SUPPLY MR GROCERY NEEDS NOW AID SAIE MONEY Cr Jl -na g0(l ??ny good thmgs in our Grocefy Stock, and you know our Groceries were the best lines and fresh. The Closing Out Prices on our w i y heIp t0 reduce the HiSh Cost of Livin& It will pay you good interest to stock up all you can on staple every day goods, the kind nat keep as long as you want them, such as Coffee, Tea, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Package Crackers and Cookies, Syrups, Canned Goods, Pick jes, uuves, Relishes, Olive and Salad Oils, Bottled Goods of all kinds, Breakfast Foods, Canned Milk, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Cleaning and Washing pounds .VJpts Lnes and Pins, Blueing, Stove Polish, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, Lamp Chimneys and Burners and a number of other desirable items, ON WHICH YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE. DO IT NOW. THEY ARE GOING. Teas and Coffees One lb. Shasta Cut Coffee 2;e 1 lb. Geo. Washington Coffee.large 6Sc 60c Golden Gate Te, 12 o 81f 25c Golden Gate Tes, 6 ot Ike 50c Best Bulk Teas, the pound! . 8!c 60c 1 Pound Box Nuraga Tea....8ic Spices and Extracts 25c 8 oi. Gulden Gate Spice 15c 15c 4 or. Golden Gate Spire lie 10c 2 ot. Golden Gate Spices 0c 35c 2 oi. Vanilla Extract 23c 25c2oi. Lemon Extract lc 25c 2 ot. Assorted Flavors le Baking Powders 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 89c lb. Koyal Baiting Powder 20c 50c K. C. Baking Powder 85c 25c K. C. Baking Powder lac 15c K. C. Baking Powder 09c 10c K. C. Baking Powder Otte Bottled Goods Monopole Boiled Cider, quarts . . .24c Monopole Boiled Cider, pints ltte Pnider'a Cocktail Catsup 21c Snider's Plain Catsup lc Monopole Bottled Olives, largf-.lftc Monopole Bottled Olivei, medium He Canned Goods 25c Pel Monte Sliced Pineapple. .1 he 20e Libby'i Sliced Pineapple 18c 15c I.ibby's Sliced Pineapple.... lOe Large Royal Club Oysters 85e Large Royal Club Sweet Potatoes lc Del Monte Tomatoes, case $2.60 Olive and Salad Oils Imported Olive Oil, gallon 82.50 Imported Olive Oil, gallon.. 1.40 Imported Olive Oil, quarts 77 Imported Olive Oil, pints 41 Cross A Blackwell'a Oil, qta. . . .78 Cross A Blackwell'a Oil, pts 48 Syrups, Etc. Diamond W Maple Syrup, Diamond W Maple Syrup, qta. .46 Cane and Maple Bfend, gal.... 1.80 Cane and Mpple Blend, gal.. .66 Tea Ga.-den Drips, ) gal 44 Wild Roee Hominy Syrup,) gal. .78 18 lbs. Best Granlated Sugar for $1.00 Only $1.00 worth with each bill of goods-No orders taken for Sugar Only Breakfast Foods, Cereals, Etc. 35c size Columbia Wheat or Oats 25c 15c size Golden Rod Oats 10c 35c size Golden Rod Wheat Flakes : 25c 15c size Ralston's Bran 10c 20c size Cream of Wheat 15c 25c size Olympic Wheat Heats 20c 15c size Force 10c 10c Post Toaties 8c 25c size Peacock Prepared Buckwheat 21c 25c size Liberty Soda Crackers1 21c 15c size Saratoga Flakes 13c 25c size Swastika Ginger Snaps 21c 10c size Cookies of all kinds, 3 for.. 25c 5c size Cookies of all kinds, 6 for 25c Washing Compounds, Soap 25c size Gold Dust Washing Powder 18c 25c size Piles PeaHine 18c 15c size Piles Pearline 10c 30c size 20-mule Borax Chips 21c 15c size 20-mule Borax Chips 10c 10c size 20-mule Boraxaid 6c 25c size 20-mule Boraxio ..18c 15c size 5 minute Wash Compound 6c 90c size 20 bar Laundry Soap box '. 73c 10c size Bottle Blueing, 4 for 25c 10c size Bottle Washing Amonia, 4 for 25c 15c size Sapolio and Bon Ami 25c 25c size Barkeepers Friend Polish 15c Yarious Items, Underpriced 30c Shasta Preserves, all flavors 18c 25c Del Monte Preserves, all flavor 16c 15c Home made Strawberry Jams pt 10c 30c Heinz Pickles, medium size bottles 18c 25c size Heinz Pork and Beans, can 15c 15c size Heinz Pork and Beans, can 11c 10c size Heinz Pork and Beans, 3 for 25c 30c size Hood River Vinegar, gallon 17c 15c size Hood River Vinegar, quart 11c 50 pound Sack Stock Salt .. !.32c 15c size Shaker Table Salt, 3 for 25c 45c size 16 oz. Plug Battle Ax Tobacco..., 25c 50c size 16 oz. Plug Spear Head Tobacco 30c Pickups from all over the Store 65c Brooms 50c 10c Lantern Globes ..8c No. 2 lamp globes 3 25c No.l lamp globes 4 25c No.l&2 " burners i8c No. 2 Bing burners.. 16c 10c Holly Bird Seed 10c 5c sack table salt 25c 55c Brooms 40c 25c Bx. Clothes Pins 15c 5c Bx. Clothes Pins.. 4c 15c Stove Polish 10c 25c wire clothes linel8c 25c G.M.wash cleanl8c 10c Laundry Jewel bc 40c can Cottolene...27c These and many more items will give you an idea of the actual saving for you in laying in a generous supply now while you can. 5 PIANO VOTES FOR ONE ON GROCERIES NOW Wed, only 2500 Piano votes with each 1-2 lb. can Royal Baking Powder at 25c BRAGG MERCANTILE COMPANY HOOD RIVER OREGON Wed, only 2500 Piano votes with each child's fleeced lined Vest and Pants, all sizes at - - 25 cents each 3 ' ill ii Water for Your Country Home No matter how far vou fmm the pit v. vou can have all the finnitiirv ennveni prices of the best citv water works Rvstem an abundance of water, under Rtroni? nressure. for vour bathroom, kitchen, laundry, lawn, garden ntwwhere. flood fir nrotection too. This splendid water supply service assured, if you install the Kewanee System of Water Supply buried in the ground and the water is delivered by air-pressure. No elevated or attic tank to leak, freeze, overflow or collapse. The tank is made of steel plates and will last almost indefinitely. We build the finest line of pumping machinery-the result t naara a vnarimon in cr anil nrflrt.ical exnerience. Ul Ufci i ; . i . . .1 I. . . I. ....,1 rvnoAlinJ Anmntld 1 1 ivewanee pumps areoperaieu uy imnu, trie motors, etc. Aewanee oysiems me tuniyiti.c. easy to install, fcvery plant sent out unuer a pusiuve guarantee. Over lU.UUU Kewanee oyiwmi m .uco.iui operation. ISO cnarge ior engineering Kivna i complete Kewanee catalog. Kewanee Water Sirpply Co. For Sate By mm I i. l m HitfBL i rv,in mm u m Gilbert Implement Company i V..M ets For the Day After Turkey Loaf Take quart of cold turkey, chop ped coarsely, mix with a cop of sou, white bread crumbs, two beaten egs a tenspoonful of salt, a little pepper, and, if you like, a small cup of chop ped celery ;press into a buttered bread tin, cover with Btrips of pork, end bake for an hour ; serve hot with gib ,et mravy and cranberry sauce. IF. YOU ARE Going to have Company AND A Turkey To Roast ORDER IT HERE AND You'll be a thankful host HOOD RIVER MARKET AUDIENCE ENJOYS SOUTHERN MELODIES 6060 6020 7964 A PRETTY DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEST ' THE SMART FEATURE 'OF SO MANY GOWNS There la scarcely a frock nowadays constructed entirely of one material Contrast Is the thing desired, and there are numberless ways of bringing It about The gown of figured or bro caded material usually has Its accesso ries of plain faced fabrics and vice versa. The vest offers one of the most attractive ways of introducing a be coming color. A vest of Persian color ing goes far to make the dress of dark serge or silk becoming. Nearly as popular as velvet are the pile fabrics, peau de peche, duvetyn, etc. Thejuire rich and soft In coloring and lend themselves beautifully to the drapings of the moment A smart afternoon madel developed In sapphire blue peau de peche Is Il lustrated In 8060. The vest Is of tap estry showing a predominance of old gold In the figure. The lace under sleeve shows a pattern worked out In metal threads which Is one of the new details of the moment The frock closes In front, and there Is an effective bit of draping on the skirt In back. To make this model In size t( It re quires JH yards of 64 inch material with yard of brocaded material for the vest A plain tailored looking little frock of water proof home-spun Is a very practical thing to have, especially if one frequents winter house parties and Is fond of long tramps in all kinds of weather. A very smart model fash ioned of this material Is shown In (020 7994. This may be copied in size II with 2V4 yards of S6 Inch material for the blouse (8020) and 2 yards tor the skirt (7994). No. 8060 sizes 14 to 42. No. 8020 sizes 22 to 48. No. 7994 sizes 22 to 36. Each pattern IS cents. To (jl)taln either Mttim ilhiatrat All out tjis coupon and enclose tf cents In NO- B1M stamps or coin. Be jiure to state number Name of pattern snd size, measuring over the fullest part of the bust AiMrcss Pattern Department, care of this paper. RUBBER STAMPS Made to ORDER the Glacier Office The t in Aabury Methodist church was crowded Monday evening, when the Southland Jubilee Quartet gave a con cert there, and the Southern melodies, rendered by the negroes, who had good voices, were appreciated by the people. The songa of Negros are most appeal ing, when they sing them without training, in their own way, and the Ju bilee singers were best when they sang such old time favorites as "Old Black Joe" and "Way Down Upon de Swanee Kiber. However, their closing num ber, "Italia" was very good. The program was Varied. Piano se lections were rendered and one of the members of the quartet gave readings from the poems of the negro poet, Dunbar. Mrs. 0. S. Fowler to Lecture Tonight t Skin Sufferers-Read! i I Mrs. O. S. Fowler will give the sec ond lecture of her series on "Life's Deepest Laws," at Heilbronner hall tonight at 8 o'clock, taking as her sub ject "Brain the Tap-Koot of Life." Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock her sub ject will be "Electricity the Great Elixir of Life," and Sunday, Nov. 23. at Z.s0 p. m., the Unveiling of the New Covenant" Last night's lecture was on "The Seven Primary Factors of the Mind," which proved to be deep and interesting, 'the lectures are all free. Mrs. Fowler, in conjunction with the lectures, will hold phrenolog ial examinations and health consulta tions daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. at Hotel Oregon, until Nov. 29. A new system of electricity to cure disease, chronic or inflamatory, taught in a cIbrs beginning Tuesday, Nov. 25, at 7.30 p. m. Five lessons will be given. Mrs. Howe Visits Schools Mrs. Alma Howe, a member of the city school board, visited every school in the city last week and the most of the rooms. "1 was very much pleased with the shape in which I found every thing" saya Mrs. Howe. "The Manual Training and Domestic Science classes are progressing mceiy. jne most in teresting thing I saw was the fire drill at the Park street building. Thirty eight seconds after the alarm was given the entire building was cleared for action. Both the Park street school and the Pleasant View school, where the little children attend, have outside stairways that may be used in case of nres. 0.-W. R. & N. Will Make Improvement The O.-W. R. & N. will improve that portion of First street between their concrete aidewalk and the paving laid by the city. Crushed rock will be placed there. The city council will make an effort to have the rock coated with concrete, similar to the Hassam concrete paving. We want all skin sufferers who hart unered for msny years the tortures of disease and who have sought medical aid a Tain, 10 reaa tills. We, as old established druggists of inn community, Winn to recommend to you a product that lias given many r. tier ana may mean the end of your Kuny. ine product is a mud, simple wash, not a patent medicine concocted of various worthless druirs, but a scientific compound mails of well known sntUeptle Ingredients. It Is made 'In the D.D.U Innoratorlea of ClilcaKO and Is called the S.O.D. rresorlptioB tot Sosems. This Is a doctor's special preserlntlnn one that baa effected many wonderful Sure. The street of D. IX D. ft to soothe In stantly, as soon as applied; then It pene trates the pores, destroys and throws off all dlseass germs and leaves the skin olean and healthy. We are so confident of the marvelous power of D. D. D. that we have taken advantage of the manufacturers guar antee, to offer you a full-size bottle on trial. Tou are to Judge the merits of the remedy In your ewa partionlar ease. If It doesn't help yon. It costs you nothing. r. D. D. Soap Is made of the same healing Ingredients. Ask us about 1U ) KE1R A CABS, Uruggiiits j Glacier Stamp Works Manufactures and keeps the following Fruit Stamps and Numbers in Stock: Namea of Apple Stamps we Keep Contantly In Stock: Arkansas Black Baldwin Ben Davis Black Twig Blue Pearmaln Delaware Red Duchess of Oldenburg Fall Pippin Gloria Mundl Gano Geneton Greening Golden Pippin Golden Russett Grimes Golden Hydea King Hoover Huntsman Jonathan King King David Lady Apples Lauver Missouri Pippin Mammoth Black Twig Nclntosh Red Northern Spy Newtown Pippin Ortley Oregon Red Oregon Beauty Pewaukee Paragon Black Twig Ram bo Red Cheek Red Cheek Pippin Russett Russian Red Red Astrachan Stark Swaar Snow Spitzenburg Seek-No-Farther Taipahocken Wagener Winesap Winter Banana W. Pearmaln Wolf River Wealthy Yellow Waxen Stamp Numbers Containtaining No. of Apples in Each Box 8 78 112 163 45 80 118 175 48 88 125 188 5 6 188 200 4 104 150 218 225 Miscellaneous Stamps to be Used on Apple Boxes FANCY EXTRA FANCY CHOICE SPECIAL TOP ORCHARD RUN COOKING APPLES CIDER APPLES FANCY PAKrv JONATHAN SPITZENBURG 4 FANCY1 NEWTOWN PIPPIN Stamps for Marking Pear Boxes BARTLETT FLEMISH BEAUTY D'ANJOU WINTER N ELLIS Stamps for Marking Peach Boxes BOKARA CHARLOTTE ELBERTA SALWAY CRAWFORD Stamps for Marking Prune Boxes GERMAN ITALIAN SILVER ftSflf you don't see what you want In this list send us a list of what you want and we will make them. Mail orders promptly filled. Mercan tile Stamps made to order. All Com pany or Individual Name Stamps are mounted on Cushion Rubber unless otherwise ordered. All Colors of Pads and Ink. Office Necessities o- 5