HOOD UIYRft GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914 A HAPPY NEW YEAR Is Now Assured for Hood River And you can improve on the bright prospects by taking advantage of our Special Bargains Hany odd pieces of furniture, rugs, china ware, etc., and for this week only 1-3 off on all International Poods and Remedies. A 03.60 pall of stock or chick food e 4&. CJ U Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. Hardware, Furniture and Orchard Supply House Hood River is Winter it the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate. LET US HELP YOU PLAN A VISIT to th land of Sunwhin, Fruita and Flowers.' Outdoor Sporti Attto Iriv mwig the Oranjre Grovfa Tripi to the lieaehes Sutf lUthing and t?i hundreds of variwl amusements for which California ia famous. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED RATES For handsome booklets de scriptive of California, also for Fere, Tickets or Reservations CM on any Agent of the Oregon-Washington Rail road 6 Navigation Co. HIA1PPY NEW BgBfiB arjgggggl aj-anBAjajgge YE Gilbert ImDlcmcntCo. a. ays: .Livery, Feed Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. mm Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes a Koom a ibN Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste Am a s Oregon and Draying.. STRANAHAWS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Homes bought, aoKI or exchanged. I'leaimre partioa can aetMtroiflr.it-i'lnsa rigs Kpeoinl attention givi'n to moving furniture ano pianos, We tin everything horses can ilo. Mouldings V ''SOW A CLEVER BANDING OF COAT AND SKIRT MAKES FOR NOVELTY Odd touch''! mark men; of the new (ovvng and stilts this spuoon, such as an effective girdle o a smartly de signed vest or , aliaped trimming leirid on coat and skirt In fhls In etance both costume show novel touches. On one there la a surplice wst with pointed enda extending be low the girdle. The other suit show a coat gathered Into a shaped band at the bottom ajid a similar band at the bottom of the skirt. 8011 shows several other stnart fea tures, among them a pig-top skirt, a drop-shoulder gnd an effective collar. Black velveteen" Is the aiaterlal used, with the vest and trimming bands of Seville' Tewer'ef Oireltfa. From IU gront uutiiuity alon tt from nothing lso It Is plain tlmt tbe GlnilAii ot Seville could not Imre lweH tii(li(Hl fruin the tower of the Madjftfitt juar fiari1(ii In New York, whlck the Aiiieiicnii will lecall wU'ii i aeoH If. If the cum! nntet 1 revolted and we must allow that the Madison Square tower was Htmllotl from the (llnikla, we must still recognize that It Is no nei'vllo copy, but In iU frank liiiltation has a trriice and benuty whicli achieve originality, mill, fbt Oti'nhla Is aleny the Olrnlds, and, though there hud len no Stint llu flens to (If) If MHiiiUrit vrffh slich,a 1f In),' f ml I'd uymph nn polsce on out tower, the llgiire of fiillh which crowiiH it Is at least a pood weatlier vnno and from' Its oftieoof turning gives tlio nilglity hell tower Its name, hong ecntiiries before the tower wits a bel fry It served the mostjue, glitch the cathedral now replaces, s it tulnaret for the iime7..lii to call the f.ilthl'til to prayer, but It wbs then only twotltlixJa s hlgli.-IIiiipei'' Magazine. Cultured Hindu. In Bengal there nre about 70.000. (XHI of peoile, and tliey boitst ol perhaps tile best cultuiv In India ul the present time. The Itiujtmigo us n written language Is only lll'ty ye it old. Though for over n thousand ecai'g it has been a dialect, there Is In Indian history unfortunately no tract of Ileiigall having bee nn Important literary tongue. The language orlg Inates from Sanskrit, the niothel tongue from which every other Imliai langiingo has borrowed. Its alphabet grammar nui) vocabulary; but, unlike the others, Bengali nevee shrinks fi'om galliering new materials. There nre numerous I'crslun. French, Am file and English words Incorporated in it, nnd tlio wonder of It, Is that. In stead of 'having lieen degraded Intt some vulgar form like pidgin Kngilsh ateiigll ha beeoiiM th most literary, seleutlllc and Hrlinps the rKt plillo ophk' of motlerii Indian language. fcrwcl WoKton. Among the tourists who travel through France a considerable lumber visit the cathedral at Rhelms. a nij- illcent eianiplo of axtbc nrclilttauiv. In the tower there is nil enoMioiia clock, nnd It Is the Helton's business to wind It every hn-a very tiring Job, as the weight are naturally extremely heavy. The sexton, however, is a very shrewd fellow. Whenever he shows the trippers this wouderful piece of mechanism he remarks, "Ladles nnd gentlemen, if you do not believe nie regarding' the heaviness of the clock weights try for yourselves." Each of the trippers Immediately gU'e,n turn or two to the wheel, and as there are some 200 visitors a day the trippers unconsciously and eagerly wind the clock for him and In addition, give til hi nn extra tip for being allow ed to do his work. Iotidnu Onlooker. Emily Bronte's Looks. A discussion as to the personal ap pearance of Finily Bronle reveals the remarkable fact that no one knows anything about It since there is no au thentic portrait in existence. When Charlotte Bronte first saw George rienry Lewes she said that he was wonderfully like her sister Kinily, but this is unfortunate for Emily since Iwes was very much, like a baboon. Tosslbly the comparison was due to a sisterly enndor that so seldom errs on the side of mercy. Thanks to photog raphy, the historlun of (he future will not lie In doubt as to the appearance of celebrities of the present generation, but he Is likely to have Ids own opin ion as to those worth knowing about Argonaut Romaa stripe faille. The fires to of black gatln. This design may he copied ia size Is) with 9M yard of 42 Inch material. 7810-7811 is developed In fawn color ed rating and trimmed with self color silk. A frill ef tete de negre chtffoa at throut an cult offers effective re lief.' For this coetume In alze J It re quires, for the coat (7H10) 2V4 yards of 36 inch material and forthesklrjt (7811) S yard of material for size ilt. No. SOU sites 14 to 18. No. 781-les34 to 42. No. 7811 sle.'s22to 80. Each pattern IS cents. f ew af England Blr!t To enter file service of the Bank ol England a eandidate must lie nominat ed by a director, be of good moral chaincU'f', pss it qualifying I not cooi ritlvo gaWiuatioii 'and be I 'tween elghtfeu tit twenty-two years old. The first year Ids salary is $,"), and Hmmi it line lit the rate of $."iO a year. At tiie em, vt the lll'th year he pro ceeds to (fie fourth class or else leaves the service of the bunk. According to figure furbished by one of the lunik's otriclals. the nverage pay at the end of ten .vein's is 1,nr0. At fifteen years tt Is 1,:1,00, twenty year a 1, 545, thirty pvar fi.PaTi; eW lUt Uui sen ior clerks pas to 2,1."'). Th Waif a ml upei lal pota, numbering abotit 1, are won by . meritorious service. Tiie highest salary Is pnid the chief cashier and is f.15,01). The chief ac countant draws 12,,V), and there are several sppointuM-nt ranging from 7, 500 to IV00. agent of branch re ceive up to'$I,il). There I pen sion system to which the clerk doe mt contribute, tint for which ha It qualified after ten yeifs' servlcfc Mood.' Magneln. Bide' Wait Fee h "Thank Yea." John Bull, the scene painter, tells g story of nn occasion when he deliTefwd some scenery for nn Mitertalniuent la a lunatic asylum. lie was watching Ids men getting the Bluff In when It beerau to rain, h big man wrta a pleasant smile appeared and offered; to help. They got on famously. Mr. Bull and his volunteer were Just setting down the last load when an attendant arrived, caught the Mb man a tre mendous blow on. th aid of th bead nnd sent liim rrnwling on hi back, sir. Bull was rwochlcas with Indigna tion ( tills attack, but the victim got tip, snilllng more than ever, anA -walked away. "You can tbauh you etars I've been watching yon," tb attend ant explained. "I stippos when you had the last lot in you' lmva aaid, 'Tlumk 'ou; I'm tnneh oMigatl.' Wall, that' thta Mhiw' treuhlc, air. Th moment you' et 'Thang oo t Tra VII wring your ." ImfloA Stand ard. flacing the Cjawa, An anecdote of President Hayes t9 touj by an Kagliskuna who forssed one of a party of hi cowiputrlot WaJle the president and his family were at Clark's ranch, near Yosemiie. Tbe two parties were asset0bled In the rude kitchen awaiting the comjug meal. .A. certn?n stiffness prevailed at first At last a master of the ceremonies and Introducer appeared in the shape of a small and elegant qunSruped, evident ly a family pet which trotted Into the kitchen to be caressed.. A lady of the English party gently stroked its stem, the president its stern. Presently they met, about the center of the animal, and the interchange of a few remarks became inevitable. "This is a very pretty goat." from the English lady. "My end Is antelope, madam," fjom the president. It need scarcely be said that both ends were antelope, but the reply was very neat. 0 Notice Nirce is hereby given that the part nership heretofore subsisting between J. C. Porter. Nellie Porter, fAmanda Sears and Gladva VV. Brock under the firm name of Sears & Porter, was dis solved on the first day of August 1913, by mutual consent. J. C. Porter, Nellie I. Porter, Amanda Sears, j!5 Gladys W. Brock. Chronic Constlpatloo lured ' L'.' .... . T 1...1 II,. ol chronic constipation I ever knew of, and Chamlierlain's Tablets cured me," writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by all druggists. FOR SALE . $130,00.00 6 per cent Irrigation Diitrkt Bondi, Et Fork Irrigation. Diitrkt Hood Rirr, Oregon salad proposal will be newd by Board of Director uf East fork Irrta-alloa Dis trict et Ibelr otnoe la Koou i aad a. Ball bulldiM.Huod tur,Oroo, eaiiloos-iklrtr o clock P. M. oa Iimut, Ju umtj , a. D. lvli, tur Ute parr hue of one BB&draa arty looosand (lilu.JUOUVi dollars of imgaUoe Manet bood autoarleed aad lasaed by Ue above aamed Insirtrt, ia deaoaalDaUoDaof tl.uUO 0Usaeh,datd Jul? 1.1MI, parable la rear- i ly lusiaUmaaie la Iktat aerustiUras of Uie ' whole issue aa by law direct) eommaaeing ' Willi Uie eiplraiioa of elevea years from da; 1 or uaueandendlDg at the donation of iwenty 1 year from dale or tame, and bearing latere at Uie rale of all is y per ernu par annum, payable on tne fl ret 4y of January and July of eaeb er. Coapcua for Uie interest are 11 tar lied to tbe bunds, and both principal and Interest are payable In lawful money of tbe United mates of amerlee at tike offlce of tli Treajei rer of said ULlrlrt. or at the Fiscal i pAKeoey of tbe Htate of Oregon la Uie etty of new iora, n. i. Tbe above described bond aretssoed tne pdfose of procuring necessary reclama tion works, and acualrtQs to narwssarr DroD erty and rlgbta loerafor.lo Irritate and re elulm Uie lands wltbla said District, and oth erwise carry oat tbe laws of tbe Htate of Ota. g on relating to ImgeUoo District. Tbe legality of tbese bonds baa beea approv ed np to this est by Messrs. Dillon, Tbupi son A Clay of New Vork, N. Y. Uoqnsltflrd bids only will be received, and tbe suoceekral bidder will be furnished wltb sn ortoinal coot of tbe opinion of tbe above tnaatlou-Hl auur- oeys, covering tne legality ol tbe tuX Each bid moot beaoeemnnileg by a eertl fiwl rLwk or eaahlar a cliaA. di a.Ma ra. sponsible bank lu the city of Penan, Ore- ;on, Hir an amoaoi eqmu to two til per cent, if the face veins of tbe bonds, vmrmm to lbs rTfimof Bent fork Irrhpaikai btajrttt. to bs Meltee aa ilgnldVaol teaigiM Id ae la bidetorsBHill Tlniiwr btsblsi abetii aillor neaieet to laaM sad put OwmmI aftada.sBasald lbs eare be atareed to bias. hiv w iinm w uiat. i aw will be said to tbe blabsM npajilb) blatter, pro vided, however, the rfcjhl to ssjeel ail bids Is All proposals should he aagesMd rsnaaaasi foi Irrigation Dm Met boncW' aad siwltanssa K. Boas. I'MMSMK' aaM fare irrksa- II. 10 Dtatlet, kooaas 6 aad s, llaU Balidlaa), atiajd lver, Oelpat. Ily carter of the ld eg) MreMasw ef Seat I01W IrrbpMkia DwtrM. 1 agaaMaMMpW Sotlrj of final kQrmfiB m C&rtto BafttJEttatt. In th Count Court Ho4 klvar floaatv. atateof Oregwa. Ia th oiMar of the Issi of Maiwaieeha Marlaa Nlartebs, tli naiii. noiiiw is asreay givwa taai tea) anaaaMMaaal oiveaaeutora of lbs : Willi of Mar- seiwtha eautettna HlDrlk,d have niea tbelr aaal account aa sack eaeeetors lib the clerk ol the aaove eatltenl Court and that lbs Hon. K. X. titaaton, Judwe of said Court, bas eutsred an ordsr Saina vriaey, tbe 2nd day of Jsnuary , A. D isle, at the knur of luo cior a. ar. 01 said day as tne lime and st die Court Hrnwi of tbe Cxuaty Court Monet In Hood Klver City aad Coaaty aa Ike bums for bearing on-aald goal account, aad of ob jections thereto, If any there be, aad any per son interested may than and loses aofaatr to nieee ana prewm suca oojactioaa, n aay may have. That upon ssld final account bslaaanamv. ed and leHllemeiit nisase, th Ceart will tlx and tbre prmsid to enter de.-ra of dlrl bullon of said sstsle, discharge the eaecuwuet and close rsid wuie Inajly. i senate or tne nrat publication of this ao tire Is Decern 4. 118. aad the last oa Jaau. ary 1, 1UU. Haifa BlNKlCMIan CLABa MaHKLCY Kaaruteea, Hiant River, Orego. Dnmlair 1, 111 K. n. Ilartwlg, Attorney ftir aaeate. jDmmanj by ftfittotiui la th Circuit Court, State of Orvgua, for liuod Klver County. Irs K. Williams, I'Ulntl. vs. William. H. KodtablatraadD. H Ha tiaradaaia. I'o William H. Kodeaklatr, laaaaatdeg wlkk D. A. Kile, dvieadants. In the name of tbe Mate of Ore eta: Yonr bervby notified that the dafsaAaat, D. H. kllle, ban II led hi answer In above twilled actum praying for a Jndgment against yon in tne sum ol wn7 SU wltb iDlsrsat from the 4tb day of November, ll, lor balance remaining du and unpaid for work and labor perform ed In the clearing and Improving or certain lands, hereinafter described; and for tbe sum of as.uo puld for verification and recording ol lien; aud for the further sum of jfl reasonable attorney's fata In this action, ltsfcaaant also press for th (Mreslosnre of a ktaeve's Urn, which said lltn was duly M iatMaeUoaof tea atesatf aairh af aViaa ativaa cmv. u fm, Wiivembar aa, 1W3, eaa iwiwrdad In of Meriianle Lisa Kaoned at page lit! by vir tue of which a lieu is claims by this deem riant, for work and lanoi perawaaed la and alwut the clearing and Improving iheaaate, upon the following deecrlbed real eetate.towlt: Hglnnlng Ttttchelas aootb irom tke North went oornsr of Imi I, sevtloa B. Township 1, Houih Kangs 10, E. W, U. running thsnoaeast M chains; theucs.soulh Iff eaj 2.7 ebalos: then, e south aP east t etialaei theao auuth 1" wiat 3.7S chains; tUrans north Wi" west '2.64 cbaln:theace son til 6 wset J t chain; tlienue smith east t tt chains; theuc outh 1 west 6 22 chain; tlisuo due w.et 8.1 ehaia;thenoe aiuth H f .V west J chains; llisuc north 13 1.0 chains to tli alaos of baglRBtag, oontala Ipe 10 acres of land. Also beginning at the North wait enrner ol Lot 1, Marl ion 6, Township 1, aauth Binge 10 east, W. at. thence east I0.6i ohalns; thence soiiih 4 dial nn; thenc south at0 west sbalua thence aontb ii'i west 6 chains; limine north to the plaee of beginning, ounlalniog 6! acres of land. benlendant pravitbat said Ilea mar badnra. chard amawdlng ta law and tea i iMlia of ifliarBri,ane in tames taereia anerruaj anay be sold by the sherilf and the pronesd there. Irom be sppllsd la natieflafittea of hi jurig- suit; defendant also pray tor dnoleay ludg- niruiw i.ii (ifwuiiaiL saail owaia IB tint ment and for such rail Itlat to Which h aiat la enlltled. You are hereby required to appear and ans wer thej)iiiplaiut .ld krln by thla dfn dsnton or brairetbe 7th day Isbroery, 1114. and If yoa fall to so aafaar aa aaewee, for want thereof, defendant will ajpely toebnes deerrlhed court for in relief dsaaaadad I kit eld ukr. Tou ar hereby aerved with teat aawamnai by erder ol the Honorable fc. k. ieiaatB, county Judge of Hand tllvop Cssuity, tlregvm, made and eulaied oa tbe 17th y af lamesa. ber, 11113, which erder prearrtta that you suall atiaBar anil antwsr the oosagialBt net out aatiust yon bv the ewftadant, I). A. tile, In his answer herein, on or aape th eipirav tlon of sla weak! taom tks ml of tbe ft rat Eublloetlon of thla summoar, aad you are ersoy not I sal let tbe daw of the tree aub Uiataia of 1 ate uraaou li rranaaaear 1, Jons BAgaav, Attorney the fiot, 1 A. lire, ao IV U. Hrattoa Slda., Hm5 Biter, Oregon. 1121 In th Clreult Conrt of the for tb County of blood gjlvar. R. L. Sable, rialntlfl vs. V. H. Ra9Mblar, Iafahewat of To w. St. naaeabi, la renMkt. Is th n of ta saate of Oregvas, yea are harab rfiinilrwa ta aBnaar aad aaaemrtke coinpllm filed ggwlaee fn I tlarseveen. tilled aotiea on or kotos the last dagbftke time prescribed In tbe orderdir Uie publica tion of tbls summons, town: Uo or beiore the 9th day of January, 19J4, aald eaty bhUrg after the expiration of sla weak from the nasi pub lication of tbls notice, and if you ftdl to vp- fiear and answer, for want thereof the plain lit will take Jugdmett Cvnlnat you la the sum 01 Thirteen hundtelaLdQvsnty-Bvand do 1 100fSi37 SO) dokjars and fur his eoatdoand aisbuist'iiients herein, Kg pnayed for Its hl complaint 00 Ale herein. This summons is served upon yon by publi cation and In accordance, nun an order of tho Honorable W. L. Bradahgw presiding In the above entitled Court, which order la dated on the 2Slh day of November, 113, and re quires you to appear and answer tne com plaint herein within six week! from the date of the first publication of tbls summons. Date of first publication November 2', 1911 Date of lant publication January 8, 1914. ANUK1.1. 4 FISHER, Attorneys for 1'lalullff. Summons. In tbe Circuit Conrt of tb State of Oregon, for Hood River County. Elsie liouthit. Plaintiff vs. Joel Doutblt. Defendant. To Joel Pouthlt, the above named defendant: In the name ol tbe State ot Oreaon, yon are hereby command to appear and annwerlhe complaint died against you In tbe aoov en titled Court and cause, on or before the 4th day or January, MI4, and If yon fall so 10 ap pear and answer aaid complaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for a Decree forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now ex isting between yoa and the plalntlfl, and for the care, custody and control of Jot Men Doutblt. the minor child of plaintiff and de fendant, for plalntifl's costs and disburse, menu In tbts suit, and for such other relief ss may seem equitable to tbe Court. This Hummona Is served upon von bv nnh. llratlonhereof In tbe Hood River Olivier for tlx (t successive weeks by order of the Hon. I K. K. Btanton, Judge of tbe Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, ' duly made and entered on tbe Ittb day of j November, Wi. and tbe date of tbe first pub-' llcallon hereof Is the Hh day of Nov., 1P13. A. J.PKRBY. JO-Jnl Attorney for Plain; Does Your House Need PAINTING? NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT WE HANDLE O Sherwin-Williams Paint "The Best On Earth" THAPS ALL GMAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy 5d The Scemc Columbia See H st if' best tto'ta the River Steamer of the Dalles, Portland & Aitork Navigation Company DTecdirt Haj 20, tt foUowini via Lte t(w Sche.ule of the Boat: iataoa Bailay Geutavt will leave Portland on Sunday, Tuesday and Tfearaday, and will lewve Hood River on Monday, Wedmwday and Friday. Her arrival at Hood River being about 4:30 P. M., and departure about 8:81) A.M., sama depending on the amount of freight we are carrying. INarttaaal Dock at Foot of Alder Street i5 TIB DallBS, Portlaiit & i iii I, jf-i i lis- aE a i ib If 11 ,a B 11 Ttr-atS-aV.;:-:'' . .. XI 8Wi-,f- Westing! Hatatins and CooKing Apparatuf Electric Irons Pryin Pans - Disc Stoves Toaster Stoves Always in Stock at Moderate Prices. Let Us Show You. fartntess BMj. BAILEY & COLBY Phone 1524 ELtCTIlCAL CONTRACTORS For Rent Apartments in New Telephone Bldg. Call Telephone Office. Stanley-Smith Lumber Co, Order your boxes early. Special drive in California apple boxes of 8 cents while they last. Orchard Lad ' ders, 12 foot lengths, $1.50 Give us your orders for house mateiials. PHONE 2171 THE QUESTION BEF08E EVERY WOtt. is: "Where can I find a Grocer whose service is satisfactory; who will deliver what I send for ' without substituting an inferior article?" OUR ANSWER ' is: "Here we are! Give us a call, or send along your order. You'll never need to ask that ques tion again." "THE BEST THINGS TO EAT" WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD. Proprietor. Phone 1221 Free Delivery S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer Established 18 Years HOOD RIVER, OREGON Astoria NaYigatton Co. V-.fr :'J. I I I -Tit itlE3i J