The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 18, 1913, Image 2

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Jfiuib Stow (Blaror
ARTHUR D. MOE. Pa backer.
8aberlptlB, tl-iO Per Tear.
Wbn subscribers desire acbsngelnaddress
this office should be notified promptly, and a
wk bpfora If onaalbl. A IWs rs l!e old ad
dress uiilln the aw. AU, Hood Klver
subscriber should notify ibi office at oor
wben changing Ibetr address frum on rural
roau to a not Lor, fir tram city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. Ifyoudonot
get jour ppr promptly, notify an by nmil or
telephone and u matte will be tnvwtlgsied.
" Kiorpt It pertain to live Mm metier, aim
nunlcatlona. or articles of a irneral nature
should bain tbeofflce by Mouday to Insure
tbelr appearing In tbc laao of the curreoi w
A bountiful crop of applei nd price
that (how a profit to the grower, to
gethar with early returns for the fruit.
baa caused general feeling of satis
faction and contentment in Hood River
valley. On the basis of 1,000 cars of
apples which Mr. Sieg says the Appl
Growers Association will handle this
year, that association alone will die
tribute to growers more than bslf i
million of dollars by the first of the
year. Thia does not'take into account
the other aasocistions and individual
shippers, whose returns have not been
made publie, but which, from inforrra-
tion given out, are very satisfactory,
Already the effect of the money com
ing Into the rjndi ot th growers
very day ia being felt in all lines of
business. Christmas trade has been
riven a boost, and there ia a better
Reeling all around.
One of the gratifying features of the
situation ia the general settlement of
bills, many of which have been carried
over from last yesr, owing to the
small returns from last yesr's crop.
Tbis should U the duty of everyone.
The first money received from the ap
ples should go to pay the everdue ac
count of the local merchant, the over
due mortgage note, the back interest,
and, if you will pardon us, the delin
quent subscription to your locsl paper.
The prudent man will go farther than
this. With bis surplus he will provide
ahead for uncertainties of the future.
But above all, keep your credit good
by keeping your promises so far as you
re able. Much of the credit has been
obtained by promising to pay when the
apple returns came in. Keep that
promise by paying the money to whom
Iti a due as soon as received. A good
credit is often better than capital. It
may be a Godsend to you in an emerg
ency. Credit is based more largely
upon confidence than upon visible as
sets, at least such credit as is exteOded
by the home merchant, and when that
confidence is destroyed the first basis
of credit ia lacking.
It boa been said that there are two
classes of persons who are not entitled
to credit: The one who ia "willing but
not able, "and the other who is "able
to but not willing." Yet there ar
many in the first class who have no
difficulty, at least, in getting credit for
the necessaries of life, and the per
centage of loss is much less in this
class than in the other. The man in
the Utter class is entitled to no credit,
and should receive none. Meet your
obligationa promptly as far as your
money will go and keep out of that
class. If you have surplus left pro
vide a fund to carry you through- next
vear if possible, or at least part way.
Those who do that need have no fear
of obtaining credit when it is needed.
With two members of the council
absent at the meeting Monday nigbt,
thfre waa a bare quorum present, ana
when Councilman Ststen wss cuc
out to meet another enifsiieir.cnt, an j
adjournment hud to be taken until this i
..,;.. i finish routine hutineFS. ,
"'."" ... .. .... -w..-4 k!.
City Attorney ueroy itm. .... ,
resignation, and it was accepted to,
take effect at the end of the ; present
term, which will be the second lues-!
day in Jsnusry.
the report of the eounly librsnan
was received and accepted, which re-.
port will be found in another column.
The city attorney wss instructed to
take up the mstter of a bond issue to;
provide for tne deficiency in the water .
system, with new ior iuu
neys. to aranfje for a procedure which
would meet with approval of bond
buyers and avoid delay.
I A. W. Stone reports very gratifying
results in disposing of the new bond
iihue of the Apple Growers Union. He
km me with a verv tentrous response
srnone the erowers of the valley, who ,
are not only interested in rebonding
the Uniniv indebtedness, but are glad
to avail themselves of the hib clsss
securities at a Rood rate of interest.
The fact that practically all of the
bonda will be taken at home, is a com
pliment to Hood Kiver valley.
Desired information as to bonds may
be had at any local hank or from A.
W. Stone at the Mount Hood hotel.
Wil Improve Bred of ,logs
Barclay Henderson, of Henderson &
McKay, on a visit to the Btock show at
Portland, purchased, a blooded Berk
shire sow, "Bernice 6th," wose Bire
is "Pscific Longfellow," and dam is
"Curruca," both grand champions at
the state fair and Pacific National fair,
and owned by J. B. Stump & Sons, of
Monmouth. This sow is now bred by
Gamax, another prize winner, and
Henderson & McKay expect to have
some of the finest blooded Uerkshires
in the state, headed by their present
boar, Young Johnny 9th.
A New Book Written By Rev. C. W. Ken
nedy, Pioneer of 1853
This book is the story of pioneer life
in Oregon, ox wagon immigration, log
cabin settlement. With the hunters
and the miners, and then on the trails
with the preachers. A thrilling story
of frontier perils. Will be wit and
ready to deliver by the coming Christ
mas time. dl8
Christian Science Services.
Christian Science Services will be held
in thu Kootn 2, Davidson Kuildinir, Sun
day, at 11:00 a.m. Subject: "is the
Universe, Including Man. hvolved by
Atomic Force?"
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Wednesday service?, 8 p. in.
The reading room is open daily from 2
to 5 p. m., room 2,, Davidson building
Notice of Annual Stockholders Meeting
The annual stockholders meeting of
the F&rmers Irrigating Company will
be held Saturday, January 10, J,!'14, at
18 A. M. at ihe Commercial Club Hull
for the purpose of electing seven Direc
tors t'i serve one year, and for the pur
pose of transacting such other business
as may legaly come before the meeting.
UbiiiKiuent stockholders will not be per
mitted to vote.
By order of Directors.
jl M. II. NICKEI.SKN, Sec.
The financing of the reissue of the
bonds of the Apple Growers Union by
the growers of the valley, ia an indica
tion ot the value of the institution to
the growers in the future marketing of
their crops. The warehouse and equip
ment has been leased to the Apple
Growers Association, but unless the
title ia kept in the present ownership,
the lease would b6 forfeited and in
case of foreclosure might pass into
hands unfriendly to local interests.
Also, should the new association ishat
was formed this year go out of exist
ence in the future, the growers would
have their plant to continue business in
the old way. The security back of the
bonda ia ample, and the. interest suffici
ent to make it an attraQitve invest
ment. First Baptist Church
At the Baptist church on the Heights
the pastor will preach sermons appro
priate to the Christmas season at both
morning and evening services next
In the morning he will give a aest of
primitive Christianity to the attitude
of the nations of tne world toward each
other in an endeavor to find out how
near we are approaching the angel's
message, "Peace on earth, good will
toward men."
In the evening he will discuss the re
ception of Jesus at his birth and what
kind of a reception he would receive
today, with reference to the modern
materialistic spirit.
On Christmas Eve the Sunday school
will give their tree and entertainment
and one of the features will be a
Christmas festival play entitled, "De
cember's Daughter."
"So when you broke the news to her
she went nil to pieces?"
"Yes, but It didn't tuke her long to
collect herself.M-poknne Spokesrunn
Batten's Reds
Won at Portland 1st. 2nd, 3rd cockerel, 4tl
pullet, (ith hen; lt breeding ?nRt first collec
linn. Oliver cup for brat pen ot Keda. Hlale civ
8r lwt display, allver cup for bent collection
and seven other special prlr.ea. Home fine
cockerela and a few iililtly pullets lnrKH
rlKtit prices. Ktas for hatching alter January
iHt at II 60, S3 , f (IU anil lio.flu per 16. Wi y
not breed from Hie oral, l'tiope 41Ts. K. t.
Ilatleu, Hood Kiver, Oregon, dlltf
Unitarian Church
At the 11 o'clock service the special
music includes the following: Anthem
by mixed quartet, vocal solo, Mrs. W,
K. Jackson: violin solo. Dr. Sharp. At
7.30 most of the musical numbers will
be given by the young people: Piano
duet, Elda Jackson and Anna Mae
Chipping, violin solo by Mariwhitmar
Whitehead, piano aolo by Marjorie
Campbell, mtfldolin aolo by Sarah
Howes, reading-by Alice Taylor. All
re invited.
Hard Unas.
"My old barber has left town."
"You aeera very regretful."
"Tea; be had been trying to aell me
a bottle of hair tonic tor the past fif
teen years, and so far I bad succeeded
tn standing blui off. Now I shall have
to start the battle all over with a new
Oakddle Greenhouses
We have a prime stock of Roses,
Phrtihs, Vines and Perreniitl plants
for Fall planting. If you want Peony
blooms next Spring, you must plant
them this month. Winter flowering
plants and cut (lowers at Franz's.
A few Jonquils, Daffodils and Tulips
Fletcher (Si Fletcher
Phone 47.(8 Hood River
Ours we would have you be
That's why our ads
So frequently you see
The Goods we Bake
We Bake for you,
and take the greatest care
that in Quality and Clean
liness they shall be beyond
Blue Ribbon Bakery
Hood River, Oregon
ner k Marx or
Suit or Overcoat?
In buyinj? these you are fully protected by one o:
the Strongest of Guarantees as to its being
of all wool materials and satisfactory to you in every
respect and we are here 4o back up this guarantee,
These people will do just what they say and you are
sure in buying one of thes that you are getting the
very most that can be secured and the very best
makes the market affords.
Our line of Rain Coats, Gaberdins, and Heavy
Overcoats is Most Complete and the Best Values
the city. Any man would be rroud of one of these
for a present, and if you do not know the size we wi!
exchange them for you if you get the wrong size.
For Mother and Sister
Shadow Lace Jabots. Irish Crochet Collars, Plain
Net Fichu, Waist Sets, Chimisettes, Neck Ruffling,
Stock Co an with Jabots. Chiffon Veils. Sweaters.
Dent's Gloves. Silk Lined Chamoisette Gloves, Yarn
Gloves. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. Cut Glass,
Fancy China, Toilet Sets, - Fur Scarfs, Muffs, fcrnrt
Waists of every description. Silk Underskirts, Dress
Skirts. Coats. Suits and Millinerv. Table Cloths and
Napkins to match. Scalloped Lunch Cloths. Fillow
Cases, Bed Spreads, Comforts, Indian Blankets, Bed
Room Slippers and hundreds of other acceptable gifts.
Toys of Every Description
One of the most complete lines you can wish for.
Lunch Set-Special $2.15
AH Pure Linen Lunch Sets, slightly soiled. Spec
ial the set, $2.15.
and we know that for values you
can not do better anywhere.
Come and see what Splendid,
Big Values we will give you for
$10.00, $12.00, $15.00 or $18.00.
LADIES COATS. - All this
Fall's Styles and Materials. There
has never been displayed in the
city a larger or better assort
ment than we have had this fall
and we have never been able to
give you their equal in value. To
fully appreciate this fact you
must come and see them and
compare them in quality and price
with what you have seen else
where. We have some Special
Reductions in this line that you
will do well to look at, for they
are values extraordinary.
Misses' and Children's Coats
Special Prices onChristmasGoods
We have some Extra Special Prices on many
articles that will make the hearts of young and old
much lighter without having much of a demoralizing
effect on the pocket book. ft
We have the largest assortment of Holiday Goods
that has ever been displayed in the city and we have
them all marked at extremely low prices. Dolls,
Doll Carriages, Toy Furniture. Mechanical Toys,
Velocipedes, Rocking. Horses, Shoo-Flyes, Etc. We
have some of the Biggest Kind of Values that it will
pay you to look over.
low in price, regularly, but specially priced now at
Designs. Ordinarily you would pay twice or three
times this amount for these. Our Special C(1a
Prices. Each 9UW
Neat Designs, each.
Special at $2.48. Here is a bargain in Misses'
and Children's Coats that you'll seldom run across.
We have too many of these and you can have the
advantage. These will make presents
that are worth while. Your Choice..
ltl III v biiv
Table Cloths & Napkins to Match
Come in Very Pretty Designs with Red and
Blue Borders. A Splendid Value at
the Set, $1.75. Special
Table Cloths and Napkins as
larger and better quality, regular
$3.00 values. Special .
above only
Set Regular $450 values. Special
Handkerchiefs for ladies.
Very Fine Lawn
Regular 50c, for....
Full size with neat embroidered initial in Ca
corner. Special each I Wv
For Father and Brother we have
Leather Collar Bags, Novelty Tie Holders in 'Gold
Silver and Pearl, Coin Purses, Shaving Sets, Shaving
Mugs, Mirrors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Military
Brushes, Suit, Cases, Traveling Bags, Cuff Links,
Duess Gloves lined and unlined, Hose in cotton,
lisle and silk, Night Shirts and Pajamas, Silk Hand
kerchiefs, Sweater Coats, Watches, Watch Chains,
Rings, Mufflers, Bath Robes, Suspenders, Hese Sup
porters, Arm Bands, Smoking Jackets, Manhattan
Shirts, Playing Cards, Hart, Schaffner & Marx and
Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats.
Ladies' Tailored Suits. Dresses
and Coats
What is there that would be more appreciated
than one of the many Tailored Suits that we have
displayed on the Second Floor. These are all new,
this fall's models of the newest weaves and styles.
Silk and Satin plain and fancy colors,
worth 4c and 5c a yard. Choice the yard X
RIBBONS -Plain and fancy, Included in this
lot is some Fancy Ribbon Ruffling that can be used
to advantage just now. Your choice of this CA
lot, the yard w
RIBBONS-About all colors in Silk and Satin.
Plain and Fancy Colors. 24 to 4 inches
wide. The yard
Fancy Box Paper
Paper and Envelopes to match, put up in very
Attractive Christmas Boxes. Something that al
ways makes a mest acceptable present to lady,
gentleman, boy or girl. The box, 5c, lOc, 15c,
20c, 25c and up.
Ladies' Aprons
Aprons of Lawn, Swiss, Dainty Cross Bar
Dimity, plain and embroidered, at 10c, 2 Sc. 35c,
S TH O TT O Hood
one P&fiis Wmr
Hood River's
est and
est Store
General Repairing Autos and Gasoline
Engines, Plumbing and Plumbing Sup
plies, Tile and Pipes
Fisk and Goodyear Tires and Tubes
in Stock
Near Holman's Market
XMAS 1 f
T-.-ee'-.C-':- If 1 ,Jt -A
for Christmas from the Mod
el Bakery is sure to be the
center of attraction, not only
because it looks good, but be
cause it will taste as good as
it looks. And so it is with
all our pies, pastry and
Christmas goodies-delicious
and wholesome. Send in
your Christmas orders early
to insure fulfilment.
v r
Fourth . nd State
Hood River, Ore.
For Your Christmas
Order from this Market and
be sure and get home dres
sed and all kinds of vegeta
bles that is carried in a first
class market Wishing you
all a Merry Xmas and Hap
py New Year, I remain,
At your service,
Summons by Publication
la the Circuit Court, Stale of Oregon, for
Hood Klver County.
In K. WillUme, Flatntlff.
WUUm It Rodeablaerand D. H. Kile,
To William H. Rodenhlwr, Impleaded witb
D. A. Kile, deiendtuu.
Id tbe aimi of tbe Bttte of Oreion: -Your
hereby notified tht tbe defendant, D.
H. Kile, has Died bla anewer In above entitled
action preying for a judgment egalnM you
In tbe nuni of ykff.fjO wlib Interest from tbe 4tb
day of November, IMS, for balance remaining
due and unpaid for work ind labor perform
ed In tbe clearing and Improving of certain
landi. hereinafter dencrlbnd: and for tbe eum
of 16.00 pttd for verlQcttlouand record lug of
lien; ana lor me mnner eum 01 S5U reaeonaoie
attorney'! fee In I bin action, liefendaot alio
praye for the loreoloeure of a laborer'! lien,
wblcb ild lienrwai duly tiled tntneoffloeof
tbe oouoty clerk of Rood Kiver County, Ore-
fon, November Stb.lMS, ina recorded In Book
of Mechanic! Lien Record at page t& by vir
tue of whtob a lien la claimed by tbli defen
dant, for work and labot performed In and
about tbe clearing and Improving tbe uru,
upon tbe followlug described real ealale.towlt:
Beginning Twcaaiua aoum rrom tne norm
went corner of Lot 1, Ueotlon 8, Township 1,
Houth Range 10, K. W. M. running thenoe east
.ttt chains; tuence.soulh 62 east 2.7 chains:
then, e south 80 east 5 J chains; tbenoe south
1" west S.76 chains; thence nimb 87" west'2.64
ohalns;thenoe south If weat 2.00 chains; tbenoe
south & east 2 2 chains; thence wutk 1 west
6.22 chains; thence due writ 8.7 ebain!;thenoe
south 8U titf west V.32 chains; tbenoe north
13.06 chains to the place of beginning, contain
ing 10 acres of land.
Also beginning at the Nortbwfjit corner ol
Lot 1, Hectlon . Township 1, HotUa Range 10
east, W. at. thenoe eaat 10.62 chalna: thenoa
south 4 chains; thence south 86 west 8 chains
thenoe south tW west i chains; tbenoe north
to tbe plaos of beginning, containing iii acre
of land.
Denfendant Drays tnat eaia nen may oe rore-
oloned aocordlug to law and the I raoMoe of
till! oourt.aoa me lanai inereiu anoriwi may
be sold by the sheriff and the proceeds there
lrora be applied In satisfaction of his Judg
ment aa thla defendant abal I obtain In Ibis
suit; defendant also prays for deficiency Judg
ment and for aucb relief to which be mar be
You are hereby required to appear and ans
wer tbe oomplalnt filed herein by thla defen
dant on or before tbe 7th day February, 114.
and if you rail to so appear and answer, for
want thereof, delendani will apply to above
deacrlbed court for the relief demanded In his
said answer.
You are hereby served with this summons
by order ot the Honorable E. K. 8 tan ton,
county Judge of Hood Klver County, Oregon,
made and entered on tbe 17tb day of Decem
ber, 11113, which order prescribes that yon
sitall appear and answer tbe complaint set
out against you bv tbe defendant, D. A- Kile,
In hie answer herein, on or before tbe expira
tion of alz weeka from tbe date of tbe first
Meets second and fourth Tnesdsy evening
of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed
Mas. W. F. Lakaway, W. M.
Mim ALT A Pools, Secretary.
Meets tbe first, third and fifth Tuesdays of
eaoh month at K. of P ball.
Maroabit Howell, M. E. O.
CoBRkAlt 8TRAN AH AN. M. Of R. A C.
Buaia Lynn, M. off.
KEMP LOPOE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. F.-Meets In.
Odell odd Fellows' ball . every Hat nr
day night. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Uaoani clakkb, n. a.
A. J. LaciT, Sac.
Meeta the first and third Tuesday evening in
each month tn tbe (Rid Fellows Hsll, seven
miles seuth of Hood Klver, K. I. I.
Mas. MAIS Hhillkr. N. U.
1H1 Meets tbe second and fourth Wedner
dsy evenings of each month. In Grlbble's
H all. AHM1C LBASUBB, n. U.
Char. W. OrHK, Sec.
ublication of thla summons; and you are
nereoy nounea mat ine oaie oi inenrsipuD
llcatlon of this summons la December 18, 11S,
Attorney for Defendant,
Broalus Bldg., Hood River, Oregon.
t, D. A. Klle.Muite Is.
HOOP RIVER I AD DOE NO, 105, A. F. and A.
M. Meets Haturday evening on or before
each rail moon. Obo. H. CastnbB, W. M
IX McDonald, Secretary.
Hood River Oommandery No. 12, K.T
Meeta every first Tuesday evening
each month. O. R. Casthbb, L.K.C
H. T. DbWitt. Recorder.
Meets first and third Friday nights of each
month. C. K. Ma RAH ALL, U, P.
H. T. DeWitt, Secretary.
MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. t, R. A 8. M. Meeta
In Mason le Hall every third Tuesday In
each month.
W.F.Laraway.T. I. M.
A. D. Hoe, Rao.
Hood River, Ore. E. H. Hartwlg. Pres.
Mrs. Lee Fording? Sec Leslie Hutler, Treaa.
Call phone 11)01.
W. O. W. Regular meetings are held tbe first
and third Mondays ol eacb month at K. ot
P. hall. Visitors cordially invited.
.. D , P. M. BLavcv, a C. 1
Woodorafl-Meets at K. of P. hall on tbe
first and Third Thursdays or each month.
Mrs. Wm. Danger, N.U.
Mag. Mattib NiCkBLSBH, Clerk.
Meeta In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night.
. ... Eli STBwaBT, C. C.
A. Kern. K. of R. and B.
Meet! first and third Mondoys each mon;h.
Mrs. E. O. Dutbo, N. G.
Mas. Nettie Walsh. Sec.
CANDY W. R. C Meeta second and fourth
Saturdays of each month at K. ot P. hall.
Mrs. 8. W. Stark, rreslUtuL
Mrs. T. at. Bentlst, Secretary.
the first and third Wednes
days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays
Artisans' ball, U. D. Uinrichs, M. A.
J. H. Kobbko Secretary.
IDLEW1LDR LODGE NO. 107, I. O. O. F -Meets
In Fra'ernal ball, every Thursday
night A. D. DaBNET, N. U.
Geo, Thomson, Secretary
Regnlar meeting second and fourth Monday
of each month. Geo. W. Dimbuck, C P.
A. D. DABNET, Scribe.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.
Meeta In K. of P. hall every Monday
night. a. R. Crump. v.O,
cCu. Dai-iH Clerk.
For Rent Housekeeping rooms, furnished
or unfurnished- Inquire at 604, Oak At or
hone 3663.-J. W. Dickinson. dt-tf
For Rent- Furnished Room over Reed A
Henderson' office. Inquire Reed A Hender
son. ai-t!
For Sale First cutting
Hlnricha, phone 6807.
ot alfalfa bay. K-
For Bale Desirable home In Hood River'
Garage, tola, all kladsof fruit, paved street
houss modern, cement basement, stationary
tubs; at bargain. Also 1 good monk saddle
cheap, f. O. Boi 223. Pbooeg&M d
For Sale-One and two year old D'Aniou
pear trees, i to eft. Thrifty stock with larite
root. Cutler Bros. aiu?
For Sale Work horse, price 165; also good
cow. Phone 6768. '
For 8ale-Falrbanks-Morse windmill. Philip
H. Carroll, phone 5553 J8
For Sale-Ply mouth Rock Pullets. Jobnnon
Bros. A Hale, Van Horn, Phoue i'im d2 ,
For Sale-DrsNsed chickens delivered. Ava
lon Poultry Farm, phone 6473. distf
For Sale A beautiful 8 room residence lor
merly owned by E. C. Smith- Call at 121U Co
lumbia street. Four lots, abundance or irnlt,
beatirul lawn, fine view of Columbia, moun
tains and bills on opposite side. Price light;
terms to suit purchaser. Anna K. BnHer,
Parkdale.Ore. uistf
Cows for Rale 1 have Just bought four good
cows; have sold two and have two left. One Is
a young Jersey and Homieln, other s young
Jersey and Durham. If yon want s good cow
you will be likely to find ui the cow you
like here. H.G. ZUliacus, phone 5794. U25
For Sale-Two good Jersey fumllv milch
1. Stone Ranch or address R. Gam-
cows. I).
bill. Dee, Oregon
For Sale-Thoronghbred Duroc Jersey swine
and Anoona chickens; young stock for sale.
Boar for service. J. K. Forden, phone 8622.
. 0JL?'e m Trade A S year old team, weigh
1.n.. "R0 Roun(l -fch. W. B. Arens, phone 1M
Odell, Park dale Postofflce. oZJ-tf
For Sale-Single combed white leghorn cock
erels. House palntlug, tinting or papering,
carriage or auto painting. Will take Lay or
carrots for work.-G. M. Eddie, R. F. 1). No. 3.
Phonetic. ) '
For Sale- stands of Italian bees cheap If
taken now. 2 Jersey heifer calves from eitra
fine mother. G. M. Eddie Rt. 8, phone 56t7.
For aale-A good span of year old horses
"'"I" or will trade for goodtnllcb cows that
II be fresh In IIia sr.rl....
Reed, Centervllle, Wesb.
For Sale-Mortorcvole.
gl'jipPfd. Write or phone Waller Slmy
Apply to A. K.
U 25
Yale Twin, fully
For Sale-wood paying milk routeandcows
Cash or credit. Address No. 10, Glacier, Hood
River, ore. 'n6w
For Sale at Bargaln-lf
luiming eite ro
ee or phone me.
Oil Want & fln
gelte for home, desirably located
one me. W. G. Snow. Ivati
Wanted A widow wishes position as house,
keeper or work by the day. Phone 2381. 137
Columbia St. ai
Prune your ordhard A msn of experience
piuiuui iim, umve your aunresi at the Star
uruuery rerigo a boo, pnone VI.
To Let for his keep A yonng, gentle horse
for riding or driving, will work iugle or dou
ble. Mrs. L, Boyden, K. K, D. S. msif
TYPEWRITERS For sale or rent on easy
term A. W. Ontbank a31tf
Man and want position on a farm. Can
furnish reference. Smi E. loth North, Portland
Oregon. ti
Wanted-To buy grubbing machine and
equipment Must be cheap. C. E. L'opple Rt.
,phobe5fl-J2. r dlitf
Wanted Position as cook. Wages no object
Address cook, care of Glacier. dll
Lost-Brown fur neck yieoe; was taken from
K. of P. Hall two weeks ago. Please return to
hall or Frani'i store. C3&
Wanted -Work by young Japanese for
bona cleaning by hour or day. Call 2431. d1