HOOD RITER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1S13 i : "i 0 Shelby Mazda Lamps Heating Stoves We are agents for the fara- In such array of price and oua Shelby Mazda Lamps and style that it only need besaid lead in price declines. 10-15 our stock is complete $1.00 to 20-25 and 40 watts 35c. CO and $35.00. Several slightly used 100 and specials in gas and range (not our make J to J oil lamps in great variety. price. ) Quick Meal gas stoves Chimney, mantels, fittings i off. Orchard Supplies I A Furniture Stock In Security Iron Clad and Steel .That combines ' very posw- v i jj ' , p0i ble need with money saving brace ladders 6 to 14 f i. Pal- pric( We are ghort g caroad mer and Barnett Picking Pails 0f kut tjie new Fall pat Twines, Pruners, etc. terns will please you. The other fellows worry over our terms and discounts is ample proof he knows they are good for you and us. 5 for cash with order enables us to make all prices lower. Our 7 turnovers of $1.00 each year makes the saving to you -he can't compete and only howls that we have added the discount. Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. Hardware, Furniture and Orchard Supply House Hood River - Oregon u JIODEL Fourth end State We Give Green Trading jig stamps . ELITE GROCERY J. R. KINSEY, Proprietor New Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Green Vegetables, Flour and Feed Dclevcry Hour,:! 'A- ( Last, 9:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M Bell Building HEY YOU Mr. Orchardist, don't forget that you will want every convenience in Harvest ing your apple crop this fall. THE HOOD RIVER Nailing Tress, with its new appliances, springs that cause it to work like a Swiss watch, is the slickest thing you ever saw. WE ARE SELLING THESE FRESSES every day. Come in and put in vour order be fore we have more work placed than we can turn out. W. G. SNOW Power Blacksmith and Wagon Shop Phone 2C11, 4th St., North of Cascade Ave. rGmonr stable ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Ltc. JSC Horseshoeing' By Professional Experts Mr. Rancher and Mr. Businessman Let us attend to the needs of your horses' feet. . . . SlilVELY&DRISCOLL Corner Fourth and Columbia Streets 'LIKE HOME-MADE' That's wlmt everybody says uliont our (taking. Ve not only use the lient imitoriiila obtainable, but only up-to-date methods of sanitary cleanliness are preinitteil in our bakery. OUR RECIPES? That' our secret, but we would not be surprised if weemploy fome that your mother lined to use and we have Home new ones that are better. BAKERY ' Hood River, Ore. fnone4451 lurl STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can seciirejllrst-clftss rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ant pianos. . We do everything horses can do. Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste !STRUBLE URGES IM PROVING OF CHANNEL (Delivertd recently by Wallace R Strutble. secretary Waahington-ldabo Uevelopinent League, before roruana Ad Club) I want to say to you, gentlemen of the Ad Club of Portland (ana inrougn you to the cititens of Portland, if you will advertise the fact), that the, mes sage of the Inland r'mpire to the city of Portland, and to Astoria, too, for that metier, is "Oh. hell! take the 1 cork out of the bottle, and let the com merce run down tne Muumois river. (Applause.) What you need to do, as you know, emphatically and at once, without losing any time, is to open the mouth of the Columbia river, in order that the prest ships of commerce which are to plough the Pacific, we predict, and are continuing to prophesy and predicate, and so forth, upon the completion of the Panama canal, may get tne habit of coming into the Co lumbia nver. 1 am noi muiniormeu, i think, when I atate that the relative proportion the relative difficulty to overcame in transferring an established trade to a new institution is as 95 to 6; that is to say, where it costs $5 for one man to build up a trade, it costs an other man $95 to take that trade away from him and transfer it to himself; and that is the handicap which will prevail in the city of Portland and the tributary territory of the Columbia river harbor if this trade is ever per mitted to get into the habit of going somewhere else. Get it to coming into the Columbia river, and you will have it established where it rightfully be longs, according to foreordination from the beginning of the world. My friends, this is a great work. ! The Columbia river is a great river; the Inland Empire ia a great empire. It is worthy cf a great port: and na ture has established at the mouth of the Cloumbia river the greatest fresh water harbor on earth, without ques tion. (Applause) All it needs is im provement, and the time is not volum inous: you haven't a great amount of duration in which to do this work of essential emminence. We are told that the Panama canal will probably allow ships to go through this fall yet, and in 1914 vessels may be transacting commerce through that great avenue, and trade lines will be established ; so there are no days to be lost. I am glad to notice the tremendous organization that has been effected through Or. Al fred Kinney and other citizens of As toria, and prominent citizens of Port land and throughout the tributary territory, for the opening out of this Columbia river harbor and the deeperi inftof the bar channel. I do not think that Portland citizens ought to hesi tate for a moment in investing $750,- 000, if need be, in a dredge brought from Liverpool, or anywhere else, that will do the business of digging a 40 foot channel over the bar. It is an in vestment that will be really worth the making in anticipation of, the rich re turnscpf the future. Quick Help to Backache and Rheuma tism The man or woman who wants quick help from backache and rheumatism, will find it in Foley's Kidney Pills. They act so quickly and with such good effect that weak, inactive kidneys that do not keep the blood clean and free of the im purities that causa these symptoms, are toned ujPand strengthened to healthy vigorous action. You can not take Fol ey's Kidney Pills into your system with out having good results. Contain no habit forming drugs. Chas. N. Clarke. OREGON JOURNAL MAKES SUBSCRIPTION OFFER The Oregon Journal is making a cut rate price of $1 for its semi-weekly edition, from the receipt of the sub scription to February 1, 1915. The regular price of the paper is $1.50 and you are urged to take advantage of this offer at once, for the sooner you subscribe the more copies you will re ceive. Scan closely the sample copy you have already received, of will receive, and note the features that will interest every member of your family. It con tains telegraphic reports for the Northwestern states as well as the news of interesting events of the world at large. The semi-weekly Journal is printed every Tuesday and Friday. Its readers get accurate market reports and quota tions, (an important matter), aa well as all the news, twice a week. The agricultural department ia of great value to farmers, livestockmen, dairy men, poultrymen, orchardisU and others Of rural pursuits. Theft, and other special features, make the semi weekly Journal the favorite paper among all classes of newspaper readers and we hope you will avail yourself of thO offer, and thereby become a reg- nular member of the already large IT i 1 ii.. juurimi iHimiy. the cut rate oner is open until No vember 5. Send in your subscription and that of a few of your neighbors. Address Semi-Weekly Journal, Broad way & Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. When the chest feels on fire and the throat burns, you have indexation, and you need Heroine to get rid ol the disa greeable feeling. It drives out badly digested food, strengths the stomach and purities the bowels. Price 60c. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke "IN A BAD WAY" Many a Hood River Reader Will Feel (jratefnl for This Information If your back gives out; Becomes lame, weaker aching ; If urinary troubles set in. Perhaps ycur kidneys are "in a bad way." Doan'a Kidney 'Pills are for weak kidneys. . Local evidence prove their merit. W. H. Root, rancher. Thirteenth and Mate Ms., Hood Kiver Ore., says: "I believe a cold started kidney trouble in my case. Irregular action ot my kid neys annoyed me day and night and sometimes 1 was unable to sleep. The passages of the kidney secretions wero attended with a buming pain. If I tried to stoop, I had sharp twinges in the small or my back. I felt weak, tired and, languid and often 1 got dizzy. Homing, neiped me nniu l took Doan Kidney Pills on a friend's advice. In less than a month I felt like a'different man and four boxes made me well Ihe pains went away and the kidney weakness became a thing of the past. I publicly recommended Doan'a Kidney Pills after they helped me so greatly and I willingly confirm my former testimonial. 1 still use JJoan 8 Kidney Pills off and on, when I catch cold in my kidneys and they always help me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. ARMSTRONG BOOSTS HOOD RIVER VALLEY LeRov Armstrong, who was formerly a resident of this city and who left to edit the Morning txaminer. In Ogden, continues to boost ta Apple valley. air. Armstrong ia now tb publisher and editor of one ol Utah a most wide ly read weeklies, published In Salt Lake. In a recent ar&ua, Mr. ArroaUnf ays: Qugea ii tie Orchard The following fragment of yen. ia taken from a poem once familiar to lovers of the bucolic, and u reproduced because it shows a condition now greatly changed : "Red, and russet, and yellow. Lying here In a neap Pippins, rounded and mellow ; Greenings, for winter keep; Seek-no-furthers, whose blushing The soul of a saint would try. Till his face showed the crimson, flushing l b. cheek of a Northern Spy." There is only one distinctly apple region in the world, and that ia the Hood River valley, in Oreogn. The linea above quoted bear the same re lation to Hood River that tne lonely shoemaker on the bench bears to the Z. C. M. I. shoe factory up Main street. In the far-away days you might have seen apples in heaps under the apple trees, out you cannot see it now not where the apple business is'reduced to a science, as every business mast be to avoid a loss. These times the orchardist cultivates the soil about his tree until that soil is aa mellow and responsive as the old time kitchen gsrden beds were. The trees are sprayed in the fall notice to quit, served on the parasite pests that would otherwise make their winter homes and breeding placea in eoiv cor ners of bark and branch. They are sprayed again in the spring,, and two or three times in the early summer.and neither worm nor scale can establish residence. The orchardist goes through the orchard as summer days develop the fruit, snd thins where vigor bas fnci an undue number of apples into life, sending the ripening currents of the tree into the perfect fruit remain ing. And In the time of apple harvest the careful pickers go up on ladders and carefully pick each apple, laying it tenderly, in canvas pails, carrying it as carefully to the boxes, and sending it with utmost concern to the packing house. Only the culls, the refuse ap ples, ever are seen "red. russet and yellow, lying here in a heap." there may have been a day when ap ples could be shaken from the trees, rounded into piles on the ground and thumped into bins in the cellar for winter use. But the day is past, for there ia money in apples; and the fruit now accorded value have never a blem ish on them, never a bruised spot, never a scale nor a speck nor a flaw. Tbey are perfect from core to skin. And the color is as reliable in its promise as the quality ia sure in its fulfillment. The Family Cough Medicine In every home there should be a bottle of Dr King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use when any member ol the famil; contracts a cold or cough. Prompt use will stop the spread ol sickness, o A. Stid of Mason, Mich., writes: "My whole family depends upon Dr. King's New Discovery as the beat cough and cold medicine in the woYtd. Two 60c bottles cured me of pneumonia." Thou sandsof other families have been equally benefitted and depend entirely upon Dr. King's New Discovery tof cure their coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles, Every dose helps. Price 5lc and 1.00. All druggists. H. b. Bucklen & Co Philadelphia or St. Lonis. Globe Trotter Visits Hood River I Miss Ethel V. Berry, of Los Angeles, Calif., has dropped off at Hood River on her return home from a tiin around the world. Miss Berry will visit for Bumeiime wiui ner sitsicr, mrs. i. r. !.L C ! i 11 1 n McLean, on the McCan ranch. Mount Hood and Mount Adams were in their glory last Wednesday night. a full moon shining, when Miss Berry arrived, and she was delighted with the wonderful view. It was as magnifi cent a spectacle as I have seen on my journey," said Miss Berry. Appl$Day Comes on November 18 If you don't eat an apple November 18th, some other fellow will get your share. That is the day that has been designated as National Apple day. It will be the time wnen tne great na tional apple show will be held this year at Spokane and there ia every indica tion at this time that the show will be the best ever held and the quality of the exhibits will far eclipse anything theretofore gathered in tne world. If the child starts in its sleep, grinds its teeth while sleeping, picks at the nose, Las a bad breath, fickle appetite, pale complexion, and dark rings under the eyes, it has worms; and as long as they remain in the intestines, that child will be sickly, white's Cream vermi' fuge clears out the worms, strengthens the stomach and bowels and puts the little one on - the road to health and cheerfulness. Price 26c per bottle. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. New Automobiles Purchased Two new automobiles have just been purchased bv valley citizens. L. C Simms has purchased from the Colum bia Auto & Machine Co.Ja handsome Ford touring car. Oscar Vanderbilt has just received from Portland a big Peerless touring car. Chronic Dyspepsia The following unsolicited testimonial chould certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dyrpepeia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken, Chamber lain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. Q. Matti son, No. 7 Sherman St., Hornellsrille, N. i. For sale by all dealers. Boneboro Company Makes Improvement The Boneboro Orchard Co.. which has laree boldines in the Upper Valley north of Parkdale, is making extenaive improvements. A large barn was built on the place this summer to house the heavy wheat hay crop that was harvested. A large new tenant house has just been finished on the place. When your food does not digest well and you feel "blue," tired and discour aged, you should use a little Her bine at bedtime. It opens the bowels, purities the system a. id restores a One feeling of health and energy. Price 60c. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. LIBRARY BUILDING WILL BE BEAUTIFUL The new Carnegie building of thei county library, when completed, will be one of tne Handsomest structures , in the city. It waa necessary to re- j move but one of th oak on the lot, a portion of the E. L. Smith bomesite, I and the two story red brick building , will aria, wftn these beautiful trees surrounding it. i "We will have the library building 1 under cover by the first of next; BBOBU, says ioniracior u. a. nooo- ard, who ia erecting the structure. "It ia going to be one of the moat eompact and convenient little buildinga that I bay. ever seen. The women certainly bav. right to be proud of their effort. as well as the citixen of all the coun ty." Rone-keeping Wamea Heed u eaita ana nireegia The work of a bome-keeping woman makes a constant call on ber strength and vitality, and sickness comes through her kidneys and bladder oftener than she knows. But if she takes Folev's Kidney Pills their tonic strenetnening effect will invigorate ber, and pain and weakness in back, nervousness, aching joints and irregular bladder action will all disappear under the comforting in fluence of this good and honest medicine Try them. For sale by Chat. N. Clarke Aycr's GgSr Tfcea yew will have a dean and healthy scalp. No more hatr lost. No more reogh, tcraggfy hatr. Does not color. A Yr Doctor. fcttVlft.' Booth's Hyomei Haa Bear fitted Thousands of Catarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same for or Money Back The Hyomei treatment that has effec tively benefitted many thousands of suf ferers from catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and cold in the bead is easy and pleasant to use. Jjist pour a few drops in the inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing. The heal ng, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevic of the mucous membrane, of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, bawking and that choked-up feeling. It will quickly allay the inflammation and banish the disease or money refunded by Kier & Cass. A complete Hyomei outfit, including Inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs only 11.00, and an extia bottle of liqtiid, if afterwards needed, is but 60 cents. 1 1 1 I I 1 H HI 1 11 1 M 11 111 Hi I John Goldsbury f Represents the : Northwestern Mutual : Life Insurance Co. Milwaukee, Wis. z For the Hood River Valley i I 1 Z Parkdale, Orc.Phone Odell 313 1 Miimmminnnnii New Schedule Mount liood Railroad ESeetlve 12:01 A. M. Bunday, Kept. 8, 1912 N. I No. 2 A. N. STATIONS ' P. M. .. 65 ..8 60 K ..i io ..2 06 ...2 00 ..1 60 4.1 43 .l 38 ..1 30 ..t 16 ..1 OS ..1 00 8 00. ( 06. 8 lb.. 8 ffi. 8 40. 9 06. 15. 9 20. 9 46. 10 10. 10 16. 10 40. 10 46. Lv Hood River Ar Poperdale Switchback Van Horn Mohr ,. Odell Hummlt Bloucher Wlnani Dee Trout Creek Woodworm Ar Parkdale Lv. A. WILSON, Agent MOUNT HOOD LODGE HOMER A. ROGERS, Proprietor Splendidly situated in the Upper Hood River Valley at the base of Mount Hood. Altitude 2800 feet. Rates $2.60 per day., (16 per week. Complete facilities for mountain eering and the ascent of Mount Hood. Phone 814 Odell (via Hood River.) Prepare for Spring Drives ' and Horseback Rides Hand Made Harness a Specialty R. G. YOWELLL & CO. Bell Building, Oak Street KELLY BROS. PHONE 4443 Hay, Grain, Mill Feed Orchard Supplies Warehouse on Railroad Street juat west of Vinegar Factory. Agents for WOOD STAYE PIPE Real Estate LOANS, RENTING, COLLECT ING AND INSURANCE A Specialty of City Property, Residence Lota, and Small ITaoU Close In. For Bargain! call on or address T. D. TWEEDY Hood KtTsr Borne Phone 2371 ;. Does Your House Need PAINTING? NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT WE HANDLE Sherwin-Williams Paint "The Best On Earth" THAT'S ALL CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy Wetting house Heating and CooKinrf Apparatus Electric Irons Frying Pans Disc Stoves Toaster Stoves Always In Stock at Moderate Prices. Let Ue Show You. Bartmess BldiL BAILEY & COLBY Phone 1524 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS For Rent Apartments in New Telephone BIdg. Call Telephone Office. Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Order your boxes early. Special drive in California . apple boxes of 8 cents while . they last. Orchard Lad- " ders, 12 foot lengths, $1.50 Give us your orders for house materials. PHONE 2171 J r- r fe;gofit5Cui5ine.EunppcQnplQtl Situated in the Hub of the Principal Theater and Shopping District Recently Redecorated and Refurnished Throughout, and Better Equipped Today Than Ever Before. EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms, without bath, $1.00 per day and up Rooms, with bath, - 2.00 per day and up N. K. CLARKE, Asst. Manager . J. G. KAUFMANN, Manager THE QUESTION BEFORE EVERY WOMAN is: "Where can I find a Grocer whose service is satisfactory; who will deliver what I send for without substituting an inferior article?" . OUR ANSWER is': "Here we are! Give us a call, or send along your order. You'll never need to ask that ques tion again." "THE BEST THINGS TO EAT" WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Proprietor. Phone 1221 V Free Delivery. W IsT Portland' Famous Hotel Ml Noted for the Excellence; i