HOOD KIVER GLACIER, TflPItSDAY. JANUARY 1. 1914 Money Saving Sale for Careful Buyers JANUARY. 3rd' to 14th OUTING FLANNEL SPECIAL TO GET RID OF AN OVERBUY OF CHOICE OUTINGS IN ALL COLORS-10c, lie, lZc GRADES WILL BE CUT TO 9c Yd. Saturday Only GEO. B. WILBUB Lawyer Booms 14 and 15 Hall Building ITotiI River ... Oregon E. E. STANTON Lawyer General Law and Probate Practice Legal Work of All Klnda Collection! and Insurance Rooma 20 and 21, Bronlus Bide;. Telephone IBM HOOD RIVER - - OREGON J ARES H. HAZLETT Lawyer Rooms 12 and 14, Eliot Bldg. Hood Rivr Oregon L. A. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR axd CIVIL ENGINEER Two Doors North of Poatofflce Phone 1331. E. D. KAN A OA Physician and Surgeon Phones : Office 421 1 Office in National Res. 1811 Bank Building Dr. V. B. Abraham Office in Eliot Block Office Phone 4151 Residenc phone 4152 J.F.WATT.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEOS. Waroaat oJo, MiM, ajvi. bUKttEON O. H. AM. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Catti promptly answered In town or country, Day or Night. - Telephones: Residence, KM): Office, 1211. tiHoe In tbe Brasilia Building. DK. M. H. 8HABP DE. KDMA B. 8HABF Osteopathic Pbystcians Graduates rt the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. Home Phone 10e Res. 102-B E. O. DUTEO, M. D. Office Smith Bldg., Hood River Phone 71 Hours 1 to 4 P. M. and by appointment Rtsicence, Lewis House, Odell Phone Odell 193 Calls promptly answered in town or toontry day or night. DB. EDGING-TON 1121 Twelfth Street, The Heights HOOD RIVER OREGON J.H.McVAYM.D. Diagnosis, Consultation and - Surgictl Diseases. Reside at at foot of Booib Hilt, Central Vale PHONE Odell-147 Or. Justin 21. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT GENERAL SURGERY Office in Eliot Bldg. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. O.H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 1081; residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. B. DENTIST t etephones : Office 3161 ; residence 3421 Office in Brosius Building. H. 3D.W. PINEO, D. D. S. , DENTIST Booms 4, 5 and 6 Telephone Smith Building 202: LOUI8 A REED ALBERT P. BEED L. A. HENDERSON L. A.&A. P. REED LAWYERS Two Doors North of Postoffice Phone 1331 DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. C. BUCK NOTARY ' PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brosin Block Frederick ft Arnold Contractors and Buildcrt Estimates furnished on till kinds of work r nonets. Amoid; not . M. E. WELCH, LICENSED TITERI1ARY SU&UEOJ Is prepared to do aay work In the vetarln ary line. He can be Iband by calling at or phoning to Clarke a drug itore. C. M. HURLBURT SUKVEYOB TELEPHONE 5648 R. R. Barttett ARCHITECT HOOD RIVER, OREGON Hellbronner Building PftOM 1W1 MURRAY KAY Civil Enfimr arvd Surveyor SURVEYING and BLUE PRINTING P. M. Morse Hood River office for Newell, Gossett & Walsh, Consulting Engineers of Portland. . Make your harness water proof and prevent the win ter's rain from ruining them Our shop is equipped with a Eureka Harness Oiler. Let us add to the life of your harness. R.G.Y0WELLL&C0. M Building. Oak Street tHIIHIMHIIIIIMI I " Let Us ; Re-line your Coat and Cloak. ; We also clean, press and ', make clothes. West Side '. ; ; folks remember us and leave ; your garments at our shop 1 f v el.. "TV.. ' Heights." I F. T. ANDERSON TwlwpsVsaavw t68S rMt'4HMHtHtt V. J. BaRer & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and. Farm Lands iMimiii'iinimmniii' John Goldsbury I Repreaenta the : Northwestern Mutual :: Life Insurance Co. Milwaukee, Wis. i J For the Hood (giver Valley Parkdale, OrenPhone Odell 313 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE OLDEST AND THE BEST ODELL Mrs. G. E. Bowerman is improving though not rapidly and there are no indications that there will Ce mora eaeea and every one hopes that this may be the last case and that in prop er time quarantine may be safely raised and life may go as before. E. B. Moses left Sunday for Hudson, Wis., after having been here for a month a visit with his family. Prof. Martin Rair, of Kooskia, Ida., has been hero for visit with friends. He left Sundsy for Portland for a few days' stay eefore he returns to his school work. f . A V. nlartr nvnnplg in return IklR ask from Xtanfiplrl Ore., where he has been pruning Page aV Son's or chards during the past four weeks. He hat had three helpers who art em nlovad bv Peat aV Son on their Stan- field ranch. lira Wallapa Ynnna ia rpnnrrpd im. proving nicely and her many friends are gixi 10 anew msi ner lamny ex pect that she will be able to be brought home soon. Walter and Margaret Niehans, of Portland, have been here for a visit itk Ik.!, rargntl Mr ftnH M ra A Niehana. Mrs. V. A. Msstee is home after having been Tour weeks in the hospital in Hood River for an opera tion and treatment. Rev. Troy Shel ley will preach at tne union cnurcn next Sunday morning at 11:30. PINE OKOVE There will be regular sarvices at the ehurch next Sunday morning and a Veapea service at 3 :W. Tfa4 H,C TvU. iiJ at wltUMia. Isaac Jntj YtxTuj artcrooon f this week instead of Thuiaday afternoon, th ueual day on account of -New Yeare. Hi, and Mrs. Jeffreys spent Christ- mas in Portland at the home of their daughter, lira. Collard. ibey re turned Saturday afternoon. . Mrs. Scobee. mother of Dr. and Mrs. Scobee, and daughter from Portland, visited relatives in tha vicinity through the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wylis, of Hood River, ate Christmas dinner with A. I. Mason and family.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adaais spent Christmas in Hood Kivtr with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. J. P. Huff went to Washoueal Satur day morning ta be absent a'few weeks. Mrs. nun and children joined mm Monday. A little dauhgter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock Ssturdsy morning. Wm. Moors ia with his family again after an absence of aeveral weeks in Wasco county, where he was engaged in business. Mrs. Katella Dsnison, Sunt, cf Anti- narcotics, will take charge of the meeting in the interests of her depart ment at the W. C. T. U. meeting next Iriday afternoon. MOSIEfL Mr. and Mrs. James Mead went to Portland the first of the week to spend Christmas with relatives. Miaa Alice Moaier came horns Tues day morning to spend the jioliday Vaca tion with her parents. J2 i. P. Carroll waa a business visitor to Tha Dalles the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson, of Port land, spent CJirietmaa here with Mra. Neleon'a parents, Mr. and lira. C. i. Littlepa-ge. Mr. and Mr. Jne. Forbes and aon same from Mora this week te visit with Mr. and Mra. Waa. Graheea. Mr. and Mra. Gordon Graham, of Umatilla, spent Christmas here With their parents. Miss V. Banwett, f Kale me, Wash., ia spending the week be re with hr sietef wnd euat. R. J. Tayk spent Christmas With his family at the worm ct his patents neaf Caps Horn, Wash. E. Jacobasn, of Portland, is enjoying an outing on hit ranch. Br. and airs. Fred Evans and son, spent Christmas In The Dalles with Mrs. Evan' mother. E. W. Davidhizar and family spent the past week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Davis and nephew, of Prineville, spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mc Gregor. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Howe came from Portland Wednesday afternoon to spend a week or so on the farm. C R. Hage, of South Bend, Wash., spent part of the past week here with his cousins, C. A. and Otto Hage. Mrs. S. D. Fisher went to Odell Sunday to see her mother. Mrs. L. H. Wilson returned to Port land Sunday after remaining over a week with Mra. L. V. Wood, who seems much improved. Mr. and Mrs Robt. Husbands and family, of Hood River, spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ror den. Mr. and Mra. Jno. Davenport went to The Dalles the latter part of the week. 5. W. J. Lia-htuort. of fean Francisco. Cal.. spent a lew days here this week with his father and another and his sis ter. Mrs. H. L. Foe. II. E. Dean is spending the holidays in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. tfiddleswart. of Hood River, spent Chrigtnias here with their children. Chss. Bennett, W. K. HuBkey, Ben Veatch and C. R. Hage were in The Dalles Saturday. BAKEETT. Mr. and Mrs. Sweany and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons have bean spending the Christinas holidays in Portland. Mrs. Ida Crapper has rented her house for the winter to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Miller. Mr. Ilillcr is a brother of Fred Miller. We welcome this young couple to ear community. Mrs. Crapper will spend the winter visiting in various plaaes. Mrs. Uix and daughter Madee, are spending a couple of weeks in Port land. Tlio Christmas program given by the Sunday school Christmas Kve, was en joyed by all and the fhilathea class deserve praise Tor gecorating the church so prettily. The new minsiter, i. B. Lister, en gaged by the Valley Christian church for the coming year, Will deliver his first sermon Sunday attorning, Jan. 4. We hope for a large attendance of both members and friends of the church. ' The annual meeting ef the Valley Christian church will lb held Wednes day, Jan. 7. This wilt begin with , a aermou ia ilia uuwig ay tia faster after whk-h a basket dinner will be served, followed in the afternoon with a business meeting of the past year's work of the church and to snake plans for the future. All are invited to at tend. The Ladies' Aid wiH hold their first meeting of the New Yssi at horns the of Mrs. titsuffer, Thursday, Jan. 8. This will be a very interesting meet ing as eleetion of officers will take place for the coming year. All mem bers and friends are invite! to ba pres ent. Hal Nesbit has gone to remain for the next six months taking a course in a business college. The young people have been having a jolly time making it pteasant for some of their num ber w ho are home from school spending the helidays. Mrs. Cays has been under the weath er for some time but ahe ia able to be out again. Rev. Allison, who has bean assisting in tha meeting at the Christian church in town came out and delivered an able sermon at tha church Sunday morning. That beautiful solo "Calvary" was rendered by Mrs. Tate and enjoyed by all present. BELMONT. Mrs. Hill,' Goodman and Miaa Jennie McKesn were Christmas gitetu at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ledford. Bertie Ledford ia spending tha Holi day season with his cousin, Walter l-edford, at Wamic, Ore. ' W. J. Wollum, wife and daughter spent Christmas day at tha hone of .1. W. and W. H. Davis and families. Wm. Farrell and family spent Christ mas at the home of Walter. Ferry and funnily. Mrs. Fsrrell anil Mrs. Ferry are cousins. L. W. Bishop and wife entertained at dinner Christinas day Mr. and Mra. Geo. Galloway, Sr., Miss Lm Gallo way, Mr. and Mra. Ross, Miaa Fsnsy Noss, and Mr. labell, a jolly Christmas crowd. Miss Liile Jones cine frosa Portland to spsnd Christmas dav with tte home folks, returning on thufevesiitig train. Mr. and Mrs. Hermsn Setlaring and family tame from Forest ifoe to spend the holiday with her mother, S9 re. M. B. Isenberg. . - Miss Bess Isenberg cams hobs to spend Christmas, returning go Portland the next day. Mrs. IS. P. Isenberg wgs) a feappy mother Christmas day, as ber five sons and five daughters with husbands, wjvea and childcen were all at home, in addition to these the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Will Somerville, r rank Quin, Mrs. Will Chubb and two daughters, Mr. Hid Mrs. Sam Smith and daughter: twenty three adults and thirteen children. Dinner was served at 8 p. m. The table was in L-shape and was bountifully spread with all the delicacies of the season, every one doing ample justice to the good things prepared by the hostess, wflose fame as a cook is well known by all her friends. The five sons gave their mother a handsome case of silver for her Christmas present. It ia tne first time for six years that the ten children and families have all been at home together. 0 Miss Vera O'Neil has been quite sick, but we are glad to know at this writing that she is better. Mr. Pierce, of Baker, came last Monday to spend Christmas with his wife, who ia here visiting her mother, Mrs. King, on the McFarland ranch. Mr. find Mrs. Alfred Eshan and Big Reduction on all Warm Goods A Few Prices to Convince You STOCKING CAPS, 50c value at '....29c LADIES FLANNELETTE GOWNS, 75c values at 49c LADIES FLEECED UNDERWEAR, 35c values at 29c BOYS CORDUROY CAFS, 25c values at 9c CHILDREN'S PLUSH CAPS, 50c values at 39c BROKEN LINES OF BOYS AND MEN'S UNDERWEAR ALL WINTER , GOODS TO GO THE son spent Christmas at the home of Charles Wallace and family on Rock ford avenue in the Barrett district. Gilbert Nelson went to La Grande to spend Christmas with his wife and children who are there visiting her parents and other friends. Ed Vannett and Nels Nelson were callers at the E. J. Nicholson ranch Sunday. Ed came to see his team of greys, who are at the ranch for the winter. Herbert Russell and wife, Mr. Mc Kean and wife, young lady friend Mrs. Hill, Goodman, and alias McKean at tended services at Belmont Sunday morning. On their returning they kindly took Mrs. Somerville, Mrs. Cnuhb and two daughters and George Ledford home. The crowd drove out nf the home of Mr. Russell and Mc Kean were with guitar and violin. The afternoon was passed in sacred songs and music by Miss McKean and G. Ledford, a most fitting way to spend tbe last Sunday in 191S. 'the two youngest children of J. R. Forden and wife were baptised Sunday morning at Belmont church. Mrs. Chubb and daughters came Tuesday to spend the holiday season with the home folks. There will be no preaching at Bel mont next Sunday morning, Sunday school at 10 a. m. preaching at 7:30 p. m., to wnicii you are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. T. Frohn, of Hood River, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eastman, Jr., in Belmont. UNDERWOOD. After being in Portland for about 10 day Uaorgw Hrwttt retwrnaa) teomt Ihursday, Dec. 15. Hunter Vinton went back to Port land Sunday, Dec. 28, after spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mis. C. M. Vinton. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kollock left for Portlsnd Sunday, Dec. 28. Mrs. Kol lock will go from there to Denver, Colo, to visit relatives for tha next two or three months, and Mr. Kollock expects to spend the rest of the winter in California. Mrs. H. S. Adams went to Steven son, luesday, Dec. 30, to attend the Fern-O'Connor wedding. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper, of Port land, spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Marsh came op from Portland to spend the week and on their ranch here. Fred Luthcy went to Washougal to spend the Christmas holidays with his psrents. Entertainments were held st the Underwood and Underwood Heights schools on Christmas Eve. Songs, recitations and dialogs were a form of the entertainment accompanied by a Christmas tree and a real live Santa Clsus, who distributed gifts of candy, etc., to everybody. Very pleasing exercises were held st the Chcnowith school house Christmas Eve, which drew quite a crowd. WINANSCITY Everyone is in the best of health and all have made good resolutions for the New Year. Paul Winsns left Ssturday noon for The Dalles, where ha looked stur his business interests. Miaa J Varna Witain Inani tha maalt tnd with Mr. and Mra. W. U. Walker and v. k). waiter, oi uak i.rove. Many of the young people who have been away attending school, returned home to spend the holidays. Richard Yates, who attends O. A. C. in Corvallis, was home for Christmas and the holidays with his parents in Dee. Nisa Georgia Prather, who is a sen ior at the University of Oregon, came hoaie fur a visit with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Gao. T. Prather, of this vicinity. a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker, of Oak Grove, and aon, V. D. Walker, who is home for the holidays, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family. V. D. Walker is a student off the U. of O. in Eugene. Miss Evelyn Nebendahl spent several days of the Christmas vacation in Portland viisting friends and relatives. Sleighing has been very good in this district the past week. Roads are in fine condition except in places where heavy loads have been hauled over them and have cut the roads up. Little Miss Lillian Edwards and brother, Master Wilbur, who have been studying under a private governess, enjoyed a pleOant Christmas holiday. W. R. Winana and the Misses Winans were in Hood River Saturday. We wish you a happy and prosperous (sew xear. Any little wound or abrasion of the flesh occuring In cold weatlmr that is not promptly treated becomes a bad sore and is dithcult to heal. A pply Ballard's Snow Liniment at once when such accidents happen. The wound heals promptly and soon does away with the annovance of a bandage. Price 26c, 60c ann fl per Dome, ooia Dy vnas. Clarke. HEI GHT At ths Cms Wednesday and ' Thursday "The Phantom Signal," an Edison two reel feature; a drama of the railroad. John Graham, a grasping financier, gloats over hia dividends while hia badly equipped railroad slaughters passen gers and train crews. Accidents to his daughter, wife and self do not awaken him, but a terrible vision of tha result of his avarice melts the man of iron. "Broncho Billy's Secret," an Es sanay western drama featuring G. M. Anderson. "A Phony Alarm," a Pafhe comedy. "Their Wive's Indiscretion," an Ra sa nay comedy. "tommy's Strategem," an Edison Comedy. Friday and Saturday "The escape of Jim Dolan," a Selig western drama in two reels. Jim Dolan, a cowboy, is tha reigning favorite at the Welling ton's party and his attentions to the daughter, Grace, appear to be relished not only by the young lady, but by her stalwart brothers. Ed Jones, the cheeky foreman of the Brown ranch, tries to steel Grace from Jim. Brown, the neighboring ranch owners, and his foreman, Jones, ride to Jim Dolan's ranch and insist that ha sell out to Brown, which Jim refuses to do. 1 hereupon Brown says he will make it too hot for him to remain. Jones at tempts to join in with his master, but is quickly silenced. This adds to his hate, and he concludes to get good and even With Jim. He picks several hides conspicuously branded from a bale of green onoe back of the Brown corral. He secretly takes them and pute tnem under post in Jim's line fence. The next move is to re ion, 'cattle mis sing." The slier iff is summoned and tha itoerasa fceJjia trash twa ruMter. They find the loose fence post, pull it up and find the missing pelts. Jim is srrestsd, tha wetern court gives him a ten year sentence. Grsre, by her wit, helps Jiai to escape. The Sheriff's posse chase him across tha border, lis aiskes his escape from tha sheriff but is captured by the Indiana, who tie him to the tail of a wild heraa. He is rescued by a prospector, who nurses him back to health. In the interim. tha foreman. Jones, ia mortally wound ed and he confesses his crime aeainst Jim Dolan. But Jim has disappeared. I he local papers tell st length of the confession and establish beyond doubt tha innocence of Jim Dolan away off in the mountains lives with the lone miner who comes to town for supplies snd csrries hsck with him a paper con taining tne confession. Jim rewsrds the prospector snd tells him he must make for the settlement at once. Jim, footsore and travel stained comas back into tha game or lire lor good and Grscs Wellington becomes hia choicest trsssure. Sundsyr-"Our New Minister," a Ka lom three reel feature, featuting Jo seph Conyers in his original role, Darius Martle, the village consta ble, in the great rural draaia by Den man Thompson - snd George Ryer. Three million people have laughed at the antics of Joseph Conyers, in his Inimitable characterization of "Darius Startle, in this homely rural drama In the many years it was presented upon the stsge ' Uur New Minister wss shown in every state in the Union. 1 he motion picture veraion of this great play telle the story with a vivid ness and a realism pot possible In ths stsge performsnca. In addition to Mr. Conyers, Thomas McGrath, the orig inal "Lew Hanson, " the villsga drunk ard, appears in this great feature picture. Don t forget tha data, bun day, Jan. 4. ''Fleming Hearts," a Viteereph comedy, featuring John Barmy. Three of a tied, the bashful lover loaaa. The longing heart of tha lair damsel sue cuaibe to tha vigorous love-making of nis rival. ParatRato. There fire 703 bighorns or moantain sheep in tha national foreetg of Ne veils. In 29 states tfesra gr atgte forastgrt who cooparflte eM private timherland owners in solving forest problems. The forest aervice maintains nina experiment stations ror studies in re forestation and similar subjecre. Tbe bureau of entomology and the forest service, working together for the control of forest insects, last year covered more than 160,000 acres in theirjoperations. A national arboretum is being estab lished in Rock Creek national park, District of Columbia. Eventually it will contain all American tree species which will thrive there. The total amount of land purchased in the eastern states for federal forests is nearly 800,000 acres. So far the principal work on these areas has in volved their protection against forest fires. For Frost Bites and Chapped fekln For frost bitten ears, fingers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is noth ing to equal Bucklen's Arnica Balve Stops the pain ato$e and heals quickly In every home there should be a box handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin diseases, itching eczema, tetter.piles etc. ; 26c All druggists or by mail. II. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. I Slung. My pot embarrassment was whea I bamed that tbe girl I weut nroui4 with a little, but did not love, was en gaged. To 'ire her the Impression that I was wasting ber time I wont over and proposed. My embarrassment can be easily Imagined wbeu slw accepted me. Chicago Tribune. , Living Up to It "We don't always do as we should. For ono thlim. we are fold to love our enemies." "A great tunny of us Uva up to that. Dldn'f you ever notice n couple of so ciety lenders kissing each otberf Louisville Courier-Journal. Easily Divided. The hour was divided Into sixty mla iit s lierniise the nuinher xlxty can ba evenl). divided by two, three, fow, five, six. ten. twelve, fifteen, twenty and thirty. Hope is n (bitterer, but the luost nn rlicht of all parasites, for she frequents the poor mil tint ns well us the pai ac of IiIm Hiipt't'liii's." Slicnst une ,,, iest Coagh Osllelne for t'lilldrvl , "I am very glad to sny a fow words in praise of Chamberlain's cough remedy" writes Mrs. I.iU Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have used it for years both for my children and myself and it never (ails to' relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family with children should be without it as it gives almost immediate relief in ca't of croup." Chamberlain's Coagh Krmedy is plesfcuit and safe to take, which is of great importance when a mediciae must be given ta young eliik dren. For sale by all druggists. Pale Children Ayr't SMrsaparilta lata Mature to atata rkti,' seal bkmi. He feeani. Sole! fata- UT raana As Year Darter. tW'M Ours we would have you be' That's why our ad So frequently you see The Goods we Bake We Bake for you. and take th greatest care that in Quality and Gtan liness they shall be beyond compare. BltteRibbonfiakery THE fIFIGHTS Hood Rivcf, Oregon No need having piles any longer! No need of suffering another day! Steam's Pile Remedy (complete with tube) will help you or IT COSTS YOU NOT ONE (CENT. This remedy is a combination of the lately discovered, high-priced Adrena lin Ctiloride with other powerful cura tive principles, and IT STOPS THE PILE PAIN INcpNE MINUTE! 8o sure are we that Steam's Pile Remedy will benefit you that we will REFUND YOUR MONEY if you are not satisfied. This is the only pile remedy that we can guarantee and we know you will thank us for telling you about It, We have the exclusive agency. CHAS, N. CLARKE,