brush Prairie, Wash., here ttiey have been visiting lelatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleinhauser and children left Monday for southern California to spend the remainder of the winter. The members of the St. Mjrk's Guild will meet tomorrow, Friday, afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Baker at her hsme on State street. Albert L. Crocker, who has been with the North Pacific Fruit Distribu tors at Omaha, is now in I'oSton visit ing his mother. A. A. Jyne, formerly of Hood River, has Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wood ford, of Dee, left Wednesday for a visit in Bend. Miss Lillaa Urawn, of Goldendale, has been spending u coufile of weeks hce visiting her sister, l&rs. Her mann O. Kresse. fclf. and Hi, llurold ScxXmii. visited f relatives in The Dulles during the holi days. Miss bum Weber, sister of Mrs. Sexton, accompanied them here. Dr. J. M. Waugh returned Friday Irom an extended vjsit in the East. Mrs. Waugh and duughteP, Martha, r.6iitd in Portland for a visit. Sfiss Fanny Smith, of Ealispell, Mont., has been trending ttia holidays at the home of Mr. and EPrs. W. H. Furrow. 'Murray Kay was presented with a gold watch fob Sunday by the St. Mark's Men's club, ip appreciation of nis scrvicitf as leader ot J.he vested ehoir at St. Mark'jsthurch. Vivian Walker went to Portland Wednesday and will later reflirn to Eugene to resume his studies at the University of Oregon. Hi father re cently purchased Apple Dell ranch in the Oak Grove district. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Duncan and lit tle daughter, Dorothy, who have been spending the early part of the winter in Newport and Portland, will return tome this week. The next Auction Bridge party to be given by the Members of the Woman's Club, will be held on the evening of Wednesday, Januury 7, at the home of Mrs. G. A. Molden on Oak street, the former home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pratt. The Auction parties will be given throughout the winter, Mrs. Guy Smith and children, and Mrs. J. E. Stanton, of Portland, left Muuuny for t'oriiand. Mr. Smith will join them Friday and they wil later go to Dallas, Texas, to spend the winter where Mr. Smith has interests. E. T. Lawrence has taken charge of die Lawrence-Smith ranch. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Stew art, who celebrated their wedding an niversary, were pleasantly entertained on Tuesday evening at the hOie of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blagdon. The home was handsomely decorated in Oregon grape and Chrfttmas evergreens. Mr. und Mrs. Stewart received many beau tiful presents. LADIES CLOAKS CHILDREN'S CLOAKS SB reduced from 20 to 50 per cent M. O. Boe, of Parkdale, was in the! city on business yesterday. I Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Brock I Saturday, December 27, a son. ! Earl Noble spent Wednesday in The Dalles. Lowell Nickelsen is confined to his bed with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison, of Grass Valley, were in the city the first of the week. VV. II. Chipping left Wednesday evening to spend a few days in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morse, of Port land, father and mother of P. M. Morse, spent Christmas here. Mrs. S. McDougsl, of Weston, left Saturday after a visit at the home of J. R. Nunamaker and family. Mrs. H. L. Dumble left last week for southern California where ahe will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. English, of Oak Grove, went to Portland Friday for a few days' visit. Miss Shuck, one cf the eighth grade teachera, spent the holidaya in Port land. Professor H. E. Ewing, of the state experiment station, was here a couple ol days last week. A. H. Hart, of Albany, spent Christ mas here with , nis , daughter, Miss Jaunita Hart. Mrs. Allen Macrum, of Dee, was called to Portland this week by the serious illness of her father. Dr. W. G. Eliot and daughter, of Portland, came Monday to spend a few days on his leach. lam t. Al. M8i cpaa celled so Portland Wednesday on account of the illness of her father. Miss Laura Pregge and L. W. Prcgge went to Portland Wednesday to visit their mother. s J. E. Robertson went to Portland Wednesday to buy machinery to double the capacity of the box factory. Mis. Eroll Miller, after a visit here with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gooch, returned yesterday. Miss Florence Miller, of Portland, left Wednesday after spending the hoi Ways at the hoine of S. P. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hedges left Wednesday for Portland where they will make their home. Mi'8 Cleland, of Portland, who has been spending the week with Mis. John Kroeger, returned yesterday. Mrs. E. Cobb, of Mosier, came Wed nesday for a visit with Mrs. S. W. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cooper, and daughter, Florence, went to Portland to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laraway. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morse and little daughter, of Randall, Wash., left Friday after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Morse and family. A. W. Peters and E. K. Poolcy were up from Portland luesday and brought with them a string of ducks which, they claimed, they caught with a silver spoon. Mrs. George Wissinger and her two daughters, Dorothy and Marjorie.'after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Bell, returned Sunday to their home in Milwaukie, Ore. Lawrence Gerdes spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gerdes. Besides taking special work at the Oregon Agricultural College, Mr. Gerdes has charge of the chem istry supply room. A. W. Onthank has becli kept buRy of late adjusting losses from fires. He has had five recently, including that of J. A. Stranahan on his household goods. Next came that of J. C. John sen on" his house on Cascade avenue. Sunday morning he was hit again by a small lire in the house occupifti by r. A. Bishop on State street and Monday night one of his companies suffered a loss under policies carried for the ow ner of the property, A. II. Howes, and for the tenant, W. R. Gibson. Fortu nately in all these cases the fire was discovered in time to prevent total loss. Attention should be called to the fact that in at least two instances the fire was occassioned by faulty con struction of the building. Wood will hum if exposed to intense heat and this simple fact is sometimes forgot ten. 0 Masonic Lodges Install Officers Hood River Masonic lodges installed officers Saturday evening, and confered the third degree, winding up with an oyster supper. The following officers were installed in the Blue Lodge: H. T. DeWitt, W. M. ; Harold Hersh ner, S. W. ; J. O. McLaughlin, J. W. ; A. J. Derby, S. D. ; 1. F. Johnson, J. D. ; Kent Shoemaker and W. Lr Hodges, Stewards; G. R. Castner,' Tyler. Those installed in the Chapter were: W. L. Clark, H. P.; V. C. Brock, K.;J. P. Lucas, scribe; Geo. Dim mick, C. of H. ; L. A. Safford, P. S. ; H. T. DeWitt, R. A. C. ; J. K. Carson, D. V.; S. V. not yet installfd; Walter Walters, F. V.; Harold Hershner, see. ; E. U. Blanchar, treat. A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to You All Slocom & FOR SALE Owing to my enforced removal from Hood River I offer my liajht team of hotseis, with two sets of harness, for $1(1). Fresh Jersey Cow and calf, equally as cheap, as well as all implements on the ranch. Household goods for sale. Qome at once if you wish a bargain. 8 MRS, JOHN BRANDT FRANRTON ROAD (Formerly Frank Caddy Ranch) Want Better Lost Lake Road, Headed by D. I. Stone, who has been actively engaged for a number of years in developing the region and in boosting fur it, a number ol ranchers of the. headwaters of the West Fork appeared before the county court and asked for a better road to their ranches and to Lost Lake. At the present time, the way leads down a precipitous canyon just this side of Sandy Flat. The proposed way, which the ranchers ask, will elminate this heavy grade and give a road with but little grade into the wonderful mountain lake. Snow King Rules The snow king rules in the Hood River Valley. While a half sleet and rain fell yesterday over the lower altitudes, the heavy blanket, already several feet deep in the higher districts has been constantly added to. The snow in the city is now over a loot deep. At Oak Grove on the Green Point road, C. G. Lemmon yesterday reported five feet and 10 inches. All delivery wagons in the city are on runwrs and the orchardists travel in their cutters. Brgnn-Winans The wedding af Adolph J. Brann, of the Upper Valley, to Miss Edith Winans, a granddaughter of E. N. Winans, of this city, was solemnized last Wednesday evening, Sept. 24, at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. W. B. Young oiliciating. The young couple will make their horfte in the Upper Valley. McLean Receives Holsteins J. F. McLean, whA now owns and operates the McCan place on the West Side, received yesterday from the Wil amette Valley a shipment of eight thoroughbred Holstein milch cows. Mr. McLean will operate a high class dairy. IN KPITE of all the advancements in culinary art there is nothing that touches the spot like ham and eggs. At "The Oregon" you can get the best of both. For 3i cents yon can get a si ice of sugar cured, a couple of eggs, a baked potato, a cup of coffee, and bread and butter served over clean linen. Tbe warm golden orba&f a couple of fried eggs are mighty appetising especially wnrn everywiing inai goes Willi inpin is cooked well and served nicely. As for steaks you can pay what your'piirse de sires, ail the way from 3') cents to $2.00; and they are the best. We Ferve no cheap meats. rCvery day from 11 :30 to to 2 :00 ; noon lunch is on at 3.ri cents, and after lunch a good cigar from our case will satisfy the longing for a good smoke. jl-tf TMrs. Mary A. Wilkins, of Portland, who has been spending the Christmas holidays with her father, J. W. Moore, at The Dalles, stopped for a short visit here with her sister, Mra V. C. Brock. Job printing at ttu Glacier office. Canfield 1 I e Unitarian Church 2 Services next Sunday are as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service of worship at 11 .a m. Study hour at 7:30 p. m. At this latter ser vice the music will be furnished by tl) double quurtertte f the Congrega tional church who will render two se lections and a duet by Mr. Osgiiod and Mr. Epping. You are cordially invited. - Christian Church e Evangelistic services at Christian church each evening at 7:30. Sub jects: Thursday, "Baptism." Friday, "The Peril of Partial Obedience." Saturday, "Oats Patches." Sunday morning, "In the World, but Not of the World." Evenig, "The Scriptural Heart and How it is Changed." Sun day school at 9:45 and C. E. at 6:30. IQ. E. Church Services Sunday Softool a 10 a, m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Themes morning, 'Delivering the Prisoner;" evening, "Nothing but Laeves." Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evgn ing at 7:30 o'clock. The publico is cordially invited to attend these service. First Baptist Church Sunday, Jan, 4, 11 a. m. Sermon topic, "Deep Sea Fishing" at 7:03 p. m. Song service from "Revival Hymo." Sermon topic, "Too Lazy to go to church." At the Sunday school session last Sunday F. E. Coe was re-elected superintendent. Robert Gray, pastor. United Brethren Church. . Sunday sc hool at 10 a. m. Election of officers. Sermon at 11 a. in. Sub ject, "Goals for VJ14." Christian En deavor at jC :30, Mrs. C. S. Jones, lead er. At 7:30 the pastor will discuss this question: "Can the Chain bo Made?" Miss Grefehcn Hoerlein returned to Portland Tuesday after a visit here with her mother and brothers, Hans and Paul. Miss Myrtle Gramm, of Portland, who has been spending the holidays at the Hoerlein home also left Tuesday. Get Your Suit Cleaned and Pressed at Spaulding's Tailor Shop UNDER BROS1US BLDG. Telephpne No. 1124