noOD UIVEU GLAC1LH, TnURSDAY. DECEMBER i i i - - . "Christmas Gifts" Everything to please-Large assortment to pick from. Our leather goods in bill books, ladies and gents purses, card cases, etc. are fine-new style collar and cuff boxes-see them. Genuine Parisian Ivory A full assortment-all prices from 25c up. Military Brushes, Pearl Goods, Card Cases, Mirrors, Manicure Sets, Seals, Stickers, etc. etc. FREE We have a few ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE DOLLS to be given away next Saturday FREE Smith Block Keir Cass Reliable Druggists Read This Pp Before you buy. We ask you. to call and inspect our complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture, btoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings We will take your old furniture or stoves in exchange for NEW GOODS. 0. P. DABNEY & SON Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter Agents for Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges PHONE S281 Cob. Focrth and Statb Sts. Land For Sale 1 have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from $60 per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. J R. STEELE : : Hood River - - Oreeon f0R CZ Wl HCADQUARroaJ MfiTS CvERYTryNO FOUND IN A. FIRST CLASS1 MEAT MARIO To Carve A Fowl separate first the wings and legs and thighs. Then cut slices from both sides of the breast, as shown above from C to B. Make an opening (see A) for removing the dressing. Serve the breast, thighs and wings first, with dressing added, leav ing the back till the last. All fowls, partridges and grouse are served the same way. HOOD RIVER MARKET 3 OCX WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A f RESH SUPPLY OFi mimic ( i Auua. muriate in vmmn n AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TG US DIRECT FOR . W00D.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER . CEMENT AND USEE AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregdn forage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Witt JVlove Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Ctf. Phone 4111 Summons by Publication font In til Circuit Court of Hood lliver Con my ortgou. AnoaCrtep, I'lalutiff v. W. H. Rodnuli liter, Defend To W. H. Rodeuhlmr, Dudmit: IN THK NAME OK TH K HTATK OF OKK GON. You ar bereby minlred (o MiHwftr mil mnawer the complHlut UltHtaxamatyon m the abova tatttled actiou on or befo.e rtHtnrduy, December 27, 19I3, and If ?nu4il to appear and anawer, lor want thereof, plHtntlrt Kill ap ly to toe auova atweigxwi inurt lor juiik nient against you aa dcnmniliii i lierxnld complaint, to-wll, ltr the mm ni Hi: n.H.,, S.17.& or whieli la clalmoit to be due plHintltt aa the agreed price and wane for her work. labor and acrvicea rendered tiy her lor you at your reiUCKi oeiween June in, ivig, ana fwp teaiber ih, lain, aa housekeeiier at your resi dence In Hood River County, Oregon: and the remaining .S3 ol wIiLhIi Ik alleged to tie due her (aa the assignee iif Lillian oih an the agreed price and wage for the work, labor ana aervioe of tne nlil Lillian t rl, per-formed- for you and rendered at your lequeHi between .Inne in. mi;, and Hplinier 21, iui:t, aa book-keeper and clerk in your general nierchandiae atore 111 Hood River County, Oregon; plaintiff alao praya for the coat and dltfburaementaof thia action. You are aerved with thta Htimmona by order of Honorable E. V. HlBUIon, I'oi'lity Judge ol Hood River ( onnlv, Oregon, m1c and entered November 8th, ISIS, which onlcr precrlbed that you ahall i'Hr and answer aald Complaint on or before snlnroay, Dec ember 27, lsta, and that you be -erved by pub lication of thla SuiniuouH lu the Hooii Kiver U lacier at leant once a week 6r lx' (n) auc ceaalve weeks; and you are WillHed lliat the date of Drat pupliealiou uf thin Kummona u November 1,1, lttlil. iiJU-d 'UKOIKiKK. WII.Kt'K, Pmlntlirs Attorney, Koomsuand tl, hull ink., stood Kiver, uregon. Collector's Notice. -Toe gnneaamenta for the year Win of the Hood Klver Irrigation Dlntrlct are now due and payable In Hie Collector at ht otlice, and will become delluoiieut on the Inst Monday In l) cember next thereafter, and unleNi mi4 prior thereloB per eent will be added to the mount thereof. 1 will he at my real Icnce on Weaneadsva and at the Butler bunk on Hutur daya from 1(1 a. iu. to 8 p. rn. nfi-d'23 I H. CART, Collector Notice of Final Settlement and Distribu tion of Estate. In the County Court Hood River County, Stale of Oregon. In the matter of the eatate of Mnrgarelha Magdaleoa H inrirha, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the underHignnd oo-executora of the last will and exlaleol Mar- garelha Macitalena Hlnrlchp, deceased, have filed their Muni account aa nch execulors wllb the clerk o the above entitled Court mid that I he Hon. K. K. Elanton. Judge of mill Court, haa entered mil orter tixtng i-Vldiiy. t he nd llay of January, A. 1 In It. hi the 1'iuir ol V o'clock A. M. of aald day as the limit and ttt UieCmirt RtMim of the c unly Comt Hwuw in ll(xd Kiver City and County a Hie plnce forbearing on aald final account, anil of ob jectkxia thereto, If any there be, ana any per- hou iou9reNiea may men and mere aptear lo nnUie and preaenl auch olijectiona, II any they have. That mM1 aald nnal account being approv ed and aetdement made, the CoOrt will then and there proceed to enter a de. ree of distri bution of aald ealate, discharge the executors and close mid estate Dually. The date or the first publication or this no tice la December 4, 1DI.I, and the last on Janu ary 1. 1HH. v, KAM'U HiNllK.Msana claha hubm.I'.i f.xetniois. Hood Klver, Own. Oecemberl, Wi K. 11. Hurl wig, Attorney lor Kmuic. FOR SALE $ir0,00.fJi) i jior wnt Irrigation district liomia, r.ast hork Irrisatioit D.slrict itood River, Oregon Healed propowla will be receive I by Hie Board of llirectoriiof Kaxt VuA Irriautlon Dis trict at their ofBca in ftmiiw 6 and t. Hall Building. Hcsvd River.Orcgun, nutiloiie-tlilrH' o'clock I'. M. on Tuesdiiy, January a, A U, 1914. kir the purchase of one hundred tiny thousand ( Otl) doltara of Irrlgntlou District bonds authorized and Issued hy the above named District, In denomination of $1,0(10.0(1 each.dated July t,1l,payable lu year ly Installments In those penentagea of the whole issue as by law directed cMiimi ucing with the expiration ot eleven yenra from dale of lsaueand ending at the expiration of twenty fears irom nateoi issue, anu neariiig Interest m.'. the rate of six (h VD) per cent, per aunuiii, payable on the first day of January and July .of each )ear. Coupons for Hie Interest are atrtarhed to (ii bonds, and both principal and i nterest are payable lu lawtiil money of tUe tolled Htates of AmerK'a at the oltlce of ieH'ieAsurer of said District, or at the fiscal Agfeurnrfif the State of Oregon iu the city of NevKonk, N. Y. TtM -abore described bonds are issue I for tn axtHiae of procuring necessary reclani" tlon works, -Mid acquiring life necessnry pnip. erty and rlxhta therefor, to Irrigate and re elulm the Uous within said District, and oth erwise carry out tlie laws of the Mime of Oie. goo relating to Irrigation Iilstrlcta. The legality of these bonda lias been approv ed up to thla date by Messrs Dillon, Thom son & Clay of New York. N. Y. l'nniiUli"d ldl only will be rweived, and tlie sucm-si-liil bidder will be rurnisiied with an orlglnul copy of IheoplnloSof the above, mentioned attor neys, covering the legality ol the winds. Kacb bid muct be accoinpanled by a certl flOt check or cashier's click on some re sponsible bank til the city of Portland, Ore gon, for an amount equal to two (2i per cent, of the face value of the bonds, payable to the (resident of Kast Kork Irrigation District, to be forfeited aa liquidated damages in esse the bidder ahall withdraw Ins bid or shall fall or neglect to take and pay for aald bonds, should the same be awarded to him. The bonds will be sold to the highest responsible bidder, pro vided, however, tue.rlght to reject all bids Is hereby reserved. AH proposals should be marked " Proposals fbi Irrigation District bonds,'1 and addressed WfC. R. Bone, President of Kast Kork Irriga tion District, Roomi 6 and ti, Hall uWildlug, Jioad River, OregoW. u Uy order of the Board of Directors of Kast fork irrigation District. luatcd iHxwmberg, lull. OEOKOK R. WILHCR, Il-JI Secretary Rnlajpr Stampi (or Fruit P.oxes mnde to order at the Glacier cilice. Hta'itlanl variety-natn8 and numbers in stork. Aycis Sarsaparilla Oldest, Safest, Strongest, Best Standard family medicine. 0 No akohol. . Sold for 60 years. Ask Your Doctor. h,hm- LAND CONCERN SAFE i SAYS J. II. DEVLIN That th Huod River Orchard Land Company hat not been refused per mission to continue hue mess it the stateruent of othceri of the company. who are in the possession t f rorreipon- Jence Irom the Corporaiiua Commis sioner fhowiru that although they bad not asked permission to sell storks or bonds, they bad been refused, permis sion to do that by the commissioner. Referring to the published reports which were made as the result of an examination f the holdings of the company, located at Ortley. dr., about seven miles west ot The lalles, by 8. 14. Vincent, examiner for the Corpora tion Commissioner, J. 11. lievltn, sec retary of the conipsny, savs that he is at a lost to understand why such an investigation and report was made un less ifr was at the instigation of T. 11. Fields, a purchaser of one uf the com pany's tracts. The latter instituted proceedings some time ago for having his contract canceled on the ground of false repre sentation. Mr. I)evlin draws this in ference from the fact that Mr. Vincent called upon Mr. Field soon after his arrival at Ortley and spent the follow ing day with him and his relatives and frienils going over some nf the com pany's property, including the Field tract. "It will be noled," aidlr. Devlin, "that the greater part of his report is not based upon Mr. Vincent's personal investigation, but upon the allegations made to him by third parties, who were evidently instrumental in getting him up there and who took him over the tract and madeUtemeiits that were naturally prejudicial to the company. "Most of thtfrepresentHtions made to Mr Field at the time he bought the tract were made by his father, who was then acting as agent of the com pany and who had been over the com pany's holdings and wa at thnt time and ever since has been a resident at Orltey, and an owner of one of ttie company's orchard tract. Mr. Field and his father had cultivated the tract in question for nearly two years, rais ins potatoes between the rows of trees, and not until the expiration of this time and just before substantial pay ment was due on his contract aid Field make complaint, other than that there were a few grubs in the ground. I considef, however, tins suit of minor impoitance and do not fear the out come, but 1 want to set the reading public righA with reference to the ex aminer's report. "Some of the news articles stated that the company had been refused a The lx8t afeguard ugainst croup is a ladtle uf Foley's Honey and Tar C-om-pound in the bouse. "P. II, (iinn, Mid dleton, lia., writes: "My children are very susceptible to croup, easily catch cold. I give them Foley's Honey ami Tar Couijsjuud and in every instance they get p ouipt relief and are soon cured. We keep it at home and prevent croup." Use it also for coughs, colds, hoarseness, tickling throat, bronchial and lacrinne couirhs. It contains no Qopiates. Refuse substitute". For sale by I litis. X Clarke. permit to uo business, wnich is entirely erroneous. lhe Couirrnssioner did. however, write the company' a 'letter stating that in view of the showing and the recommendations of the exam iners's report he could not grant a per mit to us for the sale of stock, bonds or other securities of the company and tins may also lead to the in fere ice that the company had made applica tion for such a permit, which Tour rec ords, as well as those of the depart ment, win enow is not tne case. "Shortly after what is known as the 'blue sky' law went into effect, the Commissioner, Mr. Watson, wrote ua a letter asking ua to make a preliminary statement and upon the advice of our attorney we notified him thai the com pany had not sold any stock since 1911 and did not have any stocks, bonds or other securities for sale and therefore did not come within the ' provisions of this law. To this letter we received a reply from Mr: Watson to -the effect that because our annual statement showed that we had unsold capital stock we came technically within the aw aiw that while the uprlicNtion of the law to our company rn i ti h t be tech nical, he asked us to make a partial report, specifying the raragisphR in tne printed form he would like lo have answered for the purpose of giving him a record which be stnted would tit'eet the rtiiuiretnenfs of the denart- mnnt. Not desiring to appear antago nistic, we furnished this partial report, and Inter, upon special request, gave additional information and informed the department that we would be glad to give any further data it might desire. "So far as the property of the com pany is concerned, will state that we have had a number of the leading hor ticulturiKts of the state investigate it and many prominent peolpe have in vested in this property after making a thorough and searching investigation, both of soil and of the company's methods in caring for the orchards, and we have received complimentary re ports from all of them, and. while we do not feel at libeity to give n list of these names, we will be glad to refer any one interested in the affairs of the company to them. As is stated in the examiner s re port, there is some land on this large tract of over 2000 acres that is waste. That condition exists in practically all large tracts in any fruit distm-t of the state. These "portions of the tract, however, are not being sold oa orchard land. "We feel that a published report to the effect that we had been refused a permit to sell stock is an injustice to the company, as it has never requested such permit. However, the department has not undertaken to interfere with the company s conducting Us business affairs as it has been doing in the past. ' 1 wisn to errpnasize the fact that we do eot want to make any statement that would indicate that the company was in any way criticising tie state corporation department, as we feel it has acted in good faith and for what it considered to be in the interests of the pubJic, but it js evident that the Com miBsCbner's department has been miir- iormea. "We invite the public to make a careful investigation of our property." Fit Ills Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ao lie read an advertisement ol t'lminlii-rlrtin's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. "lie purchased a '.mix of them and lie has nut been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited by tliem." For sale by all dealers. Harry Lane Man of Few Words Senator Harrv f.nne. nf (Irnnnn re cently smashed all records for brevity : .. : i u: . . ill cung.reMiu!ini mtiury, wnen tie turned in his biography Gb "Harry Lane, Democrat, of Oregon ; term ex pires March 3, 1919." Asked how he liked Washington Lnne answered : "On, 1 feel perfectly at home. J used to be superintendent of the Ore gon insane asylum." Wheezing in Qie Inns indicates that pniegiu is obstructing me air pissaies. UALLARD'S IIOKEHOUND 8YUUP loosens the phlegm so that it can lie Comrherl nil Hflil piecti'il I'ripA !ui Ml,. and 1.00 ja r bottle. Mold by Clias! N. ciarae. Job printing at the Glacier office. MINIMUM WAGE LAW WILL GO INTO EFFECT A ruling made by the atate industrial welfare commission last week, effec tive in 60 das, prescribes a minimum wsge of $8.25 a week for rll women employed in industrial occupations in the state of Oregon, and fixes 54 hours aa the maximum they may be em ployed in any one week, lhe time of employment before a woman shall be considered an experienced wotker and entitled to the minimum wage is fixed at one year, and the wage for the ap prentice period ia fixed at $6 a week. "We deem that the sum required to sustain a self-supporting woman in fiugal, but decent conditions of living as an absoluto minimum ia $8.25 a week." says the report of the confer ence on which the commission's ruling is based. The conference was composed of tnree representatives each of the em ployers, the employes and the general public. " (Banting Agalust Croup 1 GOVERNOR PRESENTS EMPLOYMENT PLAN Salem, Ore., Dec 1. To the Editor: We wish to ask your kind cooperation in a movement to connect our unemployed with a job. lhere are undoubtedly many residents of your county who could use the ser vices of a good hand this winter and there are idle men in Portland and other cities in this state who would be e ad to have a Dlace. If you will be kind enough to run this letter and attached information blank in a few issues of your paper our plan will be called to the attention of those needing a hand. Any requests for labor made to our otlice will at once be taken up with those who are hunting tor employment. Name Address Nearest railroad station or steamboat landing ....... Number of men or women needed Character of work offered.. Wages fo be paid With or without board and lodging., How long services, if they prove satis factory, will likely be needed This blank to be filled out and mailed to the governor's office, Salem, Ore., that it may be brought to the atten tion of those seeking employment. Oswald West, tiovernor. Croup and Cough Remedy, Croup is a terriblo disease, it attacks children so suddenly they aw very apt to cnoke unless given the proper reme dy at once. 1 here Is nothing hetter in ihe woild than Dr.f King's New Discov ery. I-eniH Chamberlain of Manches ter, Ohio, writes about his children: ' Cornel hues in severe at tacks we were alTraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy I)r. Kmt's New Discovery is, we hive no fear. We rly on it for croup, coughs and colds." So can you. 50c and $1.00 A bottle should bo in every tome. At all Dni?i:iHtH. II. K. Ilueklen & Co.. Phils. or St. Unis. Eugene Cannery Has Big Year A million and three hundred thous and) pounds of dried prunes have been sold by the Eugejie Fruit Growers' as sociation this year, according to the hugene Kegister. 1 his Is the entire output of the cannery and is the most ever handled by the association during one season. It is twice as much as the largest output previous to this year. " We will receive tor the crop this year between $00,000 and $75,000, mak ing a rough guess at it," said Manager O. Holt last week. We arc snip ing four car loads of the prunes to ew York this week and will be ship ping frequently for some time to come. Our best market has been New York. Chicago and points in England, the shipments to the three being about equal, while scattering shipments have been made to various parts of the United States. We have just completed the sale of the last car load and will soon have them all out of the house." The association has just loaded an other car of canned goods for shipment to nutte, Mont., where several car loads have previously been shipped this Beason. The Montana cities, where there is little or no fruit raised, are always a good market for the product of the cacnery, and the highest market price is received for the canned fruits and vegetables packed by the local association. The association is now canning the sauer kraut that has been put up in barrels to work. inia is placed hi quart and gallon cairj and finds a good 4 ...t, Aft-. . r.. .j-.,. ii.:. 1 inni nc, nitci m ten uujtb lull Ull villa product, a crew of girls and women will be put to Work facing prunes and after that is finished the plant will re man Idle for a short time till after Christmas when the cucumber pickles will be canned and a lot or fruit spray will be made. 'It is becoming to be an all-year job here at the cannery," said Manager Holt. I here is nearly always some thing to do here and the pay roll is Kept up a greater part of the entire year, it will not be long till we have a force here working every week in the year. Children take BALLARD'S HO RE HOUND SYRUP willingly because it tastes Mice. There isn't a better refCte- dy anywhere for children's coughs, Hoarseness anu bronchitis, it's a good medicine and easy to take. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. O-W. N. Time Table. WEST BOUND No. 9, Fast Mail (Mail Only). .5:00 a. m, No. 7, Portland Ixcal 7:115 a. m, No. 11, Soo-8pokane-Portland 9:38 a. m, No. 5, Ore. & Wash. Fxp.,....9:18 a. m, No. 1, Portland Local 8:05 p. m. No, 17, Ore. & Wash.Limited 5:10 p. m, EAST BOUND No. 2, Pendleton Local 10:20 t. m, No. 18, Ore. & Wash. Ltd 12:01 p. m, No. 8, The Dalles Local :.'i8 p. m No. II, Salt Lake Express 2:22 a. an, No. 10, Ore. and Wash. Exp. 8 :.t0 p. m. No. 12, Soo-Spokane-Port 10:62 p. in. J. U. FREDRICY, Agent. We have just received a large shipment of the world famed MAJESTIC RANGES Why buy a cheap imitation of this great rangeP Before buying a range measure the ovens, warming closets and tops. 0 Majestic Ranges are generously made and will last a life time. Ther3 are some now in use in Hood River that have given continuous service for 25 years, we will furnish the owners names on request. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKes Good" Phone 1691 Oak and 1st Sts. T. J. KINNAIRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 Hood River, Oregon U Do You Know that awashing machine will only cost you three-fifths of a cent aii hour to operate? The following table gives the cost of using var ious apparatus on the 3 cent rjtte: APPARATUS 20 candle-power Mazda lamp. Radiant toHfter , Chafing dish ', . . . . . Diik IStove. . , , Coffee percolator '. " H lb. iron f 8 in. fan (full speed) '.! '.! 1. '. Sewing mnehine motor Ico cream f rresur Washing machine motor Luminous raditor (Mnall) Heating pad Tubular air heater (small) , , Tea kettle Ozonator , Domedic buffing and grinding motor Radiant grill . . CilHt 0. 075c 1. H 1.8 l.H I. .15 1 (15 0.075 01ti5 1.2 0.1! 15 fl.l 3.H J.5is 0,045 6.105 1-8 Hydro-Electric Company The Purity Dairy Co o Yours for prompt service and Good Milk o ' THOS. D. CALKINS UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List Your Places for Special Attention With WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Vallor Reatl Eatate Insurance Improved and jnlmproTtd Orchard Land Phen OdtllOSf U. C. M. RANCH ' Hood River Connection Parkdale Guy V. Edwards & Co. Upper Hood River Valley o o 4